xt73bk16mf8w_454 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [321] Jesse Combs v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [321] Jesse Combs v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_45/Folder_1/5358.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_454 xt73bk16mf8w ‘\ / 4 ,. “,.’ “ 4 , , / / 3 "‘ '1 .
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5 .gé/mraé 6mm”? 1'_-'— ,
. [/
Joly 14, 1913.
;koors. Wootfion & Morgan, éfitornoys at law,
Hazard, Ky.
éuswering your favor of the lflfih inofianfi, in regara to
suit of 30330 Combs, ioninistrator of Ja‘o Whitlook v. Hason &
Huxsfi Comoany ané 3. & 3. Railway Comfiany, E onelooe hexawith round
trip yoga for Dr. Taylor Burot an& a one—way flags for the colored
man which it is propoooé to take from fiexington to Hazard, Bofih
paosos are good until fiuguofi 513%. .

4 From my file in thio case, it does not oypoar that we
have over preyazod or filoa any insmor, but when tho? is fiono we
ought, of course, to be careful to deny that Whitlook has over diea.
In the event this aofiion shoulé be Qofeoted, to prevent the in—
otitution of any soooné motion for fiho floath of the negro aofiually
killoé, I think we oughfi, if fictoiblo, yak off a trial of the case
unfiil after the m éalo of Qofiobor noxfi, fihough this may nofi be'
aboolufioly indispensable in order to mafia a plea of limifiotion
ovailshle to us in &ofcnéing any futuyo oofiion. Be sure, hOWeVOT,
no? fio overlook making a fliroot ioouo as $0 the death of Whitlock
hi r1301 '.L” .

Very truly yours,
:7': *"/A

 7‘ 2] ~ . , [I ., . _,) /V_ ,. . :' ..U, _,
.‘_/1 ,/ ‘ _.‘; ‘:“I-,- ‘ ,'
' WOOTTON & MORGAN /~-~-~*~-:«7~
Aiinrnmgs at 75am . " t *1 374 L; . ' '
HAzARo, KY. ‘ _ _ A ___/fa 11:/3.
‘ fi.’.5tfl£:fifif'fi
July 12, 1913.
Hr. Samuel H. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
One of the cases pending against the L & E. Ry. Co. in
Perry Cmcuit Court, is styled Jesse Combs, Admr. of Jake ?hitlock,
deceased, vs. Mason & Hurst Co. and L & E Ry. Co. This is a
personal injiry case in which plaintiff claims is deceasedent was
blown up in a powder explosion at the Hoskins tunnel. As a matter
of fact, it was not Whitlock who was blown up but anoth r negro,
- and Whitloch is living. We have located him at LiXinston and we
J h I.. X g, I
5 wish Dr. Hurst, who is interested in this case, to bring the negro
§ up in this country and keep him until the trial. Dr. Hurst knows
3 where he can place him for safe keepinq until we can get our hands
E on him when we want him. So please haVe a pass sent to Dr. Hurst
g from Hazard to Lexington and return and also a pass irom Lexington
' to Hazard for the negro. Make the Egsgpggggflungil Aug. 51, as
WW ’ ‘ ‘Wfiew-qaflyw- '
' Doctor will stop the negro off somewhere before he sets to Tazard.
EYou need not put the negro's name on the pass as we do not wish any
0 H tene to know he is living. just yet.
, 4__ 453‘
Inpijku _
if“ Please sent it at onee,-as we want this matter attended to
before the-negro gets away.
Yours Very truly,
: ,. . . :f/7' ,‘ ‘1 .'
new/:2.. /

 ’1 -AU/yZ/lflmy) (W/U/x .. ////////// ”’”/W57
l // _l,/h> 4 , L, z ,
,',f; EEZaumw/Wégfifiez' '
" ~ .,‘/[rsfiai/zrfl/fimakyI/W 1,115/7/(w //,
/ /
’Hfifi " October 28th, 3.91:3.
0% .2.; .l r /;
Wootton & Morgen, é ,a:;-».» ‘m M
, Hazard, Ky. , I,
Demr Sire:—

Encloeed yleeee find summons eeIVed on our agent at E; erd,
on October 36th, in the ease of Jesse 3.00mbs, Administrator, against
this Company. John Hurst, and R.E.iaeon.

till you kindly send a copy of the petition in this case to
Judge 8.1.Hileon end to me.

