xt73bk16mf8w_511 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [357] W.E. Gambill v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [357] W.E. Gambill v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_51/Folder_5/1092.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_511 xt73bk16mf8w o A I ,
\ May 16, 1915. _
C. H. Moorman, Esq., ‘
nest. Dist. mtg—.., .7; a I! :17 :‘1; 00., ’
Louisville, Kentucky. - i
_ Dear Sir:
Ecrcmith enclosed, I hand you witness claim for $5396.
‘ covering per dien and arranges of James Cornctt, a witness for
E defendant in the case in firoathitt Circuit Court of W, E. Gambill
v. R d E and L d H, which nae tried at the January Term, 1015, ‘
I of the fireathitt Circuit Court. Judie jollard has requested that ' 1
a Voucher may issue to cover this claim and that when issued that
it be mailed to James Cornett at lost Creek, Breatfiift Uounty,xy.
A copy of Judge Pollard‘s letter is attached to the claim.
Very truly yours,
' once.
. ‘L

 \_ ‘
k ' .. r“
g, May 15, 1910.
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucky.
Boar Judge:
Yours of the lith, enclosing a Litnoos claim Ior
‘ 1f »:1» -. ~r '1: .M ~..~ r ~v~ ,. m- - .»‘ »“‘ 1- ~. ~. ‘ «.”1. --'—- ..,.- 1 .
~ ,,)‘7}.8d, COVUILHQ in}; (11.42111 (.1116 \_3_'.;J\,'11:;;1,~.1 0; J 23105: 121111191111, 21 Litnfifs
to; CoTandmnt in the case in Jroathitt Circuit Court of t. 31 ’
Gamhill V. 3 & j,otc., has been for uardod to jouisvillo ior
' V01Mfi191, xvittz tlyg ro1fuoot iHLat {Rich 'VOiuflio: zyzy'ize yzziled 'to
:1 1.4 1 ~ J ,1 - "32 'u -,{ l {1 ~ -- ,
Janos ooraoto, CC Jose areas, uffiatulct wouutg,ientucxy.
> W f’tflflg'gmus,
:31. 1'1/ 11
Counsol. 7

 \3’ \go. £13ng ARD
; .
”743’ /‘ /é . ,',.i‘..._‘,
v i. ‘ . .‘.... .«' 'f
- J ': a .. 3 a
. ' i . " ‘ n ”.2 a '.I I '_ . n ‘.’ 'A I.-
V V D .4 O I v 2. - ~ —- V v i
r .» i I szwmmtna":Suit'mnyhgw;«_~mw:: I I I W
. _, -2 . ,- A :, f " '.'» .
\ /

 " * , . ' ' " Jammzo. 1915. . ' ‘
_' _ Jnflge 0‘. 1:. 1101mm, ' ’ _ _ I I I _ '
' I My aear Judge: 'I I ' , - v _ T
' 1‘ ’ V"_’ Youfis of fihe'zgth in reference to suit 0f W.'Ev - ‘ ,
I . Gambill, Committee, v. L &»E Ry.001, receivefl,’gotefi énfl comm V. .
T I 1 ~currea~ini_though'l am iflclined fie think John Gambiil farefi a 'I T:
" ‘ litfile befifiar than Alfred Gambill in the set£lement. than fifie >\. .
T I - ' time comes for the flammissionor t0 execufie a fieeé to us, please
H ~ be safe to herntinize the déscripfiion an& $86 fifiafi it accurately "H
, , covers fiho lama we acquired unéer the $afigmenfi. _ ‘ ' ’ ‘ _’
f ' . Very truly Yours, T ' . *
- > » Oaunéel. .1 .

