xt73bk16mf8w_44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [24a] R.C. Napier vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [24a] R.C. Napier vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_5/Folder_6/62987.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_44 xt73bk16mf8w . 0 »- - - je'nqw-w'f‘ wmr 7: ‘7 511/; M ‘..1-.x~\..;~ z.” .-./._...0 , w“ ’1 LI «..2 w r-v ’.”,3. . \l u .'.1.: “0 032:?01! . J. , ,( x x‘ .. ’ n "- w “I man: .:'-1 ~“ .1 _{q x, ,. .. u. l - ”‘34“ A.,muv. ‘.“)“. ..? _ g. J. -. .. \.3., T . . -.. r A‘.‘ r - - ..-- ‘- F .‘.-u _.-.1.:f; -,.LL; , ':.-,“ .':.,, .1, -‘"»".’..L : .'. i . "‘ < _.., ' . v. _ ‘ V -' T . ' . . .- ‘v . '. 7 ._ H \. .‘ h,‘ 4:! ' ' . n V A“. ' ‘ ' - ,1 , ‘ . .. ,- u . v ‘.v T ’ ' L", 3 \.~ -..| ...7 . I.' ‘ , p . : . ' “. ,».~-\ . . ' .: ':. TI-r-z ::I.\_- in 44;: ._A . _, ,_ ,_ e ‘ ‘ .’.' _ . . .; - \- . A ,. L, ...,.,— 4.-.- a ,- r ,, -_ - . . . ' . ‘ ‘ ' . ; . .. . ' r, ‘ -’ w . , . ~ . _ _ . -- ’L -.V .. i , . . .. . i _ , i . )a g _ _ ,. 1 -, > . . . . . :~.-.:- - _ ‘ . » 'v - - ,_ . ' -y~_ - > - 7.. ..- .> '. --< ~ -,‘ war (“‘;: . ‘_.;I,. ‘ , ,. _ . ., ‘ . VI? . . ' 2" .‘. . " . . - . ,« 7 . ._. '.:. . . . _ . . ._ .- . . , _ _, T. ,,_ ._ a. .... - T“'._'.rf '. . ‘K . ‘ . x. , . _ . ' "1' .\'T, T-Tulbj -. _ . . ' ‘ . .‘ . . a. n‘ ,1 . .' , ,“‘ z 3:: ;-."'"-x::“.‘ 2 ~ ' - : ‘ . "a ‘ ‘ fi-w --“'="-r“— . ‘»'p—n“: »- “.,._ :.. .‘ z . ,v _, . . , . w. ‘ ,. . ._ _ , ‘ ‘ ..._,_;'. T --'-v--‘- . n. , ' . ». .x . " \ " " . ’ "3‘ f .. -. .. F- V—“‘ 2‘ "f'-.‘ u. (r. ,‘_TL 1' w = - .- a ‘ . '- ‘ . ,_ .._..".flv . _ ‘. ‘V .. -' - 5“ A ., In .1. .,.;a. .”. ..2 ‘. s {‘7} 1.)}: .'1-LT}! . "‘.‘.1," , -Vr - ' .‘ 1 .~‘ -' ‘g ‘: - .7 :,.," ',., .,’:W- '..'L ,' JV - .~ . .. ‘ , ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ .. . . ‘ 5 ‘ . ‘ :-‘. . , ‘ A :... r‘: ~.'\_ : ‘ ..,V ,,‘ ~ ; 1‘ ,- ’ 91'?" 7 ‘ . ‘ . 9 . V . ‘ . . .-.; . ,_ > V . __ ‘ > ‘ . ‘,.. -: _ 2. - 1.._ . A ‘ - ‘ .. , A 3 . ..”“ ~,~ . .. *1111 (l. ‘ a -- - _‘ ;v M» L . , » ,.,t, . v ‘ ,_.J_]S ".,I ,_ , 4 : _'. . ., ‘ , ‘ . - . ‘ ‘ f ‘v ~‘ .-'.‘. . ‘. .‘ .- ~'..: f7.“ .3'—f ‘7 -.L; «tf T. .;, .;3 w. _‘. - . , .. ‘4 , . .- 1' '. . 7.'. .‘. ”_.3 3.4.406» . , r - ' ,.. .4 . . ‘ - ' ,, - .. . .7 , . ‘.:. 9 5m ...,. N , '. _;' ”.,,. ~1 :- ' V t- “01:;431’; '.».s«’,-. ',.r .r ..~ . . ; ...‘ -- .».: 75:31.? 9'"? ': ,‘.: " ’ . 7 ,.' _ . .‘.‘ W ' ' ‘3 ,, 7 ‘, ’-> n -“ T '7'. {".7 6;? w .1 .e . r. , ,_ , , ,1_ a ,.,.,‘j_ . ‘ . my”, .,-, -~ I. - .. ‘~' >~ - .