xt73bk16mf8w_421 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [290b] Maude Tarpy, et. al. v. L&E, Clark Circuit Court text [290b] Maude Tarpy, et. al. v. L&E, Clark Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_43/Folder_1/4504.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_421 xt73bk16mf8w 29m;
C L A R K C I T i W I 7 ‘ W W W T.
ifffiiTWC Y‘f‘fi7Y) ‘fiff id).. Fflkl4i‘1’3?t3.
y .
3 \\ A /
1 \ / .
* /‘. '.1-sf 1, 11).. ”‘
,// \
1 .
1 ‘1
.1}.le nwmwbpr. "ail-1151.7 Com—
~ ‘. A./ A..'.'. .'L‘ 1 . \' ‘ 1"L' ‘. '-
pany, tor danger LU Lue fifltLuLDn nun W'm\3?0 ncs1gxon noreln,
. denies tfi‘fi .L Has any knwvlfidjs 3r _nfnr7ntivn fiiyfifiient
t3 Fang a‘befiief ta“: '. A. iickfibGWH, n+ mi: denth. LoPt as
, \‘\\ A .
min nuLy CHLITTQ§T\LZLPT T1€£HPnnr hate ‘Hrwy, 'fi333&
TickGFSnn, ”In; Agsxéwaun, *rwm}a&\;i::(rqvn and ;rnce
- Tickerson; or/éZZL Ultifi? :QKQ nan Cioaxgn ‘3}, 1?3&, after
A '1' \
having fitfimiéed F411 ngu, vnfi ifltohtmt: uflfl unmw'rihfi, leaving
\\ [I
his robbeg'dele Johfia, rs tic only qcir/mb lrw; wr taut Sflid
flutWPr “10K?T$;E\%Q:i.flfi warsannl askfitn, a? taut J3 odwin-
istrwtnr wun ever qrvmumd; or thtt tum alvintiffa, 7utson
‘33“drson, 713v Hicknrcnn, "rnnnafi Hicknrswu sud flrnee
'inkavsvn are nhah inantw nave? tquLyAan VF P? 0? Pfiei or
aunt the niwintif73, *Lay dickergun, "rnnons Winkersmn or
:rnee iickerson, are inrhntm an 9r thw wqe a? Fourtaen ycars;
qr Ln“b Telle fiath was, by Drawer Or any order 0? the filnrk
Tounty inmrt, unnointnfi stahutnry fiuhrfiinn for anon of said

 -2- _
Werenfinnfi deui"¢ thnt the nlaintiffs, ”nude ”army,
Anna T. Stamper,‘fntson Wickerson, Tlay nickerson, ”ranges
flickerson, flrnce Wickerson and Nelle Yobbn, jointly or sen-
I urately, or a“ of tnem, are two oifib{§ of the tract of land
dencribed ix the netitiwn; denies tunt\\$llm “onus has a
li‘i'e estatekor ."s‘ny inLerest at :111 in 5:;/rid 3’3rznr‘:erty, and Lie-
nins that sgé\333\::i children of LL/fix/nickerson became or
are the ownera o? the vbSWIdte 5?’finy foo Simnle title, or
way titlxz, to/S§TZ/EE:;;:i;;—E:;ET\\Wfiaigna?rm (Maxi~s tht Selle
. fiobbs or an of tna children of ‘. A. fifickersgn ura mow the
awners oP said Ernst 3? 19nd, or, fire id the actual or EHy
poesessian a" amne, or ri::::ii:/f::/jféfits therefrom, ex-
' dent 7:53 i‘1Qr?=i:zi7*"i)fifL‘ .;,,u . fl.
*8gfla49fifi—dgmffif‘Tfiff_Tfifi*W?TfTni referved ta in
tho wotition being n fi}Qfl ?rnm “. “. ”97%2tt, fixecqtnr of
. A. Hinkersnn, to 7'\C‘ Dovnior, canvéyinfi the lynfi men-
tinnnd in the n#titinn,\}E\3332*:2:/97/n0 effect in law or
entity, 9? tnnt it is unauthorized 0 xfigifi, or tnnt the deed
Frum J. ”. Foynter ta . k. ”395?;::f cgnveying Raid Draper-
fiy. is Qfifil%%flfifirfi¥1fi"7flffi::gij of an effect in law or
equity; at that aha conveyanqe 6¥\<<\f. “crowell to tne Lex-
ington P Ynstern wailway damnnny, awn;5ying anifi nrnnerty,
is unnutwari7nd 0r void, find of an effect in Law or equity,
and denieg that thorn were no debts figninst the estate of
. A. Hie arson in ”my, 1910, at the time ”. P. Uackeht, fix-
onutnr, snld anfi conveyed said land to I. Y. Doyntar, excent
2.x, 2¢m,2;
one of about é&va Hundrfld {%5%9760) Dfillnrs, but on the con-
trary it mnym tn”: at that time there were debts againmt the
emtnte or ”. A. Hickerson «mountinm tn over Six Hundred
(‘GOH.HH) Dollnra, and it flaming thnt thn land dewcribed in
the nwtition WQS suscnntihle to partition or division with-

