xt73bk16mf8w_523 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [367] L&E v. Title Guaranty and Surety Co., Fayette Circuit Court text [367] L&E v. Title Guaranty and Surety Co., Fayette Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_52/Folder_8/1757.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_523 xt73bk16mf8w " 1' r ' ':' ‘ '7" I'm " "1 1 * r‘: ~ rt
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..L; ElijilVJ. _‘..Le a
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:1.. 2:1. .‘.....J: » ;u U .. mtg)... “;.,, 1- (~LJ,
ST-l/a airy 13:111.] yours,
. '3

 .“' .J/E'Mmflz
~/I"Z;;y~~i7,/—7/n/m _ / ”gym/”4%, /;.,;(/2,,,//,
/////’//J/ 7222/, OTz/MLi/fiwew/v ' /"”‘3//’/,
, ~ ' - " p<;/,,.,,7,/r/;. we,
{r/(lwh/K/7/ww/K ,7/23/7/{8111 .71)”, (yak,
/ 6 1w pm/ . way-my "45-3-2 fol/WWW . JIM/72 (_21/ s-
-;&mquflé§n/é;: March 33, 1914,
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, / /
General Counsel, L. & E. Ry. CO., ZQELA‘XjV' {7
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Messrs. Trabue and Cox handed me Saturday afternoon
the enclosed answer and counter-claim in the case of Lexington &
Eastern Railway Company v. Title Guaranty & Surety Company, and
asked me to send it to the Clerk for filing. After reading it
will you please attend to this for them.
I have a carbon copy from which I am having a number
of copies made and will send you one immediately upon my return
from Nashville where I am going tonight.
Yours very truly,
General Attorney.
x”? r A

 ’ .:.. ~_-- -- ...


Siofisageg which tilrebnppmtntthUUUcfcesgfirfi, oft tllatddcauld Is): seqt tt)yd'l'1*%:infl\laii, willlbc' transmitted 51nd .

TELEGRAM ° “’5 pm" y' “‘”P‘§é£§i°ss¥éud éefié‘x‘fi’nxinfi‘éefispéflé’u‘fé‘r3%.fofm‘pmmm‘°”“°““°“' TELEGRAM
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Isa: iir:
T ;m V91? mgsl iblifel Far Vivr letter 3? the 4th List
vhich n.1y reachai VG ev my return thie was? from mgshington.
I herewith retvr; Yr. Tr;bue‘2 ncmcre,ium, v;ich yam liadlz
furnished. I Ngve not Wei 0;;13t nit; t? meii car; if it g3
we are bgdly rusncd it tic off175. I see? here itl C“;Z 0i
my memoraudvu and on;y 03 letter of tkie dete, Jfiich I have
writte; to Juaqu Kerr. I ;eve sent it to him direct it order
that he night ;et it tOhi;ht, t inking it Logiible thgt he mlght
decide txc case tomorrow.
I did «mt oineider it ;eceesary to re—ergue tie case,
but if you tflqu of an‘ additifinel suggestians that ought to
be preee tel, I shall he giuj if you mil? in so.
?e*r: VQIV truly:
Ge eral Attorney.

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.11; ‘»'-122.5; 31131116“; n25 057::‘0nam . 1A m: ‘4 

- {5)
by the second paragraph of the special demurrer.. Ehe obvious one or to ‘
this contention is L -

(1) Any waiver (and we deny any) would he removed by withdrawal of
paragraph 2 of the demurrer before submitting it for the Court's action,
the authorities adjudging a naiVer to scour through submission of a ques-
tion on toe merits.

(2) rho speoial demurrer does not submit a question on the merits,
but merely another ground of special demurrer, one the iode contemplates
one speoial demurrer ooVoring all grounds, Section 92. ‘

obviously, convenience, and saving of time dictate that all grounds
should be alleged in a speeiolldemurrer so that if one around he decided
against defendant the Qourt may in odistely consider the other or others.

(5} Ehe authorities cited to sustain the waiVQr are all cases where
the waiver resulted from a general demurrer or general appearance. The first
tmd principal relianoe is Sggowell v. Esilrosd, 90 Ly. 346. this, too, is
the leading case. She deoisien is enit0uized in the syllabus

"A defendant, by filing a general demurrer to the petition, waives

his right to thereafter question the jurisdiction of the Court over his


the Court {:3.-tit? (3'3. (Gil-8]-

"It is unneoesosry to place any construction on the various see—

tions of the Code on this subject, as it was too late to plead to the
\ jurisdiction after a hearing on the merits."{itslies ours.§

. Again £p. 347)

"fine only question we seem necessary to consider on this appeal

is,hss the defendant below, by filing its general demurrer, and having

a decision on the merits, waived its right to raise the question as

. to the jurisdiction of the Court.”

Qlosse note a pleading to the merits, and a general demurrer; also
the ”having a decision on the merits“.

In Underwood v. wood, 95 Ky. 17?, the claimants were held bound
with a judgment because of entering an spyesranoe by demurrers, although not
summoned. ‘

In gh§££§3;1;flgfilgg£§gg, 95 Ky. 27?, gglg, syllabus,

"The defendant by filing a general demurrer to the petition entered

his appearance" --ef course.

