xt73bk16mf8w_390 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269pp] Miscellaneous text [269pp] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_40/Folder_4/3169.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_390 xt73bk16mf8w 1
April 28, 1915.
K. A: McDowellv Esq., >
‘ Manager, L é’c E Ry.Co.,

Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Replying to yours of the 332d inot., in reference to
'Cartor Wilder, a section laborer injured ab Noon, Ky., Eebruary
27, lQlS, upon the information contained in your letter, sup»
plomentoo by informati:n over tho telephone this dog received
from Mr. Butlor, I am of Opinion on t you can safely aaguot
the mntfior montionpd W7th Carter fiildor, by paying him 94.00
in Settlmnont. Sofar ao his fathor is oonoo nod, I am confident
that you are fully protectofi by the releases heretofore GKCJUth by
his fathero The only change 101 up—Sotting settlement would, I
think, arise from the mere fact thafi the claimant is unaor Tl
years of ago, but I So not ontioiwato that thoro will be any
trouble on that score.

Very truly yours,

 ' P-l,
‘ ital/,’(ffl/KEl/am/ ”(J/21% ”457/ Cam/flay
, .¥J w K/ /
L,e%tevizx fly /6&){
o i. ; /., » -g; April gird, 1915 .
j [Mlfir,.g_ .Ah 5 ‘
8. LI. ‘.’[ile'om Eadie-“W V H
Lexington, Ly;
Dear Jirz~
Carter Wilfler, a section laborer, was injured at
Heon on 3ebruery 27th. He lost 5—1/2 fleys at $1.25 per day
and is agreeable to accepting $4;OJ in setulement. he is
Shown to be but nineteen years. of age at the time of t he '
accident. ‘Ue fifi not haVU a release covering the service
- on this division bu: have since secured one. Bis feaher,
John P. Wilder, however, did Sign a release on April 27th,1914,
for service as section laborer under Jonah hlock on Section 45
on the Kentuclgr Divisian. Please i:.CLViS€ if we are protected
in making'pwymenu liroct to the boy on the release helfi.for
service above referred to.
J‘oure truly,
B / M.,IJ7‘5 .

 3, .
.I/ I,
. {
Afiril 21, 1915.
40°03. £33001;th 4% Ziorgan,
Hazarrl, Asa-tucks!»
Gen 1:]. amen:
137L9¢zgze refer to In; let-tor of Hatch 7222, 1.315, asking any;
claim 03? 3::-cw Erazior fer 356.50, account of loss of one bag 01‘
sugar, be supported by original hill oi” 1:261:13, invoice, el:;i::;nnt’s
bill and amine at using in. filing; the u’!.ai,zi2-. "I. hare (ct receivea ‘
a Letter Lima ..lr. ;;;;I1“:;.L'e‘a_1., seizing that the file be returnné to him,
togethrar with these aséiti Orr-v.1 pianist-L‘s.
Kinz‘ifiy note 94151 oblige,
Y ours 1; 3:12.13? ,

 .April 21, 1915.
E?’. zl- McDowell, Esq. ,
Lexington, Ky. '
Bear Sir:

Replying to yours of the 20th instant. in regarfi to claim
of Drew Frazier for $6.50, account of loes of bag of sugar on April
20, 1914, covered by Freight Claim Agent Segor's file 3&3 1180,
heretofore sent me, I huVe to say that in compliance with your letter
of Heron 20th, I wrote Jootton & morgan, asking that claim be sup—
ported with original bill of lufling, invoice, claimant’s bill and
ounce of delay in filing this claim. as yet, I have heard nothing
from chem in reply. I note that you have mailcfi 3 carbon of your
letter to me of April 20th to Woottbn & Morgan and poeeibly they
will write you direct on the subject. I herewith return the
Claim Agent's file and just as soon as I hear from Wootton & Morgan,
1 will report to you further.

