xt73bk16mf8w_396 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [271] Concerning M.D. Lewis and the roadway near his property in Whitesburg text [271] Concerning M.D. Lewis and the roadway near his property in Whitesburg 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_41/Folder_2/3482.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_396 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ 1‘? ' ¢ . §1 ’ . I
W 2 f
' June 39th, 1918.
22:30 ‘33 E. Sfithg ‘ R ‘1
Superiz‘xtendent of Construction, .
Louisville, Ky.
Deer Sire» :2
Referring to the Wire: of 9-11). Isis ten foot road '
use: iiifiziteehurg. will say the I have the Irorning received. iron
2;:. Lewis the enclosed let-to: “seer? to you, thigh as returned
to he??? by the Louisville as :3, with the *tehse nemil rare-
7112122167122? 3:1:31iiueeting the} V..;o it to you. .
. Kindly 1. ’... .._ mot you ultiretely rFo about this, and
oblige ‘
, Yours very truly. - ' .


. . General Counsel. ,

K ‘ ‘ .

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‘.‘. V. '
x / V ,
‘ . ; May Srfl,'1913.
5 ' ' . ' '
er. John Hewe Feyton,
Co :0 CO, L. a: :3. Bo ::(o (300, —
Louisville. Ky. .
Dear Sir:- ‘
Referring :0 fly Letter of e d: r we axe releéive to
' the K. D. Lewis reefiuey, Will eey that iny :1rther into the cor~
respoueence I find that on Herch 22h: eivefl e letier from
Hr. Tilleughby (eicteted by "R. B. T; eh ie as follows:
”Referring to fine cl 1? ‘:Liz G. Lewis that the Railroad
Coepuny is flat 20%?0331P7 %o the Jerre of the deed conveying
Tiffii 0? may. I a? 35 ifigg by :2. R. W. Warfield that he has
geneteueted e 10 ft. 1 '«53 as required Py the fieefi. Hr.
Hayfield further 3&5 a :33 read desired by Kr. Eeeie
ie a reefi eyeroee 1, ‘ pneerpaee creeeing the lanes ef J. M.
Frazier. I enn . a“ of letter lhhtve written Xx. wer—
fiele." ‘ <
’ Aeeorenr.~n; suet letter he eent re e eepy of fine fallou—
' 1mg letter uh.s:'?f\ ‘J.juet Writien E2. Werfielfi:
_ "You1 :2,er of larch 80th. Inesvueh as the road con—
structed 3y you~¥ulfille the terms of the deed for righfi of
Way secured free J. K. Ereziee, I fie not think fihet we,exe
unfler any obligation to'eeuetruc: the reed desired by H. G.
- Lewis aeroee the lanes of J. E. Frazier."
, Youre very truly; ' '
..- , J J.. .0
, General Counsel.
- \

o , l v
a I" _7 f j LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 5, 1912 ‘
//[ [U 1: ("3* _.,V
a; .5? 6" ”‘3' /"
if V a j
g \ .
Mr. E. S. Jouett,
Gen'l Co-nsel L883 Ry 00.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Your letter of April 50th with enclosures relative
to road cro ssing for 1201. D. Lewis at Whitesburg, Ky., has been
received. I am unfamiliar with the conditions referred to, but
will have the matter investigated at once and advise you of
conclusion reached.
The clause in the deed from llr. Lewis to the L 8: E
Railroad Company to which he refers is as follows:
"As a part of the consideration of this deed,
second party agrees and binds itself, its successors
and assigns to erect and maintain a 10 foot crossing for
wagons, vehicles, persons, stock and teams, across the.
railroad on the right of way pur chased from J. H. Framer
on the south side of the Kentucky River, opposite Whites-
burg, Kentucky, and on the right of way conveyed by Ira
Fields et al to W. H. Blair, by deed dated the __ day
of 18 and recorded in deed book __ "page ___?-
Letcher County Court Clerk's Office, the record of Which
deed is here referred to for a definite location for said
crossing, which crossing shall be for the benefit of the
grantors, their heirs and assigns, but not to he used so as
to interfere with the trains or traffic on said ra11road.‘
and it apnears to me that under this provision it is clearly
the duty of the L 8: 3 Railway Co. to provide and maintain a
10 foot crossing across the railroad on the right of way pur—
chased from J. H. Frazier and on the right of way conveyed by

 . L
‘ E s J #2
Ira Fields et al to W. H. Blair by deed therein referred to.
When I was passing Whitesburg a few weeks ago I.Ir.

