xt73bk16mf8w_402 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [274c] Edward L. Napier heirs v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [274c] Edward L. Napier heirs v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_41/Folder_8/3910.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_402 xt73bk16mf8w EGIE‘H'UCKY COURT OF APPEALS.
Lexingtoa & Eastern Railway CO», Appellant,
-VS~ Receipt. »
Napier's heirs, App9118?.

Received of Attcrneys for Appellant additiOHal brief in this
Case, iich is to be inserted 33 a part of orifiinal brief,1nfl our
receipt harétofore executed for orlglnal brief shall be our recei t
for brief nnen revised.

22113 25th,day cf October,1915.
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-.i;,.--i§. ”liaig;i';,i7’,;ii/// W,
/,= , ..¢,/fl, 7.”
October 38, 1913.
Robert E. Greene, qu.,
Clerk, aourt of iypcals,
I rer. Itfo rt , Fly .
Boar sir:—

I enclose herewith an afifiitional rrociyt executefl by the
attorneys for fihe ahpclloos in fiha case of IOXington & T‘:antox'n Rail-
way Company, appefilant, v. waar& 1. Napicr'e heirs, appellcos,
for 33.5.1773 Una] ‘.'Wf‘zt‘intj’.‘ Ccéf‘ev“, to or inerti‘ficfi in the Ol‘igjti'z'lill firaffi
of ’ppeTIQut’C Briof, which ihe Receipt mailnfl you tha other day
Was intanaefi $0 cover. “lease file this affiitfiomnl cheipt in
Th0 recori, Jnfi shlige,

Ynurm hruIy,
3 /

 / " I ‘.
Lexington 8:. Eastern Railway Gompmy, -. ' Appellant. .
V3 3‘01 7.111 mien.
Napier’s Heirs, {33933116763
If: is hereby agreed an} stipulated by am between the parties,
Appmlmt am Appellee herein, by their resmetiva counsel that on the
calling"; of the nbava SW}. :31 case We. 348 cm the deck-at f0 1‘ Exam?
Septmber afit‘a, 1'.-513.5, that true 53:12:10 shall be passed an; that (mammal
for 33:31:61}, ant may have 30 clays from and. after said 26th of Sgp'thber,
1.91.3. in "E'T‘wz'mn to file brief fan: angel}. mt and that (3mm 991 for
89961196 may” have 30 days after tha filing .7.7-f the brief fer appell {it
3:: awn-3.21:1 tc 3:51:31? manta 913157 that aftsa'y.‘ the filing of brief fax: the '
apiaellee (301111391 feta? appellant may have 10 avg time in mien to reagent}. ,
t9 sued: reply if they c‘ic Marne) is do.
Lexington S: Eastgtm Railway Gampmjxy,
B’ygmm ....-.m._...........__..-.._........_..
m"“”"""“" ‘”’65fi%7§é"i"’f ‘
' " ' Napier'a Haifa
00115:: sail.

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K/i,) ' :,7/ ,_ /€‘?/,7 . 77H:)—. , / (/U2/
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.,_ UflM/zjflh _fl :10 MM Ufl ., [m 4151/0 ///%//////,
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1%,1'7I/I’fl/M.” ._‘/[Vl/‘(I/lj/lg/ll/ ._ ‘1/I/h fQW/‘II/l’A/l (4731/3/70? ///’/7////'////. K
I fills-frinf- (II/0,1 7/ r' r: (
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/. I (j J Ass-t D]$~f/7'r7‘ Allan/(’1: (// /' r '///// //'/./
/’C/’/ “J’W’” " ’ 7 Sep t~ 8.1915-
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, ,
Counsel L.& E. Ry.Co.,
L‘exingt on , Ky.
Dear Sir,
Napier's Heirs v. L.& E.Ry.Co.
In Court of Appeals.
Have you ever prepared a brief frr appellant in
this case and filed it, and can you furnish me with a copy
of it? '
5%; r, /f ' ~ .' I n ., ° z , >
a _ 1' I f
District Attorney.

