xt73bk16mf8w_516 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [362] Alfred Gambill v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [362] Alfred Gambill v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_52/Folder_1/1185.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_516 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ .
Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
Alfred Gambill v. L&N,
Breathitt Circuit Court.
July Term, 191G.
July 4, Daft. maves for rule requiring plaintiff to make more
certain petition and to fill blanks.
July 14, Mofiion overruled Daft. excepts.

. jovcmhnr 18, 1?16.
Hon. B. D. Earfiold,
Dist. Atty., L & E 3 E 00.,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Jir:
. uororich analogoo, i hand you the loliwhimg oiiginal CJCdS.
Inhioh have just boon i’oxwx'ai'fied to mm 1);; 51.10.59; ”‘»:;Li_z.:::ru, of; Joclmon,

bead of Sept flnber 6, 101$, iioziifiifrad Ganbiil and vfi;fl3, airy
j. Gnmbill, to Lexington & Eastern haiiway Company;

Deed of septambor S, 1915, iron ”0 Q. numbill and wife,
Katherine Gambill, to Lexington & Juutorn Lailwaj Company.

Those deeds have been oxooutod in puinuunou oi tho “Ersed
jufignento ontorod in the two suits lotoly pending by the gruntors
against the 3 & E, in Broathitt circuit Court. I an handing them
to you for your examination anfi annroval.

Vory truly youra,
' ;ZL'iJl/a ‘
Vail. 210.. 589014.

23:;'7:::111)5;1:' 19, .1_},‘75.
’uoe . 21. I’ol‘zu‘ffl,
3::}. 32213011, 750311213. 3:}; .,
F‘ o, ::2, $116 n :

I achmxslafigge 1"3(3"?i}3t of ;mmw" of thy: 17th instant,
enclosing; tho ;.F‘olimfij‘LJ-yf 31:73:39, {JD-$23111: Diff; if 5‘3E1j“‘ai77r17,)-:33” (‘,, "‘"r,
frm: ."Elfrad Llrzm‘ui‘l £1136 ‘."ifn‘ 21:22:? T.. fiirz'EEV'C“ , {to T.E:f-::E.31,;tx>21£; fizz-.:‘-
tmm E.xai_"x’rss.;‘ Cougtnngrg I‘.:Ezfi rti“ :..‘véjmtr-nber =37, 7313:. £31m -3. ’:.:mbill
27.116 1:33.19, E{:’:‘-‘;.‘71{\:r715.32c «,’Isaml'Jili, fio “'.-~'2fzi3pgtm: .r": Elanth-arr-E Zi(:.i]..'-;i.i:.;~ Corpus-.1137.
I 'm f0:c’xv‘E'ner-iEing both 031' these) @9435 to ..Jovir'villn far o:{:z.2ninr:ti0n
..'-m (1 {sf-‘03? oval .

In. vi 11‘-F of tho. recent transd‘c-z.‘ by ”53.1.”; B 3.: 1:1 to the L (”a N _
of all of thas 7):..‘0'v‘rwrtv, 6‘90, 01' ‘ 7. EL '.'), I inciino to think
that Ehc 3011;917:1133! (Wilma; iii-.'1". {15*-Z»: to.- 115V; th') :: ("" 1°('2-€:%37x3(?1?_t(2d
Fitzmfif‘y to the T} (‘2- I-E, if that? can 13;; {mgr-2,1131%. yi’t—hcut ~.‘21'.;":"icu1t:;o
1 1131;331:113, however, that 1‘;-11:22.?) xiii? be 7'di;‘;§.‘i(mltj”.
Vai‘y tr‘wly :,I’O'IZTV‘,’
E 00111113131 .

 ‘1. H. POLLARD ‘ .
f5 :
1 111.31, 131:).

Juéirc 95'1'1 31152331,

Le::in:3“mn, 1:;“.

