xt73bk16mf8w_351 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269c] Miscellaneous text [269c] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_35/Folder_1/1325.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_351 xt73bk16mf8w 1241.2543
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\ . .
Openers, on grain books and. that the enclosed 011.]. be charged
2‘0 the same ti.JE:’-t§’2€¥r with. hills of 11% n: tare growing out
oi‘ such litiig-fat‘in. -
I am sending: cosy oi" this Iefter to a‘iessrs.
\JJ :19: fit and 3152011. Hui they 5:5 l :e advised 011” such an
gac co nut bring o waned i111?! sec thz‘i t j‘)I€7»DI c‘hzrargrosr are indi~
gcated an the face 01‘? hills which sheuid, he charged to it.
I am also emu, :;./:::; as"? this letter ts air. a.
J‘ Pharr, dssistzmt (tempt roller so tat he :.ill be ::dvi sad
0:" such an account being-'.‘: Opened, and. gal-2021.161. any like star—-
308 be handled thru Ti. ” 3;. sergeants, T3"? t the}: :;:-’3,— be
set up. wider a like headiw an his; hooks .
Your tr 113.? s‘ ,
1/ ‘ . .:: ., . _ .. » .
C' :e: strainer _o «_Jri‘: :;n
up; a. m. ipj, . stuctt; . ..:. rhsw .

 , K -, ,‘7 , 4:,7 // l, /
January 10th, 1915.
File 63.
Judge S. M. Wilson, i%2’ J L/ ,.
City. / 6
Dear Sir:—-

Replying to yours of 5th instant enclosing letter from D.D.
Fields & Son. I have turned Fields’ letter over to Hr. Copland with
the request that it be complied with.

As to the claim of G.U.Sewell for services, this man was em-
ployed by Judge Pollard, and as explained to me by the Judge he worked
a little less than a month and is claiming pay for three months.

Judge Pollard has promised to write you in detail the facts in the
Yours truly, ‘
_ fl A“
I. i 13,.U3 b“) V‘ "
a: Manager.

 0. 11. POLLARD , I *
q JACKSON. KY. 2 ,' ‘ ,* 1
January 7rd 191?.
g m .
Judge 9. P. Wilson, :mwyéeeegeeémeQ/y
. , i j . ’ ;
Lex1ngten, hyo ;' flxFébflfl/E§?Efif~ }
, 7
Dear Judge:~ \\ ”WmmwuwnWW39U,//
\—W¥—‘..____,__ .,,.....h__,.____2'//
Kr. G. W. Heweil called HUGE re today and renewed his demand for
payment of three hundred and fifty dollars, hie bill for services to
the L 3 E in procuring rirht of may it 1910 and 11. 3 irformed hi” that
the Company would res at the peywent of this bill and he requested that
T write ard advise you that unleFe same wee maid he would institute an
action. This letter is written in cowvlience with said requeef.
Fr. McDowell ie familiar with the faefe fl connection with f“is
case and can give you the gene in detai]; Hence, I do not burden you
with the details in this letter.
Yours very truly,
WV1/T1M1y 1
r / '
Dion GNP/r53
Copy: V. A. McDowell.

