xt73bk16mf8w_357 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269i] Miscellaneous text [269i] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_35/Folder_7/1631.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_357 xt73bk16mf8w Iocxiirzt011,qu ,Julq; 25,7fijlfi. '
0.4.Hardosty, Stock Claim Agt.,
havcdna and Jackson,Ky.

Your tire oi this date. I have been ill ior three days past
and unable to attend court at Jackson. I hooc,hOWover,to be able to go
to Jackson toni ht. Judge Adams knows the facts and,i£ this is not
suificient to secure some temporary indulgence from him,l hnor of
nothing :urther that can be said or cone in that direction. I shall
count on your doing that you can to protect our intzrcsts at Jackson
in the stock and iirc cases.


 <- . Cavinwflq’“ . .
: Sqwjtbk‘ig V
fww .;.qu
“M11“? Wigw‘ch
$15” MWSAW‘L‘. Suhmwti
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57”,, (x?) i/J ’./ ,I.// m»
//(UH(J// ;l/(Z/I/(f/{gff/f:~l(f/e/II. fim/fl/lflyif/é” fl/I July 28th’1916.
Mr. s. M. Wilson, Counsel,
Lexington & Eastern Ry.00., d¢zgr
Lexington, Kentucky. ‘
Dear Sir:- ";"“I'
Referring to your favor of July 26th relative to
detaining Mr, Lanflrum at Jackson to assist you in the trial of
cases pending in the Breathitt Circuit Court.
As a matter of course, your action is approved.
Yours truly! . ’,’
Chief Law Agené:

 L .
Jackson, 123?. July 95, 191%
3., J. Domiimfi; '
" " ”».'? '3' m s-Y 9"
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 sed July, 1909
< ‘ V LLE BA LROA 60 Y
7 ~ . , ASH I l I] MPAN .
ges which arebappareptly uuuefces§nry, or that could be sent by Train Mail, will be transmitted and
7 ' dehvcred promptly, ut copies thereo wxll be forwarded to Superintendent of Transportation for attention.
- ‘ See Rule 353 and General Manager's Clrcular No. 101. TELEGRAM
‘Frw I" -4" 7".1".
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. Attorneys at Emu
'- HAZARD, KY. .
August 8, 1916.
,e' is ,5
/ ,.-—-. \- 5"“ . “’x .
xi .. z; ‘ *u , , \
I; “.‘":y'TQf/u‘,‘ (VG. ’ Ef‘f‘f.‘ 1‘ ‘~V\\.‘
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a l“.'— ,,
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‘a‘ 9:5 ) 1l1" Ail.“ V 4‘.-ES"
.\\7 CW Er": w '3'"? ‘2:: _.
__ {a ' .., (I..
_ l“‘3:,f’”;a"li/
. fim’ _
1r. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Will you please send us at your earliest
oonveeienoe a supply of docket report blanks, form #161,
and reports of proceedings blanks, form 28, and oblige
Very truly yours,
’ W V 727 Ms

I (luv, 4. - - :- f
unflb‘CrlbOf 8, 19L).
:\ ...‘ .4 .. r, us... I
.;. ;: :..-39.. moot-ton 5% horgen, At tars ...
flux/Hal (l ._. sleuth (my.
‘. "Z . V
-._ ”he, - -- ..7“--. _ A = , 1.3.1. . - \ . - -
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1")77 qvlm "hum-71W)” 7"fi.’)’r.w‘b""n‘-n‘:"§' "‘7."'K‘I 71.1(7‘7': 7'77 0 5’ t-w ‘”‘ ~"
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1" .‘.”, J._" ' ..,
..1 «L. (T: :../.17. ‘.', J
- C 7:111:13 m l a

Sept. 1st. 1916.
S. M. Wilson, Attorney,
To Ed. N. Odear Dr.
Eugust 1916. To typewriting 48 pages pleadings and letters
at Jackson, Kentucky, relative to L & N. RR
business $12.00
To two carbons same at 10 and 5 cents 7.20
To Hotel bill two days for self at $5.50 day 7.00
To typewriter ribbon .50
p >
W ”

