xt73bk16mf8w_507 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [356a] Clyde Dale, Administrator of Logan Smith v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [356a] Clyde Dale, Administrator of Logan Smith v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_51/Folder_1/0437.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_507 xt73bk16mf8w Vol. 17643110. 4 3 P. 673—1040 «3
JUNE ('23, 1915 ‘
S y;- /
,4 03E C/Iblu .‘1 [\l'.) .10 ALL CAbES
Natiorlzg‘fie/porter System” {American Digest System
E-i/"ory Case Reported Every Case Digested
Atlantic Northeastern s Annmated . Century Digest—16584896
Federal Northwestern 1' 10 \‘ Dcm‘nnial Digest~13‘)T—1906
Pacific Southeastern Amrrimn Digest—Kcy-Nn. Series
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 of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, says in
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V °°°°i=°°°=’°°°<:’°°°‘==’°fi Metes and bounds mean the
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 Ky.) BIttH'lX-\l"l"‘.\' 'rnt's'rt-zic v. t;1<:s’tK-\tv1:‘ 100:7
xier. utteringr that the inuu‘ovelnents lmd in-l [2] it would not he t-nntended in the (“use
ereused the vendihle vulue ot’ the [unit to the i :11 hur thut the lite It-Ituttt oi' the iund tiltttil
extent of with”). :tnd thut :tn investment of i \vhit-h the ilnltt'oi'etnl‘ttls ure situztted «'nuid
the funds in i“ruziet's hunds, us trustee. in tnuke :tnv t-hurge Iliffliiht the trust estute. or
these improvements would he :tn investment ‘:tu‘uinst, the remuindermun, for the eost rd"
in rent estute. us direeted hy the will. untl their mnstrut-tion. He knew the ehuruvter
:tsltinj; the eeurt to require the trustee to my of his title. :tllti tnulle the inuu‘ovennutts oi"
over to him the tiersonul property in his i his own volition, :tnd it must he tu'estunt-d
hunds itt 1::!)‘1nent for the illllli'twt‘tllt'ltist thut he ditl so t'nr his «uvn hem-tit. In fuel.
James iiiu‘stutl' und Alexine iiizstut't' nre the in his i“ tition he ;tlleun-s thut he mude the
only t-hildren ol"i‘hont;ts .l. itizrstut't'. :lliti tln‘.\' i i”li'l'HVt‘IIH his in older to ennlde himself to
:tre int'unts. hut, over it _veurs ot' :1.-4e. :tnd ‘ ltlt’t‘e wint'ort:tiui.\' owuttv the [rt't-Inist-s. und
they are mude Inn-lies to thi< suit. und u i to illiliit‘ the lands :tvuilulde for his purposes. -
_:‘uurdiun :td iiient :thlminted for them. us The :enerul ruh- is thul u tenunt t‘ur Hits
the :tluiellee. 'l‘hnnms .I, itigstun‘. it their eunuot i:t_\' out money in huildinu‘ on the hind