 o. H. POLLARD '
A‘i‘ORNEY AT LAW . K 4 /’
4 January 28‘, 1"}15.
Judge Samuel A. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Deer Judge: W.E. Gamoill, Committee vs. L m E .
This suit being Drought originally in the name of the
Committee, ween in foot it snouid ELYB been brought in tne name -
of John Cumbill by Committee, I succeeded in setting the Court
to sustain a special demurrer to the petition. The Court, over I
my objection, permitted plaintiff to file an amendment maxing
John Cemoill plaintiff. Plaintiff’s attorneys then offered to
oomyromise the case upon the payment of the same sum paid in the
companion case of Alfred Cumoill against the L a E, whioh prop—
osition I deemed it expedient to accept. Jonn Camoill Deing of
unsound mind, we nod the question heard 0y the Court and a judg—
ment of the Court entered inaccordance with the agreement of
settlement, a copy of wnicn Judgment is hereto attacued.
I am sending a Copy of‘tnis letter to ME. Werfield,
together with a Copy of the judgment, with the request for
voucher to settle same. You will observe that in this case, I
succeeded in eliminating from the Judgment for cost, the inflated
olefin for Witness fees, tne Court noldinc that we were not lia—
ole for any witness fees prior to the filing of tne amended pe—
With reference to this suit and tne suit of AlfFEd
Gumbill vs. L a E Ry. Co, I am of the oyinion that we have suc—
ceeded remarkably well, consiisring the fact that no agpeal lies
since the amount in contrOVersy is fixed at $190.00 in soon case.
I am also of the opinion that on the trial, by taking tne jury on
the around 2nd letting teem View the land, tne respective plain~
tiffs would not secure9a judgment for exceeding $100.00, out
figuring out the additional cost of the trial which would be ad—

Judaod against us and the extense of furnisning a train to take »
the jury on the ground, I reached the conclusion that the Company
would save money by settling at $125.00.

Yours truly,

OHP—L ( 2 ; 7fe/j:22522;4:3—‘ ‘
$¥Ifli€l$e ‘

Copy to b.D. Warfield, ,
District Atty., Louisville,

 g} '
fireatnitt Circuit Court. V
I Alfred. Gtmbill ifiiqxintifi’
Vs. :2 Judgment.
L3,.x’izxgtm’; £2»: 1211;229:721 Raiimy Gaszugzmy mismannt. ‘
Gaza-B the «16: I‘endazgfl; LMII‘i offei‘ad. 1m cuii’ézaa J:_1.I,iL-;;wel’zt
fur £125.00 in full aItisfgcuimn of plaintifi'fi claim and de~
mumé herein and plaintiff using breacut, agreed Ln Oyeh uourt u:
I accept ind affer. It in thereinru agguagea by fine uqurt tamfi the
plaintiff, Alfred aumblil, recover mi Ens daidhidha, Lfigjngtan
:5; ipjangta';rn iit11:l:.‘xf~b,‘,-’ dumpcuay, My" .:;IUJ 01" {5125.00 Luigi all legal. ,
scans Marcifflaxyanued and Eanequn tbfl deieha3uu moved the
' Cuurt'fio atrime frag tau taxufiiuu of yIuiutsz'fi cost, all cast
incurred by plaintiff u; ta L50 31:9 Euat Ema Demurrar to pLain—
tiff'm yetibion was austuined and inciualsg Ema oraer sustainw
ing agia Bumurver, tuxmien.pIuihtiff ougectsd and Said quegfiian
of taxation of coast is 1116336 .:_“?er by 3&8 Court. 011 motimk of dew '
fend3nt. it 15 fiaataér urdered that uyon gaymgnt by it to the '
giaintiff, of fine muount majuageé nesoln, fine plaintiff Small
5 execute and deliver to sue deffiudunt, a deed or souveyauce for ‘ 5
fine strip of Land 100 feet wide, dflaGrABUd in fiufl gcuitlan, pea -
ing the land now uqu d3 rignt 9f way by defendant and being a
atrip of Land 100 feet in widtn, axtanuing turuugn the lands
described in the deed of 603veyanca from Lillie fl» Tipton and ’
husband of date 14 day cf finvawher, 190$ $0 the yiulntiff.