‘. , H", 1» :7. ;-, “.~.. 3:-). .'7 .v. :41 '{ .T P ‘. . A " ':.‘. .'x ' 5' T' U ' _ .1,: .~ .‘ '- .. ' _. -.‘.L')‘ C:..,:f.-.;:; _.m ', . 1H, .; ___' Cf; : ».. ... ~ v ,- 3 '~'; '.' A» y . .‘ ‘v . “‘.‘ w t ' , v .. ,5:: “ - . ';=.’C..- .7! . ‘. .'L’; v ’.‘-,,’ z» '..‘ :5., ”‘.'! ; 4 .T- {._' T‘ C .’ ..' at“ J t", .1 _1:::5‘.‘ :2} ,.- . . ,. o -. . .. '. .. T : — 1T ,. -.~ - '~'“ ~ ‘ -‘ a ~ J. ,~ .A: ‘. \rm ‘~‘ ,. .~ 7' - ; r- 1 . ‘. r?’ » ' - '~‘ ’,w - cud”... '~’” u ‘.. w ,, A .. I. 7,, .._-r... ‘.. . pc- }‘f— "u - ". ., .‘ » m . . , V .. , (.' 7' ’ " _-, ‘ ,... ‘ A‘ f. ‘ .'«: ,. . 1 :1 ' J :.V a ~ g ’1‘ mt k- ., .‘..‘. ‘L T- . " ,- r‘ :t' ‘ T T .‘.T‘.‘T £413" 1 —- w , V . , . 4 . m .~.: 4,-» ,.1” —.‘- ‘ -. u “r » r « .._‘, .. .5.» --‘r\ '4 ~ m - , _‘ .. .: .4‘. 7. - . 2 ~. . . ‘ ,_ “ ‘ 5 .7 ,. »> .~., .~.. « -,1 T)? T .. '_C i V 1‘ '_3! . A," u _T 4' f. , .I' '_' ‘A 'T ;: .‘.‘.”‘f‘; .J.;fi '.“:r ‘I .‘ 1.: ~ , .:-: , . , «I ' .J.”. , .. - V4“. . u ‘ 4“. ._,. A " 1. W, J- ‘ Una? nay! CU: ' . .‘ H J.. ).I. . ’. ’.‘ ' "T. “'. 74.“:711 i . Hue {3‘01- Ir}; I_C-‘fw 1 1;” \ g} « .'.' :1”? - '3:: ;i‘ ’7‘ - 1 - a . L; ‘- » ‘ . . _- _‘.-\.‘» _.»—”‘13”. . n - , ‘- A , .,.\q- . , _ ,2” 4.: ;f':.'.-: .'.‘,K“. '. .‘_w M _.. .- . .". - — “-~.. ’~‘ .- _: , - V . - . _ - 1 A . ., , . .. M ‘ ,... - _.‘. W . .- ,4 ‘ ‘ <. L “45, .1‘ .. y ._‘ \.‘, -: ;:v,.» 1.. "1 17m .- .. r0 1); 1.19 v t . . I 3 .r I. , M . . : .. . ,-. , -7‘ -_, ,~_, '7 .v “'. ~ WEN/7201'; nu..- L «nu. H u; a ::.? -. -..’1|_-’ , .. ' .. < ..I V . ‘ " H . . ‘ '. . . » J. N T. .. a, V .: .~' I _.’ .,I \ . , ,. . ‘ - ~. ~ . ‘ __\ ,~ . . ,. . ., .... 1‘.-T». “1h: .1 »:‘Al' " :-.‘.‘ - -: .' ,‘ ;, . \, -'_. ,”'; .“ an; a ‘ »‘5‘43 .1 ‘.1")- d U LLo _." ._. ., q , .- _ A M , ,, , . .. N ‘ . ' T . .. 1 , :v . . , * .. 4.4. L 3.:”! 3 {.131 :1 1.11;. 1:,.5‘ ’.‘ '_L .‘.L‘ .~... ., N ‘ .. ‘.:1. I’ \ .'A ."1 "‘i . j T ‘~.' .'1”??? n v ' .- ' ,7 . ” .. , . 4- ,, , ~ . . . {.1‘ -~. -. A .. n r; '1 ‘~‘" I": 4. '3,“ r, ,\ r;~. , . - 7V ‘ ‘.~ - T ‘ . ~ ~ _, ’ W ‘4 . ‘ . _.‘ a . .’.-«:1- u. ‘1 ':..‘ '.7 3 ~.J .' ‘ . ~~ v (.,‘:J ‘--‘~a - \ J“: I w mum“, L3.‘ (”,_.1 rm... ‘_.. .5 U‘/ _‘2 7'55, 2791"” :2'; 1 .' x .‘r‘ ;‘T‘v ,_ e. .... ».. >1. .1» .. x .1 7:.—.,.“ Knuth. »')“,_ ‘ 1" J \v--1'§v.., T: .L x // / f7‘ / //- / . _ I / . 1'! V / , / , , ( , i 570/7 /’// ”M / M/ ////. /// // /// . //// //////, , ‘ fi 0’ / / '/ / _._//7///_,//I////’/////I/// Q7 _ f («It/- A ” flare/unto“, L, cc]. ( «v/ / " 7/7‘ ’ / 7 ' - l v ‘/’,, (. ‘)(1)£ . r / " (flu/”({.TI/ /t///’/ / ‘ / / I —'—-—"‘-' 1 I « / z ’ ..L. ’I// (I‘ll/LII’K ___—__‘- / October 18, 1913. H ...N "n . 