xt73bk16mf8w_461 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [324b] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Perry County Court text [324b] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Perry County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_46/Folder_1/5955.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_461 xt73bk16mf8w ' " FORM l—Revised July, 1909
I, Mgssage: whichtalarebalzpareptl¥hu11uctge5§fir%, oft thatdctglltd ge sergt tbydTriinflg‘ail, Willibte' tragsmitted 9nd
TELEGRAM ““"5 Pm" y‘ “. “"‘§feerfii”as¥;uaéefimfi‘nfanafierfifééé‘ufé‘: $3301. ““5” 3‘“ “mm“ TELEGRAM
Haz card. 12 /10/11:3
‘1, J‘ er offers "5 r. 41.31233 $336340 00 for both vears 1911 and 1912; $490.00 for
h, I l .,. _ ,, o .
20 miles rail road 1912 $100.00 all property 191]. $23 50.00 all prOperty
Jess e Morgan


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Ha,z:;2.‘1~r3 12/11/15
S 17 Wilson ‘
Twen‘m; miles R F for 19l2 at$5500 per mile orfigs7pLQQO atVO cents on each ‘
hundred dollars a'lump sum of $1100 for 1911 and a lump sum of $150. for 1912
for right of way from Hazard to Letch er" line
Jesse Morgan ‘ .
v“: ..’”
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. "If“ Quip/m 131/mm: /, 47 .1 ,
junrag/7'952;;g5/353W(I aim/w/M/é/K‘Z/ December 10, 1913.
Hon. S. M. Wilson, CQZA/Qz/Q/ ’ 8
Counsel, L. & E. Ry. Co.,
V Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to my telephone conversation with you,
this afternoon, relative to two tax suits against the Com—
pany in the Perry Circuit Court:
I have just talked to Mr. Bradford about these
seems that in
cases. It/the first suit the lower court assessed against
us, for the year 1912, 40.57 miles of road; and that for
the year 1911 it assessed against us about 20 miles of road,
and about the same number of miles of right of way, which
was not in operation.
It has not been customary for us to return to the
Auditor of Public Accounts unfinished railroads, and we did
not return to the Auditor of Public Accounts the unfinished
portion of the L. & E. in Perry County. There is no pro~
vision, under the law, for the assessment of unfinished rail—
roads by the Railroad Commission. Now, it seems to Mr. Brad— f
ford and me that if any portion of the L. & E. roag7ginished {
and in operation as of September 1, 1911, on which the road !
would be assessed for 1911 taxes, we can afford to pay by” f

' Q s. M. w. 2

in settlement of this case the fair value, per mile, of
the road that was in operation. As a matter of fact,
I do not believe that any of the road was in operation
as of September 1, 1911. Now, as to our 1912 taxes: if
this property was not returnedzmI*Perry County for the
year 1912, we shall be willing to pay taxes on a reason-
able valuation for the year 1912, on so much of the road
in Perry County as was in operation on September 1, 1912.
Mr. Bradford thinks, offhand, that the whole L. & E. is
assessed at about $6,000 per mile. It seems to us that
$3,000 a mile would be a reasonable assessment for that
portion of our new road in Perry County which was in op—
eration on September 1, 1912. That, as you understand,
would be 1912 tangible taxes. We say that because the
road was a nonrevenue—producing piece of property, and
was not in as good shape, evidently, as the rest of the
L. & E., which had been in operation for years, and it
ought not to be assessed at as high a rate per mile. As ‘
to that portion of the road that was not in operation and
was not finished on September 1, 1912, or September 1,
1911, we think that the property ought to be assessed at
so much per acre. I understand that you think you can
not reach an agreement on an acreage basis on a fair val—
uation; that the contention of the county is that the im~

 , ' ‘ s. M.’ w. 5
provements-—that is, the fills and the cuts——give an
added value to the right of way. If we can settle
the claim for taxes on that part of our right of way
for something in excess of $100 an acre——I should say
$200,——I believe it would be better to do so than to
go on with the litigation.
Y01 .v“ "I" I
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I Aiinrnegs at 4L1 am“ 3 - m 11, l l ).
/"‘ ~’II _, _
lir. Samuel M. Wilson, fl. ’ ' ‘
‘n a / l /3 V
II /_
Seneral Counsel 1. .8; it. '_ “'““L/e‘ 2’ .
Lexington, 4:37. i " ' ‘ "‘
.g .
Dear JiI‘Z '__-KI,;__:_:.::., ;,me/
2101086255 e hand Sou centres of judgment in the
second tax suit. We were successful in this. I do not
believe that the cam will be appealed.
Yours verr truly ,
[I ,(» f/fl //' -/.//’ ‘
.w/5 W1 Aggy/r ,7145/i »
,1; u. Z/I