Youre truly,
l Ml WWW (1e
"‘V ”b ' ”.w/M/ V y'bL/\¢L/ a
Generel fianeger.
;Encl. '
£0022 TO ,

 3 l/ :'L' , . _ ' ‘ i
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>9 S .> _ . ,.’. ,-' 'II. 4: Ps2],- i‘; .~ 1? ‘ ‘L- ’1": f .2 1"“ 48; ;f ,f ,. l
mu. -.- . ~ ’ ‘ < x‘ u» ' ‘ ‘ ' -" "' ‘ ' '
.:qo TON & MORGAN A . (_w (
I' ’4“ \\ I r l < ’7':— C/t‘ 3 {/9 i! f? ’; h “-. I. ‘ kt - V i
\3 Likfintrtpus at 41121111 ,4"; Jr ,- .2 *‘z Viv, s ’ / “2) , r” . 2 ~
-. .,,,. ., .. ... . ....v ‘-:A--<-~~r“~ '-'“" _- ". in} 5’
\ HAZARD, KY. g .»- 2. _. ‘
fix ' ‘ x, . . l
x ‘ ( ,
Kai _ ‘ . \n . ;
3 _j ( ,
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-'>{ “’ 3 2‘ ’ .3
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~ ' g ; i..f. :3 . . Vi]. {1011,
“a“ ' . “ "‘
2 {2. , . 1: 2 2 1 ‘_ , 1 ,
;- z 2 Gen . Counsel oi 1.». (it y“, . fly . Co . ,
3, t.
mg . . ' - .- . 2. . 1. ~~ ‘ ,w
Lexington, neatucny.
s.) '1) ‘ , f
.__\a ’ ,

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./ ' \



2 Jesse B. COIL'th, Plaintiff,
3 , ,._, ",.._..-1..T n M, .., _,_ ._

VS. 17502.10]; 23:: 25:77:21 l?.a‘l‘.£;=.‘¢.'(ifl 11103:. FM?..IC;.37‘IC
Mason & Hurst, and V

5 Lexington & Eaatarn Railway Company, Defendants.
e ____*~___~~--__-_

7 Defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Com-
8 pony, moves the Court to requiro plainfiiff to make the

9 petition more Specific in the following partéculars, to~
10 wit: I
ll 1. By Showing whothar the decedent, Jake Whifilock, wag
12 employed By Mason & Hurst or by the Lexington & Busfiorn
13 Railway Company, an& if by both, by showing when said

. l4 Thitlook was employed by ono of the defendants, ana when

15 by fiho other. '

16 2. 33 showing what agenfi or vgents of this defendantq
17 if any, undertook to proviso oireotly or otherwise the
18 process of thawing oaifi oynamite arouna said fire.

19 W~m~fi,flflflm,*.~fi__-._
20 ..,. __._ ..,.-._.....W
21 Counael for defendant,

22 L a R Railway Company»




l PERI-1‘1.” CIRCUIT ()(‘iUII'L
2 Jesse B. Combs, Plaintiff,
3 .
vs. ESHX'BIs‘aL 13311113311331?
4 V
5 liaison €0fh’111"$j§,£:n([ ‘1 ‘ . . w ,
Lemné'guon 8: nostarn dailvmy Oompy‘ny, i381v1ndant8.
6 ______-_._._.__.......
~ 7 Defendant, Lexington é‘c Eiaotmm Pmilway Company,
8 (lemurs specially to the petition upon the ground that
9 there is: a deified; of parties 3‘slzzinti‘j‘f therein apparent
10 both from the Izap’izion anti. tho body oi‘ the petition.
11 “WWW—“.._.“.— I
13 Counsel for defendant,
14 L 2‘: 31 Railway Cor-"11751213.,
18 '
27 ,

