xt73bk16mf8w_447 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [316b] A.B. Sizemore v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [316b] A.B. Sizemore v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_44/Folder_8/5100.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_447 xt73bk16mf8w ~r ..,. «— "("'.-3. ‘5'?” -
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 3 BA‘..E~/‘-'.woc1'r0N crass: r1ORGAN
I — ‘
i ‘ ‘?itnrncuezrtthuux
. Dec. 9, 191:. A“
Eir. “’. . EZcEloivolfii, :
7:302:1an i; on , 1:37. .1:... "t
, J" 1', ,
. “Do, :34: Si 1‘: .
Yonrn oi the 5th received, relative to the ’ovth of L..b.
Sizemorc of 20?. lffifli,‘f o 3'“ killofi My 5 trainrjufitfloest of I”
the fiveroele Crossino. ”0 note on soy no ‘re ismili’r with “3
all the conditions, and would he mini to have our TQCOLfiQndQ-
tions as to vhother or not you should cowbrimino this crse.
In Fnswor to this, To enclose on here itn our written
opinion as to this Rotter, which you WTY also submit to Ir.
Wilson ior his oninion.
Yours Tory truly,
W“ ji/Zflx 71%
. f fl i
\ - 1 - *v w . 1 - '1
\\§ P. 5. 013990?“ : s not oeoi or QTIW o; nonrino, the was not
drunk, but Clio ti: i toxiooted.
' JH,C‘.

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M’C’UCniUOJ. 1.,-m, 191.4.
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£210? LHLG LELCLS, MD ;LQL: {1&37130 .3.-1y mad/“ens 1.. 2A).." (BI/1.80 D‘-.'.LlC-Vll;f‘ unfit;
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»_LOuflb, 1,41%. 119.39 .11-3i: J.‘“. ..»’.]V V._C'J).~.‘.Czi :..-1157.; r1.OtIl'.L 38 '-..'J;LC¢ .‘. .l.”.VC' c118
unfiiflx. ., .. _ . N..-.:.; . , -._ ., .. ‘1 ~,'..:« V..,._ . ., A, 1 '.c- ~ ‘ .-_ ~ J T .,1, ..
:.:xitqus.‘ 1.1:“ 110.. ...!L~1 OLLL‘ 203037. A. .i; tO.‘.-1-D:y, .2111. 1.:. :10 1'3- if; tons a w 34937
. r . -, .:-, ,, t, . , , .. .-. .rn ‘ 1. . V. '1': ‘1 ,. * 5.,” J.
SELECQ‘VOr' L-C) Ck).f’§.}l’=):l.Lf}C bills {IL 530110 55454.3. 3033011’1010 <;....101‘-3’11,.
‘ ... ”f“ ‘ ' _ . .n, .. _L-a -., .2. , .:- ,, ... —_ , ‘.; '~.. A .--
I, YIOHCJt‘Jf, fiafitlét 4.70. ;_h.‘ .J.-LG 3.1L;1;.'€:Su 2’./GL2. filing 1:31-02). _1.;1
:;‘1-0 88.99.
3: 01123:; -: ; 2217: ,
{15:10:11 7._ .'z:-1*‘o_ .

 )1 UNl'HdR NMW' 51;\N"qu\1quT Md'lm’ lnl!1{.\lh‘>l)
St. @eorge afford
fl ‘ \‘./f ; .,.-"VA” .

 .r , ~ 4 o ,/
,.._» xiv/y zw ////// K M/ 07/7 . //// «Hwy /////////y
/ Z / / , /« /
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z /
.Uortm‘ 51:21, 1411122 .
4311'“ 5]..
3.1;". Q. L. Stuvajmu,
Fireman 4477 772:, 0/0 :4_": J , ."7‘ :3.-1:131 . ‘
40:1? 13:11".—
":.;. 1:211»; ‘:.’-7 44;-fly. f 3:4 {4171:1157 :;";1‘3. :77: 142;? O'E'fivrt: ‘4: I 7.10—
:311‘3 in) '374‘1'373; fir-_;;: f )v a .‘“:‘T Li L * 47 tr :"'. Lu: ‘.‘;i‘xf‘x fgfiziry on gave;—
7301‘ lC‘i‘i‘ ; 44*“(1 f 7’21:- oii‘ A. ..Qizz-uO'rc.
; ‘.77‘;‘:\ '5“: 73,7,
- 9 E I i /,‘ 5/ ‘ $1,”, 2’7"} “mm '5 ; ‘ ,7
if L E / {,‘- L V Eff/L ‘1I/l7 ‘ ‘ ‘4‘ /‘. ,I\ - .
Geno-i1 L.'.".:;-‘1gel‘.