 i" . .Sr' 'w"f /-~"”' 5?“ _ fg/Vfi‘.ef??;?‘mzjjf ;"“? L'L 310?: ‘.rfuylfl;fifi
>?;;'= ‘ , ~ ‘ I. H l . l ‘ 2. ' . L ‘ ‘ ,.‘,
3 ll ” A ‘ , " 3 LL.’ “1 p ' I ' ,=- , '.' .
l ’ f5 i '-I- »' ‘ '. ~ Eraafihigt fiixouifi GaurfiQL' :
. . i. . , - . ‘ . L _ . ;
.J , ' ' . 3“ Germfiéill,‘ 0am:z.t-m m» Jam {:.;-Lawn; ‘filalifi’ciff . ‘ , . ‘
I :L ‘ ‘ vag‘m. . " "‘~ ~ ' ‘ “I I ’-r .   I": 3
' ’l, 39 ingfinn & Eafigbrn fiailfimy Cémyany, \ :. Dafanfiant. ~ _
" - ' ' * '   M ‘25: WSWLW SWZLSSWILWWMSW MMM‘ T .13;
‘ i: , l L? ‘ in Shatamefit §f filainfiiff*a_éuifilaéreln, deamfiSné,
I. -, Lexifigbam m Bmgtarn Hgiléay Comyafiy, atétgfi @hEfi tnia emit 3&3 ' ' L
’ ' Spyéwnntly been imsiltufisd fig W.Ea ummaill a; agmmitfiaé fgr- L Af
~' ~ Jafim Qumhill; thafi it xaiatas‘fio réal aazugé afld iHVlefifi 3m
.- ‘2 Ialkegad inharaSt-uf saifi Jehfl §umbill tuaffiiflg_th&t Kala Juan '\ '
I - H Gafibfill 3S thgiraal pgyty in iniaxagt Sna amy Suifi affflfifiing I, ' - 7
big intarfiat. Should $9 hféugfitrb§,him at in his mama. fiwiandant L f
L mtSteg that t are 13.; mgnifegt aefec$ of garziea yiaifltiff ama -
‘ -' it wxwads the {36%3‘aforssmia in uhmtcmefifi'af fine Eraaant‘uetian; ‘
l» l «.l- V .. Withoma waiving Lfifi plea in amatemeufi 0r ggfi.33figial I
: I » fiemurr r merefin,_flefamdfiSfi, Laxiflgfian,fikamterh Railway company a.
‘ ‘.fiemufs ganerally as yl&infiiff‘3~yet1§ionlaa ameuded, uyan thé_ '. ‘ '
‘ .‘grguma @533 game abeg figfi afigfiavfaétsméufficififif fio-senétitmtal ‘
i - Vany aauwa of adtimnclgéimmh this‘deffififimnfio '.‘ f ' :3 ‘ x}
. _ “ " ‘.'.zu   . 7
,’ , ." V'Fbr Angwér éw we muah fif.ylainhiff‘s'gafiifigum-uaydefendé Au5
\ . I anfi 1% wfivigéfi it 13 meaanar§ §n\mnt$rial'té makg anmgwr tn, »_,3N
‘ . flafESd&wfig Léxingfifin'& Eafitern flailwéylccmyany, S£fi§$ thaé.ifi has“ i
’, ': not knnwlaégé 5% ififarmafiiéfi Suffigfivné t6 farm a bélififi fihat "N ” ;
' . ’ plainbii‘f, 3mm Gawain m. of mom‘mm 01» am. W 939%? . a ‘ 1
’7' ”li'lfirfiérELQr any ordafg 0f £he Bfeafihifit County Court, mafia and I 1 SN
3‘ .»,‘ V‘ snfiered afi_ita regulgt march Warm, l9lfilgar S$léhy ogfier tima,l {I 1‘f*
_ . .‘ » . .. , J . , . 5
' _ 7 C $3.32. gamma. ms'appomteg comnggfLLzr 9W1 3‘th Gamma or ~ ,
‘ *' v -' qualified aé sunk Committae by beinglkwern @fi or bye axfiauting 'l“;.:

