xt73bk16mf8w_504 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [355b] Wesley and Mahala Caudill v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [355b] Wesley and Mahala Caudill v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_50/Folder_7/0246.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_504 xt73bk16mf8w \ I g ' 57;»; ///
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530:: 2.?wa ELIE-“are 1.:? ::2”: 112.2131; in 1:?” ,..rr. 3 1.3.26; L . .:. . . ‘:D , . .. a! — m 5 ~ .‘»‘L ..3
8.12:}; 1‘17 aim-".:L «.:3. 3L? ran“ (2.5:. «Pu farm. 1’ ’..LL.
’.:?“ L:Lrég as: .L? j. ,
' "‘ "3 ,.~'1' ,; ‘A‘!"«',,\ .1 . "I' 1 “r? ‘91:: :’t4 .\
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Jgnu r3 9—1915. .
dek Utnstruuti3n Camwflny,
if; I: $233148 , Vii o

' , I gqve 313T lottvr of Janu;ry‘5th rel:tive to V
r ::u'it 3:5 0““ an 11.1 :41 :' ife e“: ll.

- I hayn Efid the ' tier finitely ihvestiwntod and
find th‘t the daxafie referred t: was eccasinred Ly finaeri—
a1 b333ted ihts tie firrtn dark iivcr :1 a point where gr
line is enfiirhly in excav: 272. E note thy: in y~ur latter
3f tic 5th yfiu stste yam as flat czspane 1% defend the ::it
in any Way, 135231115“: {;}u_‘:t ii is 11):: 1:3 as ti) 2mm}: the igegjt
out sf it we acn anfi yam hepo we Win.

as harctafsre ydvised, tPis cage is nun :'ich your
czfitract pravidos yet 5? :1? 1: e C“IO 3f, anfi I mite in
331r latter 3f the 5th that you are of the impresné?n thyt -
$19 bgnfi riven with ‘gar arig'val ctrtract is fine sac uxflcr
wbich you rely for protectidn in ihis ease, as that is
thw banfl cantuinint the limitati n of liab”1133 3f the
‘ Burety aftnr 9&9 yew? fr3fi date of payment ?f iimsl eatiMflte. '
I figulfi call yiur attentinn t3 LPe i&ct that :39
hand unfier w’ich we look far proicctifin in this case is
the band inr 92,000 flared June 28—1912 with y'ur Cnmwany $8

 ‘ . c ”was”:
' /// ' //// // '/ ///J // 7/
r ,.flg/z/JM, / / ,7 »,./41% /,r/////~ ., [KM , flflflf/g mw%,mg%
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Luck to StI‘tlai-‘HOI‘; by, 2
Princins'él and. the Hidelity :L}"‘§73€,3;i’f Lionl_-.rn§,7 n _,Z.r.::ryl;.nd
as wurcty, Exit-i0}: was (“n to cover ::uch 61:42:13 :.:»; the ‘.'
present 1330, :':nd I trawt :..:hzzi; :‘:ng will ',:.}"‘::':Ul"’-';¢H'.(-‘; t3
. 23.:gssume the deferringo in. ;;‘r ‘1' c: :50.
3221.111 3:25-19,
‘99? '1 {if iér?;‘."‘:?;'e€-;: of {immigtl‘fic-ti: .
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Wm /}/ /////.// yxy/x/r/fl/fl/ /////,/A’/M//w
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\////////fl 7.
Jun-1.2;; 1E,.—1915. ' .
//C144/ F20 / j ,—
Mr. ‘3'. D ‘.'szl‘i‘iolf'. '
District Attorney.
Dear Dir:
40131 is :5; 1c Lt: r :1’.‘ J.n:t,:.;:;' 9t}. 2:? Linc “iii-Tit;
f, Dcposi‘t 0311] \:;;11y :11" I'.1_;r;,'1:_-1f:, , (;3-‘54‘ :1,“ “T {a}, :1; 3812‘:
I enclose herewith ‘.;}:egiz‘ reply L311”: or ..jyth c3 ;.
31‘ letter I Lasso :“iiiirusef L3 than L—
Y: 1r; tr 11;,
K ‘
/(/ "J
/ “.5 /. .— J
7' XX" 1 1' ’ n , .— . , x .
. "[7. #4“: r: VJ, / ,1" (qu ,. V..—l ‘ V. V
(7 iél L:_‘_V::;c;{f T; V2.5: ting Lit- .
S .M.W. ‘9
Jan. 19,1915

 * > 4 ( "‘3 y"
..,.w'” '
, ' ,_
I31XIJFIIdI)I{EI January 1i; 'Lpli.

