xt73bk16mf8w_473 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [335a] Jane and Hiram Williams v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [335a] Jane and Hiram Williams v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_47/Folder_5/6557.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_473 xt73bk16mf8w ‘L .
M September 729, 1917.
' Hon. ‘3., 3.. Y‘Eari‘ield,
Tim). gig/.., m1: 2 00.,
Lo ui wills , iiontuoky‘.
Dear Sir:
.'»lpxopos oi‘ your letfier of the 27th instant to Lieosro. ‘
Morgan 6; Nuckolffi, in rei‘orofioo to “the suits in Lotchor Circuit Court
beta-zoom Jane and ;iii'am 2":1711'iams and the 133.31 122. 00., (..SFTfi'J-Jg’2279)
i have recently received from .:..x'orggon 57: Ihzckols the original and
one carbon 1309;; o: {no ‘Ql<>]?L§:'£J trarmoript oi" the :.'ocorfi in the equity
branch 0:" Elli-‘3 Thitigati :1, toggo‘xflmr with the Clark’s: bf 11 101'
“3399.,809 to CUR/02L" the. most of 53411.1?ng '
.3;] train mail, under Separate cover Ema Valuable Label
LEO. 589122, I on sending; you those trainroripts, \‘.!i th which. you will '
,i'ind 33v tracing; cloth mop i‘iloci with the {towosaitflon 03'.“ :3. :1. Fair--
. In their letter to no of the :’.lot inotémt, Hooors. 3101123an
:2; quojcrois—J strata that ihoro . zz duo-print mood in commotion with V
[the testimony oi" Lord 4311/3031, o mi ”13113533 for tho defom‘ onto, which
is not With the record, and stating; that they would have the Clerk
certiflr bhe blueprint as Doing; :5. part of the record and later mail
it- to me. This exdzibit has not yet arrivod, but :18 Soon as: it comes
tc: band it will be ;Tom'r'zidod to you.
The Ulork'o bill 101“ 193-9.? Q ii; hoi'u'l.°'i‘=;;-b enclosed and a
voucher timroi‘or should issue at your limit convenience.
.{indly .:‘;o]:no‘~;'ilo<'lggo z'oooipt 01 1115.51 letter and the package
mentioned, and oblige,
iours truly,
Si.fi'..'.a '
. E Counsel.

 4 _
,-' Mhfl- 2
amount in cash, at a cost to the company of not exceeding
$1,000. Mr. Williams requests that I take this matter
up with you with a view to your endeavoring to bring about
a settlement on this basis.
. Of course, if you can get off without paying any money
damages, so much the better. Or, if you have to pay money,
settle as much under $1,000, if any, as you can. If you
find you cannot settle at not exceeding $1,000 at all,
estimating the cost of the bridge as $813 of the $1,000, V
find out the very best you can do for the company, i.e. the
very lowest sum in money besides the construction of the
bridge that will settle the entire litigation, and write
I me what it is, with your recommendation.
3 Yours very truly, l»w-:;%{j7 f
r; lei/f / /
2 £0 A 6‘ 1%2/ s.
District Attorney;:7%
Cupy to Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.

 - .,. , ,< f , ,ax i ,/’r~ r} ,1; ,
4 . elf/Wl/flih/zzfl/fiJZ/fi/é/fiififfl/é/wy # j 11'/7’?
fizfingfioneao124252§£gé§éiiég léfiéao'Jgi?§yézzé¢9¢2¢%oal;hé;*;jéétowézcatéyz
2711/2/25.) j/ » “/%M/mrm/, ‘ /
, 9131M.Elfclrz'cL/V/I/I/r/eqy /, ‘7 fl
//¢‘“”6€/¢%Z%‘fowm aflkzfl/zc/é% Sept . 27, 191?
sessrs. Morgan & huckols,
Attorneys, Ha zard, Ky.