2 Jesse 13- Combs, Plaintiff, ’
3 vs . GENERAL 33777113237123 -‘
4 . , '
Mason & Hurst, an&
5 Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, ‘ Defendants.
6 ------~----—~ t
7 Par. 1. Defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Com—
8 pany, demurs generally to the first tags of the petition,
as the said first page apparently constitutes the first
9 1 .
10 paragrsph of the said Pleading, upon the ground that same
. \J
does not stnte facts sufficient to constltute any case
of action against this defendant.
12 »
Par. 2. Defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Com-
pany, demurs generally to all of the netitfion except the
first page thereof, same appenring to eonstntute the
second paragraph of the seie Pleading, upon the ground thrt
' \I
16 same does not state facts sufficient to constitute any case
17 of action rgainzt this oefendsnt.
18 Per. 3. Defendant, Lexinrton & Eastern Railway Com-
19 pany, demurs generally to the petition as a whole upon the
20 grouna that sane floss not stote feats sufffioient to oonsti- '
21 Late any cause of action Pgfi‘nst this defendant.
22 _..-- -“,_-N,m .-“-n-.____«.«__
' 23 ..._—..._... .-.—.-1.......~..~._...._—— -.~—..._.- -.__—___—
Counsel for Defendont,
L & E Railway Company.
29 .

2 Jeago B. Comba, Plaintiff,
Mason & Hursfi, and
5 Lexinfifion & Nast&rn Railway Company, Defendantg,
6 ~~_w*~h_-----_
7 I Defanflant, Eexington & Raatarn Railway Company,
8 movnn the Courfi for a rule againmt flhe wlafintjff, Jesse
9 LB. CombsI to require him to Show cause why the.pefiifiion
I 10 harnin whamld nofi be diamissnd for error €n the eavfiimn
11 thereof, or fihwt the plainfiiff be required to amend the
12 capt%on of the petition so that name Shfi7l conform to
13 the body of the pefiétion.
14 _.w,__~.mw~_."_mm*.~fiw*m-m.“mm*
. 15 _,...‘~m__~.._n_..m_”._.,w.-.w_._.,...._WMMW
Counsel for aefenaunfid Lox-
16 inatzm c”: 1725;:3’5381'1'1 Railway Co .
18 I
24 'I
30 \

'7 ,
2 31380 3. Combs, Plainfiiff,
3 ~- "- ’ ':1'” 1‘ 1’!“ (1 mm’ 17'71
Vi: . 111‘.) .; 4'. '.)L .‘..U x'.‘ 1.: “£42.31 ‘
Mason c"; Hurst , 211141
5 Lexington & Eastern Railway Cumpuny, Defendants.
6 ___--___--_____-
7 Defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Com—
8 puny, moves fiho Court to strike out of the yetition all
9 that part thereof appearing on the iirfit page ccmflonoing
10 with the worde "the plaintiff Jesse 3. Combs sfivtes” and
11 an& mg with the WOTflS, at fihe bottqm of saifi firsfi pygfi,
12 "between the mouth of First Creek anfl 4% Bhe mouth of
15 Secon& Creek”, anfi also the wards on the Second page of
14 fihe petifiion, and in fihe cighfih ana ninfih lines iron the
15 bottrm of saifl pare. 10~witz "high explogives”; also the
. ,. - , . M .4.
16 word on the thirfi waae of the petiilon 1n the thfilfuh
y « fl» ..‘}. n ”r - e:
17 line from the toy oi said nga, to~n10, ewp1081VGS .
18 Defendanf bases its motion aforesaid upon the
1- . '1 4, «r 4 ' .“1‘ 0 we vh “1v iraom e~
19 gronna tnat said Horas and uliag_1ionv a: yJCi a 4 P
flout, irrelevant, immaterial unfi improper.
22 . me-.......-m-wWi_.
23 . Counsel for defonfianfi,
L & 3 Railway nonpany.
26 ,

