xt73bk16mf8w_380 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269ff] Miscellaneous text [269ff] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_39/Folder_1/2629.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_380 xt73bk16mf8w H. L. Williamson,
905 East Kain Street, Lexington, Ky.
Birminghtm, nla., Feb. 24, lOlS.
Mr, Sam Wilson,
Lexinston, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

I recently learned through Ir. John I. Stueky's kind
thoughtfulness, of the orooosed swooiutment by Hr. J. J. Donahue,
of the In el Denertment of the 1&3 of a law Cleim Lgent st Lexingu
ten, for the Ian and Ldfl railroads.

I do not know that this oosition is within your field as
counsel for the 1&i railroad, but my desire to obtain the nosition
elevated me to write you regarding it any way. .

Perhans you may not rec 11 He, and if this is the case,
olcsse eull Clinton Herbison, John Vance or Hatt. Melton over the
'Phone, end I am sure that they will be gled to tell you about me.

is to my nualificetions for the nosition; I an a graduate
of the University of Virginia, close of l907, end was in the office
of Allen & Duncan for one year. I shall be glad to have you
sneak to fir. IMnesn in this connection.

For the nest several years I have been traveling sales—
man for the West 3ublishing Cor any, and an new so emnloyed, being
their ilsbamu salesman. I: home and family are at lexinflton, and I
an very desirous of returning, esoeeisliy to engage in any Work that
is legal in its nature.

ilthourh the salary that I understand is to be offered,
is not as much as I have made in the nest three years, I think the
position would be a steo in the right direction for me and I an very
anxious to nrocure it}

I hone that you will not feel that this is too great an
intrusion on you, and I shall certainly greytly awdreciate anything
you may do for me in this connection.

Yours very truly,
(Signed) Herold l. Williamson.

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Hon. jalauar1leld, ~
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02311 out that his e5111ces can we Ciflyudihfl u1bu “11hOUu uCiLlflDflt
13 the interests 01 the Gomgany.
AR requnetofi, I m1 h rcvitl roturninq hr. Spencer’s
,V '“’ ,.,_..- ‘.._ . _‘. .;-— -.
GAO. Ve1g bfulg yours,

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// // (W l?/Z(/H’.%g€ll (. ..\fflZJ/JJZZ/é, % \
* Nov. 25, 1914.

W Z? ‘ "7‘
Juflge Samuel M.Wilson,

Lexington, K”. ’— 7
Dear Sir,

I sent you copy of my letter November 16 to Mr.

Charlxs F,Spencer.

Enclosed I hand you his lefter to me November 24, which,
after reading, you will please return.

You will observe he declines to consider the suggestion
that he assist in our law business in powell. county in consid-
eration of an annual pass on the L.& E.

We will have to get along the best we can without

I Yours truly,
Di Strict At to :nejf.
Enclo. J

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.f§%?%¢f”VL§2éfiéigfiéggar lgééy'.::nyézzi/§7iflazZZ/éawhj7éZIdbvyfiée. 3
'éflm/er/u // / 75105
fl emf/febom..:/Wm: / 7 , , ..
;”7545 /(////////r/// N 9.1914.
We: M is ./ 9%
Judge Samuel M. Wilsefi, PERSONAL. ’
Lexington) Ky. ,. ”H M~
Dear Sir:-

Please refer to my letter to you Feb.10,l913, informing
you of an arrangement I had made with Mr. Charles F. Spencer, Winches—
ter,Ky. to render to the law department or this company such services
as he might be called on to render in 31ark,Powell,Wolfe, Breathitt
and Lee ceuntiee. The arrangement was by the year from Feb.1,1913.