stututori' ;uurdiun. 'i‘he I."tturdiun ud litem ”WI t‘hilllt' ii UIt titt' l“title ill I‘t‘ttlrlitltit'l'.
tor the int‘unts. und ulso the trustee. demur- l’t't‘dtl'lt‘l‘iuu "hurt'h \'. l-"nhiun, t-ttz. ‘_‘it .\‘.
wt to the t'l'tt<<11t*iitiott of the liltitt'iit‘t-. W. 11::. l“ Kr. her live. 3-~—‘ In Mates \1
'i‘hotnus .i. ll'iustut't'. :tnd the, trustee Iiled :In ii'HH‘. 1"” i§l'.Tt'i.tit|-‘. “1713,22 iivinw
unswer in \\'iiit'il he denied thut the ill\'t‘,\t~ lit‘ll- iiiifl. this murt held thut u lit'e tenunt
mtnt‘ ot? the funds in his lmntls in the imr t‘illlttt'i iitl' ”til Iholtt‘jx' it: httiidiuron lund ;tnd
ilrovetnents upon the i’urtn ot"|'|1om:ts.i. iii:- t'hill'fl‘ it “it tit" Mill-“'. “1' illitiit‘ 3‘ i"‘l‘>‘t'i|i11
stut‘t‘ Would he un investment in rent estztte t‘itill'it‘ it'i-‘tilt‘i til“ I'M-tililt'it‘l'mitlh Til“ 131“
in :lt't'ttl'titiiltft‘ \\‘ith the \\‘ill of .I. )1. itizstuti'. “Willi 1* “MUM 1" it‘ll' 1h" lll'etuiws in re-
’i‘he euuse “us then sulunitted upon the dt» Wit“ hut is under no it-Sui oitii:‘.‘:ttinut to tnr
murrer of the _:uurdiun :nl iitem und the do tit‘l'iitiil‘1‘1t‘5illll'l"""-‘11l‘-'i'i-"-”“‘i-“‘“‘”iw‘ 5"-
murrer ot‘ the trustee. and town the unsu'er it i“ i' ""1”““”'.\' “"‘ “ii iii" "“'” “'“Mi 74‘1““
of the trustee. und the demurrer ut’ 'i‘honms i'i‘“ 1" ‘“’ "hm“ ”51m”! ”1" "“”‘” ‘”' Th“
J, iiigstul't‘ to the unswt-r ot' the iI'ustee. ”W1 ‘ reversionurv interest in it. t‘uhlu'eil v. .iu-
tnmn the 1Ileu~lin:_"s :tnd 1‘root', \\hen the eonrt ""i“ 3: S- W- iii”: “".““ ‘7 1"‘-"'1'-‘- 'I‘“ S- “it
mijudu‘ed thut the inllu'ovetm-nts trim-ed lill'lili Ti”. :3 K-‘l- “"‘“ ““1“ “if” (‘”HM‘“ ‘.'
the hind it.\‘ the life tetmnt’. ’i‘honms .l. iiir—f ”“”‘“ 3” 5- “.‘ Bil. 1‘ K51 ile 1“‘1'- “‘“'—'1
Stuff. hzid invreused its tendilrle vuiue m “w Johns-on v. Steu'urt. N Kv. liztvv lit-iv. >37:
extent of Slidltltl. :tnd thut ztn investment of 81mm". Aillllil' ‘V- iiilii- ”1 KY- 3”!- 1‘3 S- \\i-
the funds in the hunds of the trustee to the i 373- 1": KY 14"“ I{"1“ “7“ 5” ‘\“‘- Si- ““i” 33”-
extent of Si 1.000 in the imluwvements \vus :tn Whimww ill'i’l""“\“l“‘“i-" ”I“ l’ii“”~"i “i“‘i‘
investment in rent estute. within the meun- , 11‘1“" "." iii" 1‘11." it’llitlll ltd-<51“ ill‘ this «‘Vl'il‘il‘
ing of the fifth thrust; of the will of the t’es— ‘ tion of his Nine to the Irma?Interme- The
tutor, and direrted the, trustee thut. :Is it :ltr-i "“1"” “f 111“ judgment ”1"“. “'1” i” i““i‘i'ii“*
X'L‘fll‘Cti i’itut‘ the lite t‘etlunt lmd ult'eud)’ huid ‘ ”I“ “‘IW‘U I” W?“ 1110 1111*“le W ”I“ “ll-
i‘or the inmrovt-tm-nts. the trustee \vould lutv ‘ ‘“‘ "f “‘0 i1“i'l”\"‘1‘1‘~““-" "i” ”f :1 third 1“
