xt73bk16mf8w_393 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269ss] Miscellaneous text [269ss] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_40/Folder_7/3356.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_393 xt73bk16mf8w WILLIS w. REEVES
5113535515313 ./ ~ as — ,7
January 29, 1917.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Just a line to tell you that the claim I wrote you
about, in favor of the First National Bank against the L & N,
has been settled satisfactorily. The Railroad Company had
this table repaired without trouble and expense to the Bank,
and it has been received by the Bank in good condition.

I desire to thank you for your assistance and
interest in the matter. I am glad the matter has been

With kintst personal regards, I am,

Yours very truly,
,1 >1 '1 - V; I
WWR- ,3” < { e~’ " *_
Copy to
J. F. Seger, F C A
Louisville, Ky.

 3 A December 11, 1916.
J. J. Donohue, Esq.,
Asst. DiSt. Atty., 3&U RR Co.,
' Louisville, Kentucky
‘ ’Eear Sir: ‘
* ’_ “ Horowith, please note song of a lettor of the 9th inst“,
“ \ firofi‘florgar a Nuck>lo, with file herwto attachof, in reference to
olain of first Rational flank of Hazard. If, on the strength of
, tho onolosod letter, you have any :urthor ouggostions to mnko re~
garding a settlomont of thio olwim, other than as rooomnondod by
you heretofore, I Shall be glad to hear from you on the Subject.
Vbry truly yours, ‘
()1)?121£=62]. .

 . December 11, 1916.
102:3 iiorgan c”: Nuflzols, Attys., '
Hazard, Ky.
Acsmowlodgging yours oi” the 53th ine‘tzmt, in reference to
claim of First Kati 911.31 352116 of Hazard, I am :'orwarding 5: (307337
0:? your letter, Ni th the attached :63 1e, to III. .73 tnohue for his
informationo 51101116 I hear from him :urthor on the $ubjec‘c,
I will advise you.
Var-g.r truly growls,

 i .
Jessa magi-..‘ raw.“ worms ' I. ,
g §MORGANE5< NL‘Jfigé'KOLS / 2‘ (If " *7] (4:)
a, .:3“ Aft xfi_‘§1t;{rgsj§ft Flinn:
2 "W“; AHATLZARab, KY. -
a « f
_ “##f;
' . . December 9, 1916.
Mr. Samuel M. flilson, .
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
IN RE: Claim of First National Bank of Hazard.
We are in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst.,
in regard to the above above, and note your freight claim agent's
file attached to your letter. .
We have taken this matter up with The Bank and Mr.
Reeves, and The Bank does not desire to accept from the Railroad
-Company a second hand table in any way, or to accept a new one
"patched up", as they desire a first class table for use in their
directors room. However they say in new of the fact that your
company is confident that this table can be repaired, and nade as
good as new, the Bank has consented for you to take charge of
the table and make the necessary repairs and then deliver it
to them here at Hazard. If, however, the table is not then in
good condition, they reserve the refusal of it,or will accept it
only upon condition that claim may be made upon the amended claim
base.thereby furnished.
Ye herewith return to you your file in this connection.
Yours very truly,

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.’/ QHV%4WWW0T ,Lflhwljoykdfl%flaé%92A7”fl%méymom/Kayvunv. ~
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/ /1// /////:/'/w///Z////1.\////'///. ’ *//'///‘// ////I " //,//’,’ Dec ember lSt , 1916 -
Mr. S. M. flilson,TUounsel
Lexington a Lastern Ry.Co.,
‘ Lex1ngton, Kentucky.
Lear Sir, ‘
Referring to yours of the 20th ult. relative to
claim of first National dank of Hazard against the Louisville
& Nashville Railroad Company for the value of table alleged
to have been damaged in transit between Cincinnati and Haz—
Freight Claim agent Seger's file L-248615—LS
containing papers relative to the claim in question is handed
to you herewith. Please note that Hr.seger has to say in
his letter of November 29th. it does seem to me that the
First National Bank ought to be willing to have the table re~
raired at the Company‘s expense. I am very sure that when
it reachefi Hazard after having been repaired it will be found
to be in first class shape. Will you kindly ask Mr. Morgan
to confer with Mr. Reeves in regard to the matter and endeavor
to convince him that the bank should let us take charge of the
table for the purpose mentioned.
Yours truly,
‘ A istant District Attorney.

