xt73bk16mf8w_456 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [322b] H.C. Boatright v. L&E Railroad, Letcher Circuit Court text [322b] H.C. Boatright v. L&E Railroad, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_45/Folder_3/5479.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_456 xt73bk16mf8w \.
July 27, 1914.
Hon. 53° Ti."Y ‘.‘ai’field,
District Atfiorne:,$ & E R 1 Co.,
Dear Siy:w
Hoferrinj to fix. Hobowoll'e letter of fine ?Bnd to you in
regain to the matter oi Floyd Raleigh for attendance as a flifinoss at
lhiteehurg, in July, 1913, in the ease of 5.0.boafiriaht v. L & E 3:.
Co., enfi 31:0 to your memornnium thereon asking as to the correct—
neSs of the witnese claim in questionlund stating "we have no racorfi
of the Beetright mane on our books", I have to say that one or two
letters have pa sod between me ené your office in reference to this
suit. The suit was filed in 1911,63 early in 191%,anfi I have no copy
of the Petition in my files. I fiia, however, parfiioipato in the
trial of the CV38 anfi the plaintiff reooverefi a juflgment for $200.00,
which seemed to me to be so unjust that 1 determine& to prosecute
an appeal therefrom, although I cannot say there is any very goofl
hepe of reVersinE fihe jnflgmont. fir. fioorxmn has hwretofore vousherod
a claim for 910.50 in favor of S. E» Combs, Clark of fihe Letchor
Circuit Court, for his Eran orjot oi fihe rocorfi, mane at my ineiance
for our osee of appeal.
J'21 rogarfi to the witness claims anfi other costs, my
file shows then 3.3.Fie1ds a Son nave writhen me a time or two urging
iho sonfiing of a voucher to cover the ooote. I have the impression
that at Ben: time or othe? they eenfi me a Statement of the goats one
poo ibly of the uitnoes oleime, but ovifontlv than Snatement, if fur-
nished, has become mielaié or Lost. On may 232d, I wrote 3.3.Fields
& Son, aekinn them to certify the witnens claims again, but that has
never been Gone. In View of your memoranfium of the Eith instant, I
shall again try to get these costs and claims pronerly certified

- 33.13.:".u#2. 7/27/14.
before there is: any payment mafia. I firust to have them in ham“;
shortly 2111:”: 1731.1]- then write you, afg'rprovingi: their payment.
Very truly "yours,
, L;:./a

 . T - r._ I
vulg 45, 1914.
‘1' r. .,. "17.7.. ...I»... . ‘:.r .4. ,. ._
nebgis. Luatnon % ”Oigdh,
A . --_.. -.4. . . '
ALTEOI‘I’ILIJJ a; 4..: ‘.1 1m .’.
n 7f. ~ - "rmr

Hazarc’i ‘ ”Quilter-..; .

.. A ,.,. ,..r~ T, r‘ ‘I, «.L-..- a. "' ; " “,..- " -r - ~ ~--.

In Lha 03mm u. d.u.baaurigbu v. I w 5 35.00., dblen was
~ ' F .‘- T‘E‘I-I‘L. ‘ ' "a 7» .~, ' — ...—— 1 . - . .I. .
trleu an .ujuafibdrg 1n da-g, lwlj, 11 aggqaxs tnLL the statement
.L‘ . I: ...:J. .. . ...,.: ,1 w. ..- ”u .. v - .4. ~/.. - ..4 ’" " ~..
0; costs 3am “Lunesg fees uhAdfl may 4.xe bueu uuflfi me by unvfie
/ 4

