xt73bk16mf8w_469 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [331] Dally Combs v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [331] Dally Combs v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_47/Folder_1/6429.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_469 xt73bk16mf8w \‘x : .‘7/7292; #7
I \‘\ t f f . . , ,, .7 . /
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K. .;ljisf:?[klizbe/f/fz‘or/My / '7 . '[7 2
(fameeg/Qgg/{Zel/l a/mm/p/Qyé/ October 23 .1915.
f ngé _
Q? 437‘, /LS
Hon. 5. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co., _
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your favor of October 20th enclosing
attested cepies of judgments rendered in the case of Dally
Combs, Nettie Cornett and James Eversole v. L. & 5. R. Co.
' in the Perry Circuit Court, together with the Clerk’s taxation
of costs in each case. As there has already been considerable
delay in the matter of vouchering these judgments and costs I
have forwarded the papers to our voucher clerk with the request
that vouchers be made in favor of the proper parties as promptly
as practicable. But when,in my letter to you of October 13th,
I ask you to send me a certified bills of judgments and costs it
was on the idea that the certificates requested would be prepared
on our regular printed form, several c0pies of which I am enclosing
herewith. From the fact that this form was not used by Wootten
& Morgan I am assuming that they have not heretofore been requested
to use same and that a supply of such forms have not been furnished
them. If I am correct about this will you kindly have Messrs.
Wootten & Morgan and other local attorneys within your jurisdiction

S c I'll o J n '_ 2 .
order a supply of these forms and, hereafter, they should make
use of them in certifying judgments and costs for voucher. We
had several purposes in View when the form in question was devised
and one of them was that we should,by its use, have the certificate
of the Company's attorney to the accuracy of the matters in the
bill for judgments and costs, including the costs, p
’z’ A,/ . ii
Yours truly,///J//I 5////,/ if
lf/ / \‘. ,. VV// I .\_\\‘ //-
‘.;/ C/ ,‘fl m l (i / ,1 1_,/«(i ,, ’ r _ / O ' ‘:’-“j/
District At orney.

 // 3/ (7' w ,1 ~ //7 /
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-_,_,,n//////7, /,/, ////// (,./41,0” . //,//, // fly __/,////////y,
l _ _//////.,////////////// g ~, .,/ y
«C refilqué % W407: // exaquban, y.
I. '7’, 7 “.‘ "
k” 4/ {17” ” ””’ K ’ am’J‘K “IIMI_-v’ /
rvy/x /,L_ ’L' /, /', "l
, K
, , October 20, 3915.
Hon. 7% , 73. E’i'arfielr}, - >
Hist. 2".7‘3‘63'. T“ 5:. .73' E 3': Co.,
Louis-21ml] (2 ,X3].
Bear Eir:~
I herewith enclose an attested copy of Juégmont rvnforod in
the ?owxy Civeuifi Gourt in tho cage of Tall; Combs v1 1 & H Ry” Co.,
together rith Clerk’s taxation of coats“ in Satisfaction of this Jufiq-
moné, it will be flGCGS?ary f0? us to pa; 5350.00, wifih intoraat fihC?GOH
from August 89, 1915, until paid, and plaintiff‘s costs aggrogafiing
Kindly let me have a voucher in full of the entire amount
at your first convenience, anf oblige,
Yours trulv
‘ v ’

 / // (x1 )- 7 / ,/
I a , I , 1 ) I, / A f / I ,. .' ‘,, , . ,.
-.._,./41,07. /// ”M/ KM)- (Hz. //////// ..////////z//,
_.I) ‘ ..//l/  0/(71///{ - . > (yap
. x 5/// ///,i/%/// .//,(/.., . x.
-.C (()27((€r-/ L/{d %¢/Jfi?2 . exaflgyfibaaz, U 21%
fl' ./ //~ . / _\ [,.‘ z/ w
e, w 1', 1. ' . .
( .K/mmm/"(,,./nayta/g 4mm" ~
V. , ,.r . J ’ // / _/ // " l/
October 20, 1913.
Hon. 3. T. Hayfield.
Diet. fifty, 3 & S R R CO.,
- . .: .. ‘:7.».-
.:.r11-ui .3'. 47.19, ”17 .
Deer $3r;«
I hare fio-&a§‘mailei you afitestefi ea?iea cf the jufigmenfis ren—
Gercfi in the euewe of Daliy Combs V. 3 & 7 Railway 30., Fefitie Cornefit v.
I {‘1 7 3173.3. (Ear... and Jams Tlverrsolo 3;. .‘"- !T': T“: I327 C's). , "1:05.31133-1911 :1;-113.111 1.11310
Clerk‘s ‘31’31511131 0:13. 13;-C (toads: in 33.12.4311 0:25:63.