 :11... '.\'*1".'1.~.-*.- r. < . - 1 .. .
' . , FORM l—Revised July, 1909
ll be transmitted and O
1 Messages which are apparently unnecesga .or that could be sent by Train Mail, wi ’ .
. delivered promptly, but copies thereof mlltge forwarded to Supeyintendent of Transportation for attention. TELEGRAM
TELEG RAM See rule 853 and General Manager’s enculat No. 101.
‘ i '
. , 1
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 ' ' " ' FORM l—Revised July, 1909
, l (Ii/leisages whichtilrequgpm-eptlytvhuxmefefiflr? off thatdiiluid be seqt byd’l‘rain Mail. will be transmitted and
vcre tom , H CO les 5 O ‘ r ' ‘
TELEGRAM P P y 1’ see mi: 3527;“ Eefié‘éfi‘Mm‘éfiépéi$fif§r E12}. fifmpmm ‘°’““°““°“' TELEGRAM '
1 I" r- _ ‘ _ . ‘ '
x :, Hazara ‘lg/l/lé) , 4.9 ,2 .4-
V' v \ .- ., : ; ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ z’ A: -: , S M Wilson
v A r' sf!“ ‘
Sheriff Horn informed}this A2M. that he would levy for L&E taxes
tomorrow or next day he claims penalty of 6% on the taxes . His tax
'. . . . ‘ //
tlcket made out by the atate audltor dlrects hlm to ada 6; penalty on
- Dec lst advise me“ what to do in case of levy ' .
. Jesse Morgan
92'7A1M. ‘ .
v a

 ram: I—Reviaed July, 1909
Messages which are apparently uuuecesgarg, or that could be sent by Train Mail, will be transmitted and
L AM delivered promptly, but coples thereof W111 e forwarded to Supermteudent of Transportation for attention. ’
TE EGR See rule 3631216 General Manager‘sCucular No.101. TELEGRAM
L. ('_‘ 7,4 A 3‘.‘ ,.,. Jouvfl'r‘73fl,” A: :1:... L! f)", 1 .10
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‘ ' n". - 2 V, .,L . tL.‘ m ...»- ., ., 12A 2 *v
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2 " *7 {’.”-.~.
,'x 1.: ‘.“”; «J-.o

 . FORM 1——Revised July, 1909 .
‘ Lfififiigwfimiflfi & RMSE'WELLE RMLE’MAB GQMPAHY. ,
. Messages which are apparentlyhuunwise-553%, oft thatdccziultd be senttbyd’l‘rziinfn’iail. willtbf transmitted and
.‘ C \ . 1. ‘ ‘ « ‘ .1) '»: ' T S . \ 4 . .
TELEGRAM “’“‘” ‘3“ ”“’“‘“ 3' ”“‘ C°P‘?eéri’123532ndeu”xMinaiéefispéfiufi‘r$3.501. “““‘?“ a ‘°“ “““‘“ TELEGRAM
, AI “
, ' ' 6 .
. ,.,¥ ,., A
Lot). J..;G/ .4,./1' ..;J ‘
. S M.Wilsonr Wootton and Morgan
‘ ‘ Hazard
.0 ‘ r . . . 4
See Woitoén and uorgan 3 letter of Nov lltn to Judge Wilson relativexx
retaxes due Pwrry Co for 1915 . Taxes not due for thirty days after receipt
of notice from sheriff of amount of taxes due. Evidently notice was not
reed until Nov llth.¢nd we have until Dec llth in which topay Perry C0 taxes
However voucher will be forwarded by treasurer to day,
. . 4 . ‘ C H Moorman

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1.,-.,‘ r111 41‘ ‘i' 7V4— 5.7 '~.» 1 ‘F, ‘-1-11,.“? 2.,” r-H' ””.;-An -: .~ ~.1 .- i .. .,’“. -
.r ,i ”HHLJ ..J“ A IJL l Akcili A}. o '.J J,.Icte] (‘..I.,J‘ unit“; ‘n-lg1.bb~‘_nx:‘v<)l'.
"‘..- ‘ ,- . ., ,.1» . .. Jr , r .. .L. ‘ '
.Li .ii. —walXLUl ;i vet; initix:e DO teito 9hr: QOH)OFXLt3 011
. ..‘ , = j.‘ _) ,. i , ._ . , i :1 .‘ H J N .‘ ..‘" r ..: , ‘7 “ ‘ ‘
o; the lulicoi, cloa_c LuViGO no in angle time to gifB tho Hatter
. 1 ‘,‘ ... ., ~- ‘ -.J. .‘ ..'-.' V- -‘ " — - n. -— '— - - -
my PgiSDHuJ attenquH, even i: you h;VC to wire to do so.