‘:- ,. , - --. '1 .'. ,,.. . --,. -

Bleldslh S beca samehoq mlslaid JL ”cap an; no vuhflhefl has been

'. _..Ai '.. .1.: 4:“. .L‘ .,. .L .. u- “....- . - :~ _... . ~

1 Smut 1U.sau;s;ocL10m a; uhiSC claims. 0” nay 22:«, I wTOtG 1.x.

TL- 9 0,. 4,..- ,,. . .4 .I.‘ - .,. ..,. ..- , .1.-, _. .4. - ‘ -

Lields a Jog, SSALRM thHU Lug; gleasg have who thaogs elalng

eertxlleu agaln. It dams nafi a pear thafi fihis Tequnst has aver been

..., ' ,4: .,.: 4.1 . -. - v. -. .'I ..- ,..L- '1 ...... -- . -- 4- -

COflfillub Ulbflo One 9131M 1n $3305 u; :1u;& Lalfilfih MRS assmgnefl by

h'fi‘: " if (A‘ I): ‘”’ VI 6‘ f‘ 1“"? -'r‘I ‘ ”v 07--'~~m “Liv-w" "-"~-' - “'3 ‘~“‘ ’“'

_-1114 CO .. a .,‘o J.....Qu. (,..flu' “1.4-031 J.;“; 1104.“ QIJJLlJLZ', 05.45.13 L‘:=_}.€"~ 'I,1',I.{LlSP. be “521.6.

1 4 5:6... ..,, . .‘ .. _.- ,4. .I. _ ..._ .. .. '.1 “J , - .‘..' , '.. .. . .- .0

an. mniCJQ a prowLni aha gaynout 01 salclgb's Claim or an; of the

covtee I wrlte onae more to afik that you will kinflly have the Clerk

. . 74:1)..- t, . .4. . - .4. . .. .~: . .. “...,.“; ...: ‘..“ ..-

ut nnxtvswurq uax up all “he hfliflic SOQLS lnfiLuxluH thfirhifl a]

L, ., . D ‘

.-.~ . .-‘7. . ..~ .9. 4. - 1. ... ..2 r _. .....‘I ~ . . '

nltnems UlclflS ana 1e. ghls ua-ailon he iorua1veu to me JUSt as

r. , -'1. l .. .‘.-:- ..4 - . V . . .

poem as ~onalulx. n3 soon as Lu xufiugofi :e, 1 W111 approve the

same 3&5 Tartarfi it to fiouicvillo for a voviher.

,‘. . .V... . ., '1 . . ‘;. ..». .. . . . ..4 'v - ., ‘ ..- .. .".. .« .'
4‘..":- you ITOJIHJEQFNS {ROI/9 51.11 53:90:21,]. 1:715.» 1 (95:14 Lain-:12 .111 the

T)Ou:.)i/1.‘:Y.:A.1L..' (34.5. (3 8.2K: .‘..cau‘fl 1.:; JOE; _:_>:.,11U.4LIJ.:; 1:1 with UO‘HLJI) 0.1 ANNE-“1,113 Eli;

.Pj'.'-CIV1'::*"'IT-." I "firm-”x -; ~. ->-I---* ’:I‘.‘~-»--~-ww ‘)«I '3 4‘ ‘fiN‘ -\"vr=“"‘- '"' » : -"r~“~ "'

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-I .,.a. - .,,. ,: -,'. ,‘, N” -1 . ‘ .,. _ . .'., ,.,; v._- “‘.., '..‘ ...

D..z 131t=414_ 4,3 0 ..»1 tszt 5 (:341 131 IJLE u r 4...w:L1.0;1. .
',-' ...' ...“ 41.. ~ .. 2..,. ,I. ..1. ... - . ,V . I. - -
hfijlhg LU near 450% you SMOfulg 1n ycgaro Lo ths

msmtor, I ma,

f4:,'\>"/:.-3 v07“? fir-[1337‘ 77011-«0

..,“.-.1 _.; .’.-d v .. .. .”‘ :2 ..LL)’

