xt73bk16mf8w_494 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [348a] Marvin Combs v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [348a] Marvin Combs v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_49/Folder_8/1193.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_494 xt73bk16mf8w (m_,(309Z%07a,£” V/i.”/flK)/[7fifié1 ,3 ,..a I"
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 r j} in m: Itohcrt'flfihfir .

, \ Qutmtg Asa-W Jimm- Qquntg
$HWW5mw$ Kmaumg. August, 12, 1913.
Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington Ky.
Dear Sirzu Inclosed please find COpy of order appointing W. R. Caudill
Guardian for Marvin Combs, also a COpy of bondfas suggested by you, in
your letter of recent date, which I hope will suffice, and enable us to
get this matter closed up at Once, th caseis set for trial on the 15th
day of the present term of court which began yester day, and if the case ‘
is not settled we want to prepare for trial at that time, so let me
know at once before we have subpoenas issued for our witnesses, we do not
desire to run the natter to any further cost if the matter is to be set—
What aboat the Henry combs, case in which I gave you the affi—
davit and te account, f-r the destruction of his wagon by the train at
or near the mouth of Golly?
Awaiting an early reply, I remain,#¥¥¥####
Yours Truly, , ,
,:2; iii]; "‘1;; '.;. ,v 1“
K $<é§f§ZmM/C5~ATJ j \

 K ;/ fl / j 7 / ,/
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g / We ‘//7///_/////////////// yam/jam 3ij
(awn-fie, ///, 4 an / , .
#// ,. // H i” / / 4,: / .
,/ . I‘ll/lll ,/ ,T’Vfi/fl/ldfl , ‘ :E’lmmmnl’ , ,
,V -" 1 3“).
i .20‘. , .,. l
L:_ ' L;.‘C: 9 J ; .. - .‘ 1, M " ‘ ;:\

 / / / / W / 17’
-,_,,.Vyfly, 0/ ”m/ / (xx/771 . ////,.a/L_//,//y ,/,-'/-‘////;//zy, '
l/ (I ,, .._'/,',.flfl/K/ ”WM/Ax / -
‘%‘7”‘2‘,€k///, (Wgzoln ‘7’ // ‘ / .. > .JP/xm/an, Lgé.
. (f
. i 1 , ",‘, _ ' -' ”‘ ',7 7;; "‘; '.“-1”-
/ €3=':1:;1:‘;c 1 ,

 : Iiuhtrf Efihur
‘. \ Q'uuu’rg Affuruvg ml’ffhi‘l‘ (Enuutg
’ Ellgiivalmrg. fiivuturkg. August 9 3, I 91 3 0
Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Incloeed plaaee find eopiee of Taxation of cost, order of ap—
pointing guardian, Cepy of Guardiac'e bond, and COpy of agreement.
authorizing qettlement withtthe L. & E. Railway Co», in the case of
Marvin Combe againen eeid Company, Pleaee send Voucher for Four hundred

($400.00) dollars, as per agreement at once.
Voure Respectfully, ! fir , _
(ya/2;” 2'7 1‘11”fo ,,/ 7' » ,

 . . r

YWHEREAS, W. R. Caudill has been appointed by the County Court
of Letcher County and qualified as guardian to Marvin Combs, a minor:
Now we, W. R. Caudill,as principals and Wm. Combs and Robt Blair,
his sureties,do hereby covenant to and with the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
in the penal sum or five hundred ($500.00) dollars, that the said
W. R. Caudill, will faithfully discharge the trust of Guardialtto said
minors, in all respects as required by law.

Signed this 29th day of July, 1913. '

Attest: W W _/Mma-n
Clerk of Letcher county court.
2%. @f7 _W.
4% W 5 see

July term, 29th day, of July 1913.

It is ordered by the court that W. R. Caudill be and he is here
by appointed Guardian for Marvin Combs who being present accepted said
appointment, took the oaths required by law and executed bond with wm.
Gomba and Robert Blair euretiee which bond was approved by the court.

 // v / (7 w 33‘ ,/ /// /
1--'*///y./w ”M/ (in/0,0”. ”MM/fly Krw/m/y,
w 1 1 / . /
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/;./'. /// 7%1//1’/’//, /// . /// , /
. be ”/ 1 /I//////// , [47
‘J 1“ z 3111,31 12%., 191:.
5 a;
Hr.0.3.fiollingavonth, Sunt.,
L. & E1 Railroad Ge., , -__ fl—~r -
flicaleeberc, Ky. 1 i-ku;, , .
~ r7
. v'é"lflfli:7"
Dem? {lirz— '5 .
I attach hereto requisitions in the care of 'WMW""""_"
Hervin Combs vs L.& S. Erilway, for E. G. Estes ass i: i. Silas,
emelsyefi.br your coopeny at Sharanee, Ve., rho are wanted at
Ihitectnrg, $3., July Bath, 1?13. till you please arrange
for their attendance?
Eleese acknorleage receipt, aeviring.
7:7 re)
i 9. 11‘0-
LL x. «Ky {52/
Copy to .
:1flr.3.£.iilscn, City,
.“”' 3.3.Eields E non, fihiteseurg,iy.

