xt73bk16mf8w_384 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269jj] Miscellaneous text [269jj] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_39/Folder_5/2902.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_384 xt73bk16mf8w 111117! 19, 1911:).
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‘.’“, Huggifi

 . - . June 5, 1916.
Eon. : T \'iarfield, '
Dirt. :.‘-Qty” .:.} ..’; N 3.1 L" 00.1,
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17.91;. 1‘.-.::- "'.};er 7:1:5:u.;3~im: :':»ngnvta't if 57?; I'. 1.‘. 11‘:'.=,r', 0.: '.-’."1.?."L-.>:‘~'m:g,
j: i;‘2;’1.::;.>0: 1 1..1}. .;"m: }7‘? 7'5 ;i'"”:"e:'1 :'_Z; ‘5’:- J::7'2:':_:Iv:i'1‘r.‘-L‘:"IEET'7 ::‘z‘Fm'nti, «‘.‘.: '51? 1'1““5*”*—’"» I
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7241/2. I/ fiz/ZLZTM“ Jam _.1 (///r////////////(/////(//
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///’“’”’”}/GQééi’f,f;/fff;€7g/W,. ‘*/k"2"}"7'//é/2/ June 7th,1916.
my. 8. M. Wilson, Counsel, §';2£4éAimemni§%/E ‘
Lexington & Eastern Ry.Co., i+/,...,
Lexington, Kentucky. V =*?173fi7273,5."
Dear Sir:- ~937¥ll1.40i2 I'

Referring to your favor of the 2nd inst. with en-
closures from Judge H.T.Day, of Whitesburg, requesting trans-
portation in favor of his wife from.Whitesburg to Louisville and
return, good for use on June 8th,1916, and with a reasonable time

Like you, I should be very glad to favor Judge Day
but this cannot be done without a violation of the federal law.
In writing your letter did you not overlook the fact that Judge
Day states in his letter it is the purpose of his wife to make
a trip from Whitesburg, Ky. to French Lick Springs, Ind. and
that on this trip the pass from Whitesburg to Louisvill e would
be used? Were Mrs- Day to accept and use such a pass - that
is to say a pass for a portion of an interstate journey - she
would subject herself to penalties prescribed by the Hepburn Amend-
ment to the Interstate Commerce Act, and so would the Railroad
Company. I shall be under obligations if you will make a suit-
able reply to Judge Day.

His letter is herewith returned.

Ymmstnflykééijgé?? 7
JJD/W ‘ District Attorney.

 ‘ WHITESBURG, KY. @7 J/% 191%-
M. firhéépijsflofoe/k 4 fl. am We
%flue WM /¢*%/%f— M / W/f V/fM
CW, em 4 flW/ J M ;/
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 _ gra/Mytffl W} 7”? ////m/Cflfl//77fl//%fl/%€/ , ,7 é
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-7j./’H«(/'////V/lr./. /,/Nam/(/, /' ;/ ;, ‘2 _ j) 22,," ,2" ’ ,
,/ 922;s-2,22{,>/2222222p: Jim” ge/x/u/I/Mix//////M/i/7/r// , > ‘
’, «r! 2/ , .,
”Z”, Z/lja' // ~/%fi‘rmmz, / v ,
91.951. flat/HM .‘11/mm: // ~
K‘ , (ff/7 /’ ' ., -.x/:/‘ '2 " " ’
“rt/2m.) , 2. .;, mm Mm. { ,2 y” . 27' ; i, or - _, ‘ ,
{/ // {flip/lzlllmlf/wzl. t'M/éfll'jl///(’ {zyf' ...EiJ 4’ H’h ’lglc '
T72}. D. E. Day,
Attorney at Law,
Oynth ian a. , Ky“.
Deer Sirtu
I am enclosing herewith mileage hook in favor of
E. T. Lay, good in Kentucky.
Yours truly,
.\ \
1.‘; istric t ..i:- t orn ey.
Copy t o /
Sir. Wilson, Gouns e1,
Lexington Fae-tern "Ely.CO. ,
Lexington, Kentucky.