In Standard eto- Co. v. Stanley, 21 H. 452, syllabus,

_Ml___~_.~_m_.__.-m—-:E:— ,

 . V , n l
.V >

"Filing a generol aomurrar on& aftorwards filing a epeoial da-
murror to Eha jurisdiofiion, Eho opacial domurrer was waiveo ana canto?
be consioerou." _

In Renarioks v. Jofitle, 55 5.x.1051, 1058, Juggoetod that filing
domurror in fiounty Courfi as to jurisdiotion of peroon, ”without any rosar—
V ‘
vation therein" entered agpoarance "but, if we are miafiakon in thie it ie
clear" oto.- vaioualy, this case is of no value in the premises.

' In filoming y. gt. ngir, SB J.N.37Q, Syllabus,

"where the defonoanfi motors his uyyoaranoe by filing a general
flzmurror $0 the petition enfi a notice for a motion for a monflamas,
he waivoo an objection to the ouffioionoy of fiho notice."

In I.C.d.h.oo. v. GlOVer, B4 3. 1447, 71 $.u.651, Syllabuo 3,

"i defendant waives objsotion to the jurisdiction of the Circuit
Court by filing a general dwnurror to the potiaion and obtaixing ike
Judamonfi of the Court thereon."

one fioort said (3. 631}

”Eor the fiofenuont could rot, without ohjeofiion to the juris—
diction of the nourt, submit fiho caoe for a judgmenfi on a goneral
oeonrror, and than, aftir failing than to fiafoafi the action, plead
to the juriaoiotion of fiho court to whinh it 2Lo Submit ad."

in fioyer_£fiool Lo. V. Euhbar, 25 3. 746, 75 S.U.SGG, Syll. l,

"where a defendant onfiered a motion $0 require fihe ylaintiff
to yaragraph his petition bofoxo it filedfia plea to the juriofiiction
of fihe flourt his motion mnounfioa to an entry of appearance to the
ocfiion, ané the oourt properly disregarded fihe question a3 to the
jurieoiofiion.” ’

nhotover may be thought of tho abstract decision, it is not in
point Lore.

In Jalloifi v. Am. Homo CO., 18? fi.¥.2?l, oyll. 3, the court saifl,


"L fieionflant, aftor going to the merits by filing a general de-
murrer, oannofi objoot $0 the jurisdiction of the court ovor him, on
the grouné that he rooioeo and woe served in another county.”

The fiourt Said (3. 272), ‘

"A party cannot be allowed to go to the merifis of the action by '
filing a gonoral fiemnrrer to the pntibion, an& after thio is 0V9?-
Tulefi object ho the juriadiotion of tho court Oer him on the ground
thofi he rooideo anfi was ooxwoc in anothor oouaty.“ (vitina Ecbowell Case)

In the old case, Ehomao v. Perry, 6 J.J.H., 556, ii was halo error
to diamios as to a dofondant non est invontuo after he had demurred'to the

' fleolaraflion.
Obviously, the last case has no ayplieation, oné it is unprofit—
- 0! e I‘ - ‘ " ! ‘ “w . " i ‘ "‘5 . ~ 1‘ 1 ,::/{:1} (node
able to wander into iliimifiable fioluo o1 inquiry outmiue toe Aontuc e
‘ -5-
. \ V .

 ‘ ‘ r: 1 I
. (7)

. which makes Spacific provisions noncornim: the pleadings, proviéing far nu—
.. 4- r - , .. -. — .M' ~..: -,.' “.',' ,'. '~ "- ' ~ —' . .;.
melons deiensas, GVeh lagul uhd egultuble aumalnnu la biggie pleadlngs, enc.

1':‘)“1r\""‘ -,. . \u.‘ L“! V .':v' 4- J“I"I_i‘ “":‘c'g I_ ..I :3) ‘,‘. .' n ‘5 v I‘ ’.'-’1‘. 3 "‘,1,- _ 'i' ..,-I.. ..' . w'.‘ .:..

“ALx-LZMLO-LO, “\‘3 nullhuln U1.L3J I:.‘v 0.)”! ,»(-'1J.L'1.\ EU ~.:-.9 JILli../(-J.\I\I.LO}1N '.1-w

nufi waived, ant thtt if it had hofiv waived by our invoking a fiaaision on she
second paragraph 0f the denuTrar {which is daniad) the withdrawal q: tlzt

' varasruph before invoking a decisimn upon in removnfi Lny ground far Claim
of waivnr of objection ta jurisdiciion.

"- "'~ .. x m v, - . v». . . '~r' :‘ _- . .:wT— 4 4a..

J.:.“. ~.J1J.lan v. J..a.'.l..;..-‘..fo., 123? 1x41. .375, lb) ..:..e.104?, ugll. it, uue

“m ul- “...1':
w-ui'ilv i)(“v.L(\.

”where an actiov for the r 0 var: of money wishin iho jurisdic~
tion 0: the caurfi is not broughfi iu $20 yropar county as Iixed 03 klv.
waée Pram. gees. 62—?7, the action rug’ba dismissed where tne objec—
tion im firopurly taken; Gui where ficfendant £095 not Objecfi to fine
venue. the matfier is waiveé.”

O _

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