{/57/4” . , ///// J /x/#
////7// .‘7/(5,.» gym/9”,”; “64””
67/04 ..,, A 93/3”
mum; . .orney alss‘tlb/mnerceLa/ttwwejys
.géww///2////Sept 4th, 1915.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel L. & E. Ry.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: .
I have Just received the docket of the Court of Appeals
and drop you this note to remind you of the three Perry County
L. & E. cases set for September 26th, towit;
L.& E. vs. Napier's heirs, ae.,
Witt vs. L. & E.
L.& E. v. Baker.
~ I doubt not that you have these fully in mind but thought
it well, lest you might miss your docket, to call your attention
to them. "
I am not very familiar with the latter two but am greatly
interested in your reversing the Napier ease.
Yours very truly,
General Attorney

FORM 1—Revised July, 1909 7 .
glissageg which Illrcbappurentlyhuunefcesslzirg, ofr thatdccauld 2e sent bydTrainfMlaiI, Winch: trafusmitted and
. . . . t t . . . . ,
TELEGRAM PM?” “‘ °°P‘%5eérifii°as§vlna 3132;21M'imé215‘3832ufi11%. 1’01. ’““"°”‘°” “mm“ TELEGRAM
11031121951021; 31370 9 August 221111, 19136
(.3 a 7:1 110 01111311 9
11.0113”.3175.1109 1:70
Napier 11000216; filed. 1:1 60111“; of *mcalu Several (mg/‘1.”; argon 21.13»
303.130 '32? 01:1 the office has delayed answer to you: 17132109
80 3‘20 WilS'Jfilo


Frankfort, Ky . , Sept. 17? ,,, ,, ,191§,.. ..
Dear Sir:—

YW###%##L°&E-RY-C°1n case of

Napeir'a Heirs
##é‘firéfiWWMfifiMfif sent you by today' s express.
Very truly yours,

 [M “‘.». --’“'.y*» , .
.1‘”, A ”4,94;
M4” “a,“
p K‘ ‘1 r: m‘ 11“,: IYCL _.'Mfl-‘gflwnmwfiw 7‘ m
(E R A H I \ i v WWII»! “’,’-':‘”Mf‘f .»».»
, -xf} »“’” M” - (..pr '
'3 "‘ P V 7 ‘ ”1:,—,..,” ‘J.-«FM
Hr. , .-»—W” :__",Mw
77. a- -: rvlwwfl‘fl‘
30 Tr” ‘
Judge Samuel M. Wilson ,
Hazard , Kentucky .

 / —~/ fl) j 7 / ,/
, , I 7’ , / _ , ,!/ /, y/ , /. / ,/, ,' , 7 ,y ' , "
, Lay/#7 /// ”m ((4). fl/// . //,//,// My. 7_ (M /////y,
/ / /////// /// "//)////// ' ‘ / /'
7F K -,.. K” 7_.—'1 ~ / 7' v ' ./,/ gewtngua/n 'L” .
. ,///,'///,//I, l\/////)/' ’A'W/fll} 00450081. 15, 1913.
M :3 I'.? >
é— I 7 '
Hon. 3. E. Icrfielfi,
Dist. ifity., E & H R E Co.,
Bear Qirz~
Encloscfi herewith, T hand you carbon capy a? Bxief for Appel‘ 3
1am7 in the ease of 15 R *. Ky. Ca. v. ?finurfi R. anier’g heirs,
haw pcuéing on apymal from the Parry Circuit Court. T haVc not yefi ‘
.':—:‘v ,.7 .1 . , .' ,..: ..» 1..-,r4v,,.. :7; - . .:’ w. 1- " ‘ - . ‘. n
LL v: ihr 0r15_n i, LOVLJQ ddat Loyduruoc a carbon copy Bhoroom to
courmoW for tha anpcllnes 355 still awaitqu the return of their
reéeipt for thifi copyc If it emu be éoqe nonvcnientiv, T Will he
plearefi t3 have you or Tr. Uswrmcn, or Ir. Jouett, so over the
{32103 o 1'30 ’3 copy 5:;-1:7; zér'l‘rfitsc: 126 :'shc'iflvcr it; :eufzi‘i-ci entiv 733‘053-371‘05; the
grounfls upan which our appeal fir 5:361.
7:33 trajy gnurw,
m fine.
5? [xix—é.
. Counsel.

 ..--..x/my (w ”M / M), (WA. /,///,//(,//y/ _./,:/(//////,///,
'/ «72! f (r i» {/i
/_y _ ’) /,/// , 1,.. / /g7 , ./.