2 Jesse ‘3 Combs. Plaintiff,
3 , .
Mason & Hurst, and
5 Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, Defendants.
6 _____-_~_“______
7 Defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Com—
8 pony, moves the Court to strike out of the petition all
I 9 that part thereof appearing on the first page commencing
10 with the words "the plaintiff Jesse h. Combs States" and
11 ending with the worae, at the bottom of saia first page,
12 "between the mouth of First Creek and a? the mouth of
13 Second Creek", and also the words on the second page of
14 the petition, and in the eighth and ninth lines from the
15 bottom of said pogo, to-wit: ”high explosives”; also the
16 word on the third page of the petition in the twelfth -
‘ 17 line from the top of saia page, to—wit: "exnlosives”.
l8 Dofenflant bases its motion aforesaid upon the
_ 19 ground that said woris and allegations are wholly incompe—
20 tent, irrelevant, immaterial and improper,
21 -_...--.w-__.l-_._.._- , ---”..-_w.____.
22 ____,___ ._ _ ,_.»---M.............
23 Counsel for flef'onfln.n‘27,
24 L 6b 1) lim‘ 33.33%] Company.

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(’“‘. (’3?
i J 1‘ “
‘_'“ \L ':‘he pl airmif‘i‘, Jeszm 1’ , C _:mire, sari" that the Lexingt on
1 f‘ . - - , .
FCC; and Tbaetern Stairway C Ui’dpafiy , is. ;“;5. corpora-2.1, i m duly“ org ,'.-:1 1 5:60 25,1116.
6: 123'. ::t ing; unci 91 ::..nd ,,:»; a .,;.L‘n or“: r}: of the lax-“:5 oi" the State of Ken—
45; . 5“,. . .,C ‘ ." _ ,. , l ' ‘5 C. ' ‘ ‘
3 fl L300); any: that We sun. c ».erorati on has “90 e r unoer its charter
3: to sue and Ce 8 mod , o cntract :»MLL‘L ::e c ontracteci with , and to c on-
J a: uruct a m oprrute a rai lroacl ; that at 3.19 t ime anc‘: on Line (lures
’. ~_., ,C, .: ,, ...‘“J .. ...4» .: _ , 'g I.‘, ,,. : :i 1 ...4‘ “,.:, C... ‘r 3,.: .C . C, - ,.., 7 1:,, C “.
.- LCCJ e 4.55:3)». L561” .:nGIiuJ. oneo , [13:6 SHELL: (it; 9159191115,, “5Plxl;..;g'L-Ol.~ «;LHLCL .:;;LE: barn
3" ..3.“
,5 I‘éill‘TIaff C 1::;7'131'13' , 2111:; O'QE'JL'a him; the Racing}, 3N and 35'81‘531622‘1‘1 Raj. 1.»
x“ '
a: 5.5.5:,- : l Om 35.56-5{lhl’1'bun’HG :51; 13.111, Kentucky, and. t';-~..-::I:. the
2:23,“;ch extcnt (n, ("[1115 Lie-i mg: made , 1);;8‘365 thr (>..ng 376,“: '::-r)! C omity,
if, e nt uo 1:3: , '
".‘hé: olai not itf'i‘, states that on ul‘ tab ,11; the 1 ML Car; of [05/2,
em; 91' , 191?, 1:35.55 5 a LG dei‘iftl’ldilf t, Lagging t m and, East Lo ::"r: Re.a.il\“;a.y
o C , c5-L.o;.-C-g(l 11, .,o a, conbruc’: th‘u lLs CxJ—Qeftuldciiju nus on
58; Have: L, a, .5 mm 91" 1‘31 erao. c onLrac tors c 0430:1993; :3;" "r“. .E'IJTar-T on
one. .'1 firm R113"? t, i" or the ocnstr:.1n;:tl on of ”(an art “port i '11 of i LE
r0215; _1371D{j in Pa rry C ountg, Kentucky , and between the 112011211 01‘
, .
r 11“ 13‘; troy; am the mouth of Sec um; Creek.

e E c 2:) N D.

The plaintiff,Jesoe E. C mos, states that heretofore, on

MW,~—-—-----—w”"' ""”'“ ~«W V. W _ 4._“: _ 1 (,,_, .

