xt73bk16mf8w_524 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [368] William Strong v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [368] William Strong v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_52/Folder_9/1818.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_524 xt73bk16mf8w . ‘ _ ,1 ,. . ._ ., . . ~ - . . '.":5"‘1:“'53
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_i/K/I/zj/x/Z/Ky/Q/g; Feby 15th. 1914 .
mr. J. J. Donohue.
_ Chief Law Agent, Louisville, Ky.
J’ear Sir,
Wm Strong Vs L & E R'y Co. Breathitt Circuit Court

Dr. Hogg now tells me that Strong is not suffering from an accident
at all and that when Strong first called to use him nothing was said
about having been hurt and that he treated Strong for stomach trouble
for which he is still treating Strong. He says that he has never told
Strong or his attorney that there was anything wrong with him which could
have been the result of an accident.

Curt Spicer and Levy Strong make the statement that wm Strong was not
on the hand car at the time that Hige White was injured which is the time
that Will Strong claims that he was on the car. Spicer says that Hige
White will make the same statement. I have not seen White.

Notwithstanding all of this, I am afraid of this case, and do not
think we should try it out if it can be settled for anything like $Eflo.

The section foreman Geo. Johnson is now located at Pittsburgh and
I am endeavoring to get what information I can from him.

Yours trul . . A
Y i. . , /7 a
Law Agent.

 Form 51
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Accident to_._ w, W, . HA
., Date, . , , , '9‘ Hour___ , .M.
NOTE.~—iinve witness give names of nil other persons that he knows of who were witnesses to the accident. If possible
have witness Sign stutemeni, which should he nlitested by (in: person inking the same. Names of other persons present should
also be given. V_
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Accident minimal . .7 ,_ ”A .
.,I . Date, V ,. . 191 Hourl, M.

NOTE—Have witness give nzunes of all other persons that he knows of who were witnesses to the accident. If possible
have witness sign statement, which should be attested by the person taking the same. Names of other persons present should
also be given.
Statement of ,
made to , at on the
day of . I , ,_ I9] , in presence oi , , . I
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91* WT. I kneW+ that Wm, Strong Claimed that ha, was hurt When this
c...~ ”wracked buu do no believe it. I do not know when the Jack was
pl acea on the car. ‘

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I do not know Who put the jack on the car or Mathew“ 0? not it was
done 1‘1 the presence of thm foreman-

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// ejx/ fi/I’irr/éflf-trzww. ’ '””‘”/””7 July 26th , 1913.
Mr. C. S. Landrum,
Law Agent, City.
Dear Sir:
~: Hige White vs L&H. RR. Co., Breathit‘ Circuit Court :-

I am handing you herewith statements from the following

Hige White, injured man,
Ples Spicer, section laborer,
Talbert Turner, "

Curt New, "

Gel. W. Turner, "

Ben Stamper, "

Hige White (known as Bog White), 45 years old, was employed
as a section laborer under foreman George Johnson on the Whick section
sometime during last July when the men on two hand cars were going to
work in the morning, White riding on the front car with several other
men. When the front car got about even with Howards creek a track
jack, which was lying on the front of the hand car, fell off on the
track, throwing the hand car off the track, and pitching White over in
a ditch with the foreman on top of hin. None of the other men were
injured, and at the time it was th ught that White's arm was injured -
I do not know which arm. His arm turned blue where it was bruised.

He went on out with the gang but did nothing that day, pussibly carried
one bucket of water, and he says that night his son met him with a horse
and took him home. White says that he flayed at home about a Week, then
went back to work, doing the light work such as carrying water, etc.
The men in the gang say that he stayed away two or three days then
came back to work. White admits that he was not docked for the tine
that he was off, that is he was paid just as tho he had been working/
None of the men heard him say anything about his back or shoulders
hurting him, but just his arm or maybe both arms were bruised up?
HoweVer, White says that in :ddition to his arm which was badly bruised,
his back, shoulder and spinal column Were injured, and that he is still
in very bad condition, and that his wife has to help him out of bed
occasionally. He says that he finally had to quit work on the section
and did nothing for about eight months. He is now employed on the
section south of Which, foreman Harkins, where he says he has been
working about two months. White is a witness in the Callahan cases
at Winchester and has been up there for a week or ten days. He was
pretty well"10aded" when I was talking to him the other night, and
would not agree to withdraw the suit, but said that he shoul be
allowed something for his injuries and suffering, and that Whatever

I we did with his lawyer would be perfectly all right with him. He

s ' he wanted to keep his job, but did not seem to think there was
afitharm in filing the suit?
. . I do not think that this man lost any time at all on account
of his injuries, because when he left the section he went to work dirv-
ing a team for some concern around Whick? The time books show that
he worked all of the month of July, 1912 and made 20 days during
August, 1912, losing a scattering day here and there. He did not work
any during Semptember. This fellow ought not to be paid much, be—
cause his injury was very slight, but he is of a class that will
swear anything and be able to prove almost anything by his neighbors.
They are the lowest kind of people. This foreman, Gecrge Johnson,
has left the service of the Company, and I understand is living at
Pittsburg, Ky. But don't suppose he could tell us any more than
What the men have told us about the accident and extent of this man's
injuries. You will note White had no doctor, which would also go to
show that his injuries were not severe.
Yours truly,
I} ‘I Lil}
' c"Law Agent.