 out sacrifice or Mfiterinlly impairing its value, and denias
that the notion of V. P. Etckott, fixecator, in melting afld
nonveyinw t.e lot denarihed in tn~ petition was unwitqorized
or voifl, 0r Lg qvcewa 9? any nutnnrity invettmd in hifl, or
'393 ineffectual t3\ nan tn title a? tho nronfirty t0 the
inmates. \ -
It dewivs *‘vt f. “. noyntrér, or ntnrrn rcnre—
seating this 03::fiflfifit, in tad nurcwune of said fir mart],
gr :‘gg‘,y‘ a!" tiger/1,, aver-«.': 1;“?14'7 3:3; ah“ :‘TéeF‘rrxri-‘H'xt, '.', '7. 11: rakett,
I /—\\
‘-'=-~ “'L‘ -- ‘n"-- 5 ' ‘ ”if. 3r». ”‘3’ I" n '=;} ‘-‘-n ‘- (3 ‘1 "ya :..
bshlt I’LLQ (int-”IA Oz . _w. _.\\.L«3,.11, 0: “All“; ,1. S ;.-.~...C.l
tor, was 1m~91¢=t=-:~: asty m ms" 532;“. a! ‘:'-.'.7 :zuuurnu \ $13.00)
‘ l
v MM} _ A.“ 1.‘ \ ‘ ~" .‘ ‘ . - _ ,_ ‘
;:011 “rs 53;;3r3P9; 3** b;;"b t3-- :{vLé 0- :3fil(; lznlu was ;U’Jie ta
1 k
. _ , —~+———m . . . n
- gay Uflld dent Hue cue aLn r. it a? Les EHWL the nlaxntztfs,
or any of tnon, F;a-1u)t ”HOJ_SF‘TET\S{E: of ?Fid nrnperty
until just Uffsrv the filing of txi: swi ; or tnwt tA? 6e-
- feninnt, ‘. V. finakett, ragrwvwn,rd tv to m, or may of them,
' I \ - '- \ ‘.I .-’1. r “ ‘- . L: ‘ ."‘ ' ’3 " +1"
thwt ma Ava @Qif DHLf u ?rrLL wort On a sale Lnnd Lor
gave“ ‘:Yunflr-fid (?‘TWL EN“ 13943 .'n'.) Tififllt to
an 30; cm? dejigs/tfifit LN? slaint+i£§<\tr hwy 0P taew. have
retain fl, nr/’nra war in no rcssiun of All 0? amid 19nd,
/ \
nittnut nuy(¥nowl'dge of the extant 0? ti» lnnfi sold until
\\\ /
junt hefnra tfley fili:‘i:i::if::#fl//////

Refenfiant, ?or furtnor nnrwer Herein, guys tmut gone
time in April, 1910, it began, tnrougn its agents, avgfitiut-
inm with Y. ?. ankott, Executor of W. A. Himkersnn, For the
purchase of the land dancrib¢d in tn¢ netitiun, unfl were told
by him at that time tnare Hera debt$ against the estate of
’. A. fiickersan amountinfi tn over Six Hundred ( 609.00) Dot-

lnrs, and the defenfiuat helifiving thvae rewrvmnntntionn of
fine “xeeutnr nnfl relying thernvn, W“? th’vehv inflaé 5 t1 eon-
trvnt For unfl tn DHWWH°RO two lot a? Inn' in an stion, fixen
_ ‘\ , ‘ l .
but for tha rfiz‘nsvnfintlwns Sfi;”“fle t? defen-nnt 'Hfl Lts
”UQNLG by the €:;;:?§T\Q::\jt7 Tali ace tnnrenu, t“? defend—
ant would not hflve nur::;9%7?filn Innfl, hut woulc MVVQ Ce-
cliaed to do SOL/:gg/ékfongfflt guys swnt said ”Keoutor, amen
ha mafia Rnifi,anrv out tiOHQ, helidv d in $305 Tuitn,and hfid
//—\\ ,,
rqusonwble qrqflhda tn ncllevq, cunt tun tntwl nmnont of ant-
:tnnfling dobt§ ugminwt Lnn nétfita 2t tart time vve in excevs
{ r
of Six Tundrid (rawu.an} fiailugs, Eflfl that a neceiritj than
t i
. . ‘ M .v ‘ .‘
exlrteu For a STLQ 0' in“ ent1~w pr? mrty. it may: td”t cne
.... an» in:~1‘§‘=v‘ ,. ; «“'» ‘»«w- .s“ ~. '- "
uran,1uj .n j~qi/A/fifffT—Trf_ffF_FT?T$g\zn $019 4? same mud pretect tum wu-
twtn Trfifi 1053.
it ways tnvt ah“ nriee of fifiven Hundr a (”700.00)
”nilrrs Vflfi at th‘t hive much granter tann it$ real or mark—
' 9' V”1””, bUfi HG an "Nfiitionnl cwndiceration, it “areefi with
". ‘5‘. flxrcE-rntt, '“3‘1'mcrm'w, 5:?er t1“ momma "38" “inc {1319.} lofinlly

