xt73bk16mf8w_40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [20b] Lee County miscellaneous, October 1915 - September 1916 text [20b] Lee County miscellaneous, October 1915 - September 1916 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_5/Folder_2/62578.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_40 xt73bk16mf8w X. \ 1%,,” ///
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//”““”//‘fzgzyfgfiyflfl, ,r/éwnflyfléa/éx, October 27, 1915
Cflr% if / é
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Yours of October 25;
I agree with you that inasmuch as Kessrs. Jallsce
& Harriss have informed Mr. Hurst and Er. Gourley of the
instructions I have given, with respect to the apportionment
of the law business in Lee County, between messrs. Wallace
& Harriss and you, it is not necessary for you to supplement
the instructions thus given by messrs. Jellace & Harries.
Yours very truly, ; f
i g ‘n‘ X k a N ‘"
District Attorney.

October 2‘3 191?.
z, /

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Law Business in Lee County, Kentucky
..."... éCXZj' /j\
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I enclose carbon copy of my letter of October 19 to
Messrs. Wallace & Harries, which explains itself.

1 am today in receipt of their reply, in which they
accede to the suggestions I have made to them, and with their
letter they sent me copies of letters they have written to
Judge Gourley and to Mr. Sam Hurst eXplaining the matter to
them as l explained it to Messrs. Wallace & Harries in my

You.will observe my letter expressly excepts from the
new arrangement pending litigation in Lee County in which
you have been associated with Messrs. Wallace & Harries.
This, of course, refers to the Newland cases. Whether
there is any other such litigation, I am not at the moment

I thought it decidedly best to have a distinct
understanding as to the business in Lee county, by reason
of the readjustment of the company's divisions in that
County. And it seemed to me the logical thing to do was

to divide the business in that County between you and
Messrs. Wallace 2; Harries. as I have indicated.

I hope the arrangement will meet with your
approval .

Yours very truly,
Di strict Attorney,


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’ October 19, 1915
Law Business in Lee County, -ontucky
o u I- t n c
losers. fiallaoo & Harriss,
Versailles, Ky.
Gen tl omen ,
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 SAAI [\IUR‘S’J". .
[Seattyvilla — — Ky. : 1 ‘ . ‘ _
October 14,1915. ' l
Judge Samuel M.W1150n, A 1 ' .
Dear sir,—
Please find enclosed the ordinary docket of the Lee
Circuit Court for the November Term,which will begin Monday,Novemher
8th,1915. This docket contains all the continued cases and the
appearance cases to this date. You will notice that the continued
cases are set beginning on the 8th day of the term,the 16th day of the
month and are set for the 8th,0th,10th,11th,12th,13th,14th and 15th
days of the term. The L & E cases are so marked in red ink. In looking
over our Commonwealth docket,I find that the penal cases are set for
the first,second and third days of the term and that murder and felony
cases are set for the 4th,5th,7th and 9th days. I do not know just
what ones of these cases will be tried nor what the chances will be
to try Civil cases: It is my idea that we should have arrangements
made for our witnesses to attend and stop them by telegraph if we
find we do not need them. ‘
Respectfully, 1///7 /
( "'4/1,7*’/”/l/’——\\

 IV , ,, ,
r , ()RillNAn‘ UHCSJII‘.
’: :M..‘;BRU.XRY ’I‘EJEIIL 1910.,
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Beattvville “- Proctor
Bridge {31).
J .(J .F$}'HAC§{1'-’?ffii“!§.
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A ttorney—a t—La xv
l'i‘eattyville. - —- Ky.
January 20.1916.
Judge Samuel I~.I.Wilson,
Dear Sir,-— I am enclosing; you a docket for tie February
1916 Term of the Lee Circuit Court.
Yours Truly, ,
/ > / 1’
/ "\ /6 , flC‘X {/ l . ','
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 8AA! I-IUjeS’I‘. '
‘ Heattyville; — — Ky.
April 14,1916.
Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
Dear Sir, Please send me a large supply of docket Reports and
Report of Proceedings.
Yours Truly,
«Cy/rflk, ' ‘ 101/[Q

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 SAAI [Ilflx’S’JX
' Attorney—at—Laxv '
.‘ I'Seattyvine; — - Ky.
April 23, 1916.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.,
Dear Sir:
I enclose herewith ordinary docket Lee Circuit Court for

May term, 1916, with railroad cases marked according to divisions
in red. ink by each case.

Yours truly, I

 . V
July 7;, 1915.
115211. k. ,lui;':3t, I
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Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, r
Lexington & Eastern Ry.Co., %
Lexington, Aentucky.
Dear Sir:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the
28th inst. enclosing reports of proceedings in various railroad
cases had at the May 1916 term of the Lee Circuit Court.

Under date of Dec. 8th,l915, I wrote you as follows:

"I am in receipt of your favor of Dec. 6th en-
closing a number of reports of proceedings had at
the LO‘crerrfoer term 19.15 of the Lee Circuit Court.
The majority of these reports are simply endorsed
"no orders were entered". In order to save Mr.
Hurst and his stenogrepher tine and trouble 1 de-
sire to say that Where no steps are taken in our
cases a report of proceeding is not necessary.
Furthermore, Where steps are taken it will not be
necessary to send a copy of the orders to this
office as fir. Hurst has done in the Campbell, Ap
kers, Hobbs, Herd, Shumsker and Cox cases. It
will be sufficient if a memorandum shoring proceed—
ings is made on the face of the report."

As stated in above quoted above, reports of proceed~
ings are not necessary in cases in which no steps of importance
are taken. In other cases, or cases where important steps
have been tekne, we would very much prefer to have Form 162 filled
out. To illustrate, take the case of Letcher Snowden and Laura

. Snowden v. L.& F.R.Co: a notation on the form, under head of
proceedings, to the effect that case was dismissed settled, de—
fendant to pay court costs, except witness fees and taxed attor

 3.13.27. “ 2
neyfee, would have beer sufficient; in the Isaac Wilder case
a notation on the report of proceedings. showing that Special
dezmrrer was sustairzed would have served our purpose; in the
various Commonwealth cases a note to the effect that the in-
dictment was dismissed would have ber‘n :::uff‘iciierft.
Yours truly,
{%JA-‘(txrm, 7’
Assistant District ;‘L’ttorneji.

 _ ‘ Jam '50, 191"}.
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;'i::f ‘. ril)111'rt.

W. A. D. Short, &c.
871 vs.

£1 . (). lli~riiwal