xt73bk16mf8w_356 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269h] Miscellaneous text [269h] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_35/Folder_6/1593.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_356 xt73bk16mf8w V ‘ F ..‘ ”I ,3
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' ~ £27 ;fl/ [(7/fl'a-j’ / [ff-m M {_y' ‘ 7"”;’:" I ,w’grx“ y] i a :- dgfflxzvjfz: 7’.// /5
.I. \r/ I Wrflmemmmuw’MWs “..sz _. ., ...H ,. "rm""m“"""W'W‘s’l-FL-fl—uu.“".:.”. "3-:?“ // I .' f l 1')
. ‘ I ,f r / . , ,7 / Q ./ 72/,qu / {fir/’0’ ~>'Awwmm....m,_‘,,_,___,,-/’
.. f \ ,/ r ,I/ ,n // / ' ,3/ x./~ I ‘ / “
, egg/I’ll”? 7/1:\‘/(/l'l}%:1[/;/7141C J/Zlfl Qa/{éié/lflli//'/f e/I/Wfi/ZZZ/%7 7
fi/flfl i/{J/J -//'/ 'Mn'r/xmzz, /"/ .
RAW/‘QL‘t/l'lk’fl AMI/mg}: / - [7
K ,n! C271,,,’, .I' a 'Z{”*“'
//{U”(J//b/{fiz’z/ég/f{ye/M. fijfl/{l/jZV/k%% Jaly 5' 1915
5" fl
C l
72959 , ”A”; 7 M E
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel. L&E Ry., _
Lexington, Ky. . .
Dear Sir, 1W
Yours of July 5, concerning the appeals in Logan Smith's Admr.
v. L.& E. By. 60., eid Thomas v. same. and G.M.Dickerson v. L&N
R. 60.. received. “g? g”
' I am glad to note you have received records Qiem.the Court of V
Appeals in all of these cases, and that you will endeavor to prepare
the briefs in time to file them with the records; or, if not. that
you will arrange with counsel on the other side for additional time
' in which to file the briefs. Of course. in any event, you will see
that the records are filed before August 31. the last day for filing f
records for the Fall Term. ‘
If you get any of your briefs ready before August 1, I will be
glad to have you send them to me in order that I may read them
before they are filed. I expect to be absent on my vacation from the
7th of August until the 5th of September. In other words, I will
not get back from my vacation until after the time for filing
records for the Fall Term has expired. ‘
Yours very truly, / / ‘,. ‘ J
"r\ 1/ ‘\
/ ~ , z / \\
/ ' / 3 7" //, , ,» \sw/
District Attorney.

_l__~nl A‘ H
“Fr ank f o r t , Ky . , prl*51 9 15.
Dear Sir -

‘ Th e c a s e o f _...99W9.9Yi§§$§§.93,599.3?93.31....W_..t......v .
Lex1neton€~nasternRvCo i s s e t f o r h e a r i mg
on th ezod a y o f‘ieptember, 191J

It is the duty of the appellant to file
his brief twenty days prior to the day the case
is set for hearing, and the appellee to file
his brief ten days prior to that time.
Very truly yours, .
Lee county. ROBERT L. GREENE, C.C.A.

 \ .
v f D,
W ' r w
\ ; KP """'""“
,' . K4 0
l ' ; ' Q? «9 ( ‘\
\Q La. APR 1' A) x E ’\
' ' , ..1 \ ; k _‘fin:/
4: 3 .‘,‘ ‘1" Y ‘0‘ ’ I: U!"
.5 3" \ f - , - 3 “3;?
;_ . K ' ::12; 2
Samuel M. Wilson, Atty. ,
Lexington, Kentucky.

 eff: ' f ::: :h :K: vs. ‘4’}! ‘f . I“; ‘.1 'V if? “"' £5;
J x r :.“ .. ‘::F".a ,»: .s :a.mwa er ...“
x" .1 . T‘r‘ 1,1 :3»? ’gie‘ :1]; “WAR. .‘ {_'jw'frt if?“ Wzé~ , '5' :....ng
‘1 .1” I I ‘39:" C .3:: . ; E'fifr-‘ .;:~'E;:‘-‘1“ ““’ 2" E: 5 7 V m?
if 49%;; :::"; if} :. 3‘" I” .. ‘ "'3 r
‘ -‘ ' ‘ .....,...“was:gurus.WLLMMW:3v.‘oh.',wu»-..1-;;-,-.z,guy-7....aw......'.,.. ,7 , _ ..
9 July 5, 1915.
Hon. 3. D. warfield,
List. Atty“ :.. :1 11 R 3a 00.,
Eoniovillo, Kentucky.
Dean ;3171‘:
Enplying to yours of the 3rd instant, {your file So.
72939) I hCVe the rooordo for appeal in.the following cases,
V1": ‘:.i‘ ‘ " » “'”' . . . -L.\ 2. ' » @v‘?
'..-u .:..w - .‘.; f; ‘ ”I i" ' i _.l’: .' e L." \fv l .5 l"; ' " v H h I '
.: ,_ \ .‘ u‘ ‘. ‘ffi‘gkw ”s T01 Ix 5' ’1 ’ .‘. a W“ 3 w . +~l~"t - C'“‘ " ‘1‘ C ~ at
, L.., . - / 1/r 41,111,, radian V» a; .u, rot-mill it, 11 011111 011;. ,
K~ ,/ ; Rosa Thomas v. u a d, Breathltt b1rm11t Court,
5’42: in Berriokson v. 3 & N, Powwll Gireuit Court.
She cone of Totem Smith’s Aflmr. v. L & E and Clyde
1‘ “ U ‘ H‘ u '1 ... . .e ‘- . ‘
.hale, Afimra of xenon Smith? v. u»m a are one am: the some.
I have not yet been able to find a moment's time for
work on hriofs in any of those Gowns, The July term of the
Briathitt Circuit Court commences today and will consume, accord-
. in: t3 nrcgrnm, practically all 01 the mouth of July. Immediately
.follarin; th t, We have a tens of court in the Perry Circuit Court
L * ans also in the Betchor Circuit Court, thieh promise to consume
the gntire month of Aunosto The last day for filing appeals for
the 3311 form of the Court oi appeals in august 31st. Notwith-
etnnfiing the foot that l ozpeot to ho occupieé with the courts of
Breathitt, Perry one Letsher County fluriug the ensuing tWo months,
I home to be sold to fine sufficient time to prepare briefs for
the enoellant in such of the above cases. but I may not be able to
, . . . a!
do so. In addition to the above cases, I haveknriefq to propsre
in a can“ 01 some immortonee on appeal from the Perry Uirouit
Can t, which is due to he filed by the first of August. ’1