 .727/x //7
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w/ ////'w/Z////‘.a(///'///, ( «,//'///l)('////’, - ////, EOV€mber 22, 1.016.
/I’ .,. ”‘; i "a" I :’
.’ ’ a» £1 / (‘.:;
J. F. Sager, Esq.,
Freight Claim Agent,
Dear Sir:

Referring to attached papers relativa to claim 0f
the Firgt Naticnal Bauh, of Hazard, Kentucky, against the
Louisville and Hashville Railroafi company, for $35;08, GOV»
ering the value of a table claimed to have been damaged in
transit hetween Cincinnati anfi Haza?d, to such an extent
that it can not now be used:

I shall be glad t0 hava you aiviee me, as promptly
as practicable, what I can say to Judge Wilson in regly ts
his latter to we, oi'fiovember 20.

Yours truly,
Aasistant District fittorney,
,. /
Copy to , »
Judge 8. M. Wilson, /”'
Lex1ngton, KY.

 .l I v a
.- November 20, 1916.
Mr. J. J. Donohue,
Asst. Dist. Atty., L & H E E 00.,
Deer bir:
herewith fileaso note and return to me letter of the 16th
inst nt iron Mr. Millie H. leevee, attorney, of Hazard, Kentucky,
regarding claim :or $35.08 oi the Eirst National Bank of Hazard
v. L e H 1 Co. The encloses letter will he found selfuexplnnatory.
From it you will See that our local agent at Hazard, Hr. J.l.Demp-
sey, has declined to allow the claim, insisting that the Bank ac—
cent the table anfi permit the hailroad Company to return it to the
factory for repairs and then to adjust the difference between the
value of the table as repaired and ite value when newo The bank,
on the other hand, is inclined to insist that the aanaged table
he returned ano it be supplied with an entirely new table oi the
same kind. I incline to think that the ofiicere of the Bank
are our friends and have been useful to us on other occasions and
I believe that if this claim can be adjusted in accordance with
the wishes oi the Bank, it will he to our afivantage to have it
arranged that way.
Please advise me what course you think should he pursued
in the matter aid I till communicate your conclusion to Mr. leeves.
Very truly yours,

 ’ t
1 - November so, 1916.
Willis H. Reeves, Esq.,
Hazard, Kentucky.
30$? Sir;
Emptying to yours of tbs lflth instant, 2g £3 claim of
Eirgt Jational Bank of Hazard V. L Q J 1 Co. for 937.08, I an
hnnfiliug the matter with Louisville and will advise you promptly
Whufi conclusion is reached respecting the adjustment of this claim.
Please do not institute suit or incur any further costs until
you hwar from me.
Very truly yours,
mat/a "

 77,7” //2"
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’ April 14, 1917.
‘ /5/ * / {.,_/[7 -
Messrs. Morgan & Nuckols,
Hazard, Ky. ’
Referring to your letter of February 23 to Judge
Wilson, with enclosures, relative to the suit of the Beaver. '_
Kennedy Gonnany v. Columbus Mining Company, in which the de-
fendant, in the Hazard Police Court, filed an answer and '3
i, cross—petition against the Louisville and Nashville Rail-
“ ' road Company, asking fer a judgment over against it for the
amount of plaintiff's bill, i. e., $45.90, alleging that the "t
goods were_never delivered to the defendant at Raccoon, a non— ‘
agency station:
I send you herewith Freight Claim Agent Seger's
file (L«256696~LS) containing papers covering his investiga— ‘
fir” tion of this case.
MAJ. Note that, as in similar cases for loss of ship—
7ODV tn ments consigned to non—agency stations, we have only the state—
§;§-W:V//nent of the conductor, testifying from his records, to the
effect that the consignment claimed to have been lost was set
off by him. I have asked Mr. Seargeant to instruct Stock
Claim Agent Hardesty to make an investigation of this case at
I Raccoon, and as soon as I reoeiVe his report it will be for-
warded to you. Yours truly, a ‘ Link.“

 . ‘ ’ " A%;ji%//é/jfl%//ZZ//é/%I%flf/%fl:/Z{flf% V“ ”/ ‘13" ’ "I?“
: flflfi/flmwggéggfggém Jig/y ' @6/5flr/7/M4J/9/ jfif/Mkc/y
915M.@L's’t/‘l'c'éiftlflr/aqy /. [4:7 2 , /. .

/fim‘U/@fi”‘fiéwoz JKWW/é/qfof A13 211 15,1917.

M. Seargeant, ?sq.,

Ravenna, Ky.