, w ‘ i
, (COPY) (
' THIS AGRFETEWT made and entered into this Roth day g
j of August, 1901, by and between the Lexington & Eastern Rail-
? way (longer-1;,“ port; of the first art, one. the l'ezritucky Lumber E
1 i
3 F Veneer ”ompuny, garty of the second part, i
_ .
WITME%SETH: What whereas, secono party proposes
‘ to construct a narrow gauge railroad forming a connection with
toe first party's railroad at or near Jackson,3reathitt Countm
( ?entucky, thence in a Tortheast direction a distance of about
‘ nine (9) miles, main line and branches, it bein; a condiuion of;
this agreerent that safi railroad shall be completed for said 1
‘ distance and operated with twelve (12) months fro“ dote here- {
AME VFS‘EREAS, in order to induce the “xviildinf, of E
i said ling it if?- esamtial that a traffic e..~,'rec3‘.cnt shall be (
entered into between the parties hereto. E _
‘ 10W TLFRE‘ORE in co sioeration of tfie premises and
the COVcnants hereof, in is agreed that upon cross ties and
coal tranSyorted over second party's railroad and delivered on
board first party's cars at Jackson by eecond party, first i
party shall divide itt tie and caul rate ow Such tie and coal i
by paginb to the second party Fifteen per cent (15%) of
firm, party's said tie end Coal rate; and moon lumber products
‘ truneported over scoond party's railroad aid delivered on coach
first party's cars at Jackson as aforesaid, First party shall
divide its lumber rote by paying seCond party twenty per cent
(20;) of its said lumwcr rate; and upon all other comrodities
shipped out over second party's XKXiroad, first party agrees
to divide its rate HyOfl some t; giving to second ynrty a per-
centage t ereof that will be in proportion to the above di-
visions. (
“irst ,arty also agrees to make the same divisions with
second party of its rates as hereinhefore described upon all 5

 ' I
(2) 1
ingoing freights rnich may be transported upon or over second 1
party's line.
This contract is nade upon the followin; terms and 3
mutual covenants: '
lit: it is expressly understood and agreed that 1
the foregoing provisions shall not apply to forest products
delivered to first party that may have been floated down the
fentocky River, or delivered to second party from an; mill or
. 1
1 point on or near said River below Jackson. 1 '
1 .339: Second party is to hays the privilege of .
1 routing; its mm shipments. , 1
239: Second party agrees to deliver to the first
1 part; 5111 freifiht which may be transported over its Railroad 1
and deemined for points hegono the line of second party's 1
1 }~Ia.-,"11r'oad. 1
1 gig: Tirst part; guarantees the Jackson rate upon1
‘ all products delivered over second party's ?ai1road to first 1
Eta: This contract shall continue for a term of 1
, ten (10) years from date hereof,with the privilegeto second 1
1 party of extending same for any period up to twenty(20) years 1
thereafter, 0n giving written notice of its said intention at §
least Sixty (60) days before terrination of this contract. 1
EEE: It is contemplated taut second part; will 1
1 make extensions to the line of road hereinhefore described, 1
and this Contract shu‘l appln in all particulars, and shall be1
binding upon both parties with respect to such ex ensions to
said Railroad.
13h: As part consideration for this contract,
secano part“ agrees to do one of two things:

FIEST: To receive and transport over its line, lumber
cross-tics, forest products and other freight of all parties
offering such freight, and to deliver same to first party at
Jackson as aforesaid, any such freight charges shall not in

 ‘ 1
, (.'5)
5 any instance exceed nine (9) cents per tie, $2.50 per thou-
: sanu ft. for lumber and other forest products, and proportion-
; ate rates for all other kinds of freight: Or,
329: To deliver to the party of the first part not
i less ttnn an average of Eight million (8,000,000) feet of
i lumber, ties and forest products each year during the life of
; this contract. Settlements to be made at tne end of each
i, year, with the privilege, however, of second party having cred-
? it for any excess over ei;nx million (&,000,000) feet that it
1‘ may furnish curing any year. In the event, howeVer, second
i party f.ils to furninh as much as 01 ht million (L,OO0,000)
g feet of such products unring any onu'ycar, it is to pay to
3' first party a sum equal to sixty (60) cents per thousand feet
i3 for any such deficit; gaynmqte to b: nude on settlement within
:3 sixty (60) days from tn» end of mach y or} the first year is 3
i {o begin as soon as the second yarty beQins shipment of its j
; products.
a First party agrees to provide within the scope of its
3 ability all c-rs noses ary t9 ship out all freight that
i may no furnished by second party. hut in the event of ship-
; ment in excess of oi ht million (t,000,000) feet in later
. 3 years, such forfeits of previous years in to be restored; ‘
calcula ions to bu nude upon the basis herein agreed upon.
. ”itn respect to tueee two options it is agreed that second
‘ part; is to have until Covembcr let, 1901, in 'hicn ti determ-
‘ ine whim? of said options it will elect to adopt, provided it
notifies firet ynrty in writing of its election hefore said
date. Upon mrkin; such election the other option shall be
re5arded as stricken from the contract. In tLe event of
SQCUHO party's fnilure to make such election within the time
above named, first pnrty snail hnve the right to make the
election by giving like wri.ten notice to second party.
WITNWSS our hands and seals, this Btth day of

