xt73bk16mf8w_509 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [356c] Clyde Dale, Administrator of Logan Smith v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [356c] Clyde Dale, Administrator of Logan Smith v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_51/Folder_3/0768.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_509 xt73bk16mf8w v Rovember l3, 1915.
Hana 3. 3. Eerfield,
District Attorney, L [a H 006,
Louisville, Kentucky;
Dear air;
I have yours of the llth inEt At, enclosin7 Juflge Jarroll’s
Ooiniou in the case from Breathitt Circuit Court of L x 3 1:.63. v.
I Diful fi'nitllYS idfflrm Liflre :roio‘siiLi, I :31 jvrcutrlgr Ci ss;.noi:1t:35 :.t 'the
unsatisfactory cher etc? of this Qoiuion. 5:;igg it without mi? dis—
IOSpcct to the Jourt or to Judie 5:::311 versonnllgo the Quiuiou gives
2:13 the inprossiou of o. veajf ::TL«3:";:1T=_; or: 3:1.1:‘:;'it2 i -:i::—c::-‘- oi imrfi, It
eiTes one the inureesion or Haste iui surergicisliifa Lowever, as
ycql hs‘le 1)Oi11t%6.'&fits it Goais o:x;tii2: o.;? ezfizjo on? co::fori:.

I: is u; moi ion that on s retriyl of tlis case the fileintiff
will have no diiiicultg i4 makizx out a case :0: the jury as to the
use 0:. the Jacks on 'Iv’:=.:~:‘r",51=.-’b;f orrlegnees .1‘: the f’afiJXi/‘oj ()OUjZ'E—ifill- in Such
numbers as to out uuon the Coupes: the out; of hearing a l okout,etc.
for employees situated as smith was at the tine he was Eillafig This
beiztgs:o, I think it vmifiii be giofi business t(} take sthu=§fi; ouce to .
bring about an.smicuole seitlonut or the suit on IEKSONFDLC terms.

I we herewith returning the thCWIiftgu cosy of the dourt‘s Opinion
and them: you For 11:-Wis semi: it to me .
eno. Very truly yours,

 ‘ ,g g7 o . ’ ,‘
V4 i'C», /fi¢/t , s.¢7 'j§.:x”n;w In 9;.vVfit,, ;ammmv
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/~ , ‘ffgém‘jflmw /. 25’ ,,, , , b 11 1916
fJ/J/a3:;f525i:te.r ---///”/M//c{7% N" m er '
L&E Ry. Co. v. Logan Smith's Admr.
...—... 72959
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
' Dear Sir,
I herein hand you official copy of opinion of the
‘ Court of Appeals delivered November 9, reversing
judgment in above case. 'Ehe\opinion is grceedingly
disgppointinéf/ Nevertheless, it gets a; ridwoffaf~_“‘
judgment such Q; I hope we shall never have against
us again in this case.
2 There is one important principle for railroads
g announced in this Opinion, and that is, that in anw
1 action for an injury to 2; employee in the yards or
5 upon the track of a railroad company, it is incompetent
E for plaintiff to prove the amount of trespassing done
y’by persons other than employees. The only evidence
' {of use that is permissible is that made by employees.
i Under thistpinion, how do you feel as to the
probable outcome of another trial of the case? If
you shall be of the opinion that it will be advisable,
before another trial, for you to endeavor to compromise
the case at a greatly smaller ambunt than the award

I « of the jury on the former trial, please discuss this
‘ question with me, giving me your views and recommendations
as to amount, etc., in ample time before another trial
of the case can be had, so that, if the case is to be
settled, we may avoid incurring further costs and
expenses incident to the preparation for trial of the
Yours very truly, 1 x4
/ y //"anp
//Q] g/z (a 4]; ,» ~_
District Attérney.

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A .1 ‘.'.."u. :f “91:3“,
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 ‘ // _ " . ,f . / v1. 55’-'71? f“; //f
' ‘ Eifgfffi“t v5 )ggflafiLae./£tw,,¢ , unlawwwmwuwwmmwawlm.
a ,3 ‘. ,// , '2/y7944/E‘Wfize - ”W
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’fili/{l/(I/l/l/l‘g'016/ngqu if/fz/z/v' Q\:>////?/)//fl////;’,y/Y’l/fl/fl/k, 72959
7/1/w/N/ra’j/ //z='n/M/r, "'V .
/ \lf‘“fl/{\Lk/rllfl/‘j/l/fl/m: / ,4/ ., .g/,/ 7.
/ //’)/’fl‘j//‘;:/k(/‘:/ll({;¢f£¢::~[I/elll. l.‘/('/M)[r’///flp/;/J/%, March 29’ 1915
Logan Smith’s Admr. v. LuE Ry. Co. in Court of Appeals
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, ’}}Z€;4:gifl ,/é
Lexington, Ign
Dear Sir,

- Your letter of the 25th instant was duly received. I
return the copy of the brief for appellee, as I assume you
meant me to do; but an retaining the copy of your reply brief
for my file, unless you write me to return it to you.

‘ j l. I think your two briefs, taken together, admir-
ably and quite sufficiently present all the argument that is
‘necessary to be made on behalf of appellant in this case.
The only suggestion I have to make as to supplementing your
reply brief on the proposition that/in Kentucky it is not
necessary that the comylaining party shall have offered a
correct instruction in order to avail hirself of the error

_ of the court in giving an incorrect instruction, is that

I think you might cite the applicable language in LH&StL Ry.
Co. v. Roberts, 144 Ky. 820; L&E Ry.Co. v. Crawford, 155 Ky.
725; South Covington & Cinti. St. Ry.Co. v. Core, 29 KLR A
856. You will see how I have treated this subject in the
Steuart case in the Supreme Court of the United States, as
shown by copy of my brief in support of my motion to quash

 J U
with costs the papers purporting to be defendant in error's
cross-writ of error, of which I am mailing you a copy today
under separate cover.
2. I do not, at the moment, recall a decision of
the Court of Appeals to the effect stated on the second
page of your letter supraI i.e., do not recall a case where
the fact that persons were using the tracks in going from
one town to another was treated as a separate branch of the
rule of trespassers, but decided for the railroad company,
in accordance with the rule as to other trespassers. Per-
...7-'.' 1 R ‘ -. - 9”
haps you have in mind Eastern Kentucky Ry. Co. v. Powell, ,,
A A x »‘= ’5; v' J " . x .. - ,4 ' ‘
”“' {:1- .' ’:‘: ‘:.’ >7 ‘ x“ ‘\ J il'i-‘w‘ ;'.) l/Q’faf‘r Wm gfik‘wfiv—p ' g‘ft‘o / a 8; gt if: :;3 t/
17 LLB 1051, or I.G. a. Gov v. T on's Admx., 52 ALE 1590; ;
///”' 5 fl Wwafi VJiafi‘ . ,.JJ.MJ 9 ’—*”~ égiw T,,. Hfi'
_ ‘1 2 ' , \ f' " _’,,“ .-.»r H 913/, _ . = ,.
or the Dilas or Jollfifizgses‘tnerein cited. fr * f' ’ “\{\
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RODMAN w.KEE':‘€:'R,K _ ‘ ~11
Dear Sir:
Your supplemental and reply brief for appellant in the
case of L & E RY. co. v. SMITH ADMR. received, filed,aaé/€rief
was received in plenty of time to file.‘ ,
V Very [truly yours, a /
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.'J' H H/J’GN/ /\ "A ’ J

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