Dear Sir:

Please refer to your letter to Freight
Claim Agent Seger, fiatefl April 11, relative to the
case of Beaver-Kennedy Company v. Columbus Mining
Company, in which case the defenaant has filed an
answer and cross-petition against the L.& H. R. R.
Co., alleging that the goofls for which the plaintiff
seeks to recover were never delivered to him at Rac-
coon, a non-agency station on the Fastern Kentucky

As you know, we are haying quite a number
of claims growing out of our alleged failure to de-
liver freight at non~agency stations on the ?astern

1 Kentucky Division, and in this case, as the record

3 now stanfls, we must defena on the bare statement of

\ the conductor to the effect that his records show

a that he set off the goods at Raceonn. I should like
K very much to have you instruct Mr. Herdesty to go to
K: Raccoon and there make a personal investigation of
this claim, with the hope that we will be able to

 Ii. So - 2
show by outside witnesses that the goods consigned
to the Columbus Mining Company were delivered at
Raccoon. of course in this particular case it
/ is necessary for us to show only that Raccoon is a
[ @ non-agency station, and that the consignment was, in
L9 fact, set off there.
Yours truly,
@ ' - Assistant District‘ Attorney.
D Judge 3. M. Wilson,
Messrs. Morgan a Euckols.

" 3"‘0331‘11111‘37 ‘27, TL'EHT.
a '.
J. J; innuhue, »':-(mpg,
4155.913. "131%; gtttyn Mai-.7 00.,
Lo 12:}, 5: Vi 11a , :.;-nu ‘fi; no 1C3] .
3021': ;‘-:LJ.
licx‘ea‘ui 1311 003.5; a): 19:71:231‘ :3;? tbs} "2rd :E.11::-t::.).‘=; 1259:: _-:<)Z"-",21A (7c
E:E11z;*Z-:;:?_:‘, 311-£3}. Ilea‘svozu-Q?‘1“er OJ. Vi}. baifizzsairuu .»-:_:-j;7_1.:i; L1{.=:,:;,~::;n;f, iii-:.:;Grc'i
"01166 Don't, @210 in which the: (191‘9216 am; has filed :5, arm-1;tngmtiiion '
against the NEIL Plazzne have this: ::ziz‘ctaal“ infif‘di‘ijjE'ifi‘tflfi as 711011317347
as guy-‘ssi "0‘10, in '3-3'2’51‘011‘1111‘30 173'. Ml dogw-g‘m ."uxr‘wi’s 1e mart, 2231K:
03.31329 ,
{01111; ‘t 2:111:73
0011‘ 13:40:11. 0

 5 / /
, ; éaf i
. Ajfirrnhgs z. .' 4.21111 .- 5' A, (15‘
\ {_.‘HAZA'R , KY. '
Feb. 25, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear sir: Denver-Kennedy Co. vs. Columbus Mining Co.

This is an action filed for a bill of merchandise sold by
the plaintiff to the defendant, but which the defendant denies

¢ receiving at the station called Raccoon on the L & N Railroad,

”*which is a nonragencyupre-pay statignanhe defendant has filed
answer and cross petition against’the L & N Railroad Company,
asking for a judgment over against it for the amount of the
bill which is $45.90 and claims that these goods were never
delivered to it at all. These goods were shipped from
KKnoxville, Tenn., May 19, 1916, according to your bill of
;Ieding censigned‘to Columbus Mining Company at Raccoon.

We have been unable to get hold of this cross petition
but we herewith enclose you summons that has been served on
Mr. Dempsey, which is all the papers we have in the matter.
This case will stand for trial_ths_iirst‘sunfifinxwinHMareh,'
Have matters rushed as much as you can so we may have in- I
formation by that time.

Yours very truly,
J M-L ZW/ (mix/,»,”; ;j/// 4!, -' (,'./’__‘T _
Encl. -7
\ .

 552m //7
/ ,7 , [fl ,, /« M /“ /
v7 ' ; (7971/r? . \ w ,
“A???tijéégflfimw (£5;figgkméwwééL%Q%MéQMW/Zgflmw; #m*7_/é
.J/J/7;n.,//’i//K¢;m . Q” ,, fl; /// Q
L, Hflémufimfl cx,fiflfl)é/ I}: 6&4, Apr11.6, 1glg.
Hen. 0.}L Pollard,
Jaeigon, Ky. .
Bear Sir:
Please note the atfiaohed file ralative to claim
of Fuller, Gross & Co., of Jackaon, Kentucky, an account
of damage to a writing flask moving from Louisville to Jack»
son, in September, 1Q:8,~»sae yaur 3etter of February 22 to
Judge wilson.
I shall be glafi ta have you grassed in.thia mat~
tsr in line with the suggestions containeé in Er. Segar‘s _
letter of April 5. If the claimant is unwilling to have
the deax returned to Louisville for repairs, Fuller, Gregg '
& CO. ought ta be willing to accept $5.00 in settlement.
Yours truly,
Assistant Bistrict Attorney.
copy to s. 24.. w/

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.. “1../1‘.;
r. , _
110171.211. I .,
g .