Refer to your letter to me Aug. 23, 1917, and to
previous and subsequent correspondence concerning settlement
of the Eiram and Jane Williams cases in Letcher County:

In that letter, as you will see, you quoted one from
Judge Bearing to you in which he said, in substance and
effect, that if the company would build a bridge for the
Williamses, "the matter of damages will be virtually nothing;
we can easily settle the damages question.” At that time,
from estimates furnished him, Chief Engineer of Construction
Williams was of Opinion, as I wrote you, that the bridge
would cost substantially $1,600, Which was more than we felt
the company could afford to pay. But owing to the fact that
a bridge now in use in another place has become available
for use for the williamses, and which is in good condition
for that purpose, Mr. Williams is now of the Opinion that
the bridge can be constructed for about $813, and thinks
possibly, in View of what Judge bearing said in his letter
to you as to the smallness of the money damages the dilliamses
would want, that all of this litigation can now be settled
by constructing the bridge and paying the Williamses a small

, ‘ -~
.Ati’nxumm at £21111
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 1 . — _
September 10, 1917.
Hon. 3. E. Barfield,
District Attoruey, 3&1 11 00.,
Louisvill , Kentucky. _
Dear Sir:

Replying to yours of the 53h instant, in reference to con—
t‘~"z.‘:li(’i‘>tefl filiitL-‘S in :'Lotcher Circuit Court 0111' 713$: v. Hiram ’LEillimLS
and June Villiams vg L&£,&c., and returning herewith the enclosures
accompanying youx letter“ I think it well worth while to have Chief
fingiucer of Construction fiillinms invtithte the investigatiun refnr~

‘ red to at the close of his laiter to you of haptonhor C, 1017. E18
Hurmine that what I had in min& is the purchase by the Commany of
sufficient ground for a passwny across the 10nd a: Avnns Ha monds
irom~our right of Way t0 the public roafi is corradt. It has seenefl

‘ to me inafivisable to have Hiram iillians and wife, after creasing
our trucks, turn back along our right of Way until contact with the
DUdle road is reached. instead of following back along the right
of Way to the public road, it wuuld he much better, in my Opiniofi,
to mrovide a.passway giraight across the Hammonds proparty to,the
nublic road, and this not only for tha reusons I have had in mind
but for the additiunml reuwou an gasted by LE. h.U. Tillinmn, to~wit:
that since practically all the trnigic from the Hiram Lilliaus farm
is towards thitosburg, it would he more convenient to have the cross»
ing and passwny lead directly to the public road instead of turning
to the jaut and away from.the direction of Xhitnshurga

From what Hr. h.C. Hilliams hug to say, I realize clearly
thnt it is inpracticwbla fur us to rastore the old ford or crossing
or to provide a iord or crossing equally as good and convenient as
those obstructed or destro ed. nevertheless, I think it till pzuve

 > EDV'st-Qo
’50 be good bus 11.-mm; for us; to attend; to furnish as good a fort} and
. creasing. and as. convenient mace-.35: to the public road as; the condi’tions
5111):”: ci3.'cum:atuam;:-: will 42211014, urovided‘ 0:" course, this am he Bone
, fist ML. does not :;:.‘xonut tr a ::vl'ohjgafithm 3052‘s.
em“ burs truly,
» '.’
Cy "° Eicéé. 73":'%‘].?_i5:.4i§1£3’ .199530' 3
M119: 4,1131"... 01 gummy” _3
‘ A3111 {Ni “.7. ea 9 92;? K, 1: 01mm]. .

 j???” //7
’ ' 7 '7 7 '/////7/ ///’/ ’ 7/
-/////////// , fly? ”’2/(ac Maia/1% fi/M/flfl/
y/J/Jfl/k/fl/rh g’X/{rg/fxl/r/ , - / / - , / .
, * 4.. *.,, K/ x ,7 ./ I/ , /’ I: ,.
..' 4 ,_ ”’J"”7""v"/’/””’;;;.:.b1e £121.51 ifimfl :mrfi ::.?) the name.- time
nmbritca all of the mattm'n di;n*:r.;tl,;; 0:" indinmctly in «iifizpute. The ‘
cmmluxien reached by air. ..:O.fi‘gTE,-'11'L x-ufi HJfHEIf 57.5; to my) future hamlling
of than-:30 2:712): ts: 113.3130 ”mated Lhure, to-ké‘itz— . .