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.Statement of Sanford Mullins made to C S Land‘run at Whick, Km, on the
D 7th day ofJanuary, #914, in regard to accident to Wm, Strong at
Copeland, Ky,, on the 10th day of June, 191.3.

My name is Sanfo‘r-d M11.111115; I live near “'hick,‘ Kv. , at the
time that nmfcxr W111 Strong was injured i Was working on the section
with him. We were on the same car going to work One morning When the
car wrecked. It 1v1"ecked. by a jack falling off of the front end of it
and Wrecking car. The Jackwae an ominaty track Jack that had been
placed on the car sometime Beflbre that, that is, 'v'Jhen we left the tool
houeeo I do not now Who placed the Jack on the car. I do not 1010'”
whether or not the forenan told us Just Where to pl ace the jack on the
car but don't euppo se that he did. I suppose that he was present
when the jack was loaded. When the car wrecked I was thrown off
and hurt and when I come to the foreman was houemng to come to him
that he was hurt. I did n t then see 3111 Strong but after we started
on and went to ‘.‘-’07:}: he was sick and 1x I think that he went home. I
have seen him around since that time and know that he has not hit-'a
11c]: of work since the accident. I suppose itnwas from the accident.

I have heard the abOVe statement read and it is true.
Witnfie '._." ‘/ _i _"_._ ".__ _ '.'.__"_"A____
, - .,.fl 4.; _- ..7...-._

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 ,Statement of Win. Stmng made to C S Landrum. at Jackson, Ky., on the“
6th da’ of January, laid. in regard to accident to hinself at Copeland,
Ky., on June lG’th, 19.1.3.

My name is W71 Strong. I an 3‘4 years 01d- I live near Whick,

Ky. I was Working on the section for Geo. Johnson ‘.’Ihen I got hurt.
There were about thirty men in our gang and. we had two hand cars t; go
to work on. At that time there were no rails in the tool house at

. Whick and we had to unload the hand cars every night and then 103d then
up again the next morning. The accident happened to me as we Went to
Work, When We Come out the t morning the foreman told us to load
several jacks, lining bars, etc., on the car. He stood there and told
us: Where to 10 ad them. That is,he wouid say W111 put that jack (yer
here and that is what we did and then we all got on the car and started
out. There were about 13 or 1% on the car that I Was on. I was ridig
between the 1 evers of the car and When we got my down below Copeland
one of the Jake on the front “.“C of the car T'olled ofif and wrecked the
car, I was thrown over the front end of the car and struck with my
breast on a tie and sum ethir g fell on to“ or“ me. It nade me very sick
at ”me time and I was not able, to work any mo re no have no t worked. since
that time. Dr. Hog}: is e‘ mg we. I Gone to him about a now}: after
the accident. I did not KYUW to t this Jack so going; to roll of? c:
The C“ sw- ”ll. 7 -"-:3.’"‘ r am: it Jae going to roll off- I
t}l~:'>‘.‘.:3‘zi‘i. that the 21:“‘1r; an irref- what. in War! going; mint-é ‘..-c,- sari-130 load
the jacks where he told us to lo ad them. I have not been able to
hit one lick of Work sinCe the acci dent- I was never sick 109me the

I have heard the above statemeu‘ read and. it is true.
Refused to sign the 8831‘}-

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Heidi eburg, Kin, Eov- 8th, L913.
Mr. mnohuet
McDaniel told me last night in. talking about the Wm Strong case in
Breathitt County that his 01 lent was injured atthe same time that Hige
White was injured, Will you therefo re semi me the ifivestigation papers
iv the case of Hige White Vs L 8: E, ‘ have not had a chance to do a '
“11"5 inthe Strong case and guess that now the election. is over in t'ri 8
district they will go to trying our cases and I will be brhihd with the
0 S L '

 x? .7519,» ///T'
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,1/””””//' *17/”:91/22’51:17...1. "/’”""’//”"/’// July :31, 1915.
A. ill. ‘17 .
I am handing you herewith letter from Judge Wilson, dated
July 29th enclosing 001137 of petition and docket report in the case
of William Strong v. L. 1% E. R. R. 00., which case grows out of
an alleged perSOnal injury sustained by plaintiff while employed by
the Company as a laborer in Breathitt County, Ky., on July 10th,
I Wish you would please have an investigation made as
soon as practicable. I am today writing Mr. W. A. McDowell to
Send to you at Stanford his file relative to the Strong accident
if he has 0 .- .
f / 1/ J. J. D.
‘(l i; l