to him out, of the funds in his hands. “Pi \vhit-h the lite tenunt hud :l lit‘e estute. with
which might hereafter route into his hands. i “‘lllitill‘it‘l' 11' iii“ NUM' l‘t‘l‘SUHN \\‘11" 0W” iilt‘
t0 the extent of not, exeeedin: Slilxhlo, The i rentuinder interests in the lunds. This might
trustee und ::uurdiun :td litemd‘or the inl'untsI it” “"11-“i‘it‘lW1 1" '"‘ “‘iilimilm ““‘-"“11““ ”“‘
exeehted to the judgment. and hruyed un till-l ”‘0 “'“‘”il““WNW” “iii “‘”‘in 1110 illlttt'on“
lteul to this court. \vhieh \vus granted. ”WU” :tt ““‘ ““‘i “ii 1'11“ “"0 ““4”“ if ”“2"
T110 (“Mistiml presented 1:01. derision is i then still exist. just us they will ret-eive the
\vhether nttvment of $ll,ttt)t> ot,‘ the trust print-11ml "1' ”“' ””51 f‘m‘i ‘” ”“‘ “Xi‘i”m”“
funds in the hunds of the trustee 17., 111“ m3. ot‘ the life estztte. it Would. however. he on
tenunt for these improvements is :in invest- ”i’i’l'W’Viimm' 0f “1“ WWW-"15 ”i. “W “it‘ll”
lnent in :tceorduncc with the provisions of the, in the fund to the tntvment: for things with it
will of the tost‘utor, rind whether the cireuit: 1101111“? 111 111W HHI‘ eutlity they are imtmtl for.
Court \vus in error when it; order-tut 11,0 huy- The trust fund \vhieh is sought to he utt—
ment of the trust ifunds to the lite tenuut on pronriuted 1“ ““‘ "ii-“9 at: ‘"11' I“ “10 l‘il)”
account 01' the improvements made upon the “”'“17 ”1‘ ““1’““'“‘““”i"' “““‘“ 1’3. ”WWW“ ”1"
lunds hv him. on the iunds is :1 t'und held under un express
H] 11, is uhvuys the duty (,1' :1 ”Wham in trust. The will ot~ the testzttor expressly
1h“ :nltninistrution oi? the trust fund. to look t provides thut it shull he, invested in reui es-
to the interest: of hoth the life tummy und the lute, und the title tulteu to umrellee t'or
, retnuindermun. where the fund is the proper- 1l1‘i‘, illlti ill illt‘ inl'unt. ill'llt‘iiitlllfi ill remuin—
[,.V of one, for life with L'etnuindet' to :tnother. ii”, “‘”’-i”l ‘0 111“ “Hum-1W“ illlil‘N‘tl h)" iilt‘
1‘. is his duty, where he is without sneeitie lit‘th eluuse ot' the will. While houses and
direetions, in the instrument ('i‘t‘tltiilg the bill'US 111M llt‘l'llli'ltt‘llit l'l‘llt'illfs' ill't‘ t‘lllhi’nvt'd
trust. to so invest it us to make, the, inromo ill the (‘01'111 "I“‘” 051310;” it is only heeuuse
protituhlt} to the, lite tenunt, und to preserve of the fut'l‘ tiltli “103' ill'U iti'iilt‘itt‘ti 10 the
the, principul of the fund for the l‘cnminder- iund. and intended to he nermunentlv sittntt-
mun. ed upon it. The direction in the will as to