 S. 4- /
ant—2.. 7/5,15.
In the case of Sizcmore‘s .sdmr. v. ‘2; 6:.- L, on appeal
' from the ferry Circuit Court, the apjgiellant’s brief has lately
been lilac, out I have a uti‘oulatimi giving me until October ls‘b } '
to ';:,rvjpnrc and ill: biiingfii‘ the ajz‘pellcc. “'
In the (,’W of J :3:: ."‘." V. .1". :3. Stacy, the brief for
a pellant was 333303221236 and filed some time ago, but, as yet,
no brit‘f has: been filed for the Fl‘;'='§‘;{?lli‘.-3, Stacy.
Under thisc circumstrmaes, you may count on my doing
the very best .T. can to have our briefs ready in due time, but,
ii” I should fail, I trust it will be no worse for us. If we
need “ (iitional tins, J- am sure we can get it.
Very ti’u 11y 3mm; ,
Skid? /<‘5.L
_ Co un. 38-]. .

 I .7121”, /
. p _/ 1
”“ {”1 / '
///’/6,/ Jame/7% My 3- 191‘
Glide Dale '3 Admr. v. m Ry. 72939

Samuel H. Wilson, Eeq..

Counsel, m Ry.,

Lenngton, m.

”Dear Sir,

I see by your letter of June 3 to Mr. moorman, covering bill
of the clerk or the Breathitt circuit Court, that he has prepared
the record for appeal to the court of Appeals in this case. Have
you received the record. and are you preparing the brief for the
railroad company to file with the record in time for the Fall ‘
Amam of the court of Appeals? And have you received the
records and are you preparing briefs for the Court of Appeals
for the Fall Term in the oases of Ina: l. R. Co. v. Logan-Smith's
Admr. m Breathitt County. and L. a: I. R. Go. 7. Derriokson.
from Powell County?

’ Yours very truly, '
I / -- 1' "
District Attorney.

2.3. Are there any other appeals of ours from 3.8a B. territory for

the Fall Tern?

’,./:::). .15/U» lngaém... ’ ‘:.-N ”d e/ “1 . Ex ':?. 7403;331‘?‘ - :‘:/3‘”'W'

 ‘ V Fonu 589.
Law Department for Kentucky.
sew/rm -.. -, t t,
”' nou1SVille, ny., heb. 1a, 1915.
To Local Attorneys in Kentucky,
In connection with the preparation of the
Company‘s cases for agpeal to the Court of Apneals of
Kentucky, hereafter, please read and bear in mind what
lgxstatal in regard to this matter in Fuson V. Commonwealth,
£2” 1 5 '/ Kentucky“ 5 4 1, an pages 3 z}: 5 and 5 4 4.
-., .L- .
YOUlS truly,
District Attorney.

 Ki???” //7
~ F47 . / III/7’ / .I..27I;)I> , /‘ 7/
Effl/(M/jm’4 . wlxxgzw’IZ/Ii/xrgnw .1:/510' Q/fl/H/i/MM//j///’i(w/za/;y
”firm/m -/l/'I “%fi’HH/HI, ”’1
.~/I¢Is-/.Q)/Ik-//'/'c/ Alt/omen /.I /I ~
II I //‘. / 7 ,I ./ I/Z/ ' ’II'" _
///'rnrm.){/ ;l/Z’f;7}éfZ?III4¢e/u. Lflzx/27/%X% July 24 - 1915 p
Sizemore's Admr. v. L&E Ry., Perry County,
Court of Appeals
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
. Counsel, L&E, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
In checking up our Court of Appeals cases - as well as those
coming over from previous terms and those which will be appearances
to the Fall Term - I was reminded of the above styled case, as to
the status of which I was not advised. Therefore, I wrote the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals for information. He replies as follows:
"In regard to the case of Sizemore's Admr. v. L&E Ry.Co.
from Perry County, beg to advise that appellant's brief was filed
on May 21st and is signed by T.J.Eversole. I
On June 50. an agreement was filed giving appellee until
October lst to file brief and appellant 20 days thereafter to file
a reply, and the case to be then submitted."
Have you been furnished with a cepy of appellant's brief? If
not, please arrange to procure a copy from Mr. Eversole, or, fail-
ing in that, I suppose you will have to get the Clerk of the Court
of Appeals to send you the original. I take it you expect, between I
now and October lst, to prepare and file the brief for appellee. ‘
If there is time for me to examine it before you file it, and
after I get back here from my vacation, September 5, I will be
glad to read your brief before you file it. W
. ”a “k“‘\ ‘l
Yours very trulyC/A/p y/fl “7% £;\~—’//
.3 I>I: ’ . '
/\ I, ‘ A] Ir’lu/' ”I" "’ //