4.4. o ~.-~. ,, ' _.4- - t .».z- ' \ , gees; . UJWbuOg u .ozban,mtuerneye ea Jew, "‘ ‘ ..,~‘_.“, ‘7)" .:LELLQLLq, 43.317. GontTemenz~ I have two letters from “r. Yarfiela unfier Gate of October 17, uwkixg certain questions revprofifn; the ieport of ”rose erge in our oaees at the recent tern of the ”crry Ci: nit Court, aflfieh Report of “rooeeiings was E“te1y furnihhefi by you. fine of the points H3. Turf: 1o wente to be satisfied shout, .— K4 1» t W. .. -‘ x \ .. .‘-_.,,~,.~.. . .. ‘l.~.. 1 . . ' - 13 thbhel e‘ the éfiiwh of in: gettieyaht of the thiee Ln; cell suite 9 1 ”a J’ :'~ , .t n , .1 . _~ ,‘ 4. w. ‘ . —~ 1 _. . * . .i. , . .: A Lee gZ;S0.00 to be paid 4% 00 no let my the Contractor, T. a rmitn, out of his own money, or moneyv flu: the firm of Smith anfi Jason, and whether there is anything further for u: to do in regarfi to these suite. I have ensured Tr. Kar‘ielfl that this settlement wag inten‘ed to he mafia entirely by T.". with, or the firm of Smith & Regen, emf that me far as I knew thvre is no need of our giv’ng nureelves any further concern respecting any of there suits. ?loaee let me know . ,-_ H“ i- .',.V‘J. '. ,v,. 1 ;,an ‘:.“ that A as right 1n eo nevieimJZL J "‘1 ”'.. “.".2 ~ ,, .‘ .1 _.,‘ -1 ‘ _..1. .,‘.‘..I-.‘ . . .I _ 4. . ‘ .. 4 .5 ' tr. WHLLLClQ acalh Culifl giteiuion to the fact that in your »09?33 of nioooofiruts Lb re uppeaie thp ;ULULCX statement — H .,,.. 1. , ‘,_‘ .. .r- r". ' T‘ '..‘ T (3 " Tin. , . e In th cares oi _. .bmlth v. :.w :.“J.Co., Johnson .—-.~_»« 3' ram x r n. "."-"1' C n "Lm *—~ ~ :‘:. 1’1 ' NM unit}. ’ (Julie-Oi; f. ,..u (... 1» »‘ul- 0., ._xu1.uu Q.'.Ohguo 0.”. litany, v, -. .n - ”.‘,. .L. .. . t .L' . , - .A rmgoit oi Jufltflnflcfl fen eiefl on liens; time of flllflb of - J. “.‘ :.- ~ 1 . J" t "‘ - ' ~ . lions etc. are ineluueu and riled in this report." ‘:3'1 n . - . '_ .. ~ \ .0— ‘! —- -"~.\ '- n‘ J -- ~-- ' '5 -‘ \o ‘ ’ ire ee Oflplfilfl more iuilj ngL tare means. I me not seem to hbve any .-.:w . .,._ _’:, _ - - i 4 ,‘.q "a, “a: ,i «r .1 . ,.‘ _ - . iLJCQ on tMCEC lieu “nits aha v1. aiij'ld a‘VLCCS no that no has no .9.-‘7‘ 4.1,: . . ‘1 'M .3‘ . ,.!. rwr'o "3 a - .,‘ 1 - 1).- ~ iile o; bfliH an» act. I ao fldb Ce Diner it HCCOSSalT to be Lunnlshed I // / f7. / //’ / ~ ~ I ' ' , / 1 I, ' / , I ,. / /, ,,7 (////7 /// ,,M/ _ M) //// . /// ///// . //// ////.