0 l,

 /"" ;- ~ '4"/+4 e e
. :é ‘. .:;Qfl/ . .., Qffl l oi??? ,,7’ ’:;£(7
-fill/zQ/KI/zwm/ fa/fl/flfi, W/MK/Q i/WQ%////Q
‘ v /’ W / /” , "f? :7 7 5‘ ‘7 I /’
//c///~72W// g/ . , z 2
«flair/w: l ffflif/fl/ij
/ (
July 22nd, 1914.
Mr.B.D.Warfield, Dist.Atty., /
L. & H. Railroad Co., /4' ;Z; {)L
Louisville, Ky. / ( '
I _/ .
Dear Sir:- V ‘
I hand you herewith assignment order of Floyd Raleigh
toxw. 0. Dixon for time claimed by Raleigh for attending court
at Whitesburg in July, 1915, in the Boatwright case, also letter
from ur. Dixon and one from D.D.Fields & Son, Whitesburg, relative
thereto. You will note there seems to be some question as
to the payment in Raleigh's favor. I presume you will handle
the matter to a conclusion.
Yours truly,
‘ M> so” ‘
( means "£in
B /1
Can you tell me anything about the correctness of the
\\\‘ claim referred to. We have no record 9§wjngwngatwrishima§§gmg§
our books.
B.D.W .
July 24,1914

 Juno ‘7 , .1.? Lil.
, - 1 ~ '1' - ‘ - .
1.:1’ . b, H . ;L!)0.;7:1511:.,
. .. .- .7 ... \.I..J._ ‘ p tr “.‘ T‘:
A?! ‘ Le DJJS D. $.51 Lire , LI «'.'-2 H I; ..'. COO,
" w'Tf,<--1'~
140 LL13 u .»_}.e ,uegfi, Remy.
I» {2512' £311": «-
. 3 .~ A._-.g,". __. _.;. v-m )4... ‘,”. , ‘,”.“ ,_ \ ,~,_- ,‘,, .:.-V J.

@711" ,OL‘, ':‘.}- .:: '.: .,U 511-“ 54/5 .3}, L, '.‘.‘Q‘ ‘..- ‘,” {_a‘ )7 (LC, :23 ans: c3 it, at“ b.1115} will}. U
.... , a V .. . ,.- _~ ‘ '1“ ., m" . ,.j A » . . 4.1. . .:3 j“; ', 1.3.—.,.: .1 .4.
one. :.20 1,114.“; $5231“). 101 :J 110 G'--7:5 9:: 1n 1411.6 C 116.49 0; ..;.ufi» . .30 '.. w. gnu
V, ' '1‘ ... .. e r”. “_., , .L H; A‘ w . .1 *‘.; ._, c .: ., . J. 1.. ‘ ‘ +1 4 a “, .
1,: ;1 ..; '.’; Ag. 1:). (3 JEL-L‘ Lair! .:.1. 1.7-5 v. j. 4 (31: ’50:. Luz; .7915; 5: 1.3111. 4’01!” I 311:.11L1

a115- _' 7 see,- '2'. s; a
’ W " \ . 1- ,_.;".I. - , .~,_ 4 _.‘.« r. ., ., ..,. 1 _ ~ . M
.’gl :10}. 3; ..L'.) ::.; up: ‘L 3::}: ..;.ug.’ u: c4: x.) u}. 13,0,
*’. ‘1": £17,,4-;....’,
,‘ «,.’. ,'_ ' I ,2. ..‘! a
i. a f“
kip-”0” -E,
. («I~. ,,, ~ «.‘g
‘.5 .. LLL“: .55. C

 "f "‘ I
_ may 23, 1514.
I \ "Th’ “ .. V 4 - - ,.
D 1. . r rules :37: Son, Attorneys at law-v,
u',_:.4.. ‘ ~.< q , "'.,
Lhiucfihfllg, Kg.
.’1 ..
‘— . .- - .re ..'-w -'1 3‘, ,J. J. .‘- .- ,,..- ,.. _ 1‘ ~,4.J- .1.-7
i hare gours oi oflC 201m imeuanu, ineviiirg emote une
‘I‘rwxn-nrww—L "3‘: ”V. w“ an Vow 4? x». {—'n’F'n- =1 1' + ’ ‘.'".1'\ .man W’” 1" "| '.Li'I/w -“—~.-‘ —»,.‘ 1-
1)ch .-;,’.‘.‘-z.b u \x‘l unuublzw J—(JL J.V.'.\»fl(, $7,110 12’}. ULJ.C.‘ (JLUX-JL} U.L .Llo \.-ro Mug; LIJ lfiiflLU
T 5‘ '51" w ("Y‘f‘ ‘1 f- 7‘ 4'" 5v - "a I"("; ‘7‘ 4"?\Q'}‘ “'r ' (1 'W"I"' 3 1' GE" "- -‘T' "‘ J” '9

