xt73bk16mf8w_383 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269ii] Miscellaneous text [269ii] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_39/Folder_4/2840.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_383 xt73bk16mf8w / ,



‘ February 7, 1916.
Hon. 8. B. Tarfieli,
Ii t. Att3., G & M 3 R Co.,
Tefzal‘ Pit“:
03 today, I finlivsréd to Jufge 3011ard the thOUSDDfl mile
E & N ticket, good between Joxingtum & Mcfiuberts, for the rsa of
Juflge Jacnflrav£01d, of Bruathitt County, and, at the same, aéEreised
to Jufige Pollard a lattwr, oi’which a copy is herawith rncln¢96.
I Twfl,iave 11119 mill. sottlta the rmmttar iVni the iimaeéiate.lfiwture.
Very truly yonrfi,

enc. Counsel.

.. . my 'r -._~“.~_I.-~wwr '7 'v "v (3‘
- .15).. um...“ I 9 LC. L1):
. .' . r ‘-.‘ 1‘ ~1 ‘I V. ‘

Judge u. a. Mo Li.€:.1"< ,,

Y—, ,. , l " , ‘ ‘ , .-«

d..;{:kfi'0,’gx may; Shaky o

fixmu. :.‘-,..}.

Jihiyj‘ uhfgg‘b.

“_.m 73:: .fi J. ‘v.4,‘} 4' , .,,.. A. ... r '. .' . '- " ‘ - ’
mg... m. Lin ...-Mu“ ZyV-Ju mg: x.h£::.».8u,:ot‘ “1.1:“: t, ::.rJSW't it). ”5:296

‘._ I)“ '" v: 'r ‘.‘.» M A ...-H ‘ " .L. ... . " _ ..‘. ‘.. . ., ‘ ' “~ 1 - ‘

..1? ..I. .: LC .s Va.“ 39%”! Duncan. .521:'._:!L,L\):1‘. ‘.;.ZK; .zor.:}m.zrt:-, ‘:':‘51..L{:h
'P‘. .13;“ .A‘ y» I v 15% a-‘fiI‘I (3 .‘w 7 ‘:‘ T 'X-W" “‘~L-‘1 ’ H ' "
m 1.,.m. ..fi ..1, you. 2 wire-..1:- fm. envy: u. .‘.1..-wgrL, m .:.;sesufghlzt

{3012th 'F. ::’?th. +117C~t Fifi”? fix}: Ta T hufl-"l 2757" ‘ 2w“ '4" »r " ‘4‘ ' -'~‘ 7 ’

‘4 - .,. ._ ‘.; .. . . J. ..A . y ~. l.-(} «I 0.; .‘.II; 3‘.: 1‘ Rh. uzzunary

, r 3 ‘.,... ,fi . _. .. ..I ‘ ,., , .9. M .

».. \- rv f;'»‘f‘€‘..£<.v(."~.1 + .— _«x ’:‘” 3". _1....2 ' ‘ .». -

2 , .... L H (W..... WI... .,(‘t i}; 1}! .::... ..4.’-;& Lu: :1;, .. i.._LJ (:17 IzttUi'k'L‘Efc." in

”A..?” _,. . ‘.... ’..‘ 4|. 4.1...) ..,..." .. .3.: .. . 3'“ . . : .~. -. : “1 , . , ,., . m '-‘ - ' ‘ ‘ ' “

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:3. If"; :.1. .::-,1 ;‘.th i t S 3 it?»

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arm (I) if! :4 {fr},
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«13:23 1'5.

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\ Q) . /// /// / , mfi) // /:f/
‘ (I/l/J/V/fl/f fl}//////fl -///. i/I/mv ////////W! .I g: , 1 1
‘ ”‘if-(h .1 C' ,:r / 8 , / é
‘95)1172/21/277/7/2g7 %l?/?(/62 * ‘~ ' " ' 7
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,,: /,W,@WWMWWK .Q%fll£2fiflmkflfieflfl/ba/hwuhméya
%fifli/I’J J74 r/éfi/lni’IZfl/ilq /
3119.371. 01.1%ka film/75415 ,7 _ '
K? r767 ,7 /’7 . 1/7~2““
gyneJ/gflmm/m” < ./, —; , g
fl// (' (WM/[WRfififlfi QzfiangZflé%t<%%’ January 89, 1916
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
My dear Judge Wilson,
In View of the fact that an anti—pass bill will be
enacted at this session of the Legislature, so that after
thisfiyear we will not be able to issue any free transportation
of the character of that to Judge Crawford, and in View of
your recent letter stating the result of your conference
with Judge Pollard on this subject, I concluded to ask for
another mileage book for Judge J.O.Crawford, with the
understanding that he will not ask for another one this
I herein hand you the mileage book, which you will
please forward to Judge Pollard for delivergto Judge Crawford,
in accordance with the understanding above suggested.
Yours very truly; " I
u _ . . . ’//./I
, _I /‘i 7 fl . .
., ' / IN“ ,‘
District Attorney,
,- " 2;. ,. , ,.5 {if V , ':.: .,'u 1: r . .J..
_. \Q. r ., , g .. I ‘ _' I I