Warfield, Resident Engineer, called my attention to the
necessity for a road are ssing on the bluff opposite the town.
Idid not then know that there was any contention ever the L
matter and itmade but little impression on my mind. From
what I can remember of the sitnation I fear that the con-
struction am maintenance of a ten foot road will be very

' costly.

I I will reguest Mr. W. E. Smith, Superintendent of
Construction, to look the situation over carefully when he
goes to Whitesburg next week.

Yours trulywp
Z; .
Kgg'r of Construction.
0:] WES

 a 4",] 1,; VF
“" " “"'" ' ”""'“ "“'"'”W» ~ "WW ... ,
;M/ {if {a 2’ 0”
Vt’ufl” /,r2;_, .”,, v ‘ _ .:.?AW“"W“:T%TATAWM1:39.“1 ‘ u _
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 ..- ; .
, 5 y -
L I,
' April 30th, 1912.
1:17. Joli-1‘; 3:07-33 Peyton, '
',:- “.- Ijvg :.i. I“? 2:. :7: v“. 1’30.” _
LOUl-‘L‘z‘lilies yfw
3313:. 9117:-
. 21113113331? 37133377712371. I 271317163011 Q} t-te- :.’-33313796». For 31. D.
-. 131377.713, m.” 777.117.7115.:-131711232-3», ‘":n, It (7.1173 6.573173 27.570 "7111.: 771213 11:133-
1zerte7ttlv overleaxfied 3:36. 513:7: that *7-3 . 7133:1133 sent on 71.20 you.
- I “3371,73 7:7-771.711.3331 To 3717.7. ’3 is 1733:..ing7: hi? that 7173::- 173731232.“
133 733.11 r-gf’erz‘ar‘ to :.?-'31:: 3:17:57: that 1".-3 11 33.71.7133 3771?“ as 31:17:31. 213 con-
317177177 717‘ :7: to 77;-e 1:30:13. 1 - 273313131: 0:" i3- 1: “51:73:77 .07" sonata-eke
. 3:70, referrer? 1.0 in this; 77>- I) too}: the 1773.12.7te72? 1.17:1 with 3.11:. "‘13;—
lazzrrh‘ny 75-11:? on 373.733?» 151.“ \, 7.1,- 173 as. 7‘91137773:
“LT; :27-77t11331‘. ‘1 Q - . ’ .. “1.: 3.1::7-7-1713, ‘37::73. 3753:7377: 7:171, 173137311176
‘50 10 3771:. 17051.7" ..‘ ”$37-73. 717‘ 1.37“ 7:77.737 1:.-1:21.212?! 10"“ the ’L‘-01,1177:
’.‘.“te ¥'§11i{31‘ 71. 1..1 7377+ 7.‘-11.131537? 77111 be 773.713 10
feet 311:1. m7- 71.: r111 7177:1311}: 07’“ 1331.0 77.71.1791 1;: C17” 177311.”
1’ 71173 71723.: ,3011‘ 1"17r-713.xi,r1.:1.7 71:77:13.3 1:7/1.13 17:033— 17‘11117-77-271 I re—
ozzll “1+. “.‘.‘-71373 7‘11? ‘ee-r‘; 17.717217311721077 PT. ‘37“; “73.71.73 7.733 3. 32.13371718-
“ 10771. "-7»7.° :1. 7.177017147779173“ the 377-173 77731271717 in :Mo'r71773 with the 3.517717333783711:
«77717W71rr 31: 7.:‘17-7-2’; 7.33.173 to "’:7..‘..lo7.:~77?1.‘237. For 11011.17 3" 2777—3
7‘7-1117;713:1103 I an 17313171511719: you 3.17:7. L317-71'.s’ OTZU‘TTLE’EQE 13775133? to .13. together 7
77?.t‘: .'::"7.7. 11101.1517h‘y'3 173711137 32717.77 711113,. “173‘ 317-771.: to 1707.171717] the!” for
1772.7 7‘1138 when 71-73717. 3.7.73 17.317177171115717: with flow. .
‘ >4 v v: r 77.5 "
£01,133 131,-? t..-n-2.y, .
333/3012. . '
:.‘-311?... ‘ .
981167331 001111381.