 ‘ / A iva3‘m31’3x“’w"’qma
I I . .I _:FII . II.I,I ViJIIIVInV :.w" AA ; ’, '_IwII I.II. .I IA 3‘». II...III»I--II,I ,, ,V (v “73:15“: II I III.I:I‘VI'IIA. . ;I .A ~. .'I II- IIIIIIIVAIAII. .,,IAIA ‘NJ’IA
- . . v 324A a .':: A- .. , ' ‘. :-. ’ ~ 1 .‘2- 3- .‘ ..“-1'4- ‘ v" ‘..: "‘» . ::A :' " "' ’ 31:3,?
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.I.: z .‘.I‘ , , \ . . .3 EI . ’ _ . 1 . . ’ , _V I- A I II ».I
A A r . 231333.32 for 732333: faithful. ywim‘monoc 05:73:13; 333312193; 33:33“ ew‘ \Zvoiumitme I
.;.“f 2 I er‘iotimrwiecb 338.313 new colt-Jim; >333 we}; cams-13333323... "ailkci'exaiow‘s for ' .
.., . gym; .9; -mq¢ae (3;;-A23. :..,r inforzm’aicn mifficiom to form-.31 "bétalicfj; g
’ . 53132323323: "$333343: fi-lze'gurrycrizcfi‘ organ, files :13 m3 33133313213323?!-mtzn_ ' . ’
I - ‘ yigffififiii’f‘g lyeésimorjghio ...-1 ”22313.8 «13 -'»o.,7;:.3;‘acv::1i:ic 53:31.33! of any orkiera '
_V _. . ‘ ' II ‘ o ' ' ' .' "I 'I ' . 3 ‘ I.-I V.'
‘ / Q, . _ ‘ ' or one}, A.';:}‘:§:_.mi2::f3;m€:;nj¢ ‘ :33-t“: Lgalllhcws’imu . 7 , _ ‘ - ' ‘ I .~ I,"
1 ‘ A ‘ , _, Z * - A m-f'emlia’n’i: ;1 @1133; It'iri‘i’: 11’ 0333.1; 313.133.3133....11 io ”03':- £3339; 3’ Ru: 15m ‘
. - . A com“ or 131-or $333323: 3’ 53:1 33353-233; ;:znxzc‘eeion of.“ 313121.133 ' 2 ~‘
.2 -’ A. , ’. 1&333‘37123?‘ 311.25321-3“ 3.123’1'23’Mc2ngk-’" ,1”: or >3t1c* ’1;-'13 r;:_:A-A;ca-;:»’{zion '.
"x" ; _ 332.3233: in now $11 3:539 :7>:2::=:~m€3 ammi‘fls 32.1113 or: 33251 M m .1 3'22? m” ' - ” __
. . fl‘fill or K331133331 31M <3:‘>£.;-.-,.=zg.nfe enteiyrcii. "42.520331 :1, forties: of. the} ' . .
' - - ' largo: rloraos}. who .ir-.:. 2131.33.52 3:35:th 101’: 333253; ionic. ;:e:s;<-:ezeei..cn flamenco? for ', "
" . ' age “progoeeé 13132:.3‘3't2 of >3” but d}:fer;z.;’ir.:.A1-.;Es 3.3111321: £31133 3.23 or any '
-. - ' o: it: :.{-:;.§;-.:3.11’£5$, Seem-21.13333 orIcreglow‘Bfl :29 »*’~Afi’tt~3£«13;~031 am tome» iiofiwifiiifi‘M-I 33.3 ’:’-"M5; A' ‘ '