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Lu-rom Jun. 1:), 10!»), t4) 22:210.”! law, 1917.)
Lexington Jr, .;lazsietern '.‘Zzai‘Nay (tumfirzngr r2316:
Louirwi’ila 'I'.;>;_rv~c:111r»a 2 ’:.ss» W
'l‘u 21:25:"; .120 ‘:?-f! 3143;: it;
. 2"
June '27, ;l'fif'p. 22./L Jacki-no”, .‘30
' .. ' .1.:pr .a~::.:,x, “it, .,u 24.,( ‘3’? ., .40
11' EC, 2: 7: n .50
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2:21". . ”75.51;, a 1;“ Iii-2.00
"’ 5, 12335;. . 1"'_}: ~15, , 33.15
{2 .J..“ Arjva, m..,..,‘ _(J 2... n .. -: ,_ fl. ..
(Bilge 22>: WIS .:.‘a'e.;.*‘i-o,:r n. '.'Jgal, 27°80
” 11, 2].: CL... 7,_}.1‘u'wz‘2” Uln’r'k, 95912.1} 4'21)", (31.,
LN "12’ 1:; Fall. £93.32 33(3211'23 v. may? .40
35?: 1.12.5212. Hm, 'j. {21+ ‘:»!!wa :'x ;"12.:1“._,.;;J '3=-N " , 1.60
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- .. 1., _‘ _ a .. , ‘_‘ 1" _. . .. ’1"
- h 25,, aflpm 2112 Jana;214.29., J.-).25
” 2:), 5.82 th’illtilOLEIL‘EIFAS,1‘.‘L‘"$111)"‘,If'n,}‘.:h(?2.', -322:».':J‘Is;2""r:l":.';r.s,
>1? in 2.27221:;,T'>‘.'Ll.vu_=zr7 M "5:37? 1.00
“3:25: .3., 322;.2._),.:v::.:‘:, 3433",: :.:: v3!?W»‘2i}.'iI3<)‘fl in
2 Lil-11;; 2' 3;.-“:13, 2,1..00
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'..E...:'L'i:; 12.1,»; x. 31.32 -2 ,'ma. 1.00
W 3, Sheriff 01‘ Fayette 002,.‘sex'vingz subnoenu,
“7‘1 a 1‘: t b H C FE lav = 2 ‘
Llflliamoon-uur in 0.. v. 2.2. a 9.2%., . 5
" 3, Ora Abbott, depositions, postage,&c., in
Willimnfson~§21artin Co. v. M.G.Fieldss,&c., 2.16
., . , . ..
" 6, thS. Gammon, Hobbs v. l;&;N, 1.50

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Limbo !‘ , 51:.«3H. ,.::m , :11. Him mull? ,.75
«V ‘ ,, ‘. .' .'fi'n ."»’., :‘L ..7" h
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.10 11 up. ,. .‘ -- . 3 E
GOV-Vt}? in 1.100118 V. ;.Jaz’cfl, .5970
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’2: 'mjgg, Lo s ‘._, . ,, 3.17.7)
- "‘ 2'6, 2.. ....(:£3:.',.(A3T'l-3 50...? not;:.;-‘12,“:32323, $795.“sz OF 4r
4"... V, .' a. ., . . ,\
J l; (1? 5:71]. i. ,_ _. A /
Amt. 11, main}. in; ‘..‘r‘ztgfi-Livi‘frfir 713‘: (5011.43: (nice-:3, 1.15
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1‘» _I "I: \1 '-7 H U 7‘ “1.975
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‘5 9",, £9379. Like, 5.00
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"(Lil V. .;1‘:‘..,55;~~'.~;-7, from '.“-::1'r37‘ Lute mu? 3,00
1" 71.0, 3;,-ins, ::‘i; flit/irerd, 5-00
sin-.5131 ll, “‘ trip to J’AJ‘NX‘HBfl 5': :rratigvi. 11::, ‘3900
“' 1:3-1G,, ,,';zr>;~‘:.,, .J”:Azf.—rsu3;.1 i5 '51 Emu, n.50 V
"’1 7”» ‘.'. u. .‘wzezlée‘i 10': (_'ie‘ori). :1.}; {11'}: of. ”21151211; “*1
”‘1" “(" “0 .: ' , '.r‘
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'90 1.‘ r 5; Ci i‘COUlt 6021.): a; , :1 .70
” 331,1;0 Juiui l, {QR-{353, fit (leg-:.:}:smx, 3.00
June 19, muse-..,, 331;?) to ”Ladehou, “00
" ‘25:, V“ a: .erlzsimn, 15.00 .
July :1, "3 to J'zthima, 1.5.00
” 9551' clam .521 iisezgie. -‘_-x.r'a."\r:':.31cz:2(i to ii.;;.1.m:az'iri_;r, ’
JELV "TY-‘.’j‘ii 1'1“! J (V‘QX‘IW. "'u .::‘:Liw 9.13.7000
A V . I ’7 .
"’ 0'93. 10 minim/111s 7 H50
” "' Lu ;E:':::.:.:..:F:, €3.75
" 1i}, i‘ J!) J;L-,:l:’:‘.;;1, €350
" 3’31, .,clerz_-:-3, 53:.:gmzri'd-wzn, e}. .. 1:31;:
’ v. Law, breathit‘c Uir.bt., 15.00
" 27, Fame. at Jackson, 5.25
Augo 4, Hotel Jefferson for self and witness v.53.
Brown in Gordon v. i..&E and 146m, 13.50
" 5, R. Keenan, 0112.01). of imp” State tax on ,.
three appeals for mm, 0.00
20 7w

