xt73bk16mf8w_453 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [320] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [320] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_44/Folder_14/5293.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_453 xt73bk16mf8w - ' '4 3 3/ /‘ "
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September 19th, 191127,.
0. :1. Pollurt, 39341., " '
£2 0 /3
Jr ,‘.-'30 (1, 3473;.
Devr Sirz— ‘
Sicr3“o\'.“‘,‘;n. vurmmm serrvet‘: or: our agent :‘L Euchre}: at
10:55 Inf. 3hr 1279.21, 7‘.-'1 4341454 mm of nhv Commom'ealth vs. ‘u‘hr
3.5.» 2123114.":234 Co. , -.I:*:'=o:. S,- Hanger Gomnzmy, and Armstrong 3: Bragg.
. "30 you '_’:‘or 52tte3n‘i-inn.
15.111“? truly,
,4 1'17 )
,,, Q, / f6) y/
// ¥ IA/ Ok/rvx x9
V Air, 3 e . (27‘ U
incl. /
:5 / _
COO: 30
S.J.Y.‘*' 13031, 384;}. ,

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$1,117,174 770,. 477/ (/7/70/1/7717/ gay-177m, .51;

'I‘TORNEY A’l‘ LA‘V - ‘ . V .
..mmm. m. .L. j n; ‘ V.,!) '. ' , _
[,._ x- 7;" ‘ fl:b/V”¢ ' ~ ‘ ' ‘ . '1::7‘32'3‘50d

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' ‘ '1 I T v. f ., _ L _ e I . . Z ' ,. . L l, , L 57.01}
. ‘7 '.’-1, , ::‘ _ L. _ I. ~ , _ .‘ Q . . ,g . . ‘ . A \ ) D 01K).
.‘ ’.,‘n :w: u _,. > ~ '2 _. ~I >' , a w n .4: .5,
of June, ‘ ' ;‘ .V ' . . , '.. ;: J i» A ,7: ' ' ”i931“?
: I j '. ..‘ Irv v . ¥ ‘ I V ‘_ "I “ ' ,‘.. ..:O
" : . ' , x _, :‘ your

 L- , :1“. (:11 I I:
o. n. POLLARD ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _ 0
ATTORNEY AT LAW W1/ 5/ 2 ./_ 3
.!A(‘KHU.\'. KY. V. /
E. ,MrsL‘C‘
“y f ‘ {K}, .‘,; \- 'V‘ '.‘ Z a r ‘..‘ .
E .
Kay 89th, 1915.
Judie S. H. Wilson General Counsel
) , 9

Toxington, Ky.

Dear Sir:~ indictment vs. I T K. Ry. Co. ior obstruoting

I call your attention to the fact that the nrooese
upon this indictment was executei upon ir. Jameson, station
ament of the L 3 3 iv. Co. at Jackson. I do not just e'ectly

L, L J /
know what the status of the 1 a 3 find L & H i: with reference
to each other and with reierenoe to the nublio. Ii Ir. Jameson
is rot the agent of the I & K the service of this “rocess
may be guashea, b7 the pro;er affiiavit. I Submit this for
your consideration. .

