xt73bk16mf8w_50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [25e] L&E vs. W.B. Holbrook, Letcher County Court text [25e] L&E vs. W.B. Holbrook, Letcher County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_6/Folder_5/63377.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_50 xt73bk16mf8w , if: ,, {’,1
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aetzordixtg; to certain :;:’3-:hm;.~il 113116233112sziorsm
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T”1131111“‘13I? 0" 71'15' 31"'AL"53 I,“ TYJTI'TQ :I.L' I 40; XYII TLF
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3f :aEu trxck "K fignaflrrfltiau fifiafiion 2'i+T7.7, a f'hiunnv :3 if.n feat
‘5': a ’I'wcipl, :53 23:31:90 TC 1‘33?!) ‘3 3 51'2”; 331$“? 11m, 21'? ‘53:..1‘9132‘; 1:732;
“:73 at r‘flt TWfiGS ilfrfito. 337549 3'?‘IT" yurallvi titk in? CC
feet distSht fray maig cantfir linw of Agin ifiTfi 33? i Tiatnrce 3f
359.T £07i t: 2 goiufl i. tr= 73335;; 112" at 07: t1" 1a,}: cf‘".J.
chl‘arcoks ’2'.‘ £15,: iii-gyms; 1112-1 3921.1111'. 23.11,? 1‘..,‘.-. 11:11:32 1:11;}.‘117'
352C33'" 157'; 3‘7t t0 3 $01 t “liWL far 5 n ‘nrnor of 233 lands :5
".L.Lclbrookn and “311i Iilfirgchg na‘ 5L3 “1 era: Fuel “5 “any. Thenca
"1211 1.52 Teaming; 11in“; int-.1131: j":1,l;.' 31:17,,13071". 322;:1 "'.‘1.i’C-11,;r::o;-:7 ‘y-i_‘.»¢:'.".'*"
27c,é feet. TL»;W0 :cntiuuing-alsni said laurfiu;y 4T2”FT*T, 27: sent
to a yoiut for 2u_ a C0110r Cf ”ill: I :Lgueks 3&5 “.T.Y:1choks.
TLnnca XZSOLC'W 23.1 fact to a Toivi in 3:55 Baum? n; 7“ font fvom
nfiifl rentir lino of giiu firuox, nésmzy G at r311; an 103 thirstJ. Thvnro
313025'" farallal “3th nn‘ EC~feot from sci? centwr line of main track
N 61333300 of $02.E fedi. $henéa catfiuuinv'yarallnl “ith an" SD feet
from sfiii neuter line I; a firrve t0 filo ri;1£ “33L : ruTius if $25.7
feat, l?C.7 feet, L: H joint 3n ti: ‘15:?0 niniiouel hounian- lino
betraeo film 121fis of Saguwl Lenfiley in thCCi of '.1.lebrooks. Thanco
wit} saifl houn$ani 372018'2 27 fa t. Tkenn~ *outinuinf 3105. said
boundary $290371E, 34 feet to the poinh of'L? in inr. Said tract
centuining 3.957 HCPCS, situated in LotCLdr County, Ia tucky.

I 1
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t l
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1 l
THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE, made and entered into this first
t day of March, 1909, between John Q. bentley and Ealen Lentley,%
’ his wife, of Letcher County, Ky., parties of the first part, a
h and William b. helorooks, of the County and Stage aforesaid, E
I party of the second part, WITEESSETH: That said party of the 3
1 first part, for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred
iiann fifteen Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby sell and convey te
' ‘ithe party of the second Dart, their heirs and assigns, the fold
x “lowing described property, to-wit: h certain tract or parcel of
V _
gland on Potter‘s ’ork of Boone Fork of the North Fork of the
fiKy‘ river, in Letcher County, Ky., and bounded as follows:
, 1
E BEGINNING at a cross X on a rock in said Potters Fork at t
fithe mouth of the unper Prigmore Br., thence 1p the said Creek,
SN 43 35 E 231 feet to a cross X on a rock, thence N BS 15 E 105%
ifeet to a stake, thence leaving said Creek, H 31 45 W 580 feet :
Etc a beech on top of spur, thence up top of said spur to a %
t 1
fichestnut-oak and spotted-oak, thence leaving top of spur and i
igunning down the hill, 5 55 35 E 421 feet to a double lynn and i
thwo dogwoods, thence S 28 10 E 140 feet to a stake, thence S E
Er4 45,3 495 feet to a stake in Potters Fork, thence down said i
york, 8 SO 45 W 256 feet to a stake,-thence leaving the Greek :
;nd running up with the cross fence, to the back side of the i
n .
gield, thence around with the fence to a small beech and chestu
‘ F
%ut, thence leaving the fence & running up the hill, B 53 45 E !
%75 feet to e hickory and a chestnut-oak stump on top of spur,
ghence down top of spur @etween Lick Br, and Potters Fork to a 1
{mall beech, thence leaving top of spur and running down towards
iotters Work, N 51 W 549 feet to a stake, in Potters fork, with
Thee by a black walnut in course, S 35 40 E 21 1/2 Links, thenc l
1 1L said creek as it meanders to the Beginning, Containing 29.93

