xt73bk16mf8w_394 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269tt] Miscellaneous text [269tt] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_40/Folder_8/3404.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_394 xt73bk16mf8w I
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‘ a,» . . 1- ‘
41.145115: U 10, 19179
Foot-bridge of A. h. Turner — hazard.
C U 0 I» o 9
mr. J. J. Donohue,
Exist. 31ist...ittq]., fixed 13% 00.,
Louisville, Lentucky.
Bear Sir:
Referring to your letter of the 31st ult., I am just
, in receipt of a letter from Messrs. Morgan i Nuckols, advising
that Burner and the Combs men have been engaged in the recent
elcc ion and that they have not had an Opportunity as yet to
see that can he done, but that they will take the matter Up
and afivise me within the hart few days. As Seen as I hear
from them, I till report to you.
Run/a Yours very truly,
= Counsel.
I 1 '.
,r/l IV

 MORGAN & Nucxous
‘Ai'tn 1‘11 r115 at 1:2-nu
Aug. V, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear sir: Foot—bridge- A.H. Turner, Hazard.

Yours of the let relative to this matter received. There
has been an election on up here and Turner and the Combs men
have been engaged in it and we have not as yet had an oppor-
tunity to see just what can be done about this matter. Will
take the matter up and let you hear from us within the next
few days.

herewith we enclose you letter of mr. Donahue in regard
to this matter.

Yours very truly,
' Enc. all “x .

 ‘ Jim //7
K/ / . . /7 / x7/7 7. 77/i79 ,7 // 7
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/' ' ‘ (79 1$’/ A _ _ ,
,{éyflfflt .. ;/ ”(fix/’ICCZW’ l%;;/’ QL/K/7”//fl//Mj/yé//i/l/? f///// Kym».
//~//, / / , ’ ~
' (”i/y "/%/Z,372,,,,WM , 122/32 '////’j , /// é; , July 3 1 , 19 1'7 .
Hon. 8. M. Wilson, -
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Please reier to letter to Messrs. Morgan & Nuokr
ols, dated June 25-CODV to me,—»relative to foot bridge of
I A. H. Turner, Hazard, Kentucky, a part of which is on our
property at that point, as well as to Messrs. Morgan & Nuok»
ols' letter to you, of June 21.
I should like to know what the Messrs. Combs have
to say as to the duration of their grant to A. H. Turner. 5
It is hardly probable, inasmuoh as the grant is to "A. H.
Turner, party of the second part," and not to Turner's heirs
or assigns, that it was intended to he in pernetuity, and it
may he that the grant was for a term of three years only, as
stated by W. C. Combs to G. H. Justice, Division Engineer,at
. the time the property was purchased. I wish Messrs. Morgan
& Nuokols could devise some means, either through Combs or
otherwise, to rid our property of this encroachment. The
Operating Department is anxious to have this done, and Mr.
' Beargeant recommends that we pay $225 to bring it about, if there
is no other course open to us. But, of course, if $225, or

 s. 2'.-1. W. 2
any other sum, is paid voluntarily by the Railroad Company,
we shall not be in a position to call on our grantors for
indemnity. As suggested in your letter of Novefinber 15, if A
there is a dispute between Turner and his grantors as to the
terms of their contract, steps should. be taken to bring about
a determination of that 1‘.-latter.
Yours truly, / .2»/fl
/vssistant District Attorney.

 H‘y'wn-J, '{ ‘i(‘."«”"7
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 Jule-‘17 7: 1917”
A». F.. 5211:1191“ Foot $310,529 - Hazard. -
c . . . . . . .

. J.. J. Donohue, 1km”
nest. Dist. Atty., L&H L: 00., ‘
130115. EM: .111 “Le , Kent uni/:37.
Dear Sir:

inferring to your letter of 1:111" Brith Ult., I herewith
return the papers therein requested: ‘
Y 0111' S We ry trul 3,7 ,
, enc.,

Val. 150: 540-9117 Uounsel.

