xt73bk16mf8w_52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [25g] L&E vs. John Bentley, Letcher Circuit Court text [25g] L&E vs. John Bentley, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_6/Folder_7/63532.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_52 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ " u H ’ T ‘ , ,’:“I‘f‘ ,: : I : , , raga“:
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. . January 16th, 1914.

Messrs. Huger & Stewart,

Ashland, Kentucky. f” fl ;;fl
Gentlemenz- ' f .

IN RE suit L & 3 Railway Co. Vs. John Bentley &c, new
pending in hetcher Circuit Court:

Your letter of the 12th instant received relative to the
above styled suit.

You state that you have opinions on file in your office,

. citing authorities on the question of the nxtent of the rights

embraced in the rightuof-wuy clause of the Stundanrd form of
mineral deed. Kindly furnish me with those authorities in order
that Mr. Morgan and myself may familiarize ourselves with them and
also make independent search of our own.

I note your request that B.£.Jombe of Prestonsburg,
Kentucky, and your Mr. Stewart, be notified when any steps are
taken in this case involving the construction of the right—of-way
clause. I wltl give both of you due notice of any hearing that
I think will be of interest to you, as well as on the particular
point mentioned.

Yours truly,
, CH .
LEH-c Qxéjf;,LA~‘ z/ //6725L1/s/L»n
Copy to B. F. Combs,
Prestonsburg, Ky.

Cepy to S. H. wilson.

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 t . - . ' _ . 2 Janmry 10.1914. ' _
Lewis H. Eervie, Beq., Attorney at lawi
' Whiteeburg,Ky.p . '
2 My dear SiT:~ ' i -
' :1 have fio~éey rfieoived cezbon copies of two letters .
. of the 86h instant written by you to fingers. Rage? e S: wert,
- ' -ofvfishlaed,Ky., regarding the result of the jury trieie in the L i
‘ Zetehcr Cguqty‘Cgurt in the two conéamnition suits therein " _
- pending, one by the L & 3 Ey.39. 7. John Bentley,éte., and
‘tho other by the f & 2 3:}63. against Reuben “outer,cte. I .
- also note that you haVe meiira similar carbons of these letters ev,
i ' to Mr. John Home ?eyton, at LouiSVillu. p , ;'
' 2 the report of those coriennationeuite ix'the~3oriemt
I . , v .
, pvillc papers stirréf up vcyy considerable agitation and uneas—
. inou? in the Law Eepertncnt of the 3 e Hi 3ereefielly, I regret
_ that a trial of the canes was not set for a later-date an&
1“ that I was not given timely notice an? an opportunity to he i:
.i ' present and participate it the trials. i he& no suspicion _ . 7 1'
: that theee cases would some on for trial when they did.’ I . _.
go not blame yen for pressing the matter, but regret it for _“Aj;
' the reason that the flaw Department naturally looks to me for ;&E:
' Q an explanation of the very extravagant veraiete retuxnéd in :
‘ those two cases. Judge Fields was in my office Tuesday or ‘-
Wcflnoeday of this flock on His way to Cincinnati, but mafia no _W»
mention of these cases or any preepeet oi their being tried. ,h
2 Hence, I Was entirely unprepared for the somewhat startling ' 2 2
information which reached us; first of all, through the newspapers..

 , V I I I I v, » 4‘ ._ | I
m '5‘ 4 '
21113.4;2. , _-2“ 1/10/14. ‘ '-
1 > ', . ‘ ,
. , / '
_ _ ; note thafi an appeal has been taken in each case
‘ +0 the Circuit Court :1: that, 113-111-1131: you 01:11 11:11:04; a' sat.
' jcfaetory compromise, you hope for a frial at the Jenvary term
‘ of the “niche: Cirwuifi Court, ufiich basins on Honflay, the 2
. Ifithriostant. If a trial at this te1m, inxeiuhrr or bofih ’
cases is arrangci for, please, by all means, he sure to have
~ the trials apwignefi for a convenienz Cate n1t :cr is: than the , ,
I sooonfl wa-k of fihe turn an? Jive m0 tjuoly motive of fihe
ossignmonfio, so thaf I can wake arrvngemnufi: to be preeent and I
partieipafic in the trials.
1 , En View of the coneternatiofi whfieh has naew caused 1
V I by the roauits in the County Court, I fiish.vvry mush it might : I
' he possible for you to bring ahout a prompt and satiefaetory i
‘ - compromise of both of these cases anfi therohy avoid the i.
necessity for further lifilgntxon. '
Kindly let me hear from you at once in regard to .
, all these matfioxe and oblige, .
  Yours truly, ’
_ meg/A ‘ '
. ' Co1u1ee}.. _ I f'