j ~ .. lama; 3.:) .:1:1¢3332’1-1>.;3m~r33 may; ins-2:113:13 1:3?1’; 3?; 1251. 3333;132:1131 :3 3333‘ -. ‘ . I4
. , t . = 3.3133. acne. 3333222 "233132 , cor-ratsgeut of mini 351:5@133133uila‘ ‘ f _
‘1 I I’ ' Y J ' ‘v . > . .7. ‘ < _ ; V‘ _ ’ ; I . ,.
x A V ' . ‘ ' . ';iafongjimz-yg: 32.531713 :3 mini; Armor «;2.*~.'1'i'.«eA:ta;mg§~3:311:11; 51:313. taking .
. , ,. fifiéfififi $33,:‘133fifieoioi agromzfi, :31 aim; ;:2A~3~‘c(:eez;3 fist: cox-333311311323; ':.-E. railroadé I_
. ‘ ‘ m3 3:33:33; 31:33. .:ienim; 1:34:35; memo-mm”113331.113; :23:ch ruilromi gm any ¥ 'A .
A, I I , I1 . I» A A I , I . ~ 'II2 . . . . I I I ’ 1'
. ‘ . . . - Alarm '33; Raw Ig2l23lz‘3tmfi , John A.{.2A~a,1;m.,31.1§. 2332,33: .amnion;"3131321313 3.531. 131—13st 5 y
. . - ' 33.133323“; 6;: $2.13»; ;cromlyoxfl otz:3:3::,>_33._e>3y'1;:313o‘11osmizmmn :33 any _ -, .
. A. . 2 . 533913; of 13333;: 33333233333332, glsiixwifffizs 21303333332“? or“ 3335.13.31.13“); 312.6251. -. ’ ‘,'? 3
1" Z ' I ' / ' ’ I‘ > ‘ " ..: ' .'i‘ ‘A . . n '. ',‘-V ‘,‘» ‘ l . “ V   ‘..'»
. . _ .gcmp‘ arrogance £11633 £93939;- emr' momma: 03:. each aide 323“ mm A 1 . ~
‘. :. . . ‘ comer] 3.1m of said railroad; traok- arr-entirely: or at all through
V’- .' ‘ cream” _aaidxhcundmy of land; or 32313133 38.3.33. monastery of land; . 3::;
v 1 . ,. «a ~ -. ’ A ' . ’ 'A' ' p"
_ . I ,’ a 'II I:_ I.I ,V II; ".11 ‘ x .' r "A ‘.'” ’., I, l .I » I ‘\» I’IIII‘ ‘2
', ‘. .1 '.' " , . .:.-1% .33 aratme 439$; W: .V L ‘ 3‘???) 93: 23333133342263 and 'd’afli‘EEi-thafif "fii:
I :I " . I ’ I II I _ 2 , I I .v.. IA, » I , I 1 , _ IwI'II II 1 . , I I_ ,.I I I I . . \ I’ IVII’IIlIIIf;
. ' ’ ‘:’ . : "A’ I ‘ ' ‘. . > ‘- E ‘i ' -‘ V I: >': 1?: ‘ “1.2%": ' -. ‘- ,' I I s ’I ‘ yk»?
A 1' 2, . .‘. :. IA._ r:"v I, _.,-'1 s ‘7 1": , I II ,I A-_.' '\ II ; I IIII II II II III XIII
II I ; ‘I 4 1 2 -' . , H : _ '.' I; AI ‘ .‘.' a ' > I': "I. "". s ’_' . II .1 .- 'I I A , j - ".'I; 3"“?
2'5 ’ - ‘ . »A . - .. ’ '. '.t‘- \.= '." .‘Y V ‘.,- 7. :.:..r .: .'., ' y f f 1‘, éz;=‘i,;-§f{t

