xt73bk16mf8w_506 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [355d] Wesley and Mahala Caudill v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [355d] Wesley and Mahala Caudill v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_50/Folder_9/0397.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_506 xt73bk16mf8w 11 .1 ,"‘ rim") ), 1» “1. "" v" V
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Wesley Caudill,
I.2. 8'. E. and. Lo No
.- - - -- a . ~"*
Enoch Hebb will state tnat he has lived roar
' Wesley Caudill for a perioiof ahvut twelve years and is
well acquainis; with him and his fans; that he know:
about the damage claimed of Candill against the Railroad

. . _... . - 1 )4. - .«.
Company; that Gauuill is pct cameras more tfiin ¢?F.0> or
n a . , . . .

..F~*.OD; that €153.01 will ”4.439.; all (lavage 1:9 11.13 :.3-r<1pc:z'ty
and build a stone wall sufficient to pretest ??W in the future.

Floyd Raley will state that he i? acoraivtod With
the property of Wesley Cardill ; that 2199.0? would rip—nap
his hands with stone sufficientlt to rpctsct Tin in tTe future
an; that daring ts date 139” 92‘ excoed “93.0 .

Fed Adams will state that he helped work 0* Lhe
grade oppcsitc WthG ?r~ Capiili Clii“3 he is 1%“agsd and
will state as a witness in Court that ”175.0“ W‘Uld he
a sufficient amcnnt to huill 2 will créfi=v *“ hr “r. Ciwflill
and hey all damaces to data. will nut tries fr damawe a+

i :... ‘ ' . _ - 1 - {'~‘ k
about afifi.nfl.

5% h. Caudill says that he is actuagrted wit? +Ps
damage to Wesley Caudill's property and that '9“.09 is a
reasonable amount for damage ions to date.

All these witnesses lives at U2. slant four or
five whales North of “hitefi‘hw :2.

Hazard, hentrchyo '
June 91st, 1071“.
John Howe Beyton, Esq.,
Chief Engineer of Construction,
Louisvillz'a, :‘:.i’EJlLLIC-Lif'o
Dear Sir:—-
I have been working up evidence in the case
, of Wesley Caudill against the L. d N. and L. a E. ard
I attach hereto the games of some witnesses and what
they will state in Court when the case cores on Fur
Enoch Webb and Floyd Role: way also be used
in the case of H.C.Bootright aceirst the L. 3 P. Hill ey
Company, however, I will try and be or the ground duriNg
Court at Uhitosburq and see to it.
Yours resp.,

 F (:2 . ..2/,1, / ’2 2 22/2 .;'2 K ”
‘ m%/K£}/¢%/', kid/r V/é ifl/flfl/M/flfl/fl/f/
‘ fl/[uz ’I/K/j)’ Iii/kl //Zi/rh7}/(dz k/xw /
' Q/J/r/Imhv/Zhrj/ 4 th Jun 8, 1913
(55 firstly/(UM lofiwn‘c/(wf.
Yr.Tolhert Bollidey,
Hazard, Ky.

rear Sir,

I here ith hend you my file $0.491, coateixihg all
correspondence with reference to suit of Wesley Caudill vs. the
L & N and L & F for alleged damage to his lands on the North Fork
of the Kentucky River on account of the construction of our Forth
Fork Extension.

You will note in Mr.C.E.Toorman'e letter of June 3d, attach—
ed to the file, he advises the? Hr.S.T.Wileon, Generel Counsel, L & E
Railway, wo;ld like to have you fork up all the evidence for this
.Compeny that you are able to secure.

I should be glad if you would handle this matter promptly
making report to me here of such evidence as you are able to secure.

Yours truly,
/'7 ,_
{» ,& 1,7177“qu (hetero ‘_ : «71.7: rive? ‘,. r
Chief Engineer of construction.
c—b /

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> 2151‘ i]. f— 19155 .
Liv. i}. Jusztice,
E-ivixian Lari nee ,
Hagar (“2 , Ken tuck :j .
Bear sir:

I rotzum herewith for 3.70:1: ini’orma’tifihn have: 77rint3
of ‘3‘“ 11 skr'tch sent we :1 th :ij 111‘ let tor of jiarch Eilth reléi‘tive -
to claim of “Test 0:112" 11]..