 . . ' I . ‘ . V
- ,.I 3 7w '
. 52 “ .'_..j ’ ‘ . . 3 1
.« - ROLL. January 1.0, 3.914.
‘ fl . ~11 I ‘ , ~‘ .L.} --
_ . I‘. ”D . Fields 8: Son, .“,Ozorneys at 1am,
3 1 _. «3
Whi ti: :3 :.:ng , K31.
31:3 170‘;::. have (101223313: 53:: :3.-31'th-31'3‘2"; from in: 3131'“: :ie‘- E.- €331;- ,
are 5;: 530-51 to you, 2.2113 “7:333 233 {:33.-‘.‘: ("1,: 2; 3’7 12‘2"! '37:: 122111: 31:3".
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Law »r'fipfiiz‘tuc" .'Iv 8.13:5. "(-1;...-13‘”; 2.1,? LA”. 92‘ vi O :"2 '1 . .‘. fl? .l. ’.' . {,Ir’: 3 “4.77.3?
that 3:113. harms; Ii.o:ar'=:~ thee: cane: 5;" W2??? it? ’7 =3: '72:?" in
- 13116; s:~.‘;j§2g,‘r1(;:"; .;n’ .712ILng Tip". «"1 .‘.‘ .”‘“,ri ;‘J v .3: ‘“’-7 ~2“?2r2:-2~" 'v3l‘~"l': "‘--r-'. M: - h-s‘Y
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SOTO ()1 an $.OLQ.|.03.I)_L': cz'L'WIILLLL-Lg- .:, C .)._' in: .-:}; mi; a,’-&:.:., .' ,; 3_. C T..:zCOL‘tign
be: r‘: 371‘ 6301306.. We 233111 have ‘va 1:3 in}: 1331‘ be 5.7%.“ 13333:". 73L to 4513.4.
‘ ' -‘ " v u» -‘I -’ .2 L‘ 3» ~34.“ u .'= .. ‘.- ..'.1. 3' 14;: r - ‘ --~2
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. '3 33- w J .. .' .— 3» 2:.. Law J- V.“ - .:~ L r 2 . ..A ~ ~ .2
Timmy Jueb nun! Simply w 23:53. wilt, .L .:. Line. 93mm: 9.1:: Mantle S.
,_L...-'. .1 .. ., _. L- .I ..4. ~ ._3- ..I. .c- . L.- 3 . L '.'-L "3. . .,_.
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_ :;
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toms of the vermin, mm; L, must; M..,lns: on 3331x123,» , 34.x: .._.?th last. ,.
.‘. ., ,..L. 4.1. .L . : .. ."1 3‘, .....;.,.-.4‘ . ‘ . .' L f ‘ .3 , ..3 . . .L - ,_ L -‘ 4m . '
I Lil-ileu [NIH-fa ':./Oil .' .L-L.‘.. €34.“ k, 1'.. f): JUST“; ("..4 .1 T's. if; i g} Ji,‘L’J;.1i3\IJ “7:. Lilli) ,
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a I: . ~ ‘2... . m ,., 3* .. _. .. ;L: ‘3.. .. -. ., ..
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I”. ‘1 t“ 4:. L \‘ M L. -“ . 'I‘ .3. 3 LL . .- _. -. .- . L. . ..‘ L. _ .:;. .L
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L, .- .,- . , ~ a 3_3 . we Our. 3. :2 .~. ._ A”. L»
. pr: caution may UC: taken .1.; bnu Om? 3.3.. O. Court- umL «-.- 7m; aim-rt
.. ., ,., , ,, .’3‘. .‘ .. 47.2., - =31 .I. , _._ ,7 -4I... 2‘ L ..‘ . ' 3
133ch LI) beware a .Lle.‘ with: Ohms and. a Sub). sun). OOL y verdlot. ,
I _ . ' l
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 ' 4i '.
, . ‘\ :
. . D.D.F. & Son.#2. . 1/10/14. 3
' Under the circumstances, if we should not be present and par— E
ticipafie in the Circuit Court txiale, fihorn wou“d firebably be ;
- very envare arifiioisu and vnmn 96?? of unrfigr pueiehucnt f '
vi:::i_tod 119021 1.1:: 3:? the 7.0‘i1js‘1-‘217. 5: 7:217 Depart“? F3122, ' '
73’1fo 3.1;" 37:33:" for 7077.1” C:‘;1"3;i{‘71 :‘.1-2r? .,'f._‘=‘-'::‘3'-'.-m:;3 ‘f,’v"l':>f:i;'i.rmi
. , . . é
to the matter: 1 am, ;
r- -.r “ “.17 ”.:‘ ~ ,__, ‘ fi
17. 1k, 13 .h 3, J»u123 L., g
.9133»)! [A f
‘ Couneel.
‘(I ‘
'1 ‘- . , .