 1' .. (1)} About all these matters in controvwrny vhich properly '
Gfill :er compensation in damages, such as the washing s; plaintijfs'
land or rivar banks or the overfilow of plaintiffs' land or the de-
struction or deprivatisn of their 30rd or crossing to the public ’ '.
nithny near their land, to allow the nmonnt at such compensation I
is we detergfined by a jury trial; I _
(2} as to the rare or crossing and angers tn the county .
road, which seems ts has: been pesssssed‘ onjoyeé E; the plaintiffs
at the time the ruilroad was censtrueted through the yrspcrty in _ ‘
' question,‘to hays the Engineering Isnnrtmsni of the ‘&H proceed forth"
' with to previfie a cruising and access to the highway £8 nearly as
GS Biblfi sisal to these impaired or desireysfi by the ficnstrnstion
or the railroad and the fill upon which it is built: If, in order
to do this, it he muses er; in sciuire any afi’itiww l lwxfl cuntiguous .'
is our right of say, it might be the cart of some nurinown to proceed
to acquire such land, if it can he had, at a rsusnnahls figure. I
an sniisiied that i: action looking to the rsfitsrntiou of the origi~
nal 3113;923:1245; er one (2:.;zg:“:,3.ly m; {mm is take; :’70::*t}n“?.tf.“:, ii. :2.-:.;; have
the effect of refusing any recovery of damages than that yvrt oi the
litigation is: tried out.
In the meantiqe, gr. “mrgan kill undertake tvperfect the
record on the equity side oi the docket, with the View a: prosecuting
our s: new}, 1‘0 m; {Joust oi’ .-.-::5:re::1‘.i.;z a-.‘i.1,_hout 11mins; dwlngf.
LAT/a Very truly yours.
53 - méfi, hazard, Ky.
' Cy m «5&3 thitesbnrg,xy.

‘ Aug. 35, 1917.
3.3. Warfiold District Atty.,
Louisville, Ky. '
Deer eir: Your file #V22?8~ L & B By. Co. vs. Hiram William;
' ~ Jane Williams vs. 2 o E and L'& K.
Upon receipt of youre of the 4th, suggesting that we endeavor
to bring about a settlement of these caoeo through Juogo Searing
at a figure not exceeding $1000 to $1200, we took the matter up
with Judge Bearing and offorod him 31000.00 no oottloment in full. ‘
we are in receipt of a letter from éuige flooring of date
Anguet 21, reoaing as £0110wo:
‘ ”Replying to your letter of Aug.?th in regard to the
, ”Williams suit, will say that I have he& a conference with
"my oegooiotes in the case. Mr. Hilliemo says it 13 not the _
"money he wants, but a goofi way toptfio County road. He is
“practically'out off from the mouflty rOad. He wants a briige, .
.”an& if you will have your compony to build him a bridge,
7‘*"tho matter of fianegoe will to virtually nothing. So can
\*"oasilg nettle the flamege question. I woula suggest that
”you come up and let us go on the land, and see if it can~
"not be sottlofl. If you lo not intoné to build him a bridge
”or giro him on amount that will enahlo him to buy one,
"there will be meal in trying to settle it any further.
"However this in not to stop the uppeol,‘os we will insist
"that it to trioa5unlooe we can oottle it as above stated.
"It will be boot to fierfoct the opoeol any way, an& we will
"try and settlo if thie above prOposition moots your approval."
From our observation of Judge Bearing's client on various -
occasions when this matter has been up in tho Whitoeburg Court,
and he Woe present in court, we doubt very much if-Judge Jloam--
ing'o idea that the client does not vent the money, is correct.
He Was making personal appoalo to Judge Butler to Spoea up the
trial of the come 30 that he coula get what money might be coming
to him. '
we do not know, of course, how your company would feel about
building the bridge, ovon if that were practicable. From looking
over the grouna, however, we woula think it possible to give 3k.v
Williams a crossing that would be at loaot, so good os“tfio one he
, BEE befOre tho rooé Was constructed. As we stated to you in our
fiforner lottor, the loot tine we saw the premises, the roofiway up
2§tho siflo of the hill, which had been built for him, had washed
2 away. 7
' Eloaoo lot me know what answer to make to Juége Doaring's
letter. ~ .
Yours very truly, .. . ,-,
(’éfim'fi‘fl. E‘filf'§019) Lexington. /'*‘1 7 .. ,, , V 7“ "