Very truly yours,

J/ ** / %/ if]
,- raw/47%;”); .1”/fl 94 [m {- M/Z/My/ Mfl/ ZMZ%
' ' \_,. v
K ”9" //7 ” K
E /Mzewm////flw ‘
4 1/ y ; -, . i
// 9/ %9fl1////1 g) , _ - g/ 4}
’ fiflillyfl/b' ,Wflfifeé4.
April 20th, 1915.
\ U/wu ;zJ. / a“
S. M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky;
Dear Sir:—
Messrs. Wootton & florgan write me on his 17th
that Drew Frazier had made claim for $6.50 covering loss
of bag of sugar in shipment from Whitssburg April 20th, 1914.
This is covered by the Freight Glaim Agent's file 1&3 1180
which.was sent you on march 20th for additionu1 papers to
‘ support the claim. Can you now let me hhve their return.
iours trtfly,
_, 1.3"”
, 5
Copy to
Wootton & Jorgan.

 ‘ March 22,'1915.
lasers. Wootton & horgan, ' ' V
hazard, Kentucky. L
Gent 1 amen:

Referring to the claim of Bret Frazier, of Oscaloosa,
for loss of one bag of sugar. Freight Claim Agent Sager asks
that this claim he supported with original Bill of Ending, Invoice,
Claimant‘s Bill, and cause of Cele: in filing this claim. Please
eive this matter your attention and advise me.’ ,

Yours truly,
i‘ Counsel.

/ / /‘ / ,K i' , / ,’,,/7
_ -p VI/l/yfl/l (Mid /////// ////Z/éfl%/ ,W/ {19%
/ ' // / :/'/ / ‘y’ _,
’Gfll/ afl/ %(€J ‘
Wit/rewi- slflJ/ly/(l/ y
/ (
March 20th, 1915.
m. s. M. Wilson, W 533' ’5'
Trust Building, City. '
Dear Sir:—
Your letter December 9th, claim of Drew Frazier, of Osca—

1oosa, loss one bag sugar. I attach the Freight Claim Agent's file

} L&E.1180. Note that he requests original bill—of—lading, invoce,
5; .mmwinwwwmwwwwiiwn ‘_.. H
sǤ &U. Can you have such secured if necessary?
1 ,”‘” .
Yours truly,
Enyl. /t7
/Q%:g) : 6;,“JJ-1hufix
b /g ‘ ’\_, fl! ‘

:;2/ / f?‘ "//' / //’ 1/
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”fig 7 1 ' 7,. ,.
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“I $41: .2.: ..‘-[. 52811133 73 $30!,
Loujuvilpc, «y.
Eaar Eirz~
-> .-.”. ,., - .. ,’.a, .‘.??? ,.:
l 335 ch my entire fiie tLauing unLgng,4 oi
“ “" W“ "‘3% ”3 ”0 Hz waybill 88
' G116) has; of 1101; 004713;.43u .4 “HAMLmuU 1::
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.’Lpril 133-951},, (305181151qu «:0 -)re ,. u .
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Y7uys Jruiy, ‘
-. ‘1‘ K7,},
4 L“ ‘1 (3' . 7, ”)5
2 / I fi/j
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Cy — .,..{r.b..1..'4111son.
Your letter of December 9th, 1914.

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5 / $914? /74 '
\\\\ Whitesburg, Kentucky, Dec. 8, 1914.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel, Lesington & Eastern R'y 00.
Dear Sir:-
Mr. Dnew Frazier of Oscaloosa, Letcher County, Ky. was
in to see me this morning relative to shipment of goods which he
‘ made from Whitesburg to Hz in last March, and he says that there
was a bag of sugar short when the shipment reached U2, and that
the bill was marked by the Conductor of the train. Frazier says
he met the train there to receive his goods, and that he did ae-
ceive all but the sack of sugar which was worth $6.50.
Frazier says that Mr. Fess Whitaker the Agent at Blackey '
has the papers relative to this matter and can give full informa—
tion. - , .
Please put this claim in the proper channel and have
it investigated at once in order that we may make settlement with
Yours truly,

 . . : 2, - 2 '
'1 . .
‘ 2 ' *r ~ 1. *«1
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/ A'
November 10th, 1914.
, Am ,0 V .
. So his Wilson , ESQ. , ' , ‘
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

_ Your letter of October 22nd in connection with claim
of”3, G. Brashear of near Viper, for damage to crOp of corn on
account of defectiVe cattle guards. As re nested the claim was
referrea to Jr. Hardesty and I attach his reply.