‘ J " J
_ . .
-' a i.
: , J
_, J.
' April 30th, 1913.
. I ‘
3271;". 357.31. Lewis, ‘ I
‘J‘Ih i t, 6 star: , 1.! .
Dear 91:0:— 5 .
”27h?“ Y“£‘-+.‘5;C}‘!’ 0.“? V0133?- raadvrfiy 11(\ 3331'63;‘3j‘¢3y7 {,0 33:3}. Pfiy— . .
' ‘ “ “ 7' “"3 ‘ 'x' ':‘nv‘i‘ f I
to}? torwt‘rlri-r'? 1:,-11qu 55.12 02° ”‘:I: rioxxrsvsra 2‘ ..JJJ: X Ronni, ALT, J 421.3
‘ COI‘J‘5*'V’BM' "Hi"? M, aflv'wvied mat to “A - FESTC‘FVIT-iifirl. ’
J J... -'J .' ._.,~ :‘ .,,.2 ’.. . . .
’ ‘f 0 71% .:.‘, Ely-11 1 if ,
EESJ/ ch.
‘ ' ®%: Caner-3'3. 0011219383..

. , ‘ , , _ ,
. . LOUJSVILLE, KY, I.iar.22,l912
' FILE No.
,‘; // i; e" If 1|
,/ W 5 :" ,
"II E I 1' it. 5'! 2.”! '
1 ‘ . A . -
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“1'.".719» one Lt, g
, .,.»? }
""»\._«/~-—" #7 i} r!
general "‘ounsal, { f f
fiear (air: 3,
Ciei'errin: to thu claim of .l..;wzi that the railroa-
' ar-om‘mmy is not aoni‘c‘nru‘i'nv- to the ten-ls of the deed corrrrsyinr“
ri-fht Cf “533?. I 913 aflvised bjs' T‘r"."'.':31‘i‘ialr" tl‘nt he has
conitrucfied a 10 ft~ um‘rerpswss as renuired by the dead, j»,
“’.‘-‘zl'fiald fart-her states that the roar} :Msired. 1g? "l”.LHF'iS
is a road approaching- the. underpass crossing the lands of ._T.3 .
Frazier.) enclose 0011);: of letter i have "iritten to fir.
Bours truly, (Q //, 3/ / _ / ’7
6 V ‘ / / (C/f (1 :7/(7/
/: r’ a 1, f7 /
/< /
3 w/Chief f“agineer cnf Constmctlon

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22’; Enigma, :13! ,
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to {his enn (10...? :svxzréwjzjz 11211111119; .t,.;,( :‘gqfizy. I have rafeiéred
1‘:-11 "mm to 35.13. twilifi'flf’ffll‘y 1’; L0121U26.E§e 111713.116 611.1; m? the
office for 11113122 1:1 11121133»: 11.11: 1'“ “1?.-7:5"31111‘11 7511.! 121131.113 11:113. $711353 ii:
TR")??? fi*tt‘i¥'&1‘~:‘:f§fi?3 1231.1? I 1:.‘1 ‘!'-:1..” W112 317175: ”ma-t 11:3 to 3:13 1.10.1113. 1

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1‘ 3
Ziarc’n 9th, 1913. '
/ . ~ .
{’33}. J. E. FAFillGugh‘OEr) ~
Louisville, Ky. . .
3313?:- Sir:—
. Enclosed herewith I 929m you 1%.» h 1: received, from
1.:. 3. Lewis at 73.133131315131333: relative to mrv leading: to his
, ”b
wirowarty. 1'1 also enclose 2013:! of 74%.. to him
This is the first I use M“ of? any riifficulty there and
. I therefor-<3 know nothing ‘. I. I 129171.101". 1.15“ there is 310%. but I
Peal mre re will r'ive/Q‘Ie trouble 32088311113 if the priovision
I. I \
of the dead 31:1 not IQ fl 1t to We letter. Himfily advise re 1
about thir—t “It 31 1&7 we, M oblige
Y Q ’ Yours very truly, ' '
1331-31. - ~