817,057 — 7J;5V qu'kflflETJiflfi 9L“ [’1 - Contract.
ionisville h ;msnville Axierud JOLDQUE’

(0 Kite of Chief invinoer of Construction)

Tourixvi 1.1.6:, “mic tiff.


“a are in yecoi t of tflo letter of 'r I. v. *illians
of the ninth :L::i1.:_:il::;nt :;dV’i. 51123" 11:? 0:2," amt must-i. L317 ted by es:—
lejf Slime i L1 ELL-rm :i'fe u-"r':i;:;:~*‘i_1 :‘:;e Te"? 3m»; ‘Lffzfr‘tx'i‘l‘l'l 11:.:3'JJTET
QomTafly finich it in alsited is c~verefi by a bond Knish we issued
June 29, 1912, Tor toe meg? Construction Joan my in :evhr of the
Texfinmton H Vast0?n Pajlfew Sewn NT-

Tn lyril, l9lF, *9 received 9 lnLtnr frou our Pencral
vfient at Toanote, Vircinia, H.3tinf Hi W;d been inimtnefi by the
inch Honstructien UC”3?UY that :11 cluimm cov red by our band
hid been settled and that re :onlfi .0? consider the cane can—

l hwvm OI”U1NOG the bond Knish vna executed by our
U<):;C‘;1137 {L110 ‘fj H(? tthgt j 1, :i;; ].irnjgt(3d 1;o 5:11c11 elli’tzx :i;:c, <:F4¢i‘;'s
as the flunk Uonctruction DO oany is under Oblihation to take
care of under its contract with you. Yr Lug? was here yestor— .
day and from What he said to me I g“ elearly of the opinion that

the 738.1197? 01." 11.01.1011. in 1777.0 {153116117 0:130 (776.7 :01; 11111170 0111; of
21111.? defective £20113731'1101t:7.:111 or :1nrx‘tl:i.nf“ 75:1: 1'11 212:7}? '71: 1:9 Cone
- . ., __- .. ,..- ..1, ,I.: . .... ...- .,. " -fl ‘. ., , ..'a.
1.11 11:011.:ect1011. 7.11,». mo constmuci, 1011 D77. 37.52 101751 swim." the
contrast Kim‘s, cmztvfloi» (i :wai .‘1?.CCF‘-'fl‘1)€fl .
.‘K‘it‘ 177m 1.71.11 W10- 17:? ”7717;13 WC'Z‘FB t7‘21'7'73‘ -:,‘ 730 713
.T":1C‘C:‘1 (10.1,‘3'77fitl1’77.710 ’irlw’ 71:11? ‘.t‘ 0‘ 173:7 :1 (31:17 #171777. “inn? it
1111, :3112r‘71'11al' 1'7? 1"},116: "ET-:11; 0‘1;- ~ifr1 715.1117" 1.:? ‘7:. .1311; :11“—
_‘.1. 1
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‘.17 :’—'.‘7'5:,.‘...7«..7-3-

