xt73bk16mf8w_360 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269l] Miscellaneous text [269l] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_36/Folder_3/1723.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_360 xt73bk16mf8w s
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 January 17, 1914.
Hon. B. D. Warfield,
Eist. Atty., L & R E R Co.,
Dear Sir:—
When I succeeded Hr. Jouctt as Counsel for the Iexington
& Tastern Railway Company, there was turned over to me several
boxes of stationery which I have used in connection with my
work for the I h E. The supply so furnished no, however, has
been exhausted and I would like to obtain a fresh supply, if that
is agreeable. I attach to this letter a sample of the heading
used on the 076 stationery which was originally prepa:od for Er.
Jouett and then, so far corrected as to accommodate it to my needs.
I did not receive any envelopes with the letter heads, but would,
of course, be glad to have a supply of these also. If, at the same
time, I could have a supply of thin paper for carbon copies, they
could be used to good purpose. I suppose two thousand of each would
su€fice for the present.
Very truly yours,
by? .I/fi.
_ Counsel.

 ‘.‘ ‘/ '4 /’ I x’ ,//“ fl r //7— ’ ’ / , , 9¥ —~\ ’.' /‘/ / — f I
w/gM/zyfiflwm (Cal/WW Lm/M/fl/L/ Qaw/mmy/
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L, . fl / f A i
W, Lfiéf/fly/fl/I/ fly/
/ /
January 16th, 1914.
S. 1.1. 117113011, 13861.,
Lenington, Ky. //W /7 //.
Dear Sir:— '
Your lette oi‘ Jz’inuaijy l5th, and returning enclosure.
I believe the most satisfactory way to handle to secure the desired
result promptly would. be through 1.211“. Warfield, advis ing him just
what you want and the approximate quantity of each.
Yours truly,
M _ WM

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7‘ 1‘ d .‘ January 149 1914.
Home 3. D. Warfield, .
Eist‘ Litigag I; f: L7 R E Co., .
Louisvijle,xy. , J
39a: Sirz~
I am in receipt of your esteemed favor of'fihe 12th
instant, advising me that myvsalary as Counsel for the l & F,
Railway Company has been fixei at $250.00 per month for fihc ’
eighfi manths. commencing January 1, 1914, ané enfling Septsm-
her 1, 1914, at which latter flate the question of whether
1 the position I holfi whéfll be continuéd, anfi, if 90, upon what.
‘g fierms my cantinucd employment in thafi position sha‘l he ar-
' ‘ ranged will be fir0por matterg for decisiona
I thank you Very much for your favoraBYG consider-
‘ I atian of the matfior of 8&73ry, as heroiofirn submitted by me, I
» and I firusfi that fihe Services I am fio renficr during the period
indicatca will be commensurate wifih the compensation to be paifl
me, anfi that the Company will feel that I have fairly aarnefi
this saljmy.
Again thanking you aha wifih kinfiesfi rogarfls, I ém,
5 Very truly yours,
, I I ‘

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#2111? 7111 //¢//////yfl/ (:‘:/6%” y Z6717 e/ fl/I
/ 1/
June 50th, 1915.
MESSI‘S. ...n,".4r.'>_;_',_.._n-__l_.-. ‘_:
S.M.Wilson, City, ..ZCEEVED
V-.»v/John D. Atkinson, Stanton,Ky. _’. jze; ‘0 f 1
Sam Hurst. Beattyville , Ky. n/m v- {
O.H.Pollard, Jackson, Ky. i _ «__‘ _
{ fix. NSW’J;E<§£;D ,
‘ 1
Dear Sirs:- ~ \'”““"“"‘X—"/
Please see my letter of June 16th relative to certain
information regarding taxes in graded school districts and common
school districts in your respective counties. Can you now let
me have reply?
Yours truly, '
‘4‘? 0'
67" ’e
Lla- '-:a' . Q

 .' ~4 /////y/// (1211/ ///./W/'// //////’//% ///////////,
‘ / 2" [7 /‘1 /, “ 5?”
. ,._ 0. J/ ,,,
:3.-.5. 3.:? , .
f A ‘ 5.15.3 , :7:: ,
. '.I-'.1, : . {'~7 1'.". V it. ":5" f ':‘ " '.'