, _ . _ . ..3 . , .
the let day of December, 1911, Jake Whitlock, Cid inteState a
“V..: . .. * ' ' ‘“" w-w—m .,,_ W- ..,“. ... «flaw—v:- _,,
reeinent of and domiciled in Perry County, Kentucky,

The plaintiff states that he was, on t‘ir‘l/‘th day 01‘ Oct
1912, in the County Court of Ferry County, duly appointee, exe-
cuted tone and qualifiee es the law CLrectu, as administrator
o: tge estate of the said Jagg Whitlock, and has been ever since,

and is now the regularly acting and only qualiiiea administrator
of the Said estate.

Cepies or tne orders of appointlent and qualification of
tnie plaintiff as administrator of the said estate will be leed
herewith as nert herexf if required.

The Ulaintiif states that the decedent, Jake Whitlock,

‘rmmi,wmiiimm, em., , ‘

(we fire- ’1'-‘4- 'J _. . . .
wee encloyen by the deiendnnts as a laborer in tTG construction
of that portion of the defendant Railway Company‘s road bed on
tint portion of its rig t—of—way lying between the Amuth of
First Creek and the Youth of Second Creek, as above referred to,
and that JP or about the let day at Veeember, 1911, yhile en- /, .,
‘ gegcc in the Said oinutruetion work, the Said defendants, their“ fiwgfifii’
agents, and employeee gave to the deceeent, Jake Whitlock, a ‘
large quantity of frozen dynamite ane directee him to build a
fire age than the said dynamite by warming them aroungtthe said
lire. He States teat the eaLd deceeent was inexperienceu in the
’ — i . .. . . .J_ ft“
a.manner and methods a} thaWihr Handilfifi or dSlnR dvnamlbe land
,. y . 4 u i .
,LJ ”Unlflh exnlOsives,'and nee no Knowleone or information With re-
; Spect to the use there“? in railroad worn ;r other work, and
4 that he so iniormea the said deieneants, unu that he would not
5" . 1 A. I -. . . .‘ .l . . r
. undertaxe tne bu ardvue worn of tnaeing said aynemite, until
tatter bring directed to do S) by the said defendants with the
v ‘I': (,., - ,.., -. ',,4. A-'—~. ..- ‘ ‘v .,‘ -‘ i, ' 1 ..,,“ ‘l ..‘, 4.15‘. , '
, ,e.shrante thdb t:e e was no manger in sale More anu thL said
*werk of thawing suit dynamite around Th open fire o;uld he done
’, .’1: l1
C .Vyfiw,vith safety im_with reasonable safety to himself9{xe ELaEtE that
/ ,.. Aw ,..~ '1:“ .
, "i; \ In W c
, W