 1; ~ ‘ . I :
A " ‘1 - { 24;” ‘
..I; h" , 3 k ,
. __. “.r,,_ I\
January 10, 1914. " ’-
Hon. B. D. Warfiela, '
V, Dist“ Atty. 9 T; {3: 1’ fl ‘5‘, (7:0. ,
Dear Qirt~ A x . 4'
‘ T acknamindga roomipf 3f year lmtfic: dnt*é Swiunry
8th, which camfl fio v; Maris thia warning, :2? wfiiah 57213 at
‘ lfirgth with fihc uhagpecreT sfi;ua€ion which has iaveioped it .
- Betcher Cofinty in fwn cand:y:;~fi:V‘ azifs reccn+F:"chtifivfad '
in the Ictcher Counfy Jarrt %y Lu: ' E " fiy‘flz. a; first 12%?
Rantiey,etc‘ in fihc awe case 32% against Y Eben 50ft§r,¢fc. *
- in fiho other case. 7
; You naild hardly have b;': acre surgrfiswfi finfi start- '
'l lefl fihan I was upan reafling the sensaticnal itwm which &p-
pearvfl in fihp CgfiriCT-Eavrnfli of Thurxflay, ihc ?+h instant,
_ Whiln I hafi porpcnaily grepfircfi 311 cf the pagnrs in these two .
' cuitS, as wc?1 as, Perhaps, in ha?: a dozen ethnr ruit9,for .
V ' rightg of way on Potterfi Fork and Yonts'?3rk in Iaichcr fieunty,
V anfl haé outlined fiho PTOfiCfifijfigL up t3 anfi iiclniing the En~ .
_ port of the Commissioncrg, I had receivcd no infiimutien fihat
, > . any of these cases wouia be brghghfi on EC: trlal afi fihiu fiime.
0n the contrary, in View 0f the fact thafi all 3h: cases except
those two haé been cowpromiscd and sefitlvfl withonfi a hrial, I '
‘ ’r
‘ ‘ was still hopeful flhat the Jahn Bentlag case aufl the Reuben ' ‘
?otfier 0390 might be umiaab‘j fiinpOSn‘ Hf. Frat thc fee? that -
, rJufige Fields, who waa in my afficc En Tutufiay or Weflnosday
‘ of this Week, did not allude to these condemnation suits in any ’
' '&a way Whatever, T am snufidnnt that th: trials muet have been :  

 l 1'
0’ >
. ,0 - 1/10/14. 4
precipitated through unéne hosts or misjudgment, perhaps,
‘ on bhc part ei'flr. Lewis 3. Harvie, the attoxney for the Mineral ,
F‘lln'] ...'Iq'm‘or-Vr; [21134311 34:: 7*)Ir4vnzz-Isi'i-fl i-rl“‘~.'y'rxgte(" " 71 ‘ . weir-'70..» {"’.-leaf} .
., \N‘ ‘.\,mewlxu, ...-“~41... J-x, J; .1. (u. ..ud . Uz—bu A1 .L. {':.CCIU. .L-.LL, 4;- ‘.2
rights of may. E5. Eagvie is a young man, but, ia my opinion,
a compotixt 36$ conscientious iaWy r e;& I am sure, if he mode
a misteks in th% matter, he aid it with the best of intentions
enfi with no expectation that things mibhfi inn annex.
is yea, I~h+vn had no iull or oomprch . _ I._ . V _= ‘ c
in my oanlon, Lucio.1s good reason for the View Lhat in neither
of thes~ cases are thelow-2“l lone owners entitled to any compen-
, sation WhatBOeVor/foy the reason that nnflom contracts heretofore

 , ‘ ‘
u- . >

. B'.D.w.#5. . ‘ ’ 1/10/14.