.2531 L“

I enclase :f>:_2_ ”@675: :f'alla‘v’f’: :-
13. “216 il-fhorigm ;a'flill ”:0 L“. ;:f; Co.,
,l;.":1.~erl 1:1,:11L1 and “fife ‘10 L. L3. 137. 1,0”

“him; tie-Ms have been duly (afieouted 3:110 delivered 11: considera-

. H I 1 , _ - _'1 w ,1, . ..' '. 1.‘ h < - __‘J..,-"‘ ‘

$1031 01: the ::moxzm psreefl 1132-011 111 “Iv-2116111, 1n the; finxwe .5151ea

0.2568, 3.16er {16331138 5110 costs havins' been “fully sflcis—‘i‘ied.

Your? trul 3',
WW/ (\1
w 4‘ Z AQ/v?!

(,._ 1,.,. v) P,
OCLJbUJ. 1-1, 1315.:
' .., , v N , -
Ju 9 I). 11. 1.303.133, rd,
Ja aim-2:331 .A.-m akin
rupu gay.
WW _, a,“ ..V )1 ( ,_. _ . .,
..; J. :.1 £737“ ":‘.I‘J", ‘T-““ 73 '-=’ I‘ "I L" ‘ ' "
g . . .--» A _I.. .' - 51¢»; 90 L'.‘.-G (:IMIJIJ 0.03m:
-11C=:Ifj ‘,"Ivfl {ir‘l'flr'y‘f‘l '.I‘I-‘I' I11" ' 4 ' ‘" . "‘ ‘ " M
,. ~.. _J M; 5.‘ U. mum“? "III“? ‘
‘I 9* ,
1‘ - s. - ~ _J v\L9 ...‘..t‘ ,I J.. .4 ’ v)
J.:);z'rr '3
.---+ /
_i 57.
("7. ,._"j

 . : / L/Z/lu ///
f'~. L“. '\ .,I"
‘5 R;[ ‘. ‘2 . . / ,
, t/ / , . A} y. ///// //// // // . . t
- . .\ ,«s‘i ..txzzzyzyfl/ fl.) 07/4” //// Wm/ ////////// ’ " .,
' ‘3 if /‘/
- L)('/z///r7/////_,/. “(H 151/M, / ,2 f L 7 ,,, I;
, . Why/(WV. ..\/mm: Jam e/ w/mi/UM/x //7'.//rI//fl/r.'//.
’/ I' ,2 (I ..J
///M=?//'J -//-- @rmmu, I
.3/L\-,s‘/_.‘§‘)/.'s-//v}‘/ ..V/”0mm; / ._ /
/‘ (7‘3 , . .// ,A
famed“ hi/w/vm/zl/M. »/ / ,1 //, .. , _ _ ~ ’_
// // (VI/W/lfl/I’n/(I/(IIH. " (K/d/K /( {//" -.. c t 0 es ‘1‘ .LlJL' ‘I‘. , 1910 .
Mr. S. h. Wilsov,
CouwSel, L.; 3.?.Co.,
Le.in;tow, ”erflueky.
Dear Sir:—
Eoferrirfi to yours 3? tbe 9th irst. with erolo-
ures relative to the case of Alfred Gembill V. L.; V.R.Oo.,
Breethitt Circuit Court, rertieulsrly to certificate of qug—
govt are costs it this case Pvt to 603; of crfier taxi Q costs.

I here passed the bill to our Veieber Jlerh with
instructiOws to issue voacber to cover. But 1 think we should
have something on our file to skew how it was that in this case

. Tn r...dv .:.,LW ..0 .I‘. t)-.‘5,.4.~.._-_.LJ .1.-,,.
eieht Witwesses attesfiod the uaflhfity LUé~ 41 he ~¢°skh+=~ Vee‘
U .L - L-

- cuit Court seventeen days, that fro vitreSses stferded the July
term eight days and that ofie witwess WJS at JaeLLOW On this case
;over deys at the January term of the court. What possible ex—
cuse could there have been for this waste of time ard money. I
dare say the time of witnesses referred *0 was worth more to them
than one dollar per day and the holding of them at Jacksor when
there COuld have been no good rees0w for so doing was certainly
expemsive to the Railroad Company. If the cost of litigation
in other jurisdictions was not very considerably less than was

and Haddix
the case at Jackson in the Gombill/casesthe e pense of litiga—
tion would be prohibitive. Of course I understand that so far -