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» n w w “we?" 1‘3 17;: r 1792'“ a z 5 “113 75C ' ("""3 i3 " " "‘ 1 T5"!
L.».w.|..,.,,, / .1 M»; v‘....lk,k.v _.IJ...“...;L: A)”, ..,-.1. 'J».‘.{ » , I. ... , .:..z o ..:. ,,u 5/IAL_ 4 .,..» 1., ’
.'. IL tie-3.31%.?“ 241.0 .:./3;. ..Lu 'J J11: ’..'“. «“..—v ‘»‘..L4 \- .A June!“ J .‘. i H.» r‘ a. ~.-‘A..‘.»‘.J..A.n‘£ ’
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4.4-r" ‘,,“
"”1- “2’4‘A..t {”"M‘wx 1é'1'é ,2‘ 4 Myth 1;! I {3' Gun 3}! ”3. ( ‘.‘i . 5’1";
( .‘.‘ ....-.v.‘ a a .L .. on. x... .,..JA. 9"“ 1:: .. ., .. i g g .45... _,,__,_. L .. i. . . . . h, _ i -. ...L...
31".? :-;i ::2‘ L ui._‘s3:‘./.'»I4.AL;‘ 0 A; zi‘L/ l‘.:'..:,4 r. z. i 9‘» ...':vfi c . :.zci 43.”. b. .;a. ./ L1,. 3.1. 1.1.5
-( I.“ "5.4 .6? 1.74415}; Jim: 13;.‘zizf': .I...‘.:.'. v’vAzg; 1-5.4 . Li L w: vii-+13" 9‘40”” ~‘ “~”"
.5.; v L} l ‘74 .L .' . ..'i ..1..'....‘...... ~':' .,‘.La .2 .3.; L: j 94!.“ \ ;' g. '13.. :3 ‘.4 ' a ;' \-' : .__ ~..’ I. .:.4); t 42.3.; ';,;;-x:
5.935129%: .mLLOnL
'or‘ ' “'. ~ - . ' ’4-4. . * ; ‘ ..', 3411‘
. I laL‘y '3} bill? 4, . 4/«.’,".~4' r) U wt“ 'v w in i . ._ 4" \).A “will“ ”1 a s,‘\-"\Jll.
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4‘ .2 ed... 1, 453;“. ..‘. .:.A'. '-/"'. flu. gym)“. ‘.. y .. , '- i A g. .1., A I. . . .. '. won,“
' . ".3 £513.; '41? 11%.»; '.‘-LEQALJ i- filth}, v-.4 naming“. ““‘., 1:511:44. it"; .. 3:.-11110“
‘--.-‘-,I-.\ 434A. ~-- , » ., . , 1. I, 4 , ‘ ‘ ‘1‘
:L, ..: . J" .'I-luv lL-M‘xw‘ L lug-1,. 11.1w - »l-...“.A., “..:. 144 ~1w,, Mm} WW»; (:5
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a. 1) t‘g'rvr‘mfl OI DAL-..1 ‘1‘ ”'3;; ..L;,L. {A.".',»7>v;~LU.L'J.\... 1... \JuJfiu J...) u.-.‘.t.'..;.‘ia -' .1. 4‘), L1.
(3": i , .3.“. .‘..‘; .2 1.41..) it (1 a ,'_,l4.JL|\«‘-.. JLL'\~\' VJ. u . \ia‘L‘lE I, ~.; u U z A -. . ... 14).: A) ,..: Jay ‘4.‘.4.,y ., \.» L x. ad
33311.1"; £1.12; r',»"..,";': 1’ ,tlsit‘hlpc 344 '1'“ng 3,14,“; 4 ~.;:J:J L4 .. '. -.\.’ '14 .'. A ... .4 L5H: _.cilg‘. «4 1 4. .4 hi3 had
_ .4. . , ..1 . . .'. 4-. ' ... 4.’ ,1 ,. .;4 , .._. ._A.«_“. L..,_ V, . _' .1. '
an: a, ..:1 34.5. U Lmfli €.;~L4.L ‘5 .:. 3.1. “.16...“ Vim-K4 cum-fa 1. ..,- » o x. .4 i t 4. I..» «.4 Mimi-1;, «he.
4.. ,, ~ m3 ‘ v13 :4 - .1 .— r, art-1+” .'t '\ S'v’i“"”" ‘.'-TO ..L P O I" " ‘\ . 1 3" .1 x' ‘1‘»- . “
.;y-i-JL. a 4.th If.) dusxi .ngf n; Au ..J. .-.LA - (.44. - Lk u.. g .- '.4 L4 ..-.l. ..4» , :..)w .. , / [.:: LL

