xt73bk16mf8w_518 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [363b] F.S. Stacey v. L&E, L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [363b] F.S. Stacey v. L&E, L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_52/Folder_3/1323.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_518 xt73bk16mf8w ' November "0, I.Cl’r,~.
Hon. 3. P. targiald,
Dist. Atty., 5 & N h R 60.,
. Louisville , Kentucky. . . ' _ .
3"Il ' Dear sir: ‘ " ‘ .1
 " . ‘ > I ackfiowledge recei t of yours of the lflfh instant, . 1
, I ‘ __V and join with you in rujoiéina over the outs me.of bur u veal \
:.  : in the Stacey case, fIOfi the warty Circuit Uourt. Upon reading 1
 » . I the Opinion, cosy of which ix harawith rcturnefi, I agrao with . >
2. ' w' > you in $hinking that there is no chance for the plaintiif to
:’I{H, ‘ "come back" Ga 2 retrial Sufi it seems to me that the YQVUESSE '
,  @111 practically terminate the litigaticn.
> , Very truly ;rmzrs, > - '
V» enc. * .
I . - SEIK‘I/a» ‘ ‘
: 'u' >   . * I Coxu1301.. _

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' A/(V ”( ”9&77wuywfl / /¢AV¢/v/7?,1/77A,November 16, 1916
L&E Ry. Co. v. F.S.Stacy — 79554
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I herewith hand you official copy of Opinion
of the Court of Appeals delivered November 14, reversing
the judgment in the above—styled case, and holding that
a peremptory instruction should have been given.
I congratulate and thank you. I do not see how
it is possible, under the opinion, for Stacy to "come back."
Do you?
Please return the copy of the opinion when you have
read it. ]
Yours very truly, //"“\\L\ ;
/‘,"4 ’ W , / ,,// ' ' ; R/
.4’ / 7 /{ .,VI' , ,7 ' K“ 1 '7
f ’ _ , «‘I. 1’ 2 7
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District Attorney.
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’ Atfurnvns at itzuu
.- HAZARD, KY. January 12: , 191' '3 .
Jr. 5. 1. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
“.11 ,._‘ 1g . ._
weal elf:
Enclosed I hand you stitulation in
r) (m n «.»c r 1 ~— ew- ~ .--
UJJ k) K/ (.'L‘Q L1 L51, .1; I ..’-v -1 o -. 57 o I; L L‘ C .‘. a
.ory truly yours,
775W”. 1% = we /.
. j/

 \1 K
2 January 9, 1916o
Wootton a Morgan, Attys.,
3’ Hazard, Ky.
x *\‘\»Gentlemon:-
l \\
In the case of L. & E. E3. 00. v. Stacey, on the Court of Ap-
Tg peels docket for Friday, January 14th, 1915, I have been unable to
E complete the preparation of my brief for the Appellant, in reply by -
93 the lst inst., at which time it was due, under the last stipulation
\L§ ‘\ lotween counsel, and as I am tied up with conflicting engagements far
4§\ the remainder of this month, I an under the necessity of appealing once
fiik more to counsel on.the other side for an extendion of time in which
KI\ \\E§ to prepare my brief. This time I would like to have it extended until
:E march lst, 1915, by firieh time I pledge myself to have the brief finally
‘Q completed and filed. I would not ask longer than February lst but for
the fact that during January I wil‘1 have absolutely no time to give to
the writing of briefs and, for that reason, I am arranging for extensioons
§, similar to that here requested, in all of my other appealed cases.
P5: flease assure Judge Faulkner and the other attorneys associated
" \
with him in this case, that I ask this further indulgence simply because
/§?\‘ of the imeossibility of performing this duty sooner and.not at all for the
~77; I \
I: Purpose of needless delay. Also, say to him that I will much appreciate
QX\§§ the accommodation and Will try to reciprocate Whenever in my power to do 4;
\TJ;\\ _
ka \\ so in the futureo A
I The enclosed stipulation, if signed, may be dorwarded by you
éfi direct to frenkfort with a request to the clerk to file it endfi obtain
“\s an order from the court in accordance therewith.
Thanking you for your prompt and careful attention to the mat-
ter, I am _
Veryotruly yours,
I 3m)