Afinrurge 211' 121,111
July 6, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: A.H. Turner Foot-bridge.
Replying to yours of June 27th, we enclose herewith, Mr.
Donahue's file No.79969, consisting of the following:
l- Your letter to Mr. Donahue of November 15th, 1916.
2- Mr. Courtney's letter to mr. Werfield of Nov. 10th.
3- mr. Seargeant's letter to Mr. Courtney of Nov. 6th.
4- Blue print. I
5- Carbon 00py of letter from Mr. Seargeant to Mr. Court-
ney of June 24th.
6- Original of same. 1
7- Carbon copy of letter from Mr. Williams to Mr. Courtney
of July 10th.
8- Carbon copy of letter from Mr. Williams to Mr. Courtney
of July 29th;
Yours very truly, '
/ k W’
LAN-L // ){1
encl .

 inn.” -"\‘ ‘. . --, .'
_ _.MJJ.“ (.( v 4.11,“ a

‘ I‘---,.~( v." .' . ' ,.. .' .' ‘,,._.., “
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2' 2 _ _ // // // 7 [;2 _ 22/2) 2 (/:/
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;7/222 //////2/ eg/l/i itc/(I/ ) j ,2 /" ,/ 2 ,5 ’ . .
7/ - ”“”5Z“¢“WWW¢ _éénv71:;%727h6%oov{;¢éz}%¢vfléc42/(zun//¢%¢ovnvv.
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II é//// // /////%/}«/'I///r/'.x[///’///, ,7»%///,)/,'/////' ////r June 26 y 1917.
Hon. S. IVI. Wilsol’l’ ~
Lexington, Ky. I
Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of a copy of your letter to
Messrs. Morgan & Nuokols, dated June 23, relative to
foot bridge at Hazard, belonging to A. H. Turner, which
is anchored on property belonging to the Railroad Company.
I shall be under obligations to you if you will
send to me the papers belonging to my file, including your
letter of November 15, which for some reason I returned to
you with my letter of November 20. If these papers are
not in your office, but are in the hands of Messrs. Morgan
& Nuokols, please ask them to send the papers to me.
Yours truly, ,
’77 /éff .
x I \ /"*‘/z-/5'/fl (.‘.' .a/IK’: 'V~ ..:;/k; .-- ‘* 7—7v»\-,
////駣;;:afit7:1=.. ‘
1‘, r- 1111: :.L ..

Afinrurgs :11: Emu


' June 21, 1917 .
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear sir: Footbridge- A.H. Turner, Hazard.

We have notified the Combs men to have Mr. Turner move this

We do not know of any special danger there is in the mainte-
nance of the bridge, but it is merely on the company's preperty and
should be removed if it can be, but as you will note from the file,
hr. Turner had a written oontnact with the Combs men for the land-
ing of this bridge and for an eight foot pass—way from the end of
the bridge to the main line of the L & N Railroad. COpy of this
writing has long since been sent in.

We do not know of any way that the Combs men can be reached
except if we should sue Turner and he should defeat us, we might
go on them for their warranty to the extent of the land taken.
This, you will probably not want to do, as you would not want to
give up any of the land.

’ 5 Yours very truly,
- f7 ‘ ‘ /-”
m L .::'/,1, / 25w 5- >7 ,~)w¢@/V2w1\v .
, a

_._ 5. ( ,
1:117:20 l), 1.71].
flock—13271555352 722? .'2. ..i. burner at Howard.
nm~~mwm —W—suummw
ilet‘asrs. Liorgzm 87 1257152370173, Attyé-so,
5:72. 25.11“ 7‘: , £3725: 7715:3523] .
Gentle-2725321 :
' I have 57531117 15257535237 0f the 1.9:]: 1211352527152. If.” you have