Your :3- truly, , 6/)
A 7? A/ r'
/ f ’,l j‘ 1.1/
j . A", A/ ,. ,, t
, , , , 5
% ‘\/
B .

. V ,.‘, /,/ /,
i _ V (i/ j 0/// ’
‘ :gém%wnwéégégéewf
/’T) . g ‘ /(fl)
ii/I'IWI éWé / ,
7 (,7
M1"?! 0A oMODOWB 11:
Dear Sir;
I herewith return Judge Wilsons letter of the
22nd.relative to Hogs and Cattle getting over Cattle
Guards and destroying the Crop of Felix Breshear near
Viper: I went up there this week and looked the ground over
and I find that he did loose the crop of corn by the Stock
getting in on it and I also looked at the cattle Guards
and find that they are in first class repair and they are
a standard make and in fact are in my opinion the best
Guards that are made: I do not know what the Law is on
this matter but since this Claim was put in We had two suits
filed at Hazard and I understand that several parties are
fixing to file claims on these same grounds;
It seems to me that we ought not to be held liable
after we putxthe best Guards that we can get and keep them
in good repair: I promised mrfBreshear that I would let him ‘
hear from me soon as I could find out what our Legal depart-
ment said about our liabilitygsc I would be glad if you
would get Judge Iilsons opinion for meé
I fl
Yours_ uly: (‘“"'”'
J7 / {fig/”(95%;
‘ / ' ,
a / st °k Clfiim/Agent.

 I . ' . l b j ' ] fiovember 9. 191.4. ' ‘7
o n. limrdesty, .3qu ' ' 7
/ Stock Claim Agent,$ & E Ey.00., _
" Le:ington,fiyo ’ .
' ‘ Dear Sirzw ' .
_ I acknowledge recoint of yours of the 7th instant, in »
reference to claims on seconnt or stock getting over cattle or.stock-
‘ guards and destroying cross, more especially the claim of Felix
‘ Brashesrs, of Viper, Kentucky, for $75.00. '
Upon the statements mafia in your letter as to the char-
} ‘ aster one sufficiency of the stockguards in use on the E & E, I do _
_ not see how the Company is liable or can he made liable. It is
. I at least worth; while to make a test case of this question.
Very truly yours, . V‘
’ J_ V v , Counsel. . ‘
. . ., . 1;
f I y

K7 , 6‘“ _ fl . 7 ?”
flMWMQ W/ M/M/M/y/ QW%W/€/%
=“: - J €22;w&7%%¢222é§g%2" J '
W/flfifly/étfiaa ;y Nov .’7th .1914- .,
Hon.S.M;Wilson; Counsel; /]Z¢r0 ) y%
[Security Trust Bldg/ ,
’ Lexington, Ky. . ,
Dear Sir, .
I \ Refering to our conversation of a few days ago relative
to some Suits filed against us in the Perry Circuit Court on
account of Stock getting over Cattle Guards and destroying crops
of various kinds; and especially the Claim of Felix Breshears
of Viper;Ky. for tvsgoo. on account of Hogs destroying his
crop of corn, I went to Viper and personally examined these
Cattle Guards and found them to be in first class condition
and they are a standard make and are the best kind of a Guard
that is made so far as I know and turn all ordinary Stock in
most places where usedjbut in MriBreshears case he told me
that the Hogs would straddle the rail and get over the Guards
‘ and would even walk the rail to get in to his corn field;if we
are liable in cases of this kind we certainly are up against
it for that Country is full of rogueish Stock and we can not
put up Guards that will turn them for they would walk the Rail
and get in any way; I would be glad to have your Opinion on
this case as I told hr,Breshear that I would advise our position
in a few days; Yours Truly “NA