\.‘ \r
. » ‘_K
. 3,131.17. — 2
as these two cases are 00ncerved the matter of p131r‘iff‘s
witwess fees was not one which Judge :ollard could control.
Tevertheless, I think our file should show just why the costs
are abnormally large.
Yours truly,
gg,. _‘2 251 thttafid‘ddfiagh’,/ ’
A881stant D istrict attorvey. ’5
J JD / W

(.‘.‘c:tu.=ber 11;. .7 1915.
J‘izfigge "‘2, ‘ “0",“: “‘:77‘9
Jack .‘“-SC I.'; , I tr?» “m - a: .2
3:27:55 Viv:
37':‘.'j1""’i €31... 110T?» «‘.’OTTT' of 123tt'33" <72? the lit}: inst-52.111:- iron:
' $5.1”. i£230::':u2333, 57'1-’ to 1322's 53717.13 4.23.: is: '{3 :.mr‘nt'} ;yr-ytf,»
;‘i" :'e .. .j’ '72 1 3.2-17“: 522:1"; 07’”
2703131, {ng‘bufwu '.”??? ':'Cm .2343"; 77 Trita II»: ,‘.'.t ;:.-’07:: .T'i.;':'t (:33-.-
m’i;‘32‘7".."., Ff??? " 2-7:H"~2.t:1fi‘:‘«:v :1.“ ‘3'-.3 Tet-1535.2??? 7'3“:
‘.‘? ‘-.~ (.‘::if ‘ 3 1:371: "' 2’0.“ gout >:7?;i7.:’=.;‘:::,
‘2 .7.. 7":331‘2 13?,
:‘ ."‘-2"":
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O L " .3_.. '3, “". {-
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'1’ ‘:‘.3‘._., .. ‘..

Cu 110 3.1001111le 3:31.,

1‘4.“ '. ”.,.‘J. ,. ,~ ,1 9 . .‘ ,‘

.‘.3)“ng -‘-'li‘»L-'§ .I.».utl‘fe, 11 \.-J L“! ‘1 -. “.10.,

«31.115? '."1 A. :.e: , 3.;; a
4:35.11“ :13:

_‘.-'3'." ..‘,2‘1'. ';)}:‘rv‘LZJ-c ILL/ca: .:LLK." (L :.2 ‘.i‘, (. 1. _a .4 nun”) ’)tl‘. lFLi73LU.Z.‘t
»V'»V.\-,», 71 ‘. gm _‘ 3“}; -,~.' .- ‘.u 4-7 :‘4 w ' 137‘ " x '3'"; r37‘1-r ““. 17"17‘ VV'-1:»,1f hr '3 mantra
J.J.LIAJ t LU 3“» . (_-.r.\x.(.vu'\".l. .J;\.'.,.‘.JJ.,. l3..'. I'D,» (.‘.‘, «-.-‘, \.'- 5~‘.(.:‘£.L»1_ ‘4310 knxhlo
:.. .‘, ..‘ -‘§ . V 1,,, .J.‘” .. ~'. ~ -'- J- ~‘“ ,.» 1- ~ J—
.‘.11 and Guru} 'J_L. .'.:_;..:“"U \r..-1 -LLL ‘J: .: :.~; ‘5 a. 3.5.: 9055.1. .‘IJOUHME no
__‘ - . I" , 3 . ., \ « . . . .- (‘|‘
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’ ',r-j‘);i_.(/Lc .:L: V.' (.3‘: 5).; _:.:: :53, -.E_v..«.' J. 5; :J..-l,- _‘.‘ ‘.'.lxfl‘t‘; 13'} '.(3L'..»Lu LO .,LL'LV-OO.
1‘1;-is: is" 11»>:=.::,'~1'.:--12:-2:2.Erj3‘34 mm: 1 272‘ m: iii-15’;- 1 "'.;-(é Erin's; to as
tumt VGHKH'"- ‘:..“ {I} 5 C13,. :1 .I. :- I..‘:x' 7". Eu .1 {,LL ‘.1”) '3,-.'.L_L.:.‘G :mmmt
4‘ T 3,. . m-!— K.. A »~'---