~ “have; . P ~n'2 n Yertw “not do -"F* “on*?n“c in
11'} T)O..~v;:\<::,..p, ._Qtl 0- £3.16 ”I‘D )r. u , u.- .1 n .. ”L_.“; , u- 4... .
mossession of Sumo and permit Lnfi vidua of ”. 3. flickerson
’ to udaonid let am. but born on same intil thi: Hefaifent
sun 1d itself nund or desire it 139 swme, :rm :as:w firtnnr
\\ .
‘ ~ \ e .. .. 1~ Mn.» “..»-n“ 1".15
12102363. n‘lh tr)? 13:524.“, 8912, lb flgrw‘i f1.(.5iwc,.-.‘l‘ . , u. :.2.. any.
when this defies out :geiégi tr 1%? sot” wrunerty he wight,
at 11s arusnse, tour ”din or ‘l/O the bvru 3n rmae, )ither
t1 the rejoining/*6t/o“ “. ;. flickereon or wherever he might
elect. ///’”‘““\
,?%99n““flt ;:}\\th*t tJiV woe < :“rt 0’ :we con—
,r \
.7 . A ~ — ;.', . I . '.,-,.., . .‘ ‘
sifierntion {fir afll‘ conveyonte, 01 tnwt "L ,u a; 4 «fiifl
J k
n ;wtiotionmfvere being :wnfiq:‘ c,'. F. “rekett QLL not r 0w,
1 i
t A E .
nnz'!3id .T. V:—+¥rraiw+e7—ever—firTr—TWTTI_7§§C?TEé'ugen'ts, racy F
Stakely, who i::;/LS%+‘TTUf_T7‘fifi*\£;i:\J? t: wronerty, Know
far shew ante/the being urwgosed,“id L.\°”J: tflfit narsuwnt &) '
/ \
enif carnageflt Tfi¢d the winte=anén is? 'x0 for swig firnnertfi
1 WW
tfii“1¢70€2:uhwxm 5316 {Hit nrvize -*+r‘ ‘*£"lt . ‘. is: HEEL/f x3 -
\ \
2 ~ , ’ .... P \\ wagons w 4.,., ...... /; .,. e n ,, ,.,.“. c~ .-,,
*”V ”"13* 9‘ . “\44:::;iflfi.i;_ii’effi an 93*“~v$-~ 0‘ Some
es herein vbove EQLLJL .»w the; “eve been in pasresaion
since sold ting/under finfl by virtxe a“ tke eh» e nwstioned
agreement nag orrsmjsfient.
. 1'
\'H'" FW‘fi, Hoyle; answered,lme?ouénnt, Lexington
\\ /
: “eater“ “nilwn’ ”qmnqny, nrnys to ;C.hen1e disfi“seév With
/ /
inrtmst“. -
r ’ /
% / Wfi»
itt rne ~. 0’ Fet,1rsnt.
Lon.nqten 9 ”estern ?ailfiay

 . 4» I 2 3' .'.‘
~ 'v‘
Ap‘vi 1 13, 1337/1 .
13. 13;. Jouott, T‘sgu. -‘3".':tornoy at law,
35.7131 .2310 {-3 to 1' , Ken 3211036] .
Dear Sir: -
I have yrmr let‘m‘r 0‘1" the 3.73,”: instart, .3711? 330.

37.32433, 13". "J“‘§f<‘fif‘*"‘f1”":“ to "“2113; 0"“ 13.232? 'f. F: 33, .2115. with 173250}:
.‘,/"nu @7107<:3'""v"- :: anti-"’23": 3303;: 2"? tin -“"‘;anL3,m3. "I: 713355.33: emf? a 0:11"-
3107" (30:33" of gum" 72‘2'371:I.."‘_L:’.:r‘=_: L‘i":‘::z:'."-': of .'3‘rLs.".L‘.'L":.L‘.

l have .".:-::.=;m."’-..:-1<‘:L3 {"329 i'f3nr3.~.'-L"ar‘~ "“htftjm". can?" have also
??"’:?~“.‘3 LEA/35:0 Thinmm'w: -.;ii(":.:‘e.3.:‘i"n"3 :32: '.‘":"w’L If]; 345; 9.0. 157 9.3.1.
"'.’ilz'j. I an "11:03 ineu‘: to L 2”"3111“ .'LNP‘.’I(‘.T :3113'"32‘i.";;3_03:t. .'_‘..“ for
53!”. i3; 53:009., but [ ‘2'.“3‘2-7 .‘.." 1:1-Iv"; Em": :"«‘3:7.g;3"1‘€‘." 17 any.” ‘ifl’fiCd. THO
@131“; 2.!"12'L3r43‘"fi..77:s-3 :31": {the :E‘j... 32‘ "‘:;:rza_‘:v.‘:-if-" ‘.'"C—rc '7..:."..‘-". 1.3 1:23."; due to '
12‘.F.".t€- 3‘1“ 0;"(21'9‘15'21’35 i... .'.“:ziwsfiratiztjrn "" ~"‘ .‘. "$3.54"? “Liv-e "frat“. "the
+3.37 0:2" 53:5 "Pia-15:3 335.50, I €313.23: :xrsiz ‘23." 3:2 r “121017766150"
L..: “~93“. 5,3: j;y."()¢.g~,g;,—;";22.).3‘1. T121" "3“ "2‘2"1 L": "5?". 7:?1 1.3.11»;- iwm the top
of the :—:n:‘:Lm:’. 13:23:, after ‘32:". :‘~::"‘»‘."=*‘~."..-i.‘L‘t, '23."? emu-r ".3239 31:33.30
T‘Ji‘tTL’G", I 331313117»: 3C ‘00 71:11:" T3303: 3231!: ("':":331"E153%i«:)3.. "0'2: (my
55‘}. 511732..