;..r , ,. ‘ t ,
4 .J.:‘rxnmgs at {Jam
Liramnfimer ’7, 193.42.
7m f " 7’
...1 ;J. ;.;. 1:11.701},
1:31.11wa(3011, ;...".j;
. 031 Lil‘:
Ymrw 0% +7, :«H—a rm “ fiQLL
...»u... u * 44-0 mu; 3110; ”Adair; LOLd 0.1. ;bwer
..': ‘ rx ~A ,,,, . M p ‘- . 4.2. \ _ "'_ ... V, ~ . A 7 ,.
;IOln 'V. .‘...0011‘1341, 1:81;,th8 to we stow. $3.240 (gates
receives. , L'tJlC. C:.Ll“ 0:12.113 not-ed . I 3105;111:163 from L'gisi
_‘.J‘ M 1": _ - _'. — I _“w ‘_V .7_- , . ,. ~.. , _- ‘
leL/bej. mugt ”i. ,.1;.‘..L\J(‘?§'Jb; ‘:'~‘J_ll 31“» once lut'GE-‘TELgXLJL/e
~‘ _, A -LL/“,.‘. fl Y. ‘ “a" - . k \p - 4-r
L:..eae :.JLLLbHLf’J =.;1.C: gage CClgmdjieie re»u1‘$ nu us.
I.' 01111—3 1; may, ‘
/ A 524 , . ’
(«Ev/€491; / ./ ./7 ‘4" {:5:/;”;
/’\ ,‘,
// //
,/,/I/ ’///

 ‘ October 30, 1914.
C.H.moozman, Esq.,
Asst. Dist. Atty.,L & H S n 00.,
Lear Sir:-
I acknowlo$ge recciit oi your letter of the 26th instant
in reply to mine of the 22nd instant regarding claim of ?. G.
Brashenrs of Viper, Kentucky, for alleged damage to even by stock
_ tresnassing through a defective cattlegnnra.

In connection with this claim of Breshcnrs, I ask your partic-
ular attention to two suits filcfi on the “7th instant in the Perry
wuarterly Court, based ugon the same general claim, one unfler
style of J.G.Unmphe11 v. A u I 33.30., and the other under the style
oi J. G. and Ma. Ca uboll v. 3 i H my.to., nnfi both renortofi to
you herewith in separate 1 tt r. Unless thorn in some effective way
of chockmuting it, I fear this class of claims will ghostly assume
31:31'7'111‘15' 23:40 330 :'ti one .
fifii/fl Very truly yours,


 $2417 #7
- . .J. //////////< ”1”?/é //////fl///@I/%[M%
‘ 2 / ' /
4 . . / ;7: “'/ . i , ,
'flf’HIfl/l/Z/fl-/. , (u .W/M. / ./ —, ~ , / / z, y , j
‘. ’ / 7)/.'s'/n’r{//,-\///n/W{V Jflll " Q (i/7/K'i//7”//’/7/l'///f7/ ‘fl/JVZ/IZZ-(J/y
fll/xrn/rjxj y/ MflH/H/H, /
91.3151, {/Jfit/f/(f/v-‘l/Il/lflqtf /, 7
/' ) /V/ / ~, 1" '2, '//// '1 /'
/9WW%J//é/Cflfl/”flv l¢£a%UZZAZ%cAfV October 26, 1914.
/ / f/I/r/[n/Infr/wll.
Hon. Samuel M. Wilson, tPng AK 0‘ ‘
00111-1881 , I.I. 8’: E. Ry. CO. 9
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I have your letter of October 22, inclosing a
copy of Mr. Morgan's letter of the 16th, relative to the
claim oi‘P. G. Brashears, for alleged damage to a crop of
corn on account of defective cattle—guards, through which
stock of a neighbor trespasscd on Brashear's land.
5k; Our liability in this case, in my opinion, de— r
, IxflWwwmxfumWM‘vyn I .Ns'.‘:<:tmm_w.rm ' . anwuwu'“ m
nends on the question of‘whetner r rot flggwgfijfllgmguaafigm
\..le r
L” in questignmzere‘dgfggtiveh_mmIi‘they were defective, it 1
seems to me that Mr. Brashears will be able to recover the ' ‘
damage he sustained by reason of the stock's passing over
the cattlemgnards. t
'» I suggest that the question of the defectiveness )
y ( of the cattleuguerds be investigated; and, if it is found
that they were defective, that we endeavor to settle the
. A ' .‘\.
caSo at something less than the amenym claimed.\' ‘
v” /f;%
_ YO'LII'S Wig
\I’I'MJU ; ,r /
x17“! ., ,Agv ¥- [7‘57 *’ l ’ 4a
Copy t0- ,
Jesse Morgan.