V. .41 (..: .'.‘..‘p ..L LL44 L‘flnf... (11.10 J.i:.: LOVH_LO;L L1;-~.U.u Lg ‘.’L). ULLU THE, Ll. L'Jt_».;.,L:1',’;;1G.iiL; 01
4n- 4 4 4 . 4r! . r 44-1.... _ 4 x 2' m 4- . 4 .--' .». -._.
etcfitz Llont‘ufa ..ETYGC» SILL L;i;c:i- I. (16.1». rel-Aw"; GUI.LRTSI_',':VL‘..‘.(‘?{LVC nuL’aIJv. :yULL 1c:—
“(.--—1 ‘ .1. .4 . e ,4. -. ...»: .....1 .-.1: :1 ,_ 4. '- " « r ~,-~: 7 * .». .~_ ‘-
E ruin} Luca anr.dl&o ioi crave the claime Lo MUULSVLLLS in: atten-
4.- NA ".1»«, 4.... - .4 ”..,, ~ My. ,, - .2, . ..-. --._—.._.... ~\ a —. - .. _-
L-lviio J30: mum: figuibu, 31m. CH; (31t This COLL{:Lxujli'lbliub Iifizfiz ouch 11,18—
..- :1 ,, nu“ .., -J‘*,_....,: ...“ 1.‘ , ”._.. "I ..:-w M 4.1.1“ ..’": fl ~ K - .41 .‘.. .0 _‘
>-fl.u,'_,E:‘.OGL: 01 LELEJ Ubix.‘:;.:€‘s..5. m; LL SJ; '_21931‘90 .3..LOL; blip Lila: . J. an, :;Il=.:'.C‘O_LO.L€',
1- 5‘ n, J‘hm ‘ nnnr‘am' J-w— 1 ‘ r m‘r‘aq (- -f-‘- r-m-L v— x . ..‘. -' '?~-~ -’»" ”1 17° *— . nc‘ -' n
homer L; V fluk/L‘nlnul “a LI c1“; "like ullno JOB. cerung 14110.36 1,1 olifgmu claims

'1" var-.4 4‘4"“;3‘ J“ PW?" """~ am \ <77“ T1": ‘ oxrm 1" a V; r:‘]"‘ n u cw‘n—

_LLeE-‘JA C u U.‘-IL{;, mug-g .1 lilix'. L C »‘;.L.LO.L. (I. 1197, J UEJE’L... “L6" 0v Cclol .211
for flelay in the matter: I am,

“‘T ’fi~" --n-». ~1— —,— ~-.
‘-‘ (2.1.va firmly goers,
C17. fir:
N i, v.

 D D. FlEl DS /
5 - ‘ i ”I.’ .3 L.W.i‘-IELDS
\ j I fir-‘.: ;n ;~ «fife
“ [I i ~35;' .’»' D- D. FIELDS & SON
‘ j: > 51’?" ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW
a“ 3k]- .
”4% ,2)» /7L -
, May 20th, 1914.
Samuel L. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.'
Dear Sire:-

I wish you would let me know Just uhat the Company
says if anything ab at paying the witnesses for Deft. in the
Bpatright case, there are so many of them, that they
manage for it to be convenient for at least one or more
of them to see me every day and demand their money. it
has been a long time endthey are getting anxious about their
money. ‘

Yours truly,
/ 9‘” ”fl %
/ flfosza.
‘ I
v I .x

. « ,.\-
.. . .4 ,
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: " .,.,llJi'v,J‘ ."”]..lJV W ,.'.". \ J.J... .. ., .._, "u. H ..‘.J‘.‘. .'_ J.‘.
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"If .ii:. ““‘.!