 ' ""4 _, .- ,.-- .l r .
_ ‘ rob; 114-11 5 ’94, 191,7.
Judge 0. h. Bollard,
‘T 7.. . 'f . . " .
eaelson, hentucKJ.
’79:.11' Ju 2*: :3 2
('1 -) c1111)” ”2.-'9 ,.. «»,.-4 ‘T . ,4:. \w 1:‘ .4 ,- '2 \ «,,‘ .u:
_-_l c-.1.-.1.l-.Jlx)w.x.~.(1,91 ,_-,L) L11 ._3 V.'. ullb ,_- nu, b11~.,J.\)»4>J.JLg-",
',.:‘JR.’ *2, 4...-J :2 x ‘1 “,4- .- ..., 4......2‘4 , '2, ,.‘; ,1 4 - - J . '4
.'.,J._...Lfluf -.J.L O .L .;w i . NIH/Oi"; lL);gi.1._-.~.>.-_;l.g{ (wk-,_:: 0144:, 111on L a) .:.‘LLLVC'
00:31 105; 1'; 1421 t ITUIEE’]. t 4. .:. an; ::.“ :::e rail; 1,;; tin" We, '1; 9:21" '1; <1)
- .:...“fl. . J. . ,_.4.~.
...H.) "5.'.-"2 .LLle .‘— UJ 5). a Jet: 1U lania
4 133;" i, 131).; ;,7:‘>u2::3,
,4:).- . ,.5/E“.
2;),7'L11‘1;":<27_ .4

. 31 ,. “K g ' Feby 22, 1917. _,
Judge S.M.Wilson,
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:-

I inclose affidavit of A.F.Lyon, with reference to loss
of a desk in transit, for which he wants $10.00. Same being consigned
by L.Grauman & 60., Louisvillejto Fuller Gross & 00., Jackson Ky.

Kindly have it investigated as rapidly as possible as he
is threatening suit, and complains that he is unable to get any
satisfactory results through the agents.

Yours truly, ‘\<:7 .
_ Wafifiy

 ‘ I ‘avsae
Febmxary 28, 1917.
Messrs. fiorgan & Nuckole,
Hazard, Ky.

Please refer to your letter dated December 39,
1916, afidressed to Judge Wilaon, relativa to flue case of
fiarv ana John Wilson v. L. & N., in Squire Efi Combs' court,
Perry coun$v, Kentucky, to recover damages on account of
tha loss of certain articles shipped from Fleming, Kentucky,
to Elkatawa, Kentucky, necember 23, 1915. '

Herawith Freight Claim Agent Sager’s file L~269,»

Please arrange to swttle thia case on the best
terms obtainable.

A docket report, on regular fbrm, should be sent
in promptly, en the case may be groperly jacketed in this
office. . *

Yours truly, ‘
f Assistant Biatrict Attorney.
\’ Copy to 8. a. w. ‘ .

December 30, 1915.

J. J.DonMMm, nsq”
Asst. Birt. Att;., 5&H RH 00¢, I
Louisville, Kentuckyu
Dear bir:

Hercwith please note letfior or the 298k infitant from Lorgan
& fivskols, with papers attached, in rnfegence to units in E4uire 3d.
Uombs' Court, in Perry Ommtj, 01‘ 1'13; and John Vlilsmn v. inns-7. Fill
you please have this matter prompily investigated and IOpQTt made
for the use of our Lsoal Attarnags in defauéiug thésa claims, ané

Yours truly,

encs. >
Cy - H.ficnrgcaut,¥uwta,

savanna I 4;; . C 01111930 "L .

 :‘ December 30, 1918.
Messrs. Morgan & Hucxols, AttyS.,
Hazard, Kentucky. '

Yours of the 29th instant, with enclosures, in reference
to suits of nary and John Wilron v. Lufl, in Squire 9d. Combs‘
Court, in Perry County, received and forthwith iorwardod to Louis-
ville for further investigation. Hill aflviso you a? Soon as I
receive a report.

Very firuly yours,
53./a .