‘\I s v ».‘.1 "V‘.“, wj'. 3‘ .'j . 7" ,_,-~31 r 7
(IQUEIE CU. 1I.E':,ixn’1&,),)x.. OJ? ,:;£.I.IITIJCLCYO
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ngL bflfljfii;IUH Evenqctiug Briefs.
~‘~ ‘ .m x. — -
.II". I)»; .J'ELL'BU, L..;."JI;I1.I.Ceo
If cauwent Of the La:biaa, iOJaLIan: uni Agoeilee, 1n the above»
1 . ,. L, :7 -‘~‘~~ . 1‘; « t, ~‘:. ,;. :.1. r .4 . . ‘...", . 1.: 7»
stylau case, on dupuug $$UM hue 'olL, AIQQLQ «ourL LLJ on hie flocket
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C' .‘ .-'. -~. ‘.‘~—* .v :... M ‘, _..: .1 L,», »,4‘” j V. .L. _.,
ISSUE" 01. court), 04 LL: CELL). I); .1;} ..-~)G.€-;L, Sulfi Bani-LI 2&4), an»; MIL-352013 {and
t}13c IAJIULaBLL LIJL IIQLLIIJALLL :JL.; L_xf :1 L:W.LM;>L «uxbt3131.051 0L .me1 Ithll.
« . . .,,"htL . i - " ""»’“: 5“ ~71” ‘ ,. l-,«. .L. ..L-L L— .' ..".‘.“ . « .‘“ .
anfi lucIJJung aQLCIL.L, lg;:, ,4: LL10.L LL LL3,5_L-.gyz LLLG in 54.3%; Brief
.1._“. "I ~... '2. " ’ -. ," —'-'\.~ --‘-. .~..“ .1 .L A < 1 ,f‘ " L .~.-LL ‘, — ‘-- ». ' -' J- L; - '.:
for hyfifiliuflb meieln, an LLJLLLIC 0L3“ JflrL: flUL 0a suum1cugd anILI said
briqf is filed ar the tin: limii Enrah* gar ea to $3311 havo QKEier.
flivam unfigr GET nanfig whis flag of January, Lwih.
Lux;n can 1 ~muL3ru JfllLUSJ SAL,
.K. Ir
. . .... .. -. ._ -L.-..L..L-W°6
.IL 50 Stacy,
.:LZMMMMLW... ”LL...” W.-...

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;. .3121?) O; Lulu; 3.1.3 .:..ilf'L‘-.,I‘v.1.. 1H1C‘3'.)5‘ x113. L‘L‘LUHL‘JLLUJW
_- _ ..2‘ "(.““ w ,‘ _‘.. ~. . .3 ... ' .Lu .J. 7-. - ' ..=-~»-,. ‘ ,‘.- .»
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:1 utn.;3v..:r.t.xon g=‘r:':.1‘u‘.2_‘:1;r “Limo. 1121i 1‘. $51!? :2.71<:Jir>l’::}.)8-.T53 the
one: in}; Me ugh-wile: 3:1;-:17 1111.5 Trix: Jim-$111 ”.1‘3.‘fu1{_‘<_j'71ii)jli}, he took
cormtning mug-c {.7:-3:1: iii}: 2.1-7 in ‘:'}‘_"C‘.h to ?.‘:ufi‘égrf: hi‘; hi 31‘. For
ages-.”..if, it is: going; to o; 1H,: tel: inj,‘voeei‘olrz L0; 713 to trite a line
01" our 1.0,"1; 44:14:; :'.;1 ‘:Zrm: L-trzrfz (Bar-v32 (”wring the 2mm. *1- 01' Juvcmber.
I nan/'9 briafs: 5.1L tho cits»: :Luvoy'tzznt (amaze, 211510112 must be prepared
this: 1.3:);311 and, :'..c: :r‘c’iixlca; in; tent, not 7138?: than two weeks or
more oi" the; entire 332-142; .:‘-,_‘;1 )Y"=V" ts) ‘o-r: era-Rd in C’iflfi’f‘llfiiiti and
straf- from 17332-136 :;e. '1:-3e 1111‘ ;.’ :"tzr'Lcfiflmft in ft. "fir: {71:21: oi’ this date to
2.11”. ..;;>_:_:::.J1n Um e't-C.‘ 1.}1.,,::-': chow-1r";wry-fie, I t‘wzze’r. :31: 1; 31,273. will make-
it elf-in to 51163:: ,:‘zx'::'..‘.’-i';n:;::* t it”: i 515-1 0111:] 51:71:52,113}; " ;*:;.2‘~.i~:::r1;;b1e time
(to jui'uggajio the "3:1;--.' 5.11 ji;,i"'§.’-i§1;1.. In? .T. coulfi. 3‘,o.~"::i”r:1;;‘ initial to
this: 2'r.:2,i;t~r.i'- m, I i not; a??? that ‘:::t:‘:;1::i3;i, L231; I must have
._.t least until my) 3.11;: 3.116.111‘15, 4*‘rz“;"a.12:71;'::;,r 1, ‘L‘-315. .':: ”53:12:23, therefore,
you '.,-.7111 tails—mum to hwo the cites in the “it: ml~tioz1 restored. to
their original condition, feet-sit; "until 3.115 including January 1,
3.91%;3,” mm retina; LI: me as; prs‘u‘nptl; :1:; possible, .2115 oblige,