June lat, 1916.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I duly received your letter of May 3lst, containing transpor-
tation for my wife from Whitesburg to Louisville and return.
With many thanks to you for same and with best wishes for your-
self and Mrs. Wilson, I am, ;
YOurs truly, l #1' ‘

3 ' May 31, 1916 .
Judge D. D. Fields,
Whitosburg, Kentucky.
/ .
My dear Judge: .
/ i
Ii In commliance with your recent request, it gives me
pleamire to enclose herewith round trip pars between whitosburg
and Louisville in favor of Mrs. Fields, good until June 30, 1916.
Kfindly acknowledge receipt of the Inoloeure and oblige,
Yours truly,
ism/93. ,
. eno. “/
. Counsel.
. / i 1 1v
/’/,,"’/ ‘l ,l '
./. \
/‘/ 3
.= f ,1“ /I
, ,r V / / .l J /
«(\\. f . .
3.3 1 /
1AA 3
/f_ _3
::.; \ I.
(' .

 2 .
’ May 31, 1016.
Hon. B. D. 1‘2'arfield,
Dist. Atty., L & H R R 00.,
‘ Dear Sir:

I acknowledge receipt of round-trip pass between Hhitwsburg
and Louisville in favor of the wife of Judge 5. I. Fiel€s. I am
forwarding this pass to Mrs. Fields, in care of Judge Fields, and
have no doubt that your courtesy will be duly appreciated.

Very truly yours,
sun/a' I
, Counsel.

 ! 71(71'2/(r///~
. (”,'7 . 2,2 /. /77 1/2 22ch . :2 77/
)1" . , f I ':? ”,'7 r, < , 2
e/ 2" , /"L 44% ////// I “ 7 "1 2 7 j ' "
[fizz/”’I’”. ilxs-szfffiltlglwerr ,jgég' Q(//(/(//////2/I////Mw/?/(/}
617m #214 :J/a. 2%2-22222/22», [I
9195/. ,7)/.k'//'/‘L'IVIM/7M}: /. ,/
”,2.- ”0,/ j. » 1' «Ci “‘1
_//’ ”’”O/ “‘*'/‘/,f:/'/’.5f,$cx4qe,,z. c/f’f/WM/‘fl/f/é May 29th,1916.
‘ W/v 22_(v/ v I . /é
[12:72 ”w"
Hon. 3. M, Wilson. Counsel, ' ' ' "
Laxington 8: Eastern 337.00.,
Lexington, Kentucky. . _
Dear Sir: -
I am enclosing herewith pass in favor of Mrs.
D.D.Fielde from Whitesburg to Louisville and return.
Yours tmly,
metric Attorney!

 'ronx 1—Revised July, 1909
‘ glissageeg which tinrebalzparentli'huuuetgesslz}?, oft thatdcoduld be sent bydTrainfMail, will be trafsmitted and
. . . er 0 . . T . t' .
TELEGRAM WP y- “ mp‘ézmissy;nd semiergizgzpar;ssa:1:. °r TELEG RAM
I: .II ’1 Z, I1,:":JV»'I r I“ . .I‘ II I“. ' L I IV ‘ .‘,'] I 1 r l, .> ”I ,', U V .‘./,.1: .J’ F ..‘ 4‘ "ll .
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14‘. .‘4 . i K
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 I 10'15-4466
(,2../_ ./ /g//)/‘ «(7
%M “gar/7% 7/ ' ,. [7' '2 _
”m - m Hy/W ///
, July 19th, 1916.
‘ Judge S. M. Wilson,
c/o Wootton & Morgan, Hazara, Ky.
Dear Sir:

With return of Mr. Jones' request, will you kindly let me
have your recommendations, as I feel that in this case such would
be very essential.

' Yours truly,
' m v «
Encl. Gen. Agt.-Ex. Dept.

July 19, 1916.