 .‘ 7;] K” . /‘ /‘ 7
\¥ / I f A (t,’ ‘\/ / ‘\‘ /4,/
V , / I /"( / d/ "”’ , , t . ' /”/ .’K W/ // /' , ' ’ fi— ./ /’ K,» I/ ' ‘/ w
. C.-/grazy/gya/wzx WM {,mx/mm flz/flfly Ufl/mzy
(J l , , / '2, /
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2”” wL/nl" /’-. ’1 / " '
,/ .:1/(2%Wy0/fl7/42 2/
’ /
June 16th, 191;.
Messrs. . ' ,M,LR~_W
/,,>S.M.Wilson, Lexington, {11”* 7.fjff;~\
’ D.R.Jouett, Winchester, ,I/7 r~““v W;' K
J.D.Atkins0n, Stanton, ; fittLQyéfé7 gizs f
Sam Hurst, Beettyville, ;/' " '“' i
0.H.Poller&, Jackson. 4’ fixiwi3\fiflvfms .
Dear Sirs:— ‘;‘Jiiizuig;ifl
I quote in part from a letter received from the Real
Estate Agent for information to be furnished the Hon.E.H.Bosworth,
Auditor of rublic Accounts, State of Kentucky, for the purpose of
taxation for the year 1913. The figures in this letter represent
the year 1912.
"The length in miles of the Main track of said Railway
in all the grease and common school districts along its course
' as ascertained from the latest renorts of boundaries iuinished
is as follows:
Fayette County, Lexington City Schools, 0.55 miles
Clark County, District 50, Winchester, 0.92 "
Powell County, District 6, Stanton, 5.11 "
Lee County, District 10, St.nelens, 7.00 "
Breathitt County, District 1, Jackson, 2.25 "
Fayette County District 7 4.51 miles
" 11 5.90
" 52 2.94
Clark County " 55 1.10
" 45 5.68
" 55 0.08
g 45 0.91
n 22 2.62
H 4? 5.06
n 44 3.38 ._
16 5.59

 ‘ ( 2)
Powell County District 5 1.52 miles
" 51 2.50 "
" 2 1.15 "
n 26 ' 1. 27 n
" 5 1.61 "
" 9 2.61 "
" 11 2.29 "
" 52 2. 51 "
u 12 2. 94 "
" 50 ‘ 2 . 56 "
~Wolfe County, H 58 2.15 n
" 8 2. 45 "
.'. 52 1. 22 H
Lee County, n 3.1 l. 80 "
n 12 2. 01 n
n 24 2.4.1 n
u 25 , l. 87 n
n 58 2.14: n
Breathitt County, " 62 1.22 "
n 69 1.52 "
n 55 5. 77 "
n 2 5.12 "
H 95 lo 99 H
Will you kindly at once advise me if there could be any
change in our report for the year 1915.
It is necessary that we have this information by July let
to be placed in the Real Estate Agent-e hands.
Yours truly,
, ' W31“
1“./417.3) I -. .,
B .

 , v f} '77“- , 7‘ "'4
‘ {:25//I Ci //’ 37%? ’7/7 ’(;2(/
“” , . I" I» 7‘ AIIC’ INI,/ . ?I I 1‘ 7 »II/I ,/, /
-. Afll/flyi/l IIIII/ (ma/x //////l/// ////////y
'/ z /“ ‘1 1»’ , // I
/ / I/Igf/ ,
.7», ,, z r . ,, \~ " ,. , M ,. , I
‘1‘/”I541. ///umy¢z. :-L/flffllyflfig/I/Z if,»
/ 4’
June 19th , J-‘-.‘lf'v.
f zuggfifigfli‘I
S. H. Wilson, qu., F s
- W“”314HM~{.“ I; '
”x - f‘ '20 ‘ /3 I
b lnt y. j Q'gfiu‘mvg_
Dag-r Sir:—- ”‘““'“" , '
Your Letter of She 18th vizh Toforcnce no mine
of :hg 16th relative to information as regards real estate in
Inyofite Counsy. What V0 flesirc so kncv is Las there been
any change in the RChOOl disrricts since our last reyort, I
vhicn v38 quouefi to you in my letter of the létn.
Ycur: :ruLy,
v '1‘.,
“ ‘v' / w "
[V S) ' I 9 ‘2’) j

 /V 2/ . ” j) , ’J/ ;// 7
11.77/71»; m”) f/U/f/fl "1 /////fl/’/// , ._ 7, ////////y '
g . /: 7 ».. , , ,/ . L 6
gmw/ J/f (”QM _Z/fl/ffl/f7fl/fl/4fl/fl/ ngan, 9i;
’ I [I i T151.
i”’.".' Tr}: , ' ' ' -' ' 6'7 ' " " ;': .,:";, "."v‘j ::fii‘fij

 / y K / a 7
4 / . 1/1/7 7/11 _ N / \, [
%wzge/ % %Zom 54/77////"/fl////l//>//fl/fl/ %mf/am, %.

