xt73bk16mf8w_370 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269v] Miscellaneous text [269v] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_37/Folder_5/2225.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_370 xt73bk16mf8w , \JESSE MORGAN E? IS-A NUCKOLS ‘
gritnrlu‘ge ;It 41ng
Hay lb, 1917.
Judge: Summel Ll. Vii 1801/1, .‘ V . ' .

Les: inqton, Ky . ‘ i -' - - .
beer sir: ‘ '

The local urent at uazurd hes delivered to us a copy of a
summons served on him may 15th, issued by A.J. Witt, Justice of
the fence ct Krypton, Kentucky in a suit of Robert Heaton vs.

3 a H 3.3. Co.

Jo are not able at present to rive you any information as 4
to what the suit is about. We have written Squire Uitt, asking
him for a oooy of the statement or netition and also that he
tell us when the case will he set for trial. we soon as we
near from him, we will make you a formal docket report.

Yours very truly,
. / // w7w Mecwéri;
IAN-L ‘ '
I w

w , / ~ , m<7 u / 7
j/Uifl/vkm/M, glififififm, HQ”; QWfl/flflflfl/J/ji y/rffl/fl/ym/K/ %&/}//?/ ,_
"m”/7/////”i///q// ,.LL/MwM/Z )2; May 51, 1917
p 8 9 Z 2 8
Stepping passenger trains at Hazard Yards~
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir,

On receipt of yours May 24th, enclosing Mr. Seargeant‘s
letter to you May 22, on the above subject, I sent the
papers, without comment, to the General Manager, with the
suggestion that after he read them I should be glad totalk
with him concerning the matter, if he cared to have me do

_ so.

I did not further hear from him until this morning,
when he returns the papers with a copy of a letter he has
written Superintendent Seargeant directing that he put a
stop to passengers getting on or off trains in the freight
yards at Hazard, even if we have to discontinue stepping ‘
our passenger trains there to take on coal and water and
obtain them elsewhere.

Yours very, uly, N
M m

 ' 2:22:21- 24. 1917-
Stopping Pa senger Trains at Earth Hazard.

Men. 3. ?. Yarfield,
Louisvilifi, Kentucky.
Dear iii:

1 herewith hanfi gmu Mr. beargewnt‘s letter to we of the
?2nd instant. in my judgment, almost an; action taken will IQSDlt
in litigation, soaner or latur, and i mould, therefore, like to
have you fiircct what action ehoulfi be takenn It seems to He that
the; {Jompwy uni; 4.711"i.:ts:f=3.;" 1:41:23 the right: to mic-pt a re,ul:1t:‘s_on 14;;
which it Will not receive or discharge pnafiengezs at Earth hazard, .
ii Enwflz regulation can.iué eniorcnfi. {Hui hiyficulty about it,
11021134393, will be that while firm-1:43 (are) standing there thaws living
in that Vicinity Will find same May to get G33 01 the grain, even
if they have in GIan ant cf the winflmvs, and it will be almost
a3 diziicult to keep piufilc oifo I an unnuming that these are
not voutibulo firnjnfl. If is is deter fined to out out thin wimp
for yuafianger purpasas, I msuld SH 393% fihut a Sign he nut uw
Sixatirg; th5fl; ii; is 1u3t 5.;m1935u51017 st’ .‘,' The: 1 ‘3 ”"’-'." ("'3 1‘ W"‘ 4‘1 r3
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Jm‘xr tru; 33:; 3333- , .
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' k-‘Atnfi UL
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 E — J7 >~ 3260
l / 2 /, //- r’
y. . . / / /,, / I ' ,
~ /» ,/ »’5 ),/ / V,» / /’
~ 5-,/61éldl/é m a (x) mam: a m WW
@ 7x % z / g“ - -
(Cf/k} fill/ta 14m may Alma/Maw
””2 (// 'Z’mM dhlh/fi
/«/m¢;¢ ~ mmmmmz z; .
(Q KL / ‘
jmz/mzmg, % march M*~ 1917-
‘.' S ‘.'P'l Ll WHU’)'2 fl"; _ m .
::r~. a1 ‘ 1.1-0K1, IN YOUR REPLY REFER [LOO iypo
jomse v . TO DATE AND FILE NO‘
Lexzngton, Ayo
“88.!” 3111;-