;oure truly,
CCF?I 'to 17. 11. Kiel). ‘
- .,. ~,_, \

' ,. ‘ ‘ , »1’—MM . “

. y" ‘ _' . J ,‘ .
kM, , y . J. g;.;ir,wm :‘3 Wu xv '»4,_¥

« ‘ F
-. .w-" / é,.
‘ l .« 5) '
_ ' ' Hay 38th, 1913.
Judge 3. H. Wilson,
Texingtrn, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Herewith I enclose you c03y of an indictment found
against the Iexington 3 Eastern Railway Co. at last term of court
for delivering liyuor to person other than consignee .
< I call your attention to the fact that this consignment
\of whiskey was an inters ate shipment find under the federal Ttrtutes
! v
f . .t . 1 .
i the carrier%es the right to deliver to tne conSignee or on the
! consignee's order. I do not know xhether this order should he
verbal or written, neither an I advised as to whether we can prove a
verbal order. Ly iniormation is we cen\hy 1r. Filand, iorner Cfent
/‘ ..E
of the L d E. at Jackson. .nder the fly. tatups the carrier can
deliver to nune excejt the person to whom the liluor is consigned.
there is another uestion that fie want to raise in this
aaééeT nnmely: Cain Folly to Uhvfl the liiuor was delivered is a
licensed drayman. It occurs to me that it might be well to grove
'fifls fect;nm_urgeiqwn-fimaCourtidm yosifisnAhetlm Umsour
connecting carrier (being a common carrier) and a delivery to him
. was not a violation or the 13W. I will he pleised to have your
Opinion wi*h reference to this matter. This case is also set for
trial on the third day.
l have two cases involving the same duestion before said
Court/appealed from the Tolice Court. I hone you will load yourself
for this matter and he on hand to assist me. If you are unehle to h<

V 515.9
I» all. W‘ ‘if—‘4 0
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001%” to A. 340;).

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,::»:MZHT. I'-’7,.‘.3.V'.’» 5.9”. Gut.- '._.)IJ-mhv 0.2. .:_,LQMIJ.
_35331'802‘1 '.’31“.‘-.1".3C‘ i I; (30315::‘1‘, ENG.
Layingto J ~fl$tQVfl KriIwafi.
"‘7‘ , ‘..F k V: 1,”... - 1‘. . 4: - _ . ’ . :y. LL‘ .. ¢ ‘ 1'_ ‘.,. I ‘1 . ‘2‘. ...'.b
“He Id;HLI “L59 of uffihuhltt \4uu. L, THAI:.,I,¢A; n; hf igu; dtuflfxb:
~ 1 ‘ 7m 7‘.; . I... . .. I, . .‘71 L ,«1' ., 14 a ' -, ;,. - -1 ,. . ..:=
1.): ILL‘V“ \IIJI:.4I\Orer‘n‘“iii' T 23.1. I MIL HEW-‘5 | “(1011.12 ‘ klztub'dzg _‘: -7Iv‘..‘-‘LV’:..H\.I.L .-'1J..I.5.‘O: (I ‘33.
+3131? 01.16125!” (If vatuii'y'fiifiat LIAM)». LC .‘..Lx‘, ! LCM-0': LO 22:380.;1‘: Omsk" E. 1:; _’Z‘.L-
; V ,. u ”.:./._. . _ 1, .1 A“ ‘ .- ,, ,:Ju-u ‘ , , '-, 2 _L.. 4., -..'.a.
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Lax BiTUulL pluruagiu, mi” .H;Aw-uTI, 1:“ EiLIuAIJ HellvaI Inuoaxcatla;
1*, - h, 5pr 1.. w‘ ,.., ‘ {.', . H... ,. :- ’k .. ‘7. ' 13:} .,,; . ‘1, .
ElgflLOf8 m1 W..}: 01.4.3 $3114.21 81.4.25. ,L.JuO..:.~ ‘L' .1 .4.? 11 silk-Inna 51.1223. 81:1. 33‘“ 10
f", . , , -'; ‘ :. 3,. ...~ \ -:... I: ‘2. .4. .‘,? 44.x”. ~,.
aiex L_:natt, flulu ‘fikhndtfih . utgjflafl w lLLOUJ UNLHQ n“ 9Ilu Lana »szgud
.: '. . i,“ - . . h ,_ .,, -:. v I ‘ ~." “.,.: ,'. ._I. . .1- '.y C A C.. ; . ”..'H. 'I
.I.!» 0;..11...‘mt3.3’2;‘; m 1':")..LCO-rli alhd 11‘.-.‘.;311v.il.f'.1?1,45 ‘1 sunfl‘Ot J..:A $334 I}. (301i.:fl:.;', Sf'ia‘