‘ ,
. I‘ \
. January LE, 1916.
. ._. . . ... ..
Hon. 3. .V. Warriem,
"I. 3 J. - 1‘ n 1 1‘ "\ ‘
lilgto li-bt31t, .1) 6C .1‘}- .‘t 3‘. (.109:
Loni. r". vi l": ,, 3i s: '.1-tr. sky .- .
Dear Elf:
-~ .I. .- .I J. .1 I .» ~. ' -I ‘I' p,_ “'.I. ,.‘,"
d... 2.1,: Last»: trip U0 Jamcson, I. toes up with. sue-gs .I.-alla.d
~ . ,.‘.: .“' .. , . ‘.. .‘ .- ,'.., .ré - r,- 7 pg... 7 r :'\_ ..,./I . ,1
the HUSH-Lion or rcrnemng {.I.-ileum? in savor 0111‘.» I). I..rn..iO.I:-o..
I m“7V-."l . ‘ r‘ 1 L‘. r 2 ix "H >-/, "m ,'.‘-I‘ ‘ V ,'s‘" q ; 'Tfi "n: I: "( -3,‘::-:'¢ r) '- ""(‘1‘)"<"‘~ Vrz.
. I“‘.AIIAHIILH. bis-w; JI. I: .'.wiu.‘..:u .~.L).C' ..11..'.:,F1.g....- “..1-l ..7-...uI..7;.1\, 1;.‘lea,e‘3;-+VI>
and that the L)r)1's’l’z)FT31:T is dismal.Incrd 2:0 ;t'Ismt "fiflgswge 13". (3:353:25: of
- ,,,.n .J-. . ' '.' .,,L‘A,~n .‘3 Z ’.'-, I‘.... .V.“, ,,. ,,.i‘.‘ J I.
this .333.I,.;as.::.a~.:. I. .ElulbflugL 21%.... to .11.: 1.22.1!” m..-:~.:‘;-: he. ;:..Ith use
some :I..:.<3‘Is::"2nr3-a frog. 512.4559. Gsfsix‘i'ozffi heifer >iII.‘I:I'I.<‘I.., that.) :II.:I ‘..'-3117.21. )3
‘J.. -\ ... ‘.: (:'.- ‘ . .. ‘., -. -. ..‘}‘g ,... ,.,‘. a. .4. ,‘..“ .~.,‘7 . —, "' I. ,. . ‘._..-q, ., ,'. ..,. , .,
(30.11:. .‘7.”. {V_./115:3 .iHrgfIUflH. ..;h’ adding I,I.L. 9.1.7. -_.;{1§,<3 ..‘..).g' I.-L‘: U:L.I'3.Ilu '.‘-,’.};l_v_,
' 'T’ . .. '.I , . '_- ... ,. ,. " ‘ . . ',, .,. . -».« _,. . .’: ,. ._ _\ ‘
that .'.. 1"“07176‘. 31:11“? to 5‘3..'.~‘§.'.1‘I more was ;'--.-.;;..I.‘i. ..:...ij.4_-.r::~‘.‘. so: :I. .:.-«n ess,.‘
I an ted-AI.V 1r. (I‘r of a 19.674.113.33? ITO”; Judie: f7::I‘..l.:'.:"l
'. _3 .-, 'I. w ._ ., .. ..".’ . .. ..'.‘ ...”...a. .r... .... . JAM _ . .: .. . '..L,..
in wow. :19 1152-35-3 we. I.:).Llasasswg .L- mus-.,.». 1:,.::.3....es.._2._.s; this I:l(.:,l;sr:l‘ ~
‘7“. J.......I I. _.. ...... .... , ..A -i ...' .... . .- . . .,. .r- ...... .
!‘Jlfllr%.I._(.3..hF‘I LIIC} ~51]; .L ;L; Li. (.OICVEM.C(s‘cluli ‘..’...‘I. :'.I. J l.L(3;‘..t:.I-’Jr.1
. » 1" ’ ‘ ...' »~ '-’ T ~ .- r-n T ., .‘—:—_<-s-=”‘ »., ‘ -" .‘,, -. ~~ \ . “
.,., we. :,I..;Inllc§;.LlC)Is oi end-...I; u. .,. Jess-‘.Ioro lo; 2. 41.11.31 :21
.." I. - 3' . T . _'. _ .1 ~ ‘.'..LH.“ -... ...I). ‘1 i , “... .-
C.-. r1151 1:1,I_Ls+.‘1,;-rw, .L LBJ/+3 LIF.!_..EI’1 UM; 331;.LULZ;J. ‘..'.1. 1’1 t.uil;';,(a Vitus“
-- _ _._- \ ~ ._ ._ ,.L .'I I... . ,. , . '; '.,. , ..
lose 21.1-ong bhz— lulu. 5::‘./.:1§‘,'\.=§:.L~.:k' my you .1111... 11:; says the
..,., ~- ‘.. . .~ .A .». ‘.. —~"'. .. -,. ,,.... -.. .~-. I.. 1? '.I
_._ ..’}.8-1112 1.;... usrsn mo .I.-I12... 1’:.I..I-s.—..<..;-,<.. ls.» ._:I'Uf’ti .I.-e 1.51:; 11210.62: the
.1 ' , ‘ , .‘I. . s. A. .I_... . .. . _ . ,,,." . . .,. ..
IIOCCSSJ.'E:.I TIC LELILLE lltmglujjlb LLIyS $0 JJfi)iJ.I-.-.UC.-1i Wham-.3 he
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MS !L’hI 1:. :.,; 71.1,._”71;,.;;t u_. :I. _g)iI.( ;,_«.\:|..dv.3’l, J_Uf NLE. {31851.3 JLG
WILL IinH. 09 film; to :'socoivo :.‘: rezs.:3«.>n.rm.1..: {;:mrmm; of
__|,. ,_ _ 14' .1 .,I .“ _. _‘ r. . .._ L .:I ...... - ‘,., . . 1;
?..Ilsaire .'..'. tfl’) 0..:.1c:.les~ ears: .0 strum“ 11‘...
fr“, - .:. .. s, ._ ,_Jn .r.‘ 1.» . s.= .. .,.,., - .. . .... ‘:'
maul. “11:3 :flLrIiL-lfl 0.; Lin: 4.01112031215 (‘.?.fi‘llsh'fil’lizfi, ...
+.,:.‘_ .7. 4 a - ” ‘.~-I . .~ L. ,..,1 ,c 4. .‘..‘,1..-. J‘~~~ »..
n11;.1x.. d .:.Lt’lll. 0:)- ‘.uf.‘,—I..L LU 3...: 31.-r: (.’. tilflufiidlx. ‘._ler HUM). 1J1 4.9.0;
. T'.—1,». ‘ ..7..,” «..J? «= .‘.n, "‘. ‘.’..J»..: ..L «‘ \‘1J ..\".~".Iv -_
of .1... a; granny-,., m. I.: .1: 1.’;1) (is;- 1.1110 b um<2.I.:.;.1.r=3-..s. that
' . .. . ”1,... _ . .I I.'- ., _ . .'I_ .1 - ,..,., , . 4~‘.».~ .._,..,..s'. _ “N.l. . II ' I.
11. 1.1.5”) 03.21, 11.-.:I :.1.§(D.‘»‘,.-' L’s-t “.'.icil. U: third mun, ;AuJu (.J.; In.
- - ~ u ,. .‘. ... .....v, .., ” 4", ‘ _ I..' .. ' .. .3 II. 1. A '.._ . tw‘
03. m: .. . «I..-.:. sure. who. ......l. .32.; .L.
'.s' ... r. ,.,1 . ._.“-s -
”visa h.’.i-‘. 1.;; (bu/u; 5..
:..IH'I': /,1
". ‘ ,‘
v0111£3¢l .