2. (RM.-
aufficien‘s model for our needs in 1m. 13 pam‘oiuular surge.
,T':‘;';:1;. ~11: goon I can {get free :mra, ;LLx'-.ch3‘zars. I will
he «,1; “grwm .-.:e.~>r1““ir:ez;:::v.‘_14. nope mum: none: of our :5'n.,.‘.it:3 or 019m?
:3. 'n 13:27 ’:'-‘55: 4.244,:4‘ :.:“ "if ;,':éfi‘<‘4:'*,ra‘y’ 365119010. Of my :;fmrfifthn at
-:;;;;_-- 4 ;v; 4. 413:3. ;axwaarmjt‘a Circuit, €.,‘~m;.:."t.
4x;."\ ».rCLLLL}; , 4551.). i, 9
4 4-11

 (\4 . [,.. .4.. »;.-m ::::7
J/ I, ,‘,-I
. 4’ , . 7, ”I. /,7-V .1 ~17" Vim--mw1wh--mm
. .v“ :4 ~ ’ w " . / ~ , 7,.7 , , ,
.p :» fl0%)/7 A; flL.;/zx//Vg.fl., 4Z/flfififlflé.;kbzyéflfléé€
. ' // ,/ ,1 [.7/ m , .,7/ ,
/¢WWv7/ /A27/Vzczonww'7/’vwzfléwnéwz
(/ , , 7,’/“
. . . /1/ /< / /
m 111/42////&/€/
, /
Jany 9—1915.
Mr. 5. D Warfield,
Dietriet Attorney.
Dear Sir:
Refer to the suit of fie:1ey Ceudill and wife
in fihfl h the Luck Construction Comtany is intereeted.

I enclose letter {rem Mr. D. D. Fields, the was
attorney for the Lock Congtructior Commeny 6t “Iiteebarg,
ststing that no settlement was negotiated ‘ith Mr. Cau—

dill b; the e: tractors that he was advised of.
Y: :16 truly, f
/,r’ , ,’, . [I .1 ‘
(\"C§" 4,7...- .- ~ .,,, , , . . . » . , V ,.’.!
relativgi to their claim of damage in the action now pending:
by the Luck Construction Qompany nor any one else.
‘ Lill you please prepare and send to me at “miteeburg
‘“ g at your earliest cenvenienee such preliminary motions as you de-
‘ 5 sire in t:ie gaudill cane and also answer.
j .1 HH_ 7.,. .. .v . .“,i
Yours truly,
r W ,
g M A}? L .,
gt ./Jh (”I
x /; \

 . _. " . . ‘ ' Jannary l, 1915. ' _ H
_. Liessrs. Wootton at lflorgan, ” . . '
, Hazard,Kentucky. , ‘
' Gentlemen: ‘ . ' .
_ '. . - Herewith encloeed, please nete copy Of>a letter of the '
. ' ‘Iilet ult.; written me by i-ir. Wargield", wi ti; attach-ed letters from
» - 3.21“. igfil‘liane, Chi-2f Engineer of bonstruction, to the hue}: Construcu
. tionrw'all in reference to suit in hotelier Circuit Court of it’esley '
Catterill and Wife in E; es}; end L d H. . ,, ' .'
._ - ‘ . Still you ’.‘:indly-ascertain, at the earliest cytfin'rtnnity,
through Judge Fields, or scans:- othersouroe, whether any" settlement‘ ‘
we ever in faotirnde with those plaintiffs, or either of them, _ .
. for damage done by blasting; in the can: se of the construction" .
.- of the railroad through Betcher County. Wessex investigate this a
. "tiniest fully and advise me- as to the facts, with return of the
_ . t . enclosures. ‘ . ' . ‘
. _ . . Very truly yours, . _ , ‘ '
‘ ones. ' _ '1 . ' ,'
SEX/a ' , . ’
, _ _ ' Counsel. . .