..C/mmm/ //{ (Wt/am ‘4‘/K” / .A-. '%fl/ ”MK/M gent/25431042, 5%?

a . / ,, K

_ y/ 2, /'/) /'/ _.'";
- , ’/./" /./_ 1/(l.'//I/;/ 1.:/,3,
——,- ’7 i‘
L_. , f
it October 153, 19123,.
Eobert T.-. GIBE?."‘1€, Esq”
Clerk, Court of .‘.ppeals of Kentucky,
Fran 1:3? 0 It , Ky .
Dear Fir:—
7’11’icii.oe.=o€t horex'xi th, I hon? you lift 1:21" for 2731081111131; in the
03:80 of 2.. 6’; “.":. Fly. Cr). v. Trir'vwrci it. iapior‘e heirs, etc., together
with Tiecoip‘c for copy thereof, 2:153:59th by one of“ {71:0 s:t=';0:*r:evsw for
the ::ppelleea. 3111 you 3:10.136: £5.19 in the Tim at" arr”: the. 7‘00m‘pt
am? oblige,
B110. Yours truly,
677T" /"«.
U mm we. 3. a

 E (:/¢Q/' WW 7 (7 fi -57K7 .,7 (;[K/
-.__, ..V/..W/ry/w/ ////// ((1 (Kl/WW}! /; ////fl////y f/W/M/zy,
' .Clénnrkff -% (,flf/Jan -"’ ryfl/ 3" %///,‘f/Z/j//* cafiaffioyb/O4Z, %.
? fig ' " V .‘W?”75”7"7????'5}»J Ocfiober 15,3913:
,3: ,z (I If
Hessre. Koofiton & Morgan, ittornoys at law,
Hazarfi, Ky.
Encloseé herewith, I hana you carbwn copy of Brfief for
Appellant in the ease of 1. & F. Ry. CC. V. iawarfi I. Hapior's
heira, etc. I also enclose Pceeipfi for this copy of the brief. V111
you Hat kindly hand the encloged copy to 3%. John C. ?vcrsole, of
caunsol for the appellocs in this cage, anfi get him to Sign the Re-
_ ceipt. As soon 29 this is done, please farward fihe icoeipt to me so
fihat I may transfer 1%, together With oxfiginal capy of briai to the
Clerk of the Courfi of iypafils for filing“

3 would like you, howevew, before fielivering the on—
cloaefi COPY,to reaé the brief ova? anfi yea whether it coineideg Vith
yvur views of the grounfifi upon Whieh we Shculd ?fllj far a reversal
of thir case. It i? full lnng, but I was almoat compoilea to refer
it consifierablr fietail to the testimony in the cage. There is juwt
one point which, UEBH refloaiiafi, I think might Exve been inmortcé
anfl emyhasizofi anfi that is the poinfi that fihe flerfl oi cofivcygnce exr
ecutcd by Vivaré I. Iapicr and hi? wife containufi a covengnh of general
warra fly. This fig Only imficrtanfi as bearing upon the plea 0f egtaypol
agiinfit the heirw Hmé refrcnorbntives of fihe ioaeéenfi. 1% may not,
hnwevor, be of guffiafont impozfiinue :3 reguiyq any revipion of the

Kinily géte this mafitor your promyt attention ané let
me hour. as Swen as convonicgt; wgaglgou Efiink of the brief.

n--' {my “on J yo .0, 00171132121).