In foxmarfling these capieu to me, Koavre. $vmtfion a florgan
have fihia to ray regarfijng She judgment appareuily reniered in favor 0f
John ?. Cowhe v. F a i 3;. Co. I quote from their letfier of Ocfiober,

17, 1913, -
1! . _ H _, ._: .,‘“fh .. - .,_ _ p: ~~ —.
In the cage of John .~ Cnmna v. hazington a Laetern fiy.Co.
~4-- n ‘I";‘ 4~ ‘ “ .~.»,,,5V .. ' . . r .- . .’.! .. * - . ,K_ -
ohe Case was urien duaxihfi Jury fauna ;o: Genus in the sun oi yi75.00,
1 4‘ '4“ -‘ :‘1-713'1.‘ 1H- .. .~ \—» .. a . .
on“ age JUU;1CAU was not euieiod in the verdict UhTOu;% ovoveiehfi a? the
,gw iiiu- .i .,
Clfilfi; nonfie, I aid not eena any jufiwmcnt in that cage.”
‘ J! ,.o.,.. 4.1-..-1.J« - 1......1. -, . .
I ini01 110» ufllfi tfldu gumduemo in the Combs cage wall not
'.':111. . 13147 -‘ - J~-' ‘1 L" .. . ., v1. 1' ‘6 . .
b0 MhtOLUU dlbi; Hue noxi teym or the Rerry Circuit Cnurfi. is seen as
-‘- ' 1—..,..,,-.v. - 1 ._, -. A“, ~ ‘ -,- .. -
ohe Jumtucub lb actaaxly butClOG, 1 W“?i DTOCETO a ceny Pnfl mend it 1%
_._ . _._ ».. ‘..) ..-J.
for the requisite voucher.
1,0.1Hr ‘:'-“~37 ,1 ‘ / ‘../‘.‘
.3.“. DA. 'A.. J $11.31)... £3,

Dally Combs, , Plaintiff.

vs / minimum .

Lexington & Eastern Railway Co., Defendant.

This cause coming on for trial and both the plaintiff and
defendant having answered ready for trial thereupon the following
jury, to-wit: Wm. Smith, Lee Brashears, Jim Napier, Joe Cornett,
Marion Campbell, Hiram Smith, Joe Teltner, Shelby Combs, S.B.
Feltner, Jeff Hoskins, J. Fcltner and Lute Spencer nave empsneled
to well and truly try the issue joined in the above styled case and
after a statement of the case was made for both plaintiff and defend-
ant, each party then introduced their evidencé to the jury and after
all the evidence had been introduced, the Court instructed the jury
as to the law in the cases, and after argument and counsil for both
plaintiff and defendant, the case was subéitted to the jury and re—
turned iitc Open Court the following verdict: "We, the jury do agree
and find for the plaintiff in the “um of $150 in damage". H. B.
Cempbcll, Lute Spenccr, J. E. Feltner, Jeff hoskins, Shelby Combs,
Wm. Smith, Hiram Smith, J. E. Corneti and James Napier, nine of the
jurors who were umponelcd and sworn to well and truly try the issue
joined in the above styled cause.

It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the
plaintiff, Dally Combs, recover of the defendant, the Lexington &
Eastern Railway Co. the sum of $150 in damages and her cost herein
expended, nd this cause is stricken iron the docket.

V , . 7m 2 L“
. Aitnrnigg at 4am ‘ ’91:,” a»; 5 ,J
HAZARD, KY. ,7 ‘
J- ’7
Oz». 17, 191.9.
111'. Salim? LT. 7.7115021,
wa- «4‘» v 4L ..1-"
,,J<,V:J&ll'l_é5uufl, genuuuu‘yn
We ‘11“ Si 1‘:
Enclosed we hand 7 u suitrni‘tnd 0133177 Cd." judgment in the case
oi Dali? 7301:1703 vs mefangtnn 73215319331 Eisil‘z’njr 30.;10‘5tio "Barnett-
, vs Floxinrton 3: flash-um (30.; also taxation 0f cost in mach cvse.
\\ In the case- 03’.‘ JCT-‘m ’,. Smiths Vi: lexizmfirta‘wn Tamera 317.30.
"v - - , .. .'." a r m “A ,T‘ W m .- -". ,.
1:119 0:339 was trimd and the Jurj‘ futwmd y“: imubs‘. an 1170 .;ym i “1'75,
but the i216 mmut was not en‘ternd r11 the Verdict t7";.1~o:.17":1 ovarsi fut
of the 31.01%; heme, E did. 110*; 37:16 771:“ :7uc7;érro:1fi in that 3530) Tl.
3701.1 will oizico 0771" To, ort, 1:70 did 110*; :3de 5:11?“ 73:16? 7119111: 7(5):" ‘mhss
but we "9314;11:71th the juflfirient 11‘70. “liner; miterei“.
‘“murs var? 1:2777137,