‘ August, 1901. i
‘ 4
By .J. R. Barr (Signed) 3
(E30. figr.
THH}GNmmer Lmfin&a&‘vmnwm no. §
‘ VIEWER 3: By Henry F'». ‘Lristy, (ffiiglued) 3
Pt. 1
‘ E
‘ z
‘ i
: 1
. i

As supplemental to the contract heretofore made bet-
ween the Kc2tuok; lumber fl Veneer Company and the Layington &
Eastern Railway Company for a traffic arrangement between the ‘
‘ railroads of said Companies, it is now agreed as follows:- i
The Lexington & Eastern Railway Company hereby oon- E
sents to dno docs reduce the minirum tonnage provided for in %
one of sue options allowed by said contract fron ei;nt million‘
to six million fleet per a2num, and the leninofly lumber ” g
Veneer Company is permitted to and it does hereby withdraw f '
its election “crefiofore made under said contract, wcd in lieu :
thereof does now elect, instead of binning ifiself to haul
freith for other persons, Ln furnish the annual tonnage of E
at least Six million feet, as per terms of said contract. 3
» This supplemental agreepcnt shall be coasidcred a 3
para of tho original contract, which latter rerains in full g
force except as hurein modified. 5
This Gétober 28, 1902. %
LEXI .2206 .2: EASTER? BY. 00. f
Hy J.F.Rarr, (Signed) E
m. E
‘ THI'P.‘ K" EUCV'E' LJJMEiE'F é"; Vi’iTEWDiTR (.70. i
my Henry ”. Whristy, (Signed) !
Pt. j

 , . V 3
(COPY) 1
, 1
THIS AGRERIVWT made and entered into this 25th day 2
of August, 1901, by and wotwcen the Lexington & Eastern Railwd’l
1 Comphny, party of the first part, and me Yentuoky Lumber & E
‘ Veneer Company, purtj of the second part, i
WITREHSETH: That whereas, party of the second part 3
i ptoposes to consmruct a narrow gouge railroad from u ccnnect— E
1 ion with. first party's railroad at or new“ Jackson in ,,-reath- ,
: itt County, 'entucky, thence in a Northeast direction for a §
§ distance of about nine (9) miles, and i
3 WHEREAS, in order to induce the building of said line 3
i it is necessary that Contract be made for the co section i
3 between too two lines, / r
' now I i CYO‘ETXIIEPATIOH of the premises, and further ‘
‘ of the advan ages that will accrue to first garty by reason
‘ of the freights it will receive fr m second yarty's road,the 1
‘ first yarty agrees as follows: .
let: It will p-rmit a connection witn its line
at Dr near Jackson, will pay one-half (1/2) of tho cost of
the gr ding for Sold connection,not exceeding t;e sum of Pif- :
teen Hundred ($1500.) Dollars,and will furnish rails and ties T
for the construction of u standard gauge track thereon; first 2
party also lzyin; said track, providin; said connection shall i
no; eXCeed thirty-one hundred feet in length; the location and 1
length to be decided by second pnftg. The gradin3, however, I i
to no unproved bi first party. Said connection when comgleted g
is to become the property of t a first party, except that if 3
any portion Enercof should be in the form of a bridge, second ‘
guru; small remain the owner thereof with the ri fit to remove
sano a: pleasure. If any portion of said connection be a ‘
bridge, Know the cost of said bridge is to be considered in ‘
lieu of {..Lc grading for such part ion. ‘
2nd: First party a;rees,to haul and deliver to 3
second party, in carload lots, all material 30 be used in
the cozs‘rucaion of second party's railroad, mill plants at