g/a Yours: very {2:12 13;,

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 . October 5, ICIFu

Messrs. 'x‘fosttoh {L- Lioz‘g'am _‘_ttorrmgs at Jutzx's,
iiazaré, L;::-::mzalzyh
Ge :11: T533961}:

I, "3369:: ;,73~;r31' let"; \-:;‘ '32"? Eli} L.:'h.:a3:.‘;, ':V-rflgxaing:
(3335;; 31'. 33:73.31??? L1'-()1- :33'3'3'31130 ‘:‘nw 0:.-13:3: 3‘23.‘ I’.- 5: .'.3 ~‘ 12:39.7
:.:-113.3;5, no? "7_'; :;:1‘ :.:331137 1‘! ‘5‘3-13 03:31:33: :3; J..:xam'=i;u, It if:
;.bi‘xuiEJI‘LJ‘, 3327'. 01' 3;? fivrzti 3;" :i‘rxlz "1 ’34! V"? 1:3:-S‘s? ‘:';‘:3~3'] 3193",?
:L‘3;.:: Iii/.1.. 133371 ~' ‘ .3::‘3‘; ;' .7 "Grumwc :3 . ‘.2? ::53. W“?
the i)‘:‘i'§’;-3;‘ ‘V'i" .‘.‘:‘3 ‘75?“ '3. divut’u‘. :i‘ 1.:?) .3:?—
P313733. their "1“ i‘ 37:: 1'51:- -'\'f‘.3 3 "' '1;' ”3.32. :vx’r :‘-t firm? 33h-
‘3:xa.in :3 SAM-€331r3,(1_?.~:313 :T‘zfam "THC! ’.'33. 3 ~:< {'615'35- :.:,351‘1'3,
Janiuujf 1, 17153, '1‘1 1372:3317; :7 3 '33 ;‘ 177333 " for
f."x-3-.>7.lg‘.z‘vt° 17f "3032“‘2'1‘: *:“:-3:3. I '1‘: Fr». .3:. 3'30 7.1,, .'.a'. ‘- ‘:‘:ot
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EMILE» ,, woowx.“ JESSE MURGuN
a ‘.If
' :‘Lffaruonz; ;I’f "Lulu
. HAZARD, KY. Ccto'lcwsr 4, 1917-.
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 ‘ . June 11, 1915 .
“"7 . -.‘l
Jo Jo 1.011011119’ 33:1;‘T‘Qp.
Chief Saw .9;-gent, i=1 (7:: I.I- 11 11 Co.,

Louisvfllo , Ky.