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Hum - X) 5. 55: 55 .3 Huiu‘ L13. ‘3 L)(.»1)J.J 9.1-3 .5) L'... "5.2.; ‘~.’55 .u’.» 31““: ‘4: ..1 LL32; -.-..‘ ... ..’. 5 !- ‘5-f .1. '5- . ’.-5‘\:0(1
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 F ..._/:17”in ”M (Cw/W71, fillflflfly ///////////
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ngue/ fl We” Jy///A///’/////////’/// .gmw’Ifl/on, %.1
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£33 Shel}. 2.2112 1.3.3113: ‘:31.: 31:51.1;(31151 37:33.3 1.1-35.33113: .3’": 33:33:13.1 9133 :0.: fag".
1.113.? 3313133? 33:33.11031
."-: ' " f ‘
d, _
C‘ 13333355 «11.3. ..

 \fi:>J'.ni-::w7 that Tiltnol? will {1007"th $153. 1 W0 &;;_ZTG{;Ui-‘O
in he two cases. "

Dr. Sumner is out of twn — he. s in Le 13.11 0 iii 0 in in"; no :.gji‘v'ol,
’I‘11:§;‘v"éf‘orajx no Staten 071T. from him.

I suggest T‘hz’zt matter "no TVE'PV‘T'TCf-g to ti; o After-11515.2: as o
‘.'lldi'ii/‘J‘ or not it 'r s advisable to make cacti." {Win T :.:.T. .'_‘i tires-‘- :1 If. '
can be stemmed. We 1“ ::‘” Cam" $1.17?‘r“f-'—“ iile. Han-1;?

Yours infill", V. .. t
,. :1" Sir! I '
'7 :.?..17; 1», > . . . ;r ‘ ‘
CE? “».’ '.’\FJ:.;5.Y‘-'T Agij“ .L_.
*5; A MOD

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the,“ 3-32.11 “213? f P21177191. LLE-13.
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 statement of gear nrancis made to A m Warren at Hazard ny,Aug,15th,
iuia ieiatiVe to aiieged injury to Daiiie combs and Nettie Cornett on
or auout the --—- day of ------,1912.
yy name is Jae” wranois,age,47,iive at hazard “y,Night watchman for

’ “2.3.11. 00 at Hazard unmarried.
At the time or the above accident i was down in my boat which was on
the North FOIK of nentuuny Hiver. This accident happened right where
nesser branch runs into the North rorn.in buiiding the raii road at
this point the fall road uompany put a trestie over the mouth of messer
Branch,Thns branon is used for a road way too. The train Whluh did the
whistiing was headed north.rhe train wnietied two or three times—short
whisties.it was not but a short time after this untii the train started
out.wnen the first whietiing was done the women who were riding mules
had passed under the trestle and had gotten a short distance beyond
down in the bed of the North Forx,0nc of the women gunmed off and the
other one fell off and the muie dragged some ten or iiiteen steps. I
dont think either or the women were hurt to amount to anything ir at
ail. it LOOned to me like that the engineer was looming in the direction '

7 of these women at the time he die the whistling.ne had nis head out
the Window and when the mmies got Scarred he put his head baufi in the
Windowo i Wiil not say whether he was iaugning or not.
i dont remember now what grew it it was or what engine they naxd either.
The whistiing that 1 heard was no iouder than is common with engines
on this road.The train whistied two or three times.rhree whistles is
to start ahead.And this train did start ahead soon after that WhiStilng
was done.So far as i Know the whistiing was done was simpiv the usuai
Whistle signai preparatoryto starting out from the station.

1 have seen these women severai times since this aileged acci

dent and they iooned to me to go about in the usuai way as though noth

' had happened to them of a serious nature.
The above has been read to me and is true to the best ofmv noowrdege,

"‘ // /
Wfizm / ,.Aw/ , "
/ // /"‘I// l/ f //I , , , I I! ;' {ff ;‘A I"
'>\/// i . l

 Statement cf dim Hogg(00i) made to A h Warren at Hazard my,Aug,15th,
191: relatiVe to alleged injury to Dallie Combs and Kettle Uornett
near Hazard nV,---- of ~——— L912.
Ky has; is Jim Hogg,age,aa,nive at Hazard my,naborer,married.
At the time of the aoove accident l was running a little restaurant
across the river from Hazard ny.This accident happened on the hesser
branch which empties into the North Fora just across the river from
The way i saw the accident these women were coming this
way towards town and coming down the Green. There was an engine and
train of cars on the tracx right over where the Hesser Branch runs
under the rail road. This train was standing still at the time. There
IS a trestle over the Messer branch.The women were riding mules. When
they got pretty well towards the train,the mules sorter stopped line
they were Scared,and the women then turned astride and started on.
Aouunthe time the women and the males got under the trestle some one
on the engine blew the whistle as much as tw1ce i am certain and i thinn
three times.They were three pretty neen ULOWS right after each other
just as quicr as they could be given.The mules began to jump and brone
and run with the women.l think the Uornett woman Jumped off.i was tOid
thatthe other woman fell off,at any rate both of them were on the ground
when i get there.