onmmcmxnzsunmnnmmnmw ’
July 14, 1913.
Mr. '. A. McDowell, General fianager,
Lkfi Railway, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
.I_ .1 55,12 53 for a: C ‘:xmx‘i'l. e<1s‘j:'~‘310:’1 {7 3,7911? 1 a til 01' O :f’ the 123 ”EL-3‘: 112913 .
encl&sing reguisltious for I, 6. YaLGS and E. E. Giles, said to he
(3. 3351 njmri b @111 u ‘30]11111:1'12.72-i’7. $311133 15..: a: , "04:22.1. , {Sufi 2:31: 1? CU. a“: 1.5.1 1, cs -
bur? on July .Bfitb, as witnesse: in she oaae of Larvin Ccmhg.
I an unshle to loan 3 fihaae men in our emflloy at Shawanee.
. or at any other point on aha Division, afld 1 will tfiank you to advise
me in what capacity they are nuppoxed in be working, &Rd at what 90int.
Years truly,
.‘Ag/Vi ’35 Superintenfient.
Cys to Mr. E. M. Wilson, Lexington, Ky.
D. D. Fields & Son, Whitesburg, Ky.

 Whiteshu r139 Ky. ,
July 22;, 193.3.
~ irfir. J. J'. Danohue,
Chief“ _I‘,..-_::,',~; Affen‘t, 33. 6:»1327. EMF-‘.. Coo;
1.92.11 oville, If; .
Slave fir-h offer 1"?“5‘1’.’ Blair and. 7?’s2;.’!.kn.er to onszzpromise
Inorvin Cot-Toe case at Four ’.:-..zrzdssad ."‘-aliens and mate, an»
ceptmxce of vflioi". l-L rec: .;mzonm “Cir-a it .e=.T.i.-a‘;;e.1,;r, if you
ppm-;we s»:tL‘..+t;-._e:.1‘3; :11: this} figurm
,~‘ . .\‘1 '«y ~‘.—a ,.
»J-wnlkig. ,‘~’ iLLaH‘xLJQ
,.5) A) . “ . “
we ~12 wash a? a

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,:. ;. ., r» _ ., fix . . _, ,r‘m-a. C. 42:”.-- n -
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f:‘-"'-;'»\~-f\ J .'(')-.!-.-1 ~r;".~,- ‘3 J - -~ m .,. ‘1"-..'? T n TWA” ‘fi‘xn'f‘v?
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Tm.- , -v , ‘.,- J.‘ .5. 5.'.. . _,1. 'm ..;. .‘ in .
L yam 1001-. -LfluO alum, 3..». :30. fugue.
: r -= a.” ’7., .1‘, M ... .4. 1 W” ‘..'. ':- A— A" '3' -~v ‘
» “<3 £1:.;.v'0 £1 3 bfluxésJDflu L...L -/ L32": 4);." ..‘; \. frs‘lzm ALL-Ida..le an 353311?-
J. r. “-‘-.” ~-.,.. 17 .. ' ANNUM. '_....CJ. 'x .- -,'; ,A._,_ ., ..‘ w .L.‘ . ‘ ,.._. 7” ~ .‘-..
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“.‘.. e. .2 1w;J.GJ{.3L‘1,=’)1: ».’)“LME‘JT 7' ’1‘ 2‘?“ n1" “f " ~"= " 1 ’7 w '5" '”r" “ .— T
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1:310 “757 air-Hm. ‘.‘ .‘.‘, «a,» ‘ - «w —- ., "J
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{W ..,. ". ‘-.h r.<.'\ :1 A’rww
uhhlufiw .LJLL; ‘-.A.~;_;,;,-°
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f3" 3’: . 33..
, nounsela

 ‘L Statmmt of Bi". J. 7*. Buntoiymma to C S Landfmm at mLi—tLLSb‘Lll‘L’ O‘W'LO
. _,‘nhvfiwmmrwwmwflue _ 7_ _‘ ,

16£L3§y »f A3711 L913 1n racerfl tn 1wJ TV t3 Mnrvclhi Homes.
/ 1 on1¥ new this boy cnco. That was the niiht of in“ GCCiQGnt-
/ - ‘:.—w »"" 7 ‘_~ ~ _.‘ ‘ H, . ,- ‘ - , '“‘” -‘ " .. ~
I At t fittimu ~ {fiwdde th9t no nan n brnkcn rib and that nis yide Houlfl
; fly; Win eiebidcraoL‘ trouble. That We? the oniv time that * saw him
f except in 3??? him an inn street. When I mfit him onthfi StTth he
‘ toifi‘j“ that ho We? uiiright. Hie rib must not Mayo b'*n broken “