I have the impressien that the Jempany is getting very little,
if anything, in the way of services from Mr. Spencer. Is this
correct? If not, please let me knew what mervices he is rendering,
and as to what you think they are worth, not in flollars and cents, -
but generally speaking. The thought running in my mind, in con-

‘ §mection with the hard times and the rigid economiee the company is
\finding it NecNNN;:;W£Q NEE; at thi; time; i; NaétheN or not we
!might terminate the arrangement with Mr. Spencer, at the end of
his present year, to wit: Feb.l,1915, without serious inconvenience
or detriment to the company's interests. What are yeur views?
Yours truly, >4
. x /\ /
fl @4 ‘ ,
Diotzict Attorney,

l ._ - ////)/V/¢///Jéz/éo /////// rt/fl/ki/flm/y
,') - . fwtfl~ 2 I
e/dwg/mmI/LC/If Z/(Vg/lfl/J/ “7 ()7) V , _ / a», . . 7 »
,,j ,, ,, ,, ”"17"" WW?" sill/l”c111'1%(1/(2fi7’267’2/é/(12‘1V/Zfl/fix/Md'g/fl‘
“ fiflmk/fld» ///; .7 7%0 MIMI/m /'
913257. (1)/3mm fi/Z/Iqu; ( 7
5' , F'fii :7 j; , ,/7 [,7
(rum-.J' ’:'Joufléwe: ‘ ’ I , m n
// (/ ('filfl/Zauu‘We/zt. ;‘ -, F:./Waldfifl/kC/Zfl/I Feb' 10’ """lo'
"'./é, fiflI If _
L /
?.JX{29~/g; L3:
Judge Samuel M.Wilson, i .:, ‘,
, 1:;; /3

General Counsel L.& E.Ry.Co., ‘V“ ‘3‘!»7 '

Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Under an arrangerent we have nude with Mr.

Charles F.8pencer, attorney, Winchester , Ky., he is to
render such services to the law department of fiiis company
or the L.& E. as he muy be Called upon to render, in
Clark , Powell, Wolfe, Breathitt and Lee counties. There-
fore, I would like for you to avail yourself as frequently
und.fully of his services as you feel it is to the interest
of the companies to do. I shall have to leave this to your
govd judgment.

Mr.Jouett tells me flint S encar is a good lawyer
uni fiist lie thinks you will find you can utilize his
services to considerable advantage.

I have written him that you will probably have a
talk with him in regard to the matter shortly.

Yours truly,
./,4 4/ I \ l
“I ,,,/X/ I, l/J 1 (11v, 1%, ,7 _,4 '1, 34/
’ . ./ .
Dist/got Attorney.

 ‘« _»__..-(’//7///7%// ”M/ / .//,//fl/7/ MAM/H, /, /‘/// r////-z/
., . , I
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gamue/ % W740» fi/flf///_l//J////l///Zfl//,/ 3W0?” %.
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" 0:117 :1 <‘é,‘“j_f.
if \IK' ' W13 " :‘::7‘ that: :71' 77:13 1171'}- ;?A',:€:'1;:;,:“.f:
37.1“. r" . ‘.':_w.':“<:>i‘;I; i 1;": i'. iii-:::: ' a " J? 15:3, 3.351
01f ' illic“f.‘, ":.:'::_fi:_:_,;;:‘f‘1j;;‘, 72 ’13:? is" 5.2%) :2 3 ‘1; f; i 1",”: '.3 "
‘35:. .’:‘t.- UTL‘i:f'7vf"f"' 0." 11:11;- ’ 4 " 'Ig ., ' a ' ': I; :33: "5.1.51-

_ ” ‘ December 26, 1914.
, Mr. J.J.Donohue, x -
Louisville,Kentuoky. _ ‘ ,
iJet-.::? fiir:
I acknowledge receint of your favor of the 19th, with
/. enclosure enfi also your memorandum of the 24th instanfi to me on
letter adoreseeé to you by 3;. M.E.Combs, of Hazard, all in regarflv
I to transportation for the uife and eieter of 3r.-Oombs from Browden,
Ky. to Hazard, Ky. These papers are herewith returned to you. ‘ h
2 flince you first wrote me on the subject, 1 have had the mat~

, ‘ ter up with ME. fieBowell ane on the Zith instant; he wrote me a let-
ter which is herewith eneloeefi anfi which speaks for itself.