//, . 7 / o ’ /‘ 2 ., ~ / (1' , // (7f.- ____ // // _, / //// ////// (eat/[£05042] vgy, t1/l})!!.’(/ .//l. (AK)! / (.‘/ / "_ / . W a v / , - x (1 V/fl/zrrfl/ (OMAN/.1 , 0 VI. a, / 1“ fl rtr ,“n -- C3 '-.’u‘fifio . ‘ _‘ 4‘; ,_ r ~ _ '3 ., .‘ ‘. . p.‘ " 7 ‘v‘ .(L. . ‘. -' joui lilo, oz d copy 01 youi file, if you will ogly soda in a suffi— cicrf expanation of the matter 0 mt fhcd in your Lepont. "- n- 5* <~ ' 4'~ .r- - z"-T’~“.r "gm-Huh ..-.' J. \. _q 1. *~ in uquhUI letter oi the l/Ll il.tqu, J11 Lot .3 a :3. Tarfiolfl; he has this to say - -- — L :n L L " - ..,,N. q .:: -4 ‘.“-u 1 L pm, I— In the flailing oni .eltnur CQLOb, nnoie spgoeis QLC DC ‘. , .‘ ,. . .— ‘I 'r , ..L , J. v 'L :.. L V .L ‘ .... . . .'. 73-. 1 . do groscaubuo, i dinumfl that you r cola thuS that uJA hee- csesry stem; Leze taken lo-w]:i;1¢g ‘33 Liar 5:379:33} , (.211?- that time .. ”:.”,“ .. .: ,. ,1 .— ,V. . .:., (L L .1....“ ..,", . . ,L_ .. ,,.L —'-,\ was lefin dntll h Lag C;It.lL LL she halt Loin of ooait in --~ ~' -— - - v m .0 .“- m 1.; .n -'-~'--r< ‘ «4- .. . ,1 - MELCh Lo ten-oi b1 Ls LL nlecguL, L gux tLL¢301LptH of uVl- 60:20 in these cases, if this egfreet?” a. .:.A 1 , .r‘: .1"! , L.., V '~ _.., ‘ (L H. 3 43 _ J. ._.. .:., is bu 00th 0L UflCSC CdGCS, L have dsuumeu Luau you mould .. .4., .:.L J..- L _ .1.. -. .- - 1: _. ‘.'.“ ,. .L-‘.,..L,‘ - - - ”LLLM' . sec to it vheat the legaieito LUCQQ ucio taken to insure the gthLlng of a: afiocal 335 the allowahoc of a roacaxgbly sufficient time in ,.. .- a .1.. .... A“ ‘.‘. ,-. *3 -0.- L {7'1" L ”'.W ,, 1..: W. 1 I?! ,.. .1 ,. , .g: L;. ghiol Jo prupure ago Lilo Ll is of leepuions and :Thimorlptb oi the Jviflhneon I mu 6, however, ask that you he Pure to have this Lone -.~ A --.-r m - .L rm L «ANN-2‘. m 4.. -. - 7. ---.- x, L m. ahb “filiue no as promptly 33 yo Lia o ddbt no» the reeoxm stands 'L.. H. ‘.”..- “.2 .5. ., ..n ... _.. .,. .«c. L.,. .1...-”.“. l.. O;L'J:vl Cent-{2 L..:Llull 10 10.20;.00 4U“: MiG-LO '..ilou-LJJJS. ”1* L” 7..- . .. .n - , '.A . 1“,“ J. 4.x; L ‘ ifluflnINL you ior your aiucnuihi 00 Lth, I am, Very trui' yours, ' / (i ~ 7 iouhse“. /I‘I‘AI‘EAILCVP \VOOTTON JCSjE YVONLZAN WOOTTON & MORGAN . Affurnm'm at “gum HAZARD. KY, 4'; O ‘..‘r § I b 0%" 4‘3 /3 ‘. . ” ’ ‘ " T, . ' ° ' , ’ i " ' ‘ , 1.3-3: * ‘ ' 2 c7 ’ ‘I‘ . 1 . 1?} ‘ _ .. 1 2 }: w .. . '1 ‘ ' - ' 18L ' r . . ' .' , 1‘ 1 - . " " . _ ' 1 'w " ' L,‘ } ,. I _, 2 1 WA] . i - ‘ , , w‘ ‘ -. ..‘. ‘. .1 }~ 2:1 1 1 - ‘ - ’_ _. . a ' ;' ‘ ‘2'1' , ‘ , /, ,. 