 \ _, / c / / s / / / _ ,
. , j, .”3
[v a / r ‘, , , / , j 5’ /’ / '1 3 I / ’ ,,
hill/fly, /// ////// ,,./Kl, (//,/ . /// 1/,/‘//y' _,//’/// '///////,
-, r.” ,’x / i V .
y / //{ W .,,,/r/rn in. fl (Kl/‘W/fl/l/ C/ - 9f
L mm g. L a} c/Xme . ace/um, an, .
(9 /%///E 5”, ’ ‘
v r /k\
. . 4 W/g/ ,/ / ,», , ,7".
\i, , . /' 1 ” / '. ' / ,/
fl ._4fl1/Iz/fl/ flaw/4.10% Ema—'_'- ,
,, ,, ,.,] /; 9
_ I“
Got be: 21, 1910.
Hessrs. Hootton e morgan, *ttornoys at 11?,
, .. 7'
Regard, 3y"
I have your lotto? of the 18th instant, enelising rvceipt for
. v i U -m N. pm ,. r n v a r ~’~ ‘ *
Appellces' drief 3n the cune of.. a L 3;. Co. v. flsgivr's heirs, at the
ti”e I mailed you this Brief, I 3110 send 5 copy to Hr. Wartiold, at Louis—
ville, and sauna that he, or Sr. Janett, wwwld go over tho Brief and ore
amino it and then write no any suggzstion: they might care to make in rngurd
to its contents, I have a letter from fir. Veri’eld, enciueing e iettcr
- - n , o.-. '.' ,M'. . , , T ,,.,“ : - V. “ hm“- wax . .1 H‘ 4'. .,‘
written hl“ my fir. ucuetu, Fudumfljndlhb taut I mgke a few elijnu changes
.1 . ',.: J.: . , 7 1, '_3 ‘ ;: .:.. ' " , ,A .,. .. , '. , t.
in, or adtiurons to. tne urioi anu bhlS i hate lone. In naking those -
4. . A 4. ..‘-.:, .‘. ..': ' - «r ‘ ,_.w- - w,- :..... . ta gas“ 2 a » i
engages, I have not conuiie Cu it neovssary to ro—Nr;te the drier, out have
' - -‘ "--‘ ~c -' m' -- -\ " .-. _ -. '. ..‘, ' .. - r ~'.v ‘ . V..-n 7: a ‘ - "'1 '
Simply indicated the DJWUS at union the new or chanten netuor snouio be in~
...- . ‘3 "' ., ,1 - , * ...-., : -_ .‘.. .. -~ .‘ .. J - . .. i. i .
sertod ano i am sen.ing you neicuith CaibOR cop; or 5hlfi altered matter. '
- + ‘ ...-4* .n. ~ .-. .‘.. n3 ,.-, .M -. .... .. -: .;a -. .
Tnc LOUESVllLO Olfices wants to have the hiioi printed and, CL course,
- V .. -,. . “.' ~ . .'. ., .‘ .. M ‘ .. «a .'2 .‘ ..‘ ‘.Y'W - ., . ‘ ' .' .
the Changes made Ltli appear in the printed empire. «not 1 would iifie
~ " ' ~ ‘3' q ' . 4 w — ’.. ‘,~ 1., - :.‘ '.. ‘
you to oo 18 to see meSSlS. Boga & JohnsOn, or dun“ C. ”versole. the at”
torncys for the appellcns and get them to agree that their Receipt shall
J.. 1‘ ‘ :.., ; , .v. .5 .... ‘,,... \‘.2.‘ . .. . .7- .2 .
cover UhC »rlof as revroou, or ECU then to ciuouuc to as an admittcnel
.4 '~. 1- .,'~ .... ~" . n «4 ... - w. . . -—~--u ». - ..-3. .‘7. " ’:
receipt ioi inn new matter. As soon as you cnn do this, kindly rot ne
9 -1 ., .. -1 _,A. a . ‘ ..:. -, ,... .I., '—--.A.-- . .-, , -. ..‘ - _ - ‘
nee; iron you, so teat i may know juau HON to Eruct the :ecoigt they have
-x .. .A ~,., , .,_ 1 _M' w «'4 .3 ..‘.»fl. ifw ,, .. .,.. "’,i- , vi. A, .. _,‘-, _, .3
3L10;hJ glance. I will 11:8 the OLiaihdl or my Jinzf 51th the GhathB in
., 'e- . ,.I .-4 . 2 .m . . v . - .. n .-' ..V ,- n - ‘. ...
tho Licfle s ofiicc one uflfifl get gerMie L0; 01 the Joust to witndraw and
. A. i ‘P J: ‘ .. _:_ -‘,.u - - -,;,,-, .,‘. . -. .. .,.. ‘
prinu some. i rind that Uhe PflflbOf is liLQif to make a better out or