,~ Z.'_~'r.r(3h ’3, 3-‘:31’7.
3;,.1. Searsleral‘lt 1130. ‘
.J i J. I
Stunt” Eastern K37. Iiivjstion,
”Rave mm, 119m 12w 1:3; .
T9511" .Eir:

.Llf”=1mri.:.1gg yams: of Sebruar;.r 257., 13'17, 11:-: iv:s:11:.1~:1:'x.. :3.
hermit}: :;:)»121' file CH‘fF'l‘ig'Lf; claim oi 021:: E.. 1.. (72311955, bi" EEC—
1‘ic‘uerts, £01 11115:: 1:111ing of a 603 v7.1.1.0: by Liza ”32:300
but 1‘02." ‘.Fhi'rl'i he 331127105709 to settle 0;: payment of: 431155, I
60 3107'; 2531110 15:13.11 in} 5.!Li‘ou.~x'i.aij,on wont-.3106: 37.31 tlm filo 3.5.: :I-ujficient
ic- enahln m: to :.;-.)as'il: 33.);sitifiv’elg; Exit}; 1‘52f722.‘5%11;2,2 to {>722 1:21.2111133
‘3.': this: 31:15:35. ..‘:Stsaming, Ezrmo‘mr, ‘:iEII‘zfi fire (E'»’.‘l'lCI' 02’ 33363391" of
the (703 has: 1101‘; 'g‘Jri'~I‘-r211t and that *3}er flog, at: this. time it was;
run over, Vast ”roaming; at large 01"; ‘1.': he ‘:31'2:1:2.€:s3:: \‘ri‘fiwuz‘t the
pr *«i- 7:1".(39 of itc- omzer or 1; )i?§)~?I’”§ *.'.'or_1:1 552:: that are 2.30 not
liable. 111 this; con-lactiozl, ;31‘~?::.:’»:<) 5:29 U152 Sunny :33”: the
"1‘.'ng '111;" 12'11‘1Q'21 I Irishnir’h-M" you under data; 0:" actober “2'3, 191:.
‘5.-'Jith full ‘:aowl-rzilgia of the facts, 1.21:2 leiflitfif 11.41;!“ claim of
this kind. (352.11 12:: rumdjfLi'; (Ezetazrrnine'ea 1),; sL3~-=t>1;;';1;1g the "cast 5:531; forth
in my f;:1“d lcttrlr 01" October 17), 13115.

.335”: at presumt gg"-1115:5112, I Show»? certairlly decline to
0 fit (a 1* tui .1 1, ho u} :2 im.
Very truly yawn,
5.35 fix.
(mum-:81 .

 ‘I, r | ‘ 4:}. :_:." ’,,,” ”5‘ '.‘ e '7-16-386‘:
‘72%%%7%%/ ¢/
.' Jig/4%. & ..1/1%1' 2% /<. a; l’flfll/ Qfl/I/fi/my/
» a /L /; /0\ ' . ’ '
6%” /9J -
1&0 ' a LZLWZMZ '7- y
3 MZ/éfimc. /;


Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Please note my file claim presented for dog killed,
property of R- L. Jones, of McRoberts, Kentucky.

Kindly advise if we should entertain this.
Yours M
Q N “
Superi H§fifiefi€§
. , J

3 I - October J.‘-3, 1016.
/ . .
:.i. Seargnunt, Esq“ ' ’
3117312., 322.812.3311 My. Dr'nifimion, "Jib-N F; 00° , .
W, 1;].
Dear Sir:
Eienlying to yours of 'the 19173:. inwtcanfi {;,rour :L‘ilo Ha. 2145)
‘ in reference ts elvim of J‘liliil" ‘:‘fi’iftimu 33115 of 7'.:3tch’3: County,
for ;ES'FJDO, the alleged Value of 5: dog; 3:111:33. 133; one. cai‘ our trains
about October 7, 1915, one ‘nunf-iywfi. ;g'ar-faa Vicki?) 0:" the; iiir-thivxl at
‘,'a’hitrasbmrg, I have to {1.1;}; that your Lettrfic‘ (3.0953 no": White the facts
with suiiicieufic Liali‘ulesu; 1'03? mm to give :1 orinm‘Luiein {Ypiniuil thnreono
I ital-:'3 :L‘ur grantee, hmnvw, that tire (~er 110": 11:17913; T30 anti-file the
01.23191" of :3, dog to recovnr (i;’t-Ll"¢.;{a.ES .’1; its flora/t}: on a :'.-113‘.].roa<1 track,
I by being 3772;“. oval.” by (i, L:;.;u;zin, it must be :;‘v'm-n {1} (2115231; thli aflog is I
over four months old and, hone-:2, subject to “are; 11;-#59:"; .L'or tagcz'rtion,
(T’) That L31".- dog has: bum :,;*=::f.ur11ed '_3/32‘ i;::».:t:€=.i:inu mk‘i the tint on him
i} “W when 511:, and (’3) {'.'}mt at the time he {an}; i1.11,'fu:v.‘=:€: :11" kill-"Ed
.j i on the ".’):rer‘lisns of the :Lt'i‘LiT'JOSfi,hia: (Mile: or heavy}: 1.31.: present and
E the. dog was not ”roaming: at 1.12.1759 011 'thrq- T"fz‘~3;'“*f'=5"f§€;‘~ \f'iihmm the pres-
X once of ité owner or kaegmr.”
More i:h:;a.;1 a 379:1: ago; 01‘ to be exact- 011 Magmr’c 1‘5, 191?,-
I prepared and flufllifih‘fi 3.11:. 0. file Elaardemtgr, tit-003:- (E‘Laim Agent, at
his request, a carnjvlmtrz 3211'::115,,,TL‘3' 031‘ the 30;; Saw as it iii established
in Kentucky“ for (:911Ve-2r1im11; :Tt‘vi‘rar‘f’fllCG’ I herewith enclose a copy of
this: Summary, which you may Ti: 16? fury :31: tare um; in cont-motion with
this and ssir’iilrgr claims.
‘ Trusting this; will malice, I am, .
SI‘iW/a Very truly yours,
enc. (Immunl.