 I i
O I! g
1 1
g .
! And also our interest in all the undivided lands in the i
' . 1
‘ngE.Holbrooku estate. This being the same property conveyed l
I to John Q; Bentley by John Holbmokka and wife on the 22 day 1
t 1
’-of February 1909, deed to flame recorded in deeo Book No. i
t’page , County Clerk's Uffice. ,1 l
, .‘.‘---.i‘-._- ...---u.‘,.v-- , i
1 =
' TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the Same torether with all the a - ;
I ‘ L t
‘1 purtennnces thereunto belonging, unto the party of the second?
l{part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the Said parties of I
t l
“the first part hereby covenant with the said party of the sec—g
i! . . . . .
“on part, that they will warrant the title to the property here?
5 3
rby conveyed unto the said party of the second part and his ?
I 1
fiheirs and asnigns, forever: ‘
;s l
H IN TESTIMONY‘TEERROF, the parties of the first part have ‘
h l
i , - .. 1 _ . . .‘ 1
”heweunto ouooorioea their names the day and year aforesaid» i
F his
A John Q. X Bentley 1
W Inqu E
V her
it Ellen X Bentley 1
ii 131?. l'k ‘l
1E a
HState of Kentucky, i
l , ‘ !
QCounty of hetcner, l
M 1
R I, Andrew J. Sturgill, Clerk of the County Court, for thei
:1 i
fiCounty and State aforesaid, certify that the foregoing deed of1
ficonveyance from John Q. bentley and Ellen Bentley, his wife, 1
h .. . 7 , l ‘ . . ‘
fito William b. holurooks was on the 1 day of maron, 1909, pro- 1
!s 1
housed to me in said Cnunty and acknowledged before me by John 1
i: 1
AQ. Bentley and Ellen Bentley, his wife, known to me to be the I
i ' 'v - - 1
tpartiea grantor thereto, to be their act and deed, i
>I .
‘ . . . a I
H Given under my hand, thlS 1 day of march, 19099 g
5 l
E Andrew J. Sturgill, Clerk [
N By W. H. Potter, D.C. l
e! E
i' I
I! I
1: I

l ,
{I l
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9 i
E; State of Kentucky,
H . i
{I County of Letcner, . i
. 1
i I, Andrew J, Sturgfll, Clerk of the Cwunty Court, for tho
i County and State aforesaid, certify that the foregoing deed g
l 1
I} of; on me 13th day of “arch, 1999, lodged for record vmerempo’n
i} i
i: the same, with the foregoing and this certificate, hath been I
= I
E1 duly recorded in my office. 1
‘ a
‘ I
E! Witness.my hand, this 31" day of May, 1909. j
I; %
n a n, 1
t / r-- Andrew J, otHTHiLL, olerk. 1
;! JQ» é4 \ 111/4 ‘ V 3
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<5 Kmart/42¢ ,5 W1 1
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ii NOTE; // 3
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h The above deed is recorded 1n Deed Book #30, at page 524;
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““ “H" T“NII¢T“U & “l”?”“” FLIITAY g
C , a corporation, FD? 55‘33‘3‘"’?T—-)
"’ f-‘ITNST .’NT: 13“\;‘~*w‘*"r'rr a“ ‘."’~~-~ A“ , ( P “I T I :1 T f) If.
..LL .'A . '._"-_‘ I :.1. '3" (‘_I‘B. )
27‘ I"7T¥”~WZC?‘, ' lfififii I"" If? )
1i “7 " “9:13 . g
Petitioner. T xingtwn E ”astwrn 7&11W8y jemfifiif.
stLECS thst it is a CUTDOTétiWi fin‘y orsvtefi anfl exifitin; unécr
thfi ltTS Of the Com-ahwwnltfi of KentuQTJ by virtue of firtieles of
IZCOTDQTEti“W éu1y Ottcr€fl ictn anfi fo'htfifl on tho 4th flay of
Oetwhcr, 3894; ?h&t undflr sgifi ‘rtielcn ”f Lnnorvur tint and unenfl~
wants thereto subsoqucnt7y gfopt<’, it var tufihwri ad to annuiro,
Genutruat, operate anfl maintain & ?i:c of raiiraafl, begin ing at a
mini i7“. L-“c::r:i21L.-t111, .’sk‘syemrr LI zyu.21t;,r,§ii:2': f:::::‘:;=;; themn' ‘:311‘X'w1..r_;}: 131w
onuntfvs of Fayette anfl 31 3? ts thc Kvxtuéfiy Union Junction, thfinco
ta Gfiny Wity und thrtu h fiho coufifiiox a? ”o 031, 701f0 anfi Two to a
point in Breathitt County, Kn tuvky, an? hnynnd, anfi that unfior
Powers vcvtnfi in it by itu 335% chathr and a'onfimants it is further
authorizofl to acruirn, canatruet, operate ani waistain branch Zines,
wtétuhcc, rpurs and turnmutg, an? that it i? now maintainimg SR5 §p~
or ting Said main line of railroad, to ethnr tith.ecrtain 3iflnah
jinen, gwifichcw, spura anfl bur outs confioctcd therewith.
$06it50n0r further at t*s that by a fiO‘d datcfl the 15% any
of ”arch, 1909, of record in tho *ofiahmr County Court CBCrk's office
in Toad Bank 30. 56, at page 624, a Copy of wh ch is here ‘th fjjp?
and wait a mayt hereof, maykufi "xkihit "A”, Jenn T. Bocfificy aha Vlicn
Qanthy, hip yife, canvoycd in fee PinlQ to Yil¢ian 3. Hvlflromks,