- MORGAN8LHARWE g _’i“~¢E§V:T¢ I
‘ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ,1 v 1;;...
WHITESBURG, KY. ' ':‘ / 1
' inn/5"}: . '
September 9, 19161flNWW\4f it‘
Judge 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 8th
inst., encmosing check for $47.32 in payment of expense account
from April 19, 1916 to June 2., ,1916, for which please accept my

Yours truly,
paw/IMF ;flW

 I“ r~ ' raw/-
"”7511? ember 8, 13,..1'3.
{77:113. .3., 3.:“, _3r_;..;_., .1.“:€101:'31~3;? “.:‘-Li; 1.‘-.11;,
, i«‘:2ii7'“~t~“z)1:§:'n7, IC"-i:1.t‘r.ckf.-’. ~
Siam-11" ;‘f‘ir:
“911331“? iii-‘1 I him-:': gym *fl”:"-.?QEN)2‘ fat-"L“ »”’.7 covering 951012.317
. «..:;1:~5:’}E>‘ in. armuterss oi" ’.. m II 11. 1?“. Co., from 7:4“ 1“’3‘11, 1.91:7, to
. 12.35. 27.1 :;7:2...::L-:2 '3 116:, ‘.‘.‘ ‘15.?» ;{inff‘tgz' .:;.oZ-i::1:)2716,:.‘??gza 2:309:21)”: of the
' ..._13:‘:i2.;:ie ragzw‘ )‘bl..‘!;‘§::3,
’ I .217::'5.3 ‘.L:e.“':;1;;“‘, . .
011.713 :2 .,
. .

L‘L '..‘1' ’ _'
‘   23_>ta.m.mr )5, 1916.
'1 Tarf-rz 13‘2”“ 5“?“ ‘:‘:(“V
Qbk.l)ta ...A“. bun, ;gnhi 0.
-.-.'...\~.. ,. ..4. ..
J .A_wmneu- «.”1 1am,
: ‘ ., 1 '
L.:.L'aard’ lg].
.5312?" ‘.5-7 “r”
-:. .LfLE’EC to {EQILEQO-‘IJ.:“Ug-‘s ::‘r‘aamjp'i: oi‘ grunrs 0;: 37321:"; 3.“:13}; inst”
- :; . (~ ', ..‘, “~.:“ . :- -.'~~,, - ...‘ m " ..- ‘ ’ -‘
2.11; ,h 0,171.3. 1.0 one «.1:.-- 1.0:: malnf; my LBS/3110:“; at -3rézzt1,;,.v1.lle, {$323.35
4.1,“). '~ ,”_], ‘ 7, .,, ,~,. A '.‘.‘” ‘- . . _ - . > 'v -
LIV-_.; i :3..-..n:n<,_ L32;‘.“’.‘€:.:..rl can; 40533123 to 1.14“; ‘.. T2. $311310)”. I I"! S's-1'2“?
I was 110*: care to 13575;- 2278712" :c‘m:s:‘:.;-;sasi7 51*: trm‘m’ on “out 3311120 that 2‘71”.
:_‘g ._,,‘r. - .. . ‘; ' ,.‘ A : 1:H I. ., - ..' _. '. .'. - u ' '
‘._.Ulfiafl withing #«BIler 4.11 111c- raamtnz' as: 3071. VHSth :3: 1.0
(0 (ma 1 have no flaunt fi. weltymr {101: a?" the. irijt'CaI-Tmti 011 he 2:75.153
5": 1"": ’3'
~T- i, 8 K3. :15: O
' Very truly yours,
.-:-1*;sz a

. Attutnvgs at Emu
Sept. 18, 1916.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esqr.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:-

Mr. W. R. Feltner, of this place,is going to open a real
estate office in Hazard. While he has had considerable experience
from outside work in the mountains,and connections with real es—
tate people,yet,he desires to obtain some information from some
one who has a real estate office that has had experience,as to
their method of keeping books,and the general business of the

I am sending Mr. Feltner to you,and will ask that if
you have any friends in the real estate business,would be kind
enough to give Mr. Feltner some idea as to the kind of books he
needs, etc.,will be greatly appreciated both by Mr. Feltner and

Yours truly,
%W fl/‘7flm L/
"inf?“ 3 .
21st its
(,...; Lifafin‘ :Tn§£?$+f"-’V?wi ' f
a; (3:4 .f}é 'g'i M