 . 3 January 25, 1915.
, Jufige 3. H. Pollard,

Jackson, Kentucky.
Ben? Sir:

I have yours of the 251th instant, in reference to renewal
of railway; in 1:1-non: 0: Jaime .’J Csxniv'rford and an ‘.'ax'ri‘izing; Lair. Tier-
ii 1:16; in :‘~.-';r:-3::::-I:«:nco 'theroi‘v'itho You till. he jpz'or'mtly advisram; oi? the
out. 2; one u

‘ Very :'::xz'uiy yours,
:33 iii/:2.

Counsel. 5

~ OLA—d "
/ 3% /4,
Jan 24, 1916.
Judie b.-l.‘f.’ilson, ' - . _
Lexington Ky.
Deer Judge:-
///heferring to our recent conversation with reference to the
application of Judge J.O.Crawford for s renewal of his mileage, I have
taken the matter up with Judge Crawford along the lines suggested by you
and he says the reason he used so nuch mileage last year he was under the
necessity to make freduent trips to Lexington where he was under treat-
ment of a physician, for his eyes. He will will he gle. to receive a res
sonsble amount of mileageii if the officials care to furnish it. \\
. x”-_~)
Kindly take this matter up with the legal department at once,
and if after all the correspondence ind explanations I have made about
0 w - Czlre v u - - a
this matter they do not are to issue this mileage please edv1se me
pronptly so that I can tell judge Crawford that the matter is closed.
Yours truly, ._ _
. “ TA'.‘\
1 ‘x , . s 7 ’ —)//‘ /‘ r 1 ii I: 2
/ , / JV

 . . 1‘ _ January 1, 1916..
Judge 0. 21. ?o‘zjfnrd, ‘
Jackson, Ky. __
Dear Judge: '

I have yours of December 30, 1915, in reference to
renewal of railnas‘gta in favor of Couuty Judge, J. O. Craz-si'ord
Before I can take any further act-i on touching: this request,

I will have to confer \.'.-'i"‘c;h you ;';!>I'Gcn19.].l;7 or: the mag-Jet.
This I have to do fiuring‘r, the 90:11:15 week.
‘29:"; 151111;; yours,
51.3.2? ,"3 .
Satan: :1.