 . . , (Tammi-1237.1, 1915.. . ,
, lion. 1‘3. 1‘1. ‘»,2'1’1'212fiela, ’ , . . > .
. Louisville-:2.,Kentucky. - ’ _
2 - ' Bear 3511“: ' ' I . .
V _ __ ' ' ' I :mlm‘owl'edge yours of the 3181: 111.13. 13113111531115; coz'z'eSpOnGénce
. with 3.312. ‘2‘.’i1.1iams' in raferensw to the suit 3.113531101112311 Uircmit Court,
" 01' 1.188163; 131111.613“.le 3.11:1 wife 12'. 2; c1; 3 and .:1. c}; H. - . . _
1 ‘ As suggestefi, I? 51:11 writing-‘..‘.ésmrg. 17001512011 & Morgan ’60
. ascertmn 1'111G133181'.a.:1;;1 89111231131131.2351 01m? 33.1611; with ”these 3.31ain‘bi3i‘fs
_ by the 11111:}: Construction Gang-any or its sub-contractor, Dogge‘bt- ’ 2
, 2 ‘ Doughfiy Company. ' _ ' , . ’
' ' ’ '_ Very truly 301111111, ‘ ‘ . - 2 >
_ - \ . . 1131;111:101. ' " 2 '

 , {777/I'm. //7
.n _’ ~
. . 7, . A/xx/ux/fl/ flzjfl/fl -, 4/lfl/Vfl/0/llfll/fl/
. _ . /,
.7917! 'm/ .0,:’/// /"/'/K. 2 7‘2 7 2 " "
’1' ’ ”I I ” 7)/J\-f/{/:{//-:l//;/7/r'irr QTY/K!” gY/K/ ?///7///’/ ////7"b/’K/’// ”KW/7. 80991
fi/Hfl/KJ -/(/'- Men/mu, "i
‘ .‘/._v.s-/.//)/.io//v}o/AIM/Mm: / /
/"‘ / 'f‘v / / ., . / / 1 ‘
>-~/»,a . , . 1,, / 7/
_//””’"£/ r(2’,’,f/§Zf,f.,.4,,,.,,,, 1% ”U” //’ /// December 3181:,1914.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. h E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—

Referring to previous correspondence relative to
the case of Wesley Caudill and wife v. L. & H. and L. & E. R. Co.,
Letcher Circuit Court.

I am now handing you herewith Chief Engineer of
Construction Tilliams' letter to me of the 29th instant together
with enclosure referred to therein. Will you kindly comply with

_ request contained in the last paragraph of Mr. Williams' letter.
Yours ;::::;%??;?7
‘ District Attorney. é:;32gj€;7

 _ . , . ’ f  ‘ ’ '_  ¥ * * Deeémber:29, 1§l4- : ' g»  
" _ IIHon.>3. D. Hayfield, ' . < x . . ‘ I > ' 1 .‘ Z
4 . Louisville‘ Ky.' ’ ‘1 ' , ' *I "_ L > f
~‘f . Dear Sir: ‘ , > I" > > I V ,’1 _ .
'.I 7 . fl I acknowledge y§ufs oi the 28th inst., enclnsing lctter
’I. ’ fram Hr. fiilliama, Chief ifigifleéf of;fiouetruciiog,-uifih a letfierfv.‘ 
V‘-’ ,  ‘ l a $59339; to firy Tilliéms by fir, iejfi, ifisfisfiant Enginaer,'all I  '
T ' -m I in rwferénce to suit aifiéélsylfiemiiil anfi wife Va the “ampany; in I . ’
' ‘w> _ - Lmtghoa_fiircfiit Cgurt. ’ I ’ j}. _ v
. ' . l wag ufifier the imwrsssion fihat Somawhere ifl my file _ , .
. ' vof thc,sii suit was an estimatw By Kr" Jumtiae,af the a aunt of ' ‘-
 ' V . ’damage fleas in fihifi ea$e Jr of fihé amounfi wa mifht héfljuétifi¢a7
‘> I'I'ifi_§ajin§ in fiétfilwmemt, bnfi fisofi examifiafiion of the file I havex v _
failefl go iinfl agqthihg Of this rarfi.‘ The ne refit anproamh to _ " .
i ‘ such a atafivment 1S a letter writtén Er. Hilliawé by Hr‘ Tolbartr f
>' fiailiflay, unfler>flate of July 6; 1911, ifi Wk oh fir.-holliflay Sag-i » .
’ _‘ ‘ gesfis thafi ifi might be well to negatiafia with Gauaill for 5 Wet- ‘  
I tlemenfi aha expreages the Opinion that Cauflill‘w3uli scfitle ”for    
I ‘I 1693 thén half Ehe amounfirsuefi for.”r Ifiterpretad,_éhis meang fhfifi I
\ 'ut the fiime fir. Hgiliéaijrote Gauéill might have Settied his .
I claim for Something liké 3100:06. “' ‘ I. ' ' '  r\:r"
,». _ I further fifié frdm my 015 file that On Jufie 21, 1913,E:>1{ 1
>   Mr. Holliday fvrfliahea Mr. John Sofie ngtu , the fcrmér Chi飑«~ L , ‘l
; . 'Enginéar nf'Osnstruution, the nwées of aortaiy witneSSesffnr.the'” ;‘
'_ .--\ flafendant in this gait, with estimates by Each bf thg fixfifififigflf.the_ ‘
_ iéamage. The efitimateg of aamage;ma&e_by fihese Wifinesses'rangeé all . :
  itine way from .:.;sésmo 204200.00. 2mm of thigh; exue'eas $200.00. I
_ assume fihafi the highest estimafie of any of these witnesges would:  
" prbhab1y_be the minimum estimate of any Witfléssea whb might.tesfify I