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O . '
Scien‘nut herein, the following fcccrihcc tract of Iona -

”A certain troct or purer? of land on Potter's Fork of
Boone Fork of the North Fork oi‘tho Ky. river, in Tctckcr Coun-
ty, Ky., anfl hounded ac iollovcz ,

B“GIU TIC at a cross 7 on 1 rock in cuifi ‘ottcrs 3ork at
t‘o mouth oi'tre upper 7ri5morc 7r., thence up tho caic Crook,

i 45 85 E 231 feet to a crane I or a rock, thence I P5 15 f 105
feet to :1 ETtIIJIiS, thonm leaving coir“: Creel-‘:. 3? £37. 45 580 :ffcct
to a beech on top of spur, thon~r up top of said spur to a
chertnut-aak one spofitcd~oak, thcuco leaving top of spur ani
runring (ion-1': the“: hil." . 3‘" 536 iii?» " 4- ]. foot to a Gnuhlc lynx and
twu dogwowdr. thence R 8 10 T 140 foot to a :teko, thence T

54 45 V 495 foot to a rtnkc in "ottcrc 701k, thencu dofin ceic
E‘ork, 50 45 1356 foot “to (ital-:6, thence 10317113155 the “rock
€39.17 run 5mg: up 1th tho cro S f’z"?‘1cr‘., to ‘7;h:‘- hack ::ific of the

i‘:3 2:15;. ‘.‘-honor crown? ‘.'.".Eth £2731?!“ to a Fi‘.‘".&71 “oi-och one Choct-
iut, thcnec ic;vinp the foncr & ruu.in; up the hill, F 63 45 E
575 feet to a hjePn y Lia : chc~tnut~euk stump on top 6f spur,
thence Roux top of spur Untvwen ”ick Br. and Fottcrc Tork to a
small hccch, thcheo ‘r fin; tip 0 ‘ our uni running flown to crég
Potters Fork, 3 51 5 543 fort to a stake, in “otters fork, Wit-
nccc by c hlack vuTnut in cou SC, 7 55 40 7 El l/S links, thence
u@ said crock as it noenflerc t1 the He;ihzit¢, Containing 99.03

Anu also our interest ii a“? the unfiiv’ccd lance in the
J. “. Helhrockc Cfltibt. ’flzie Rein; the scab prone ty convey a
to John E. Bontloy by John K\1orooke and ‘ifo on the £3 day
of Tchruary 7003, ccof to fame rocerfiua in d5ed Bock Io.
page , 77011111: Clerk's Ozi'fi'iec.”

?etit‘onor ctrtce that said Tillian 7. Ewlbrowks is new the

owner in ice Hi p10 of whifl tr ct of‘inhd enfl is i: the povccwoi n
thcrcof and is clue tho owner in fcv Si plc one in poceccoioh of the
parcel hereinafter ficecrihnd taken out of chic cutire tract of land.

Shir“ one lcr parcel r ::trfifio or? 73:th r:r:hi-‘é‘:~3cd ti said

iergcr tract ic bounccc one descrihcd no fo‘lorc, to-witz-

”A tract or porch? of 73nd omhrmcing mil that portion of the
oropcrty of T. t. Hnlhro kc cc lies within 50 fort on cithcr nice
of, parallel with chfi acjoinisg thr ccntcr line of main tr ck of
Potters Turk rpur of the Tcxingtoh 3 Iaotern hcilway,flrccribed as:

Eoginning at thr point there the boundary line between the
lance of 7.W.thhrookc coo theme of Thmucl uehtlfiy croouce the
center lino of main track of ”otturc Fork spur of thy Lexington &
“actor: Railway. fluid noint being at construction Station 309
plus 60 of said center line. Thencc with cuifl bounficry 329°57'E
45 foot. Thence 871°30'T 10.5 foot. Thonec with a curve to the
loft, with e radium of 623.? feet, lying SO fact or tent ”rem aha
Evcrcchl :“ith.:x1ifl rynitor'lgtnc of ruflxi tramfl: for z: Gi-ixni c of
185.1 fort. Hhoncc 749°25'V 50 fert from one parallel with the
before mafitioncfl center line of main track 1701.1 fact to a noint
on the boundary line but con the lands of ”.1.Hnllrnoks and those
of ‘.U.?ottcr. 'fiwnuuiziifii Tfiifl boundary Uél°55'h 40.? foot.
Thonco continuing With ceii hound ry T58°O5'T crooninr waif center
line of main tr ck at construction Htetiwn 290 plus 96.V, a distance

O .
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