 O ‘ 0
December lfifih, 1912.
3110 51.
:2, P. 3. Keshcimcr,
3:111:112Hiw T, Miziicn3bzuré.
3033 fir:~

I”leinf to r7*‘¢ Df lCfih innfiant in rsgari to flonfl £93 the
9 90932190 11 nfivrfi of 3323103 iovland in fihc Lincnare ease. 1&0
more Fmefi fihfifi Kailaufi is ieafi 39192309 911 liabilifiy on hi? bani.

:& anateatian wifih icilnnd‘s death, 910380 let me 13?c all
information as $3 Rrfliil: 31? £33 9fi2f9293t3 of all Wiinezses,includ-
.‘. M J.‘: .. f . ...

1.1133. 9.211.: U «flu.
anrs trult,
ficnern} fiiiagcr.

. e j ‘0 .
l j, , .
l-‘lMl Nu, /" a
. , 1M; ,1912
Vi", ‘ \: t \’ ; 1' ‘ V
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December 10th, 1912.
. Eiig/Sl.
s. wilson, 313:1” /"“‘/7
1' /‘ /
Ganeral Counsel, City. { V// f
Dear Sir:— VZNw- ~‘l

Referring to ihe killiny of i. B. Sizcmore on Sovembcr 10th,
just east of Eversole Grossing by one of our work trains. I enclono
Agerewith a wrifitcn opinion from lootton 1 Iorgan in answer to my let-
ter asking iheir advice as to compromising thiS case. gifih rot :n of
all paners I wvulfl be glad to have iho benefit of you: opi ion as to
whafi shoula be fiono.

I might acid 4:31.91? I understand iniircctly 621:5": the widow
will coriainly bring suit anfi thafi on chorfi notice. You, of course,
realize fihe aitiiufie of fihe people oi Farr: Counfiy is the 3.3 $., on
account of, primarily, €20 Jones-Davis failure, and for that reason
I an rafihor of the oginion thafi an effort shouli be mafia to compromise
at about what we believe woula be iho cost of winning the suit.

Years truly,
final. Geneyal Tanager.

 O O
.70 a: (2-11}; 01' 2131.13:- , 1 91.3 .
1119 51.
lessrs. floofiton & Vargan, /’ Vf
Tamara, 3y. i KI,5
Dear Sirs:* V'“”“

Ieferrinr to ”v. fiorgam‘s lctécr of Hove her 11th in regard
to acciaent on SunfiaJ, Tnvembcr 13th, jtsfi east of Lvorsolo Crassing,
rearltiflfi in the Quaih of 5.3.5izanore.

" a1:

is you are fimiliar viii figs csnlitions, l vaulfi be very
glad to have your TQCOWIOHfifitiOnS as to whether or not we should can—
promise this case and wEut figur: ya: wsulfi rccomvona. E woulfi like
$0 ask if 13. Sizouorc ram loaf anfi :fiothor or nofi he was unfior the
influence of liguar when killed.

I notice fihe abgonce of Gtafienent of 3130332 3.3.Stevcns,
whom it strikes me must be an importani wifiness. I hapa fio get this
statement when he comes to Boxingfien in about a week fram this time.

If you think 1% aflviaable, I would like for you to @381 out
iks. Sizemore ana let me know whether she expects to bring suit and
about what aha would be willing to compromise for.

Yours truly,
General Ihnager.

 flocomber 5th, 1918.
File 51.
Hr. Q. 3. Stevens,
Engenen Engine 718, c/o Agent, Chitosburg.
Eon: Sir:—

Uhon you come to Lexington please call at my office as I de—
sire to obtain from you a statement in connection with ingury on ficvem-
be: 10th which resulted in tho death of A.3.Sizcmore.

Yours truly,
General Ianager.

 ' In”, .. «(Lu-,1)» vjn‘ J ‘.I {'1‘ :':.
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 ‘ ‘ ’ O O ‘
" Lexinpot'Lgu , novemberfil‘ch, 191:3.
_‘oo‘ston \j; .Zorgen, <1 «1
Hazard, 7.31.
Lorie: ‘anine 718 has jusa killea a nun h.w the n no of ‘iremore at
liversole Crossing just west of Krypton. kill you please :.:-.:.:e signed
s;e.tonents of all witnesses inelufiing train even, 3115:. es 530011 as
practical, sendinj seine to me. .,
v. .;el‘io‘.‘.'ell.
1 ,_.r‘” ‘
V\. / ' .
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 Lexingtonfiffn ;Iovember lOth, I912.
Tiootton C Liorgan,
Hazard, Ky. ‘

. '.'Jork E'Ingine 718 has just killed. a man by the name of Sizemore at
Eversole Crossing just west of Krypton. ‘.'.‘ill you please take signed
Statements of all witnesses including train crew, jus: as scoh as

‘ practical, sending same to me. '