Mr. W. A. McDowell,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

I purpose to leave Lexington the 24th instant
for Murray, Kentucky, via Bowling Green,-where I hope
to spend three days-, and return August the 14th. .
Judge Samuel M. Wilson has very kindly promised to at-
tempt to secure complimentary transportation for me.
However JudgeTWilson was so busy Monday when he was in
the city that he did not have time to take the matter
up, but said that he would when he returned. If you
will kindly take this matter up it will greatly ac-
commodate me, and I am confident Judge Wilson will ap—
prove the same. 7

Very sincerely,

 7 ,,.. i , A: f, ."“\ . /' "
9* ///~I//7 M/ >/
. C Jay”, (Ifi; /((J ZZZ/fl ((waaM/W/fimy
4 ’ 5 u . [I . ./ ,I L
73?” (ml/2119f ///(////f/(/. /" 7 /\- y , 2,,» 7
/ mom mam/.3“ lid/(I =10/7mz/i27w/Z/2I/76M/1/‘j/
’j/ / ,, 1 , ,
éfla x/“(J //- ~%Mmmn "
31.551. 72/1/1710! -‘///(//7(({u /. /.
/ {Ir-,:: / ;I . . 7 7 /?//,—n
1mm.) (;’Amw/Mw. J 7 3' V w
// // /7//'(I/Z(I(('.\[(/e/(/. ‘/fll(M#é//a%% 617. 37 88th .1916.
532*. . 2317;01:015: , ”(€78 / / é /‘/
' 1 . ._. ' i, I
“Loy-meg, 'Vc:*::aill::;:s, "
Elf—3531‘ 33117:»- - ..
Ems 13:“Efrt’f’i1013118a’} by We :3 :7: 771?: . ' 007-36271 7” liofzfzgafzzz , l (Ira. 621-»
c1; 12‘3" 2102:0233. "Er-h " in your»? favor 53:005.: fictive-(3:7: 33011113 312:: ii”‘j(-:13-
fill-sky 1127:7751]. 23:96. Elsi-2.; ,1916. 1.11 you 3111'} £313; acimozvlefige rev-o
06913313 .
“:5 our 2‘: 17:11:? ,
131:1: J3; 3:31 cf: 5' 0 1'1”: :3 :7 .
chies to
12.. . 1111:3013. Com/2:591, W '
316.33511": 32', or: imam 1.13:. 430. ,
94111,; @011 , 11011220353? -
ms"; 1.:J'coi3'fjcn ‘43 ‘:'orgsm,
32307173303753, '2.-I , iicn‘irucmr.

 '. July 28, 1916.
Mr. Jesse Morgan,
Hazard, Ky. »
Dear Sir:

I note with much intorosfi your letter of the 27th inst.,
a&vising that Mr. Lewis A. Huckols, of Frankfort, who has been as—
sociated with Mr. V. 0. Davis in work for the Kentucky River Coal
Corporation, hoe beeom: a member of the firm of Wootton & Morgan
and will henceforth be located in Hazard. I congratulate you on

J having Secured the services of so able and agreeable a Lawyer as Mr.
Huckols, whom it has been my pleasure to know lay a number of years. J
‘ With best wishes for the firm as reorganized, I am,’
vexy truly yaurs, ’
J SXfl/a