not 5272.32'852573 75021712 =50, I. 5525.213: '15: «2553752232255: 53:22 you to no'ii’y
the Combs: men from 5.5110777 Lhe Untsugsmy 37752701172572.1217 that it insiis'flthat
2:522:23 ;é-Laerfir'553255'52‘7212-2 5.223”; 52:73 the Eight of 17:77:: 2‘55; once, 353133
3525231725; {Garner's claim, if 71627252235252.1737. '.'-.‘he trite“: it? ':5-1777i: '7'.’::5.2;?.1iar
7.35.5223: 5:52.73 55:5.571152.ti5312 527715; 'iETSf-iéli-kfié'i 5.52525. 5237522753 5.:; 7:03:10 (7:72-23:13 2.177.750.3508:
in 5.3273 533555.775;2712-7771:;{2 0:? 577232577 “73:55:37.9, 77.71235 it 5377251515; to 1223- 52135312
.216 0:5.” 120573375: 53.11:? 5.3703752153 0537225375)... If they 7.75.7-1 not purchmm
Turn-car's (377.537.1752, can 5:52:72 (37771573252223: 5.77.75; ”:::-2.17:5; legal action to 3707517571762
than 5'5) 53023377223852.5353 it 1’01“ 5:5’5‘77":i7;7: 1:153. (‘:.i.‘ '..?‘55.2":~27:2°‘.=-‘ The {175572-25 2317-

, 5717719232? 1372527775; {.172 5252 770.7717 :*2575777‘7257. 5:57 “:2:-25.2153 5.757215: 525577525235 to 72:52:715'zfly
2.3532752552135052, 73.1153 I 12:-51.5515 gran 72:17.7 15770 .:;‘nle ’51:: have 53725.70 75.525755322 taken.
17153555253 52,5:337'i5‘:e.,
7-Ys . *5 ”,7: . 5- -— <
25.3.2 7.1/5.5.. .. .312: - 1.5 5:1 y ’:. 2:17.137,
0:] -
ESQSS‘IS. .'.-27.32.752.522: 7'3. 'Turzkolfi
527577553452 that: there 1252.73 omen Counsel.
3770 now (55.237910737591113; 5:55.525; the
Combs 57771151537752 baa-m 512.735.2357. to .5152: 2111771531"
to (in something: 52.520111; the bridga, but
have :25 5553;55:51071. l (341,117.10'8 "725511 from
the ;2257..§)7'73‘:5r‘- 1.77 this 0-575.052 31:5}K:5:771:3‘.5" the:
Cctzmvytny iittoili 00,11 1:25:52 15.52375. Straps "770
IO'LILiTG ”5;.575215'7 to 7:75:12 or not:‘5'7'10
3:7 Ho

Affnrurgs at ”lain
June 18, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
. Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir: Footbridge A.H. Turner at Hazard.

Yours relative to this matter received. There have been no
new developments along this line. The Combs men from whom you
purchased this property have been trying to get Mr. Turner to do
something to this bridge, but: have so far failed.

Yours very truly,
JM—L .
. ”kw/gm» F; .. .

. 1 A “x .’J '
biwlu 9, «-11 e
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v, ‘.. it“, , t T- ,_ p . ‘-_ ,.I“ «'.' ;-1 ~ 2 "
..;‘Ud.~.1'1:;z .,o my letter to ;jC/U, oi the int: nit” i
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z (fii'fl/Z/I/Infi/fl/Ifl ’,. »(’///-)Zr'/,(/, F. [77 June /, 1917.
I‘IOI}. S. I". ‘:.-118011,
3 ounss l ,
Dear Sir:

In connection with my letter to you, of Novem— 2
her 20, relative to foot bridge of A. H. Turner, at His»
ard, Kentucky, please note the attached letter from lhief
Engines: Courtenay, tracing for a rnoly to his letter of
November 10, which was sent to you on that date, together
with Mr. Conrtenay's file No. 15237.

I shall be under obligations if you will ask
Messrs. Morgan a Nuoiols to advise us promptly the Drss~
ent status of the Turner matter, and the present prospects
of having it wound up satisfactorily.

Yours truly,
_Psistant District Attorney.

V/?f/fl//z%f////fo/Wflfl/fl:/fl//fl}flf/fl/GE/ l 5 2 3 7 '
6th June, 1917.
3 MI. 3. D. Warfield, ' _
District Attorney.
Dear Sir:--

Please refer to my letter of November 10th, 1916,
enclosing my correspondence file No. 15257, with reference to emarl
foot bridge across Kentucky River at Hazard, and my tracer of April
28th, to which I have received no response. Superintendent Sear-
geant has repeatedly traced me for advice in connection with the re-
moval of this bridge. w111 you please favor me with reply to my
letter of November 10th?