_ . 1'2". A. hicDoviell.
g1. Rd!) '
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 _ L . t, 5 .. , d E t ’ j _ 1 ' 5 Fl52~lM 9-96
‘ _ xmg on an as em R211 way Co.,
/ ' I Z/ ' ‘
, M S Li. .__—_...STA _10N_.~.__._1.~ ”___..ng ( 7/
I. Name of person injured—~_.—%MJ>‘ ; , ___-___...Residence, ‘ %_1 gr...—
2. Occupation, -3. “M :.fiLw__rw_______~____—____.._______ __..—W j
“_...—___...— ' ____1__5*____-_____1 :5
M ,
y. errrrrrrrMWWwf Z7
_ 1 / n .
WZZM.M_:__£42~_.J_W_ _ _ .
4. Train No.WLocality (nearest mile post), MW
M._._____.__.__1__11__.__, , r
5. Date,_;?’L;-C-—L.WJL—————*—Tizrie (state hour of day or night ),W—m
6. Nature and extent of inj uriesj‘mflwwgw
7. “his WW caused by carelessness of the individual? If so, in what respect? (State rainywy
m M [J14 Q2; ft“: LAL._M4ALZM lgW-A (r géganm 22% f/
A2 2.2;; r97 it AW_‘_W a” fix @W («fl/o2 o
8. Was injury caused by carelessness of any employee of the Company? If so, in what respect? (State EUM/
9. Give name and occupation of such employee, ALWW 1
10. XVas injury caused by any defect in Roadway, Trick, Bridges, Machine ry, Rolling Stock, or equipment of any kind. If 50, describe [
nature of such defect fullnyL——~—.~m—_—r_mw- _.flL-_.__H,.—!‘ ,
I- —“ ___ My '__ -** ___ ’
II. Give the numbers and initial letters of thegrrs an Engines by which said “AA W m
was injured / C9 0 O / “i (O‘M ék I i,
o -/ '5
12 State whether the Cars and Engines that injured szlirl._L—(’/£Zfl45f74/XVXG’E’>:W . , , ,_,____,iv Were in gmd C(ymleriOH and
repair, and if not iigood order, state fully how and i what respects they or either of them were out of proper order—_—
Or 52 (I :3 g, 41 §% /Z}f}é7_mkkk W Jag L7, ,:Le1,11~_nhi -.
13. Describe character of weather (whether clear, cloudy, raining or mowing),-@%L_mw_sw_hhnu—V__—
14, Was any attention rendered individual by the Company or by its employees tbcscribc such attention full_vl,—_ ”_._.—
[§ 1 [g 44 MIA/WM; 1,_n,,_,,__WL,A;_,_‘__:____________éfl___
_M—‘wflge—A—m—VA— ___—._—
15. Give name and residence of attending Physician. _fl‘gg/L Mfigffl161£_ _M7Tf‘flfly—___
16. Give 11am 5 and rtsidences of all witneses in Company’s c ploy, ‘6} M~ ‘ 441;; ‘k_£/V§{L_._,.n_,n__
l7. Giv: names and residences 05,111 witneses not. in Company ‘.': Litill‘IH-T! LL L L .. . ’~ , , , _._.-. ,._
:8. Give any further particulars you can in regard to the ‘anses which led to this injury; state if the individual was deaf, blind, intoxicated \
o'r asleep %LJM_WL%I.&LW¢JEA£_ JZ‘%_M
MWAQ_A§£¢/\_/olkvxv>cgfl4 .4 ’k’\ {TI WI 6x W\L4:.\s.
I Mfl1Wfllfi.-—i ,,,-MW ,.€>‘L__ 19315511, 2244*} (l/ M Mam/u.
/ . ‘ ’ ‘ E - ‘
' I. m . - r _ “#1430._f_\:‘sé_tm__(f/M_j\:- ,, (KW? «xxx/v , ,.
_-wWLMLL~Ki4%M___—L_n—_;*n“-‘ : ,.
Sign name AMLMJYLng’AJLC/im JV} M
OccupationWW.——WW __..—_... __..—.—
(OVER) ‘

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STA TE OF ___fi WWWWWVW “__,“?
,. .93.

f COUNTY 0F_ __ , , _____

‘:' Personally appeared before me, a Noiarg/ Public in, and for said County
and State, du’y appoim‘ed, commissioned and qualified according to law, tbe above 72a772ed*___l______r_,
wbo being duly sworn says that the matters stared in. foregoing report are full and true.

Sworn to and subscribed before 97Le___v____.__,_W__MVM__M__M_V,_._,__r~___._.l___#--fl__,___,___-.“


this ,_.___-,n~___day of;________________f*18
' ’ ___%__ in.W_”hormonalmwi“__,,____,_____.i W, Notary Public

 ii‘lEQ-IM 6-10
Lexmgton and Eastern Railway Company,
’,‘ , ”h 3" . l ,
n). 4 ‘ . - ‘/ , 1.77 17,.
. f “Al—1.4:”. . 0 , .- .5‘7>177(}Nc9’/ . // \ .»’ a," 19 fl~
1. Name of person injured“_::-’:'_f:‘(fgw4fi;L444