 ,/ 7 fl? 7 /’ /
r/W/W/flrw/ (”Mg/w, /_/// ”fly /////////y
A / ' ,/:/f7 ’7 I \/ A n / [
y y / /fl/ (7m —//”////.f//////////////// g,”- 34%} 9g
«wig?» (,7; , t on /  7‘ V /A\ ‘ r V
:3, ”(g/é;///I)€/
:;59 17.9114.

 . L December 12, 1914.

0. Ho floorman, Eeq.,

Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:

herewith I return letter of Lhe 8th instant from City
Treeeurer of Lexington, in reference to taxes due fihe City from
the L & E for the year 1914. The statement contain 0 in the City
Treasurer's letter is correct - the rate for 1914 is $1.75 on the
9100.00. The City Treasurer's letter is herewith returned.

Very truly yours,

 T, «757/? ff)“
‘ 4. L /_/:/ ' ' ’”'/// I ‘/////’) g) ' J {5“ /> ‘ ’,/ / /
. ~ . ,. l _ /
l-7‘i/fl/r/4/rll/fl/r/7/zig.‘ /////(}//(///2, » r/ 53 7 _ )
',/’/ / I @flWmemwwm; qéézav igifyé/zk/9/xw¢¢/e/éyl517eyzdezyéyt.
fi/Mi/‘flj // /%M«/fl/1H, /
A .‘lm-L Way/'12,? ~>ltlw7zqu / {7 ,
/ ' K'KN 7 Z/ «' /' / "
//””""// ‘“rat’i/éfffnw/. =W1/Iar'Z/é/ézfi; Dec . 10th ,1914.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, U 6%
Counsel, L. &: E. R. Co. ,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
Herewith I hand you statement of taxes due the City
of Lexington by the L. & B. By. 00. for the year 1914.
Please check rate of taxation shown thereon and return
same to me for voucher.
Yours trgly,
‘ ' '“‘ ”W/I’Zf’
Assistant District Attorney.
JJD /w

 ' film/z?
/’ ,7 /,' 1 l. // ,
_ /,
.fl/lfl/émfllflf/I 7//\//(/’/:)///:/ZI/~~ ‘7’/gm flow/va/y (1W 4%; /’/€7//?/(///
mix/9.1% // //
"fif'ffiy’lngv/W’2":l/M/W-u (1:) , ' 7/ /1
x/Cmmj// ’;///'/',/::;‘/Zf/7T{mzr. JWMM/éj/jé/x Oct ob er 24,1914.
‘ [0,626 7L '
Mr. S, m. Wilson, :_,':;7'-’:
Counsel, L. 8c T4). R. CO. , ~

Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:— ,

Referring to your favor, dated October 22nd, relative to
taxes due Fayette County on the franchise of the L. 6% E. Ii. Co.

The mistake made by your county clerk in furnishing you
infnmmation relative to tax rate which he ought to have had is of
no consequence. The voucher willbbe corrected in accordance with
your letter above referred to and will be remitted in due course of

Yours truly,

 ‘3 .~’/‘5;”, //2
j i i K— ,/ . , x ,: /x) ”,7 ,, // , ,7 //‘,,./’
,. .- i. . ,. , ,/
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77%?2/5r .7/,~ r/zmflmw, I"!
/' .fitfga-ozfl.:1/lame}: /" ,f/ ‘ ‘ 2,7 / ,4
fl/““"”C//;4&%Q¢$$ywwfi Azéhwdzwéégégg' October 20th,l9l4.
Lu. 8. M. Wilson,
COunsel, L. a 3. H 00., _
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
In connection with your letter to me, dated October 5th,
’relative to taxes due Fayette County for the year 1914 on the fran—
chise of the L. & 3., please note Shelby, Northcutt & Shelby‘s let—
ter, dated October 19th, with enclosure referred to therein. Voucher
in question was based on information in letter above mentioned.
This voucher was inadvertently remitted through Mr. Shelby. Please
return enclosures with your reply.
Yours truly,
‘ _ WWW .
Assistant District Attorney.
JJD /w

