xt73bk16mf8w_395 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [270] Concerning land belonging to the Gardner and Sewell heirs (Haddix Cannel Coal Company), etc text [270] Concerning land belonging to the Gardner and Sewell heirs (Haddix Cannel Coal Company), etc 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_41/Folder_1/3461.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_395 xt73bk16mf8w f
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£1.47. 00 s .‘.. .2301 _L {'3‘-er ’

.1' Y‘- e. ‘.«7 son, 121.7.
3363?? 912':— _
‘ E :::.ez‘zd "you herewith 00?"? of“ .1.. ether that I have just ran
, ceivefl ”A 113. 111115: oufifhhy :celt ivo to Mafixifchrase or" 3 Guru
,,CN‘) “w \
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. LOUISVILLE, KY. Dec. 4th,'ll.
FILE No. .
Mr. E. S. Jouett, /W 2 f2 :
General Attorney, ; g f j
Winchester, Ky. 5?; ” 21
xv /
Dear Sir:-— f ,7
Your letter of November 24th. The Railroad '
Company would not be interested in purchasing all of
the land owned by the Gardner heirs but merely for a
right-of-way. I suggest that you offer the Gardner
heirs compensation for the right-of—way at the same _
rate which we paid other persons. The railroad has
already been constructed over the property and in the
event the Gardner heirs do not wish to trade with us, 2
I womld suggest that they file a suit in the Circuit
Court for the value of the land which we have taken.
I enclose you a blue print showing the property.
Yours truly,
Chief Engineer of Construction.

 ./ XVI 5’ ‘

0. H. Pollard to E. S. uouett.
December lst, 1910. _ .

* Sewell Heirs, Known as Haddix Gahnel Goal Co. This
tract has given we more trouble than all the balance. There are
about fifteen different owners, very much scattered, and as you will
remember this is the tract about which I wroee you sore tihe ago,
sending a map and suggesting that the description in the deeds ‘
sent me were all wrong, I succeeded, on Tuesday of this week, in
getting from Mr. Caldwell, reeident engineer, the proper descrip»
tions of the several stripe. He spent come time in my office and
together we went over the hatter thoroughly and figured out thede= ,
scriptions. I will have to write new deeds for this, and as the
parties are so diversely Scattered it will be Vere time before it '
is fully brought to a head.

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Reigtizrirzgj ’ 0 mi I’ffcfjffi'f; lefifie: we}: t ive to Loeir Lewis-7.—
£501] and tne tZ—EE.I?'(1,3163T 1tee, will 9231' +1<® 1:: 1821:3231: 34.1% up
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x”), i», . me these I 77123. sa.éi=r3-:xe grew {lef‘ieiueizm NHL-at it. ”ii I 23:2,“
" v ‘" 7 - V .
see": J you earzei'fie 112’ r Devi f3 $72011 t.-. ’ 31;: he": ”I, we will “be 35:30-
” *6 fie retrle with 711:3}? 1&5; very flaw 698375.
1' , b, ‘. 1.: 7
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Naverher flétfl, 1911.
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fix. a. .. sillournny, .
iguimville, Ky.
33%? Riwz-
— M w 1 1" - ~. .‘ ,. .1 n: ._ ".::,- n m . , ~ ‘ . ..' C- .-
T “five 3 ?”ifi@” firm? LP. yeliaxd ".tn fa 67¢;QG to CCfitgLfi
I W > ""’ d‘ A “I “' ' .-~ ' H mm. ‘ n- A ..... " - . J. -. "v1.
?nwfl wwwnfi hy thn Garflhar hairs. I a? th eutlrely CLQQS a3 19 wnat
w NA 7 h' -"A -~—» ‘ h ' ' _« x. . .,. n '1 .L«--€-,‘ ‘ -,. r. . .‘.", 1 fig 2.1,. .1
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uwflarstaflfi axaefiJy What i; J» Jet 26' a . a.. I 11*; ,LV .thm,J id
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*owwatlan #30? L;. Pfllififdo g3 qags. (:3
’ ‘ 1 '” 4' " , "' ‘1 '~"‘ ‘71 1‘ ”-4‘ 1:3” 741-”311c: #711“; 9n '1" rt-f‘", ”re:
"Refosrlag 50 fine Lands :1 my v.-aan ¢_J4u415hg& ;_ gcAu,
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T? van 1W1 101 vowvmmlw *vwlllur With lhifi nil: 39v thdly _
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- - ~ - ~ - 4. '1, -’ A.” <~. —.---~.:*. 1 1'!
lnwfl, hat “9 Qv1wefitév HoWgetaé to hfiid LQLS ultle t3?}OJmJ;Lgo It
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O. H. Pollard to E. S. Janett.
February 1:57.71, 1911. " ‘

Referring to the Haddix Oennel Coal tract, I advise
we have deeds to the right of way from ell of the owners of this
complicated tract, he'ng fifteen in number, except Lou Ellen
Hergis, J. W. Cardwell, Sarah Jame Hegins, Joanna Tipton and
Fannie Brown. I have this day forwarded to Fannie Brown deed for .
her interest and an negotiating with the others, all of whom I '
think will Sign deeds except hrs. Sarah Jane agins. She em—
phatically declares that she will not téhe $100 for her interest. I
deem it Wise to let her rest for the present, until we have
secured Lhe other deeds and then if he does not come around all
' right we will have to condemn.
Yours truly,
O. H. Pollard.