7..“ :..,‘!..., .‘:.“, . ....h_\t:: .‘v‘mb ..,... .‘3 -‘. -.. I .._ _,»»,
lngLZOl‘B iL-RVJIIIQ; L‘S’fL; 55..4.; Lv‘Q‘J. ‘.'.) »:: ’.‘.‘a «‘5'; dz: U" a 5."lw 37'11413‘ ' '_s'L-J 39.11.343ch
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CS :JQOVI“ ‘céti‘u LJIlL. ‘..14 VLOL'»LU!I 11,: .'I 12.0" : Or‘IuLU)’; _I_u'..$“‘. Oi anti: Lei/1L Qi

(:‘y'i‘rx 1:.-1: ‘. w ‘.':c'w .: ”4,., :,. -" .1'1 {'.‘ . ,: . ,M. ' '- . ”.‘-_._ >4, . .~ “I ‘L- V:
ALAIHCJQ, whicu EULA wwgu LA ELI; Adrcn .H aslu CQHLL; 5L H.Lu, tufi ELLE
«.- I». . = x» ...‘ .- .. I 1' ...M': .‘.. ..M'a ...:w .., I I .- ~ . ._ .w.
ququzz; {Mailqg 2,110L1g, SELL~Lklu LU .IEAI ,1H11"1SGIAI Iv; H’.Id. .I;;x ;xerzgtyz.

w- .‘1 “‘,..,Lb .. .I.; = - _ I I: V .‘ '- z .I. .4 z ._ . ,CV —. .. ...“ .C '3 ':
vwhtlmfé is LEE 103m J1 AL I Lube In SMCC cwsa mauv and iflviuéu
a’: '1 r (1“‘1 “ ”If" 4 2». .~ mph“. * «.5 1’24 w’ 4 I s-F‘ -’ 'r~ n «In .. rh' ~ '9 4 ‘»- v» "' ' »- iv «a -‘-c- I
p.114 33./(411;; Max: ‘ ..‘mw. 211...! I: ,I.(‘_;I1..'..v“, 'H. ' [V.I'.'..J.'10rni (1.1;; n; LII. €73:-Ju(:~.._; a
;,L,‘ g ‘1,- o ’.I CELTI'Ozt.
‘-5):;.f.0“'1.va~.1._.l. ;n '1. 140.141“; . . ~' 1:7.‘1 ::\1",_L;;_I_ I,

ATTORNEY .\'1‘ LA\\'
JACK-um. KY. ‘
r .7 r’ '
' 3../Z@Z( /€;. L2/-53
‘ \
. ; ."
_ i A . 3 w r? 31“.:L‘;:3 ; “
I" f I"
“3.. l :7) , /
\ :gL- _H' ... ' . ,.- _,
Lay :U31, 1935.
Judge 1. 1. Wilson,
A -- ..,-f - «.J- n » “..
. 6,4. 1.31;: W31 , Ly.
Dear iir:~

31nd encloscd ofiice c0yy of an indictment :cfiuuncfl at the
February term againat fihc :ouisville and Icehville 1ai;way Co.
charging it with the offense of nuisance by obstructing a public

Chis in&ictment is set fur trial on the second Qcy of the
term which is the 5rd day of June. It will not be reached, hcwever,
before the 33d or éfih day.

;lease 0 scfull; con.ilcr fihis indictment and aflvise me
just as soon as gossible that motion: fio make anJ Sdnfi me much
authorities 33 you find Sifilicablc/tc ugc on dexurrer 10 same.
I have ncfi run down the wucfition involve& in thi: case anfi an
relying on you to advise 'e witl :cicrcficc to fihe law.

Tours t::':,
icyj to L.L.IOD.