 / 1/ fl * '7 / 7
o \ /' , / / . / / / \ .
T j , )1 / , T, / ,_/« / , ; ,, , , O , , ,
’~'—*‘I/fly’ /// ////// / ,//././//./~ . { //,/ [WK/y _/ ///%////y;
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‘ .-'3.) . .xi, 1': ".‘ '4.‘ ' 4. w, ~ .. J? -v “ ' '
1t, “Len he AU¢LOHS Una orlgxaa; 309g 0; the nrlei, than where he fiepenfis
ezc]1u31vcfi:r 0:12; cazfiuxu covnr.
.‘ .A- 1'I
, ‘2;-,_. .”.‘ T _-_ . ‘1 A 0 . : ‘_. ‘.. .__.. J, ._ _ n .
Jlée w bhlhfi u: 13, Ehiuhfl; oi you has ever lurnlshed
'? m '17 "'1" :.',“ ’2‘ 2»..” ‘~ 3"” »- w‘ -= .. 77—~ 7" - ’
me and mcneéenus uO Lne case to wn¢ph 4;. Loctton ca lefi my attention
mph W. T ‘:'-r.) *" 7 75‘.- r) ;‘. “.11., (— ’ "" “
"“eL * hug iL Haaalu. Lac came I relay to, as i recall, wag a recent
(10531521021 “xv; “73h?“- szrt 0 4 Eva-am}? r: A”) 4”.- r'“? ~ m — n '
, ,1 -- ..“ ¢ AiLmanu ”V“ A“; Hébu ;¢ch a plea oi omtsppol as
V,. 71‘. _ (,Ir:z“:“ 1 - '- ‘~L,-~ - - u «4- ¢ ~ "~- “Tu 1”
he Lmvc Hwy Jp in bub chbCWa case. if »rn “cotton can conveniently
"z, ‘ -' W1 -.'-~..- ,_ . -~ -‘ ~
lay HLS ”kn” ad uulb cage, I JOkid ilkfi he ntvc the reference at once.
kery truly yours.
Ema. ‘
"1 . ~.. ~"

 / v/ (r ' /' '7
/ ' / _ f" / W / ‘/'
’ I ,’ J / ' f’ ,’f ' x; I / , , .' ,'1 ’,,,
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(B 7 ’~‘ A I "‘\
V ( memflé’mum/f ”W 4 ,«
, ~',”.r’ / /w / I/// [g / /’,- {I
. . /
October 18, 1915.
Hon. 3. 3. Terfield,
Biet. ‘fity., 1 & H R R Co.,
Dear Sir:—
I have yours of the 1?th instant, returning Garbo: copy
of ippellamt's Brief in the case of 1 & T Ry.Co. v. fiapier'e heirs,
33G also enclosing letter writfien you by Ir. Jouett in regard to this
brief. E W11? at once enaeavor fio amené fihe brief 15 conformity
:ith ”To Joucfit's suggesfiioue and will Eyebably have Something to
say in fiho brief abeu“ the covexnnt of general warranty cuntaineé
in the flood executed by “aware ?. Napier. It has oeeurrefl fio me that
I 5i? not enlarge upon this poinfi as E night in the brief as origi—
draft of
naTJy writtem. I will hurry the matter up and get the revieéfifibrfl2f
to you early next week.
If ‘ J-ua-v-I -; w ~.~,:
cry Uiulj you a,

 X ,-
r. \ 4h: 1 V,"
¢ .
> CVFJET’E ”1'3? 35"}13212 5”)??? 3'3"?Iii’UfiT-IY.
7.1"‘TT‘I‘IEG’L"‘23I§ é".- 7"..a’:g"-"F'T"~"i§ E". t"! 1}? CWT", J” 2113?.

V. FRI '17:?" “:75"? " s’I-IJI “I“

*’ T. faca- .
~ — — — - a ‘ - o O o u — - u - ~ - -

ths apycal is pyomecutafl from a Jufigmcnt of the 4
?cr:y Circuit Gaurt, Tenaoycd on the 333$ any of Way, iglfi.
T318 Juflgmont will he found at pages 349 to FfiO, inalugive,
of She Trafl3cript. Hy ic, the 1030? oouwfi mfijnflgoa ifi§§1§fl
a certain den$ of canvoyanec executnfi by Téwayfi Y. fiapiow
Qua his Wfi§%. ?olly Kapier. fin fiho flaxingfian & Vanfiéfnrfluilu
may Company an ficfifiembay $2, 1%10, far a right—gf-Wny thraugh
saia fiapier‘n farm, ané also aCjudgefl invalfifi an executary
cwnfiruct 9f ngtembrr 1, 1?70, praviding for the male mna

v monvoyauew of mafia rightuof—way.

Bufore we eonuifior the prmeiuo tnrmw of the food of
conveyance or flimcuns fiho amv0?al grounéu ugom which its
vaEifiity has boom quastianvfi, we ask fine Court, purfificulurlg,
tw notice fine ficrmm of fihn Jufigucnfi fiiapowfing of fihm fitfiaok
Rain by the heirs of Tfiwarfi T. fiafiimx, deceascfl, upon these
two cvnbracts, first, the execufinry agr*wmnnt of Coptemboz 1,
1910, anfl tha final oonvcyumme of Uepficmbor 28, 1310. fiays
the Court, in its Jufifimonfi -