 " ' ; ff; / f
I — / ;.I; .
D. D. Fields & Son to E. ngJOuett. // if
November 5rd. 1911. ‘ ,
I will prepare the deed for M. D. Lewis for the 140 feet
Opposite Whitesburg and. he has agreed to execute the deed for

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J 3 5

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I an?!" i

0 xi
D. D. Fields to E. s. Jouett. e .


March 9th, 1911.

I talked with him, with reference to the Millatone proper—
ty, thosa small tracts over which you have not acquired a right-of“
way, and I now wish to make you a full statement, beginning with the
upper tract, which balangs to J. P. & h. D. Lewis and George Hogg,
will say that I have been restricted in my offer t9 these peoyle
to $1.00 and it takes a condemnation proceeding, of course, to do

 I I/ > '1
.' I. . . -
\.‘H ,
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T} . '..‘, .«_ _ :- 1 u my ‘ H
mac-‘:‘} .LI‘LL'I’ 3.‘-3 if! , .3.-”3..3.
~13..." : ‘ ." 3‘. ~23 ...” -',.. 3, . 3, A.~ .7‘ A,., ,. .7. :
m t: was: 2303313032134: at {my .ma.. 4:13.333. gm: w “10‘. «A an, a, 331 the
.ir“: ‘ ‘...‘ ,1.”. ‘._": 1 '..‘)..{3 F , 7“?" ..‘ 1""“ v; .9», 1‘., -\ ’..}, n ., [1 5 ‘.‘” T"' ,: ‘..._ .‘ m . ”.’.‘ ..3“ ~. Wm, "1"" v ,, 3,.
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.3. 5323.2; “;.“:‘x‘x: ”.J.‘“: 2 t} L ‘30 .L.‘. ’::..‘1‘ 2 L.L: .3,“??? .‘. v.51"? 3;, L: in}; 3:323? tchllwu '.;j/ in ii; .‘3.L:;-.$At
,, an ~-,,, 3M .-~. . —... -; 3 , . 3. T ‘.‘- < .:: . T 3 4. . —,- . .3 .. '- -,: .-
Q 1 ‘ 333’ {Mfg} wiflfll'fjffl ILUQQ‘L) «'2 o .'J ‘_.fy‘i, luff—‘3 .H. .'I. 13“-115:: ’II.-.Q. " a ; .0 k)" ‘.r 7433.“.
w _ 1.‘ w ._ .;: _‘. ~ ‘_- . . “.. .3 3 ”.‘1‘, .'. y,« .1 V. . .‘,.. 3 v .A. A ...V . E . “v... ...‘ ”- ”.. v 3' , .J .u\ y.. 3. ".
‘2 "3 »‘5 ‘103’13‘39135-3—9LL‘17; 533L394.» Y} ".‘ ‘ :, ‘u‘;.-'.\:-M:f~_.‘1 »‘.-12*; Anny-.83 $.23 «:.1-355!“

 m M
2 U; \
o "
' ’ Dec. 7th, 1910.
E. S. Jouett, Esq.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:~

Monday was our County Court day and we got five condemn—
nfltion proceedings confirmed, that is the one against Jonathan
Frazier and Susan Combs, two of the J. S. Frazier heirs, the Jenkins
heirs, Manervia and Maggie Mbrgan, B. M. Webb‘s heirs and J. B.
Croft‘s heirs.

The J. C. Hogg heirs, nor the S. P. Frazier heirs were
not before the Court, as they are all non—residents and their caseé
will not be ready for trial until the Feb. term, unless I can get

' the Frazier heirs to come into the state, so that I can get process
on them before the January term.