 1006 170 SOUTHWESTEl-{N 111‘11’1111'1'1'21‘. (Ky.
how the title to the real estate in whieh thwpiu-ssly or by iniplivation. for recovery by one
trust: fund was to ho invested set-ms 1-on- "“'1'1”-""4'11‘4111’1‘L 111-“t“”"”l’l“-""-

elusive that. the testator had in conteinpla- .”“I‘ ‘\".I"""l“’." "l“‘."',"”“"‘ 5"". Mastonand
. . 5111111111. ( 1-111‘. 111:. § 811*; 111w. 111:. 033-1111
11011 the purehase oL lands by tho trusiee, '

, . . . . H V 1 .1 .~ ..,,,..,,,1 .,.

and not 1111 investment. (11 the lands in tone- .,. $111‘1511‘1W1‘ (3311131149th 1 ”111111111111

cs 11' hon ‘e' or other 1111 ll‘1l\'(‘1111'111\‘ '111-11411 JI‘XIJ'I'KHWN in) “AH'HU‘U’ “Elm“ NIHW'

’ ‘ '5 ‘\ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ' ' “here the partition lit-tween the extension
0d 10 “”1110 ll'ilCt “1 1511111- \> 1“ “'11:” 111'1’11‘ of railroad 1'1-pair shops and the old part, of the
erty the fund should he invested in is not 81111115111111 lu-vn torn out and trar-lis' laid in 1111:
left, in any wise. to the 1lis1jretion ol' the, trus— oatension, “.“l"1.”11m'~“ “N‘m‘” "“‘1 WWI?” on-

” _ . . . 11-1 11' .7 ., ' _ 1» 1‘ .‘Qlllt's Used In interstate 1'111111111'1‘I‘15 1'1111'11110 11.
111 111 .1111 11111 ( >1. ll “11“1'1‘11“l ”1 and there stored loinporarily. the extension was
1111- chanrellor to dirt-1'1 that, this 1111111 111' lwin: used as an inslrnnn-nrality of interstate
invested as sonaln‘. for. the trustee muld1"”“1111‘1‘112 ”will“ 1'1'1 1111'1'1111111‘11'2 “11'1 11"111'1‘11
salel)’ do 11 without the adriee ot the vhan- ‘ 111111111} ”‘1”?“1 “If”! “‘_" 11‘~_ '3” 5'1‘“. ‘.\

_ l"|1~|1'll was 1111111111 1111111: worlxina 111 1111101 In»

"“11““ terslatv 1-oninlwrve.

In :29 (Eye. 1071. the rule 1s stated 11s lol- [11:11 N~11-.»~1“m~ “HM- (uh-1.1. .1.-o ("onmwrea
lows: 1111111 111:. § ‘.'3: 111w. 11ij.;‘. (D211

"‘Wherc the author of a trust gives ~e;\'11119'111=rl. ('1)\l.\llvll:1,'l-I (pi? ~1.\'1'1‘.1:sr..\.11: 1‘o.\1.\11<:n(1:—
1111'1‘1‘111‘11‘ 515 l“ 111“ (‘li‘w'r‘ ”1 *“VUHUW ”11 l‘j.\’1'1-.,\s111.\' or 11111111111) Iii-auxin Snors.
wlvu-h tho 1111111 shall lie “111-sled. 11. is 1111‘ 11111371 Where a railroad repair shop was used for
ol the trustee to 1_ollow tho instrntaions literally. 1 enuines 13111112141 in interstate (‘11lillllt.‘i'1'(‘, an (.‘.
and he Will he 11111110. tor departing 111erelroni. “11“.,“ thl'unf 11951;“1-(1 p. “1:111:11 it more 911111--
11111ess no such nirestnn-nt as rlirowtod 171111 he 11“; 13,1. 5m.“ use. “as i“ “M “1' interslate coin—
111111111, “1' 1111‘ 51‘1”.“ (‘1 ”‘1‘ 1111'051111‘j11t 1151-“ 1)“ ineree; 111111 henm- a «;arpemer injured while
{‘“lllt‘ tlltllllllllllp' reason 111' §lllll‘l'1't‘lllllfl t‘ll'f‘lllll' \\'111‘1{111_L' on 1111- extension. was injured while en-
sr‘aneos, 111_\\1111-h ”I“: ‘1 1" ”1“ ‘1”[5' “1 ”loggam-vl in aid of interslaio voininureo, regardless
tlnstee lto 111\e;t. tho 1111111 111 the 111‘s}, 1111111111‘1'01‘ wheKhCr the extension \\‘:1s' itsvlt' yet luring
1"‘1"t“:“‘]‘f 1111101 tho“('111.111111121111'1'5. .. Wiran‘ , lisml as 1111 instrumentality 111’ inLerstnte ((1111.
51111111111 l nn'crsny V. Llay, 2 1.. Mon. .15.). inn-rec.