\ ' Frankfort, Ky..fil,fln , April 17. ,,if191,4i
. Dear Sir:- , ‘
Your transcript of the record in the case of
7L. & E. Ry. Co 7 vs. Boatright
received and filed, and tax paid.
This case is set for hearing on the
,illl day of A“ ,lQlll,
It is the duty of the appellant to file his
brief twenty days prior to the day the case is set
for hearing, and the appellee to file his brief
ten days prior to that time.
' Very truly yours,

\ -
% Samuel M. Wilson, Atty.,
§ . Lexington, Ky.

 ‘ (
April 17, l914.
lion. Samuel 1:. Wilson,
Lexington, 123'.
Bear $511“:—
I an in receipt of yours of the 16th enclosing:
- stipulation in the ease of Mason éc Hurst vs. lw‘eltner
and in the case of L. E: El. liy. C10. vs. lioatriéifl’lt, 52180
motion to (necket these eases for the present term.
' Ii” the court acclcets the cases,which I presume
they will dowrou can call them up at any time later in
the term by consent or upon notice. They will be placed
en tire (rocket '.::ith the cases from the district/6’ from
wnicl'w. they come but you can by consent control the filing
.. . 4” ,gng I/, 3.
of Drlefs- V'IIZC/fiy gflwtdz/flc aflfi/Z; MW §m
_ /
I an; in receipt 0:1." the record. in tie 3.. £3: .9.
Ry. Co. case together with. btate tax. . .
Yours truly,
271/ 7
6 £.4/

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('1‘ ..:. .. . .. -.- .l.-.'.,. 1...- ‘ “ . .. ’21, s .‘ 7? .,- . 1,"
mo thuOl‘l‘LOjfT-i is; limo “smallest: my: pay)». 34:22.”; and J. .i.
n w ,:.x .w ".u ' ‘, Tr .,
0004-, :J-Jol. oi ..:.itrasssmxg, .--C;1?;7L33..u/.
x .

 P.P) FIE! [3% V L. W. FIELI‘JS
April 15th, 1914.
~Hon. Samuel M. Wilson, ‘ Céfafi/éfi» 4%
Lexington, KY. -
Dear Sir:- ' ‘ '
We are in receipt of your letter of hue 10th inst. in
regard to the statement in the Boatright case which occurred as
follows: When we first received the leiter I took the stetement
fo Mr. Cook, Boatrights attorney, and he refused to sigma it, sayh
ing he wee afraifl of us getting some advantage by it. Later and
after I had gone away from town my father took it to him and he -
. . . ‘ . . .V
desided to Slqn it. Then on my return when I secured toe transcrlp
fr; .1‘
A ,‘.... ‘ ._ ,.L 4.1,_ 1 . '. ,.. , .. ”“’”J'V'TL‘F‘IV‘Z" +,
to send to you ] quoe Doc lettcland acted on Nude L» mad cold me
about Signing the aoreement.
Yours very truly,
-,» ,/ / ., ,7 ,
r. .;i ',’] x: _ C. \. ..0 (Z L "'