 // /. K / ‘;// /,/ /
‘14,,"2 ,'   )3 ' / //" /" ’
, gym/7%” ”M / (Hf/fl ., /// // fly ///I MW/ ,
/ y//. I} f /,
4 / /’// 7/0’4/z/w/ '
(W: 7/// //, 9“]. ,, A, ,1 w A an, /.
‘%nu_6/L/%, t/dan /.~ ,
. / 1'
W n .E.; ' .,
i'a'. f; Li. 37:3. 11/26/1bo
Vii-11ft»: 1' thin}: Hf it, the other day, Carl Byrd, are
Revenue Agent, 333' led :; 531111; in Ectoher County ('.‘,gainst us; ‘50 recover
:1:21:E.1:.7u::rr’z; 351.3569. 27311136 I have rm': 1N” “she; Statement“ or Vetitlon,
I 17:1agg-jne if: if: morfis'e‘» M. or: 11mm: :::11'-::‘:1:”:;r' {34:3 $3.315:- 3j:1"(‘.-;:c20d“1r;5;: in “(231:7
(..:—ntr-rl‘wr ("vi-7‘ no'firco ‘JV‘IID'TPY‘ i5"? ('a‘lflu Inn-’7’} 3.0 (35»1x9r2-‘<-v-~" “n —; - 'Tr- n-‘T’kéu-n
uptu; 1‘,} a -r . -4 a . \4 .' J '. my.) ., »,..-_,;._ “n ”J, ...._ V.) :--;I .,x. out. Uu ...Ul.).c- (-.LL J.L
13113:. fpir'oenmiing‘, éflmfig ‘.“Ii'ifltAother suite: in Sefiohnr, but I want you '
‘13-“) “093.2? if; in mind am}, 1: thc'rc ”no N“ :.")cczfasion £03? .:.-:3 (2.93.25, to
fire 2.4: your own attention, 1=.-‘hr:21; you 111-1:39.021 to be in Iotolwr. _
Very truly 31311335}; >
"1 f: /;

 aiimrmmm MORGAN
“ Aitnrnpgs at 75am
HOV. 24, 1315.
Mr. samuei 14:. Wilson, ‘ W ”24 L 5

Lexington, Kentucky. w ~
Dear Sir:

Yours oi the 20th relative to the second tax proceedings
brought by sheriff of Perry County against iexington é castern
Railway received. We have had this up before the Uminty Judie,
and he indicated from the bench that he was going to dismiss por—
coedings upon the plea in absihment, but the County Attorney asked
him to hold up until he took the deposition of the auditor, as he
claims he can show that the propsrty was not listed for taxation
until after So t. 5, 1915, thss being the dots upon which he filed
the oroceedings, and insists that he siould have a judgment for
20% damages. The Court granted this time to him to take the

féeposition. After We left the Court room, the County attorney

4 5 offered to dismiss the case if we would pay the cost; this I re—


{ fused to do.

n In the same letter, you say that you wired us to send you
by wire the names of the sheriff and the tax collector oi the town
of Hazard. As I wrote you several days ago, we did not receive
this message at all, but three dgvs after you had sent that mes-
sage, we received a message from sou saying you had sent it. Te
immediatelv Wired you the iniormation asked for and also wroie you

. ~\ A
,‘ hitnrnpgs at {gain
fully about the matter. Frank Horn is the Sheriff of the
County and Jack 1'7. Brewer, collector of the town taxes.
Yours Very truly,
/ 0"215-2/215/ 21W
"' f I// 1‘ C7)
JM/A‘. 2 - (MI
I /