As to the cases of Hogg, J. P. & M. D. Lewis and J. P.
Lewis and E. L. Baker and the J. H. Frazier cases, exceptions were
filed to the Commissioner's report in each case and I enclose you
copies of the orders, for juries, which will show you the dates that
the trials will be held and I hope you can be present.

. Have the Company send me chock for $200.00, with which to
pay Expenses of the trial &c., I will send in statement of What I
have expanded and how I have expended it, as soon as I get a

Yours truly,
D. D. Fields,

. 5"
,. ,.r
.1 " :
, , f 1
, ""1 '72, “fl ~’ -’ . "7‘1 ‘3‘ .1 “ »' .‘ ‘ l :
. 2i. .4. visa-ins in?) e. 9;. aloxlvztto- : .1
j .
.,. fl . . ,~ , ; ‘ .
£45}‘1f"::f:3',‘fi“._7." 2% M1, :LHlO. ,1
1.., . , ’ ‘ 1' $1 ,,_ '3’ .:.“, H's e1 4:; I ";, ' , 1 1~~ ‘ *3 ,n r. . ’... _

I H":»"J”’3 ”1.1.1 VFW} Ufls‘it'fiyfl .311 11378.1.t fax; 1.1351: f3. .'m in???) lift/15?“?
~., 1 r?» (:1: , “,..., ‘..- . .q 1' .1, .... A. ,. I . .~ , v»_. 1, - , . ,1 3 ,, ;
to; -1;, t9 ins, ~ he -- re LTE‘,‘3*.“11:'?S§15:‘3. in. me :1::Mh‘\infi .,1. 12,131,, the 2-
”19'5"“? ' . .n amp". 5, ,~ ,.- ‘r'xA up-w- 12.». -‘ v41». --;' , v -. x”. ," _ '1 , . 1 5" ~ 1 r —
:. .:.: 1 1.13 .'1‘ a '...>‘.f,;;.,’:_, L63 .(iA‘AYIII‘; ‘11:}. "\1'j L 1. ‘3’ ”J.J.. 'H-LJYLV;€$IU,‘H~E§ {LL-MU J9 3." .LHE-‘I'YL 74'; {fig
v-r .::.“ I, (4 " .:: a; g: a» 1,3" in, “’1’ "2 -,’- . ,. . z -»1 u : r "2, “111 '
4.25., 1»... u 34.331113 him 1. ~ '33 .'th La *’ ~_-.!1-.’:. 1‘21“?th P1510. r1. . f'3."J..‘.’-'..li't?3?

-.v\ ‘ ~ ." V" " ‘- k 2 . . '2-1'141 r 1. . .. . ' ‘ - v " ~ ‘ -
UN." 57:1? ‘3‘: "2.1.3. “ “Mi-3‘1 r2131. y “M": ASH?“ "91:0: NH“: I..ii‘;)«”,‘.v"g’£-'“' ”-" ’1 WM.

 ,/"""“\ 5.' ;
< x" ;
O 2.;” _
,I s
E. s. Jouett to D. D. 161(1ng sin. -
. ,I ’ '
November 17th, 1910.

I believe I failed to acknowledge receipt of the deeds
from M. D. Lewis, W. M. Hall and Jennie Jenkins. I return the
Jenkins deed for slight corrections by Mr. Day in the certificate
as shon in pencil.

 . Ill) {,.,/"Eff
E. S. Jouett to J. E. Willoughfiy. -
October 28th, 1910.

M. D. Lewis. This is a small parcel 140 feet in length in

Whiteeburg. I have never had a station number as we did net know
of theproperty until we were in Whitesburg, where we got the infor—
mation on the ground from an engineer as to the deeails of the
deed. I have been negotiating with M. D. Lewis, and today settled
with him at $50.00.