?"i<".-':€"«">:3"iz"‘3‘n.;t to than? s=r‘r*r>:r‘.f.‘. {‘.l'".3.‘.,':2'_fff'fii‘i'l‘zl, :i‘lr 5:977:93 to no
271.2245 i2". {73,3 223‘1‘61233‘312- "51"") Ez’azrgkctfi. 3:62. ghoul-'1 in 13.202".
".3.:r"s";:"‘_‘:1112":o ‘.‘..",- fi."L:-'Lz;/":L":L:.(3. 1157', GLfrr (231?: in the fourth line
".']:"2372 "323:0 =:.O="'."1L harm" 313.; (2" ‘.IT'IC ma-sirru": {azarafraplrh afi‘trr 4.7310.
nigjjw:cr‘s" "1.72"". """."?,’"’.'T‘ to? ("1" l $31331}: you 537203112 inscr“: ‘.':fvto ‘.’-mrds
"‘.-3“,- ’.14‘m”
:1 A-tJ 0

33.23: 33:75.13 ram:- 53".",- fihe baziw"; {LC "near ‘33:? 32.31") 0:32
paragyc 47L €32.54": flu: pfu"0;;3(2::c"t;,‘ “if. its: 0‘3"»:37'12203‘3‘ was? {103; suscepti‘rflo
of? 9-9.3 m: 07' jg‘Lz-"LL "32.3 "7:102".- 5312319111: flmpcrr:i.7‘an:: "its vul‘xze‘, I think
you "might 5‘s‘fzrengt3‘znzv1: 3:311:37. by aiding" "the "words: ,in 53113333321300 ,

 ~ ;.. VJ? 4/15/14. '-
:in the exercise of reasonable jurigmont and, in szadition to
M” , 7 W7 73,. (.4
this, I thin}: it might be well to :;130ge that the executor
"in selling the. ‘.‘:31016 lot e,:<:0roi::ed :2. weasona‘nle judgment to
pir'ocuro an :Lfivmibrzgoous) 8:30 :uu‘: ':wrotcct the era-13.3130 from loss!"
”€21 a0flifiion 1:0 the Illvfyfifixm ‘:hr‘xr': “7700.570 was wore than the
:.'oa'i marlin: "111213110 ::w'.‘ the 31:-sporty, I think you mijixt vex-_',"
' '3'; 1'1;’?L?'J.‘ j} :;ElOLiC 5331...“; the cons; Iiz‘1v'11?;’5.c~T~. m" 3..‘",71‘,0:’\O and the
;ViL‘i{;innzz‘i cams?FewnflJ‘lsgxz'u ‘:I'I'C nut 3' 452:0 ’~.‘m“-.70:I: were securefi
"1.‘-y :2:C execute]? {Elltu‘glff became "the firsfltsy‘czmb hm“: =1 special
:;omi 02‘ r::;'{)e=21’7\:& to ‘nzuro :1. cprlrzia‘ use "“02“ the 1‘.'."opuz'fiy in
> :tizest‘ »n. '
1 #135192“ {;‘z;_'2.nf- 51‘-WT? you W'- “;i: Javi- 7:017':.-”’:)1*.'ce the al—
‘1,::::‘~;:..*-.1:‘..:\1’; 6.73 L511? C()L"u"”:e:'1‘.':C?".’L3".’3 0"“ ‘3? A ::2’r1:‘-"'="'\ j‘”.:«<:gjr:‘i':;“:1 that HEIGH-
89:, the r.;;(:eu:c»':', irrmztérzr'r1‘?_":~€ ‘:h::.“'f ‘7’:~” 5071*}: .7;;:2."-.‘:3’-: the 953——
t;:.'=';r2 anywuntofl. 1'30 01‘ ”.::';‘zrrw'cvr: £73003") Tn“ 3‘;»: f‘:';:/":T;I:L::' :.:JTIegation
Chg-.’:; 33.1.0 IEC‘fnnfiztm’J, bei‘iovir‘sg ‘3‘r;::~<= ‘3'”'1'-1"Iltet‘n'a’ttj‘111;-'.2 of the e}:—
<3<éuilo::‘ :13-1d 101mm; thereon 7;‘:-e~w”=;r Tin/"1:32:26 in (:mdttz‘zxc’z‘ i'O'r
321:5} to '.2‘.;;"I;i"L€lé-3<‘-‘; {.::’-.1: 10“.: or? Tamr.’ :1?: «g1.~:-"‘.:ion, ‘.:":xzr. but for the
rmprcs» 7155;;2'bigms :;IJ Liz dc: to a'c:=°«w1<‘.rgz‘ai‘?: 1:310 its, 205911433 ‘03] the 332::—
cs'u':"-';or an? 273:: in)"; :;.nrn th: _,_-5133‘, ':Shi‘ {a€-‘f‘£:..:-«7L“-ln‘?r ':roflr’? not };-‘rve
'Iva,:,I‘-3ini;s_zrzC.. {—:;.-;::'LO. LLL'J;a put wow}. inn/u ,,‘-,cec‘s‘ imam"; to (‘0 SI}:
.‘:2 ;";;;.‘:u;21;i.t to 33312.7.- conuiflx12143:?on '.':hz'lthci:>_‘ ywu twig-1111': not
:L‘ur‘thur artxcrzbthcn the dcf‘mm-s: uprm ‘,“ht'M3‘I” we 3:91;: ‘“;} alleging
'Lhc;:‘é; Siaolmbt, the: cxomztor, xiv‘rtun he representof that the (Ichts
011" the estate zzztzlsmntor‘i to 5,630.00 0? mO'I‘t-u did {actually bcflievo
if. good rum and 1355-1 '.vr':aimmrv'V‘zlc j_':‘<‘:12.1‘,1‘1;"5 “I'm ”sari 10w: 4511.5; ‘1: mach
was: the tatzzl ;mmun't of the outstxtnfling; fie‘bfis eigiainsi: "the (state,
anfi tbs-3v; 110005385. fix] for :1 53:116- of tho whole 102-"017.01“!ng existed