 / I ‘1 3 ~ / é
‘ ’ ' , , /. /' , K ,. / x‘ / / / / ,
- . A,»'fl(l4/}/i/é, AI a fl/ /I x7 / §fl27%’”%
_ [(1 I ,® ;/' / g , , .
@‘tfld/ZQI/II/e/iwefiwy Jew/MIL
)j/v Ig/ - — 7
ti IéZZQ972¢ZéZa/ €9a;00toher 12th, 1916.
- //
Ir. 3. h. Yileon, Counsel,
L exing‘t on , Kentucky .
Dear Sir,
7e are presented with claim for fi85.00, value of a dog killed
100 yards West of the station at Thitesburg about October 7th,
preperty of Wm. Eall, jailer of Letcher County. Please aavioe if
we shoulfl enterfiain the claim. Bhere wag no right of way fence on
either side of the track and I do not know by What rights the dog was
on our groperty.
Youre truly,
I , . L (W\ % ”-
sig€h§rr ipxolkLOLLG. I)»
x “I, / / .’/ I

 I s
L’ I j
‘ I
. .
* .,- J. ~; 1 .
* — August 1A, _ 191’", o
« . , . ,.
’.- , 3 ‘ . '
. E '
l‘ ‘-' “'w- ‘n ~.-—. 3;,
Co .'.!.a .Lif‘IJA'Cr=.;,"?1;.'f’ ..Abou , '
4' .7 . ‘I .‘5 ,- h ‘I.: u,’ -*=.\ H ‘
«£0013, V l.....,L'J h:.}hL‘ ,~,., .,' ’:I .,‘..- ‘,Lt: ”U ':: v
‘- ,.,—x no 1 r
',l ‘1“;{31 1:91.. _ ‘.'.‘“..M‘ 5
{f ~:i r;
muttejxig zlf LU ‘::,M‘t . :9 =,=..-, v.11 AL , ,1.r =..= L ‘._11. .‘ 1:11.} .J=f -.'u‘.:=_="=.1.1115’
:‘>.\’(",‘."r «(.»: '.; .:;; »,,xra '“iM'! ; 55 :"i { ', '7 =':‘. i-‘ . L’Ein ‘.. 11111123..“
2“,; .. 3-7.3.,“ ’,.! V: .13-. ”In: o, $ .:. _, “.‘.1.. ’ “»:./H L..-‘, .1..- . 1,' ._ \1,-. i':_-,, = (.1,)
"“ . "“' A" ' w 1 . ' . V =-; :1 \ * ...‘ .,‘=. :.'. V 1,,-_,
on only 2.;), 7.‘-2.9., ., :‘ ==4 was.) :1 «.=..-. = =1 ,, . ,= » Met“,
.. . . . - . ., : =1; .'5, _ '.‘ “31., '1, _ ,.1..“ ,. ,1 1;. .._- -
2.72%} L..‘! :11 23:5: ‘:.:Z‘Is‘Thjg‘Y = vi = V ,1 .7.' 1 i. .. m'F'w‘ U21. (‘15
" - > ‘ 1, . . :.V_.,\ ,., A.'. ,1 A ‘ f, .
‘_‘;1-'),_‘3:<)(1. _=,=_':’x .:= 3:12: 3367;)";1 7, ’ :":1:‘:"'L,' .12.?! V)- Or; ;im .'x, .=.:.. .
" —. ~ 1 1 . . v 7 1. »1 , ‘. v.1, . ..‘ -7.‘» .1 _ ,.\ 1
311311."? 171' :I‘ I": 31‘ Wish-'.‘ .; IL" . 1.;: T ‘1.}. 3 ;;-. 0;.th
. . ~ . - H - », _ .. _=" ,.. , _,.