 O‘H, POLLARD ' 7Q<€ .
“22:25:35“   ~ .3, M-
.. ‘1”“\ ._

December 50th, 1915.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge:

I have received a letter from Mr. Wariield enclos-
ing mileage for sheriff 1. 3. Spencer but have not received
the mileage for County Judge J. 0. Crawford which I requested
some weeks since. Will you kindly write Mr. Warfield and '
have him forward this to me at once. Judge Crawford Calls
on me three or four times a week and inquires about it and
as I heve received no definite answer from the legsl depart-
ment on this metter, I do not know exsctly how to diSpose of
it unless I am advised that his request has been refused.

I think it would be a sericus mistake for the
company not to comply with this request.

Yours truly, ‘ y #__>

Jackson, Ky., December 36th, 1915.

Judge Samuel M. kilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge:

I have received a letter from Mr. Wariield enclos—
ing mileage ior sheriff M.A. Spencer but have not received
the mileage for County Judge J. o. Crawiord which I requested
some weeks since. Will you kindly write LE. Werfield and
have him Iorward this to mo at once.‘ Judge Urauiord cells V
on me three or four times a mesh and iniuires about it and
as I have received no definite answer from the legal depart—
ment on this matter, I do not know exactly how to QiSDOSe of
it unless I am advised that his re;uest has been reiused.

I think it would be a serious mistake :or the
company not to comply with this request. -

Yours truly,
(Signed) o. h. POllard.

 .777,” ///
,1 , . v 5,,.
{1“’/mm” ”0 éfizz/IZZI/m f/éfl [jfl/lf/l/j/l (,,I, //////’/,W/,,,/; ,1 ~
may .// // / 65823
/’ ngu::gfkflkaijfiflmagu //",2 . . )7 /7 /n
//¢”““C//;<fififigfifififlflé taéaflflifléézééa December 25, 1915
M 2% a '
Judge Samuel M.Wilson, _ '
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Yours of yesterday, returning Judge Pollard's
‘ letter to me of December 1?, in regard to mileage, and ’
especially mileage for County Judge Crawford, received.
I do not think the matter demands immediate attention,
and I will hold it in abeyance until you can go over the
situation with Judge Pollard, as you suggest. After you
do, you can write me further. ‘
Yours vefy truly, /‘ \ (”qt
/‘/:+ [,', l, 4,”
// ! z/ a. we /7 ' a '
District Attorney.