 . ‘rx J3" I
J 80.1"..Jo'fifo. - 41/115/14.
c \ "~ ~-‘]w
decorulnm.J. ,
r r. . -. , , -1, ,. . . l‘ '1 w \ . '
Jn th 9100f Jh to the uctual amount 0: gents, p0931b1y
.,\ ., H a,» _._,.\, , ,fl ' . . “,J‘.. . . -. M ,
uflC sum toLwJ m¢¢ht no anlGLSCG nouanat by 1nclu01nb tne costs
—.~ ‘* r : -’-'v« ,,l-» 7" "n+7, "1W ‘I. ”'4- V
o. uum4n¢3u1ab;on,uuu. “134 finac¢u¢gs oi nickexson b OrCflluOTLn
3.’<—3I'7:.:'L1>s.; L701; xvi-“27.72 ‘zzwv‘: ”‘I‘O‘Eri‘f'iefl that T I-c"rz;ft the
Amawer nyuexf, but from your intimgfia ficouaintunae with fihc
Iflmuiu unfl uflw unb;gc M4nawiw q. Shw 01x7, L inc inn to think that
rush the adggustinns I n3vo :0 0*fvr fihzt you Gan hntfior prepare
‘ »7» .1: .. " ,.4 .Ax» .‘.”. "'
um, i)_LU:L(J..LJ’l_, 4mm J. .vu.4.__,3u way-n ‘
hihliy annst we a éirfinn of the Answer as finally
,‘wa—ufi 1 4"]. 1‘ _ _. .1 flay—:fl.N
.LLrVLH‘.’ (ink; .11..L30 JIM}. OUJ LLL,
i...“ , in, ,';-‘-
L A - ._.,v', -:/e
rww" I”
‘:_arx fa.
‘ ~-nr~ \
‘ I did. (1 a

 a ,
C L A R K C I-R C W I T C O U R T.
“W“? 1‘H’PY. W N». Immnzexm.
vs: >2/
Lvttai'HT-cn: a: ‘dvmr, “3’.“ .AJ... iFT‘FZ‘F“‘)ZSDAIé“TS.
“he defendan tnr :a"i>_ on “ Eastern Railvay 30m—
pany, for answer to the p~cition and “me ded petition herein
L/ denies that ‘t hrs any information sufficient to fonn a be-
lief that ‘. a. Hiekerson, at his death, eft as his only
children Luther T'ekersnn, ”que Ferg_, Yntson Hiekerson,
Clay Hiekereon, “renees Hiekersot and iraee fiiekerson; or
that anther Ti,Kevson died in ”my, 1908, after h ving at-
tained full 'ge, vwd intestate and unmarri d, leaving uis
mother, ?ellelohhe,es his only heir at low; or the: said
finther Uinkerso, left no personal estz‘o, or that no admin-
, ietretor ”,3 ever srnutcd; or that the plaintiffs, Watson
Hickerson, Clay Hiekerson, Vrenees Wickerson and trace
' Hiekereon are each infants under twenty—one yeers of age; or
that the plaintiffs, Clay Kickerson, Frances Hickerson or
trace Tickerson,ere infants under the age of fourteen years;
or that ?ellofiobbs wa3,by proper or any order of the Clark
; County Court,appointed statuatory Guardian for eacu of
said infants.

 . .
v, .
Defendant denies that the plaintirfs, Ynude T&rpy,
. Anna M. Stamper,'7ntsan Hickerson, Clay Hickerson, Frances
. Hickerson, Grace Hickerson and Welle Hobbs, jointly or sap-
grately, or a of them, n~e the ovners of the tract of land
described in the ne,'tion; denies that Pelle Hobbs has a
life esbnbe or any interes ~‘ _ L ”.'3 property, and de-
nies that she and th' mildren of ”. A. Hickerson bacane or I;
3“ are the owner F the nbsolute or any fee simule titié téfflj/ is
A ,
said trnct of . and. Werenm mt rjeuins tnvzt Fielle Hobbs 'cr
any 0? the c: 1dren of T. A. i'ckerSQn are now the owners
of said true a? land, 0?. are in the meta“l or any possess-
ion of same, n ' * r '- . 'LL ,. vfrom, excent
”S hereinafter exnlv'méf
Eefen ant denies thnt the vritin: referred to in the
petition bei xn deefi €rom *. P. dockett,“xecutor of ”. a.
iiekerson, t; J. T. Poynter,conveying the landrnentiomwd in
the petition, i. void and of no effec 1n law or equity, or
that it is unuutnorizcd or vvid, or that age deed from J.
' 7. Poynter £0 . A. ‘cfiovell, conveying auic mroperty, is
unautnorized or void and of no effect in ,uw or equity; or
that the conveyance of Y. A. Mohavell to he Lexington a
fiastern 2ailVay dompany, conveying sa' Dronerty, is 3uau-
thorized and void and of no effect in law or equity, and
denies that there were no debts against the estate of ”. A.
Uickerson in ”my, 1910, at the time ”. P. Evokett, qxegutor,
sold an” canveyed amid lung to J. ”. Poynter, excent one of I
. w“. 3.6
fiboutkgzggwfiundred (“@633663 Dollars, but on the contrary
it snym that at that time there were debts against the estam
of V. A. Hickerson amounting t0 over Six Hundred ($600.00)
Dollars, and it denies that the land described in the pe-
tition was suscentiblo to partition or division without sac-