P103229 361171530 me if t“ e racks placed in ‘:h 0 riv or
if) rm :5: port ion of 02:1" 41.; 211233971? 0 r were t3" I'IJ'fll’l ‘:h are 2;: fin?
contractors; in blaflting, 52113:: sir'wv: 0:7. flee sketch the toe of
our embm'fimmt acc "furnish the 3': ram: 01’ prT‘Lies Wm manila
:1:-11:6: sui’czfi: 1c: 7.’.-'1 {31?}: 8:303 on Béha’lf of the iai M02362. Cim'pany

shoulrl the 73mm cor-1:0 to trial, and I will fury-'3 ah the in 3133:»-
:aaéion to our :z‘t’c-frngzs: in argue wit :3.-:2 filer}.

Yours trulf,
. {3h} «‘3? Tirgjineer 01”? {mm ’trucé‘iam.
TC 1}}

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— T .7 —~—' ’7 ‘I 3‘ '7.
Roanuke; 91. ApiLl l , ;?;u,
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‘ Ueznvd, Vv. April ?5th 1013'
”7‘ W. F. Gwalwm. IN YOUR REPLY REFER #4
Resiieut Engineer.
Hezsvd, Vy.
“CE” Ti“:-
HpreWith atfianhei file valetive tn A191: hf We? vadill and
steteLent o” the Tuck CPnPtvvntinn Co.
Ploagn note the letter 9ufl civisn 2r tn the “P““Qfltfies?
C? the stetnnents mafia tierejn. TFfiVME fing filo With vnvr anfimer.
Your? t‘"1T]V,
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hear, 0:121:31:st H111 171211.31 .‘.:‘1 1.':1,u<’%:?.11.‘:1 1:11:11. It is EEon-(Ii‘nm
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"13;: trlflr'.
I.’) Eer‘z’f Engineer :11“ ignstraofifcm
:1; ‘

(Letcher Circuit Court)
COpy of Extract from Petition Wesley Caudill vs. L d E
Railway Company and Louisville & Nashville Railway Company
The Plaintiff states that the Lexington & Eastern Railway Comtany,
and the Lcuisville & Nashville Railway Company in building and con—
structing their said line of railroad complete in all respects, ready
for use, and that part of same on the Kentucky Fiver which passes
through and by the tract of land hereinbefore described as being owned
by this plaintiff, end :long the side of the Kentucky ?iver by the res—
ident end ferm landé of theSplaintiff, end for the purpose of building
said road, in person end by their agents, sorvents 5nd employee, did
ore, drill one OthGIWlée maoeAlerUe holes in the cirt 310 Send stone
formation on its right of way on the cgposite side of the KJLtucky Fiver
from this plaintiff's residence end farm, and plcced therein large
quantities of powder, dynamite ani other explosives which they used to
rend, tear and break the rock, stone and dirt end Sid explode and
discharge the same and thereby did east end hurl large boulders of
stone in greet quantities and much dirt and clay into the main channel .
of the Yentucky river at the point Where same passes by the land owned
by this plaintiff and did also make a fill on the Opposite side of the
Kentucky Fiver from this plaintiff‘s residence, and inmaking same did
extend the seme}§g:o and across a portion of the main channel of the
three hundred and fifty feet in length and a distance of
Kentucky River, at the point above mentioned for a distEEcevoi7sixty—fiee
feet in width at the east and west end of said fill, and a distance of
ninety-eight feet in width in the center of said fill, and extended
said fill out into the main channel of the Kentucky River a distance of
ninety-eight feet from the center line of said railroad right of way,
forty—eight feet in width, of which was built on lends not owned by
defendants or either of them; that they have allowed said fill to remain
in the main channel of the Kentucky River, and have also allowed the
large boulders of stone to remain in the main channel of said river
which stream of Water has flowed for many years at the place where the
srme passes this Blaintiff's land in a well defined natural channel;
that the defendants by filling up of the main channel of the said river
by the heavy rocks and fill and the large quantities of dirt and shale
has cussed the same during the recent tides and since theinid railroad
has been built to flow from its natural channel OVer, upon and against

 l. '
. -2-

the banks of the land owned by this plaintiff enC hEVe thereby caused the
channel of the said river to cut away said banks for a distance of many
yards up and down the same and have washed sWSy much of plaintiff's fencing
along said banks, and have also made it necessary for the plaintiff,
in order to protect his said banks to build __ _'_yq£Hs of well of stone
along his said banks to Plaintiff's damage in the sum of at least $400.00,
all of which was done and caused to be done by the defendants in violation
of plaintiff's rights, against his will end without his consent, within

‘ two years last past.