! , V 1 1

110111 the tact that the tostator could not . 11:11. .\oto.—l* or other [1151's. see (11111111121111,
have antivipated that his widow would re— 1 Ct‘Ul- 111g- 3 3”; l’w‘. U11; (W311
11111111111: his will. 111111 thus tree, the lands 11p« ' 5. 3115'] Lu _\_\‘1) SI-Zlntwr (3512—1531in T11
on which the, improvements are situatedi SlilH'ANl'i1‘:.\'11111.\'1'l-2111' N111111111il'LX1'1-L—111-
from her 1111: estate, and enahlo appellee tot 111-.11‘1o_\ 01'. \ 11.111111'1. . . .

't H ‘ 1 . t» . ,. 1 . 1 “here. 111 a ear-punters 111:111111 against a

11 1.11111, 101111, 11111 poss1ss1on 111 111111. ‘11]11‘1'11111'111111 L'ompan)‘ {01. injuries “qu“ while,

the other ('11'1-11111st1111v1-s, 111 proof. it is 111:1111—1w1n-king on an extension 1o repair shops. it ap-

fest that he intended that the funds should 1 llt‘ill‘wl 111:” (11‘11‘11113111-‘1 Sllhll'l'K'Hl-‘lll, \Vlln WM

be 1111'est'ed 1n the snnplo pnrvhaso ot. 1:11111s,“]”“.[m-‘ 1111 “‘~’.‘1\- t WWI 1 suiion 01 1111.”.

_ _. tension to he raIsed when there was a s111p oi

and not, 01 horw 1se. and, when he used 11101 L1111lwl' nailed to 111111111111: i1 111111os’s‘11111‘ for it 111

words "real estate." he 1110:1111: and intended 1 1m 1111111311 in posmon. and that. though 111111111113;

the freehold title 10 lands. 11111111 11111111111:1 was i1: unlangnrous Illlsllllllllf. 1111

‘1 ‘ , . H ‘ ‘ - ~ ” , 1 , . ‘r ,_ tll't‘t‘lt'tl 111111 191‘ 1'11111 Hy“ H lll‘lZU tlllt‘ 0111 0 [11‘

101 tho 11asons 1111111.111<1. the, 1111141111111”mu“ MW. in (“”1quva “1» \V1111'11 it MVHIIL’
appealed Ironi 1s reversed. and this eanse re- 1 against “mi injm-wl 1.1;11111111‘, 5111111'11‘111: negli—
niandod for proceedings eonsistent with this: aunt-1- )‘fils'fllmVIl to I‘l‘Ihle‘ it L‘l‘l'oIHJUUS to tlll‘eut
0111111011. .- < ;‘ .1. \' :1 111111111 lor 111-11111111111.

., . f 7 ,_1 H; ~ .1 '3 ’— " 1 [1.11. .\ote.vl‘or other cases. see Master and .

,«Vj’rk I J ‘ . - " "' ‘ ' ‘ Servant. ('ent. Dig. N 111111. 111111;. 111118. 111111—

7 _ J 11115. 111177111121. 111151141112 11111 10111—111511:

THOMPSON v. ClNClNNATI, N. o. & T. I”. 1111-. Dig. 0:2-gnu ’ ’

111. CU. 131'. :11.
(Court of Appeals of Kentucky. June 4, 1915.)! A1111“:11 from CU'Clllt C011”. P1111131“
~1 .
. . . . ,1 1r.