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H .:3 _v 13:31 . _y (is P :-'s 23" Y REFER
fr. n- a. .is Ina, m o- L, uldfi. INY UR PEPL NO
)5 «,~ 7;; 1:4 -} ‘.3 1‘ “:5 ~. 3.» ‘v. ’_‘ |LE .
flair“ Isle «in ali“t§.«,ilt. r". m (2?. 1., Hazard, To ATE AND F ‘9 53 z“: A
.. -. ei-i .» i . "" i ‘
..r. firm; 4.10.. 113.com, Counsel, :.:emneéton,
i =: e , . " 1.‘ ‘. . "
fir. Jallneo » Harris, nttys, ¥erecatles,
hr. 9. .. oronoush. Atty, Hicholasville,
;.‘iass'ps. “311121" .:Summz, .;L'lg’lgfij‘fi, li1§_ci'1;::-os’sd,
7 pm”;- '51 ii“ 1.:»? r" “‘i'l’w- Ti 4"
aire- \x.«¢vh4 ix. L‘r4,.i-xl.J_, not}. ,. .LTVJJEKC,
gr. manna; worst. Atty; Meattyville,
ur._o. a. Pollard, atty, Jsozsony
hr» Korean t fluckols, nttys. “eased,
.:,.r. E..:e=‘ri,=.1 .. 1;.-‘;2_L'“slil.€, iétty, ::‘uzt‘rtesbura,
\‘e ', W. j‘o J; ; qI 'v
as. a. H. vlrtlo, agent, iersallles,
“yrs. h. finkier, scent, fiichoiasville,
r ' '3 rm: ._ _ 5. ' =3" \—4
my. J. .. succee, “gent, ulchmond,
Mr. J. J. dohnstone, agent, irvine,
:.r. d. a. rheszsou, agent, fieattyville,
; (3 ,' . ,V n f k '
Air. 1“ ii. ifitrte, iaaefit, ::ucusosh :2?~ .
;.'ir. d. :2.. iiefs'ipsoy, 31533313, “£13335: 137'
gr. s. 5. fields, Agent. Ehitesburg,
. ,1 .
fientlomenz~~ "r
#e desire very much to break up the vruotice of hobcec riding
freight trains on this divisigfi, and it has been decided that we shouié
arrange with the city,authoritics along the line to arrest and handle echoes
founfi riding on our train, a: much as Rmsxihlo, in orfler to assist in breakina
up this treatise.
'39 desire the assistsfico of our attorflevax as well as city fiflfl county
3531(3qu 3_;-1 byggfijng up this ‘:’:ractj'rae, i; this: is I‘_?rctigz‘z‘it to the »:ia'lrtentixm
of our :tternoyo_io this fencer in order that they any cooperate with our
employee, as soli as the Local szty and county authoratles. as soy be necessary%
when such asttors are caliod to their attention.
is Shell exooot aaents to solicit the assistsnoo of town, city and county
out oritics as any. under their observation, be necessary to have violations
0? the law cumin? to their attention acted upon by proper aothsrities. .
'éoursz truly,
r/y' Vac
/,.« 77 fl. '7’;

., A A ‘,I fl,
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,- , . ,, , k , K L ,, . P .)mz_ ,ML 61/.
74/7/2117 W/ififlé/mm va.///Z/LQZ/¢/Zfl//// ”ZZ/ ( "””"’“‘i’.,”"’“”.””;"ef/S
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r/ . , ,77 ,»L/n
l/mm/é My.
( /
Eetober 4, 1916.
I enclose herewith.12 copies of form of
affidaVit, Which I will thank you to have filled out and sworn
to in duplicate by persons residing in your county or counties,
,preferably by Assessors, EX~Assessors, and persons th have set
upon county boards of equalization“. Affidavits from not ex—
.ceeding 6 persons in each county of different oéoupations
Will be sufficient. ' ‘ ’
I would suggest that you take no affidavit from any person
who cannot testify that the ratio of asseSSed to real Value
of property is 60 per cent or less.'
We desire to use these affidavits in our KentuCKy Franchise
Tax Case, which is to be heard on final assessment by the Board
of Valuation and Assessment on the 17th instant.
While we haVe included personal property along with real
estate, yet if it is found that a person making the affidavit
declines to_include personal property} or feels that he has
not knowledge‘sufficient to testify in that regard, the words
"personal property and“ in the 10th line of the affidavit may
be stricken out. 7 7
Your prompt attention to this matter will greetly oblige,
Yours ve;y respectfully, .g
' , H. L. Stone," , .
. General Counsel. ~ ‘