The plaintiff seys that the defendants "ni each of them by and
through their workhands, agents and employee in making said fill on the
opposite side-of the Tentucky Fiver, from the fesidence owned by this
plaintiff in the way and manner above set forth, has so arranged said
fill that it has destroyed the pass—way owned and occupied by this
plaintiff leading from his residence to the main public xnzd right of way
passing up and down the North Fork of the Kentucky—River by this plain-
tiff's residence and on the opposite side of said river from this plein~
tiff's residence, that the defnedants have also constructed said fill

I between this plaintiff's residence and the said highway in such a way
as to almost permanently destroy his said pass-way; that they have failed
to furnish this plaintiff with a reasonable and suitable way over said
railroad right of wey in which for him to travel, end thot he has been
damaged by reason of the destruction of his pass way and his inconvenience
in passing to and from the public highway in the sum of $50.00, all of
which was done and caused to be done in violation of plaintiff's right,
without his will and consent.

The plaintiff further states thot the said railroad fill as
now located by the-éefendants, end the boulders above referred to, as
having been biasted into the main channel of the Kentucky River has been
allowed to remain in said river and is now being allowed to remain in
eeid river by the defnedants and each of them; that the said obstructions
, as the semeis now located and placed in the said river by the defendants

are still causing said river to divert from its main channel and flow
on to and cut away plaintiff's banks during each freehet that comes in
said river, and that if the same is allowed to remain in said river

 I, .

thet it will still continue to damage this plaintiff and will make it nec—
essary for him to erect a lerge wall of stone near to protect his said
banks, and thrt in order to protect his said banks, he Will be caused to
expend the sum of at 183$ $400.00; thct thereby he is entitled to recover
of the éefendents and each of them the sum of $4C0.00, for prospective
damages to said land.

The plaintiff say& that he has been f
. Mn!" 5
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exam May, 13.1.3 /
The fine: flouetruciion Co., I
Horuoke} Ve.
fiery F:::3
Elmerg w 5;: tw g; lot -I ta you of f;ril lurk one fifith
ril*iivfi to Claim of Tezlwy Cvuoiil for ulloéeh oneoje fie tie ”roéorry
ax; t;:uin;:1 =5? TV"f!in‘ f;‘3 is 3’?“ "e352 tr uocai ey‘f?7ivrar“? ;n‘fr~
tiirif'11 ia;15, 1'.: Y3im‘t?e §1;3’! C'f 'tiz’: TToixi‘gi:B‘; "5’$“€? 'h17 lyl"::i:iri' :3;; - saga

V I 7; ::' f:ff:-‘ 1' ” .‘.7.”;v:;¢L; 5»‘€.f,;k ”;¢ar§ci litur—
Ea}, t; L ”tolcy fl 242:} h‘« T?‘v "ii? if *5? Erie??? “irnai? Court,
{outuoldz L,»I..L 3h: 1 iig;€“v i ‘r f "z ”a: tie itximvilfi» ‘ ”.**iillo
Iva: 1;?1‘. . 44w";”f =*“m;f*‘= " ‘~’ ““" “J;’- 77‘. .” ‘* ';'5vr"*liffl* I
.‘:.';.<.‘: .v, «,:.-j a ' Q f. 3‘“. it: " .3: ' ‘.? ‘ 4' “‘ .".,'.'.‘;l;., 1. ‘.. ‘st ':',“iL: ".311. ".",? 1:. ; 21:25."
Yr.fi"ufiiil‘; oloiuu.

. It Touifi oufozfl thong ne‘er your contract, Fifi? arc L i E
R; Com: L5; you evv liable for Fwy o*mfige file: no; hrwfi W ~g Lmfifl
Mr.Ceufiill‘e leuoo, et Renee so for so the rue larpvz LL..f {Cf 3?&Q.GC
ofioh) or; oouoermoop one we Will look to you to geirxd o «* pg. ;rce ’
toot an; r ilroefl company eyeinet ray comugos or ooote Vrmt we; to
afiiuegee ageiuet it.

Pleeee acknowleoge receigt, one store if you will true core
of aha e feuse of trio molt, lo order toot I may movieo our ermorneye.
Youre truly,
cub enol Chief Engineer of Conetruotiou.

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Cilia-8.1”. Enginear of Construchmn.

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