xt73bk16mf8w_43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [23] T.W. Smith vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [23] T.W. Smith vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_5/Folder_5/62883.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_43 xt73bk16mf8w .) June 1317, 191?.

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+75 2333: iii“; {7 737.
June 17-1915.
Mr. ~~ A. Wilson,
. General Counsel,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear girl
Yaur letter of the 16th relative t3 litigatien
growing Cut of the Le igh’c an centract.
I will be obliged if :::-11 ll retum me
the correspondence v-1hi<_lhw:ys sent ;caa wi Lh mj; letter of the
9th 3n the subject.
Yen‘s truly,
Chief bngin eeLL—uj’

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 \ Q ‘.::LLgéz'p‘ woorTON JESSE MORGAN
'L (Aftnntvgsmbfimu
_ ‘. HAzAnn.KY. June 15, 1915.
j/W/ (a ’ 9 F ’
fir. L. .._. ..1153011,
Lexington, 3:.
beer air:
Re have your: oi the 11th with reference
to retain withheld by the L. o 1. out of the Leighton
& Congany contract ior tor; done on the worth _ork
mxtension. thu lust emit settles ell matters in
which Leighton a oompuny is ; perty.
L.L.Johneon, who L316 5 judiuent against
leighton 3 Company ;or epgroxiigtely “50C.OC pr ;ed
an appeal to the Court of _Hpexls ”you txe judgment
referred to. Lowevor, he Les nut executed any apyeal
bond, and we feel satisfied tlpt ;e mill not tale agy
a peel, and even if he does, we feel sure the case
will be eiiirmed, as tie; oiiored no evidence upon
the trial of the case whatever, find the case was tried
before the Court.
he enclose you copy of the judgment in
this case.
{ery truly yours,
LEE/o ;7%o¢fi1{x37o/’V 7:7”ééiifl! ;‘/
3 /

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Juno 9 ~1915.
.V-Ll ;, u ( ..;: J1:—:3,
(.‘Ieherzl Us: .:3’.:;e:.l,
Lexington, 12;».
L‘L'Lfil‘ ’”' l.';
V ‘- :'z"""vf'.1;wl“ ‘0“ ."1 ““'». “a” .'17'": .,
71,11 flu ; 7‘ e ’3 ‘"' all lii'iigi‘ci‘ {‘_"z‘ttp-
in: $111“ “ ‘.' ‘.‘1“ .».:‘at'ul ‘3; h:‘“: C N.,? :21 1‘.;
131-‘.'? Fifi? 1‘»: L».:.‘_:"'i'7;:, {‘::- i 7. x ' :‘.gf. .7;‘- v;;li%i‘i“.09 fi‘éfi:
their ;"i‘ft'l 13.1;‘71'nuiztx-i 71> ,.‘:"'":».:f: f'. L.:, '_' :“sz Li 115/,13}:
“Er 51:¢'fi:2.,ify‘\f3. if? L” “ _ '~'? “1::". n 'I'/7’.? J:.Z'e
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Yr» 2; :‘ L11? ;.r,
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/////er n/ ////7/ // ”yo/raw 7/ /////,;A’/////////
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‘_//'//A/.J/7/;/fl.a/5y. April <14t;}1,1915
Mr.Sam 1135111301], A A
vi (Ag/i {lb /fi "
General Counsel, 0
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: ' '
Referring to your letter of the 19th inst.,steting that all
of the costs in suits against Leighton a.- Co. With exceytion of ::“124.00
covering witness foes,hove been paid and that there is a possibility
that this letter amount has also been settled. Will you please ascer»
tain if these witness fees have been paid, so that when the judgments,
mounting to $1800.00,have been disposed of,there will be no further
matters outstanding against Leighton 8: Company, and the balance due
themwhich we are holding, can be paid to the bank.
Yours truly, ; Q / I
x; I /’,7////
/ /' / / ,«l
/ ' &Z(///é{/7_%§7€df/CLL
411in EL neer of Conétmction

 ‘ o

‘ ."1}gi‘il 1‘}, 191.5.
Messrs. Screen 11, juniorswi, fattorzmjs at lax-.1,
3:21.113: 6: lit-:31; f311'ilfiiitgt,
.;1‘1cti‘i; ".10 , 13011211.