.‘\ V
. October 22, 1914.
Eon. C. H. Magrman,
. ._ w- H \T “« 1: %
Asst. L19t.,h & b ¢ ; Lc.,
2' _fl .~ - ‘1 '." T
D ,M m. .
Gail. M]. I‘. '“‘
rim? 110::7r‘ii'1'th :,;0 Of a 19 ‘L c“: 7: of the lb 1;}; 5.11;?‘0. from
'2’ 4. . *~ _ ~.A ., " -,,. , , .LV *1 ~.., . 'z r' 73- ‘ 4.- . - V
HOOUtOfl & ficrgan 1; £0IG:Cfl:O go a Cilia of PgdaJravh arc, of
‘ ~ .‘- “r..- -'.' 7“ - . '1 ,‘.» ~. ‘m '~ g .,,-.,. r ." v. ~.- « u. . fl <
leef, AJQ' »or fl¢lfigdh “$335c LO 3 C409 a; 001a on muGUUflL of
1 .5 .L! -,; ‘ .,,,; . .I. ~,_ 1. ’-. .~ w J. . " .0 . , 4 ,.w,‘ ‘.., ‘:.. -... ..
oe;een1ve CStblU$flULVS unluugn mhxca Suufik o; a ne4gubu; UfCS}QSS€d
.4 .‘ ‘ ~ .‘.
0; his lung.
‘..‘-5‘“ ‘)." ‘3 r'r‘ ""’ "F“ 'T'} a '1 """'""‘.‘*'“<1"*r7~’3 ".'-“37"] :‘ir‘flfin'h‘.’ " L ’;‘nn- ...1 “
4.3.13 L)1.A1.».n;: U113“ L; “4.1-.“ U5]. L; L' ..‘. ,‘_ :. U.- VJ. ‘:.L; 2.. L.- L gait, v U4. VG , .118 U.|).__.L_f_:. C _we
-- A- -- ».. "‘ 4. . - .'1. 1.1,. m-.. .1 .. .,.- ._h ,_- ‘1 I“. M . r :m«—.. -L r" ..‘ , — -
ahueurlag, d0 you uhln; uuu;e #3 find EACQHQ ;o; hflld¢ufi uhe uompuny
. “"' -._.. .2 . ,... g '~ ,. ,.__-‘ J. ‘."... *E "‘.‘ "I '.’T .,. , .. ,0
I am ruLeirlafi a QLHlL L m‘:f LO “x. ”CDQhwlL,LQMCQG; o.L the L
n *" '1 5r- A ‘ ' .“ .. r! , .L.. (“.,L '7 fl ,,- ,. 4. _, . ._F- _, I..“. w '1 ' A .,L .‘ ~ ‘ J..
o; .“., arm .~.-1:. ‘-J=LL.;;51;“\LG?‘u;,r,23b<)oii Ula‘th Agent, .L. ')1 1:.Lfif'l-u‘CL13L H; lflVCFSul-
..3 " _. .,. .‘. .. ... .
fine. V954 truly yours,
”...‘“. m . A
;“¢/a unumyl.

 ' October 22, 1914.

3.. .. . 32103017011 , Esq . ,
Maytag‘gger, h 6?: 22:7.Uo . ,
" .‘ -.' ,.,.L . 1:1,, .
.U 321;). 11;; 1:0 11 , 11,3; 0
rear i2.- : ~

‘ 131-'12 .“i’fD‘fJi th 7310-" :30 note 0 03);? of: a letter of the 153th. instant
:E' 3:013 liootton Hi: 1.10:3 3:171 in r iezxenc: e to :1 (31.32121 of 33?. 23.. .'3:.‘:z..s‘:hoe.rs ,
3:10:11" Vinor, Ky. , for :11 :tr-‘rg‘ged. damage t o a. crop of corn on account of
r'i efective cattleguards, t idem-:31 unis}; stats}: of a neigz-nuor had gotten
anion his land. ‘..’lcrme 1' 0:30? this misfit e: to ilr. Intracastgz 1'0 1 imme-
"3c: 1- 3 ‘ t, vfiQ’L'IWKfiJ‘": A} (1‘ N: "'"'\“‘I ':"j‘ n‘, I": "‘.‘1'IWF‘
,, _Lul. L) (1 ll}. lbw Ll_l_,:j;,\,,.,ti.~_\1.t'l ull‘: .1_ '.,-H01, (.1 . (194.1. UL), ..‘3, (3‘ .