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Aug,» i), .xenrgi aporwer, ions 1:.)1’ HHLL‘ViMfi notions: [710 '2/
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1,.» g ...‘“; J,‘ l r
. .:.»d- r. . 11,. u, [1.00
y; * 1‘..” .,‘ I. .. { ., '1,.."..1. , ... x ,1... ‘ ~
1.1’ ”'.er. w a (4.1;): L. ., L1,! ’:.,F‘Q-A .,.'} 11(1;: ‘11.. if: .75
a; 0V} in!» *- «n ‘ ~-~--- ‘ ~ ‘-
LA: , J.u.5)l LA‘DLJ ‘4.-1..: ,‘-,;.:52 mm _-...::.rx 551-1}, "3 31‘10, .36
. )J' .a Urn. 1.‘;sz OH. r lam-Mb, 1.. .w‘if ;J. Vail-'11, L' 21.0.1359 04.5
H '7': ,‘VJ\-\: "" -" t- .1.! 3: . ., "‘r ' ~ v'w)" —'
94., _..“.u,“ ., ..u ”0.. ”._.... '}.L «)1; ...) l i-z: .../.2.: u .111.
)I . 7. "Va ' 1.50
;mv. ‘;-1L.‘, .',-”9". ;r .. 5, :.FfSUJs‘L, ":..50
s: 'T"; ' 1" ’5..~."‘ '-,~7'7'1~ 1 V
)L’ .. --..¢, .L. ”A vx,..’/v‘...._, ’ 3:an
.'Jeu. i , mi"): .»Lr-T. .WTlfl'T ”3:1: “I". 4.530
L. t! '1.-H»! '.:.J .-' «.’.: “..': " ‘ '
,..-.1- ..4. u. ‘L. L ‘2, . ., 1x .. e (1.8;)
{r 1:“; -3_\.\~i« r I.‘. a.‘lv ~,. ~1,.._.,.g.-. _‘ ~
'_’..¢ . Kr“ _t w" ..‘ ‘..‘”, _‘kil': )1 A.. .2. .' ,,:_{I ..‘,(i {. he,
..'<__>;.:= :33;-~;-.:,1;I. :.'.1-‘2';:_:.,e;~.;t ; r2:';.:;_:1r:i..-;;; ;L:-—-
:.:/itvv‘ 1 U. [flu-”:.'.” ‘.A'e . {3'00
‘.': :’," r'v.v..’ . _- ..‘ 9.. 5 '! ,. ,. . ' “' /.
u), ', mm ‘.'. ..:«T, ‘.:)O
T. -‘ g- x. - _ - —-
«Wu/L, .', iz' L ' r‘ '. “’r ~" "
. , ,. ..._, .30
j? ’\ I‘""\"‘ I... ‘1.... '.‘..) ' ‘ ’ "
.n :.' .17. ”.11 (;1‘. n- .,.-m. ..
. g 4 .. .. .1 _..., . : ... . ’L .. .. e, .75
19 ~ '
10, " to Jackson, 75
n 1 4' - ~ ~~ ‘
13, dotel Jerferson, at Jacm.s30n, 5‘50
n m '5. A. ._ 1
16, 4‘1}. (10 Jr-..c::son, .60
1! fl ”3 C‘ ‘5 - - 1 ..,
bXpB. spec. mewonger to Brsmkfort to
file briei in Newland case, 2.00

' M.)
\'V -’
1vc1!.7e [Vb ' V2
. r n ”i“
' ' fifl- ‘ ‘- ‘2‘: .r‘ h1“’7' I.” l‘
I. '-.'“ '>' "’ ”4' "A A “ 4) I, r:, _ ..' u x 8 ‘.
Jim. 2x3, Mun”! .\ on. will U, . e ,
~ . ‘_4 Tn-n’xh" ‘,” ;,I'V'Jk)
H P !' 1:.3’ ”1190» 1U) . ’1'. v 11.1, .-
“r 'H‘.’
»- . . u will" e. Lil- ‘
V“ 2‘», " la,- gjmh, .0”, J
P 7": "~' “ "ire-"414" £71713, \L‘L. “on; ., ”awn, ,.’:;.
We“ w H -w ‘~ , _ p.00
:LKKJZ’ ‘ii”; 'I V. lir;.‘.’,~;iv‘)' fl
' 7 'u =7 \. ’L. y [- :l L
'1‘,” '1. ‘yrw _ 1‘": ,1 :3 x 1 f ;. g [9‘
\_ ’,r‘lliné J, I. .. '. A», / , . 5 . g , ..
~-- .‘ro
f5 . 7. 7
'1 ‘.‘..,

 ”I i ‘ fig ' 1
CD7 C; -’ l , it i
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t / 4*
p2 t” ” ” Z"a:
C)” ) L/ 2‘ ‘ .7 A}:
0L; l (731/0 , . J . Z:
1 .L;/Lad a,“ e,-
l C 3 L7? '7 €757 at . § ’5‘ ’
. .. “ ,, «i i , x,"-
13/ C“ ‘ , - fix" _ ' ,. 7. .7” ' ‘7/ '1
L/ 4— / 9/ 4» sA : a, / a '
t f ._ 53 Cl t ”""""? ZL,.E./~"' f a c:
r‘. M, ,1 _ 7 (2.,/(:7 / m
(\‘ (J _wf' ,.‘: Iii,“ z/ 6 , ..3 Ct)
U , , 2 ,
. 7 y L, , L ,... ..
. 7 if . t @Ct/ L ”’
7 3’; l Qnt/«l/ ' ' / v" (‘.3’
73“??? l ”’ / a~
' t /" 5:““LLLMLL-
i , '
/"‘ ’ (L i ‘ ’ ’
/ 7.1 / AL L , ,