Yours truly, fl
tw-h y//?/ //y,
cc—MB Z{[§%Zé2//gqfiqé, t/f"/'CN/.
’ Chieékgggimeer. '7

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////'/’/‘l}/{/I’/4 (w :
. 28th April, 1917,
”J mr. B, D, Warfield,
District Attorney;
Dear Sir:-—

{9;‘ I am.unable to locate reply to my letter of November
16th; enclosing correspondence, with reference to small foot bridge
across Kentucky River at Hazard, one end of which rests on our yard
propertyat that point. Will yea kindly let me hear from you.

Yours truly, ’
ww-h l,(?’ 5
chief Engineer.
’ ,, f?
A , ,, {x

S o 1.: 0 Vir- ,

Please note in connection with my letter of November

20, and your reply of November 21, 1916, and advise present


J. J. D.


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~ :» 421133; 31.1.3011,
L, "'1.: _1., .
,. :11}: ;‘1'._;s,‘:;-.:1‘ ;‘O-thg,‘:ff"flz, 4:4:1‘11.
7‘ g- -: 1 ’l;‘:'::'L." .1I3'f.;_311,' ‘ Jig. '11‘. (301'112’3, .‘.".
‘z '1:-..':‘1 _- "L77. 11:13:; '231‘1yfi3 1'1". 11 1.13;.1avra 'f‘fhi“ 73::‘1'3'19.
11, «1011: 131.1 x $31.1LZV1Lb" 11'1V'H1't- U': i.~’_l_- _LLwfl, 1_.].
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1,11 ,{111 :11) .
'.' ‘.‘.“ 1,,._1111
1) .1 131"“
- 211:1!) ‘_4, (‘,:. .. 1 __ ‘
' W 1 13%/J1”: :

 \ November 23., 19.1.0.
.Ejieeers. 170335-211 «I: .'Iuekols, Tttys. ,
H“..”.fll‘5 ,zif?rlt1).(:1?jf.

{‘I, I note Dorar33133e'r-3 35:11.0: II». ’.“-9:39, in
7.“"=.f*%’!_“331323f': 3.0 :frwotmtyy'i.33:-:6: :.: ..E'i.""13:-:',1¢i-r, rat :.:wir:r..;=;', ez'xttc'stjr. In
:r'r‘-'=:u::.:*:". to 21;?! 152%»: to 1313-». :31 the 13373:: ;‘I..I.1ri=3;-t=.;1t, .::. Dozimhxe,
13163;." .:‘-35:33 of :.r()‘r/':‘):I—?)(31' 20573;, \‘.';r~jt.r‘s;' that his ainvulrI 7:11:32 12:1 to 3153;1le

this ;1513;‘:-i:~1: t :3 :.:-.311<;‘.'11:5:I.r;3.-1 {51126: 5331215339425; I.‘..‘rmi; 332.9213? CC insist
I tirt 5633735»: Iran. .,";‘=r,:ui:;:3:":: 1:) the (:9:-.::; tr.) the .'1} a- ‘1 3;,/.:30.
tffl-{sz 33:1" «136335333; sits» 3:5 1:1) ::ifl. 1321-: :zi-i‘i'zt 0:5. (f-t.!.’l‘."-L’;‘/“.3(I to L3H? 21211.n-
32:12,}: 3*, 3):" 131:": ::.-.133.::I.'=;:'=-.1,‘.‘z.:é.3‘~; :3I1I7'123';_:;:I_;3:2<' <31? :2-? 1.31:3 52,If‘?:r’z».:'}':mI
co-ramI.'-:;:rfiugct3. "'.‘.TI‘ugtsrfre: 7:323: “'3:: of the 33:-eat 0;? ii T321321: of
‘»“.-312‘, is.» .'-..3,.'i.‘.1.'..‘w71f it 3‘ <.:7_s=:;:'e‘7.‘:/ ““157: €311,353! 01' our
5:.1‘2‘2311‘x3rft in Him IIr-x-(‘i {Co were: :;:: vii-121?. 3:3:/;- c’u’.r'3:‘a_iusg 3303‘: ":_::213'153;
' r2.f::?e;r."I;¢ed I '.‘.‘t‘:»;..::-1.‘ - filfiu’.) 3.:; ':.-::Ijtave . g:':~r:2323"§;;7 the
:'aILeaning.»3155x9330 5:41:12.) I.;, 3:121. n (.:1? the r‘aszfitfi’mzit (:‘12‘31106.
; 23333101..