1. I’lenmo (3:23.110 — 14.1.19e’rrox .1111'1‘w1911x l UH“ : ,, .
(‘ol'N‘i‘s _ 1mm“. TO SERVANT— 5.13”“ ANDI Aetion 113' James :lhonipson against, the
1911111211111. LAW. 1(‘1111-11111ati. New Orleans. & Texas 1’111-11'11-
t' “13“”.11.” 1“““3‘1‘1 1“ " I"‘f‘11m"d 011111102195 Railway Company and others. 1‘1-111111 111113"

11C 1011 (11' llljlll'lt‘S \V 11 1‘ “'Ul‘Ulig (111 1111 UK 011- _ : . \-‘ ‘ . . - - n ‘ ‘ \- , p ‘_

sum of a repair shop, 1111112011 :1 ('ause, of action 11111111 101 .111111111-111-13. 111111111111 11111“ AIS: LL

under the state law and also under the federal ““1500, thll (lll‘cctlons 1'11 $111111“ 110‘" ll'lill-

l‘Iinployers' Liability Aet (Act April 22. 111113, (3. _ ‘ ‘ .

1111,3113 Stat. 1371 [1}. S.(.'on1p. St. 111111, §§ 81357— 1111111. 11ar111n;:<. of. D1111V1111‘, 0'1111111' &

'Siilioll, 11110 0011111] Illl't'lk‘lil.‘v’ I‘L‘Ulllli'Ctl Illilllllllr 1:0 Williams, 01’ 11‘1'1111111’01‘1, J. \\'. Rawlings, of

‘ ;(igitnum ('1 “ 1111 aw H‘ “01“ [”05wa his llanrrlley and 11ol1ert “11111110, ot bonicrsot‘,

' ' : , . . , 1‘ .- 1 1- ,- _ .-

Hid. Not‘C.—1t‘1’)1' other cases, see Pleading, tor. appellant. John (“111111, 111 1.111111111at1.
Cent. Dig, §§ 111111712111); 1190 Dig. @3159] (111111, and 1). ll. \\ addlc & bun, or Nunerset,
2. MASTER AND SERVANT W351—dNJURY 'ro 101' ill’l‘Ollk‘OS-

RAILROAD 11311111111119 — 19121111111111 EMPLOYERS,

1 111111.111: ACT—INDIVIDUXL 1)1crnNnAV'1‘S—« . . 1 .
Illsul‘ifiAI ‘ ‘ ’1‘1 11?\1~.R, J. For some years prior to the

Where plaintiff in snvh 111-Lion elnet'ed to 7111 111’ May, 1111}. :Wpellee company owned
proceed under tho tederal l'anployers’ Liability 111111 operated at Ferguson, ‘I’ulaski (punt);

111-1;. tho 1-onr1' properly disnnssml tho aetlon as l\'\'.. certain repair shops. wherein its 011‘

against: two 111111\'11111111 (lelendants who were .' “ “W317. .,. m "1' l 1 . ""'t' 1

plaintifE’S (.Hmmmwas; m prtn'isitln being 11111du‘mlles. \\ 1111 “111‘ ensahu 111 1111 1 111111s 1111.

by tho federal lCnn'iloyers Liability Act, ex- 11111111111'11stat'e coininurce. \\'ererep:111‘e11.

WWW—.__.— -

(chor other cases see same topic and KEY—NUMBER in all Key-Numbered Digests and Indexes