vult- 1-.L ‘ z :.:. =;==...: ':. ‘- =::.) 4,.; ‘3.: rm. 3,1013.
' -' “= ' r": '..V ’.1.“ “".‘:fivfl. ...‘.
L -- _‘. ;.t «gr; ' "=:' :'= *1, 5‘3,‘ 1"},HL7‘J , .:; ; ..V». Hus;
_ ~= . '. .4 A ,‘. '7 ,= ..,, -, f . ”,1. ‘. ,3 - , . ._‘ ‘ _. .J.1.,.r - .1‘ ::. .
(3596‘ ,;=_=v-.zm.=, 7 =2;, 1 =4, ~»,:_=_= :1 ,'_Lir.‘ 1 J._? ‘.‘.41: o :? n».e.;,=.tol:tzz.11y.
"r ' ..= .,~- 1 ,,.. =- .= ',,. ~_.» 5 1. ”.1.__-.. " .' 1.-? .:4= ‘. »x
onlwsfi x1171 :2.-sz- ='=1w..1 ,:riimw-n ’:‘I“ =51 T, .L ’“‘/_I,,L'H} =11)- UOHuU be
:- . .. A. . V, .' ._,- , '_ I A .1“: , , . ‘. . ..,, ' “., ‘ \ ’. . .V. . .I’ 4.1 . 3‘, .
I‘M"? 1“)-17"; [_1 3301.115" HUT, uh f :l .4?" 1'; ‘=;’) J._»; 187,13}. ;1 ‘._.-1'7 ‘)‘mfll'f-f‘ '.7: L HOS
5 1, ,
. ~ ._ ,~. _, V“ ..J =1.“ , h i . ‘. ",_.' , ‘_‘“‘M , ,‘ H.124,
17:3,? _1‘£_"}7E-',?::1. w, J», ;wt ‘,'!k,~.,1_z_3< ‘3 = :-n , 77.-::».13; "Mt-1.:“: to
'.. 11 , J. 1_. .-1.__ .. _ V A ' .1 ’_' ‘ , 3 V ',.. 1' . .1....‘V1-r. x _..! =3 .‘ 1‘ .C‘
11.1. M {7.11:5 i. 7 7.;31=_ ,v LL', J ,1 1h .1 M 1.7 [W 2.'-I \w; 1. LIV s .L.:l ‘:' .:.».J. =)>3_=..1‘L‘ ”N.,, It: not
- ‘ “ . ," r - , “A V ., . ,3 1' .., ,2‘ ,.'=‘_1 '1,._‘,_,, '. ' ,"_‘ ..,]. ‘3 5. ,‘. 9'r~~ ._ '
1'2.“thth "‘.".7"C'.‘2.3. MLOLJ,’ 2‘: Lit: up" Ll.“ i; '-‘ .=~L:J1 1,,—.:, :Alou ?-~:1'.‘. ~31} 7~»L._:T Ofl. h1m
,,_:7.V1,\1’ '..,~
_ “ .(; 2.1.111“ (:. 1.1.3
. x7171. 5.. 11‘ .,,,.‘._ ‘
_,,},KJI'L. ' . '-.J1./: UJNLi,L“r 1:; 011.11 S,
- .'$1/.
‘ LL‘-"l :5.
4" . ‘1

(layer 4428 j
‘///fi"7 ‘s ,/’\. ,. -’ j
//flffli%%iméfl 0642 WA, M // /Wfl///7%
” ‘ ’ pl/KV /7/fl V J /
‘ IéZWflWZM&?%ZZZ%¢/
524/4 A3 M l mem, A,
I August;12th.19l5.
Hon.S.M.Wilson; '
Counsel; City.
Dear Sir;
I herewith hand you my entire file relative to the
Claim of Jones Mitchell of Roxana;Lethher Co.Ky. for the
killing of one Deg on the 26th.of July,
1 would be glad to have your advise as to what
course 1 should persue;
Yours Very Truly; ,
_ .1_ ,.l/ / "
, yyt7,
- /(Z:>é£/(/(/C/ 3?"; 7'
’fl/ Stéhk Claim Agent.