‘- .I ;J'IH‘; 3:3:-13.54,?" ':‘l‘coiuirl ~'.; WINCH? I lit. 7?.31‘=~":.¥.‘auo'f‘:
ini‘i‘tlik‘:..:I.«‘»..:-t, 3.s.‘.:;1_3;;~ I"i;j$'.,lzl ..33-3: 151.: (hithide .I‘.‘ 213: Mtg? '30 .II.
F: Imhw «:31'.‘ LI ".‘-“'.L}. ’.'-'..I, temt, .333”- 123 75:3“5‘; a ..33“ 1‘31“. I'.:3:-(:I;j.:.“r.‘~f'::1 if:
mafia :7.. the} :':;.-,'1:':;I;37‘?

‘.»:351; 151117.“? ;j.~'I>z‘:;*:a,
,...L .4.

‘ Ilovember (El, 1918. _

Hr . J. J . Donohue ,


Asst. 17.1%. Attyufléfl R}? (30.,

g .uisvi 119 9 £37.

Lear Cir:

' Cece-int 7.:- 5!,(3‘13117‘.‘7.¢"3‘7;‘?(‘,(3 aaf :’T'Tr-‘t C1“ zi‘fixi: 230th :7.._:z:-':’-;:‘2:'1I‘Z.
1*“ '::1<‘:'!_:)::~‘u:’~'>$t, in :,’:2;i'-':1s*‘.“:;‘L:e t7; i";:1:'7t-~‘;:'3'. ".110 if {'.‘1::~.=7'-"3:‘, 3:1:
'3, -<’-'-‘=r1t'v:;:"r‘;},f.. I :33“: i‘orzz’213w3i:3. ’11:: L~13f57_DEUCE?”F3 '1: ”.‘. ,"CIV'rs.
1,Z'_w':‘{¥'§=..r1 1'5; £223? “1:? :’:;f’ .11'22179 :g‘CiIzrz-cifmfl Uiiff' to 1'“ fagifz'rri 7:5}!

1,77. ‘?.L;‘:-33"=13=?.310J it‘s: .’v.:‘::‘-":"zt.::i’;j pm :_;x,1711:'=:’_:1';2r7 1.71 ;;r"=.m.‘:‘ T-i‘.t‘f:x:l“

61. the Raimh 11:42:41: i1. (Lu; Swan; 52,": 'gri:‘:,vgj;7;3z‘::t :15: :'mr'ég', my. 5.11
‘ .1152 ‘2"{133 7111..
V” 11,7. 4.7,”, . -1.. .I.
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\ ._7.,<;7 Nu“ a

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/'/ /W/}’/X////'.>[///'///, 1— v./fi///-)/"////l, ‘ ////., November 20 , 1916.
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Papers relative to foot—bridge of A. H. Turner,
at Hazard, Kentucky, which you sent to me with yowr letter
of November 15, are herewith returned. \

For convenience, I also return your letter above
I shall be glad to have you take this matter up
< with Messrs. Morgan & Nuckols, with a View to coming to an
understanding, if possible, with W. l. Gombs and others, as
suggested in your letter aoove mentioned.

* It seems to me that we ought to insist that Combs
and the other grantors take steps to rid the right of way con~
veyed to the Railroad lemoanv by the parties, by deed of gen~
eral warranty. of the encroachment complained of in the cor-
respond nce hereto attached. Whatever may be said with re-

spect to the grant to,au R. Turner / J. H. Combs, Lucy Combs,
and Nancy Combs, it is, as you say, clearly the duty of our
grantors to protect us against the claims now being asserted
by A. H. Turner.)
If you will handle the matter to a conclusion,