 _. - VB'.’1>.W.#2. ‘ g ' 1, _ _12/29/14.‘ ' »
‘ I _for Gaufiill, with a Strong probability thafi none of‘them Would . ~
> ‘ . range a& low a& 9200.5b. ~ . ‘ ‘ ’ r , ,
‘ ' ' In View Of the foregoing and the stdtementa contained W ‘ I
in Mr. Hoyt’s letter to Mr; Gilliam$, l incline td think it would R
\ , _,
‘  g ha goofi buQino$3 to~smttle the new unit far n0t'mo%§wfigggwggQgLQQ a?
> 4 E at léflat, l wanid-fi:proVe a Rnifilemwnt at that figure. . V. i
' 'I: _ \ , In infgrence to.thé flatter of calling on the nucE 00n*l’v
‘ Struufiiou Compamy to unite in fiho wronofiea Settlement Cr fie yea
I imhurse the Company in the GVflflfi a settlement i3 made by ii at thé 'i
' I figure firepgsmn} I aal‘ ygur attentian to my lettar of the ”Shh 123%.
~ 1 eneicSing Sabine t0 bé Served on Ehe Buck Consfirucéion Company, :
/ . ‘ callifig on bhit GOHyany'to appefir ia the prageat suit and mafié deu ', .
' fofise thpréfio, or, failing that, t0 aufhorize the Q &,E is make de-V‘ f'
- , ' I fenfio for it. I imagine that juat a8 GOQL a5 thig fiatiéc is Served 1
- [ we will hénr‘from @hé Ruck Construction COmFafig 33d I think it bes€§_
. g;   » _ _ f H p . V p . .
.f 60 await a séfitément from them in raicreflce to the fibtice before 3 , ”
jyfigvifiifiggihggLfid unite Eh a sektlemeni or t0 cantribute-t6¢such E f
‘ _ E $etfilament'oi t0 pay the mfitixe améunt that may be agreed upon in E.‘ *
" . Zsettlemant. I hWVe ndt before m5 tfie cdnfiract‘betwean the L & E ané‘ 7
“ Rtfie-Lyak Consfiruction Company, having raturnad it with the 353136, >. ,
> (but I doubt whether we tould be Warrantefi in flaking a sefitlement of  ;_E
,' this claim in the ezyectafiion of having thé Luck Construction Company-
I _I reimbuise us in whole or in-part,>fiifihbut iirst-obtflining SpEpific 7 _(r h
, ‘ arfihority irom the Luck Construction Cofifiany £0 make such séttlefient  _
“ '} 0r thair dpprnval of any sctfllement thfiétfiighfi be agreeé-upén. '4“
'_ ~ . ‘ -f Tru$ting that.this sufficiently angwers your lather of‘_ _
V . the 2Fth, and retaining for the preséfifi the eneloafires acgdmpafiying  ”"
that lotfier, I am, ;- ‘ ‘ > -_ N ‘ 'I " ;::
. . > _ . Very txuly yourag _ . _ ’ .