 11 . 1
L: 1
1| .
1 1 1
1‘ .
.1 1
i 1
1 Fe {11‘111 117 _’uz’ix. 1915 . 1
11 Breatuitt circuit Court.
:1 ‘1
1 The Com onwealth of Kentucky 3 1
1 lgciuist ) 1
11 Louisville & ouohville Quilroud, ;
1 1 1
1 (u corporation) ) 1
1 1. , n - . 1 .. , 1 w . _ 1
11 QKLOJSlOfl Oi LcXinmtou & eastern Lailcoad.
1 Q a corgoruticu)
1 Bio ”rand JuPJ oi BrcatLic» vOUHBJ, in 133 1
1 ‘ ‘1 L _._ 'L ' 7 ' J ’ -- " n r' \r 1121‘ 2 " ’1' '.'“ 1' ~ 1V 'r n - 1‘: E
1‘ male onc od LAC autubflcj cl tie ecu Ouwcw 1 cl Lcucucia, uCCu~E1
1 Louisville Q Lauuville L ilroad, extension of Lexington & Lect-
1 con Luilroud o: the o;ionce c; nuisance by obecruccing piolic road
:1 aou_ithd as follows, to-Wit: 1
1 luot said Louisville & nashvillo Leilroeu, fix-
91 tension 0; Loxiufiton-L Lactorn Quilrcod on the 15th day of Feb-
? ruary, 1915 in tge county and circuit aforesaid, did unlawfully
1; wilfully, reueotedly, cootinucule, reoeatedly and Lor a long
a - 1 ,, _; 1 . 1 ; , _ , ,- x - :1 ,, _, *1 - .. ,1 ‘7 1 ' 7‘ ”:': :7 . ' g
11 tile ooocruct LLC :AUllC uiguoey leooiug lPOu cue “Cubh LL otrong c
1 Branch in said County to £10 Line Luxuel in said County, said
1 n - - 1 W n ‘v ’= A: .1 .1 r :1 n ,- x V .1. .3 - 1 : .1
; couocd rouu coil; lOCwaQ our in tre COdfler anu not OGLuL a por—
” tion oi any SLPGCL or ailey of any town, which obstruction consis-
g ted o; railroad tracks and cide tracks and buildings upon, along
1 1 and across said count; road, and which obstruction constitute a
1 public nuisance and prevent the :Peveliug public from the use and 1
1: 1.
» cugoy out of said county road, and which ObSLructious consisted 3
101 excavations along and upon Said gublic road, and also of stone‘
11 r- .I . I ,\ -, , . 7. . v c . ,,. .' 1 A ‘ ‘ - 1
1 one dirt afld OLth material Doing piled upon and along and across a
1 said county read, all of which grevents the Qublic iron the use 1
? 1
51 ., ‘1 . .- ., .. ‘ .1 . , .: ’.. - J, _- -. - 1
one GflJOJmUflL o1 maid pOPblOD ox tee public Poaa. 1
11 1
11 1
1’ _ 1
1 1
1 3

 ‘ ti 5
- i '
A 1
l' I
c ‘1 i
i‘, Contrary to the Lorm oi” L310 eta—tute- in such c;..;c ”mic and
=j provided, and against the goacc and dignity oi the Cowzomiealth E
of ;Lcntucky. ?
2! - a
__M Q. Jolmoon, __ I
‘ , I ‘, ,7- . ‘1- : E‘._
Coiizlozmcultn o ALLUI’LlUy, dfiro Juuicicl blot.
K i
L! j
, ;j i
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. g; f
, 1
1: .
i ‘

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 ' FORM l—Revised July, 1909 ‘
' (Ii/{issageg which tilrcLaepare‘me'unncfcessfirgéo! thatdglid gc sergt tbydTmtinfL'i‘ziial, wilitztei trapsmitted and '
‘ - , ‘ st ‘ x In . tt ' .
TELEGRAM ””“‘ ”““’ y “ “P‘Eee lhii°3aflnd céSSiZ‘i‘Mam‘éJ‘spé'rEui“ it. i’m. ““‘” °“ °”‘ °“"°“ TELEGRAM
0‘, {Ft ,
.MWl“ Whitesburg Jan 14-15 '
Samuel Wilson
General counselor
. ' - Lexington ‘ '
i . . Cases against Lexington & Eastarn for
‘ v41 ' - . .
_ o>stlict1ng roads Wlll not be tried this term of court n2
‘arrangments made
> Jesse Morgan .