Yours truly,
$1110 I
{1' Y '/11
“.,. _‘.‘. u,
. -‘\ -., . r, ,3
b0 duo cl.

 . , -\

_ October 23, 12:14..

' -’ ~.. J— - e ‘, . 3 - .-,—',.“.
;;.ess_-s....ootton ;,- iiorgan, Attonu‘ys,
VT.‘ . v.1 3’3
:..a gal. t , inf.
“m .:.-1 NH)» .
boll La L Lin}; [J.. '”

w ».. m “',’-m. «. «an. _.‘ '. -.. :.' .~ ,-' in. l: n
;O‘di 9 Cl tile Loon lfl-Scallt, 1:1 LKDlOi‘Oiide '5.-t) 311.2513». 0.1. :.’-U.
7‘.; . n i . -..,- ,z'h . .,7 rx ,.. _-. mJ- ‘_'L' s “ t: 1‘.. , «.._. L. . .(~ -
.Jliifzflfl‘gIL3 .Lul ":’(RQOU 01.1. :,CCLNMLL; LML Elnngg'ULc Luix'lfftézu U\) Uld!) 044 {main
/ . _. ._
‘ —-~ ~ . n ». an ' 1"“... L3.. nit": - "- ,._-.1,..3 ' ‘. .,. .2..,.,: ..,‘;a 1 J. '3
bail J.V.‘zjfl-Uil OJ, {3.‘.in V.1‘ ._,re Cunlll. :'.‘J_¢E;a‘-.S ill-“J bfjtal}. LL'-.Jt}_..‘i has {2,411}. 110 ‘._-9’“.
r ., ..': . :.“». ,.- .- l 0 W . “.L.,z, .:. . ' -' WW ,. .-: r .3.
.L :;..:1 i“x:lE¥..-;'l“l.n35 ample-S: Ol JULLI 1:: £qu31’ L-U 11:.. ..'.O-ul;:i;.tll ind 11.-:50 no
.'.LC 234b- ;AL'»§.,§I't)’..L3,.L. {LJLL .LL.‘,J."__!):1. ‘_/_‘, it)? lull: ,VC _Llntrag1:4.‘:',L,Jrci..oli ..Llii' 136310113.
lewz. ,.., ‘ '“ n. 1, ,:-- A, 4'." , ., ‘ . :‘2~ . — :4. ‘-., .",,“ -, -
ea L: _:.:3 530011 L153 i (3'31 01%;; . 430121 MiG», i ‘..:_1..L with?) EULA. :.‘-_41},le
. :."l V.., . .',. ._v.
011. will? 5111.) J (._10 L4 I
J'p—fiv “7"."01'7’V' v-l-w-ncs
V \J .,. j _,r ,1. L- in}, 9"; i) all I.) ’
, 9'an
L.',HHV.’ L;.
UOllll ETC _L . .

 ..ns. . .00.... ..”. no...”
‘ .': gitnrnegsiui~§£nm, “I
,. ‘ HAZARD KY_ , October 16, 1914.
lir. b. i... ‘.'.‘ilson, ' \ ANSW’LC‘RX,
\ ”.W- ,,

Lexington; hy. L\\#;i;;i3;;I’wxa
Dear Sir: I

Mr. P. G. hrashears was in to see us today. he
claims that he lost a crop of corn on account of defective
cattle guards placed on the property line between him and one
James Brashears, south of Viper. he says that he is going
to sue unless the Conmany pays him @75.00.

We do not know of our own personal knowledge to
what extent his crop was damaged, or whether at all, or not,
but hrashears is considered a Very straight man, and in fact,
we have always known him to be rather straight, and we are
reasonably sure that he has sustained some damage of stock
passing over the cattle guards. We have asked him to wait
until we communicated with you before filing suit. This he
has agreed to do. bo, we will be glad for you to advise at
once whether or not we should litigate this matter with him.
That is, we mean shall we take the position that these cattle
guards are safe and afford reasonable protection to crops, or
are we bound to protect the crOps through which the railroad
passes? .