 ' . 9*i5—3l61
-- ( MJM é y/(J ZZI/ an MAW/M /fl/7%(W/
, , ,.5, .. ,7 j . m “ :3., _ .I,?
.‘flf/I (Will/fig.” // 4.9/65; / / ‘4 . __ 2 / 7 J ‘ ‘ ’ 4
A?% 5aog£§:%manu ljfigLZ/<£22%;/éaazz9¢Zfakaté¢éiVu,}Zevz¢ézcyf2§¢7 /
4%!/ A» J. L.// own/M44
.5;/$.95. 01(91de all/magi: /.l 7
. .’7 ' ' J) ' 2/‘l ,‘ :‘»T‘ "‘
%afi~%@mwéweg Jag/gypégfi Aug. 4;), J.;}l’?
( /' 671 (e/szc {ye/1, I'. %/
y L&& Ry. Co. v. Hiram Williams &c.
Jane Williams v. L&fl and L&E 7 2 2 7 8
' “, Letcher Circuit Court
‘ Heesre. Eorgan & Huckols.
z Attorneys. Hazeri, Ky.
' ' Gentlemen,
" On “receipt of your letter Aug. 25, x referred it to
Chief Qngincor of Construction, Er. 3.0.3illiams. He writes
me ac shown by the enoloeeé coyy of his letter of this aate.
{cu will obsorVo that the present estimate of the cost of such
a britge as woulc be necessary to moot Hiram Killiams' require-
; monts is ;1,650. This is more than the Company feels it can
i affora to expend to construct the triage, oven though the
5 construction of the bridge woula settle the litigation with-
3'0ut the payment of any money damages in addition. Therefore,
it seems to me that there is but one of two courses Open to
‘ the Company at this time with respect to this litigation:
. g (l) to settle the litigation at not exceeding $1,203 in the x
‘f aggregate, if such settlement would release the Company from
1 any obligation to construct the bridge, either now or at any
i l .
‘other time; or (2) to go on with the litigation and make the
. best fight we can.
I unfierstand Judge Eileen hes returnea to his office.
I am, therefore, sonaing him a copy of this letter with the
request that he read it toyether with the other correspondence

which has accumulated in his file on this eubject auring
' his absence, and then write or confer with you as to fihe
best course to pursue, either as to conducting further
negosiatione for settlement within the limite above indicatefiy . .
or ee to going on with the litignfiion. and particularly as
to getting the equity case to the Courfi of fipgeals.
fears wort truly;
I ‘
‘ i

l r I I '

.1; is L113. (3 ‘i: it “.;- orne ' .
Copy to Judge Samuel Y=7ileon9

flouneel. iaxfinyton, 773

1‘..» l 6 ’36-; .,. 'ML“
.5»,$L::-. ow 1.:...” ;wLS.
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——~i , :,.~. ,- ».-.f »,~.~ »Eu..t:.» ‘ ‘3 ‘m- ..t-b'~‘ ‘
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,. ~5-..: -,:.—,r~,.‘~.4v :f« ‘“"S. -, “n », AW «.”.. ‘.1
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.7.-1 .-_ ~fl '..4» .- '"-~. '-. ..r ‘4 t. . -\' ‘ ‘-» ~,, . '.1 «
uld‘e 35": 9;.8255‘33 -. C2, 15:" in“ $1 ‘.‘ .. Mount. ..' hL -; $1.255? ”3321 '1???