7 ’1 '} 717.342» .- .1’ , // dkfl/ } // / ./ (r / / / l v I ' / l ‘ / / ’ -., /,////7 /// ”M / M) //// . //// // My / ////////y, 1. f 7 f / / . ,_ " — ' /. , ; /’/ ///_ /// /// '//////// Off. , 52’ :C/r«22,’rr(/e%/ {%L/Jflll " ‘ / / ,(xL/ligt/(xoz, (’:1/ ”KQJ- ‘__ I ‘ Jim I / I . ‘ ¢,,.//1 ,/ "- l .///////r Ill/I.II _ . "' ‘/ ,4 In , '1, / October 18, 1015. Eon. B. T; Yarficld, Eist. itty.' I & I R E Co., Louicvillc,Ky. Ecar Fir — I have your letter of the 17t9 inftnflt, Quotin; from ;nofihor letter sci? to hove Bro: ”rifiton on the esmo day {but which has not yet come to my hands), in th oh you ask vhcfihcr by the torus of the acfifilcnb t of the fihroc C;wpbcll suits the i. a i. is protected through the Contractor, T. 1. Tn”th. I ca: ansuxc you thafi this has been done. I saw the judgment cmboflying fihe compro- fifge cffior it h;fl boon prepared and knot'th t it was contemplated thnt fiho }1850.00 Should he paid out of tho moacyo of T.V. Smith, or of “wifih & Sagan, retainefi by the Iailnay Company. I shoula _ say thafi there is nothing further for the Anilway Company to do rcspccticg those juagmontu cxcopfi to 300 that fihc amount to be paid is in fist paid out of money: duo Sfiith, or the firm of Smith & Eugen. With reference to the lion ouitg containcé in the Ecpoyt . of ??occcdings of suits in the ?@*ry Circuit Court furnishcfl by Co Eton & Horgun, I am prohuhfiy as much in the Work as yourself, on? I will at onco write Wootton & Eorgan for an explanation of that part of their Teport.“‘fig‘so n as I hear from them, I will ad— vice you further. 1 will also ascertain for certain fihat the proper peTFimi— nary steps have been taken to porfcct aypcals ifl the ”ullins anfl Bcrfi Fc7fincr cases uufi than uflvivo you. fijY/fl Very truiy youro. COUNSEL. ‘ /// . . ,// / / / 7 . / / /) . / /// ‘ ,,, ////,//-’///// / . /z///I////I. ////fl///// /////////y . / . /,/> // y ,. (x . y ’/ . ////.///'/' // ///// // //////////r’/’// //I//.)'//’///'///"// /// - . x/ / / , /'///.//'////'.fi//y., /, IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO DATE AND FILE NO, .sr-‘Cirm‘ ::—7;1‘:‘7..j‘. Llr. '.'}. “Elzrz‘m, den ervl C 3 up :3 nl , Lexingtcm, Eff}. Dear ”if: Yum: lCt ‘ Cr 81' t‘c :Z’Ja‘l , J‘ClrétiYC to 17:1 nul set thI'm ":t 3 f}; ...Cf-Ir‘l‘f‘. . ;;;mith " I raceivad 1.F'tt';2‘ 75'1”er f F‘ attirnefs of ,.r. RFC-Lyn with (’3 x11 31' tire", f‘£‘"r1302i'1031t bet'r'CCn him ::nr? -'n‘. Smith covarjnfij the dissoluticm of" the partr‘mrshio, {2135 I have to—dty written to . Smith in 1‘63:le to ‘.