S. If. K
” *tly
- “N be grea
"1:1 Nuckols, L :mall
- H I"",‘a1'1 an
t71row,19;h:~ies_«zs. _.-o z
. Obligeac YOurS trTllY! ‘ /"
i /;7,//T"T ”Ham .,,/'4» (?',»__'7' z 2 ‘ h
.:.-”Niji-rflj/ {’1 q .711- Ct 111.1-011113;}.
K‘gz'fit.zmt Dlatmh ,

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/' ////V‘/'[//(/'.A/_///’///. r. /’///J("///’, ‘ ///., NOVGmbeI‘ 10, 1910
Honl S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Mr. Courtcnay's file 10. 15237, which he sent
to Mr. Warfield with his letter of November 10, which
letter is also enclosed, and deed from W. 3. Combs and
others to the Lexington & Eastern Railway Company (deed
dated Rowanber 5, 1913, rccorficd on January 8, 1914, in
the office oi‘the Sleru of the Perry dounty Jourt, in
Devi Soon Ho. 29, page 603), arc handed you herewith.

Your particular inn attention is invited to

/Akr. Seargeant‘s lcttor to lhief quineerCourtcnay, dated
November 6, in WhiCh is copied the contract between J. H.
Combs, $0., and A. N. Turner.


With return of the enclosures, will you Kindly

K__..___.-._,___,__,,V,. . , 7 , ‘ ,, - .V .. . _
advise me if you concur in the recommendations of Messrs.
Morgan & Huckols, as set out in Mr. Seargcant‘c letter
above referred to?

In View of what is stated in Mr. Justice' let~
ter to fidief Engineer of Construction Williams, dated
July 1?, lHlG, anfi the fact that tho deed from Combs and
others is a deed of veneral warranty, it scems to me that

 S. . W. 2
we ought to cell on the parties who conveyed this land
\\ to us, to rid it of Mr. Turner's encroachment, even
though it is necessary, in order so to do, to pay him
(Turner) $225. It does not sofa to me that the pres-
ence offgn§\e§dwgf the bridge on the land conveyed by
\‘J. H. Combs, ct al., w. G. Sombs, et al., had the effect
which Messrs. Morgan e Hucgols claim for it. This is k
I" ‘\.\
,’ _
i particularly true in View of the fact that Mr. Justice was1
i informed by W. 3, Tombs that Turner had a three—year lease.
,i 1 7 N ~ 1 - - ~ WWmeamewT,
r” . z t . . , A . _L.. - - "
yfik,€ pm land Tiich ac Was using is? the footaoridge land on g
, . is ,
thagéide of the river. . “
, i i m.
i s gill you please let me hear free you as pronotly
as convenient?
Yours truly,
I l . fl”
/ I . W Wag—__....“
, , isclctant District Attorney.
Eric. W64 a»
I A 4 *3 ,' V) ’»‘ .f
a ,“‘ «M' . I 1 ”~”, ' "a” ! . w" “ " .~‘ " ,. .V-
» ,. / .’ f‘U‘ 5'; ,x er.” (.532. , ,. V17 1 ’3, C7” .1‘}. , A.» -/ / ‘3 ”tr" 7
1. " .- .‘ VI/ A 1 A a t f r I I " '.‘ 1‘ (V ‘ ‘ I , J", ».7: l/T' Z '1”
~ 3:" .. 2)‘ ",m ., J" (.,.; f 1 , ,7' v,“
M W ‘ A._/J / d / J
I. ; f I, )‘ .' 4.
,1. 1““ 11/ 63/ err: 1? rev i ..
' I”\ ' ‘7 t f ,i - ,', , 1 ‘5“ 7"“
x :1 ,u- la ,X1 g\, / ..» », §—¢,a
:yf/ ‘ ”.‘» : {I.. , . ’7 . - I~./Ah" . ,g. ,‘,.LJ-J,\',_, I J, \ V1 ', ~ _. ’,,; :’Z‘. "P“ N ‘ ‘ t
I c" j V/ ' '/./-V ‘i'<#‘/;

L .1 I
November 13, 1916.
J. J. Donohuo, Esq., I
Asst“ Dist. Atty., L & H E R 00.,
Louisville, Kentucky. .
Eear Sir: '

Eoplying to yours of the 10th instant, regarding foot»
bridge of i. E. Turner, at Hazard, Kentucky, anfi roturning horewith
the onoloouroo attached to your letter of tho 10th, I have to say
that the Questions submittefi are not free from difficulty.

