xt73bk16mf8w_404 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [275b] Jim Hall, et. al. (The Big Leatherwood Church) v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [275b] Jim Hall, et. al. (The Big Leatherwood Church) v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_42/Folder_1/4081.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_404 xt73bk16mf8w ‘.7 3“.» ..vi" -
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.Zmz/JM/éa/Z/QI/éjflovember 8th, 1912.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, 5; ' " 5 1:? :_.
: '»///W 9 3(1/7 I,
General Counsel L. & E. R'y. Co., 1' “““anwv:\.,
Dear Sir: Olgggbahyyx “ " ”'T““" VT
..,Y #1 ' r ..,,a.
In re Mason's Creek School—house proPerty.
I do not know whether you have yet familiarized yourself
with the case pending in Perry by James M. Hall and the Graded
School in that ocunty, relative to a parcel of land bought .
by us from the Board of Education of Perry County. Whether you
are or not I thought it well to send you the enclosed correspondence
relating to it as it may come up to you in some way.
Yours very truly,

 or ' 0
'\ 1,” .1/ . // IV/// 7 _‘,,,/,2( /) ,',/:2 ”7 . ‘ V- H
/’///:’/i//‘ZLZé/flr’zumx / fl" , 7////1;////,r/7/}/)////
.77/M //;/ 1W M/W/WM W ”V”
I Mggzdflwééz,%gévomber 8, ltlfl.
Mr. John Howe Peyton,
Chief Engineer of Construction, Building.
Dear Sir:
Find herewith letter just received from Neoors.¥cotton
& fiorgon relative to the school house building on the right of way
at the mouth of Tason‘s Crook, in Perry County.
We have a troubloeomo Suit in connection with this property.
He bought it from the Eoord of Education of Jerry County, which‘
was in posccoeion of the School Eccrd, but there was on old deed
which, at I now recall it, had never been put to record. whereby
the lot had been conveyed by the original owner to the District
Schoolggag tho Beethorwood.hrn of the Baptist Church. lt coomt, how- ‘
5 ever, that the Baptist Church Split and the majority tent clsorhere i
J; to worship leaving One James H. Hall, a sort of Local Freachor, with l
? a few followers worshipping in the school building. Our attorneys, :
Hoottgn & Borgan, knew nothing about this arrangement when they
5 “pm, ”ya
paeté; title and no settled with the School Officials as if they
werethe owners of the entire prooerty. Subsequently suit was filed
by the Gradoa School District and by James m1 Hull, igltis wing
of tho Buptiflt Church. I filed a demurrer raising several
questions of law as to the right of those plaintiffs or either of
them to recover, and tho court sustained our demurrer after iull ‘

argument. and I Seriously doubt whether tho plainoiffs will be
able to allege enough facts to get themselves back into court.
I cannot, however, say aeiinitely as fio this, though it is probable
that they will do it. ‘

You Will seo fihat Woofiton & Morgan suggest that Jim Hall
now wants the building and that we ooulfi probably make Some settlement
with him if we are in position to turn fihe builoing over to him. We,
of course, have builfi the railroad on the righfi~of~way and if the
building is of no material value to the Railway Company it mighfi be
very well to sootlo the case, so flow as $311 and his following 330
concerned { anfl I think fihoy are fihc only ones who can make any fight)
by giving them fiho builfling.

is I know nothing of fibo footo with reference to our present
use or need of the building I am not in a position to oxoross any
opinion as to tho advisohilioy of such an ofijustmonfi. You may, hov—
evor, have the floats in mina; if not, I woula suggest that you 50%
the viewo of fir. Smith or my. Justice about it and lot mo know what
to say to Messrs. Wootton & Eorgan.

Yours Very truly,
’flgyz/iJ/f /Lfl>l§?ié
inclos ///

Nov. 4, 1912.
Mr. E. S. Jouett,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Rev. J. M. Hall is in our office today, and wants to
know what the railroad company will take for the school house at
Mason's Creek. You will remember we had a suit with Hall over
this proyerty. You might give me Some proposition to make him,
and we will probably got the suit settled in this way.