 / a (1* / ’ 1
1‘ ’ r/ Mr“ ; ’ 1‘ ' g 1" ~ / r > / , ' x ./ / z
(mi/61 l/A/y/fl/t; (01/ _/////’/7/L //////’fl/% fl/V/%/fi///%
.. /. [2:7 / / \ I 6' .
y M CW ;Zfl/ /////n////7////11/ gm ' n
anue/ . c/Aafl "‘ /~/ =-// ’ 0/ “ ' w’ ' // m I '
I '“ , I." ,.‘
V ( :‘f/Wil‘l’flékél/flt/JIJZK 11”” /
V // ff’II/ ///'/J ////’g J //.,
. /
ETOVCmImZ‘ 2.1, 123125.
313:. C 'i-«i‘ I-Eomi‘mam,
12535343 15:19 1';“ ":"z‘s’fig'w L 6?: ii 1% 13 Co. ,
I:.mi:“:'r..-*J‘_I.I.c ,Ky,
Dear Qirz~
":_::gswering your 2“:an Off the 18511 insttant, I ‘.:-’I'ite to say
ti‘le’fi the Sheriff of 3901737 Count; is “a! Harm This 2111'. t}: rei‘crntaco
to the payment of taxes due Perry County fa r the 3;.-’02:): 1915.
Very truly yours,
C {311315-101 n

 III," I/~ (V ""‘\I. .» " ,/
7A / ( ‘ /’/ . 7 K /
.._..M/flynz; ”m/ £../0 (”a mull/y / cm» “../71%
I /7 / ./' t
. I./ / , ,27 ,. / '
r. .Vémmd fl Wax“, 3&7///_,/fl/Ill‘,.«771fl¢t// .gezCMfl/an, 2%-
. // It ,’77’.'//’fi‘ /,,r"
7:" '37” 'I’ m . 1 "..-m /
6 Zane/«J {pm/.141.” ”M"
‘/ _/ fri/ // .// 4» 1/2. //.,
I'iovenl'mr .‘El. “.913.
(l.. Tic-.‘rmn.
“L Di. 1:17. t 7.:/3 , 7I 6': F. ‘5: (.1'-.“....
T3117} 5."/":3 T"! :: ,Ky.
13:13.1“ Six-;..
.‘:3‘..,c:*».:’o:ring your favor of ‘Ihe '38t‘n inetazt, .T have to say
theft the ’35.}: Collector? Of the ’L‘oz'rn 0”?" 17:" "3"”: i": 5‘"-307' 7'V‘NW‘”
.. . I ~ L- .I .-_w ...L, r’...»,-,_ r , ._ .'. WERE; ,
“i; with reference to tease M the Tor-m 03’: Hazard for tlm Ire?“
_, .,- _. l
1 ")7 “~.
Var; ifs-“.113; your :3: .,
Counsel .

 ' I
FORM l—Revised July, 1909 ’
gifiissagee: which ;rebagéparegltl{hunuefcesgfirgéoty thaidcgaug g: segt tbyd‘rrtinfn'gfl. M1112?! trafusmltted and C
e vet tom I1 co les ere WI orwa ll ernen en 0 2.115 on I" M: t' 2
TELEgRAM . p p y. p Seemleosisand GeneralMan‘azer‘spcircuIat No.101. po 0 a en 10“ TELEGRAM
. _ ' 2
2 ./ wmzzgfion, C7, Hmwmbe'r 23132:, 191320
, 2 '.‘.Fooirbeu i’ .Tf‘ogjgzam, ‘ = '
. 223222.329 K37»
87:1 Ham?" 1' 22112526. ask-32.12:? ‘32222.t 2mm farms-“:22 222:2 :02? 2722222 22232220 0"?
("I . :.2 .2 z . J.. :2. ,..2 .. ,_,. v ‘ =-. ’_'.» x: . H .. H ... I ' I”: “..,, V: M '.‘
_'7'1'20.i”‘..‘..§,3. '01? 9:222:93; mommy and 222.2229 03: fat: 1.2011031?0529mm. :22” La ward °
’- - '2’. «own,» ”2 ”._. .° .,. w r.“ , -. m —a_ ' __m _~ . ' . 4 g . 2" * 2 - 5
:.IE‘VE: 222222.}. 22221212215, m .;.2'0L1.2:.3’.e=253c 2:12:62 2,122.22 mafox‘ma‘c 2.021 at once,
' 2 E; «.2 Pia 2V1 193 031 a
2 ‘ I ,
.1 I g '
. / -