' ‘ i had no eesire to run counter to the judgment of the .
Hanager of the L e E of/eny :ule'of action reepecting such matters
which might have been adopted by the Company but, for reasons which
Seemefi is me to be sufficient; I took the_liberty in this instance of

. recommenfiing the grefiting of the traaSportation requestefi of me by Dr.
l Eombs, which, as I unioretooa, was fiesixeé for himself and wife. I
fieke entire reewonsioility for the ieeuins oi‘the gags in the first
inetenoe. , \ > ‘
Yam have doubtleee notea the stZtemont in Dr. Combs’ letter
7 to you of the 13th instant where he sage - ”I will not trouble you ~
again about passes." Upon the strength of fihie assurance, I would _
efivise that the afiditionxl neeeee he has regneetea be gr nted, but,'
at the same time, I want to 35$ that it woula Sake a eoofi deal to

‘ influee me to exert myself in the same way in his behalf in the fufiure.

- He neither writes nor acts like a man capable of appreciating favors.
enee. Very truly yours; i
_ , SEW/a ’ , ‘ Couneel.

 ‘ .
L " "
. Tsvcyi'xfrfle’l' 15'. 7 ("74
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,//m.(¢ye/z. A piggy/fl” /y
/’ (
December 5rd, 1914.
S. M. Wilson, Esq.,
Hazarfi, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I hand you herewith pass in favor of Dr. Combs and wife
as requested. Please do not overlook talking to me about this.
Yours truly,
{ 96? "“J
,r’ .4 ’5/
V X (Ew/ / £67
XV “7 ‘na: ~ ,
B. ‘
Encl.VAL.¢ ..

 ‘ I December 11, 1914. >

Hon. B. D. Warfielfl, _.

Louisville, Ky.
Lear Sir: '

I acknowledge yours of the 10th instant in reference to
recent request of Mr. L.N.Eields for annual pass. Unless Mr.
ficDowell or fleesre. Wootton & florgan advise Fifferently, I have no
iurthnr suggestions to offer in connection with this request.

Yours truly,

 . 81501 . 7%))? "//7
77 . . / //_7 /‘. ,.z/"(fj , / I.:/o7
7. I Ira/awn e //u» ”by :, ,.MIMMI JIM 145/;
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, , L 7 /, ”1“”W ”WW Jaw Qfl/zr/z/xw/n/f/M/flwz/Zéaé/ ‘
§flriflfflj -// fl! 7,7/211.74,
.‘Zf‘d’f. 10mm” all/0mg»: __
/T , (7C3 /fl / 7 , . 11,4
x / bfl‘l-l/td; , u 3 ,
//””l€J(/q(?/I;p/'Zfllfl(\/f/Efi /. J/(ld/Z/l/fétfl/U Dec . 10 , 1914: o
u / 7 .
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel L.& E.Ry_Co.,
Lexington, Ky,
Dear Sir,
I have your letter December 8 covering copy of Mr,
L. W. Fields' letter to you Dec. 3.
As I understand it, his proposition is, in effect,
that if we will issue to him an annual pass such as we issued to
him at the commencement of this year, he will abstain frmn
taking practice against the company, but he does not undertake ,
to render the company any services in consideration of the
pass; nor, under the arrangement we have with Messrs. Wooton
&lEorran, assisted locally by Mr.Day, do I suppose there are
any affirmative services of consequence that Mr.Fields could
His proposition does not appeal to me. We have
. never made it a practice, as to the L.& N., to keep lawyers
from taking cases against us, by furnishing free transportation,
and unless there is some good reason for pursuing a different
course with respect to Mr,Fields, of which you and Mr,McDowell
shall inform me in due course, after conSulting with Messrs.
Wootoon & Morgan, I shall leave the matter where it is.
Yours truly, 7?
' / fr/ // ,.
// 2? i , ”. n
. /f
District Attorney. of
l - .. . ‘ “7
Copy ful Mi,V, A4 McDowell,
Manager 34.1% E. Ry, CO .)
Lexington, Ky_