‘ made by them with the Consolidation Coal Company, rights of way
over these lands warn cgpromsl§ mode sver'to the Consolidatinn

_ «;é4{;fl;£_2\
‘ ‘ Coal Comyfilj. Eh: Cenuoliflation Coal CoupafijAought, of course,
‘  ’ to he ant doubtless $15 uVI 5:1 315 in tap matter andhycgld n0?
br ;ut in the ebbibvfiz 5f nu}:t:33:?iiflf:§%::iégfifibazy7 JLZ$ZLZZQQJAQ{
M Try": w: laj {,1‘-am will-33;: I ;-:c;‘::"5 305.11.:Jou3‘tt, 5.:»; 413373;: to
his wiss, was flistabud 233: thu telephone to tame cue in My.
HoDovwEl's cifica, 15:, in transmitting my mcusagfi, 1: 23:9?
occurrsu i; ong cf 3&9 3x1tgnueu, ugieh should have :aafl as
folious — . .
”We oifLrwa Bentley Sigh: Hundred ballnrs. He
~ ' demandgl Fonz: TEL-6:211:13 3:17.233. Henna proceor‘i‘lngfi'
4 In thu mcsmogc, an trnfianitficfi, instead uf She varfis
"he Qewandcd”/fihn mperabo: scans to have used the norfl ,
' Wifih rcfnruncu to the next point in your Lafitfir, as
to who tried fihe cuss, my only infozmati5n, not yet canpletely
11:311'117119 as}, 12;: €113.13; Harrie:- =.:a:: 3131;715:135 by Mr“ Jesse ?’?01‘5an, ‘ 1
I one of our Tocal Atfiorfimys at E33333, but who is associate” with
~ Hr. Harrie in the law practice at Whitcgburg. is to my State-
. .
mrnt in the telegram to fly. Joucft that ”The mineral Incl Com—

' pang is sugfosof to 9&3 for 571 these righta CI ray”, unfi your
inquiry as be the pruciuo contract covering this mgttar between
the fiafilway Company and the Eineral Fuel Company, I can only
say thafi I have gotten this ivpression from my corfesyunfinnce

‘ C
' apd cvaiings wifih Er“ Harvie regarding these rights of way anfl
‘ also with Er. John Hofle ?ayton, Chief Engineer Ci Consfiruction,

 6' f
n v «u
B.W.L.74. . 1/10/14'
and others connected with hia office,, I have no doubt that
there has huufi ”Q?“ fiofinite égreemfnt entered into between
i the Hiner&1 FueygfiCompany and fihe I & E or I & H respecting the
a acguisit;on of fheSU rights of way anfi that such agreement!
- ought to be founfi in the office of the Chief fingincor 0f Con—
Ei'tirf‘llf‘z 112103;. ~
With ruierunce to the Reuben Potter case, ifi appears
, from my file that Potber was offered $100.00 for his interest
' ,in the land seught to be taken for right-oi-way, but declined
/ it aha hence the confiemnafiion proceeding. The rmprasentativea
- I of the Congoliflution Coal Unmpawy are very positive that that
Cgmpgny is entitled to @his yight-of-way ané, upbn any fair
‘ investigation cf the mattwr in fihe Circuifi Cwurt, it oughfi to
b? enéirely posxiblo to axolufie ”otter from any compensation
WhatSOfiver. The awaTfi of $1?50.00 in the Fetter base is just
about as excessive and disproporfiionafio as the award of
. $19,700,00 in thg John Bentley case. Personally, I am at an
‘utter 1033 to aeccunb for fihe exfiraordinafiy results in cifiher '
case, except by reference #0 thr pTOVQrbial ”cussefinoss" of
' juries in condeumation proceedings in the County courtsa ’
, l ’ I see no reason why we should not have a fair trial
of fihuve auRGS in the Circuit Gnurfi on appeal and it ought to be
I , entir01y po4mible to bring the awards in each case Within rea-
._ . '> aonablm limifis on a remtrial in fihe Circvit Caurt. Not only as,
' bufi I think it not beyond the rang” of Feasibility to have Judge >'
. I ‘ - ~ I?

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u.don.,‘rf). .L./.LO 147.
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ban]. or, of the ....otcnor Lerlllf- «012.5%, decmg :Zfli.btily‘tvi!1‘lly
n 4. .. .5 - ~ . a .-, ', ‘.‘., ....1. 4 . r1 . .3.- ....~._ x.,.
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