July 27, 1914.
Hon. 53° Ti."Y ‘.‘ai’field,
District Atfiorne:,$ & E R 1 Co.,
Dear Siy:w
Hoferrinj to fix. Hobowoll'e letter of fine ?Bnd to you in
regain to the matter oi Floyd Raleigh for attendance as a flifinoss at
lhiteehurg, in July, 1913, in the ease of 5.0.boafiriaht v. L & E 3:.
Co., enfi 31:0 to your memornnium thereon asking as to the correct—
neSs of the witnese claim in questionlund stating "we have no racorfi
of the Beetright mane on our books", I have to say that one or two
letters have pa sod between me ené your office in reference to this
suit. The suit was filed in 1911,63 early in 191%,anfi I have no copy
of the Petition in my files. I fiia, however, parfiioipato in the
trial of the CV38 anfi the plaintiff reooverefi a juflgment for $200.00,
which seemed to me to be so unjust that 1 determine& to prosecute
an appeal therefrom, although I cannot say there is any very goofl
hepe of reVersinE fihe jnflgmont. fir. fioorxmn has hwretofore vousherod
a claim for 910.50 in favor of S. E» Combs, Clark of fihe Letchor
Circuit Court, for his Eran orjot oi fihe rocorfi, mane at my ineiance
for our osee of appeal.
J'21 rogarfi to the witness claims anfi other costs, my
file shows then 3.3.Fie1ds a Son nave writhen me a time or two urging
iho sonfiing of a voucher to cover the ooote. I have the impression
that at Ben: time or othe? they eenfi me a Statement of the goats one
poo ibly of the uitnoes oleime, but ovifontlv than Snatement, if fur-
nished, has become mielaié or Lost. On may 232d, I wrote 3.3.Fields
& Son, aekinn them to certify the witnens claims again, but that has
never been Gone. In View of your memoranfium of the Eith instant, I
shall again try to get these costs and claims pronerly certified