‘rwm‘ling‘ the final estimf‘ce, suggestirm that if it is not zwfrreeable fit) him to 21:97: pagment to L1". Rayon equal to five Doreent of the. whole amount 03" tle contract, as is pI‘OVidGfl for in the dissolution agreement, flat this Co'wwny arrahne to rehlin that much um 311 they 0:“ 71 agree among" themselves as, tn the amount to be nmié‘ to them. , ‘ ~ (¢ mfl w Y1 t >73. m / ,/ . // / // ”Ir/ll fry- %/ m; ,éfllpu "C HF: J: “*2in I‘lrmineerv 3:6 Const rzlcticvn ,/’ ..‘ .. t. y '1 .. .,,. » ~ g . .'1'1;1.u..u ~ .., ‘1 _- 'v; . ,. ‘ a .‘ , C 1 , , . I‘. t .A. T ,1 3 ~. > . ‘1 V t i “l ' l '1 ‘ '1 i ;'> .. 11 1 - .1 1 ._- ‘ U-Isfij " ,~-,v§ g .‘ . f 31'. j/~ ' . ‘~', 1' ~' . ,1 .1 . 1‘ ‘ .. 1. . . . , . u ' o 1' ‘ ( ' ‘ i 1 u ,,-.' imp], . -.: Ci». 1V - p 1 ,.': .'1" . 1, .1._.. .. 11 '.1 .1 1 1‘ -. 1 p1; 4 = 1.1,. ‘.. :1 1 1. ,~ 1‘ 1.. 1} I ,~ . ' J. l . .'1 . . .,. . ~ .1 <. _r ‘ .1 . 1 11 ‘3 . . . . . . 1 _. - 1 I 1 .. ‘ ‘I : ..‘. - x f ., r. 1 t" L 1 r ._. . . ‘3)5’ 5. ;r i :_ l I‘ ”:31 .T. ' ”I". i ' 1 s " .. . . 9 11’1“ .,.! ‘ ,.1. . . . '~ - .~' ' ,1_. >.. ‘ A,» ' I o . ‘ 3».. J . ', I..! ‘ '.Li..{..1~’.‘t‘u1'.'J:.. ‘. I ‘ . . , |." "‘1. L I. ' * '7 ‘." 1. - . 1" .' t . ' I 1 .‘ - . ’ j» '1 ‘~ ’.' ‘. '3‘ “'.1' '..‘x 1. ’_ 1 " 1‘ 1 ,l. 1' r ‘.‘ ‘ ' ' l . I ‘ . . ‘Y s . ‘ 'l i" 1 I” ~ {.»1 g. .l 1‘ .’. l a I r ‘ ‘ 1‘ 1 1. ‘I .r . .' {I 1 - a 1 1. .1 ' 5 all ‘1‘". 1; ‘:Ll'. . “.,L l . x; r1. 1 ,. '. t 1 . : i1 ..' .‘ ‘I ~ ’; 2' ..’ ‘..,”1; ‘ . . ,I f ‘ 3., J , :.‘ . i . : . I .. V 1 1-. . . 5 5' l". . V . 1, .. I‘ ". 1. ' I 1 w :1 . ‘”' ' :1 I, ‘;1'. . U ‘ i . ' I: . x *1 . 1 1 I, a, z I. . 1 ‘,. '.5 l , ‘..‘ ...‘."; ', .1 . .. . l ‘I'!” “11:57”: . . . .- . fl 1 . . IA 1. . 1 . . I; . ‘."» t ‘3 .~'. :l‘ ”‘. '93:” 7 ‘.‘ i ‘7 'AI'.‘ ".' I "'.- y. . r ’ .‘I '1 r ‘ > r . I r n '. ‘.' I» . - M o- ‘ -" ii .- .i . r ‘ ’:I I t II ? . I, if)”, ’4 . ., ,‘, . ,'. t .,.,,I r :1 ._ 1 . . 1 1I . . .. 14 .,. .,' . . . I I_ . J . ‘ I“ 1" - r 5 - ‘ . . A’r‘. :'9' .‘. r r. w. ' ' ,I :1, 1. . .. ' . ' -|. ~ . ‘.‘ r .1 ‘.. z: " .~A . '.' ’ . I" ’ . '- .. t .. . ,1 . ."q .t <- '." 'l ,- I ' ’ .‘1 :'l‘ >- .’ a. .« .'. 1,, "'.’f‘im‘; I‘_i, Ir . t‘.f..I‘. ’ v- ' .r-1 " - ' . - ' . s. . 1‘ 1 ' “. .'.. 5.. .. »1 L.-. 41d; l. l II'LE. 2 ul .: .'.' " .'.1'.:=.5 l“ "J17: t i. .1 (I.‘; r; r'. Y: L.: 'l A’ 1‘ ‘ , . Cy S. Wileon. // .”' '// . / /// .4 .i//.’