 . ' fi.‘!ec.1;“.1‘oer 252, 1915.
Hon. B. Wari‘ield, '
Dist. Attv., T: 3. N R R 00.,
Lieuirvi 1.1a, jig-I.
'st1“: 5151‘:
ii:.3}‘:1‘..7‘izfig§ to yours m‘ the “Nth 3.:1:;1t::ext (your file 715.1.
33825) $1.111... ::::.1..r.-u.."ii;.7...1." 1.1..:1z‘switn JP’JWT‘? "’€~)V"-"-i‘»l""""z? 71-"1'3'13 '1??? 2‘1"?“ 1J1»?
1121;2-311‘1'be1.“ 1’7, ‘1."«1'13'», it strifivua :1“: 1:11:17; L 3.1/35: “oilgrd :1; {5.312453
:11. '1. situation {1151:11111.11752, 115.1 ;;‘.}1?.i-‘.11H 1111:; 11119.11 in f.-e..‘1'o.:‘- of zit-1r:
11.115211 "cf--1‘: 3.11.1- or hon‘n'aitg or 1:.1;..‘iza;i1,.. :5;_~::_=‘1.‘1;‘-.i.'1.':;t- dots-1t;
0 ii? (11.11.7111. Bo 1.21.1113 1.11;: _11.£21_‘1:1:1;1:.7_ 1"-‘.:§1‘.‘71‘_1"...11: of the :‘1it111f—1tiun
‘ toes, I 1:21.011. of m. s1.z.;_:".:3: (1.141.111? for ‘sEI‘o-i‘tingj 31111.12"; it;1-=1.1.7f(:13:'d's
:1“, ‘.';lF-sz1‘1.ti1“ui .701." 111‘? 7.11:1 go :11: an 17:51 1.11;. "it: ilé'blir'I-‘ltfi to ”If?
{7215213- 112 911301111111 £19.; fir-1115:1113. .1:~‘1;:i {21‘2"},7 .11.“, 1.1111,“ Li 1'11‘11'ui'3.’ 5:715:11"? wither
(in-:nfaj“ Jujfisliéw’fu of 1111-“: 1.3L‘1114‘;<‘.- 1‘».‘::z'-.->:‘ 5.1.i'1‘3111.:1 1.3.3 '=i:1L..=;‘».s‘22: '3'2':3.:2' 2:2.- "':'.:'.:2:';' 2“'33 3.'-.'.- -J '21."; ”25;; 2".2':2"2';2:':';:" 23:13.???-
23315; 752:: - 2311?: 2':-323' "‘1? 3'2"; 2.123212132223'2‘.32527: 3.31332 the 22.222:2:"L".~
,2 .2272": "r7272 2.'-2:2'2.;..'2'."2.;u.-'..
' if. 232.:- 21222": “32333233227172“ 3' '5;.'::.' ’52:: 521‘ 27.212" '.;3'22'2221'2'2
l”..-2222:' '.;-'.' 3.22- 222:: 2.2.: : 2":2'7'22'3222'22 3.23 2 3:12 123:2 2212;; =-'..2222' =2"; 232?:
= 13,":3. 2:2: 23 ":3:-.. 3:2;':=.-.=:..:2--,='-_',32 '12-. 1222-”3.f3.3.;3.2'2;"' 2 2‘2.'L:2;"2'2ii.}: €323,232:
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- :3);»-: m‘: 2222: ; ”2 2:7.-2 ‘_‘» '.. ""’Uf'.” 13:23-52
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2'.‘.ri2{.22. 3‘.-5'2 ' .'"2: 'i-"';-:7-:2;' 2‘22"; '3‘:1<' 2222-33. 212-'2 .3:-“'. at: 3"3'2'2 3.3212222. :25 .‘:-31.11"
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1‘“) .:wa '- 33.13.} LL! 2.4 .'1 a, 11i72..31l'1 .l .:.i. .,’ '." ’.1 "2» 1' 1.? . : 22.: 2‘: .11.-.7" 3' 3'":
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1:}: :1 21,: - .L )1“ i. ‘3; ..,'.1, ' {1:.;:}; _:,,1' a
.e. .1 .2 1 - .. .: -_. .'2 ,~ ...» 1- a " 1' 1 ‘
'1‘.. 2123913.; 1 '_ .‘- .‘f‘. V '3 '1 3112”,, :,2 2,. 31:. '23 3(1’ 1 2:13:51 1:. {3‘5
7M2”'- ;-;'.~.-~ 3: :.".v. :- \'-?'- . i=1 - .‘ f ,1:~1"a.
=1 .1 .1 11.1 .1; . .,-= _ 21 9 ..~ ..V-1
.’ .J. .. 1 ‘.3. .... _... H . 1'1...“ .'1. ‘...1 _;1~.1 “ 11 ‘:~ 1 -’ ' <‘ “-
? 1. ',: (.:.; 13. is? :1.:1951~'15 '11/“.,,, .. '."521U-3. 1.2.2159? 2:: : :1 .1.?1 ‘7. 11:1 1- 1:_2.2'. at,
J‘: .1 .7 1 “1.1.171... . ...1 )2 2.. 1. 2 ,r 1“
1:1 (‘7. ».':.:..'L.1.' «it :r.{.~:,-‘2.-1= 113+: if) «»..31‘ :1:. 1". L11- 2 .1.;1: 23113 «’1’?-
. 1. <1. ' _ .. 1 . 1- 9.52. . 1, .1, .1. .1 1' .. 7 ~ 1 ..: 211 .2..
'-‘2!L;.‘..'1.-’ i. ‘.zw' ‘.'.“,.i”1’.1‘11.‘. . 1.” 11:13.1 112‘?" - E1. .‘1, "7.'4'1' 1114.“? 2 '5 -"=
""1". '.: .‘1} : '
2. 1:71.2—11-n
.‘. 1...-.‘1 1,',1' " .1;
. .21A1' -. L’ ~17,
. 7 ‘1 .v 7 '§ J} 7 .
) ‘..
..: '- 5 , '
:.'i-i" ‘ 1L? 1 a o 1.‘ 1:5“!
-'~"J.I? (,.-111.