To begin with, I am inclinoé to agree with the opinion
exproo ed by Horgan & Nuokole in their letter to finperintonCent
Seargeant, of October 79, 1915. It is the general rule that one
who purchases land over which there is a clourly—m;rkod,woll—

’ defined or vioihlo uaogway i? chargeable with notice of the ox-
ietonco of the eaooment. (See Wright V. Willis, 53 S.?. 991;
Ray v. Emily, 99 S.T. AVG; Bentley v. Hampton, 91 $.N. ”GS; .
I Sparks v. fiogoro, 97 S,U. ll; Sohwer v. Iartin, Q7 S.V. 12; 5.0.
7 1.E.An (H.fl.) 514; Jones V. Joneo,oto., lOl 5.K; 880; Trustees ‘
of Cincinnrti Fouthorn iy.Co. V. Slauphtor, l”6 £3. 492; S.o. 104
Eefi. 291; anfl see Lobufi v. Boston, 107 Kg. 98; 9.0. 51 s.r. 309,
anfl F2 S.W. 956; 9,0. i7 323°i. 79; 8.8. 92 An. St. Lop. 333, and
: a; II Om V: ajiiowio, 1Cr 1,75 575; 8.0.177 my. 451.) In
Wright v, Willis, supra, Judge Hobson, for the Court of Apneals,
said - '
"It is also insisted for aprollant that he is a
bona fide purchaser without notice, and as such Should
fi?"fir6t3€todu It is shown that boiore he bought the
property ho caused the title to be examined, and paid
:or the prorarty, suaposing the title wao good. But
it also avoears from his own testimony that he saw
this old road leading through the farm, and awked

-. ...-“.- .2- - ..,A‘fi. ,. ..-~,.. -.-_ < -
o r‘ullemnue: amut it; than. .unllenwloer replied tnat it
1.721s only ‘52 peryneeive use that was enjoyed, and the road
5301110. no closed up at any time. The road itself, and
the nae-:;- that was made 0:: it, were eu:’:.ieient to put ap-
fio-z‘zllen‘c on inquiry. he should not have confined his
iriquirymo iv‘ullenwi Ear, but Should also have inimired
01" those actually in the use 01 the '_s-isesswegr. lied he
done this, there would have been no trouble. Judgment
{Li'li rue d . "
'- '... '- J— , . r —‘ .‘» ,, .,. " ~'~. ——. m nus
Again, lfl die Cube oi finalize v. .:.oguie, some,
Ceittiieei '0sz Carroll, for the vomit ui‘:133pez'a.ls, enid -
"EL'Z'Len F).}7’_‘:‘ii’311€:‘€3 Duzmzhmsed, 5.11 Beoirmber, 190‘”,
, the Ukrarles 53323:“:8 land, this; 3‘)«‘:5.HSYJH:,F was a wife. "1111;!
marked 1‘0:ng through the farm to the 315108 .Eienn land,
and egvrcllgae must be charged '»‘fith not ice of the ob—
vious ::'th treat thoro- wee e. }',)e-u:sz'za;r through the 915w” and
censusintently limit: the ZZ"(11‘(;:flc-'1.F€E: subject to the in—
Clifdbl‘uilde union was then, :;.;1(1 had been ..“or genre,
.. . , ‘.‘ . ‘ Ye... ,.., .. , ,, _ ‘:.‘. .» ‘ .~. ‘ “‘.-: ,V .,1. '- " .'
fan :1;: wa’Dz-alinu‘u to the tibial .Laui'a. ‘rLJ.7‘{1L5. V. Lliuls,
”~75 3.2:. “.'_-1:1, 23 323*. Tim: ‘.:-Lenfibb'; Lebus V. Jest-on,
El (~09, El 1C3]. Law liep. 11.11., (L? IL.LZ.;‘-.. 79."
Again, in firm 09.33:} of »«enwer v. Llartfin, 311731531,
.- v . - V.., .4.",\ ,‘,. .l— e "‘ - - \ x ' "
3011321519; oner Cari-01.2, in: one win-u OJ. .-'.poxiznlen seiu -—
“':‘fi'ien envellzmt 3}U.l.‘(3héi§ii30 the land. one: which
the pd.:~:57'\.‘vé1,;,7‘ 11:11, it axe-451: t: 1.721211«defined, clearly-
“...‘, .,~ ~ . .,. _ -'-.- v, ,.,.1. . _ . .5.“, ..V. ~.~-_ 5.7,. , H
melded 1022.6, euiiioieiu to ;.m.t 9418 entwinent mun
notice th at it was used e *1;:m:;x1'.:;.;\; thromzn the
.A , ' ‘ 1
3318.0 t: a V f
I do not think the rule mould one-binge 1.1:? L. notice 01'
l‘nrrieier‘? slain to ;m;7t}'1;3_;1§': beyond the :3 3:108 ::.oturzllgg' ooeuoied by
‘ * “ .'J-. - .. ..,‘v . .- V.., ., - ,- -., . — , -,- ?
tile ioot~nzi\:f,e.:n-d its atom-”most oi and on the i‘ézll.i0d(17r} Siae 01
J “ . .,._: .»..
L110. elici-
‘n‘rom what is; said by 31:. '1.-1. ii. Justice in hie letter
. ~—_ .-,.r -~_, < ,.‘ ~...e5,‘ ‘ . ‘ 1_
01 July 12, 19;), to in. ...1-«... ‘.1,-‘.;-i‘1me, it moms to me that L310
., — ~‘: 7". P " ~‘:. 'r " ‘ .'. ~ ._...
content. oi euiy 15;, 1911., iron Jui. denomeuc. to .L.:,..E.zr;:er,
. .,- ,_., .'._o . - . ,4. .0 .-~. _ - . A . e
1110...] be d6::.30ulV8 arm, perhaps, does 11% inlay express the actual
,. . - _. . -,.- .L' - -.~M- I,,_ . <,
agreement oetween the oaitiee. IL; is eignilieem that tnet