 i .
at a substantial sum to be added to compensate for iamagg-
although yea will note that Judge Bearing in lettar gueted
by Borgia & Euckols, states: "If you will have you? ccnyaxy
Eui13 him a bridge, the matter of damages will ?9 "irtually
gaining. We can 9aaily settle the damaga questifi:.*

In 1914 I had a plan gr?pa:€u fnr a brifigg wkich
:Ehrll answer for fir.Filliaws' purposes th estimate ‘
xtr$ut1y prepared hhaxing the probaFle cast :f such a
':.’57. iniicates that 5* wenld :vquire a: expenjiturs a?
‘ ._.;fsimatély 91;f50.ff :1 CTnetm;nt it at Elie time,
,T.H£:gh it 15 my recollectjcn that 93tim33£ yrepared in
_.Es ihdica1~d that :ha b23133 aculd the; be CCtBtJusted at
a".: §1300.009 MfitavJaLaani Into: have, howevez, 5::
I::;tly increased in ;:;ce o¢cr 2h? ace: in 1314. It is
.,., eviaait, thexafcrs, :Jat wa cflhii is: affng t: ;rier-
"¥¢ :3 censtruct the bridge at thia tine, espeggg‘ly RiflZE
‘ *1? prahability “illiams would insist on car 3523913; I
’r ;mintazn it) am?” taking all canditiene istz considerativu,
' In :5 the Opiniwn :hat we had pzcbablv best carry the
ié':;¢?i:x t: ccnclnsion, in the meantime maintalnlng n1:
::aia :rcaaiag as best we can with the hope of making as g7».
x 2 «"Iig as praetiCJble at ffa tin? of trial *1?“ 2 "i9:
’ Sfifiaéiflg the reccvery agairst f“e company in law P¢
-I-.~, n «t. ;— :..,
‘#.33; YCurs tv41y,
.‘ u
' Chief Ezgéhse: :f "ngixu:t C”,

 ‘ ‘ wowssi
' c fl////////fl%/KKJ/fll/éc azflm/ jkwflflyy/
&‘ ' : CW*%/ % 7 .- ,4
{fflgmmfléféégfigggfior 4%éfilLgaoéaiékoéflugflg?;%§&mfiayé;2
Kfl/az/éiefl'z/éLvQ/mma * g; , o r.
r .9121, [$1.911ch 7””th / j ‘ I 7 , £712ng «SQ, J.Jll'
‘ Lu; 3y~ Co. v. Eirsm Williams, so. _ V
Jane fiillisms, &c¢ V. 3&5 ans L&E.
Lofiohor Gircuit Court
‘ ' a a o " p, o g
‘ Messrs. Iorgsn & Euckols,
Hazard, Ky,

Again referring to your letter so me July 24, the
receipt of which 1 briefly acknowlaégsd in mine to you
July 2?:

Inasmuch as Chief.finginosr of Gonstruetion, Er, 3.8.
fiillisms, is ontiroly familiar wish this whole waiter, :
have submitted my entire filo to him, including your letter,
guggg, sno Juflgs Bearing's letter to me July 12. i sent a
copy of Juigs Dosring's lefitor to Eessrs. morgan o Hsrvis,
Whifissburg, Kyl, wifih s joint letter to them and Judge .
Samuel H. Wilson, Lexington, July 16. But inasmuch as you
may no? have a copy of Juuge Dearing's letter, I am senuing
you another copy of it, in which you will sou Lu strongly
invites negotiations for n comyromiss.