 '. , FORM 1~izeviaea July, 1909 - '
. gciissage: which Hitrebappare}:“{huuuefcsfiiSSrfiéofr thageodultd g: segt tbyd‘l‘riinfng‘ail. will‘bel transmitted gmd O
TELEGRAM ‘ Pmmp‘y' “t °°P‘25eeri‘12°ssmacefiifi‘infmieripéué‘uffi‘rfi‘é.?ol. "“9““ °" ‘°‘““"‘““°“" TELEGRAM
Haz ard 3.15/2 1/13 2 ,
S I". W ilsan -
- Frank Horn sheriff Perry Ceunty Jack W Brewer Tax collector for Hazard.
, Wetth and ‘Mnrgan .
l . :
2 . 2 ' m1: 1 2 ' '/ 3
1:58]? :15. ' ' '

 ./ 2‘} /(“‘ N 2
K// 4 -- ‘ 7 - \j/ l / -2
"" '/’// 7 , W/ /' // /’ a :5» , ‘ .v ,.2722 ,
/’/' 7" /« ; I,
,2) ; ..7. { l
’ 152 / 2/ / * - < '
. .,3221 Xflw‘,ffl%"I/79/
%7nue/./% We” *~ 7/( / 9-224'22‘ /”/ 2’//[22fl//2 m 04?), y.
- 11 , K 1
. . .2’ // ‘ / .» )7
L2 / 2), " ,.5 2 _ ) / ”__—,2
£2 .'2/{aural éo-mwe/ ”mm,” - .2
, ,yw//r) .)),1 x/n,
'7’ .. ’. .. “‘.v . "
LO‘JGY-‘H-‘flrr‘ LC, 4913.
71? ..~. ... .1.4. . a 1:7 1...-,..
“63315. nac1uon w £01man.
”.‘ _... '.‘ ""3. .
hana1ai x3.
‘fle‘twa Vfi“%be 119 1&1313193' QT ry7i thfi :1Q02n13 1313
preoccfliig “rcrght hf ths dhnriff 9f Foryy Ucunty agaiLst the
- t) T‘ .‘.‘ 3,. . 1.. .' .. - _. ..1. . -2'. .27.. '3 '.:? .1 _. ,,'. ..;. J-‘ ,1 .
fl a a hbg ”sen 1:101 on. $09 “na, 1, 10, Wth “13 an: rumz;1
of” the 211:511 (M1 the ‘1761: in fixznt, I1 rncueiveii.1 ljyttcz‘ fzmna
..~ . .-- 1 .1,:-,., .. ,. . .:..-. .4"— .11 .'. “. '41,“. :-'.~. 12. —“ .’.‘ '22. ”.2‘ .."
.5!f)11.i-‘.:T/1'1(3, Sinnfiuw" ‘--'..' u». 1.1-11,1". L-xj‘l; L;;.:;;1 -._:1? ’.’.r’z‘r: (‘:.: ail?) "1:13.11 13?
'- 2 -.._ - ’W 1 ~_“ 27- :(s. 2 ".2 - ,1 , .2. 17' "= 7-- ,._r~ '.2 2. .2..,.:
0: 1’0]. fry wountg mm: C.'. 1h?) J33- {..~-31 1.110 ‘..'0-f Cm. {1310 i014“; u;- J..Z:.1§?;:;.U,
':*YQC'73&‘€KEZEI 1q1011 )fc:zeigjt 17‘” i315}? ywtcizcsit, i :Ii1wafi. y 51; in; :1e115
2.. .7.: 2.- 1.1, . . , ,. w... -~..n.- .:.. 1 7:- 2. r '»-..e. _ , - .,.l.
me LL57 _JJ-J?! £11K. 11.1'11‘33fz. U“ “flit Q.'..L.1r.".f-..‘.;:.lzr: 4..’"! {‘L513'7u’bin’lwl, 7521‘: (1?: szb
‘1. . ..L A 7.“ ..”—... . J‘ ‘-2~-— «'2-‘1 2. J2: 2" ‘ - “ .L2— ~.. — - .
." 'TTV,‘ 510:1 firm-1.10 .:.i-IJLA 3‘21}. T‘ , 4;,” ‘.1"; ‘.:.L""J {Al-LL' 1.51;.“ J 170521173195:
. 1 _ ,,' .,. < ,_ . ..1 .L. J.. - ...1“; j ‘. .,,. .9.” .'3 :.. .1: .-...':, ...1'-,..
your nandn, you HLVC uOu bruflimflttfifl to go uflC 109150“ lulJIHW*
' .. '2 ‘1 ,, .._:g 1. . ..:. 1 .1.1...1. ... ..1.1., - 7._-..; 111-..: _. -
filon, 4111 ymu 310110 b17e ”H11 you; gsnmpt My chu1nn. and
‘ 1 -
’W' fr 2'
K. J_L 1C.) C .
V, 1.. . ' .
*::11232- '11?.1}.;I,
gut" '.
.j‘. ':1/.1