 Ky.) THOMPSON v. CINCINNATI, N. 0. 3t ’1‘. 1’. I:'Y. CO. 1007
The shops living inadmualo for lho pur— Al lilo(‘Hillflu.\'io|1ul'illL'[lizlilliii‘lns‘UVitlolu'oY
pose for which lhoyworo usod. somolimc prior upon motion of tho don-mlam, vompany ihc
_ to May. 1911, the company hogan lilo oroclion l‘olll'l (iil't'l'lt‘li tho jury to rol urn a \"l‘l'liil‘i for
of certain additions to or rxlonsious of lhoir lho dol’ondanl‘. soh-ly upon lho ground lhati
shops, and appellant. while cngagod as a tho plainlil’l’ was not at, tho lilllo ho row-irod ‘
lncmhcr of a (':ll'llt‘llit'l' crow workingr on one his injuries cngagod in inlcrslau- vommorvo,
of the extensions. was injurcd. and brought and from that. action of tho courl’ lhis ap-
this aciion againsl' lho company and lwo ol‘ poal rosulls.
his cooiiipioyl'~s, charging that lho injury was 'l‘in'oo grounds for royoi‘sal arc urzod: (l)
the result of their gross nogligonco. 'l'hal 11w court orrod in rmpiirin: appollanl,
The negligence rcliod on is lhal‘ lho dol‘oluh lo (‘il‘l‘i wholhcr ho \ronld Ill'nsw'llll‘ his ac-
ant company had prepared a scolion ol? said lion liiltll'l' lilo slalo law or tho l'n-di-ral arr:
(“3333353011. which was 13333333333333 333 3,33 333333-3331 3:11 lhal tho 3~ourl orrod in (ii>i|li<.\ill: iii.-
in and form a part lln‘roof at a point about l'lilllllll‘lnh‘ l‘l‘lllioll HS azailhr llii- individual
3333 foot from 3333. $333,333“, 31133 333333 3333. 533333 appolloos, t‘nndil‘l' and Massio; lin lliai Ihu
section. which woiuhod about, 300 pounds, was ""‘”‘t *‘l'l'l‘d i” ‘lll'l‘l‘lllls‘ H VH'llil‘l 13'1" [hr d“-
olcyal’od to that: point by the aid of ropos l-“lldilllt' ‘.‘L'll‘il‘fllll’.
and pulleys, all which point: tho plainlill‘,3 iii 'HN‘ “1""? lll'uposiiion has lu-on dirw-lly
the foreman. Cundil’l‘, and olhors woro ilu‘ali- | l’ils‘t‘d HIHIII li.\‘ 111i~\\‘orkors lll ‘“‘-ll“. W111!“ 11w «‘llllllul'l‘ \\‘zh‘ i‘iizauwl in
to hush. prize. and placc said scwliou into llltel‘NI'HiU trunnion-o. 'I‘ho (':llls‘l- or :u-ljon
a position so that it might be plavod inlo “’35 filllll'll iii throo soparalo numlu-ri-d para-
and form a part: of said building. and that IJI‘HI'IIS, tho lirst paragraph living a slaionwnr
his said co—w‘orkcrs, in obeyingr said wrongful “f the facts Show”: “NW l’hv :li'i‘idl‘lll hill!-
and negligent: ordor of tho forcman. wrong l’UllL‘d. log-.'Ihor wiih wrlain allozaiions as In
fully £1133 nogligonfly prim-31, llllfiilt'ti, audi ”10 (':11' :lllli ilS Cllllillllli‘lli. Till: Slrw'ullli lull‘il-
shovcd said scolion so that. the same camo .L'l‘illlil allogod ”111V tlll‘ 'fill' 111“)” “'llll'h <10-
against plaintiff's body with great violence (‘I‘dl'lll' Wild ‘.‘Illlll‘ll‘l‘d \\‘Hs an insrrumuiu Hf.’
and force, crushing his body, back. spine. and _inlrrstalv Pmnmcrrc, and dcsvrihcd lh3- do—
norvcs. and paralyzing the lower part of his foctirc condition lln-rool‘. and that tho duct--
pody and legs, whcrcby he was pcrmananly dcnt’s injuries and doth were r-ausod by tho
injured. It is also alleged that the company “1111111 ('l'll‘i'it‘FSIli‘SS :lIld lli‘f:il;’t‘ll<'o of tho