Bear Sir:
" ' ' ‘ r . ‘ , . .L- _\ , .‘ . wt,

Just“; a line to acknowlcogc receipt 01 3,700.18 01 the 71.11
' 4- - " . " .,,—... ,.,. ‘ \ -, ~-~.~’ Mm ~‘vv - ‘:I! vq ':I .,,, wx rw '
ins bunt, With sun/LL15 enclotmes cow'eiiue 0312:112le 1m c:.-;:lo,:fme:11;
by if» it}. itacy, ccmg'xcnlg/ RILO‘HI’. us ”Rate” i'itzwy, plintii‘: in our suit
3m 2..,.“ “‘ . ~ '- "r— t4~ 'Y Kim-- - " 2' 1' r -'
Iii :“JLLJ 93.101111; U-Mll L- 01 -« :u ‘,.-1111412,)!“ V. -1 C.. A 1. Cg. 1._?) d113,}—
meat, ‘.’v'l’liflh 802311153 to ogre; ith t1: t 01 years {L.’li fir. :mmlrum, 18
1:151:31; the ‘15::3 we have to do 1 1:1"; ..11.-a ‘ in a. m. ::inass way. the
wetter 101 us, h;1n:i,:1'.>}. 11.. 1,0111. 0; Lou.

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 { ’:-
\ . .
April 24th, 1915.
Mr. J. J. Donahua,
Chiaf Law Agant, Louisville, Ky.
Dnar Sir,

I have haen to san F. 5. Stacy in connection with the
attached papery. I asked him what he man: by wttilng the
attachnd lattar and he said to give him a job an the track and
ha would Show us. That ha knew haw the cases could be defeatad.

I asked him how he Would do it and he would ngt tall ma ani [he
nearest to any thing definite as to hgw it could be dene were
I his words as foLLows: "You ka,w that you can get a man to
swear almost anyfihifig under 50m? conaltians“. He went on to say
that thera had baan a lot a talk in the cammunity abaut him hav-
ing been injurnd an a pravious eccaaien snmayears ago but that
tharq was nothing at all 1n shat ana that he wculd prave that
fully naxt time.
Yours firulj, 7
,7 /" r l
,//v'; x "‘
;t/. {K _ KW,“
Law Agent.

 .1 ' . _ April 24th, 1915; ‘7
. _ fir. J. J. Donahue, .
~ Chief Law Agent, Lculsville, Ky.
‘ ‘ ‘Dear Sir, i
I hLVQ been to see F. 5. Stacy in connection with the '
I , attached papery. I mud hm whit: he ment by earning 1.1m '
attached letter and he said to give him a job on the track and ‘
' I he would Show lus. That he 1::/mu; how the 1:33.898 cauld be defeatfid. ,
l- i I asked him how he would dc it and he would not tell me and .he I
nearest to any thing dafinifie as to how it would be done were
>' his wards as foliows: "You k w ibit you can get a man to -
V ’ swear aluost anything under some csnfiifiisns”. He went on to Bay
that there had been a lot a talk in the community about him haVn.
I ing been injured on 1 pPQV1OUS oedasion someyenrs ago but that
there was nothing 1t all in that an; that he would prove that I.
I. telly next time. i . ‘
Yuurs truly,
. Law Ageni. '

 ' ".JJ '\ A757” //2
J ,4/ ./ J /» / J /,» '/ / /'/ j J .x /' "/
., .J / , J . . /. ,4
' 4_//V//-//’////1L. C/mfl/x/i. 4/////////fl7/////Z/LL
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',. ,‘ ’/ l/V. 7 . L " L. ' I '
f. ’t/ (”m ”;.I/(;I/fif/i/ZZML,J. J, ///// ' LK/ ///// 2 /////A// ////y ’. ///'// ////'/’/ ,
I////(////} I;/» M'IAHHfl/l, I”
.‘/.\'.\'/J ’///L'\'//'/'/'/ .\//////y/r{1; I,, / ,
/ J, rw/-_J A) 'J ;J»/j * March 8th,l915.
/ /”HH ")// 'V”///'/I//’(‘//',§fl//:’.'\/JI/e/l/. ' "////A// ////" {//H
Mr, C, S. Landrum,
Law Agent, Lexington, Ky.
' Deer Sir:—

I am handing you henwith Judge Wilson's letter,
dated March 4th, together with letter from F. S. Stacy.

I think you should endeavor to ascertain,without
committing yourself in any way, What Stacy has up his sleeve. If
you can get a written signed statement from him so much the better.

Yours truly, (”M J 4”
2: a: acz’; 4&/ > > ; :.‘ >
9; . ,. I I
K " ‘I v (I: L“ C 2 :’. c. ext/.'. ,7 ._;,i .7, _/
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