You will observe from fir. Silliams' lento? July 23,
herewith, that he believes if all of this litigation could
be compromised by the payment of from $1,000 to $1,20o. it
would be advisable so fio compromise. The immediate question
seems to be as to whether or not it would be best, as suggested

 M&N~2;j“a“ ‘ . , \~ “ a
by you, to "wait until the Court of Anpeals passesfion'ourfl .
anneal in the Hiram Williafls-case before undertaking‘a”' \‘
compromise, or whether we should open up negotiations
_ with Bearing new, in View of his invitation to do so.
Inasmuch as i can form no satisfactory Opinion at this
time as to what sort of record we will have for the ,
Court of Apneals in the Eiram Millions case, I an equally
unable, of course, to form an oninion as to our nrospeots
of securing a reversal of the judgment of the heteher .
Circuit Court in that case, and a holding by the Court of
Apgeais that Jilin Williams should be required to specifically;
perform his contract with the Company. If, on the Whole .
case, you shall be of Opinion that our chances of securing V
a reversal in the Court of.dhpeals are good, I concur in
your view as to postponing an effort to compromise the
Jane Williams case until after the Court of Apneals decides
the Hiram Williams case. lf, however, it is doubtful whether
we can succeed in the Court of Appeals in the Hiram Billiams
case, it may be you can make such a trade with hearing now
as will be cheaper and better for the Company than going
on with the litigation. Elease give this matter your
further consideration in view of what is stated in Mr. H.C.
Williams' letter and of what I haVe stated here, and write
me your further views and suggestions.
If we do not settle. I believe the record in the
Hiram Williams case for the Court of Appeals will have to

 ’ ‘ M&H~37ffw~rhfil“wv~fiwcom «m‘hw;uwx. -¥nw+hw:it
he mafia up in time for next winter's term. PleaSe See 3 i“*““
that this is done in smote timsx'so that you can sehé to ‘ I'fivx
me with the record a draft of such brief as you think
shoula be filed in the Court of Appeals in the case. But
if you concluoe it will be best toinaugurate negotiations
new, with the possible result that the record for the
Court of ippeels will not have to he made, suppose we
thrash out the question of compromise before you oraer
the record neue. If your conclusion is to attempt a
compromise new, will you open negotiations with Bearing,
or hate it hone, one let me know the result? If the
case is to he settlce, I should like very much to see it
acne well within the moximum figures iniicateé by Ir.
I? :':-03 «Elli-1.1153133 e ‘
fours Very truly, ’ /
J” ”fwwwmmMmNy
. X? W, F \ ,NK
Ifr‘w/ win-AME} (iv/t / \
f .7 1" ” -; . . * {:L-.::z.«:--‘§ H/,,.‘L,._v,\_am_~’"
a! ‘/ ‘ f t 6V“; “(.421
an.“ 1331/.
_ Qistriot egfiorney.
COpy to Judge Samuel E. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.

 [‘77/(:7/l //;
' i//////////// /////V% fw/M/fl/fl/fl/y
:7:/VJ?” }/////)/ gy/KI/flfl/z/ ’ / ;i ,1 - , J . ,
,5/ .7’/”’7’""/””””-"7 ._(L/Xkll’gééflflifl/M/x/Cfl:1/9/1///7r/////7//2y////M
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5 , _/ .;{s‘.s'( (l/Ilv/H'w/..4/MUM}: /, ,/ / /
o“/77/HZV}V”, . /' 2 ~/“ '4
///./// // ”/////'///2////:»\/_///7//, ’r—%///—//'////r/r “ ”yr Jilly 27 , 1917
72278 G r,
Jane Williams &c. v. L8cE Ry. Co. '1
I&E Ry. Co. v. Hiram Williams &c.
Letaher Circuit Court
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, .
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
In connection with my letter to you July 5, of which
I sent Morgan & Harvie a copy, please note copy sent you of
Morgan & Nuckole' letter to me July 24, and favor me with
your views and advice as to the several questions and
suggestions made therein.
Yours very t;y%y’ ”k. . ,
x ,
/“C/(f~\) .1»" fur/f ~ ~ \ ,,.,/~
District Attorney.