Aprll 10,1914.
-\-n .1- w (1 A.. _.3.’,,...
h.u.laelve & eon, xttys. at in.,
‘3 3 'rr .
Rhlteehurg, nentueky.
.1 ‘
. . .. n. p . _ . .3
I am 1n reenlpt 0: year luVOT 0; too 8th 1nutant,
' . . - . 3 . .. ,._' . .1., ° 3 ~. - .:.
encloewng erlglnal eon; oi tTALSClet of tee rv1eenea 1n ,ho
. 3'3.- . *3, _ ,,- .3‘. . ,.. " 3f_ ‘ ‘2')" 3“. '.., “ {-"< \ ':.-—.1‘-v(\
(35.180 03: £43.17: 3: J"_)’.L€.r.{1l‘,ixt Juli. £7 . 43"].‘103- if}. ;‘I’IOUJ? LO "1LT 0‘ .ul \J
- . ,3 :-m-_ . a .:. ;. .,. T, ‘ M 5 3 .Ln . . ‘,- ‘f ,. .M,.. r 4.
thls statement ~ rue ”tnexnede Cu .ne onus; fil<€ r qu0 Jo
‘ '- , . ..-. . .'.‘ x -, -. .., H ‘“ ...-.3 n ,4?
m;*e an? agreement Vlt: as, 3? eLlpnvtCu up you. in JLCJ n;
.3.3 . '2‘ , 4. 4.3... 3. . A , ‘..,- ,1 , ,...A. ...»...7. 715‘ A.“ 7'1”“ 34.1., .'”.‘o 3..—.,.}. .,,”an l’W'Tl “...‘-h
{IV‘Z'J .'.UU U :..:LK‘J ”".).XL .'i'.‘.|:. :1.‘ J.. 13.“... L 12).. w. L w...» - - i. ._..R' .kL. .I, .. u .- «.-.. ““'.; .
. . q . . ... , ”:u._3 “W - u N u 3 ‘_ _- f
Stxnugatsen 1n nmlfi PaHO, 3.;neq up a. n. bOOfi‘ cflhnsrl or
‘ 3"! " - '.‘ - 4 3-73- >‘ ‘- ”“'; *—~ 7‘ ‘~“» « n" ‘3)3 3. ‘.‘-‘4‘ r. 53.3313»qu '3‘ ':‘] 1101~~3~
3'3.-3"37'}(_f~ _‘ né‘. , .'.. do .U '.; ‘..4.‘-.L3:’.,. -.i« ',m ...'.(L '.vaf'l ‘0. (J -: 3.1. .1343 i~ u .: .:.; V: L... ‘
.. .. 3 3,. L . , . . -
?efitwr of the 9th in tent. finance w;1te me at once explalnlnb
..-.- .I. 3. . .. 3 ._ ,.- -~ - W
1111(— Zi'f 9414‘: 3", g-lli' '»‘ 5‘ ‘_Ir‘, ,
I‘ .
Yuuflc. +7.... :3,
\ _.A‘. .I.—Ll (If
3‘,-.-. “.._,“ ”._‘.
. .Jt.v._‘-..,'.:.. .

April 8 g 1914.
?-?.Iiel&s & Son, fitfcrneys at 131,
Whifivshurg, Kentuckya

I have your lefiter of the 6th instant, returning the
Stiwulaticn in the case of 1. F 3. Ky. 00. against EECaBeufirighfi.
new jenajng an upwcal in the Court nf Appcaifi afi Trahlfort ané
think the Stipulation su¢§ifiicnt, althoth sighufl by 3r; 7fink
alone ¢or Haatright, fihc ippfiFICC.

I am wok sure whether» in my lfififfir about the 3E1?““
79iidn, I snfilnfl attentinn So Chg ?rafi$: fir? Of the xvifiunec 1r
. ‘.L. '2‘.‘ ..1. 7‘ . ~ . '. . ’54]- , “q", .‘ _ ‘-. “ ", J.. '; . , . V .4. .« - "7“ '7 _' ‘E , >"‘ 4 ..‘..
HUL‘ ya» in some JOtch »LAcu A @LQCJJ Jrcue yua, i min CAJJ Eu-
trWifiinfi; in {$25 1E<3t ffltav vflwilxt 2?»; C]_er?fls: Trawnaaxfiipt «x? the
flow ?i 205 bean ifixnzs?nfl thsfi the Cfficia? Etcnmgrarher‘s Pefiorfi
and Yraxscripb 95 tic Tviӎnec on the firial hai nah been abrt me.
0? awfurers h: fi:1fi:'fihe lT”70T5 :mnwif fie, 'izvii'? Rein» i0 Exave *iae
330(4):? 5; 52;-m3 ’3: ::::s, :2“? p1; of was 7" vi rim": ’7 C 313'. ‘51:"? 3- 2‘: ; the 75“: 52:1 sari pi;
of the Clark‘s Taxar5a $36L€e 60 fiat You can sf finne fio