’1” I" .n x." ”‘,‘“ fl ’ ' I / U / .- ‘ .. . C“ ,
a’f'Z’ 5/‘ L' V 644—"? J / /C\"
a. O , ' , f“, _ ’ ‘.” __. a “A...“ if T of
L/L ,.a  .'
I / ,g '. 5'
.’_1 , .:;
‘ . 7.' ‘7 ’ ,.
l t. f . 7
! .4. ./ _.
I 7"", V f”? ’ “"‘"? .:’!" ‘__ ~’
. m : -' y - W“
l I V 7.," I‘ .
"“K (L \:,,/‘/

1 7 ,7 / ”k /, /‘E' / '”’
r f/ ' //%7/’///%/ //~
_ xé%Z&4Zfih t? /cg//t54'&L%C/6W- ,AZ/A?ZR%(/';/(52¢4bfi7f%4/
/ /
’ Ravenna, Ky., May Slat, 191?.
wire 0. III. 1.301193%,
Attorney, Jackson, Ty. -
Dear Sir,

In settlement of a number of cases at Beaifiyvillo last week
there were inclnaoa in the setfilomont six cases oenflino in the
Breathitt Cirsuifi Court on& you will shortly rooeive orders signed

‘ ‘ by the afitoyney for the plaifltiffo in the following cases flismissing '
Em.0mmflmm alhfimfi,byehL @w.
Susan Caudill, _ 20.
Tom Salyers, an infant, by ofio., 50.
James Solyers, 25.
James Mullins, two caoes. $0.
Yours truly,
‘ ’1:“ ‘ Law Agent. V
CV ’# ”
. o 4

 < ./ [)7 / ,./ ' If r //x r V /
Q' //¢//7//%/ ///’
c 0am” fl ; 1m map/c ,1”/##5/1/ WM/mw/xz/7/
Havenna, Ky., 323 219%, 1917.
Messrs. Morgan & Huckols,
, Afiiorney, Hazard, Ky.
Dear Sirs,

Ia settlemcnfi of a number of cases at Beattyville last
week we included the case of Hood Caper and Clayton Cornett which
are pending in your County as well as in Lee County. In a very
short time M2. G. N. Harriss will send to yau direct orders 0f

' satisfacfiion in these twe oases.
76011.1‘5 trill-1 ,
J, 4€5i¢4«"~///
M11.:.I,'«P/P%.I ' .
' Law Agent.

' , 'I-n~ r ‘3: ‘.‘ ..» -"’. ..’L”,
.. Rewreime, :.T. , 315,197 ”1.', 2;," 191?.
Re. 9. 3. WEEFfifl,
. 31314353 31:25:: .:‘iggz‘én’k'; , E 97.1; “Til 1:; , ‘ ;jg’.
Elm 5:12.? ,

Geneeyninfi the matter of eettlem nt 0% eeeee with Sofieniel
at Seettytille. 19 agreed t0 Settle with him 3 t tel 0f 3% eesee fer
33866. Re preyortienefi thie as in: eve:

I :5.“ ,-.

‘ V7.55 fiery-:12:; ii' {.1?-1 (3 122$.

Y .0 {I I H 1., i. (36' :Ijg) .

Elise Erica 5G.

lumeei‘e latter: ”£55..

: Jehn Eeyent 2&.
Terien,fiwutnemer§ 5. :

f. I. Sextet 16.

filired Sermett 45.

Brena Sornett 15.

L 5. 6. white , 50.

" Clayton Geenett SQ.

gejor Geemee 73.

e: heed Conger 30.

Calvin fipieer 45.

.,,_“ . ., .1. .1 fl '

ilyflflb mgieer l5.

‘ Jae fluehlee 90.

w $331. (3 rem? 03:51 4457:.

~/ Susan Dendill 20.

V 23m eulyeme ‘ 50.

n Jemae Selyere 8%.

;anemee mulling 2 eeeee 50.

In the marine eeee I drew one trait in fever Tefleniel far
@1259. in the fierien fientromery ceee I are; finefit neyehle te fle-
Dexzel and all ted Pim t0 eign the voucher es attorney fie? Venteemery.

. .-. u 1 .’“r : r, A"; ~ . 1w . ”‘- r1 "‘- .. r w "' . r r"- 1" -* n " “4*
in the fillflwa eurnett add nrfluu Gosnett l dxew Oflu Vfimuhmf enfi dyejt

" 1 ”* :. "‘ . - ,”‘? ,, ~ . »3' n ‘ . . . ._ : :. .

for no. meme yeyeule ts beth u; them. In the Galvin Selene ceee

‘. ‘x. _.,, “A :1 ,. ,2 ,1 _., p .1 ‘,. ., ‘ ,, _, f] . ..'! a, - 4 X‘ W

ans mljmflfi wgiGQT meme 3 NICE one Vouchen in lever 13 team toth lor

J . .