 " ‘ (r I; /
i] ( if _
13 j
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~ 1’ [if i
E. S. Jollett to O. H. P01121364 ff .
Fabrurxry 14th, 19.11.
I have your letter relative to the Mannie Cockrell tract
and the Haddix Cennel Coal Company treat. As to the former I note
tnet yen have effected en arrangement whereky you will get a deed .
for the right of way through the Gardner interest £33m the prepoeed
pvrchaser Of this interest and that thie will give us all the rights
exaept that of fire. Regine. I em glad to note that you think you
can settle with the rest of these except bmv. Regine. Please keep
me edvised as to yOur progress in the matter.

 i 1.
v V 1 .5 -
i g; :_;
O. H. Poollard to F. S. Joueyt, a x”' ' ‘ _
January 18th, 1911. f; WV .4?
f ; Gennel
Sewell heirs tract. This is known as the HaddixACoal
tract and is the land about which we have had so much trouble in
getting the engineers to make proper descriptions. There are fifteen
different interest in this tract of land. Kentucky Union Company
owns two,C. F. & Trust Co own 5 interest, G. W. Sewell owns one,
SGWell & head own four, Sarah Jane Hagins owns one, Lillie Tipton
owns 5, J. W. Cardwell one. We have deeds to the right of way
through the interests owned by the Co mbia Finance & Trust Co; hrs.
Tipton ones one, Jae. Hargis' estate owns one, the heirs of Fannie
Cockrell own three. 80 you see this is somewhat complicated. As
you are aware my original instructions were to se ure the right of
way from the mouth of‘Trouhlesome up to the Perry line. This Haddix
Cannel Coal Co. tract being the only thing left open between Jackson
and Troublesome was given no ttention until along in December and
then it took us over three weeks to straighten out the engineers on
the description. I will closgxwith Sewell & Head and G. W. Sewell
during this Week. I have decided to pay $100 to the owner of each i
interest. '
Sarah Jane Hagins, who owns one tract of land Haddix Cannel
Coal land, about 18 acres and an undivided 1/4 interest in 9 acres,
refuses to take the $100 and will have to be condemned. I dislike '
to start this condemnation until I have secured the other interests 1
if it can be deferred. 3
‘ .mi

 r“"‘\ l . 1
_ .J‘ \ - f c
Q, l x' . ,’
E ,i
25’ g
/ \\.“.r z;
E. S. Jouett to O. H. Pollard.
I]. S. JO'Ilett to
December 6th, 1910.
Enclosed herewith I hand you the papers in connection with
the property of the Sewell heirs which I inadvertently failed to
enclose When I Wrote you before.

 //—~ ,
Q I 1_.); \1f ~
E. S. Jouett to 0. H3; Pollard.
December 6th, 1910.
I enclose herewith the papers relative to the Sewell heirs‘
ma? ter which was again inadvertently overlooked in my letter of
this rorning.

 E. S. Janet‘s to as E. Willougjhbya/
V /
December 3rd,. 1910. ; x"
I ;
/ ;.“/I :\\ /
I have forwarded to Mm Pollard the correspomence, sketch»
as and "papers relative to the contract of the Sewell heirs.


- r

g ,
E. S. Jouett to O. H. Pollard.
December 5rd, 19103

I also send herewith correspondence and sketches relative

to the Sewell heirs. I am not sure Whether from this you now have
sufficient data or not to enable you to close these transactions up
by deed, but if you haven't them please advise me just what is

 f 2 3 m , .
. _,.v‘ .»soirrsrzu:wer llth, 191?}.
1?. J. E. Willougdhy, ,5 3"}; f
Laniaville, Ky. ; “”‘ »
Saar Sir:~

Knulu ed hermWiLh E hanfi you twn lattare from My. Fair
la?d which explfiin thens¢lvea. It 19 needless F0? me to auggfist
tfiat naw in advance 1% the bag: ting ta waive all the diffidultina
anfl straighten out all the tangleq in connection with ihe Eafidlx .
Coal ficmpsny tracts, find I Ghoulfl fihink that it right he aflvisablfi
ta hava yen? exgince? taka aha mwuaew up dirvaz with my. Pollarfl
anfl stick 1% it until thay %Ta all workefi out QatififafitflfiilY, aftar
Wnioh the daada can he wafirawn. Of'fioufae this 1% a were fiuggasy~ ,
ion as you nay Ha Avie fvow hifi letter and fiiaflvama ta fie it riahont
this tronhla.