 while the said decedent was engaged in the 'iocese of thawing 5
tie said dynamite around the Said fire unCer twe dirrct sucer- é, ‘
1 . . n » . _ .. , - . ‘:. _-‘_ .. _ ‘ _ r ,-. . ‘
,. \\\ Visiin o: me QeLenganis herein, awn an the lbt 0a; OI Decem- 2
,““ ? ,mimeMWu LMWVU, .“_.- W
; V3~n;;»‘* ter, 1911, ihe Saia dynamite exploded and the said 3349 Whitiocz
.'E‘ 3- f,“ N i I .
‘HHQaL-awhvi*i‘tx -1 : . . . ,- .. ~ .. _ ..~ - -V
;- fl .Jyas Luca anu Lhere infitantly Lillec my the saia explogion; he
i /’5\. . ,.
f ” szatos that there was aveafi manger in thawing the Said Qynamite a
5‘ ',. -'>- ».“ . I a 1,. ~. '- -: “ .4— , . m ”:1.-.._ 2r ,I ' n , :I 1,. .,1 *1
. f 111 DHC I.L‘;’\..;J:(?] 143:9 5:.-1.1.0 (iEC'fl‘O ("T1 LI \I'Ii-‘D Mil (1C «;C‘CL LO LJL(1\~J c3116. lialiule -
;them, but that tfie piaintiii qu ignorqtt 9! that faqu and tnut a
v the saiu Ge-endants, t 01gb well aware )f tie danger, CareleSSly,
negligencly ana wrungiuiiy, tailed to iniorm tne Said decedent “ ‘
“x /-7 . _..._“..-wIva-Mm“ “;,»-5 .. . ~».._-,,,.,,k., . f .;an ,, (m
~\\\ ~ - *"K - ‘ '” x 1 fffi? '1U4/,% ‘1é1.::;,;:égig
1‘t11e 5;“: «1:21.1111-917. W... A Wu {‘L/WW’irU’i'fi-E‘W WW “”’/7 r“ I " / I ,. ,
I — § M ..I / r l' ,
..: \ I: .. “”“‘“ ',‘ ,I , ,, ',...
V. ,.I U A ‘ :‘ 2.1-mag":- 5. ..._ _Awiafi'f. .515}. '1...” , ,— ‘ ‘,‘ (“““‘ .:i/,::,» ” /_— ‘ q I
i.' he’EtaLes that“t e dynamiteianu CKQlDSlVFSéfUTfilsfiGU the [Iii
‘ ‘ . .'1~A . ~ A 1 . .. “ . . “ , ~ _. 5" ‘ E
ceceaent,un phat OCCuSthpCOJIO not be thawec Jut saiely a; {épwigya,?z
...» ,_ ‘ | f:
at \'o? i 2?; ..~”
. 4 . ,.‘ . , ‘,_ . ;v _ 1 u 1 LIV-r ”aw i
With reasan&tle saiety to the said decoaenu i; ghgi way, aha - f
A twig fact was veil ;Lawn ta tie said defendan s tut wag wholly
V .. ‘ - .. .- ' . '... . I f 1 .‘ ;A
a QIAnOWn LU LAG said ueceucnt. i (1.f’ m , ‘_gwfwy
V .w . w“. .., »’gx. ,.‘ _ 1“, ~: _ , iffrgwwu .1 E"... 4,. .. fink-".:.i?:1va1’,:<>1 1‘
‘4' . W” .;t'.‘ 2 -. ' ,1. p: I ., ~:-.:.~ .,., \;_ 1 , . . .- r *3 "". ”(‘!'-Iv #51} * "."“. .-*7 , * ‘1,“
~ “,"1' fig 1'. , wit?“ .5 ' I. .1, i .V. _ x .‘ ..1 . a» i- :‘-- ’ :* - ,‘ ._ . 4,
z, 5 . I f He shapes than C16 firuss negliggucg ii ydfi/SJLQrQfiiGHdhnUS
V ,m‘r' ~, ; M. .3‘“ ‘1 ' , W-v—NVDNM“..,-1,.».-.“MP,_...,.,_, ,. _ w ”Mfr / "’
iin failing to instruct the said decedent in tie LrJUOT manner,
vi“ .4 w
p f, fléw methad Jr Way 3f thawing the saic dynamicc caused the Same to
1‘:”). A" 1:; 1' ’ -‘-» 7‘ T . .,‘ ,-" 'I = - . '.,»: ..: _ -. ,- . : 1.1,.~ ”‘
" " t’ .". '1 (JOE? .,‘IJLU 2.1.1.]. .I. ui IE? ‘:.Iir‘» LL’. \.«. EL 8 (7113.: U t 1",]. gig}. u . -'
. .. M ‘ ' ’!‘. 4’5’
’ : ‘~ ‘6 states twat by the saic {r053 and willful negligence if
”the said Gei‘enuan s , "we a stub c; :.Ii‘ the 821 iii Jake \ it”: ac}: has
Ceca daaagcc in the fdli aLd just saw of filOOOO.,whiCh me ought,
as be ueiioves, TGCJVPT of tie said déicndanta.
‘JEEEVBYXNE, the said plaintiii} .Iesrn E. Combs, administrai m-
of the csLu e of Jake Whitlucx, Sray“ Judgment ugoins; the Carawa—
auts iv? the S”m 91 $10090., in damages; he nrayp 1:1 Tis cost
and all proper and quituble relief to whicn he may :6 eniitied,
Atty ior Plaintiii.
The nlaintiif, Jesse B. C mbs Says that the minteuenis COLtaiLPd
herein F‘W trJe as he belie es.
Sdbscriccg and Sern Lu by Jesse L. Combs, this Qc$.24, 1912.
*W‘W’ . \., 2