 ¥ ’ A" .7 ,,‘ , V _.‘ -.
I, » [I .r « . V ‘ V
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/ April 253., 1917»‘
ma :5: 3;,, ‘~.:az~fie:§.<‘z, ‘ I V
» , EEiS-te thtlza, 10:“; 31‘ CO”! ‘
30313161119, Kentucky. , ; i
38:13 iii-11': I
{Ellis is to acknowledge $030175 03: U013" circular
~ “.:.-31:73:13: of “$310 15th j.i'Li“-CH..’~1“C l“’~‘»‘z§é;;’i7.il"lél tj'i'éfi eel ‘31 stionla~
Lions-t with OLo'm;s"im:¥-, counsel with .‘:“w t-G’ 1331"? 3313—3131:? 05 ~
briefs in 2531;; Court 0:; Fajl‘Z'XHYLE‘I. I thin”: the ::azgegméiiem‘ I I
’ :.’/ox: who in the ”Lotti-3r most timely an“? 3;,-trust that tiff-fly ' ~
2:311 be scrzfivzzl071.2":1gr observed {SF-‘3' 51154503711933 on the I
':‘4‘3‘, and 13515: i: am Kentucky 13177131191139
g I“ ‘.“-33111:] 41:07.1...‘53, " r
‘ . ' . {f amine—31 o “ '
. > ‘ r ‘

 $1.771; -//7
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/ /,(__ ”’1”’{’/"/””’7’”J‘ Vfl'll’"@fl/lfi/ZéflM‘fiflf/fl/fl;(lflf/E/éfflifll/ 7
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 . December 9, 1916.
12?. 51.. ’.:,ICDOI'Jele, Lisa.”
Gen. Agt., Executive Department, 3.5.3}! 3233. CO., '
Lexington, ;{entuclqro
Dear Si r:
Complying with your user-most for information 1"vzaggarc'iil1g the
'gbroperty of Liz‘s Fannie 27¢ White, 041 Wes’c Hair. Street (or the Lees
town Vice}, in this; City, I herewith hand you letter of Hr. ’3.
Smith, of the 91521 instant, With papers: thereto attaehed. This
letter and the annexed papers gives all the information I have ‘
been able to obtain regarding the aimensions, contents and value
or; the oroperty in «meet-iono
Very truly yours, -
I Counsel.

Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company.
LOUISVILLE, KY., June 7, 1917.
To Our Officers and Einployes:

Don’t you want to answer your Country’s call for help?

Don’t you want to invest your savings so that you can feel that in making
the safest investment in the world you have at the same time done your duty?

Don’t you want to be one of those millions of citizens who before june 15th
will have subscribed for Liberty Bonds?

If you do, the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company will buy the Bonds
for you and let you pay for them in twelve equal monthly instalments and allow
you 3%% interest upon your payments until you have paid the last instalment,
when the Bonds will be delivered to you.

The Railroad Company is ofiering you this assistance at the request of the
United States Treasury Department and is glad to be able to do so, as it considers
there could be no safer investment of your savings than these tax free bonds.



i -, . T ‘:<' “— Tv Tau 515*. 1917. '
Mr. Samuel a. Wilson, nonltVlltC' vl" “ ~ “ ’
Local Attorney, .

Lexington, Ky. ,

Dear Sir:«
Your attention is calle€ to the enclosures, consisting
. of an appeal by President Smith to all oiiicers and employee Of

this Company to subscribe for the Liberty Loan of 191V on the
terms and conditions promulgated by the Government, and the ape
plication for bonds accompanying the same.

The scheme devoted to be,carrie€ out by this Company
makes the payments of the subscriber on the amount of bonds sub—
scribed for easy, as the same may be deducted from the amounts
due Such oriicers and employee, including those in the Law Tepaft—
mert, 50: their salaries on the regular nay rolls in monthly in~
stallments, Thus, the bond may be paid for in the course or
twelve months, at the end of which time the bond will be delivered
to the su