"(We are) of the opinion from the evidence in the
ceeo, that flawerd E. Entior, deeceoed, was, on the first
and 82nd days of September, 1910 and for some time ante-
rior to those days, of unsound mind, incepeble of knowing
the voice of his property and unable meatelly to under-
Stend the nature of a deed of conveyance for reel proper-
ty or a contract to convoy the some or the effect of
either or the effect of a right of way for a railroad
through his form; that the sum of ($1020.00) One Thousand
and Twenty Dollars paid to the deceased, “Fward i. Napier
by the defendant, Lexington & fieetern Railway Company
on the fifind day of September, 1910 for the right of way
for its railroad set out and described in the deed of
conveyance, executed by eeid waerd Z. Rapier and his
wife, Polly fiepicr to defendant Railway Company on that
date for its railroad, was wholly inedoouete to compen-
eeto him for said right of way and was therefore void.

”It is therefore adjudged by the Court thet the said
deed of conveyance, executed by the docceeod waerd L.
mepier and his wife, ?oily Icpier, to the flexington & _
Eastern Railway Someday on acid 22nd day of September,
1910, for a right of may for its railroad through his
said farm and the contract executed by him and his said
wife to said ficxington.& Eastern Railway Company for a
right of may through said ferm on the first day of Soy—
tember, 1910, be and the game ere each not set aside,
cancelled end forever half for naught. o w * *

"And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court
from the records in this eeoe, that the said strip of land
is ncceeoery for the defendant, Iorington & Teetern Reil—
wuy Company to have for its right of way and that said
railroad Uompcny has constructed itc truck upox said

‘ strip of land end'oporeting its care and engines there-
over and is in the possession thereof, it ie new adjudged
by the Court that said strip of land be appropriated
to the use of acid railroad Company for its right of way
and the Court Being of the opinion from the evidence
in this record, that the value of said land and the
damages to the adjacent lend by reason of the ocouyeney
of said strip for said right of way and the extra fencing
required are $2500.00, Twenty Tivo Hundred Dollore. It is
therefore adjudged by the Court that the plaintiffs recover
oi the Lexington & Heetorn ieiiwey Company, the sum of
gi500.00, Twenty Tive Hundred ficllere with interest from
this date at six per cent. per ennum until paid for the
value of said strip of land epyroprieted by acid railway

« 0013135113] and damages to the adjacent land, by rem-ton of the
t king of the Home and for the extra fencing required
on account of taking the some and it appearing that the
defendant paid the deceased, “dward Napier, One Thousand
and Twenty Boilers, (31020.00), some is a credit upon this

The Title Bond or Contreot for the male of this land
was entered into on the let day of September, 1910, and the suit
brought by "dward 1. Hepier by his son did next friend, 2. C.
Rapier, was not filed until three months later on November 50,

- 1910. This Yotition alleges that waerd L. Hapier ”is new of

 _ . .
.__3... '
ungounfi mind 35% wan in an unsmuna mental cmnflfition just antc~
‘ rior to ana at fins ti%o fihe firanwaetion hereinaffiar relafiei $00k
place,” and‘ among other allegations in fine ?efiition, there viii
be found the foifinwing -

"?he ylfiintiff sfiafiom fihflt the Hofcn&aat'm grayawea
extenminn, which i5 no: bfling huilfi, requirea the aggro—
primtion 0? a way over the lanfis of the gaia Tanfird 7. Ha-
yicr, in ?orry flounfiy,fiontncky far aboufi one mile on the
maufih Sific of the ficrflh ?ork of the Kentucky Eiver, jusfi
mbwvn the faym of ?hnmnn ?¢ Johnaan anfi fihut on the £2 aay
of “afifiember, 1910, the mafia Fafenaamfi, by 1%3 figenfis,
procurefi from fihn mafia “fiwnra E. Sapier, a flewd conveying
t9 it$ fion aha one~fi€th {10 1~5) acres 3? land, thafi
fieiwg a stxiy cighfiy feat wife and cxfiunéing abant ona
mifia fihraugh aha vafiuahie parfiisn of hia saifi farm; a a
thafi 3% fiho time saifi flecfi wan mafia, fine maid “awara 1.
Kfipfier wax 0f unmauna mim&, i“eapahlo of Huarimg fihe value
mf him pfiopcrty ané unflhle fio uaflerstanfi the nature of fihe
aeea aha fiefcnaanfi's agént. W011 kmnwing fihnt fihc mafia
WéW&ra ?. Rapier was 3f unsannfl miné ana fihmfi he flifl mat
unfieyutaué the nature of the fiaid eantract anfl that he wan
incomvmtcnfi ta enter inta ifi, flack advantage cf him hm1p~
109m conditiox and paia hi“ a pfiee for Baifi righfi of
way which wag Whally inafloquatc to oampensata him far the
V&Ruo a? the land fimkcn mnfi the aamugas km the xe-iduc
of the fixact aufl fiha inocuvouianaes ana cont of imyrove~
manfim that will be nesoawmry $0 be made an account of fine
oeaupamcy of mafia land by the aefandnnt. $ $ $