0.4. d7.)",j',:"!"_’3.u L113. C(J «by,
«TM .‘.‘ ‘:‘?,.,.."-“,.4,:.,. 3. .‘.‘...”
.‘.53 K3.;,7,.VL_«.‘,.L.:LZ(‘» .L.LL whack) .U_.E.£;Ll: f .‘.:.--1Li:‘-: ., 141:3 .;.OrUEJ.

, »» ~ ~3 .3 -m ., ‘ I‘ ’:. ‘,' ' ‘ . fl’ -' V‘ ‘ ».' J— -: .3 . .'. - 9 . . ' 3k ‘ '., ». .v-'
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«3.3,. L;:::Lfar ;,u_u?._1:~:.
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2 _ ..." \."4
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 O. H. POLLARD _,,, . A _ ‘
JACKSOB‘I. KENTUCKY flhwmiwwwjf” %—/r /7
~ n , > . l c
i ‘ 7' , Li“..‘:: 7‘ .‘.:.:‘ 7"},
4, .‘.. .‘
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I"! 4 7 / r
,/’ » I 44/
lb_. ‘,*‘ 1’ 4 \
t Ham-..‘, ‘ “.’/1q':y“"": f
V' Z»

 ‘ 7 ‘ H ’ January 30, 1915. , '
~ ’ -- ‘ > .; r“ / . v
, Judge 0. fl. Pollaru, . _ a: %::5L _ <
, _, . . Jacksen, Ky. ‘ 7
.' My deaf Jufige:-. ‘ ‘ ' I
. ' ‘ V Yours of'the 28th in reference to Suit of Alfreé
' vGambill received, noteé anfi concurieé in. It may be a'gocd idea,“
. before taking fihe deea from fihe Commissioner, to have the de— " ._
‘ sofiptibn of the lama 1H controversy descxibed with somewhat
, ' fuller'detail,etc. than apnears in the Judgment lately entere&.  
/ Very‘truly.yonrs,
v .. . g2,.5¥£:/4% . >
" x ' . . Gaunsel. ‘

 ‘10. H. P‘OLLARD .
/'/ ,/y A- Hero I j l
= Janeery 28. 1915.
Judge Seguel M. Wilson.
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Judge: Alfred Gambill 7;. L m E.

Tue Court SHSEJiLBd toe demurrer to our orQSF petition

against W.E. Gambill, I think properly so, one I tiereupon filed

. an amended answer, pleading estoppel by ranges of toe feet 9533
*ne plaintiff was present at the tine W.E. Gaubill executod‘fo
us ail delivered possession of the rigot of Way in quostioui Tne
Court sustained a demurrer to tgio estopoel, molding 54%? tfe
flood woe éoo?lueive. I diu LCK ograe Witl oie flare“ in nio r4113;
u ;er fine plea, but as tee amount involvei in $190.00 and tnere
was no appeal, I 722‘ it my journey's and. 13.6 oeee was tueu called
for trial. I offered to confess jHlQMBui for ul25.00, toe ouoant
whicn vou rooomuenled tun; toe case be settled for. In making
tLis offer, I was of tne opinion tuab tie Court noviné sustained
the demurrer at tnis term to the petition at: psrgiztel toe plain—
tiff to amend it on its face, over on. opjéotion, the only cost
no Was entitled to recover in too event no aoeottcl toe offer to
confess, Wes toe cost accruing since tne position was amended on
its face. The plaintiff in open Cougt, accepted toe offer to con— '
foes ezl toe Jugge, adopting his usual vacilleting oetoods voile
aiultting that be concurred in KY otnaegtion wit; reference to
cost, refused to pose on tne q ustion now, entered a judgment
giving plaintiff all legal cost extended and permitted no to in—
coriorete in said judgxent, a motion to strige from the taxation
of plaintiif’s coat, all cost ioonrfiéeetad by plaintiff prior
to tee time demurrer was sustiined to tee yetition. This question
wee reserved. You name no.1 exterienoe 8110115.. Witn. tnis Judge to
know that we Genet tell wuere we will lend Wlen we finally posses
on tuis question. I merowito enclose Copy or toe juigment toot
was entered,