 roan i—aReviae’d July, 1909 '
gigsage; whichtit-rebapparqntlzhunncfcesgsfirg, oft thatdcgiultd ge seqt tbythtinfn’g‘ail’ willéxtci tragsmitted iand .
1 . "
TEII.EGI'12AM°‘vere pm" ” “‘ °°P‘°§ee 133351;“ EeSm‘ManaZertpé‘éuf; £12.. i’m. “““’” °“ “‘“‘“m TELEGRAM ~
Lexington, 1:31,, November 191th, 1913.
Woottan 5: Ifiorgan, '-
Elazarr‘l, Iigro ' .
Eleasc wire me name: of Sheriff 13f Perry Cmmty anti name of Tax
Collector of Tom 0:? Hazard.
So Mo ‘2?if1130m '
W [94> M

 / ' / f / v .
.,7/[’71 ,'V” /, [‘.,/’:’» ,1’ ,  /“ “ 1'.” , 9' '7 / Z ' //. l y/ // / if / ”’7 r ,'///, ,H/
4441,1/zy..¢/L ”M ..C/41-.»6/A/1, /// M (U .:./”Z All/11.»,
. _/ / .: /
4 //”7 ;K’Y - Z
3‘ 4% - / / . 17/1; 17/
y / W7 ,, ///./x .44 Him -//.»M.»/ $44710”, .
am ( / } a den /. 4 . .
.' ' , ; .. L/V/ /‘ 51./,“'"
« 71 4 , / .
/ Lin/Moral (fa/111.24%. WW I
U :1] 4 1 / ./ 1 1/ 44 x/ / '
Invember 14, 1915. _
‘}r g ~:r 1‘ ._ 1
n. a, uCHOflEZl, Esq.,
Ransger, I & F fiy.Coa.
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
“‘-- . - .... 4 .-. 1. «n -. 11 1 . ~~ . _
agc*oené h?4n41fin, I hgng you cmpy oi a Aetficr of the 31th
1natant, wrlttefi me by Woattor & Hargen in regard to the taxes mfiing
- 'V .,,. 1 , _, a - , 1" _, .:‘—y, _ _ ._ ,.'. . >4 ~ .-
PeLry bounty by the 7 & a £93 bflG CUfifcnb year, 4:45, unaer a recent
~.4.'-"-' u,“ ‘L. .1 _.‘ 4 ~. 4 A ‘.. 1 - .1 .- -- 1 'z - . -
COiulllCmthm Of the :uéitwl 4f Fuollc accoaaéfi, anu also on &n
QSSOSPfiCEt of certain articlcg of fangibic firnperty for 1312. Will
. 1. m, .. . ,, 1 . “AL”
you Elfiflly glvc this manner your prompt attentlon, so Ekaé~fikn to
avoid incurring any of the penaitios immafiofl by law for delay in
$131}: fine: 73:13]?) 01145 .
I am {2.15:0 1215:“; :01"? 21,3; 2;: 3313:1333? (313-7337 =7 1’.‘ “hi- latte}:- from
7:3,. .. 1+ w “. T7- ., ,4‘.. 4 w? a T7 4 . a... ".4 1.}. ’ . .r I.“ ‘ 4
u ' 'LJOJ. :.. :101.£:.n 1:0 ~11» ~'UU1: 2:21;, 1.14 -"OtLJ.§3-L\. 31.1-5: .
‘:'c: :'g," 333111;; 3011125 ,
.0» T / A
031231 7’07 4