Yours very truly,

.””” Hp \\
Afinmegsmbéfiaht .I / , ‘3,
' H . . M . _ r . . / /’ .1':,“ 5"
AZARD KY Jeopufiry 1’;), 191g, , [I
I i {f [,.7' ‘»..» .-
3 x’:* ,
hr. B. S. Jouett, “‘\llwwlaw”
Yinchester, Lentucky.
I)e::.r :‘iir : —
Your letter of the 14th at hand this morning.
fie, therefore, Cannot get tFis letter to you before
,;‘L.11”1C;.‘.«,y ,4’
. -.9 He note tint you have agreed to a can—
L/ 4?.
f :1 L. ipfiinu nee of the J. ;. Tall case, one of the in. L.
,~ »..: «‘.::—
Z ‘» 5's“
Iapier heirs case.
L. 3 E. v. I. I, Iclntire. ”his is rn
enjoining him
f injunction case against ICIntire/iron dnterferuinh
Aw, .: O \/
f ‘ ‘ltn toe railro U :orx. The zornx is completeo, LUQ
xe do not think an; prep r tion is neces:ary.
V. C. Hversole v. L. & I. This Case is pageaé
p penoin; on .gtifin to re eye to the Equity rocket. Io
" ,3 <5. V
i 51" _, _ _ ..'. . ~ _ _ . _
r‘ fiIGOhCUleU neces~ury.
J. E. Eversoee V. L. T ;. Same cause of
potion as above, and sage in sage contition.
Clarg fiLLianfi v. L. E E. Ejectment.
. ‘ V Yill not st n! f.r trisl next tern, L“a; is, me think
3 >
“ not. '
Polly nnn Zomba v. L. & I. This case will
not at n» over ?or trial at ;ho newt tern. 4t le:st, ts
. \f
‘ f the yl Lntij has taken no proof.
Te have Sent gnu copies of 511 P1?LLlfl;S
up to t {’[I“Pb€ht tine.
We note that yiu asked for copies of
petitions in t.e following CLS€§, to» it:

, '.’
,i. ,., _t/ .
,.‘J . a") . J a ‘,./1'2 0
5,3,] L. D. Farler V. L. Q B.
~27: Sally Ann Voung v. L. % E.
,,D .r_ _..;,I. _.,; ,
(Ltv, Parsonig nmJOflifl v. L. & B.
/““ .__éeQiHeerrééeiMrgearrrThird?If.
Z7/“l James :versohe V. L. P L.
4 ii! LlViS H. Comte. v. L. E h.
t hotcrts & Cont: v. L h T
r/y'o/y/ T ., ”.., . x ' ' ,.‘—.'.
7 y/ t) . L» . \n l .J. ,l. l (41155, ‘7 . IJ . (I»I; ‘. .
V, ' " ' 'V'w
/ \n . I). ,.‘Lllj. Ll’lS V. I). .’I: ‘J.
4¢5‘/ 1 Trqo.qu. , I i w
;47 v *" ,g‘“:‘fl‘“1: x. J' “"?i
qjgvr v. m. aocerts. v. L. a g.
‘ You have alrenCy sent us answers in the
' ' Farler and “sung cases.
The Paroonig majorinnx case has teen settled
by the flurety Company, except as to some fees.
There is no such suit as the Golomon Young
case. You doubtless MOLE Sally Jnn Young case.
‘e mailed you yesterday copies of petitions
of J. C. Yillaims ;nd Jae. oversoee.
The n. V. Comls case is to insett a lien
for a;out “30.00. Also the Toterts & Comte ease the
51841163 .
The W. L. Lullins case is a personalx injury
case. L. Tressler case is an 016 exit. We sent
Vou cooivw of t ese s:its Fit it hwve not receiveo '*e
U L .. .. .1. \ --.... k , ~L .A..L l-\ .1 .. ‘. \. .’ o '. V..; 1
will send you another. Uhis is also a personal injury
case. The S. S. Toherts Case is to en orce u Zion.
'e have teen noticed of the sittin{ of the
Lester Commissioner but hnve not teen present. Pl int} ‘
tifis have not joined the 0 her lien holders in their
action as parties. Think they have not con,leted an;
of t air sittings as yet. Eotice was executed on us
Leetcrday of the time and place of “aster Counissioner‘

 “.sz P.woo1'1'ou stss mm
/ Afinruegs’rabétam
' HAZARD. KY. 1;. H. J. #3.
sibzings in théir lien CHSGS.

The J. C. ‘..'illizsuns suit is to enforce L:L lien
for: Small ~amount. He bought SOIL? time checks from
some of the la.Lorers. "e believe this.» Lo cover
2 )ut all the grounds.