 «r r . r
only 2(‘, 1G1?»
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. OJ. LID} 17.19.3111 _L,;LI.LH,_‘.;.L.¢ «3.1.5:; ”.3;-in lull-9:01 final/.., ,. 1.4}i3L11_ 1L -'i1‘\lk:3m-‘.i.’:v
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2131-1011311, to pay tuck-O 311mg. .E L341”; may :‘nmuld 1:03:39: an In
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. (’7. x: . ‘ .. mp”. -‘ ‘r .-
i" '57 2:1, LClLLn V5335; 131.7114,
0:] - 1.517313?
5301111787. 9

July 24, 191?.
B.D. fiarfiold, Distriofi Attorney,

Louisville, Ky.

3951” Sir: Jame ‘.“illiax'ns ;Ee. w 7:; ;.3 .2_: :25. ;::o.
3 o s 53. vs. Hiram fillings $0.,
‘ Zotoher Sirouit Snort.

Bursuant to the roguost of or. fi.fi. Wilson, we are writing you
is anSWor to your letters of July 5th on& July lath, referring to
tho above oasooe ,

EOE will recall that Jase Williams filofl her suit against the
railway company to rooover for tho value of lama tskou.in iho con-
struction of its Ifiufi sea. It oevolOpeo that her husband, Hiram
Jillians owooo one half interosfi-ifl the logo which she olsimoo to

‘ own and he was subsoouootly mooo a nutty to that suit.~

foo railway com any, havisg prior So tho oomstruotiom of the
roai, obtained a contract for o right of way over this land, brought
suit to enforce that contract sad to obioin a‘doed conveyiflg to it
its right of way. Skis contract was signefl by Lirom ”illiaus alone.
253 Comoauy‘s ooutootion was, however, that in signing it, ho'wos
action so agent for his wife. Those two asses worm consoliootod and
wont 53 the Equity Docket. Qhore were one or two attQMpts on the
nor? of tho.oourt to try tho equitable issue in the case, but fiho
ontorins of a judgmoot was posfipooeé from time to tioe because of
the foot that the ofitornoys for tho Williams had not proyerlg ore-
oorea their side of the ease. The judgment cancelling the contract
and declining to oxoooto the dooi for tho right of way was fioall;
ontoroa, flay lfith, 1917; at least we oaks fihofi from tho nofiution
on youx letoor of the 5th, to so the exact fiato of that juognunt.
3o haVo not oho roooro beforo us hose. Ho do know that it woo

~ Teodoroo at the flay term of the notohor Circuit Coast.

We insisted that thoro should be no trial oi tho common law
issue until one eqaitablo issue was finally disposed of aoi we
unflorotood tho court to agroo that we Wore right ;3 to that ané '
fihot there would be no hearing of the common low issue until the
court of anneals baa oassofl Do the propriety of tho juflgnent so
the equitable issue. AFe fiia not know until we road your lottor
of July fith, that there was an order ontorod as of Amy lBth, trans-
forriog those cases to tho oomoon low side of tho socket. Ibo equi-
tablo jufigmont has been ouporsodoi onfi We Soho it thgt no oréor
oould.bo ontorao in the consolidatoo causes after that Was done.

So do not think that the court will snrmit a trial of tho common

law issue unless the company consonts to it. of course if you ’
think it sivisohlo that this issus ho tried out moo both broookoo
token to the court of oopoalo at once, We might o0 solo to out s
trial of the matter at the Auqust term of tho court. fie do not

know whether that is oossillo or not, as we thC not soon the

docket for thofi torn Jot.

,2 .1392) ..?-J .

Our chiofi reason for Koo wanting to try tho common 1%? issue
as to the amount of damage, mutil the equitable isoue io fiaally
dignogel of is this: rho largoot ioem of the Tilliams’ claim for
damage is a throutouea underminiug of fihoiz dwelling houge. 33
oo not think tug; their fears are well founéod, but however that
may be. one rooorda Show'that Hiram fiilliamo infiividuolly, swag
one uoro of gxouud frontigg on the xivor aha in