WOOTTON & MORGAN r ..5 r’ . \/ "—’ 13
. - :17 I 2:; if. K! C" I T ,.
. Affurnvuxs at _.ztm / , . )7 V“ M
, ”N . .. a T " » 3 '1‘ V14" ”
V HAZARD, KY. ;:fl 7,7 2:7 , H1 s . ‘ ‘-’ (“,"'”) "‘J
I /,/\ ...‘; _V‘ \I 4 '~"
4:. 3“ D. Hayfield,
’7 ,1»: A .,_: ” a 7"“-
iJL‘LLL :5 -/_L 14.2: , A; 0
D45) gar Cl 1':
"'_’. 7‘ ‘-. ‘—~,, * " .'3 ‘2- . 1_3, _ . , i
-,L . _u. Ji- -.LLLJEZOLS , O__ .:r::.m«;.1.’o E‘L , ”.::.S
, , ,‘u. ~ .N'V. A .. .5.‘ ‘~-. _... ' .. _. _ ‘ ' ‘1 ' ‘
cecume a membur cl our firm :;c #11; be 1: inc
,.0-0- _ r- -'r,~ La ;- ...‘ . -
Qliice OJ. wJO may 0'; .._ULgrau. he; :after. ;.Ir.
"‘. “.,. 1 ‘.- , ”A " .1.—._- . '1 i,..--._, “ __..
_lccioils is (i gccex uslal iiiwgcl' acc,xve mzmit you.
V a ,_V : “‘.'", ,.» x ‘ ¢.,.1 ~12 .-.. .‘.” -_ -. -
1'0 Salim film 1;: page (4:10. 1.1. at) Cd's UCIEI‘CC‘G lfl
., -~~-‘-.~m "‘:. —~ .. ‘_‘ ‘1.
aSS&Mlu5 that he is eciitiefl to one as c “gamer
J‘ a -, .::--.,.. .":". -,. — -,_ --~— ' '
Ol 01; ilfm) will 50h please mall him a mass
J— T’,‘.., ”a: ‘v ’1‘”. .1.. ~ ‘.." _. —. - A 7
co VclEalliCS, AUHUUCLJ, in urfier that he may
_m' : ,”‘ - 4‘ » L“ 1‘_ __ ,...“, k . _ _ ~ .
ieceiic lb Sauhfduga He 13 here cow and will
return to versailles, returniiq here Sundav.
‘YT,.- __ .L- .’:.” W“... i ,
\.’ 2333/ U1.“ 11-1.2): _y‘ 0 0.133 ,
V /
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-,. r \
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» —,- ‘ «,,,MJV‘ V, 1r" -,
LCVAV..J_;-;§L1\J.';, .‘Lg‘,’ -

 t .
L Septa 11, 19169 ’
Eone Bo D. Warfield,
3isto Attyo, 3 & H R 3 C00, .
Louisville,Kyo -
Dear Sir}
‘ herewith please note a letter of-thw 7th instant? written
_ n” by Era Hurst, requesting renewal of mi cage in favwr of Sheriff
Go To Flannery‘ of Lee Csuntyo I concur in the request mafia by
fire Hurst and trust it may be in your power to grant same.
Very truly yours, ‘
‘ Counsel.

V‘ “ Santa 11, 1916.
x /“ ‘
Hon. S¢fiffig “st, ‘
Bod JVllle,Ky.
Dear Sir: '

Yours of the 7th instant, reqnesting ran val of mileage
bnok in favor of Shariif A» To Flannory, of flee County, has been
forward?d with my ondorsomwnt to Louisviile for action, which I
trumt will be favorable.

Yery truly yours,
:3;.12' ' /a. '
~ Counselo

 I ‘ Allgo 6, 19163
111.11. McDowell, E811“ _
1511:15‘ Agto 11:18; 131291., L: e 1:. 11. Co...
1 ) Jfimexington, Ky.
Dear sir‘é- ‘1. .

Please 210'50 an“: answer attachec‘l le’cter from Jesse Liorgzm.
fiercm what 1% state-11 in his letter, I know of 110 :.:-eason 1711:5115 the
1521111131; of 331. 01:21:13; :30 2' firms 1) ortati 1111 511113.17. be. 519.111; 1211, 51.-6 T. 3:11
by no 1113512153 cert 5123.11 131;. at ”1131:: reason 1117111213. :15: ~11 251631151 "3,»

V Yours 1; ELLE],
(333.11; a ,1 {:17 w“ el 0

 - Soot. 15, 1015.

Hon. Sam Hurst,
' Bezittyvillo , Ky.

Dear ffiI‘: .

Herewith enclosed find mileage book in favor of Mr. g.T.
‘ Eleanory, Sheri;f, Lee County.
Ymms holy,
one. .
- Counsal.