Our Mr. Hootton is away, and he made the deal with
Brashears for his right of way, and the writer does not know
whit was said relative to protection of crops until the right

' ’ I ' Afinrusgsmi’rfgam
of way was finished.
Yours very truly,

 4- £74378
7 ~.,_ ,,” , /” /
y 4 o “ ’ \ ‘!
f ~/é//¢/y/fl//9WZK/ “fly/””7” L ”’5 74’ W ’
/" \”/’/ ¢4%,/7 ’ ‘

x / g / x/

I ‘1 MY . >7 ./ j ' Z/’)

, ///m”flM-i ”‘..: 3 5:: ,.Wfl [’45 "

fl} , : _ . M__ f ‘ , July 22m, 1215
\'\\ . "a . “..‘ .- ', PM i

\ \‘z . “W

M33“ 1* 3503‘1333‘ e, A,.Z‘L'LIL:Z‘L‘L'IZZLZLL'*'ILQII"’.‘:
Beettyville , m.
Dear Sir:-

Your 1e i; ::er oi' dune 25th asking for payment of
$36.00 for holding: inquest; 0170.? the body of flees Plummer.

I fillil tint the voucher has. been. ee‘nt to the xgent
at muliega for pegment enCi that he in. turn sweat a week since
forwarded it to Beebtyville. Will you kinflly call on our
agent there/for the money.

I am sorry uLE payment w: 5.81;”ijy’ed.

Yours; tmly,
mew Hurst.

 ‘ June 29, 19-15 .

w. A. ficDowell, dsq.,
Qanager, L & E Ry.03.,
Lexington, iantucky.
Dear fiir: '

neplying to yours or the 38th instant, enulauirg (£31m oi I.
£cGUiI6, Justice of the Faace of Ace County1i isntruxg, ior 95.00 for
halfiing inquust upon the bgay 0i PLans ”lummer, lately found iead on
tieck at Athcl, I hernwith return said bit; a:& have to say that unfier
tie niovisicns vf Section 1739, Ky. Stats., th: fags oi’a Goruner or
03 a Justice of aha ?oaee,$cting as a cornner, for holding an.inquest
3:9 nvvabla oufi if the as at: of the dccefiont or, if fihnre be no
era ta, than such fees are unymblu out 0f the Gounty leVye Lance,
this will is a Clwir.flguin”? gee Gaunt: and not againgt the L 3 3.

Vex? truly yours,

ELH/a Counsel.

t /‘ ,,« ,\ IV ,,, / » \/ I ,_,
/ ' / 7*” ,/ if / 7
. _., filfli/yfli/igmz/ ///J(/6’/ /// ”fly //w/////y
- I ., :" “ /"
< yfl/AWVI ///(W/ I ‘
A%%(%é§@mwfi? ‘:;// , 7 ;%¢ /
,r' // K
{x ' March 29th, 1915.
l/ _
Xr.J.J.Donohue,gfilef yaw Agen+, fl ,
“anisviile g flasgyiile ?a11road Co., [pfiéga 33 , 5~
Lonisviifié, fly.
_ . ,/
Dear flirt—
The enclased conies of le++ers in regard to the fieath of
Pleas. Plummer, whn was found dead on ihe track the morning of
March 8th, 1915, are self-exnlanafory. fill you kinfiVy advise me
what answers I shouli make.
it has been our cuatom in the Dfiit t0 campronise cases
of thin kind where it 00111:}. be done for a few humired inllILI‘S,
esgecinlly if we bvliQVQfi suit Was going to be brought, as will al-
most inevitably hqonen in fihin case if not compromigefi.
Yours truly,

 cog; 3—86—15.
7. A. HcDowell,
Gerhllgr., 11.1 13327.00.
3651? Sir : -

‘ You are hereby notified that I have this day been appoifir
ed and qualifiei as administrator of the estate of my father,
files. Barnett, who was killefi by a train in this county about
larch 7th, 1915. i will be flai to hear from the Company if they

‘ desire to settle for his ioath without suit.
John Rlummer, ‘
Administrator of ?lee. ”lummer,
Canyon Falls,
.’.-(:7 .

 k \
COPY ‘ Beattyville,xy., 5~27~15.'
Gen.figr., L.& E.Ry.Co.,
Dear Sir:-

Yesterfiay,flr.John Plummer,0anyon Falls,this County, came to
my office ani employed me to aifl him in the collection of a claim vs,
the E.& E.R.Ra for the death of his father,who was killed by the train
near Honica,about fiarch 7th,l9l5. I advised him the first thing to io
was to qualify as Aimr.ani notify you of the fact. We went together to
see his uncle,3enry Plummer,a merchant here,ani together we three went
to the Canrt Tense,ani hafl the County Judge annoint John Plummer,idmr.of
his father,?les. Plummer, Kenny Blummer going on the Boni as Aflnr.