;.<=fierring to your c,u11_’e_c:1ti::;-;1 u- ;.-_r: "ii-t)- iz'1.:";,_r;t t)
:1:-.'. ..,., ..3; :.1'---1:.._'1’i, Lem-E. .-.,'L ‘71:: ;'-:-. 4.: . 1', at '12.",11z'lsr1xtille,
:Jr rr-fsu‘rci by hit: to . ’ . 3."- Evan, _,:1.74,1.‘;’ f.".’1:j.},;1coi‘
of do~.e:‘1:i"-:in3‘1't?1‘11: 2.15.1 .'. .1 i, 3. 11.1171? 1.1: :':13‘; {11(1- };11312212 1'::55 the
_ :’:; ;3 75311351111 1, 1;, 133111131 10's- ..;:L‘ifi - 3,114.1 351 (<33‘."~;31‘€5’1 by
;1.i;t:1<:-1 c) of iii-373575. It is. this: '.:.1311111’; ~..-‘:.:i_;-:~1 i grit-$11.11) 11.1.5 been
”‘1" to the 1 ”:151‘: .3; '31._,-,.~,--;_1;.\ of: 12:1: co1:1.‘1::-"‘1.otors.
1'.-lieu this ':.'.1o“::;1‘:; i " , =1; ..1‘;; s: ‘.:i’fal ;J;‘o?1.f-,i:1§,-' oe
Ernie to .;1:::1_:_—.:?:1t:n .;.; A 112.11,; _ ;31:,1:.;;-1,:.;‘ Lo-1-z‘1._;:321;1.>i1 ' 11113111511131
in care or; Die LL'JIT’ “Vii-111111 5.1.17 an ._:.11.):="1:i"._7. ":1..

‘.11'91‘:7 :1 ‘,:-“1.1113: :’3,
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_ l/KW/J / ////1 / . ///. 2/x ////1 . é/l/A’V‘MK/ Wu/M/zy
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Wm f/ [Xi/y ”(L/3’70”“, 17/ Z/://,j//“///%/}// 4
-2./2.1.7/1/2, 2y.“
/ A / , .4
'4'; as. ~ W 4 f / 9
April 16-1915. (
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
General Counsel,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Note letter attached addressed to Mr. C. L. Brad-
ford as Chief Engineer of this Comnany in error by Messrs.
. Bowen & Anderson, Attorneys at Knoxville, in which they ask
that twey be advised of the balance due on our books to
Leighton & Company which amount was assigned to the City
I National Bank at Knoxville and afterwards attached by a
1 number of parties it Hazard.
I would advise that our books show a balance of
\/ $2279.75 due Leighton & Campany for which we have practically
accepted the assignment to the bank in that under the advice
of our attorneys we advised them that we would have the vou—
chers mailed to them in care of the bank.
I suggest that if there is no special reason why
we should withhold this informati n that you advice Messrs.
, Bowen & Anderson of the amount due.
Yours truly,
one Chief Engineer oi Construction.

 .\. 3r. nn\\‘l~‘..\' w. K. «NDERHON
\lnunr:l(.~—'I‘I:.\'.\‘M.~<.~‘.Icl Inn .\~4.~II1'IA‘|'II|.\ ’ .
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TOUI'WLJi-‘JC. Lg; L‘J-v Lair-ball; nor CW! Wot.“ \;,_ COCLI; ll. :r;.€'
cases 0: Mullins Vi. lei,ntcn l L. a a. nut _runn
..,-4.;- W.“ ',_- l. 1 . .,.-‘1“ . 4" ,:, ,1—1
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4.x... . "l1“ 5- «If 3“,; , ,7 w. mien, T '\ri:|‘( n .:- w,
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Hazard , lien tuck-:,I .
Gen t1 amen:

ici‘ewith note 000;] 01:; lei-try: oi‘ the 1?, tin instant from
3211‘. :.i-11.193718, Elfllfil'lg’? further: 1115131 fries: 5.:-but tne sum-citinents
against :eigjiton COY:E.).‘31’1;,’. ,.11;;t .I;. '.'.i‘ilizams :3:-en: to fies-tire
Portion-15211:? to Zen-)1." is: Lhethci‘ the co ’.'-:': ii; the sen-it?- of ":7. .
Culling :.2-1;"- iérmi'i; :.'-rarith, Jfll'OZZ-ifii.2:in ,,ZFO-LJJJ‘C', vs .011 own
settled or "paid. I hziave t7)... i:.=‘;\;yc:;‘;:‘.i-J;i L you into heretofore
.»‘:t.€“*Vif"fT-.£‘7 He that g;. ‘:1-_‘:3 brie}: «fr-mu "out .’. armrll: like you to 11:1; me
kn on if 1): c: c r 1;- .i 11 .

I 3:3-TUNE that ii" 'Z.:E’1::t»:rz:.- cuxrtf‘; Luv “re-=1 seen. t.z§"r.-;i or oi"
tin-“t it "fill not be 3.000;" s32; .2‘-or ‘!'-1;; to retain hermfii’ter
more tl’mn 315100.00 to :O‘v'a'm.“ nth-r lined-7;? 12:" att-~cs1'1c-iti .