”The plainfiiff skates that tho Saia Taward ?. Eapier
13 mighty fcur yaawa 01a aha hag been mentafily incayacitaficd
and of unsouna minfi for fiho lant pamt two yourg, auring
which time ha hfifl baa no minfi sufificionfi to afitena to the
orainary affair of life an& that he wnw in such confiiticn
at the fiiwe of tha making a? naid deed and thc ficfondnhfi
by ifis agnnfim, tack nevantugm of his helfilass eonfiitfion
ané frauflulantly, aegejfifufiiy &nfi wifih the fiesign to Ghent
hi;, yroourefi him ta mign, aohmov40flgo afld Go inr said
Gonfi far a prime thafi wan wimfily inafieguafio to compenaafic
him therefor, when he €15 nu? unfiersfiund said flcmfl anfl when
he was unable to oomprehona what it meanfi anfi at a time
wlmn 22m {1.21:1 not: know, on account of? his mental imamménmm.
what he wag daing, yet the fiofcnaunt knaw at the fiiwe,
fmct chm maid Tamara ?, $3319? wag 0f unsmunfl mina Snfl
unable fio fiaka cure of big inficromtg flnfi unahle to anaer-
sfiant fihe nature of a acca."

To have thus quated afi mama length from She Pofiition

in order that the Conwt may, a3 fihc outset, hvvo hoforo ifi the
‘ precise groundsupon which the plvintiffu im the flourfi below
a sought roliof.


It is also allegefi in the Petition that the entire
form contained about six hundred (600) acres anfl was Worth
about E‘wenty Thousand Dollars .I;,';.“’-:3o,ooo.oo) me that this: in-
eluoed about seventy—five (75) acres of valuable river bottom
land. This bottom land is alleged to have bee: worth Three
Hundrea Dollars (5300.00) an acre. It ie further alleged that
by the location of defendant’s rightaof-way through plaintiff’s
land an impairment resulteo to the adjacent land to the extent
of Your Thousand Tellers ($4,000.00); that the fencing thereby
renaerefl necessary'would cost Fifteen Hunared Eollars ($1,500.00)
e35 that the damagee due to inconvenience in the use of the farm
resulting from the hieeeting of the lane by the location of the
right-of—way amountei to fine Ehoueené Boilers ($1,000.00).

Tt apyeere from the ioeord that Edward 3. Rapier was
born on the 10th to; of Harsh, 1826, end flied on February 14,
1911, being at his death about eighty-five (85) years of ago.
He flioa intestate, leaving a large number of lineal heirs eur—
viving him. A Petition of Reviver, etylea an Amendment, was
file@ by these heirs Hereh 17, 3911. Defendant's appearance _
was duly enterea thereto. ‘

An An wer in nine pages was filed by defendant on May

26, 1011. The first paragraph of thie Anewer traverses the
Petition. The second paragraph is as follows —

"For further answer, defonaeht says that at the time
the deed in question was oxeeuteé by the maid Toward 2. Je—
pier, and that before building its exteneion, the defendant
procured optione to be taken for the purchase of its right
of way through eeio county, provified it ehould finally do—
cide to build its railroad through the some and particularly
among the route of the North rork of the Kentucky River
where the saia Kapier's lenfls lay and that when the agent
” the defendaot oclled u30n said “award 3. Hauier with a
giow h? ascertain Eor whet compensation he would agree for
the railroad to ron through his land, he was informed by
the balfl Japior, in ouhetanoe, that he Was an 01a man who
coold not live long one that he would prefer for his
chilgren who woold ultimately own his lend, to be satisfied
anfl :homeelves eeCide as to what compensation should be
askeu for saifl right or may flnfl that accoraingly, he