Then we returned to my office,ani at his engeestion I prenarei a letter
advising you of what hal been lone,ani‘statinr that he was Willing to
compromise the claim without suit, it you so flesirel. Be signefl the
letter as Aimr. ani I as Atty. Later he toli me that at the Suggestion
of the Countyfnflge,fiilbnrn, he was going to take my letter home with him
anl let his wife make e cony of it on plain paper ani send you the copy.
This is to advise you that I am the Attorney in the case and the only
Atty. If you think there is any merit in his claim,ani will advise him
to come here and see me, 1 will be pleased to bring him to your office
ani iiscuss with you a settlement without suit. At any rate, l‘will
thank you for a cony of your letter to him.

Thanking you for your attention, I am '

Yours truly,
(Signed) Theo.B.Blakey.

 ‘ ,/ . ' , ' V, - y/" I' 4‘15—44-65
3 . -3 (”mg/m IIIII/ /(! fl/‘M Mil/fly fW/M/y
‘ / Li (I ,2 7y 5 \1‘ (
.//'fl7I/{yfli.’ fi_:fl%fl/ ‘//,6W/,,fl //"',
June 28th, 1915.
So Mb Wilson, ESQo,
Dear Sir:-
Note letter from I. McGuire of Beattyville
asking for payment 0tP $36.00 for holding inquest over
Pleas Plummer who was found dead On our track at Afihol
sometime since. The bill was sent to you for handling.
Yours truly,
m fl/(zix/JAJ’L/
B ’ "L8

j / 5 — 15- 2 54a
‘ )J /‘ ”’k} ,,,«A; >777
£7 f/l/j/If K /:.;,* 1K.) MK K L /////’///// ///%//////,
,."/V/' //,//- / (V? . r) V _ V,
//.////'/’//’/ ///// (K'I'fiy/lZ/WW/i/ fi'l/a)/////flfl//
' ska? 3 .47ijy63
_ beptaflmr 15—1933.
Mr. Jesggfmarggn,
”flazarfl, fly.
C Dear Cir:
anr letter 3f $unnst 5th 7013 five f3 settlament
uiih 4r. Lee $4 pramhcaxa far damage L3 his W? jcrty by
’ reannn 3f «lide jugt n IQYIUi‘Vibar.
A: we are naiCpmrtioa1arly irtcreefisfi im sec ring
title t: the pfiaperfiy accuyiefi by the slifle i have urowared
‘ a relegse caverinC urttlfim¢nt a: fihv raie 3f 9104.66 par
acre far the lamfi.ef£ectad by tbs 91139, tho area 3f which
is 0.41 3f an acre, and I enclowe relmafic, check 2H3 vvucher
for w41.0.. Elease secure signature 3f hr. L.an?£crs Jfi
wife to the relaase takirfi recwiat it? the payment an the
voucher Kai recarn hsth t3 me hanflinr the check t: Jr. Bra hears.
Ysur? tr fig, '
‘\K'C .‘7: .0 :.' .‘,. . 0 .: .
h.el hflfihefiiaf onstructi n.
haw-abs ,f"
0;; :3 ii 2.11%) on; A 41403127611.

 ‘ ¢
‘ . *1. ' ‘ ' ~. » 1 . .. , - ..
. . - . ,, -— .«-. ~ - » I 1
. . ‘ g ; - . , V rightist .Lr- ’ J_(;.L5 o
A , l I _
' = i . .
.‘.L s "a "' ‘1 ‘.VLlELlfgr‘ 9 .'_éfi‘io , 1- .
"1 ' .. ..!: _' - .... 7’ -‘~. . 1,-”. ,7 J ' .‘ n r ‘7_, 1‘ I‘
(..in: :2.; 12mg: .43 o i mom