half rates, and to hnul lumber and other material originating
upon first party's line Fast of L.& E. Junction and used in
said conefiruction work, at the rate of Seven ($7.00) Dollars
per ear in carloud lots.
IE WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands,
the day and year first above written.
By J.R.Harr (Signed)
WITNESS: Gen. figr.
THEE YE 'ITEN‘J‘TY. LUTHER ('4; V7131? ’70 .
‘ fly Henry C .(‘U'lristy , .P . (3 ioned)

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E. S. Joueut La L. J.;y%elus & bun.
Octob‘sr 891311, 1910.
The pricas of th ag Seem to ha vary niih :cuuffiing to the
EGEGage, and I would be 315d in orfiey Lhat I may straighten ihe ‘
matter Out, vith our people, if’you would write as 51V1L9 me some
of the damails as to tha charactar and Lbs extent 0? the im9r0v3~
ments that we took, especially thaae a? i. L. Webb, Tildan Wright,
E. m. Webb anfl Geo W. Hall.

 . -fgi f j; :xwlfjg .
D. D. Fields 8: Sonto" Pkg-flaw. _ »
hovember 5rd, 1910.
As to the E. L. Webb tract: Will say Xkux you tfike his
horn, his crib, his fodder mrfi MPV house 5nd every ?uilding on his
place except his dwelling house, which is a good,lullolng, you .
take 23 fruit treea, 3%? you spoil and in foot ehaolulaly destroy '
a nine plat of ground, vhich he has Xux by a great deal of effort,
I covered ulth shade trees, Fetuewn his house otd the river to pro—
tect his house and other lands from ihe river and to have a nice
place around his house; you leave hisfdwelling house, which has
cost him over $5,000.00, within a veryffeut of the bed of the
road, not to exceed 30 or 35 feet from the bed of the road and
that road will be on a fill, which will make a mean crossing and
cuts him off from the river, which is the source from which he
gets water for his stock and in fact makes his whole place on which
he lives there, almost uninhabitable; no owns only fouracres of
ground at that place and it is his home, where he has been raised,
where his father lived all his life, and his grand father before
him and if it had been my home or yours, we would neither one
thought of having the road go there for less than $3500. l

. ("Ax
‘3 i; 5 IN YOUR REPLY nzran '
Novembcr l~1912.
Hr. Go $.‘Jusfiice,
fiiviuian finginear,
Dear Sir:

I returg 0023 of fhe Courfl Graer authsrizihg
the acceptance 0{'§35O.00 frcm iho L. £.E. t. . in lieu
of public read between thr mouth of Leufl Branch ané the
zmznth of Cumphell'g Greek.

fife {1.0 “moi: com to pay 011$ {"1163 555150.00 On the
strength of thig oraer, sinae uxder the law public Io:&s
03R cnly he ainoanfiinuea or Changed sitar a fiTDCEQETO has
been carried Gui which is saecifically provided for in
the statutes. This pracefiare rewuirefi the appointment Of
3 Jury of View to 30 over the groumfl mnfl repayt fo the
Conrfi and reaunat certain notiaefi to ho iasued SD fihst
parties interewtea wikl be ylacofl an nGfiico that such a
ch age 13 aonfempl tea 3nd exn tike cxcebtion 10 the same
and the roca Can only be abanflwned or changed on an oréer
fram the Goun€y Court aiter all p rflins interemtnd hive
been he rd. This irffie reason, thvrnfarn, fhfitsigrequestefl
you to furnifih ihe floweriEtiUE to Au: 102'1 attnrneys Ffid
afiknd thafi yam Take the matter up with them from fife t0
time 10 see thafi the provisiong of fhe sketute are Grrried
GEE in thig case aha that the prayer Gear? Order ig oh—

1 inefl.