I will pro 23:1,‘0117 be or; ”the twain ondrg'
morning, :;:; 1 expect to leave Jackoon ‘L‘-L t morning
ggoim to FI‘IlfllTEnOK’t. Y3u Should Lei; the lilf‘m copies
I sent you “::ej.'ot=:e this letter 1‘9 ches you.

Yours; very truly,

‘ \1
\ . g a
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1 ” {1' . .
_,1'7; .' ' 'K/ ‘ ‘ ' 1
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' .“ =3, 1 ' if“, 5 as“:
‘ :1 x: ”x 3;" ‘ w.
=3» '31“
:5 ‘2 It “'
c 1 { V I} 5 \ T 3‘ ‘.
\ x. ’ . 1. _' “ ':." “g g
. ‘- ‘-=" 7 .
. x '_ J . . 2; 1 @535.

 ‘ -' . February 14th, 1912.
Messrs. mouston & hergan,
Hazard, Ky.
Gentlemenzw ‘

You are doubtless as badly-swamped as l with the result
of the industry of the other nenhers of the Perry County bar in the
preparation of suits against the L. & E., but I desire to get them
straightened out as quickly as possible, and particularly as i am
compelled to make a report to Louisville on Monday, so I am writing
you this letter for certain information which I want to ask you to
get up for we at once.

You will receive this letter Thursday night. I will ap~
preciate it if you will write me a letter then giving me all the
information you can without an examination of the records, and then
try to let the rest of the information cove down Saturday morning.

I tabulete these cases for convenience:

Edward Napier v. L. & E. Railway 00.
At Mr. Hogg's solicitation l have agreed to a continuance of
Lhis case.

.. if” ‘
fiffiames Hall, etc.y v. L. & 2.

Have agreed with Hogg to continue this also.

Lo (36 E: V. R0 Me MCIntiI‘en

7 This, as I understand it, is a suit by us to enjoin inter~

ference.with the work. What is its present status, and does
it need any preparation at this term? Send me a copy of the
petition at your leisure as I have never received one.

W. C. Eversole v. L. e E.
What was done in this at the last term? What is its status,
and what about the preparation.

Jo Do EVBI‘SOlG V. Lo 8!: ”1.
The name remarks apply to this.

Clark Williams v. L. & E. .
This suit, as I understand it. is in ejectment to recover our
right—of~way of about 6,000 feet in length and $4,000.00
damages. I never received a copy of this petition. Kindly
send me this at your leisure and advise me as to its present
status, necessity for preparation and prospects of trial;

W- 8: Ma “3“

Polly ann Combs v. L. e E. Railway Co.

This, as I recall it, is a suit to set aside a deed for a
right—of—way strip on the ground of alleged fraud and mental
incapacity. I think the plaintiff owned an undivided ninee
tenths interest for her life in the property she conveyed." I
recall that we were figuring on a settlement with Kash Ever~
sole which will involve a settlement of this case, but I
cannot remember whether we ever completed that settlement.

If not see what it could be settled at now and also advise '
me in the event there is to be no settlement what is its
present status as to preparation.

You will understand that as to these older cases I am dee
pending upon you to make whatever preparation is necessary as it
will he impracticable for me to come to Hazard to your court owing
to the Breathitt court which Meets next Monday. I expect to be
there, however, as soon as in your term as I can come.

In looking through jour files I find that we haven‘t the
following petitions, some of which you will see were filed prior to
the last term of your court:

L. D. Farler,

Sallie Ann Young,

Parooning Majorian,

James Eversole,

Allen H. Combs,

Roberts & Combs,

J0 Co Williar‘s’

W. L. Mullins,

W. M. Campbell,

M. Tressler (apparently a new suit),

L. S. Roberts (as to this last petition we do not know whether
it is the save as S. S. Roberts, of which we
have a copy. You will know whether there were
separate suits.

I would like to have you send me copies of all these pe~

. titions except in the case of smell suits asserting a lien, in which
event I will be glad for you to just give me a statement as to the
amount and whether it is for labor, materials or supplies.

Of course, as stated above, you need not send copies of
those petitions, which are merely asserting liens, but will simply
give me the amount and nature of the claim.

 7‘ V
W. a M. ~S~

In this connection I call your attention to the fact that
in the case of S. S. Roberts vs. L. & 3. Railway Company, et al,
notice was given by the Master Commissioner of a sitting at the
office of J. B. Eversole on February 12th. I presune that only a
few parties will appear at these sittings and accordingly nothing
will he done that will preclude the rights of anyone who wants to

. he heard in this suit.