//7//7/’// ”M K /A////'// . //////////y ./ rw/x/x/y, . / / /, , ,_ / / ((/;,,,....,(‘/o¢r %/ —//7///-//W///////W// SA} 3%? g 6/// W / ,./. fl // . / /// .;////7//7%// ////// f/K/fll/y/ A //////////y //’///////y, . / ,/ , , ~ / / .Q;r)xn,'r/./% W‘s/J6)? ‘v-‘//7////-4///’////’/////’/// gis‘ch'zr/r/an. :1?; .‘_ .‘W/ ' ,,- y' / I / I ' L ( \ E7f &/// W ». ‘ ‘ - ,"1 _l, , , z . t < . .. ‘..’.—L. .1 ! M - L ' ;.f.::;;...z , v .1 ' - * , ._:: Hazard, Mertwcky. Sept. 7”th, Elli. Hon. Samuel M. Wilfion, LexiNgton, Kentucky- Sir :- Pleaoe fird OECIOFed herewifh Copy of a Contract of DismolutiOt of iho firniof Smith & Rayon, contractors on the Loxlrgtrr & Fos‘ern Exteroiow between Jackson, Proathitt €0ur+y, Kortwoky, and NcRoborto, Lotoher CoU"ty, jertnohy. You will see by the terms of this Contract of Dissolution thaf Hr. Rayon is to have, as corsidoratior for his irtorest in the original contract 09 Srith & Rayon, five porcont of the entire oftimafeo of work dove mid r maid contract, which as we are informed arounts fo about §°4,000.fl0 and tha+ the five paroort duo ”r. Rarcv avrunts to about $1900.00. Yr. Smith has not paid or rado any effort, whatever, to pay Pr~ Bacon tke worey Eve him under thim Gortraot of dissolution arfi we want tho L. & N. Railroad Company to retair in it's bando,out ' of the roroy duo ow the original Smith & Ragoo Cortraot enough morey to pay “r. Bacon his fivo poroont of the entire estimaie of work dove node? said contract, aod unless we can have Gene assurance fro* the L. & N. people that they will protect Hr. Ramon by holdirc thin mommy it will ho nocssary For US to file a liar 1h ordor to protect Mr. Roger in this matter. We will be pleased to hear from you at your earliest converionoo. Youre very truly, };//,:(nz.2/%y( (1,4962%? i; . T. W. Swifh. W. B. Hagen. SMITH a: RAG or" ‘ Concrete and Naacrry Ccrtrectore. "AGREFVRNT CF DISSOLUTION." Yerkee,£y. Oct.l4,l©l?. (1) This ie an agreement of eieeclvtic" wade and entered into by and between T. W. Swith and W. “. Ragce, who eemhoee the Contracting firm of Smith & Burch, deirg work 0? the North Fork Fxteneicr of the Lexiflrtcr & Eastert Railway, hetween Caney Branch ard Hazard, This in a mutual dissolution, and i8 ehtered into by both parties with the Drierctandihg thaf it takes effect from the heyinrirc of fheir preeen+ contract, and continues for the 3 whole life of ihe conirect. (2) By this egreemert, eaifl T. W. Smith takes over the Eueineee of the firm of Smith & Regen, pays all accounts which are outstandiNg againet the fire, collects