 . ~ I- .
. .
. ‘ .
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October ?2, lfil4.
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bi QUaLmS, a new Hoodoo. “all n-»o we so igsand fio conform to
1."... ..., _, '. 3 ; -..' . .,. . . ‘3‘ '* .‘* ... .. - , _. L , I _
one corruob rouo oi .gog on oooh yiOo.OU :0: school ourpooos.
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‘ \
Se tomber 38, 3.9146
‘ 1 ( ..
Cafiagoomnan, “oqo, . .
Asst“ Diofia Atty., 3&fl E E Co., ' 4
Louisvillefi Kya '
Bear 313:» '
C Eoglying to yourS of tfio 16th insfiant in reference to
franchise tax 5gaingfi the L & E in favor of the City of Lezimgton
for 1314, I hero 1th refiara the yapors which accompanied your_1efifior
'to me of Leptember 10650 From then, a8 you will 5i$ooverg fihe Gity
Vta: rate for 1914 is 91.75. ’
Vesy truly yours,
Ens. . , ~ 4
Counsela ‘
. .
. y I ‘

 I $31M, '/’/2’

. ‘ K 7 . ;/:/ /// 2‘ . ,Zfi/c/D’ ./ f/ '

. . /
(K/m ”Lt/M //. /%fl"//IH/H//, /
97.9.57. flick/{fl OWMHMJC {,7 /

K ., /,.r I, (far " / I \V / :1.] ,j/7 ,2 /,,/1

(fljflldf/ %lflz(gé:fli:\4f/C!/ll. J/l/leé é’flgfl/fl/y Sept . 181? h ’ 1914 .
Mr. s. M. Wilson, 5W7; “I,
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co., -

Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:— ‘i

Referring to your favor, dated Sept. 16th, relative to
taxes due the City of Lexington on the franchise of the L. & E.

Will you kindly return to me papers which I sent to you .
with my letter, dated Sept. 10thyor advise me the rate of taxes-
levied by the City of Lexington for the year 1914.

Yours truly,
Assistant District Attgr§§§figfiiafi

. .
N I , I ~
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‘ a .. ,.,.x. , ~ .. _;“y' A.
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‘ , ‘ — - ,. u x» » I" '3 « . z ‘ ‘ .m » 1- ~ » r' -.:”: .
Jib MAINS, in Y-JLJS It“. .3 '1 Ln} 2,." .C.Ll -_3 3 L.LLX 2., ,I. L;:. .
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[y ._ :=,. .;;..‘ f. 'V '- .,' ., 1L ’ ._.3 , ,, '._ .. ‘v .,_ '~ ._ 7_
USA L;::? 1.113. 3...: :.L \3.3_C;L‘Ll§i inc} If .'.‘;«L:?«.»I.u.?~k§., Cg L IJ.J» Ga
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mtg, Cluj Lr.Lsurar, unLur “9»: LL afigvdwmfir
"A“ m »'r.-. - 4~:,L.=-z - ..: --—
‘1) 3.3:. I (2.“. .:.,.LVUS‘uLgfnngHLQ End 1.47.5313”! slug. ‘Ja’liL
:4., ., L «V myv , .., 52_. '1:“ . ‘.,}V. .L.-fl" ‘_f‘ ‘4.
{.I'.}. ax? VJC‘LL I urL.--: 1’ (3.32, wilt} .;Lzfli, ’31; m“; :,,.-.-.i'.:: 11:51::
mirrmfi m , 2 p. . [L,, ..L...
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1‘3"! 1‘,/i=7
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U . ‘ r .
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L .

 Saptemrer 11, 1914. ‘
fir. Frank G. Ott, . ‘ ‘ fl
- City Treasurer,
Lexington, Ky. ‘ ' \ ,
Dear Sir:
i V Referring to your Letter of the 5th Inst., addressed i
to the erington and Eastern Bailway Company, in uhidu you call
for the pfigfient of franchise tax an assessment of $1703.03, as
I rfiyorted by the‘State Board of Valuation ani Assessment, zhjch
‘ amounts, according to your letter, to $29.80,.I writ: to ash .-
..:z-Ls-athsar'wis is the franchise tax for the currefit-yeargvlfllfir.
If so, i call your attention to Section 49642 Kentucky Statutes,
. not
which ?rovidas tgat such taxes shallfibe due and payable intil
thirty Rays after notice of the amount of such taxes is fiiV2n
by the afficer whose duty it is tm collect the same. . , . '
' ' Dnubtless you were aware of this firovisinn when your >
letter wag writtvn, but I take leave to call ycur attention tr
it in ordfir that there may be no nisapprehansion hereafter. ' V
I shall be obliged if you will kindly supplement your
.letter of the 5th by advising whath r this tax bill is for tn:
fadr 1914, as I assume it is. I might aid,in this connection,
that it appears that the‘franchisa tax of tag L. & F. Ry. Ce. '
for 191? due the city was raid fly vouchgr of our real estate
agent February lé, 1914. . z ‘
Var; truly ycure, ‘ ' ‘
' sin/:.' _
\ _ . g '