 2 K , ./ /
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DD. 1‘1 1;;L,.12):~3 «‘3». SON 'f
. K _VLAWW/EBS /,V_#-fl - ,, j‘flff; ‘\
WilTESBURG.KY. :7; ”_‘fi ¥
‘. , ,\ V
1. flngl’b” /3 .
a i»
Jan. 3rd, [9Lg.'
Samuel L. Vllson, Esq.,
Lexiupton, Ky.
Dear Sir:- «
l ennlosc you horeVLtn, copies of three inalvt-
menus vgninst the L & E., wn*cn 1 failed ta calL your at-
tentinu ta, vu Le RGTE, 1L0 y.1 “ALL uoL;ce LL“t L-e Gom-
Dan; is befare the Sgurt on LT; of them, ana not Lne other,
and tha; tun cases FTC set for tn; 3rd cry of th Legals?
r‘ 9'" ‘ J \
‘ . . _ v v l \ , _ V . , J 7 [5.1”
lerm, WHLCM WLLI LC Lne lytn any of Jana ry. /7W¢r’t i . . . .. ....l .Term, to answer an indictment for .EW . . ..
found against. . . 4C . . i . . . .in said Court. % M
Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this , . /.Z . . v . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . _ V .\.
Summon the following witnesses for the Commonwealth: . ‘:2/r? ..“‘ . v («Lei/PKRAWX
,// // /‘, , /
to appear 37% ..day,191.L $7 ,

 Qi Summons on Indictment ,
it \ W I
\ \§(\\ tag“; ;50A The Commmonwealth of Kentucky ;r
\. CI i. .’"?” 1‘:». 6 ///7V V‘
“{W gig Qfifir man /
‘ ‘ ii \ifl’ 9%} 9i? Any Sheriff, Coroner, Jailer, Constable, Mal'shal’or Policeman of this State:
3 i ’E’i’ Y h - b 1 1 - W .9; 451’:
m on are me ycommanc et to’summonfl i ./_ .
,— , /Q
\ to appear in the fizzrgl/C/ . . . . i . . . ., i .. .. Circuit Court on the m of its next
V E g7/42V.. ......Term, to answer an indictment for W
found against. . . $6 . . . i . . i in said Court. /, g ' M
Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this . / 22. V. ... ...day of ...‘, .V. .‘. ..
Summon the following witnesses for the Commonwealth:, . , . . . i . . . . . . . i . i ,. .. .......~....
toappear. ..day,191.i .

 l 1
3% Summons on Indictment V,
-, j\\§ \\ The Commmonwealth of Kentucky ,
‘ Q _1'“ ’- :.;. _, '1 (\ ,"‘ ‘_l
‘ kfil 1‘: , \“13' “\2 / .
§l:g\ l: WEE? ,/g¢% CIRCUIT COURT
W \[1 “a {$115211 ,’To Any Sheriff, Coroner. Jailer, Constable, Marshal or Policeman of this State:
‘\ § "';Z>,.e;1;;~1_'7l/ You are hereby commanded to summon. . M M» V 1 ~ - -
x to appear in the .We .7, . .1 . .1 .... .1 . Circuit Court on them' of its next
é ...11.........Term.toansweranindictmentfor WM
\ 7
found against. . . 4 .96 1. . . . . .in said Court. /
Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 1 .. .L .1... ...day of ..1. . 1 . 1 . .
Summon the following Witnesses for the Commonwealth:. 471.74. . /3 . .““lireezne 4m
._......e.______ .’.:./_.._. / __.. _ - , ,,_... __..,....-‘........-.
to a ear. .....j.7.§\. .. ..da ,191.
pp ‘ y 3‘”g £9214“: ..,:26...Cle1'k.f§.