 . 'b,
requemtmd said agent fie return fine following day, a?
which time he wanlfi have some nf Rig chilérea at home.
for the 33521710570 0:15.? carafe 1% with czar-am 1n mgmsré i753 the
“VJiniefendant ways thafi on the naxfi day, fihe n9§c§aant’s
agent, one 36330 fiargmn, of ganaru, Kegfiuekq,nggligawae-
oorfling fie appointmcufi, at tug house ol gala guale :.
fianior aha fibero he met maia awara 2. Jayne? “n cmmpany
wi%h five of his coma, namely, 3* C. Umpinr aaa ifiephen
EE'aV'yrieaz‘. “moth o1:1‘n:3m5~-2c (53:15'031n‘; "om-23.715335; men _zmu won wk?
5035505 anfl ownefi propcrfiy in the Viofinlfiy o; fihe lama 1n
quefition aha who were well acquainfiafl wlfih tge value 0f
fiaifl lafifl anfi wifih tha udvanfiagca which wnulu accrue to a
it Eran the conntrucfiimn 0f a Kailroaa in 3022y County apn
along the route ivy ufiiah the strip in qucnfilon.wau sougnt
‘61:: be Mam-Lined. H
”fiofandmnt says that ugom the a?rjv&1 niffiha gang 20r—
gen, auia “fiwfixa Z. Napier stated t? his gala gong. sma—
“fia~tla¥ly'whnt he had ntatofi to Efilfl.fl0ffi§n fin? auyqbe:%
fare, 'Ilfuimfily, “chart 1:110 T cm”: (1.1911157. mtmatmy 1:521 mm; 55:. ..J-21m
aafi his other fiogoenflents mnfl fihat he wantofl ugcm p0 say
whafi fihey theughfi was a reasonable price at vhgc§ aa Eficuld
3011 the Tight of way for thm r ilwoflfl and atggcu §EYUEGT
fihafi whmtevor they afivisc£ wifih refcranee to gum 8152133
and acknmwlwflgimg fiho contrucfi, he woulé fie, as no wxahefi
to ha Severnafi b; fiheir wishes in fihn.mafitn?. . 4 1 1
”Eefnndamfi says that a general é:seu¢310nflW&5 Jhgn 53a
befiwean thw snifl ?%rgan, aatfing for this defvngan? fifin thfi
mafia Edwafifl F. impiwr anfi him two gong, a. 0. Jaguar gnfi
”fiefihmn Yafiicr, upcn the athmy Siam aha all partxos finally
axréed fihafi waifl righfi of way whauld he 301$ to fine gem
iénfiunt at tbs price of “100.00 per acre, which shoulfl
inclufie all fiamagoa ineifienfi ta fiho looatian anu cqnnfiguc-
fiion of the Tailraad. A envy of gala cantrmet in lily; .
horewifih 3% a part of thia finnwmr and fiha Original $111 on
filcfi if requirmé. ‘
”fiafenflant ways thafi Sula ashtrgefi was made gitcx a
fall and ixma fliacusaimn oi’ifis ficrms anfl was gntaroly:
satisffietory to fiho mafia Taward I. hayier anfl nnfih of n13
suifi GOES. . W
”Dafmmdmnt says thufi a show? time fiberoafter, my elec-
tefi fig close smfifl canfiruat which was in thm nature 03 an
antion mnfi therwupon another agent for the figfogéfint, Que
Béilcy P. ?matfiom, wexfi ta the homa of aaifi uaplcr, taxing
with him the flweé which defenfiant was eufiitlcfi ?O. PEEEUfifi§
to said contract, bqinfi the Sana complainefl.oqun th3§ aotlofi.
“Dafanfiant Suyfi thafi fihareuyon, the Said agpior‘aolfi
said Vootton aubst2fltiallj what he haé pravgauwly fiolfi fine
snié Horfinn, thafi he wanfioa SOMfi of him chfixfiron pynncnfi
when the 559a was maflo, 39 he coula have the benofgt of
their aavice in regmrd to ifi ana might know that tnmy gore
antircly satisfiefi with whufi fififi being flops finfi ucgurammgly
a: engugamnnt wag made for & mnefiing at.t”€ wage pla?e nfixt
day m: 12.111718}: tii'ue film 513.55.11.2‘510r 1:101:31“; he :1:). 52011353951 5mm uh“. med
waccutofl if fauna fio he Satisfactory. .
"Dafendant gays that it wufi nmfi comvanicnt for the Said
Toattun to rafiurn and fihmt on the nexfi day, its other agent,
inc 3216 30 ac Ho