 r: ;77/m ///‘
I u
lfjjm/llnffl‘fl‘G‘7fiééififiz/CJIJV J/szt/ gl/zfli/nr (1,,, //§ )7r';////r:/y; 80991
(finger/K95/17/47];W, _Zé/J/V/fi/g/ December 28th,1914.
Mr. s. M. Wilson, ”(aw-,8; /7" V
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-

In connection with my letter to you, dated December
Elst, relative to the case of Wesley Caudill and wife v. L. & H. R.
R. Co., Letcher Circuit Court, I am handing you herewith Chief En-
gineer of Construction Williams' letter to me of the 24th instant
with enclosures therein referred to.

I am not sufficiently conversant with the merits of
our controversy with Caudill and wife to be able to say whether there
is enough in their claim to justify the Company in paying $200. in

I order to satisfy them, nor am I sure we can make a settlement with

5 these peOple and look to the Luck Construction Company for recoup-

! ment in the absence of specific authority from that Company to

% effect a settlement. I am inclined to think, should you reach
the conclusion that our contract with the Construction Company pro-
tects us in the matter of this claim, that we had better take up with
that Company the question of a settlement before proceeding furth—
er. After considering the matter I shall be glad to hear from you.

Yours truly, 4 ‘
Z7 1 f2" /( a {a ¢ t / 7,; _

JJD/w , » District Attorney. ’

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 - - ‘ _ L , ii} , ' ‘-g > ' Ll __. Becember 26, 191%.: ' I
it . H Hon. 3. E; Werfield, ‘ '.‘ ’7 p t _ ‘ _' ‘f '.
' p ‘ Louisville, Ky. ' d . . ' p , I'.. H l
I ,‘ . Eeer Sir: ‘ _ l 4' I . j ’ l ”, ' _' . *
' -' ‘L I acknowledge reoeipt of yours of the alst instant, with V
* enclosures, all having reference to the suit in Botcher Circuit .
' Court of fieeley Gnufiill and wife v. 3 & E Hy.Co. and C'& M 2 R Co.
‘ ' As heretofore noted in oorreséondenee between us respecting-
. ' . _"‘thie emit, it is intended to take the place of’e emit fozmerly brougnti V
- :againet the Gen any by Wesley Candill alone.‘ Ghat case is still , s
penoing, but will doubtleee he fiigmieeed. We had a Sneoiel Be— 1
I I: ’ fl ' ‘wurrer‘eueteined to the Petition in the original suit upon the' p . t
' - I 'grounfi'of a defect of parties plaintiff and“ while the plfiintiff, p-i
oifered to amend the fietition in that case by bringing in his Wifev j .
V no a eo—plaintiif, we ineletéd that this virtually amounted to the’
‘3' institution of a new emit anf the court neperently concurrEfigin ’
~ In. this View, the pleintiifi thereupon announuefi that he would simpl§..
._ file a new.euit,_which he hae'einee.éone.'f ...d‘, 1 3" o ,-
Q . l l ' ' . Acting upon the euggeetion contained in,your letter, I ,
I have firaftee a fiction to be eerved_upon the_3uok Construction 5o.,_ _f
I calling upon it to come in-ené defend this eeee or to authoriee us :
to make such defense on its aooonnt. 'fiith these Eotioee, I refiprn,‘
’ * _ fie reqneeted, the eontraot of Goteborlzg; lQlO, between the iexing- .
ton.& fiaetern Railway Company enfl.Lqu Conetrnction Company. togetker
' with the Bond of June 29th, 1912, between Seek Gonetruotion'flompany \g I
' ’ l’ Hang its emrety, the Fidelity & Degoeitlcot. of fieryland,'en6 the ’-‘I I
p Y Lexington & Eastery Railway Company. .I l ‘ .‘.