 ~ - .77/777M;
.77/7777775yfifl/{Z/m ,../fr?” Q\(i//f/////////7///i /’/77///17///
777777 ./7 // » f 65825
7 figs-7777377777- ”)? . . 27 «7 Dee . 13' 1915
//J?<7’7’7$§ffi’i77777 ,7/77777777/77777%, ’ «'
Judge 0.3.1’ollard,
Jackson, Ky. .
Door 3111':-
Yours nec.ll, in re: mileage for County Judge,J.O.Crawford.
The delay was not with Judge Wilson, but with me. You are asking for
more mileage for mor‘eyeople than any other attorney in the State, and
this thing cannot; go on indefinitely. Judging from the amount of mileage
they use, or at least some of them, they must either ride pretty much
all the time, or mus-t be permitting other persons to use their mileage
books. However it my be, I cannot ask the company to continue to
issue so much mileage on account of Breathitt county .
“since may 11, 1914., Mr. Crawford has had 6 mileage books—-—6,000 miles
of transportation in 18 months, or at the rate of 4 mileage books a year
And now he is asking another, although he get the last one as recently
as Septfi. Unless he can nuke his requests must less frequent than he
has done in the last 18 months I shall have to discontinue the courtesy
altogether. If one mileage book a year will satisfy him, I will try to
do that much for him. But it is out of the question for him to expect
us to continue to issue him mileage at the rate of four books a. year.
And. what I say as to Judge Crawford applies larggly, if not entirely, 1
the other persons for whom you request mileage.
Yours truly,
copy to Judge S.M.Wilson, District Attorney.
Lexington, Ky.

" O. h. Pollard
Attornet at Law
Eackson, Kentucky. .
Dec. llth, l“lF.
B. D. Warfield, District Atty.,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:
UH 30v. 17th I communicated to Judge Wilson the -
request of county Judge J. O. Crawforfi for a renewal of
his mileage. As I have not received the mileage and as
Judge Wilson is out of the state, I write to request that you
give this matter attention. Judge Crawford calls on me
daily to inquire about it and I would like to get it off of
my haafle.
Yours truly,
(Signefi) U. H. Pollard.
May 11/14
Sept. 17/14
Dec. 19/14
Apl. P/lg Judge Wilson: ?lease note, together with
copy of my reply, and return after doing so.
July 8/15 ,
B. D. Uarfield,
Sept. 5/15
Bee. 1?, 15.

- . . .7. , fl ' ’
5‘. '.«_(T%y",3,j 3, .. / MW
fz/(ka/gjw~/9./1x//(:M¢Hmz., r/
(a ‘1;/[1013112213 ..:I/fl/mgz // ’7 /. .
(flu? M// 5%);45pfl/észf/ML jJJJH/é}Z// February 8 , 1916
sf ,
“(if /C {é
Juage O. H. Pollarfi,
fittorney. I
. Jackson, Ky.
- Dear Sir,
In aooorfianoe with your recommonfiation, E herewith
enclose you mileage book for fir. Kelly Rash. Please
fieliver it to him wifih the oomplimeuts of the Company.
aha acknowledge its recoiyfi to me.
; Zours very fi'uly, 5
5 3- //5 A/£L\~d’////,//////-
5 (;53 Za/lkfl» ELK“!
i ,
K Eistriet 5t$orney.
\ Enclosure
\\ Blind copies to
stufige Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel , Lexington, Ky .
Messrs. Wallace & Harries.
Attorneys, Versailles, Ky.

 17'55'b1’1::_:a,5;.' 15, ".. "31"}.

933.31"-.. :3. 77."."573’fi5215,
.:’.“ii- 1'... .'_‘t‘g'2;‘. Q IT 3"? 31’ C5).

.', i ‘l
‘..miis‘i‘i T L'.—2 . 72:257.
7.3.1371“ i7: :

.'?:.<:.<'E3..::;>, .E?1e:wi..i':':f‘ 0;? L'.-‘,jn‘pjo (Err-12311.73 "5121?: “0519.513
‘L‘la'f:::;r:aru11 71:-.2 '.'rw: his 17:11.33253-9 Hook 5M, .L./3.939. 33’0“? the 37952:!" ” {‘3.‘}, «and
7 if: 31::.~:‘=.i";'.3t;. ~'=ez1;*1_o:jt=fi. .::". i.r.:d:'.c3.z.'czraz"i 531.2%”. re—
'_ of third .','-'30.»; 33; “5.13;: .\ :;:».- "0. .». -':::*:«.:.I.:..
I {215711135 :..1: it. ’.;:"1‘15: 1:429; nan»: 7)€6=:"5 ’."“:z":21"‘I‘2Fi'fi‘iif.1.:} :2-:::~i'>‘ii.',-'21 3.:". the -
.:3; cd.’ 521i 1;:-52.7323 r3.z;r:i;.L_.; fine. if; ;vauzv fan-i '2::37 ;313;}_LT"31'7“.E..71L if! th: i “We:
170.31: ::_u::3_e>:‘;g—:u 3.:: 112-117 :2 L53. i"ri':,<2r"- '5.. 21.35;? haying ’:fxs. 332’..- 7.515.
L..“: L..- (.3Lii'c.1;vrrse:;.-c.7150!)I ii, ;‘./5 v: 52>i3'1CILLT -"2:‘%‘5. ‘.:ert CiT.*TTv‘.'E.n;./"S
:-»:.>'.!.iC"-'V‘_-?', 1 0:16. 1.3.323: ;?m; to j. ‘_'..‘5‘?’ -5 mo _Ilj {ax-‘0; of 71:.
_“FJ' Log: ':.}75.,:; was; IL‘,..".