 (“E E‘ 72m #7
_ - ;l 21%? K ,1 . m
. \ 4%/fle/éygjéZi/lé/g/%/fléfll/>Q/fl;%lfll/
”Like/TIM” )1 *Oé/j/s/Z/yi/xg/m 591224» , Q/%fl(///7 (421/ 3 " /’M7/ fl113/?2
72227434 J74 ZAWW,
/ , .flgf/kyiaz‘zx-z'cz:.:i/(meg (:7 . I]? a/
//”'”W,/ “fizzgffffizvqm JMW/Q/iflz Sept. 10. 1914.
I @Vugq fl 1‘ / \é '
a ”m?,MWMMW.“ ,
Mr. S.M.Wilson, *
Lexington, Ky' aw
Dear Sir, WW‘TE‘AH-IV V
Referring to attached papers relative to franchise taxes
claimed to be due the city of Lexington.
I am not sure what taxes Mr, Ottdhas reference to. However,
the Lexington & Eastern franchisetgresjnere, as you will probably
remember, paid by voucher issued by our Real Estate Agent, Feb.
16, 1914, and franchise taxes for the year 1914 are not yet
Will you kindly make inquiries and advise me?
W ‘ District Attomeyafi

 n \A
' C‘ ‘ ‘ ". -
femanon, SCLy, k:.ei,-.f1,....__n1_n{,g_.,.1912,1 91
Eon. Samuel H. Wilson, <\ , /
y;- /
., x7 é /;z
‘J?;1‘";'r:3"$: CO . Jami; . ,

Dear Sir:—

Answcring your lettcr of resenfi date in regard to fihe
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company's franchise flax, beg to advise
that this is the agsesement made in 1914 as reporfied recently to
me by fihe State Boaré of Valuation.

You.aro doubtless aware thyfi 30w have fihirig Says in
which to pay this.

Wogimg thai fihis is Satisfrcfiory, T an,

...” . “.,‘ “.,. J ...‘
YO ‘51. f7 N.1. U’ i, {.171u ,
‘ 77’, F.


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 ’ l , (003$) ' ‘
Frank Go 01%
City Treasurer
Lexington, $3., Septo 14, 1914.
Hon. Samuel no Eilson, / l'
Ernst 000 3165.,
l C i 13:] o I
Dear sirz- ( ' ‘
Answering your letter of reeaat aate in regarfl to the Lexing-
ton h Eastern RaiIW3y Companyts :yanchise tax, beg tu‘afivise that thia
" is the assessment mafle in 191% an reportefi Eecontly to me by fihe Sfiate
Board of Valuafiiono
Ion are deubfilasa aware that you have thirh; days in‘whieh
to pay thiSe .
. i Hoping that Lhis is satisfacfiory, I am’
- inure very truly, '
Frank Go ;fit, -
Ereagurero . .
K33“ '

 W} ('7 " '
Z / ;
“'~‘” I,
1' M .II
L'v‘."|‘1('.( Auxm‘tkfi‘fl

 . ‘ gm ' ,1' ”I. -
cx’ :V: g .
V ' - Sefitcnmer 5, 3.914.
Mr.‘ A. LicDoxzcll, ' ‘
' fianagcr L. & 7. Railfiflflk Company, .
‘ Lexington, Ky. \
Dear Sir: . ,V c
I acknowlcggc receipt cf your cf Auguat 27th, with cn- '
clcsed draft of circular to agents giving directions as to :he \
handling of lflfifll §apcr3 and grocesa achcd upon agents.
L The4aic but muanmdificathnllfithinkgnmycrto recmw
mend at thia tic}, anfl that is fine addition of the words, "al-
ways in writing", immegiately after thc words near the bottom
of the second page cf the typcnrittcx circular, tc—wit:"$nd
that, in so far as possible, it be Jane by the agent in person",
so that the ccnfiance at that pact of the circular will then
- read as follows:-
"I desire especially to impress upcn you the im- 1
apertancc of prompc notice in all cases) and that,
in so far as pcsclble, it be done by tnc agent in
person, 22,311 always in »n.'ritifilgj." - ,
If aftar a trial of this circular it should appear” ,
necessary‘tc alter or chify it in cthcr rcspccts,t1ahcan read—
ily be done, but far the present I t