The Cornett woman was hurt at least she was the one that was ,
sicn Ior something line 2 months.it was a worn train crew that did the
whistling but I dont Know what crew it was.l am certain that it W’s
about the time that the mules were under the trestle that the whistle
was first blown.l dont Know what was the occasion oi the oiwoing as
the train remained standing for an hour and a half or two hours before
it started out.

i expecting that the whistling that i heard was about
line the usual whistling that you hear on a rail road except that the
whistling was done faster.

I expect that at the time fifths acctdent 1 was something
11KB 100 yards away from these women. "
l thinn one of the men on the engine anew the women were under the
bridge because they were looking in direction of WBmen when horses stopped.
The above has been read to me and is true to the best of my Know1edge.
Witness. ‘\ f) f
- < ~* / ,
. > - r!‘ y . '. ’ p.» .1 ». fifi‘fiwdv‘fflw‘ :.:.MV gig-fliybfigr‘ j. ,,./.7
, I“ awe/e 32: W}
/ “’9 i: "ff

Perry Circuit Court.
Nellie Cornett and
Dally Cowms
‘ I. & E. R. Co.
These two colored women were riding down Hesser
Tranch opposite Hazard and had just passed under the railroad
trestle WHGTG if Grasses Ffiid firnnnh when 2 tr in which wns mp-
proaching from the WEst blew the wkistle, as w:: necessnry before
reaching the de00t at Hazard, and scared the 03103 on which they
were rifliny, emf Lrwm which tho women jumped 3f tkeir own man
cord, and I WPS infirned 3% the time that neithpr cf them 01 iLPd
is have Teen hurt, but 0 short time later they Chan efl their stwfie—
went? LAN wore talking 0? hringing suLt rm? Cid briny 31:3. 3y
renort 00 tflis cvfie will le6 the n :0“ 0f the engineer and fire"
uuul $810 TYSITE or: 3:10 on 31.37 2‘? 13;? tirfle, 73.0:‘9 znrr on I :30 1102 ::ov:
remcrber, n01 d: I zexerler figs 31 30$ 3? the engine or train.
William Combs, “Kettle Head", of 0310?. file: Combs, his brothar,
and Duck Olin 07, 3100, 0310:03, are 530d witnesnur for tee
Exilrcrfi iofipsny. I Dr confiflevf thfit Vooten & £03535 fivve a
liw+ 3? 3310? witnr“rvv which I End faund in this 33:8.
1'3 .
‘2 “ / /('/"
. / )7? 1 [(2914 ~ “ ’Wfl .
J/ ."
/ )
\J» ‘

 e . .%7M///Z
. / / . . /// /’/ ,/ . // /’/ . (I ,. 7,1/
{fiffim‘mw mfcfijx/{f/zrjnéqu :f/é/w [Ar/zai/y/n m7/}//7 ”My/”1%?" -
fish/£4 y/rV/%07’77Zfl7l; I”
aims-t. mar/w DWI/met: ,. /
/’ ' CK: . /, x. ’2 ) I {I I /-,’l ’1/‘/// / LS, M
, /( ”Hafi/ A/féfi/(pf/éZ/j far/1 K. ///[/6J//////flf/,Z//r July 14th 1915
Nellie Cprnett v. L. & E. R. Co.
Dally Combs v. Same Perry Circuit Court
Law Agent,Stanford,Ky.
Dear Sir:—

The above oases grow out of the frightening of a
horse being ridden by plaintiffs while attempting to cross
railroad on a public crossing at Hazzamd. The petition
qu filed g§_ganuary 11th 1915,but I never heard of the cases
until the receipt of Wooten & Morgan's report of cases now
pending in the Perry Circuit Court. I wish you would please ‘
have the cases looked into and make whatever additional in-
vestigation should be made.

g - 5%2 a a/é 1" Vfl
<::/<:77);:;ief Law Agent
0 S be
Herewith three cases. The nex time you are at Hazard i
wish you would iOOL over the files and see what is needed.
As soon as MI Liveiey come to this territory 1 want you with
his ageistanoe and mine to clean up every thing on the LuE.
We will do this as soon as we can,
Lexington av,ouly,1vth,1913.
A O M. W.



. ,.

faorzfijiswille, 3233;” 57173.2," '.’, 3.9155.

3122,7332”; ii. ‘5‘-..7. 713.8031,

{lo 13:393. 72. 23: V. 12235;. 232:“.


312635125: 17353:“?-

I have received f