no ”my; : ,
‘3 [a

 x’. Beattyville,xy.,reb.17,1916.
Mr.W.A.MoD0well, ,' ‘ é
Loxington,Ky. L
Dear Sir,- Mr.G.H.Justice who is here as a witness in the
Rowland case wiil be needed at Hazard and possibly also at Whitosburg
as soon as no roleuso him here. It is desired by us to take his

,‘ deposition in ogrtain;fiand suits growing out of construction work
on tno'flxtonéicn and nhich suits remain pending at Hazard and
WhitggnurgL Accordinuiy I am writing to ask tnat you mail me right
awoy-udéréssed to Beottyville a round trip pasé for Mr.Justice good

fflxbetween/fioattyviile and MoRoberts with the usuai time limit.

3! f We aro exfiosting to get started on the.ficw1and case >
SOmQtime this afternoon and hope to finish by Tuesday. Unless detained ‘~‘
here,I want to return to Lexington as soon as the Neniand trial concludes.

[‘._ You have no doubt received an invitation to be a guest at

1%,' U%% Traffic Club Dinner at the Seolbach in Louisvilleionkfiaturday
evéning,the 26th instant,and as I am figuring on going mygolf,perhaps
td‘signalize the onufision by making a short and ingongruvihl talk,

I hope you will make your plans to go with me. : Ix
Thanking you fbr your pro@?\attention to my request for
pass For Mr.Justicc,I am, ' L..
Very iruly ‘,.: //2;;Z:;wk~/

‘.. tiff-:35235313: " _‘3,{Ehiff'fz'“f'fij:5,”if'ixii ‘,r 4' .l '3'} j .. I:. v J1." . , __5; I '3 »‘I
9 l
33%,givifliflfigstri9t,Attorney,~fil&fint3'B:Gq,,{nlgru:;;_;,§gi.a ”LJj- .,,,-l. n. ‘_

33 75% ;gexéfiouisyillé, Kentucky.' ;"i' [z. Ha;”f g“wh ,.'__-j,;*= . ., 'fij '3, 'H
§ gjay a jgtgf y L };1gaeknee1ea e receipt of'yours of the 19th instant, ;fi _ {fl-
ougtnym >3 enciosing,one-theueend mile tldket do. isefio-in fever OI 2.0. - ,=.; '7
igfiitif7~4HK1f9w555V,"H',g ,,Ei’ut“c“fiu_r 5: ~tn> “~. ‘.«_'2 » »_', _. f;”";r-
ti Efififi A. «BiasIéX;I3heriff ofi Fayette County; jThis book I willfdeliver t0:* JV: 7
f fiduaradleywzttn the"compljiynkénts cf the ~ Gorzipany. 7 ' ' »‘_ y 3 .' ~
t :1? L“ ‘.'-12557] ;i’i‘hanking you; for,;yourj'~5promptineas in granting“:Lira. Brad—.- ' ’
,,“xeguestzorroneeelof the 111u1{’8,Ia‘T, , r I

fixiif7 ;;uf‘“{ .Vf ,i'f;,¥~/ 305gjjftery-truly yours,. ~',‘ .;p,'s‘, '_; 1;»;'~

 . 771‘)» //i
£;4§’. 7276l%0:;é7' 4a;%),17 ;2Z7
. l (”MM/(fry 71 2% ///lflfl(ll/ @I/fi/z/yy
// /
~7Al/Jf’ié/(ll/7/1/fl-g//.‘ y/nz/zé/K/j / ;7 f7 7 7 1; " ,, 7 % ,2/ I / 6
r, f , 9Wrofi¢:%MWw€V (32625!”-gQ(Q;/§(Ki/977t?/Zd i 2»,
1‘:-.‘:». 4 .“’-IT“ {‘2’.“ .“‘;y‘. w 31'-2 . ‘ ;, 2’} 22","<~‘- _J IS-fT'LF"wJ‘2..‘~,=.'. «: ‘5 2. r -2‘ ‘2." w '2 " '. , ‘.: -‘ ’» w ._ ‘2; _..,v; I ; 2 , 223‘. A . _» _ i ‘3‘

. ,t “”fl 2 2‘" if? .2» 1“ 4 2 . ‘ . ‘,72‘2‘32} {.:1 : A. _._‘I
5252.5:ng ,:f-sf‘“;v\_,',’2. 12,_.=g‘{lj2f;.-'f.'-‘1i 2-23‘1‘12. ‘_.“? 3 .7; :::. :2;: _'.,'i;-j'i.r“‘- {..,. x .32'1-;,_;- . A; ,< {I}? . g; _ 3,,; -'j ; 3 . 2 5,15 .‘,-I"’;ggtfi ““
‘-“~(‘§? L3“ 2 ,1“ m2: M -‘ ’». . ’ f 31:32.31; '15 2, 131 6; “ ' . ,
‘2“"2'2-4‘22 ,‘. . :1 .7‘....»3125335 2;“ , ,,;“, »V .:g~ 21022222.. ; ,214‘ w L» ~ .',-..‘»WJ- 4. . 1.5.; _‘ » ”'. ,. H ‘ ..