" -"~* ;-.... ~»--:”.- . t! a ':a . ; . :2 ~ '2 . .. . . ..7-..., .n. :..
'60. :.:/S, LAM: uzf'l \J.§.’f.\..:i. 5.11. {2.. .:.-5U.» 1:315:13}. '15118.l:3.1 Q:f‘..:-;~,.£}. LLI'Q'L 0733'. '1. ‘.JifaiTSiC'? J..”;
'"’ ‘~' 3“- ? ’21-» J‘ r :“w” . .A'? .-. ”v“. _. ..'-I. W... 5:3. “,..... . ., ., ‘ 1- . .
22.333733 153.35% 3301“.» .5. ’13:: :.‘vJOc IX} Lila} ‘.;me ‘ 21:; ¢EL§HC§§ a: 13.-5.... L. 1753. :.: 23.50:?) «

. .- ~- ,' . g .. -'”.'. = -' I °‘ .:.‘x _ w,- -. .. -.« .~ L.‘“ ‘ , ‘ _' . .. _ » V ‘3'
031.: ‘«“v»‘?»¥.~13?—‘3.'? 92 » F2). £33. who u 31%le . 21.5.1 .1...}... 2353.55.53 gym-s m2: :zafiézruae
. ..“' 3' .- .... .';. y, . . .1, " N '1 7..., .. .Lfl '. '1:.-. .:w .
*2.v:32..-:.1:-:rr W ‘~‘ Mm» {...-.232; 0..: .. h flaw... 4.3. 0.- .....a fist?-.-.'§,x&i.nt.z.s,.t.zf§ waits

. ..:... ..,... V. J. .‘ ;, ..‘ .‘.. L'A’JT ,2 .‘.‘3. ..,. A” ,~ _~. ”’. Tru, . .' - .v
“”C 1’ £31.33»; :.-g_.:,;1}‘.‘.:.b.fi.€3 2.6.} 2.110.: {:..-3.533112... 5;. E» imam. 3.1mm ...-,1"ng ., .333331131 magma-5
we, . . "‘., W . ., ’ m?" .,.. ,.. :2 .‘ .,. no“, :“ '7 -- J " ..,, ... J.. .'u .’ g. «9. .. ‘ i}.
if??? €4,203? ’.:: "11:52 {a Hut-ll (.2313? 51.5%; 1.3.5. :1;}...2Fu. £32! 1.13%.; 5.15%.}? (:3! in 143 “(33.335 .
'if'nM-ww Jump}?
“Wm... r...‘ (..;, ..:.G '
,.. w 2‘. ,— .L '
.‘;-.23. zivfaj-fig.
. 13 *7
J— .53 0
~.;,, ”"‘ ‘ - 3‘ < :. ..,. ....w'. .,.-.“. .. J... an. .~ ..;“ .94.... ,..,“ ._._—.41.. .,,.: ‘..“...
.., . inifii’l‘lfifl if} 10 Skiing 4.1:. 2.4.72: 11:) t7?1a.:.33‘.1.;.l;f 04.1»- . 33.2. 3gb; {3.5. (#4:.-
.- .-. ..
‘. ."' . . i. ”I"; .«-.-’ ém'wus 2. m1 [3‘ 1", "2 than «5'3:an :. .6 JG- ”‘.':
is: oil «:3... ml: 52-... .. ..;; .1114. ..1; I will ‘....-. ........21::.._1
‘ R
."' ... ., ».av‘ : .." “'.' .A‘. , « .. ..”-.1 ...’-1 .'a .2_. .- ,7 . 'f."_v.1 :;u, {41w 2‘; :5-*'- a} .:.-“3.3:; "‘.j i" ,.a‘ :;"-1“:
”‘.Lfli {$3149 .m'?0§€fm‘ armors 1.23. 4.21333. £Yf_:;..:.’.,.¢.z .1.“. (;310 ..;. ....z ..1“, ......z,‘ ... 5.3-1....
..“.” ... .. J. .. .'I ._ . , .4 i, Q , . _... v.5, [_,y . .4 (‘0 ,”’.- .le" _s‘ _,. :1 ”my. “.‘"3": 0 °.-
.. AG ;;>3.;v in...» (mum. 1.. in 9.11. an. L.')... rm J'i “hr. (3.345109.
’ ' ’~“ A” I" ’5 "‘W‘W‘flf’? «““‘!‘Q'w (WT ‘f’hc‘: O"l“(3(;7)‘i3 3: 1W". "1, firxnmr‘vflmyx? "if“:
Of. 1710393313 .LQCU .:.?Zu. Lu.r~...‘..a..-g_ amt... Jul...” , .., .:. ... ...-.... i . w... 9...,” V , .
' _. . :7 ,,-_:. n 'M 32 “‘33,": " mommy". Hut? .6
3573253713 '30 way 9315;”;1515? 1.1 LILiSm-‘CS ..GGux .Lfl. 1..-L ‘--=-;.:»'«”x‘ LUNG”.

~ g 2 Mix/5,, gflé/M zzz mg, _/////./ Jag/Kim”?
‘ K
' 2 . . K "7", 7 25’ .
ZMwW/WW‘Z m/s/fK/‘zZ/lig/fler 6%“ Qe/raé/Jné/M/xfl iffl7z/1/(/;
gflzz/(fgév-%///m'1mr/yn, 7.2771 Z1917 .
/“ L?s[.flzlrm’cz 7110/7ng (/ ' ' 7 I; My
%W£/%”ém Jflawlflé/JZ/flfl
/ 3%. S. S. Logarum,
..1an :iggoint , ?avmma, 5:;.
?efr Lii,

Visage rofew 10 your lotto? of Aoril 17th rolafiivo
fio softlement of coyisin cages now yomfiioa in iho Leo fiiroxifi
COHYi whiok aro in ?hr E538; of 3. F; Io axial. “T. liloon
soot you caving of hi3 firtiovg 1o fix: of swwfiji QSth relative to
those orooosod ociilrminir osfl “rg Farvio Soot you copy of his
18??)‘M‘3' to 23:1: 3 wrr‘a‘r’il £3331.