39 hi WES out Tarkinfi,in abaui turbo anks and no Couli was have donG

fight nae 1g“ T10 zgwnorokon. “0 h 0 3 Cflt since 0“ ”1” Hand nfld a

cut plrmr nenis knecj There Was votiin: of him injuriee that ShDU1d

' Hove rc“nitnd permanently. A11 cf tVa injuries Were temporary-
,x” }4~ ;' e-r
‘::“. V L‘ '-7:"'"" «3
N“‘~n_ V

 Statmmnt of Dr. J.I‘I.Bentely made to C :3- Lmidrum at ‘.’.hiterflnwg on tle
lot}: of -‘.nril 197. .‘.') in rigged to injury to Ifarvelir: 00117139.
I only saw thi;-: boy onreo. Elliott/'31 tho night of‘ the accident.
At that time I thmxgylit that he had a broken rib and that hit: silo ‘.'.‘o'ild
give 3111:"; <:aonsi,<'-er;jfle trmohle. That 9.:: the only ”3‘1an tint I €178”?;i':2‘_
except to pass him on the street. 3721011 I. mot him on the :gtroct he '
told no that 110 was 5,7,1 right. His i‘i‘u must not ".:;-fire ”door. broken —
a? he war: out working in i': Shriw weeks a1"? he conic not have
, done that has. the rib boon litrwlzon. He tad C. out ‘_’:‘3;€;OC- on his 11:113-
‘ mid out jTlfii’fll on 1319.0. 17:01‘0 was nothing; of his injuries to“
‘ :‘honld have romfltid pel’rz‘rertlg. All of tho infurios Cf“ tenfora‘:f;f.
’.'. i. tr; 0 ”.‘ :‘: :

 .. a g :1 WY "
- . 4‘. 4 1212133 & film . .3 ,1 a“ ,2 _
' . fi' ._ ', i-iig H. F W / “'.suo
, __ ( _. . , an 3_ . , , ,
:Attunxcgn at 343m . , ‘ ‘,, A
WHITESBURG, KY. ~ . // 3w . , .,_,
I . ,’." ‘1‘: I u‘ if v “r l l, 'f "’3
I ,3
_ .., ... »vv0*'~M" V
July 3rd, 1913.
So uel Tillson, Heq.,
Teatiugtorh Ky.
Deer Judge,
I have your letter of July lot and in answer will
59;? 'thrat t?u3rea :iss t6) lie a .Uijec:i;il 'Teixu r)? ”73¢11't 1.e;riruiiiig; tile
ldth day of July and the docket we sent you snows you just vh
when each case is set for trial and so Fer as I know every
ceee on the docket till be for trial, except the eese of beta
tie Wright, et alt, which is virtuzlly settled and the case
30? hatchet Cmty vs; 1 a E Ry. 3o., &c.; which no doubt will
r.e settled;
As to securing the attendance of former employees of the
raiiroad do pany es witnesses i don't think welWill need
a single witness unless it would be in the Iarvin Cgmhe ense
in that case i haVe never had any reoort as to the evidence
1 | ;_ . I v _ ._ ‘ . _ _ _ > _
anc don't even know Who was present ween the accident oCeurra
oi, I do know that Tr. Giles wee section foreman end he now
‘W*\_.v.-.~‘u~~"“"""“'” "Wm ‘ .’_, _ . 3.. , “WM?“ I
74 lives at Shamanee, Tenn, near Cumherland Gap, tut if you have
\ heen furnished a report on the employees that were pr sent,
if you will give me the names I will make the trope? Tequi—
Sition for them. hrs Giles is not now on employee so far as
I know.

' Hoping that you will make your arrangements to he on had
and thet we may be able to answer ready in each case, I re—
tain, Yours truly, Kj‘gJ34:&X>Z ‘)%>

, . C

 .- ,/ / ' ' ,'4/3?, /’// g/ 7.~7/7’/:;/,/.) . /: /’/ .
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/ fix/(I m” 7/IIE'Z/ft/T/fig/7Hfl: //,/,7 (/ /////i//////////7/’. //'/’//////%7,
(chili/IL] .;f //7/-kmnw, "
. ivy/L ’/)/.\‘//'/}'/ .‘////l/7//fl.’
’7 ’p/ " / I. . ’ (,.’
, /”””‘7’.,/ 1’,’-,‘,1’,.’/,{5{,§;;W,,,y 1.../?m7.~r//a.{7% June 18 , 1915.
///:{t [,1, X /? 3
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Marvin Combs by etc. v. L. & H.
Letcher Circuit Court.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of
June 16th relative to the above styled case.
In View of the situation in Letcher Gounty,
so far as the county attorney is concerned, I thoroughly agree
with you that it would be bad policy to antagonize him in any
way and, therefore, the matter of a settlement of the Combs
case will be allowed to rest intnbeyance. I am sending your
letter to Messrs. Harren and Landrum for their information. ~
Ymns trmga _ 7
,'7 f/Chief Law Agent.
‘ 00pies to
Mr. A. m. Warren,
Stanford, Ky.
Mr. C. S. Landrum, Paris, Ky.

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' ' ’ June 1-5. 1915.
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