_‘;{I .’,, ‘.‘_ ; " g. ;.‘ u ‘ , ; .; ‘7 My 1: . 2 IV
,' .- ,_ l. :. 273.72.»; '..I. 1 ;V 2.: t ‘.: Téxlé‘: ’V' ...J“. .,’?“ . .:‘: ':‘, ‘1 .‘_;I' 2‘2: .1 ~., _‘_ .,‘; 2;- ‘I ~ ', . :5.: 3.’-‘2 .__ ,‘.’: ' .‘ . 2: 2 T ,
p.531“ 737513125' ':';N'I,‘ 111912.132 hetfilrflald“ 2 '5 . .2 I: , » . 12...; ‘ ‘ . 2. 1 , _ ‘ '. v. L. . ,

‘ ‘ ;\ .‘::- 1 .M‘: . v;- ...3:- fig A: ,.," '1‘.ng 79 m. ..2. > .‘, .‘ ‘7 ; .

. . Met «1261:2222; as w . .. . . ,- -- u : ~ . . .,
,, ~, . . , ‘-JURIS‘Qille 2: Kent 210-53. . , .. .- ‘ . . ». , . , = 7 4 ,
.. ‘»' , ~23: Q "‘..'.."'i~r' ".." "' .N ‘ 2 '.. - L .'. '4 ..‘ 2 -‘ .: ..." ’I-U-L. -1 » ' " ,
3 »_; ~., , a , »{GpIZf‘1l13§.fitQ' yours of nine» 14‘311211181'522135;.5’3¢18.‘~.‘.2EL.3J§§ JJJ uter ,
y g . ;irongvgi‘tev. Mm»..g:~.tiiik,, 'af;,v1{;li=g,r flee “251113903. esti on over the. -;2 T} ..i.,j. I . .

,.‘ : L:.! have, 30» 53233:...“1’34‘31 i am not. 1.3531-82-‘11‘1112! sc;;‘hsg.1xit‘;2d ..‘..-vita ...;qu aisle; _ _ ~ . .

L. 2. .-»fl,»'.“, ‘ '.V’ . .5.: .3'.‘ ,. ..--':‘.. '2.., ‘,.‘, '?. ... - ._... , ‘3'-... - ' , I
-_.__ ::: and“,.us~.at.;~.bress,x1u advised," shower ear- 5.511;.- smug creation; . . , - _

2.23310le be made, 3.11;::}1314S.-.I€3.37:er2113. {themattter or transporter: 213.; _ fl
i If .f my: 7 ';_... ",‘.'" ‘ ‘.‘;gu, .7’!" 2, .. '. ;2: _'1~.'1'_‘-‘~:L .»_; 2;, ' , I. L I: 2 V V; .». i > . H '
If: you desire 1;;“ I will Hane¢flntner _2._.v.u.=_u..».ries on. the subrvs‘ect , r : _
j", “w ”'.'-:»:» — ' ‘-~:;.J_ ‘ ,’ .‘V .‘. “..'.' " s ' ;'7 ~ “‘ :u-‘thfifi ?’”' H 4"! aw..- ’ - »'— I > i .
., , and. summicersent, this, if the. 1:11: 012mm,: on; seem. (m tithes »lmther ; ‘ , . - 7 ‘
(w :: ”“". “I I ‘4 71;. w I ‘ u . __ h ‘. ‘ . V._ ‘. . ., V..; ‘ ' . - ’ _, ' I. > _ E . .

 .771)” /-//
2; ., . g / 2/ / ,2 /2(// . _7 (C7
- aéégweknéggg{Zgléznéglzéaqééww/éééyékégk'
." 7 1
71)”; (2771/)qu y/fl’lé/f/l , " :7 ,:‘W. , / V, ,-
,, j/ , fififivZ{3%wwqw CEQZtZ":Ebfyétli/§726%MLZ;/é;“(,;Z€//ZQKCY€}/d
”fill/[4)j/ flay/1mg, ' /
91/0157. ffl/Is-Z/V'c/ ,‘4/1017;qu /. ,r/
K/owuofl/xugggggfiflww, lnéawuzaéécégg March 14th,1916.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, /’
Lexington & Eastern Ry. CO.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
“ Rev.
. Herewith please find letter from/Wm. Kirk, which
is self-explanatory.
So far as you know is there any reason why an ex-
caption should be made in favor afflwr. Kirk in the matter of
free transportation. A s you know, ministers of religion are
\‘ granted a very low rate and it is not the general custom to
issue free transportation to tha