-3- _
rifioe orInnterinlly impairing its value, nnfi denies that
the notion of ”. P. Hackefit, Executor, in selling and con—
veying the lot Rednri en in tun pntition was unauthorized
or vnid, or in ;'cess of any authority investnd in him, or
was ineffectual to pnss ‘hd title of the prOperty to the
it denie~ ‘uvt J. 3. Poynter, or othirs repre-
senting this He endsnt in the purennse of said property, or
any 0F them, we 6 told by .19 defendant, =. P. finckett, that
tna estate of ”. A. Hickerson, For wuich he wns'txecutor,
wns indebtdd only in the sum 0‘ ‘wo Hundred (”200.00) Dollars or
more; or thnt_tha_;aLa41£_;sié—%enfi-7fi§—TTGe to pay said
debt :nuinone otfiinr. "‘ i." :V ““ $10 nlrirxtiffs, or any
of them, did n.t knnv of the sale op snif proporty until
just before tau filing 0F thisaxxxggXxx; 1 that the defend-
nnt, ". D. Ha kett renrnront"d ta tub ,or ”1y of them, that
he héfl 311d only w svnll n0“t11n a? maid lnhfi for Seven
Hundred (570”.00) Dolltrs, 9r tint he hhfi no right to do so;
an” fianies thn‘ the ulvintitfs, or any a: thnw, hmve remfiin-
ad, or, are non in psaeession of all 0? said land, without
' any knwwledgc v9 th' extent 0? the Inna swtd until Tuat
before they Filo this Slit.

Defenfiant, For furtu~r anaver nwrwin, says that smna
time in April, 1910, it hfifififi, through its agents, negotiat-
im with 73. Hacke’ct for the burst.- se oi‘ the hand described
in the petition, find were told at th"t time there were debts
against tho estate of ”. A. Hinknrson nmsunting to over six 1
Hundred (t600.00) fiollnrs. It snyn thvt the preperty is

 .I’ . .

situated in the far outskirts of the town of ”inchester, A
Kentucky, 3 mile or more from the Court House; that at
that time there woe no macadamized street or road in front
of some and no pavements of any kind; that enmewus used os_~
cornfield; with a old stable or burn on one end of some,
and was used me one enti_v niece of nrooe ty; tnnt in its

' oninion it was not sueo etible 0F division, vitnout sacri-

' Fiee or moterinllg imnnirini its Velue, nnC that it was un-
willinf to buy o7_ or.1 . F some unless it could buy all
lying between the ritfit-of-we o“ the L. X W. Rnilroed on
the ieet end he dwelling nous of iUloker'eon on the"ust.

It aye tnrt the ovie of Seven Hundred ( 700.00)
Boilers ’V-“S '~'-t that time 2";U’3h greater then its real or mark-
et Value, but 3 en additional coneiderr ion, it agreed with
’. P. H ckett Executor, and the ourson no was then legal—
ly in possess on 0F said oronorty, thnt he-cignt continue in
poseession oF S-mu gni permit the widow f ”. A. Hickerson L
to use said lot and tan born on some until this oefendant
. should itself ne;- or decide to use arm. and we o further
\ ,
inducement fol Snid sole, it ngreod with ezid Evokett that
when this def-nonnt deo?d¢d to uee said nr nerty he might,
at his exnense,VQI3::::i::f;:fjf—fhf/Bpréfon Same, either
to the ndjoining lot or ”. A. fiiekerson or whomever he might

' elect.

Eefendnnt says thnt this woe n nnrt of the con-
sideration for Said conveyonoe, but thnt at the time said
negotiations were being conducted W. P. Heekett did not know,
knnmxx nor did J. V. Paynter, nor toe reaL estate wgents,
Tracy & Stokely, wno were assisting in the sole of the prop-
erty, know for whom Some W98 being puronns d, and it says
that pursuant to Said agreement vfién the conveyance was made
For said property, this defendant did nutnorize and pennit

 , I
‘ P
‘. 7°. Hackett, .1)an tho heirs of‘ ". A. 1Iiikerzaxon, t3 rennin
. in nmmenszion 0*" wave ”a; heroin dab we stated, "I’m. they hn‘ve
been in pow-r... sion since amid time under and by virtue of the
n‘x'nve .':.Iez‘xtiarIazI'l :3.ng .’.‘.2’lt and arrangement.

 . W / A /}L
April 10th, 1914.
TARPY V. L. & E.
File #1142.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,—

Plaintiffs are asking for our answer in this
case, and I am herewith handing you sug.estions of same.

I have heretofore sent you a copy of the petition, and am
herewith handing you a copy of the amended petition.

I would, also, call your attention to the
Court of Appeals' opinion in this case, 157 S. W. 726, (154
Ky. Rep. 345). You will notice that this answer contains
considerable matter of evidence, and possibly same would be
stricken, if a motion Was made to that effect, but I do not
believe the attorney for plaintiffs will make any motions
much against this pleading. This is but my suggestions, and
you will please make any changes or amendments that you think
proper, and return to me at once, so that I may file this
pleading next week.

In regard to this matter, will say that
Hackett, the Executor, will testify that at the time the ne—
gotiations were made, he did not know for whom the property
was being purchased; that he consulted with N. H. Witherspoon,
President of the Winchester Bank, J. M. Stevenson, an attor-
ney, J. D. Jones, an owner of real estate,and one or two
real estate agents, and all advised that the price paid was
an unusally good one,and to take it at once.