 \\_,, n / (.1 / (J ' k I ,
,Ix: ' 4 " I W / ‘ ‘ // Ix" / ' :’ / ,, 777/’r v «
Qua/Mfg”, ”MI /////// ”Ax/fly ¥, n” max,
/ )1 , w /'," ‘ f
y W ,_ ,L,/(m e-,.,/,;:,K~«M,/¢ V/Kfl/la/ 5’44””7/0” L9?
fl . , .
amflf/ 7’ > _ don /. fl y
; ,<.q ,I¢;;// Iiy'”
/ .2?/gnarl” 602/”,ng [1__—
“ Hflflllflllmliflm / /
, fl, , ,#, /J //,v
Sovemher 14, 1915.
. C. H. figorman,>sq.,
' .' ’.'. ~—- ‘ 9“ ’F L" 7,? ”‘,.
53,331: 111813. ,’igéj‘y. Ix Cw J1 J. .'\. Kl-‘J.’
Dear Sir:—
I have to—duy received a le ter um er Gate of Xovombor 11, '
1913, frmm Woatton‘& ihtgnng our 70031 ifitorreys, at Hazard, 1n re—
flard t9 the recent certification by the Auaifior of the avinwsmcnt
against the L a T for taxes in Perry County anfi also in rcgfl fl to
an unpaifi tax on certéin tangib16 pTOPEth with which the 2 fl “ was
fiSSOflSOG in fierry County last yegr. is lnéjcataa in the letter from
T07fit01 & Tbxgan, the paymezfi of these taxes nughfi to be arranged for
flyompt‘y, SC as fin avaia incurring Shy penaltiaa thcronn £3? 50333.
1 shall be obliged, if yau will kirfi“y give the matter fhfl necessary
:ttention ta the enfi that the impoaifiion of any pana3tios or newts may
be avoidwd.
I have mailed a 31333:? copy of the oncifiqnfi lofiter to fir.
febowoll, 3&nager of the T a T, for his attention.
\I‘ q... 4.. -, ~m
v01; urhly your»,
try raj/‘5

 / / / fl / '7 / t/
t M / ' / (fl ‘xJ ' r ,» 4'
h )w ,' ,/' ' ,’./’r’ . / I) y/ f/ “I / 7‘ ; / I, ,’ , / f/ I /" / ’7
:,:\.i,4/K,/K//yarK/,/v (KM/K /KK ,K//[ 6.,» KKK .K/ KKK," __ ,K///' /”//y,
z’ . m / L‘
4“ J J/ /V/ 7’ / l
g (7,9 94/! ~ ¢W WM/w gait-4.7;... 9i”
, : , n
“mfie/,%fl , ,t don /. N y
/ Jenn/71K? fizz/422K: ”J__—r”
, fiflflllfllIMI’MWI / ’
,, .. ,/__/1 / .. r/ "I
hovenhcr 14, ifilfi.
"x' .w. .7. ‘ _ - ’ ‘T
ncasiu. ui=tton & Bergen,
w, “ , an
11.9151": "‘3'; , "1,57.
‘. . -,— - ( .. flu . , "' -- ‘ '
1 date your invo: oi the filth instant in regard to the
certification or taxes nun ivy" +hw 3 c r we c v- - , " "4L
v -. .L- . .. .r .. In K ,, '1-.va J; L .: 1.: . ‘ And” n \JO . 0;? the fill“ i {101‘ to
._‘q ,1 1’ .V.: - »..» :.,"'f"1 _1...‘ .I.: ‘_.». 4“ "‘ a a“ K ~ ~ ._ ‘ - " > " ' '
LLb groper nu nrriuies or 58113 County one also advising me of an
,.,, .1 [.1;/.‘: _,.”) _. (1.”. .5’.- . i J.. 5‘_ fr ‘1.) . ‘4., .1., ._., i: ~ '2 a ... - .. , - "
“no.1, can sea iron the a ; on its to Lin e property in Pcrxy Sounty,
Zia“? ‘ 11$“:le 5.:-7.2: '7'1'4<_'QK~~ run”, 2; » 1‘1"“ .; ... ‘:‘ 1.. j .1 ,.,; .. -.. 4 ,. - n .-
U in“ “to sun. can let it go, last year — 1:.1uin. i an refor—
_-, ..,.". - 4.57,. ,.'. .,.1‘3“. ':" ..- “ -,- v “ *- '
ring your lettui at once to ml. hoorman and Mr. hoboroil, with the
request that some he given proper attention.
VAT“! ”7‘ 7"" raw "W"
on; DAL,»- dwell-.13,
»v',,:'il _’