61th reffirenam ta him ether latte? comaernihg tha fi®303
3119“, viii HF? Ehvi X héve raqwesfimfl him 13 wfiud Hr. Sewall in See
Efifimod anate Ffifl have naked him to ?a@ Jcsh Akamun 39 9303 88 he
gaugifily Gen. X ehal! y?ohuhly age Ly. Pallaré 23 Jackmnn tehight
When I go there L0 confer with LT. margan, and viii endgavar he 33‘
range far him to qea Akamon at an Rewly day finfi thy 10 get fikfiflfifl
to came to Javkean.

You Will kinfily wnvige me *h$fi, 1* REV, ¢firifiwr instruat~
imna yam rich :0 yiva Vifiu rm?mrena& tu ihw $eorge Hahle tract in
tha light 0? Mr. PGllEfQ'H remfifks. .

Yen Mill Lofia thfit Wag Thyme? 19 fhe man fihafi was assasi~
mated in m>akaa 9 dqy or so are. i? aha calebzegian ineidenfi ta
proceeding against in¥fintm £0 ant ezuafi you 2m fiflKS a chafigfl in
1h? JoaaLiou G? ibis fepen V9 will proaaefl at Uhaa in waufismn the
site For th¢$ flay t.

I await VON? further instyuatimha awout thcca various

Your? vnfly truly,

 . g"
I, E. S. Jouett to J. E; Willc‘éughh;: ‘».., .
October 28th, 1910. .-

Heddix Coal company. This is not a corporation, but the
tract is divided into some fifteen dii‘ferent parcels which have
been handled together. You will remember that we have been delayed
in getting these descriptions and hevent't. all of them yet. The. ~»
entire lot, we think, may cost from $1,000.00 to $1,500.00.

 , 1;
L L .— x '
m ’ /”l
:3 ’ Oct. 23 rd, 1910
i ,_»~”’ 4 z .
A " ‘ _..»““_\,,,L.n-:~—*"“‘
, Ifjhwis
Mr. E. S. Jouett,
Chief Attorney, Winchester, Ky.
Dar Sir2~

I enclose deeds for Dr. Walter Tipton, Mrs. Sarah Jane Hagins,
Mrs. James Hargis, and Messrs. Joel Head and he W. Sewell, comprising
five of the Strips near Troublesome Creek.

In the event that you are unable to acquire the right of way
by negotiation, and have to resort to condemnation proceedings, the
description givan in the deeds will suffice, provided the total width
be made 100 feet, lying 50 feet on each side of the center lineo f
the main track. In that event, the acreage for each strip would be
increased by 1/4 over that shown in the deeds.

Tne Engineers are awaiting the retdrn of Mr. G. W. Sewell
in order to get the dividing lines for the remainder of the strip. There
is much difficulty in getting these division lines since no one seems
to know exactly where they are.

Yours truly,
CC C («‘L/C (A (>77 7' "3
_ ’7 Chief Envine er of
Jew/h Construction.

O ' L0U1SVILLE,KY’QCt-3rfl, 1910 _
. ‘.“'
, g ,
I.II-.3.?) .Jouett,
General Contractor,
Winch ester, Ky .
Dear Sir:
I The property of the Sewell Heirs lies between
- construction station 243+ ani construction tation 299+
In sending in the property lines the engineers did not
get the exact divis ions between the "arious parties. I
will undertake to get this infornwtion for you during
the present week.
Yours truly,
M a/fév/
Chief an'neer of Const,

 “)3 ~, ‘ ,
! 5 _
'I o. H. Pollard to of: s. '"‘.‘I’Sii'ett.
September 25rd, 1910. f '
With reference to the interlap between the routh of Trou—
V blesome and Jackson, known by the name of Haddix Gannel Coal Com~
pany, I advise: There are fifteen different clainante or owners to
this boundary of land, among the lise if G. W. Sewell and J. S.
Head, hrs. Lou Ellen Hargie, Mrs. Joanna Tipton, S. S. Taulbee and
various others. Sewell and Head awn 4/15 mfi the land. 0 offered .
Mr. Sewell $100 today for an option on his 4/15. He claimed that
you had indicated to him that you were willing to pay $100 an in~
terest andPhe refused to give an option unless we would pay him
$200 or $50fgaoh interest that he owned. I felt like that he was
unreasonable, and that we can't afford to pey him over $100 for
the option. I believe we can buy eone of these interests at $75.00
and have determined to work on that hatter for the next two days
and where I can get an interest at $75.00 to take a deedfor it. I