In View of too foot teat ycu are now at Whitosourg,
unleos tLiS julgment is pail wituio ten days, execution Will be
issued for the principal, to—wit, $125.00. I am tuerefore sending
a copy of tnie letter and a Copy of tee juubmcxt to Mr. Werfield
witu toe request tnet no forward we voucoer.

Yours truly,
0.1134; 077/7 /W
Encl. ‘
Copy to B.D. Worfield, .
District attorney, Louisville.

‘ bruntnitt Circuit Court.
W.E. Gamoill, Committee Plaintiff
vs. 2 Judgment.
Lexington & Eastern RaibJuy Company Deiendnnt.

Came John Gambill, by his committee, W.E. camoill and
the plaintiff, W.E. Cumbill and filed nerein, amended petition
and this cause being called for trial and tne parties announced
ready, and neitner party de ending u Jury, this cause is heard
by the Court and after nearing tne evidence, it is adjudged by
tne Court tnst the plaintiff, John wabill, oy nis Committee,
W.E. Gnmbill, recover of tne Lexington a Eastern Railway Companv,
tns sum of $l25.00 and nis cost nercin expended, except witness
fees, wnicn said sum is in full compensation to plaintiff for
the land described in the petition, Wnicn suiu land is Dounded
as follows: A certain mrip or pircel of land situated in
'Brcdtnitt County, Kentuory and oeing fifty feet onencn side of
the center line of the main track of tne Lexington & flnSDefn
Rniley Company’s North Fork Extension us same extends tnrougn
the lot of land described in tne petition union.sii lot of land
is bounded and descrioed as follows:

Being sub—lot no. 4 of lot no. 7 of tne nbsulom nclnw
tosn farm, beginning at a stake on tne river at tne corner of
sub—lot No. 3; tnence N 74 E l68 poles to a stake on tne ridge .
in tne buck boundary line, S 80 E 55 poles to a stake; thence
S 74 W 256 poles to a stake at tne river; thence QQWn the river
N 25 W 20 poles to the beginning. Containing 29 acres..Allotted

‘ to Cordelia Pryse in tne division of tne estate of Tnomus J.
Sewell, deceased.

It appearing tnnt tne said John Gamoill is of unsound

mini and that W.E. Gombill is his committee, it is ordered oy

' the Court tnnt upon tne payment by defenoant of tnis Judgment
and costs, that tne muster Commissioner of this Court will make
to the defendant, a deed of conveyance to Suid strip of land
nerwinabove described.

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Breathitt Circuit Court.
Alfred Gilmolil Plaintiff
v s 1 == P63 13 it i on.
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 .'1 ‘
Breatnitt Circuit Court.
Alfred Gambill, Plaintiff
. vs. 2 Petition.
i The Lexington & Eastern RailWay 00» T Defendant.

The plaintiff, alfred Gambill, says that he is the
owuer and with the exception nereinafter stated, is in the ac~
tual possession of tne hereinafter described land.

That the defendant on tne day of , l9lL
oy its agents, employees and servants without plaintiff’s con—
sent entered upon a portion of said land and took forcible
possession of same without right and against plaintiff’s wishes.
that the defendant thereupon and thereafter proceeded to con—
Struct on the plaintiff’s said land a railroad and undertook
and did forcibly take possession of a strip of land through
plaintiff’s ooundary, extending fifty feet on eacn side of

( ‘ tne center lin