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.1w '1 ; .A- _ ;x J“) (, .7. 1.‘ C)". ._11 ,’ J ;‘L,\ ‘1‘.r~‘/ u‘w": 4b ‘,'r}i"' ';0 S'J(L‘J(:
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I..'M~.:;':; angst“.

 " Summons on Indictment H
. «NW PM
The Commmonwealth of Kentucky V.
J? - .V. r’ “ F» I
t - ‘ ‘..-V“: -- “\ \Vr
: 1'”)?th 111/Ufa.....VV.......V.-_-....CIRCUIT COURT
”I“: LgTO Any Sheriff, Coroner, Jailer, Constable, Marshal or Policeman of this State:
\v: i 7 You are herebycommanded to summon..V.... ..
w x A :7 ,_\» //j
r W /V ; b-x, z. W
to appear in the . W901, . . . . V . . V . . . .V.. ... Circuit Court on themy of its next
"I M .
ZL/fl‘V/. ......Term, toansweran indictmentfor 4W7
// l
V..-._._..--‘V_’.‘_ _____-.__
fcpand against. . . . . .:." /. . . . . . .in said Court. .
Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this . V . ./Z././L. . . . . V Vday of V M. V . . .
...IQLZ ¢ /-"J V
By V. ... .V. . 0.0.
Summon the following witnesses for the Commonwealth:. .
,.7 * 7 [,1 .,I/
to appear. ..% . . . . . ..day,1913' 5 /‘
...../ /°a{-éb47/A7r‘..01erk,

 \ ~... ~ ,7 \
No.35. KC. . . . . ..
97?: / W’QZM
against I Summons.
T051641. ( . . ,Term, 1913‘

(h‘ngulnl') ‘v ’
/ N
% Term, 191/
The Commonwealth of Kentucky. . . Plff. ,
Zl/ \ , \ , , _\
'» VMVY/f/m W $01.49“ Indictment
( / / .
_ A fl< / Deft.
’l‘ho Gut-ml J mw nfwg’% , . (V'mmty, in the nzmw and by thu authority ny‘
,, the Commmnvuu’lhh of Kwutuulgv, :u-rusu V {:Lflngj. /4:*’\ 7“ £24gfl7/P71/ 7
fl ' '=" ”7
~ . . ~ ___ V of tllt‘VW. . 01/_9% 1)} ‘
P5~ . ,. k ‘ /
-,,— W; Q.)’7 :’:/1 ;Q‘Z.¢nj.%f Wig /(f .
,,~ , ” / ’
' J ‘ / . V / V_ L 7 " .
é/ /’ ”a W ' '
committed in muimvrnml form as fullmvs, \'122 Thu said WW 5 %
. V . . V m1 ths» /7/ (luynl‘ WV
I‘JIVVVIV, .., in the vomit-y ut'urusnid, did unlawfully VV/UZ>MQ / }7_LV//Lfip
» 5" f - ,V r‘ , r 1,?)
W)? “27% 7’ \ « "7 ‘
\ / - “7%
against the pouce 21nd dignity ntl' Hm (Imnmnnwealth nl' Kvntncky. W
J/‘zaa \

 t .
W' ‘”'”“ ' ‘ ’ '"— S'J‘EPS ' 3
N0. .394 E 1 ‘ . '. ; ._
t /W Circuit (.‘ourt. H H V H V -f 4 ‘ _ 7:3,
The Commonwealth of . .. .. ,1 1. - : ' 4t ‘ r
Kentucky " .5 1. (f
’Indiet-ment . .. ,. .. : ' J
vs. ' 1 L '-
.'_. ¥ _ V