33 5o not oavs to bunch all of Eofiaoiol's cases in
one ooziiomcfli. fikn ?rooofi for ikio is ihai he gets anothfir '
buuoh to take éhe place of Lkoso :fiiob have been fiottleé too
soon to Suit us. After oow?orrifig oiih Era ionohue I have
Eocioed to say to you fihot if you can ooiilo the Ben Soomer,
by $6., Joe Euoklas, Jonea ;alyers, Tom Solyvor, by eto., Iiilie
Crawforé by eto., Lusafl Coufiill moo Jones mullins casco at not
to exceed 353 per oaoo, we will make ihioeottlemout. "Tho
only half woy oecont case in this entire lot of oaoog is the

V Joe fiuoklefi case. Lhewo is nothing oi all in fiho Lollins
caoes and it io with o'greaé deal of reluctafice that I have
inoludofi the gullims cases at any figure. the some is true
of ihe Jillia arawforo by etc. onfi ihe wuson oaufiill cases.

i m not going to consifier the Settlement of the H. T. ?rico,

 I {:43 ,3:. “’ 2
“’11222 ‘.‘-3:22:26», 32.22222 2222:22‘ , 2:22:22? a: . {22:22 :2. 2222:2222: :22: any $152222: at
thia 2329, Fetarifil 331105 m9 3% 2h: iglaphaac yfigferfifly‘ta
E36“ what w: 32: Afiiflfi'ifi éfi fikfiuf 2%: pyagafifif fi9i112flfihia, an&
i atzfiné :0 hfim I Ea? fiai 2&5: u; my miué a? tfi‘éhafi éfiygu tfi
fl 1283?;
(13 2.5322233 Em 27:22:13.6? 22,-: 2?:22‘22222? ’2:: $222+: ‘.'7-279.2%: 2‘62" "2"?22351’212‘222 :22" 6.67.233 as
6 MS ?fi‘"§'§0fi for 1222222222252 7‘ :2:“: 52222222212. 3: 222227225 322.2222 221220221: 22126
$22922: egnflitiga a: éufig: ifiama 2%: 2: 922205 QQWé §20§16 8816
£35: 2h: Jvfigs 23E airigfii $28 unulfi b: 3&1: is $233 a $§fgifil
[} term, whiic nthars gaié the ca322323. ffie im;::c:iafi ihai Sa”an~
. 1:1 mgée an re wag £222 ii :23 fienhfiffll wflsn 232:: 22315 be any
war: 3932: in 1:9 San fly 22$ th~2 E: vaulfi 11?: $6 59% halfi of
fiawn 292%? $2323. ”3225: %:on‘ihi5 fast ix $233 13 30a?
393225321022 wéfb V3“Efli@14 #33 3:3 gay 20 him paint blamk
2&2: w: 2:: net flaimg is way av:r {£33 tn 202:1: 2h: eight Gas»
:3/:7 93 21:22 mevtiangfl in 2h13 1:tt:2.
lj/ Yawrs %?E1y,
2’ /
9222: L§fi figaflfi.
fiaunsel, iexifigtogy gy.
' gaggrg. «allace & fimrxisa,
atflarneya, Vern2illefi, Ky.

 J. > v n. i
1 ' * -3, as, 1.32:1}.
..;., Kitz‘x'mi, 32.13”, « 1 I
1 ' hit .:.,Czoirit, slot-H.1. 220., I .
.3'.- a i. Ffi‘x i": L! 11 legit; 1: city a I
336m; :--i. r; ’
I it u liner-t 2;,-i vl) *1 in :12:}:11 “I .»‘Lillf'jxfifilli'tl ‘ 1
, of ”$3.132; it, 5:5,. t:v..:i’e;*«:ilira: “L;:.: :;:a2"€.:.:.i.r; or 5w: in 1.5x: and . I
?Ssvv'watiiiti. flotation :2.,::>,i.i.:?i: the {Azimuth}, .'L! ".“fiT".i?i'i iii-l, I!" li. .2343»
i” has :.:,‘n:a;';ae, :;:i1:3..<.:i; 5.2.5:. tantrum has been t3.“;;:7....;1:: to {tot '
isfi‘éft‘fifid. - I * .
31 ',2» 11:11.3 1"i12’i,:-:7t*772:* on the 11:1“, igszljoiro {Em-writ? in 1
- i 33:. v $3,211: 1,1 iii-qt .::-.in? J.:.. not i to v hat? it .
' iirjr'ziiiiJ’i: ".5.l‘.e.2foii~;'='31 311-5536 L-1 :3:; “on: 2 Visit" I int-.Vz'j’iofs‘ipi I .‘
I ”I 1:? 1e 2:: on 113;: int»: :13- :.:;' .‘.T:i.::'::<_';=:“» 'i‘ii}.3.;’.‘t:3. .3 Li; {.:25'2112i37ta’s:ion ' '
oi 5:2/oi“; 3.".“ the files: ,5.:32: LE. 4, :Zii-tgliia‘xinigg tin: 591735.213 iiltln, which I
' 11:55:12 on inane, am: ‘eilf: files 5:012 ll" 35:311.; iii; the the iii-alyers l~
«:3:,.:»;e:i. an: Cir.- 1:11;: $151313 '.;-x: 3,72 I.,-:;u f”‘:.'r:':::ainit: iii “the 451°::27i‘o3i<1 and
Cr-‘zut'i111 taxman, £3351 Whiting; tti:. nirilhejz‘ Lijt .‘:‘I‘n’t'ylgr not three or
3.31;}: (situates; it have to :1:-:.1; - I .
{3.} E ii} titiii‘l: 'i:"i':«":1ro it: my i'if‘Tii.’ in the ~-'r;?;;."t:-i:*$i ‘ I
claim, out near tint"; :.:o;ii¢1:iri.a,, he out jto IA. the '
3331313111;1.1;; ;.'-aging on the ’.2};iil‘.‘r-;i—.;:..a.ao:r :.:;I:' is; (‘.;):‘jf: 1:;} 73"??? out
:1;. case innit-:1." that live, 1;}; 2312.3 ii". we dainggizi‘ in? his :l‘:‘:'.a.oi::1.ig: the jury..-
' ‘ .'L, at: ir. I..-‘:.;icraii has: intzlsmttotév it ::irtgz he italizr‘il‘flo to r:tii=.i<'1'l.lt‘zi:’ '_ ' 1
;.i::.?..:f':2r:3 was: x:.’ig;:;.,;<_2d iii :'L;:t;e>2*:‘;t:2,trz- o.;:-:re’a‘t’cier». at. the time of his 912*“-
\\ oiheat, we 12:2,;7 he ::iijto. to defeat claim: entirely or hold hit“; (‘i'otin
I \to a idiilifl‘tlh 3' sciatic-zit?» I ' I r .‘
\1111 _ ' ‘
'|‘\\‘__ r I I W H , l I ‘ ‘