J- enclose herowith blue print C'—lOZ», showing: the tracks, rig:1;i—c::"-we.y,
location of couniy road, etcs, at Typo, Kyo, from 9 point at the south switch of
the pnsain: track to a point worth of the underpass at the mouth of First Greek.

There has heen ghown in Yellow on this blue hrint the road which ihis Company
has constructefi from ihe mouth of First Creek is the prehcnf depct. You Will
note thi the County Road is on +he opposite Side of tho river and I am advised

fihat there is nofi, ahfl has nevov Peon, a roofl on {ho opposiie (or east) side of
our trnrks. You may retain this Driht.

Note the looatfov of store an& residence of James Drake on ihe east siée of
our tracks and right-of-way ozpcsite cur depot, I speak of operating direction,
it being southbound from Lexinfifion LC mcRobErts. This man purchased property,
as I understand it, aftrr we had our right—of—WRy and he is on the mountfiir side
of our track and it will he very inconvenient to our service for us to open cars
for accommodating him crossing our tracks and fUrther increase our liabiliiy to

1 others hy permittin" such crossing. If ii is legal for us to maintain alosed
2 roadway and he he requirod to seek other outlet, I desire that it he done.
.‘7 ”swag; :;:.wf-fifl'hvhw. H '~ ‘ *‘NMMAUJ; >m""“~7""".§P'$WhmywaL,

This was referred to our attorneys, messrs, Lornan & Nuckols, without blue
print showing some, and they advisei that it was their opinion that we are not
bound to give this man a crossing at th9 point he is asking for it, nor at any oiher
poiht: however, they suggested it might be well for us to refer the matter to the
Chief Counsel.

You will ohserve that beiveen tho depot find the store and residence of James
Drake We hQVé four tracks, vim., the houae firaok nexi to the depot, main track,

 . . - .__ o _
Er. Safi'l M. Vilscn march 70th, 1917.
passing track and storage frock, This storage track recessarily musfl be used
for the storinw of em?ties for supplying ihe mines on fihe First Craek Branch;
a]sc for +he :tnrqu of loads aftar they are pulled off the First Creek Branch
A n v I ‘ c l l“ n
at n1¢hn avaltlnr movpment by through frelaht trains. lhe p3581ng tfank must
necessarilr 19 used b' trains in meetin; and Jassins at fhet Joint and the? have
3 a J
to stanfl on that track while awaifiin* the arrival of the train to he met or
prssed. Thastgraf‘r'. of’ cars; on the house crack, of‘ ccurse, '15:. Such a: '1183' be
DEGGSS?Ty to transacf th? bnciness at that siaticn, and the main track ?or fihe ‘
operafiion of trains. Thus you can sea what a very great inconvenience to the
\ service a private crossinn f0 Mr. Drake's store anfl residence would be ts the
r , , .
\operuticn of our husiness a? that point.
‘ I, therefore, i? can lenally decline game, desire to do so to the fullesi
MWMLR -;‘J.:—w»psrm 1“ "“flffll’fii' W W "'33" :V'M“ A “S :fidfiml
extent of protecting our righfis. f192236 afivise.
Yours tru33, g;
u . 1 / / ...»4
/'\ -' V /’-’I
_ 1‘ n
‘ . A «Wuxmw. ’/
I V ,, _ :4..» . L, {a ,
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Marc 11-215 t-1917 V " -- .
My. Samuel M. Wilson, '
Lexington, Kentucky
Dear Sir:-
ihe Roadmaster writes on March 19th as follows:
" Please éind out from our attorneys wheth