He will further testify that at that time the
estate was in debt more than $600.00; that the family had
nothing to live on, and that he was advancing them money, and
had stood for some of their grocery bills. He will further
testify that he stated to E. S. Jouett, at the time the nego-
tiations were being made, that the estate was in debt more
than $600.00, but, upon investigation, I find that all of
this indebtedness Was not that of the decedent, but possibly
$300.00 of it had been created since Hickerson's death, all
of which was for necessaries, such as provision and clothing
to enable the family to live; that they would come to him and
appeal for provision and clothing, and he would purchase them,
and charge them up against the estate.


I do not think he explained to Mr. E. S. Jouett the
nature of the indebtedness, but simply advised that the estate
was more than $600.00 in debt. It is a fact though, and
Hackett will be able to prove it, that all of the indebtedness
after the death of the decedent, was incurred for the abso-
lute necessities of the family, to enable them to live, and
was done at their instance and request. We will be able to
prove conclfihsively all of the allegations of our answer.

Please let me hear from you as early as possible
in regard to this.

Yours ve truly?7
BRJ-NST ,/ “ épz254¢4Z"
Enos (\// ( >77
x //

 * v
" ,.A
clerk Circuit Court.
Maude Tarpy, et el.. ‘ ’ . Plaintiffs.
vs; Amended Petitionin ?quity.
Lexington " Eastern Railway Co., at 31.; Defendants.

The plaintitfs, " d 1 others for amended
petition against the defenr.nt, Lexington and Eastern Railway
Comapny and others 8 that the sale by the defendant, V. P.
Beckett, fixeoutor, t h. V. Po :ter of the lend mention d in the
petition and the conveyante mode ti said Poyntsr was in fact a
sale to the defen ant Railway Cowpaiy; that the said Foynter was
in said transecti.n_EhE_Egent_o£_§g_d_3ailway~0ompany to buy said
land; that said Railway Cmn nnr n'd for said land when bought by
said Poynter; that 1e o:nveyanoe of said Do ter of said land to

~ V. A. McDowell Wa mode at tne instance of and for said Railway
Company; that soi moDowell was an officer of aid neilwqy
Company and he vs S h r~ceived said oonve :ite frmn said J.'fl. ‘
Poynter For said Company; that in pursuance of his ohiizetion to
said Company he mode he deed to it for the nd mentioned in the

“he p aintiffs soy that said Poynt r and others
representing said J mpany each as agents of a 1 for said Railway '
Company were told by the ‘ ' I, t, that tne estate of
7. A. Hickerson, deceased, of wnioh he was executor was indebted X
only in the swm of about $200.00 and no more, and that the said
sale to said Company of said land was made to pay said debt and
none other. The plaintiffs say that they did not know of the
pretended sale of said property until just before the filing of
this suit; that the defendant Hookett represented to them he had
sold only n small portion of said land for $700.00 and that he

w had the right to do so; that they the plaintiffs hmve remain d
and are now in possession of all of said land, without any .
knowledge of the extent of the land sold until just before they
filed this suit.
Therefore having amended they pray as in their
. pétition vnd for iii:fiifif:;:;;:f.

 , 'K77//7//€// ////// ( //.///’/"// Q ///////////y ./,’/'//%///L/%
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LC/amfie/g’g” (%Ztmz —///7///_///’////’///////// . I gmm%/a/n, Lgfy’
(.'. Joni/;f{2.,/;’.;‘r/f

 “{“s .
- ‘2 a» ‘\
..J.) A 3‘:
”I \
r _4_-q_
Tarny -v.- July JUVL, 1913.
I; . {I}: iw a > .
'2 if L.»' ‘ If ‘
| 1 . HQ? 13 _ [I I) .
a / / Flle fill/LE
III". Samuel ‘57. Wilson, ,1 _ ‘ L ‘w
- Leringtgn, Ky... _.‘ 7'
Dear Sir,-

Judge finyn, the Attorney for Tarpy, bps receiv”0
the mnndnte from the Court 0? Appeals, 9nd 0 tnxcfiion of Eh: ROTE,
whichaxonnts to fl38.;0, rn( bps presented ssme to we for psyment.
Will you please have tge Company sen; n9 draft for tnis amount so
that I may way it? I presume they should make the sneak payable
to J. Smith Hays, as he is the Attorney for Tarpy.

Yours very truly,
. /\ /) 5 I
DRT_VST , , > ‘/
.:./A u Ax /fl\/ ‘7 ¢_\\
/ a: «r ~~er4, \ \ \
.’L/ , L, ,41: Ac,
" ",,,, /
, /
\ /,/

 {:5139 f0,” 1.. '~” ‘,_LF‘II‘}; t0 / .
”iven under Y . himd’“9130
i ' "“’ “and hm mm,
—-| e ‘_ ;Y .‘
L ’ » Pntli,1913.
MAT”) TARPY! ELF AL.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PLAINTIFF.
. it 41 I
The defendantd,hexington & Eastern Railway
Company,is notified that the mandate of the Court of
Appeals reversing the judgment of the Clark Circuit
Court has been filed in the above styled case with
the Clfirk of the Clark Circuit Court in his office,
and teat the plaintiff has directed tfié’aEérk to
docket the case for the September Term,1913.
Given THHRT my hand this July Path,1913.
,Héud Tarpy,et al.,
' ‘ By .
‘_ Attorne:}

 :::::::lrr JOUETT & JOUETT
June 27th, 1913.