1718:1570. let 1;;-e hear .1 in.) you (..;-216 Joli-re,

Your s 'L‘ 1'1; "'2: -‘ ,
- _ P“ 3

 . {14571‘11 14.. 1’15.
Zion. ET. 1:3. Lillizmg,
Doniavi 13135, Ky, ; ‘

To .12;:

Iieu‘xf‘vfixl-{s in 37913:) favor 0;; 2:11" 111:]; 3'.;1:~st>=.2.:1;, 3012.3? file
No.) 1313-41, in refeg‘emai': ::f". ':::Egn'viti‘; :‘-_“é‘:inr:t .;aigfh‘LOLL 5.‘; Con--
bug-1'5, I “Alive the I‘M: that ::."). L..—'1 in the ‘,I. g” ;hlllins
and Frank Smith. Quasi-.2? ‘L signy'; ‘;FDOAJO, hive been 7::-116,
int“; I. '-.v-‘3‘.11 LL“ 7903.03 i.'_o1--"1: to 12am: 12155.." Veril‘icd ,',—.:;? tifin
advifio you.

':::1; r‘ 11:1; ,
‘ Gounsel.

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 . J'1l7lj.1 E}, 1215.
F—Lon. h.. 1?. ”’il.l_fi"!"i"-,
Louisville, if“.
Elna?" Sir:

(mtton 1’; ?..;0 grin its? 7"»? ‘:‘.i:*1t the at 'o-L;(11§I_:£ir":1;ff$ covering
the ,,ilFOOuL‘O *‘1?"_":l’:“rf‘(7 out of 1" an: "2ei.<'%:t~n .‘ forum ':‘9
”fi‘ll “ending? and 1‘11:“75*r«7)sr2r“. 0:7, Thin”: cameos DEW") Ina-en. sci ;:.cr
trial it the arrow)arr-hing;- i‘:';«' ”or“. of th ‘35’ irjjr Circuit C:o‘-.?::‘t and
will doubtless he acted upon it that tiim. I‘m- 1.329 grew-exit, I
vault? advise that the :nrrnicys: " 'ue .‘".eight:‘m I; ?.':zhi'~o:‘:e, which the
Coarx'any has: retained, should still be half; naming i‘i n-‘il dis-mo-
sicion of the att.:‘:.ch=':1m1ts in. quart-ion,

3," E‘Y‘V' 1" ':’?) ‘1 ~.,— 7n111~{'
.__,“ II_1, ., .’. L ~JI . .
.‘ / a
’.‘.mr‘u‘ ,

Attnrnvgs} at 1L nut
HAZARD. KY, April :3, 1915.
t {15/ & ('7/
Lr. .2. is. 19113011,
Lexington, Ky.
Leer Lir:
Yours of the first with copy of letter :rcm
“r. a. C. Jilliems, relative to the Leighton a Ambrose
; attachments, received. All or the attachments covering
» and embracing the glbO0.00 are still pending. rne
'1‘”; w - -\ .L. - “
‘ cases have all ween set for trlar at our comlng Lay
Term of Court.
Very truly :zurb,

 7.‘ ‘ jwfill,1m5.
Messrs. Wootton & Morgan,
Hazard, Ky. .
Gentlemen: ' I
Pleage note attached copy of letter of March Elst,
addresSed to me by H. c. Williams, Chi ea? Engineer of Constructiofi,
inquiring whether all attachments against Leighton & Company have
~ been diapossd of. Kindly advise me fully on this subject, so
I that I may know how to write Mr. Williams, and oblige,
Yours truly,
' Slim/8 I
Counsel. .
1' ' >

 ///. .///./////.i/7[/// /x/
A., '/'//2z)/7////// .. ;'//,)//[/ /// 1 Mt IVY/l fil/M/I/I/y
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~ ’ bV/pagdy/g/flz. ._ fly. T52 rch 21,1915
/j‘ 7 /'
Kr.38mue1 H.Tilsou,
Counsel, Lexington,Ky.
Dear Sir:

Please note file attached which has been referred to me h; the
Treasurer, requesting information as to the settleient of several attach«
ments wkich were served on the agent at Hazard,fy. against Leighton &
Co. contractors on the L & B By.

You will recall corresxyoxd once with your office during? the
moutl of October 1913 at the time the T.L.Iu11ins suit was disnosod of
and yartioularly your letter to District Attorney forfield on Oct.28th
in which you advised that settlennnt of this suit fook care of all the
suits outstanding; against Leighton .1 Co. Wit}: excej