 , g - , _
. 2 7 f
, ‘_‘;
x" Ootober 38th, 1910.
223°. Me Do LeWiSp
E‘miteeburg, Ky. .
Deer SZU?:-
Replying to your favor of the 27th net., Will say that
- I have by this mail advieed hr. Fields t ,.. e with you by the ,
Basement of $3550.00. ‘
» Tr-meting this is eetiefa ”:13 em
Yourr em 11:,
. ESJ/CGPa %

 O f
i f .. ..
g ,3” Cutooor 887.11, 193.0.
‘ 3:388. Dc Do Fieldfi 8“: son,
Whiteehumz, Ky.
Gentlemen :- _
You r: re authorised to settle Wit}- Ii. 3“). Lewis ”my toying;
“rum $350.00. I think that is perhaps mow: he tie entitled to -
”out is probably not ‘.»:ore than he W011.” !!mrer anti we could mt
efforzi to litigate it for that an ‘.;-3% have :2. letter from Mr.
Lewis about it and have Witt '1 hi1 at you are now authorized... to"
maize this settlement.
‘~‘: Iery tmly,
sea/cop. §§

 D. D.- Fields to E: s. Jouett.
October 28th, 1910.
You have not written me with reference to the M. D. Lewis
piece on the cliff near L. W. Fields' about which I wrote you
some time ago. Please let me know about Lhis matter, at once, as
the cantractors are here on the ground and want to start on that
cut and Will very SOOH need the right of way OVSI the Lewis piece.
I encllaaeygnu the two deeds, with the vouchers signed as
requested. W

 O I :5
o. D. Fields to 13.8. Jouett. I ~
October 27th, 1910. _
Also the M. D. Lewis tract of 140 feet in length, atthC

upper end of the L. W. Fields tract, the J. H. Frazier lots fronting

' on Main Street in the Frazier addition to the town of Whitesburg,
the J. F. Lewis tract in the Lewis Bottom, the H. H. Frazier tract
above Whitesburg, which runs from station 137 + 40 to 151 + 70. We
lack three hair's interest in the Arch Jenkins land, but we have a
writing from one of them, agreeing on a jrice and consenting that
they may go to work and we have an option from another one and he
says he is willing to sign when they can agree on a division of
the purchase money. And the other interest belongs to infnts and
will have to be condemned.

 LEWIS angéw's O
l .. "s/"W‘Ws 17/ [$727 ,_M/“Q
\9 MW Ww/{é’b‘fw MCLWM
W 7026/0an M Q WW may
am W 2:: W/fl/wg/WM 96
7”“ 2%“ W M 4°” ”4% M4
41) \Q AAA/v7: “WV“ W MW? 222/4
77in 5? (Lo Mfl/
Lew/“fife iilrmz 3;;
737 V W l/ ( W
W m #600: _ /M W W”
”4% W 7W\ WWrM/{TEW

 . / ;'
Bo D. FieldB to E. S. J0u5/tvto [if
i ,
October 2131., 1910. / .
I have not received any answer from you with reference to
the M. D. Lewis scrap about which I wrote you -

 E. s. Jouett to J. r. 2’i’1110ughb9’.
October 13th, 1910.

I note that you will let J1.zdge Lewis correspond with me.
with reference to his tract, but that you "'ill see D. Lewis and
let. me know What he says.

 0’ ”if f

D. D. Fields to E. S. Jouett.s '
October 13th, 1910. ’

I have gone over Mr. M. D. Lewis' papers with him and
I do not see much chance for him and me to agree the Company Wants
a right of way a distance of 140 feet across his land and this is
on a cliff where the land is of no value of whatever for any pur-
pose and his right of way is on this 140 feet the right of way he
speaks of is on the land that Frazier conveyed. Mr. Lewis thinks he
ought to have $50.00 at least in fact he wanted more, but in his
talk he sug gested that I would give nan $50.00, I do not see as I
ought to give hfln that amount, or any amount over $5.00, but I did
offer him $10.00, this leaves his right of way that the Company is
bound to provide for, by making him a crossing over the railroad and
if he receives an injury to himself, family orsnock the Company will
be liable for it, if it is negligentlh inflicted and the payment of
the $50.00, or $100.00, could not have any hearing or effect on any
injury that he, his family or stock might receive in crossing the

He wanted me to write you and see if you would not direct
me to pay him more money than I had offered him.

 .0. D. Fields to E. s. gouett. 5
October 10th, 1910. f; '~‘ ii
I will see M. D. Lewis and let. you know-what he says about
his right of way.

 ' ‘ ‘ C
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