4' .
~2. 3 A ‘4“ ‘ w
am ,1 £431.." :1
. The Act of 1305 in reference to flags (Session Acts, 1906,
gage 25, Chaptar 10,) upwrevefi éareh l, 1905, whims now apuearfl as
.‘I > . ‘ u 7Q,- >.' p. V k "..‘ if: .I , 32‘ In; a‘ " ‘2 l, , ‘ ,‘ M ‘ v ‘ ’-. V
seating bra figr atgts., uhb-fificba l 20 1h, dflzh llclnsch, arctiaes
in bub—section 1 that ~
”fiach year eVerg dog over four months old shall be listed
- ”fla.V“~‘ms .“-.~. .LVTfifi¢fi*““7§fTWTij*”TWT ”_‘p, q wt ,,
1301' 1::-2.2a hliJfii 5:5:; 31m. :3.; z: 1’ng H. any}, :2 11.191 ,3! the €J;s’;1:..;'l 01 4);] the
swearscr in mmsxrmm 0f thg mafia; Litton: jigtagany'leuso
tied thereto. ?rcviflefl, the armor mug, ii he so des'ram,
iii :ny Value thereto he wishes," etc.
4 :1.. n.» - A f .:‘ a .\ 31. .g ,t ., 57' C 1. '-;-L ...4 .-”, v ,»x ‘.: .0 ‘
2,.17,lh-u:‘3vbluil \) Di. unfduhull 0| '7_-:.’ .u‘; u 3) thins, isla‘ 1.0.1314, in.
part, as isllcms —
“thy dog rntnraae 101 taxatiuu, and thn tax ca which is _
;gid when due, rmall ha regarded as property and shall be
Jutitlfld tn the 3313 azetnutiun as liVu rtock. Que owner
a; any dog ligtcé Eur tauntien whfich_Way he irjur=é or
killed eontrnr; to lgfi’ Qic, * * 4 may FWCOVUF aK2mp1ary
‘.._-»V..... mmr. . ~ n , p .fl- H w ‘ A. "'. M; ’_ ..
flanagac 0; {ha psrwcn 40! so klltihg or insuring or entlclug
gnu; rash dog; Previfind* that in the trial or any autism for
am axes mriuiag unflar this Suction it shall be comubtent to
offer in evidsucu mhcthn: in listing such dog any Value was
fired by the straw uni the awcunt of Push valratinn. And
““3 BGISQH violatina the yrevisious of this Sectien shall
he limpia to fika?0LfilOfl as in cars of injuring any live
stock 01 xtrsumml prcuetty of axazuerfi'
m. _.l I ,. ,, f”. an m .,,.., '. .A _.; 43s ,. . 'J. . ‘ ;:,. “ FLT"? .
em; 51‘le :3-3, “57’. minute. *\_;_3.::.-. L Ol an .‘.-M31; 9f 2.4.29? 1?, 3,. ‘ $3,)
a:pnrzntl; rapnuled my 1h? net of larch 1, 1906, rrovides ~
”All dogs which shall HWVfi b40n listed, and name which
the tray: sh 271.1 3mm 2 has a 'g’vaici, in ri‘.€'3-"!0‘:‘l3-‘~_L:'ii3*§ with the ES'()V5.?"1<3TLS
a; this article, email be cumsiaercd, fixer the ante cf the
pangnt c: the tax urtil the leh day of agntnmher of the year
fellouiug that in Which the tax is yflid’ pars u 1 property
Nor say and all pfirjflflmfigfi
In J3IVis Vt Better, 1% Kg; Saw “up., 4&7, (imp. Ct. lbstr.
$06., by Praaiding Judie drent, decided ;:cumber 13, lFES.) it is
_ held that “for the killinx oi 9 nos, the owner may maintaia an
action without chewing that he has cum liud Lith *ho terms of the

 4 .
6 .
n .:'.- . (‘- .” '1‘ , '~‘ . , . - . .. . o ‘> ‘ .
fist 01 any 17, lrflm, a egg being 910§9;Ly 1“ this minke lnafipwflmflflt
01‘ that. aet. "’ ~
float material of all, hwxevmr, $0 far as tha injuring or
killing 05 dogfi on railroad traaku i9 concerned, ix the fallowing
- ”,‘- ‘ n w- w. .
gruvision in caution 5: Ag. hints. -
”And 1% fihmll ha lawful for any aeraun to kill, or gauge
to bu killmfi, any nog‘mhldh he may iinfi raeming ai lurie
an big wrfimiSGG withaut flha pTfifififl U sf tha uwnar ar knaper
of guch dog.“
r 1 . _ ‘ > V . _ _n- 1. , .,,.,_ ‘ I" -z_, N . a. , {5
£318 is &n met 0: wanuu¢g 31, L805, {mynt’fi éupp. 1456,
page 159, mid. Gamma}. ;atz..atut:azii, 157(iflé .2:}<,Eiti:.:2n, s“ 179.)
In the aaau 0f Braéfcrfl v. flciiwhwn, 4 flush 545, aaciflea
.Februmxj 11, lfififi, éha Gauzt of Agpcalm, canmiruing fiha ibreroing
fig tutc, 331a -
”HhthVur Hwy be thn tamntationa, tharnxnra,