 :2;/H ///
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.1 . . f / "1 [I
-//J//’//;///////(_;/. //‘(/‘x M/M. ’ ;J ,7 , ‘ ’-
, , ’j,/ , _ 7”:"/"’”)‘/'/-‘>/W/7"TV 4‘./Mr Q////z( ///7,rw////;/’ir/7//P///)/
fl/mk/M -///- M/iH/my/r, I?! '
.\[W/fflAk/Nk/-\///(//71/.{u /, 7
/, f‘f": / , , , ‘/7
/ /””” )// //'///I/'c//Z/:{I€»/f/elll, ‘j/(fl/‘j////(/f//k/ Sent . 15 ,1916.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, ; N/é» («4:,
Lexington 86 Eastern B y. Co. , ‘ w”
exington, Kentucky. .
Dear Sir:-
I am enclosing herewith mileage book in favor
of Mr L. '1‘. Flannery, Sheriff, Lee County.
Yours truly,
r /7 ., . ’7 ‘
s c t? . j

Cunt. «':. 313315.
> ' Hun. 3. I. fiarfiold,
Dist» Atty., L & ER E Co.,
:Denr Sir:
Horewith a letter of the 19th instant from Woatton &
Morgan, requesting transportation for Mr. E. K. ReeVes to
Loui$ville and return, good from and including October lst to
October 8th, next. I approve this request unfi trust it may be
agreeaole t9 you to grant swag.
Vexg’ trulg’ y01urs,
. one. .

 , Sept. 25, 1916.

Hon. 3. D. Warfiold,
Dist. Attyn, L a} 16 R Co.,
Dear Sir: '
Herewith for your consideration and such action as you
deem proper, I hand you copy of a letter of the 18th inst. from Judge
Pollard, in reference to his request for a renewal of mileage in favor
of Matt Dpenoer, Dhariff of Broathitt L;ountgr. .
Very truly yours,
. mar/a

 . Sept. 25, 1916.
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
Jackson, Ky.
Lear Judge:
Replying to yours of the 18th instant, in reference to
roHGWal of mileage in favor of Matt Spencer, Sheriff of Broathitt
Ucunt-:.;, I an rcforring your letter to Mr. Hariield for considera— /
tion and such action as he deems prooer under fihe circumstances.
As soon as I hear from him, I will write you.
Very truly yours,
1311111 / 3

 %.a"} .3
3 39. H. POLLARD
AfTORNEY AT LAW é... / Q} ',’
- » r 7’ .. £2
. /
\ ~ ‘ /
a //’ Sept 18, 1916.
Judge S.M.Wilson,
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:-
I" . ‘ * " t2 "1,. :_ 1 —v v T -1 ' . .. . h
\4’.llllt3 ,_fOL). ‘.VdJ.-3 infamy 05.1 [JO-Ill. vacathfl, Linda-Jr date OI 3.31) l, I
wrote Mr. Warfiold requesting renewal of mileage of Mat Spencer,
sheriff of Breathitt County. I have rsoeivsfi no rGSponse to this
letter, and since the sheriff is inquiring of me almost daily about
it, I am writing this letter. I think you are Well enough acquainted
with the situation to concur in my 03inion that this tranSportstion ought
by all mass; to he SIVdfl him.
In requesting this milosgs, I do so as attorney for the E.& H.,
and in View of the opinion as such attorney that his renusst ought not
rkvr'dwfi‘ "‘ '
to to ignored. Inuividually, I iont oaro mhsthor tho request is grantefl.
T ”Jay" 1: 77‘ 7 z ‘7 "”4 “L'n‘J'” ‘ C "1'?" " ”Ni" O’flw ’ ‘f‘ ‘ - m'ar "H W in;
i Wluu 0 sad, hoversl, bust 11 m4 Visms his noi concurlsl in by tflv
legal department, it is due me that I should be so advised so that I
can tell the sheriff that the company icoling: to furnish the mileage.
Yours truly,
-» f » '.LL. 1n 1‘ ,,.1'531‘: ‘.'; :.:uu; 3.01.; 1'
.." 1‘ .11/".-“; _- “.'_., 1- ,,,;i .: . _711'1 , .:" ‘3’; ,1 ., : , 11.1,. ,1,;
OJ. th I. H11. J..!L";*.4:;_LL, - 111.3413“; ;13fL'1.:.'..J. t),_ 1:.1‘,1_.1.;-_,.? Ll; 111-'.Vv.,>.‘_ .,.".
’-~‘,~,,~ '1‘ 1‘ _ 1»',....‘ .. hum . ‘ '” ‘, .»'- 3 .x 1 ':. -' 11,:
-.!L(;,,;1 r: z . \\ ‘L'; .-..‘«:I-‘ :i: .I. L! 11.1» ’. ..1?» J..=1. .'2', .1 U
'3.-’,.“ ‘111‘3 '.‘;‘Y L, w 21‘, i .13.1 _ ‘1 .1. "».‘...“I‘E- ;,»-(Ni:
7'7 ' ,1 ‘- ... ... .
"f‘: ", . '71:. l'!!.‘v"'
'”:, ‘ -. u w
. .- /"_,
Luna; ‘.‘..
x .
'- ‘ w («r7
“‘.’LJLV.’ o