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VVHWES } . fiY. 2
,2 fie :1
n ‘1 Y I.. ‘15“
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T41 t. t , N, ,
9%4 gt g December 0rd, i914.
‘11! "A2,“ :
f H*.
. {a Hon. Samuel W. Wilssn, _ AKA“ “é%
Lexington, Ky. ‘ Y 2
Dear Sirrm . _ ' ~
Having started with Judge Jeuett at the very outset
in scouring the contracts fer :he eight of way and holdifig
this accusation until a short time ago makes me have an intu-
itive interest for the Eompany in anyygpQQroversy that Comes
up and for this reason and on ecceunt Li the many little
eeurtesics extended tn each other by the employees in the
different capacities F Huxid prefer an annual pass3 such as
. I have heretofore held to the practice secured from the citi-
zens oven tncueh the amcuut realized misfit be in excess
7 2. {,2
from a money standpoint, of what I would receive from the use
of the pess.
In the event you think the matter north your con»
sidetaticn I shalL be glad to hear from Yfiuf&%%%(? Z3 ZQQZL€/'
/Z' éfltgg [Zhézrfltj €2¢“42514“17'%%¢°°f
/’fi1/‘/ c ‘LY. .L‘Lfi ‘3' e 175' L i“ big" a
/ W

 IAILEYHF. WOOTTON JESSE MORGAN ,’,/,__"..-j: ...__—___\‘
l WOOTTON 8: MORGAN {X h ‘:. bti 'V’ED
Aiiumgwbéim i Lows/c) 191/44...,
- HAZARD. KY. ,2 g
Oct. 9, l9l¥.~»——4e44—~—~—2’
S.M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:
fours of the 6th relative to the pass of Miss Ora.
Day from Whitesburg to Owensboro and return, received. A pass
was sent to Miss Day from Whitesburg to Lexington and return.
and I would be very much pleased if you would arrange transe
portation for her from Lexington to Owensboro and return. I
instructed mr. D.I. Day to wire you when Miss Day starts so
you could meet her at Lexington and manage her transportation.
I trust that this will not be asking too much of you, as we
necessarily have to be governed'by the wishes of people in
Yours very truly,
M W m
\ ._ J

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TE‘ "if- t ‘2 rx'fi‘x ’ “'" *1":‘- 1w “.7 :‘17‘7 <5 ,
' 1101111521}. .9

 , ' ‘ V ' ' I FORM l—Revised July, 1909 . ,
. ‘ . Messages which larebappnrentlivbuunefcess‘sirg, oft thatdcgiultd ge seqt tbydTfitfinlefafl' willtbte t‘rapsmitted :md
. ., . ~ ' 1 ‘ ' .
TELEGRAM “we“ ”“"‘” L“ ”messeeri‘likflndéefiéifi‘Mm‘éefi‘spéfré’uf;ifs.i’m. “‘“‘”‘am" “mm“ TELEGRAM
' “.7111 'r. esbm‘g ZLO~ 5f:- 14‘ ‘ ,
, / _ ,
, ' S M Wilssn/
~ Was ;niséakar: 3.:; 1::) date Ora. Day want ad i pass see‘ H T Day letter
10th will r1. 0 ‘ , ‘
‘ Jesse Morgan
. ., .
. 8 5415.; M .

 H. T.‘ DAY Rszffiiawjrg
WHITESBURG. KY1..1MQZ+%% _. .. ..191 ¥
r35“ ,._ 1. WWZZQS/f 1 ; ~.1s1‘3'1‘g- ‘V'“

{‘3‘ I M $1,; ;\ fl: " ‘ .
X.” 94W W /25./:44' M %M
1%. W a .7.—..; garage...

J-W 7t 7;. fl. @ flméa 4% fl
6631/ W J Axe/..._ W m p%—4‘fm

~ -
/ gai'k-NAI; ‘L/ «October 5th, 1914:.
\ Y’iri c: .,.) ‘
‘ musWr-firr a,
- . . i ' r

Mr. 8. L1. 37118011, ‘:\ \0’

Lexington, Aentucky. Vflw

Dear Sir:

Enclosed I hand you letter £10er JUDGE H. T. Day, of
Whitesburg, Please have this “ass sent immediately to I.Er.
Day, and you say to ’.'Iarfield that this pass must be sent no
matter how many igterstate commerce commission men are in the

Very truly yours,
WWW w Mame

 2..: :1. 1. 1 . . ‘ . . . _ 1 .
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