I would like for you to advise me, however, what, if anye
thing, was done in connection with these sittings and in order to
remind you of it I am writing you today to Keep an eye on it and see

_ that our rights are not affected by those proceedings. The position
of the Railway Company in regard to all of these lien suits will

' he first, that the liens are invalid because there was no prior
statewent of an intention to claim a lien; second, we will put the
claimants on proof wherever we are not satisfied the Jones—Davis
Company will not admit that the claim is correct.

With reference to the copies of the petitions above mane
tioned, as stated, I would like for you to have copies made of all
that are to be copied on Friday so that they can be mailed down
Saturday morning, but I would be glad if you would, in your letter
to me of Thursday night, state briefly the nature of each of these
cases of which I haven’t a copy of the petition. Just give the
amount of the claim and in a line or two What its nature is. As
stated I Wish this in order to complete a report that I have to take
to Louisville on Monday, hence ny asking you to work a little at
night on Thursday night“

Yours very truly, -

2% v v "’V :7
7 oum'wgs at their: . . ' ‘
‘ A1711] 29th 1911.1.
HAZARD, KY. .' ' £3 - ’ ’
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 ’7 ,
James Hall & T. C. Woods, Bring for end on behalf
of the wombers of obs Arm of the Big Leflthorwood .
Baptist Church estxbkished at the mouth of Mason's
Creek, Perry Couhyy, Ky.
LEE BrasroarS, James J. Braslears, Eli Hall, P. F.
Campbell & Freroh Combs, Trustees of Graded School
District at the mouth of Mason's Creek Perry Coubty,
Kentucky. ~—————-—-»—n———~——m——4~ —————————-——»——“—Plaintiffs.
Lexington & Eavtern Railway Compan§,.——~————~-w—u———Defehdant.
Plaintiffs state ihft RFG arm of the Big Leatherwocd Baptist Church
estwhlisbod at tEo wwuth f hason,s Crook, Perry County, K? Kentucky,
is an awsooiatior of parser torether for ibe purpo e of reliricus wor—
srip, flwe'momhers all-adopting a oortoir crood ard Reviwg Signed and
adopted certain gagioles 0? faith; that'thio Arr has room a separate
association for a front wany yoarS and its rawhpbs'bave had a Certair
rornler wlaoe of worship at are routh of Naronfis Crodl, Perry County,
Kentucky, and “ave been worshippirr tloro over sinom hhc date if its
' or? NiZfithh or aveofiiation 0” said momhars.
Plaintiff stake the plaintiffs named a have : James Hall ord T.
G. Woods ; are womlerfl of saii Gluroh in wood Rhardirr vitb their rapes i
enrolled upor t.o recordS and books of said church: that said Church
3038 not have an? rerular deaco1s or other officors antkorizod or dol-
awuted renerally to one or trarna~t busiross For it: thht LTE waywnrm
of snEl Church are NUWGTOUS; do of livo 0109‘ torotker or” 13 19 ////“
impracticable for -rem all to he brought before t 0 Court to prosoouto
this action ; that file interest of alk the éaid members ir f'i' procée- ';
dirrs are ir common , as w‘ll appear heroin, ard t 9 Bali pluirtiffs,
. Wflnos Hall arfl T. G. Woods, one meg prosecute ? is action for ~5Q on

behalf of all tie Wenbere of said ohuroh ravinr been authorized and
directed by smid womber* to no do.

Plaintiffe states that tie oiler pleintife herein Leo Breehear, James
J. Bra”hears, Eli Hell , B. F. Canpbell, ard Fronob Combo, Trustees of
Graded School Difltriot establizhed at the wont? of Eason'o Creek, havinf
been duly elected mud qualified and now acting as suoh and tlat U'ey ¢¢

authorized and empowered as eiid Truetees to bring and prooeodte this
action for and on Tohalf of said Graded Sobooi District.
Plaintiffs state that 5% the defend it, Lexington & Eastern Railway
Company, is a corporation created, organizedowl existing under by
authority of the laws of the state of hentnoly, with power under its
Charter and in its corporate name to ‘ontraotand be contracted with, .
one and be sued, tr 'orst not ard operate railro’ds and railroad lines
and o porobaee and condemn laid for ite railway purpowoe.

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