 .. ~ . Aim-2. . 4/25/17. . ' _
(2} .118 to the claim of Crawford, it lorflze'like a case of
I injury my a fe12?.ow~eervgmt, although the statements obfieined from ' 1
I that: woulmro of the (ham; are not as owing-one as night» he wished...
In partieulex, 1. thin}: ii; desirable, if the 02,554.? is: not Settled, . 1
‘ to 02):;ij1 a; :3tatq11::mt Lam .LL-Coo 30mm, e.--.e of the F1011 who were Going '
mine “'eo":f.}.;?_mg':“ at the time the I.:}.ile 1"!521*e being: moved. Liner-e ie
:11'1oz‘oe:c 2:12.131, 1mm LéESJLfOJLL? whom} name i.i?>.'§i’:.‘-L1'§3 in the reporms :1:—3
havix‘xgj. need _r_>3‘:'e1!‘-‘t.=..~1‘t at the “nine oji' ”Ehe cumicieg‘i‘c. He should have
. e. z’!'i;:2tc:zem.a_t L:TQIJ1 21711.1, if it is ;aroo‘ul‘ahl-z‘;. ":7. do not reggnrfi this
case MLL! :‘ééézz‘jxnzeL altivollgfll :‘t night be worth voile to settle it, .
‘ 1:5 11, omzim be ydi:e:‘;.;oz:z<;¢i of .::.‘G {‘._'ywr0115152,’cr.~'_!.;-,7 “‘.‘.-‘E‘mt ‘ij'ize court oosi‘os M
mould he in ‘the event of a. {SHCGU5:35:31le contest of the ease in Court. .
”with refel‘enoo to the {Win euitz: of James .:’-173.1%.21e, it seems
to me that :‘: eettlomeui; was made H him and certain ohms; 01‘ 15101192]
1 I paid him at or Shortly {after the 65mm: of 1:31-12:30 smite, and I do not .
eitvm‘e}1nnd that either oi“ immense: ‘111 }!Ji‘<::*»7c- to he serious or trouble-:._>'
I eomo. ‘ V I r "
V I ~bsi.'2_"l.ieve Eire ...:mdrum estimates; that fight? Dropoeed oettle- V.
I ment of the above six eases, with two other (3:15:03: unfier 3.11:2". Harries" .
(jurisdiction, will average c:.i.:out .fiCf’;:..C!Q per 021.522.. {1331155 2"15353113 about ' ‘
_ .,,SJ_";8.,L‘)O 3101 the fizzlyers claim; .9138..OO for the Crawford claim, and
‘ 333123000 for the 142113115 0172111. I So not think uh: i’iéllj'W-I‘fa‘ oluim‘ a 1.;
worth .glzfiwo. It £5t;ril:<-::e no mu; .fIlOOQCw Tammie he emf-3.3; sufficient ‘
~ To die-wee or; that case. I think 53100.00 wold be a. high mttle- ' ‘ ,
ment of the Crawford cram, although, 11‘ we emu- (1 do no better, we ' '
might be justified in going; to that “figure. 21;; opinion is 52152.2”,  
it ought to be possible to {settle the iizézaxfamd claim for not exceeding-.‘_

 ., ‘1. ism-2., , I I 4/25/17 ' I I
v 1350.00, and mg; limit would be £75,000 I do not begin to believe

that ‘the iiullins claims are worth as much as .‘;17§8.OO¢ 0n the Con--
Eras-.'J, i “think the Company would be most liberal to pay; 521:.Llins ’
omwiii‘th {2:53 that amount for both of? his: (3".52irxs. 7M 321' L“m.ndi~un1's
:2.V:::i‘:‘:.gj.,r:>, "chose ssix i.‘C.EY).‘f.".‘;'DIi—.L(‘a main? :2, sotzzl of "34.144. CU. iigr judg-
moni‘ is: that 13122:": is too much 1':) 3:52;! i'oi‘ Hume. I thin}; 1231027 ought

' all to he .‘Isztton rid :::-1‘ 2:.“: 2.: :'.‘ig