and keeps all Koreye which mar be due the firr free the Railway CCvpeny er, Others, retains ae hie own all machinery whicl the firm have purchased eirce the fire wee ovgenized, dcee all the heavy work which is embraced in the firm's contract with the Railway Company, received all weneye due the ficrmrferk firm for said work, with the urderetanding that 95¢ ninety—five per cent of same is his, and five percent 5% belongs fie W. R. Racer, to be paid over to said Regen Ky Smith at such times as the firenciel rrerrecc of the work will adwit. (3) By this agreement , said W. B. Raver, relinquishes all claims he may have to this work as embraced *y the firm's contract except the smell work, which consists of what is krown as slush end culverts, pipe heede,etc., which he dces hivself, without Brit? naying having any iniereut in sane. He receivws his pay for this line of work in the recepwized way: which is by estimate from the Railway Company, such eatimetee cemirc thong? the firm's somtnaet ofiice, which will be in charge of T. W. Smith. Said Regen reliwcuiehee all claiws to any of ii machinery bOUgbt by the firr from the keyinrihp of it’s being, and also relinquishee all Claire *0 any of the Firm'e moreye, except as stated above, namely: Tive per cent 54, of the amount paid in eetira*o tn said T. w. Smith. (4) It is understood by both parfies the‘ the firw name of Smith & Rayov will confirms throurhout the life of their contract, and said T. W. Bmiih will fio kueineee under said name, but, that fluid W. P. Rngow will roibe responeihle for any of the acts of said T. W. Swith while nejrn maid name, and tfiefi said T. V. Smith is not to %e held reeporsible for afiythirg that said Rayon may do While in the dieokarre of his end of the work, or otherwise. (5) The said W. E. RB“OK may irsure Tie forces urier tho fire’s Employers Liabilt; Policy, providing that he wishes to do 80) he tU?Uing in to T. W. Smith each routl total arour+ of his pay rolls, and paying prerium for such amourt as fire policy requires. (6) If at any time either party gees fihnt he could he of benefit to the other, in awythirg pertairing to the work, not including the payment 0? seek cash, he will do no. This is simply weaht as no aceomodation , fihich way be of mutual benopifi. T. W. Snitk further agrees to pay back to W. B. Baron all money but into the contraoi hy him. Witness orr hands, day and date above. T. W. Smith‘ W. B. Rayon. Witness as to signatures. G.K.Hannon. CORRWCT COPY.