 \//V t / (A ,/ ' ,/ /
\‘ ' ' ‘ V ‘ I ' ’ 1 / 7 1 fK' , /' /’ ,1 K
T . , 1 ,. , , /’ ,j ’7_. , / / , 1 /,,r "// ,. ,/,’
--1/Hwy, K/[ ”m/ .//, Z .//,/ . ..K/ ll (1 / / / ”W4 1
/ / 7 7/ /‘ /
\ 1" (.r / 3K1 , ’I/ . ./ _
4 _/7///=/////// //,//’/Z $04an 9??
1 ‘1. '1 />,,, , , /V,a ,/ ;/
..Zflxlr'z'fl/ ‘J/Jfi/t/Y'il’vl/Z IMF .II/ V ,
_ ‘" , /
YT ~ _ 1 r2
noiemnar 12, 191V.
‘1*,.-.~ A '."-'9» .1 1.11.1qu
Jam...“- _.. -_.- lLKL):J.-L1‘QJL»L,
w J 1.. . . .‘.. ' v‘ Tn '.‘ "‘ i
ACES. wist. utby., L m A . K L0,,
_. .7 .- -- a '7--
Bear Biriu
f x : 1':. .. .. --- .. .r- .‘1 '= rue. * . ..;—..--J_ 1.1..- - :. 1'. - _.- --
Ansmarinb 33a: fzvfll 0. fine lUuh luguouu, seeming ifiiulfluilon
ragpoatina tbs tax rate lev1cé bf raycfite “gummy for the year 1913, and
.1 :..- .. L _. 1.1.- . .. 1 .'.-1 ‘ 1. . ,. .. 2.-.. w -
KCQmYHlMC 1eien1th, as 18940 ton, Una ene_omugo aunompanyLuy you: let-
. .1 1.. ~ >111.-. ..1 -n . '-‘,.-'.-1.:—-'1, "' — ~1'~‘,. .‘.... .'. 1 ~1~ .
tars I have to say fihafi the tan 1.29 of MRJCQVC Dough} iu; uh” year 1915
- . ."‘ .“.- - . 4.1 . . ‘ .:. ._ _-,.... .... 1.— , T, ,'J r: J..: :.- .I., . ., -
1~3 ;.1 1.;F cen;t:3, .119 Siune hf. 1&19 :.tz-Le 1 .a:. 441 :21»22:..0,1 .11 .110 4301;:Ly*
tax, there is also a schnol tax of fifteen contg. Th? thrifffis Eook
‘ «l-‘ -« «2" .11. ..-.--~ . . . 4' . z. . ,.:* .L .....r ,.. ' . . .1. 1- T 0 ‘5' ..
snows ans Loiui “buofipflsht .0: gangiolo biAdS figfllnfit bhfi m m p for
(1* r’ . 1 "mm” ','" 1.1 1.1-.- 1.1 J..“, 1? . 11.1.-.., .1. .. - ..A; .".-'...- - . -
1._/J (1‘ CIR x.~1,a.1‘05u:30.005 :.‘}10 uC...\ «DH uik.L§t§ cf,§'.1ti’1_':,.’:1.'“‘,,Qb :.‘.J‘u J.J .1. DJ (31031142131; .LS
:“1 -r~ w ' A.“ 1.9 .' 1!. .I. '3 ,1\. ..., ,.. ..,.; :’.“rv'w War A". .' .. . ' .1'- . «'.1
¢1030.15. u; bflifi ”03a; 3 se,uqenu 11$,aud.uw .3 SthQCb to UHC school
‘. 1 .1 “.:. .'1 1 - ...I. ..~ ..'.'.-1,,” - ., . .. :.,. .I.‘ - ~'-. . .'. - , .:- .n . 1 , ~
tax aha my aha rage 0L -.-taon own. , yum Leta; afloung CL the School
4-1--,- ' - c:~-~ n" W .. J- .- - .. ,..114~ ‘:”:‘z r: ‘ ‘ a A r ,. 1 .1
4&2; .‘.-.‘.." ‘11}.J.9h.’.u'.‘u 4161:1251) ’J‘V/O I ‘.1/'?le ..yi'g_KK.‘.05«.x115JC '~. .1,.L.I.J{JIOU.‘ £1112; {1231011 it {gllkyfln
in fiho letter of fihc Sheriff to Tr. Tcfiqteil ané alvn in if, ficflowcl?’s
*‘ ..-‘... _.’. J...” J._. .:. , ._. .. J._ "R “_‘. 7.x, ,'
1033c; Uk uhu 7gb xflSttQZ no nr. nxauiuId.
rv’L. . , .2. '.