 * “ ‘ “ “‘~*3"““‘-"“*””".‘%v.
I1: ff 3333 1.3333333 ..uegww 3133—333 33333313 333333333. 333; 33333333333333.3333-3 333 77 . i.
’ 7’ ,3 l 9355333335331‘535‘3'533 MW 33.33%?5 W (33.33? 132.3333. 33333333333334 {I 7' . 1 I . 7 '1
I 1‘ 1' 2332!?9393333333‘3 321-«3311.331 that 312333.33 '3’?“th $331333! 1353334333. "330: m '-
1" . ' 3:3 333.;333371tif3fl iatmfi 3.3521113: 35f 37313: $31» may“. 23.51311 imam tauntnby it 1‘ '.f
1 1 ':1 . r333 32.9313333313333 it; 13”" jaw-7.93131312313113333331133119333.3333? 31313331333133.5313. I V ,.
. . ‘- 33331333333.» 333.3313? 33333333333333 mfimflxazzcfiizm’x 11f,§.13:373ri333_lr1:a§.. 333-333333333333 I '
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,- ‘ ‘ 3.7332333; 330/1333 g31333.333233‘1“" for 3333:3333. 333333. 3333313333 35.3.3333 1’231234371161318 _ ‘1' '
~‘ .1 H . 3'3 3333;333:3131-3331“;3.33311 2:313" 133.3 1,321,335: 373’123131313331 ’33,; ;1f1.:;1t'3211;3..€5 is? “:.'/13.3: ‘3'-3.13.1'3'6f' , ‘ ‘1
, . 3323a 333333333311 33313513133337)“ .Eiullaffii “(13“ “(3.23% 33:21:33 311131 01*? 3521?}523’8‘Q‘i3 xi ‘ : '
3" 3 » ' ,. 3:.-3:331 £331“ (3333.333 7333;333331‘1133‘233? 333.33.3333;.-33~~33~. 033"33233§- dd.3fi33¢113fi3; 33.231533333339333? .'
7' 3. ~ _ > ‘ Amrfiwmb @1333; 1013333331: 3332:3133? 13’5511733: (:1? ,‘I-33333 .3313’333 83.323333‘3E2fi by I ~
. . ‘- , f 3‘3 £133§323s£.<33333t.1>:«:33333 31:33: 33233333333. 5393;31:5{13 wfaxzdgmg 331333213353 £32,335 M , 1
IV _ '1 - L , ’ .333333.3_1‘33f«3;“1.<:{$ 3315;331:3333 “3:11 03* 33113336333 ;:3333.33£if3"fi 36115533313133 against
I I 3.13.33 4133;333:393. 31.313351113313103; 63".“ 3333;! 12.3.3363. 33.32:; 3.31.33... £13333 3% 3333.53 far "
- _ ‘ > 1 ‘ V. ” .1 43333 "3;..733333'133733.333333.33”"332» 33:11" 31131:)! "13313333r23323 {3:3 . 3:3-.333 , 3333333531313, .1331d ’ ' -.
3 ' r. ‘ 33:33.1{11333133 3335:.13 3333.13.35.33.i;i3fi 1011.33. (3.33"331333;:99331333233331 “3..-3353:3361” 3135.3. . '1 .
.' . . I > V .L' 333113333 5:.: ~"i13333'31 ' 1:313:53 :33 1333:1333” 333343.313? :3 3'3» in 13.39} 331.23%; - ‘
' _. , g 393 33133; 3.33m; 33.333333333333333 :33-33333733333333.- smfficia’nt- its} '
‘ . 3713333333333.373.33.333. 1337313233333333 333.333 33333333333333" ..3, 3,.: '1 '_ I.
~ ‘, '1 :’.-3.33:3111’33333311-11rfi {133.3% 31.33 3333;133g3331 1:33; [“333 ‘mén 333,135.31; 3113!.561‘35313cimfi; frag:
1 ' ; ' ._ 1:393 Iilalzh‘ui’f,3.3133331333331331m3133336a6é. 1m 331.13.313.3{933 i
’ 3332.3 53333 ......W duoimwwwawwma 333333.931:
O , ’1 .3 33:31:13. 131.332.3173 ~3333:3333333332331 833‘." 13.333313363111513 “333.33.331333‘3‘1‘ .33mtié8n3aasthat
.. 1 " r. 1%.“ , 3:3-131.33 aiiagmif 332313333. {Ii-133.33%. 33%.1133333313‘331‘33 33333333333 is». '33. trusaad = 1 7‘
-, . 1' ., ' _’ 33.333123333113333 3333333333333 33 33333331333361 figmeg 33.13313 3333;: fiamigéfiatg;claryffi " I
1 >- ' f - '3 i .133 3.3331331313333333 33.333333; 33133 1135133333 3335132333031agéiéogffiafinfifififlfgisrégzgg
>0" - T.   . 333333333333 {31333333 {531333 aaixiallegad de’éfl Wagemz‘ raéf
3 33333313733.3333-33333 303$ 33333333339533:bafoigfiafemmt 333333333333 ‘.V; .3333 333333333 33.-.33 33 3333333333 3333333333333... ..
i ». ~ 7 13333333333333’.,3313'313133331133335. 33331131319313.3333, 3113 233131 33313 313.3,2-33311333333333éi

 V r - .. V. V. um», 2.2:.» 4 a w' -: VV~:;.»,:~V-V-\IV ‘ 1‘.-'.‘ .:‘ ,GV;..,..,V;»‘V';.‘V2. V. awn-,- 3. I2._ x :2}. ~V:?-;‘Vu -.~. :V ‘A:I‘, ‘I.'».;.V ‘-V:’-1‘,‘-’;.§.V YER?[‘59.'7'T1—‘;'7‘2332-3;"V ‘ 1:ng V-anr‘ :5¥;;‘:r:’2'5‘!2fi"‘j. ~'“';7(I":. a.
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