It hug been our exparience thst unless ihe statufie
is ClOurly IOllOwcd in this Everrd, that in fifter years other
partius can tvke excepti n to the alpxjnr or chvnginr :5
gablic roaflg anfl we hwve n1? than thm necessary aui1ari1y
for Going r30.

Pleyge afivime me when the mvttcr has been Era 011‘
hwndl fl thzt i can make vuucher in favor Of Jufige Cu pholl
for ¢$50.00.

Y‘JEU‘L’ 1" 1.81;! M
/’ 1hicf Antineev f ‘éflhStTU£tiflfi
111‘; + /
(3;; '14. 1. ..‘11203’1

 ‘“'/l ' " *\ V x . ,,xk‘ '/’ , “' fl . ,. ,,
-M/x/y/f/z (”fl (717/ix” ////////// /////////y
/'r ‘ / ”fl \ Ki‘ /" ~, , /
’ <{L{ Q ,/*1;‘«;].c:mamt 0:6 311:9 accounts; as =§.}11£3.3"(%:i.an of
.f 5.1131223 ':';01'313‘32021 at; (1:520 r0 3:111“ 11,, .3314“? it 11:51:11) that 33am: "nay 1) e
aiifi_‘J}7I”f_‘:Vf?fi and 371‘. L50 vrwc‘ and that, ‘:.‘/item 1:13;}. .‘.-3 is; dam: , “.316“: Court ‘.‘!
1711'}. 1“'?11‘3'31’ an 011717? Lafichz-szm'lng 21:11“: exam; 31:31::1325; the Knu'wzmsiglmd
' from further 1‘azamzuihfi1:117:37 or 1:15.131} 51W herein.

’:'}T’i.“ " 77.1“ ' T 2‘“ ' {3: ’33??? {WTIRETEYg ‘

31112335111131 0:? {Jillian 3101321315302:,Colorm},

By . .

.:::i’icielili‘l,2"7‘3‘€331, .'::;r. , .5.”?le ..._..”... .“’ 19:11.55, 3 .
THJEEAS, l, Tillinn nebinson, a colored men, about ming-
teal (13} 33333 03 $36, snf a son of ihrvsy'éohingon, whose home
is i3 James {Gaines} iiiffn3.3teto of fiiesissifivi, was injured on
or about the 34th Ea? of fietoher, 191E, Thile in.tho employ of the
Flier-11:15,“: in? .1.: 315:;17‘é3532311' ...:ziszitrszjg’ 1:0,:v153;_-.,p_:;; {and ,
if 333% :fimrtly after said inguriee were received, E
”33 33V$fi by flail Toringto; H ;e53ern jeilfley oozeeny to the
$301 Lemeriten fioflfiiifil9 in "flfiiflfififlfl, lentneky, and have bee: in
$111 Iéeoitel eontinueeely receiving treatment £335, on or about
$39 gifih i$§ 01 J0 abet, 1913, to the present time; and
" 22:17 :1:J:.iU—:‘i€l>:~‘-: - new vat-3.3.7233? lei and
hxblflifi. 3 er about to leave said QOod ;ameritsn Iosfiitfl
and desire new tn adjust and sctfgg any and all claimfi seerued or
3? hoarse in reeueet of all injuries, or injurious results, direct
or indirect, arising or to arise from the accident so sustained
’ ‘3” 3 ”3L it off um . ‘1. Le“ :i... -=:he. ea:-
oloy Of said Dozin§teh e Eastern Smilwey Conoeny; and,
3‘735i3, 1N fiifiifiion t3 the etten ion end treatment fur-
fliiifla m? b? Said Railway $3WFMHY at the kooi nemeritsn Leehitel,
as 553:;ghgg. 35ifl ;eiiuey fiOflflfiny has shrewd to so? no ihfi gem of
(EMF ‘VT33335”1 flld‘45iilifl (a-15V3-fl{)) -3Oijjlr53; Laid
' ;Efiiflho, 1 intro iqucmyi aut4.