 ~ \
, ‘ Jam-3. '

contract does; not provide for What length 01" time the foot—13311136
shall be I:1?~.i;7-.‘1Jai;'1a=-d° The (fixation oi the ggrant is wholly unficfinsafi;
320932111137 the 34312331191111; actually was that it should con.ti.:.m.é only
:0: three ye an}. .:L Esjgzniiicazli fact is that 1. he granfils 1313.112913]
to “.53.. 12. Turner, 1352,1123" 03'." the second. part,” and not to Eviner‘s

' hair's 01' assigns. .:.-335mm, it 22012-110. signpear that the gra-21 2151.52 11121;
to ”m: p21"1'3::,;1=32-;‘; 07." perpetual, in View: 0‘... the: inst the. 1; The 1113-16
12‘: 211:1). C1;2:fr::at—1)1'icig;£2 2.12:1; {21122211 to the ,ggx'an'torsé and tileil' 11:51: {3.18128
521715215183 ”:30 10:13; 3:: the said second party :.:aintuimad said: bx-ic‘zgge.“

lf’mrthv'::'r1c>:xva, it is not entirely clear toms-1.11511; the
. coj‘ltract in 32:-:3 xii-5:11 1322-1123133; 12:1-=;3,:'2:s(::.'1-_;11t, err-10121;; so—c:;1.lx:>(3.

1 It 3:13;; 121:3: that ‘1;-116: :2.-111‘13ez'1se :1 (2212.; 1.:-a fully satisfied {cm-rely by
11127-1fif-2zfaj that it «'31::2'1jf'eazxx'v'm1 :3 Moe-11:26.02: permit, 1;}.1..-313-.5;h I an not
SU..-‘1‘icisé:;tl:i' arit'ised to arteriaés'g 53. 11.11.31; opiaiml on Limit 3i=§2inta >

I: ;'1;L'.::'11<*;1- is; 13252 1223-5271110; to maintain thee LIGELQ {21.-xi =-
.'2':~:':er’cv:11 13;; 11121, 1'. 55:21 1110 {Jitszncgi in. saying .1;-1331': t1}?! :trzitc‘ar