 C. H. POLLARD ,/ ‘
. , "x ,7; Sept 26, 1916.
\- I, _ 16f
.. ,4". "a
Jgiafg‘e Solioxfiilson, V ,... I.:” i / (‘5;
Lexington Ky. _
Dear Judge:-
County Judge J.O.Crewford is requesting a renewal of
his mileage. As you remember Mr. Warfield complained last year at the
amount of mileage used by Judge Crawford, and when we gave him the
last book, it was with the understanding that he should expect only
a reasonable amount of mileage in Future. The book delivered to him
at that time has lasted him seven or eight months, and in view of the
fact that the prohibitory law goes into effect Jany 1917, I am of
opinion that it would be wise to issue him another book. It occurs to
me that by refusing at this time we might lose the effect of the
good will hereto engendered by providing him with transportation, while
after January we can refuse on ground that it is prohibited by law.
This opinion and sugestion is given to you for whsgyer
you consider it worth. Z§£%Dk_n,«_/‘_ffi 2;:;A/b/jg,

 Septem‘mr 28, 1916.
Reeves}; 1?.-9.111., Attormy at law,
3t’ 3.3;»:33335132 3.;, ’.Iuckolv, .Zyttys. ,
1135‘ :3: “331-3“: , 1C3? .
1731.0” 87‘2“:
31:17:33,313. th I 113211”. ;‘mu 1131.953 :t‘rcm 23“.:451w‘3. to '?‘.=3:312,:'1_:‘5Vi“i.133
51.1151. :”331‘113711, 1931:3213." 33331317393316? 1‘"): gnu by Eh". 3333-2230 Morgan.
Kiwi? 33-::‘3-r:qo*av}_3-df;te 3‘3217333‘733: 31m": oblige,
YOTETE’S 327.1113],
' 023cc
i5} / .31. ‘
, Comm-3 211 .

June 26, 1916. _
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Judge Wilson:
I am going to Murray, Kentucky,~ via Bowla
ing Green, Ky. and Paris. Tenn.- the latter part of July for
a fifteen day visit with my kinsfolk and friends. .
Can you secure complimentary transportation for me. and
will you? I purpose to leave here the 24th of July and stop
~ off at Bowling Green for three days.
‘ Very sincerely ’ 7 _/
. W 1: /‘ " e .
, {/ .

Aftornvgx} at Exit:
HAZARD, KY. September 29, 1916.
Mr. s. 2:. ’.'!ilson, = ’ ~'./"a - x"
4 :.:
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear lair. ‘.‘.‘ilson:

I am in receipt of your letter of the 238th i:1st.,
enclosing trip pass for myself r‘rom 'H‘az:~.=.rd to Louisville and
return. Please accept my Linnks for same.

I will be in Lexington and: I:OllLL::Zy and Tuesday, and
I hope to be aole to see you or: one of these days.

Very truly yours,
Z ‘ - 2 C?
' '.’l -;.' . .4 ,. ,,‘ ..» .
w... / .- 0*,