was nogligont in having said section so in- company “'hilt‘ 5‘” (‘IlI—ril‘ll‘d iii illl't‘l‘flali‘ win?-
tendcd 30 1,9 placed into said 3331333331]: 3.33, mcrco. ’.l‘ho ihird paragraph. al‘ior again rc—
large to :.:0 into the same at the 1,1330; whore oiling the mannor in which rho arcidonl
it was intended to go. h:lIlIN'lH‘ll and I‘PIN‘HliH: ”10 :lllL‘fialiulis as in
It is alleged that at the limo the injuries ”10 (il‘fc'k‘UW f‘llllil‘lm‘llf of tho (‘:11'. set Uh
were received Ihc work in “.3,-13.33 hc “.333 a cause of action undcr a si'aiulo of tho
engaged was necessary to be 333,133., and slalc of (lhio. in which slaio llio acridonl’ ow
was beingr done, in aid and furtherance oi" ““”‘“L '“‘" “’“'“1' ""”Fl (""‘l‘l‘llll‘li :1 Illl‘lillll
both inlraslato and inl‘crslalc commerce in i "[7 (“‘l‘<‘11'111111 t“ ““1113!“ ”I“ l'lililllll‘l" lo Ult'I'l‘
which said dcl’cndant (wimpany was cngagcd. 3 ”11‘1“" “th statuio it “WWI lll'lll‘l‘t‘d. and
[Tpon the motion of the defendants lho plain— ‘ ”‘"‘ ‘3‘llll't3 ““91“ I’I'illl'lllfs” out the dii'i‘oroni-o lio-
‘rill' was required to clocl: whclhcr he would [""“Hl “10 I‘cdcral “Ct 111“ “10 (lhio $111111“?-
proscculc his suit to rccoror under the fod- said:
oral Employers’ Liability Act, or under tho "It was lhcrel‘orc impossible for ‘rlw court to
state 131“.) and living so required to “303.3 ho prowod under both statulos} it, must of nuwssi-
1y lil'm'l‘t‘li nndor ono. and \ilN'zll'li tho oihor. in
elected to prosecute the sumo uudor the 3.3”“ 3333.3.3.3-3,I.3,. 333' the 3:333 lhar 33]“ 33:40:“ m3
‘ ‘ 'fedl’ral act. After having so elected the dO- suporsodod the ”Mo slatnto. it, nowssariiy tons
i fendan‘rs enlorcd a motion lo rcuuire llic UV'H‘“ “ll“ “ll-“‘- ‘l’i‘il‘h is ”‘““lfli‘d l'.\' H“ liglr‘
plaintiff to elect wholhor ho would prosoculc :31:“:3‘313 ::l]‘('3“‘:.” t‘hte21531137121231in)?lii‘iiliivin 1.23.1111:
the Suit against: the railway Company 01‘ in: to roduirc tho plaintilf lo clovt nndor which
against the individual (lofcmlanls, (C‘undifl? hid-121711111 0f U10 lltflltl‘lll fill“ _‘WHM lll‘usrtflllk‘
and Massic, and being required 1:0 so clccl: ho h”. "““'“! We Cll'clllt court was in c1'1'111‘,’
clccl’cd to prosecute the same against lhc. 'I‘ho case of L. 3\ N. ll. ll. Co. y. Strango‘s _ ,
railway company, and the suit was dis» Adm‘x. 1535 Ky. rlilll. 1031 S. W. 2211). was whoro /
missed as against the individual defendants. the plaintiff allouod lhal. tho dowdonl. at tho
'I‘hcroaftor the defendant: Iiicd its answcr limo of his injuries from which ln- diod, was
dcnyiii},r any negligence, denying that at the ongagcd in tho service of an interstate carri-
timc of tho plainlill"s injury he was cngagcd or as a brakoman upon a lrain. which al' the
in aid and furlhorancc of inl‘orslalc com- limo was living usod and oporal’cd either in
Incrcc, rglying upon contriluii'ory ncgligonco inlorslalo or inlraslalo rommorvc, and it
in mitigation of damages, and pleading as— was plcadod in lho alternative, as is author—
sunied risk. _ Izod by our Code, that one 01' the other of '

 11108 176 SOUTH\\'1~]1\",1'1111{N RIJI'UR’I'ER (Ky.
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