Tarpy -v.-

L. & E.

File #1142

Judge Samuel K4 Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,-
Encloed I am herewith handing you Docket Report
and Report of Proceedings in the above styled case to date.
Yours very truly,

Enc. //////

P.S. These are the only suits which are now pending against the
L. & E. I have had a number of settlements of stock
claims and fire claims, and one personal injury, but they
have all been settled and disposed of.

 - Form 182 [.Aw Dinnxk'rnnixl‘
. FILL No.
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT». minCheStGI‘, KI]. :.....wm,”
B. D. WARFIELD, 25th day of June 191 3. '
District Attorney.
In file (use of. Maud Tai‘py ,‘ 81? a1 . , . . 7’5- L. 83 E . Ry.
I'lzc fifl/owz‘ng firoccva’z'ngs ware llaa’ a! llu‘ September (”3 December 727 772,819] 2
of flu". C il‘C‘Llit . Cour! q/ Clark Comzly.
Aug. 29, 1912, Petition filed.
Sept. 9, 1912. Def. files general demurrer.
Sept. 9, 1912. Submitted on demurrer.
Oct. 4, 1912. Demurrcr sustained in so far as it affects the L & E Ry.
Oct. 5, 1912. Amended Petition filed.
Oct. 5, 1912. Def. files demurrer to amended petition.
Oct. 5, 1912. Submitted on demurrer.
Oct. 5, 1912, Judgment for defendant, L & B By. Cc. dismissing
petition and petition as amended. fippeal granted to
Court of Appeal 8 .
December Term, 1912.
Dec. 2, 1912. Plff. files schedule.
June 12, 1913, Court of Appeals reversed lower court with instructions
to overrule demurrer to petition as amended. Opinion
in 154 Ky. Rep. 545.
, LWCNED} B. R. Jouett, , .
Attorney L. 8. N. Railroad Co.
BEF‘I. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc, etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cast.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 Form 16 I .
‘ 723V,Dglrfi‘finaniufi
.( OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT Winchester, Ky. ““ N“ 1‘
i l
1 w
ls rlC orney
LOUISVILLE. KY. June 25th, , .7913.
An (Ictimz [ms Int/‘21 (wmmr/lwd in HM Circuit Court hf Clark Cor/um,
W Maud Tarpy. 6’5 a1 . , L . ScE. Ry. co. ,7 , , ,-
.\'I/i)2))IU/IN I/‘((.\‘ /.<.\‘1((’(I Aug. 29th, 19/ 2 Vv/Hd u'rrs I_,~(M/lt I/ Aug—[1°45 99th A, , Jill 2 , mu} {s
U *4 ,

M'h/ruabh' , (lrIVI/ of _Ifl] , the (l/[Ui‘NIfVI/s'j-HI‘ (In: [duh/[1'17"
arr J. Smi th Hays and J. Smith Hays , Jr. '

«W flu MW MHz/ed i that 131 ffs' title to certain land be an: ‘7 n w ~

STATEMENT OF CAUSE OF ACTION. 4‘ eted ’ deem eunLe—llCd, etc
Copy of petition herotofare sent in.

:3 [13,. J 0116,31: . , ,
Local Attorney L. & N. R. R. CO.

 777 , , //Z
‘1 j 34.-8'71. mm
' / , / , , , 'I /
’.. ; ,///’ , x/ /’ //‘//'}V/ /
‘_./”n” 7% A ,///./// /// 4/////'//// 7w/w7
-7))?//2/2/////}/,_(/; //¢//////r/, , / i' ,1 ‘ ,
,,; X I “%”””=VWWWeV .1/G7a“ ::k g/énni/9//n/¢/C/?y'.)7rV//?//7<;/,
fflflflk/m -//- /Afl’/l///M/, I:
.\[szs-A ’01.?” 721/ Alf/0mm: /
/ / ' , , / ,
., , / K/ / -, . / ’ I;
((1)/Pu .7_ l‘l/(r' Ml /. A , I 1
/ / // ///lt’/'//r/:'.~(r/I»// /1 " "// //‘// //// ' fl/” JOIN e 27 , 1913 .
Judge Samuel M.Wilson, (l¢4hdx44&?/ /5){
Counsel L.& E.Ry_Co., // =;\xn' , ‘
Iwmngmn,Kfl / V
Dear Sir,
Terpy v. L.& E.Ry,Co.
Years of yesterday. Yes, I have received the copy
of MI.B. R. Jouett's letter, referred to in your letter to
me June 21, and am glad to know that Mr.Jouett is of opinion
thet the plaintiff will not be able to prove the everments of the
petition as amended.
Under the circumstances I suppose there is nothing
to do but to fight filis litigation to a finish.
Yours truly, /
, 7 .
\\L 1 I,
1 k / , 7/
/ ' ’y //\ / \ L!
L ‘ \ / (C WAC ’4.;
Copy for Mi.B. R. Jouett,
Winchester, Ky.

 l: ”xv/y rw ”M / "(U/0W ; ”fl/fll/y frw/zwzy;
/ I, / f ,
%ov%cf//nfl W‘Ztan fik/fy///;A/fl//// éZ/fl/flf/ ' W”, %
, /
«31:71:: :1:}, 373311;.

701:. '. ';,~-?“'in'!

7:1 ~‘:';:‘::*:?._;~.'; "5,; 1:1-mgr, , - f I, 1:.,

:':“:‘1 7.27. ,I'L“.

..;o .1 A. ‘.~:f‘. :;(2: l "* iii); '3:;; f :.i-:'. .’, :".jf :"3:t'_::':_jj::‘:.—
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