 L .%///.}N///// 7 //////////;////)//fl/flr/// %/////////,“
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O ' ..
Lezclflgton, Ky” August 3111, 193.5.
$0 2%; Y 2‘
mr- J. G. flickermn, ‘ -.
SuPQI‘VlSO? of Gore-tinction, Jackeon, Ky- '
Dear Sir, “
William 3137:0333 Vs L 3: E Ry 00.
This suit 13:; f0 1* 1313111199 sustain ed by Strong on July 10th
1.91.3 while 927,103,731 sir—3 a :section laborer. He alleges that a hand.
car wrecked With him «13713. that he was throzt’n about 15 feet from the car
ohto Lhe ground. 21ml his luhgs, heart, etc., injured. ‘
Can you 51:15 me any i34folma'bion as to the accident? V
my address is Bari a, Ky. '
Yomrs truly,
Law Agent.

 ///. ./// /////%j/ V)
, _ /‘///.)/7‘////J / . ’ «mi/H/é ., .rllé'fl/m/ ”IV/Mflw/V/J
.0 . ,
0 Paris, KY” August 15th, 191.3-
151'. Ge JohnSOn,

London, Ky. ,
Dear Sir,

Vim. Strong Vs L a; E R'y Co. '

m Strong has f1}, Ed 9111 t agin st the L a: E R‘v Go on account of
injuries having been received while Working for you on the Whisk
section on July 10th, 191.3. He Clams that a hand 031;“ on which he
was ridin g Wrecked and that he was thm'fln about 30 feet and injured.
internally. Can you give me any infomatim concerming the matter?
I Wish that you would mite me Just what you know about it and just
What men Were Working at the time that Strong-was injured. Advise me .
if ;;:osslb1e the cause for the hand oar wrecking.

Yours truly,
' V Law Agent.

 1"" '
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/,/'””"‘),,/ 77,17;/25,’,:I:.,,,,,,,,. /5I/a’ci€éo/v/€,/f§y J any 13th, 1915'
Mr. A. W. Warren, _.
Law Agent, Stanford, Ky.
Dear Sir, ‘
- wm Strong Vs L & E, Breathitt Circuit Gcurt.
HereWith I enclose to you investigation papers Concerning the
above matter. It gs claimed that Wm. Strong Was hurt at the sane time
that Hige or Bob White was hurt and that it was occasioned by a Jack
failing off of a hand car and wrecking the same. Mr. Lively's report
on the Bob White‘case shows how the accident occurred and I have not been
able to get up any further evidence as to how it occurred other than that
the Jack was loaded in the presence of the foreman and some of the men
say thatit was 10a d on the car at the point directed by the forehan-
Strong's brother in is» A, D. Burton refused to give me a statement. He
agrees With everythin grthat Strong says. " A1 so do es Bill Kllburn fran Whom
I could get no statement. It is the general talk up through the neigh-
borhood where Strong lives that he was not hurt by the hand car but no
one will account for his Condition at the time. He quit work at the time
of the accident and has not Worked sin ca. It is u doubtedly the truth
that he has not worked since the accident- Lish Roberts who has a
camprat fihick and who Works for the Swan Day Lumber Company has been
making inquiries in a general Way for me and he says that there W111; be
no chance WhateVer to get any evidence that this man has done a thing-
Roberts is at outs. with the strongs and I am satisfied that if there was
anything to be had he Would put me on the track,
Dr. Hogg Will not committ himself on paper Concerning this matter.
He is the doctor carried on the time card as the company's doctor at this
place and has more influence here than all of the other doctors put toge-
ther, if my observationis correct. He says that he has been treating this
man for about 15 months that'he Come-to him in a menu: very nervous
state and that he is still ina very nervous state and that his breathing
is bad. Dr. Hogg first thought that the breathing being bad was due to
stomach troubi e but that as he has not inproved it must be from something
e1 as, probably the accident. That the nerVOusness is class as tranatic
nuesthenia and one of th e"causes for that is a shock to the nerVOus system.
That was-'the history given him mum: by the patient. Hogg is giving the
other man the benefit of all of the doubt and more too.' He has had a" r
11 ttie tro‘ubl e with the company over some land belonging to Mrs. Hargin and '
there is now a suit pending over the same.
I have always looked at this case as a fake and am still. satisfied

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that it belongs to that class, but this man W111 have proof enough to
- sustain a large verdict against the company. I read a case the other
dayend it was "either Ward Vs L a: n, 65 SW 2, or I 0 Vs Jolley's Admr
61 SW 703, in which a hand car had been loaded with shingles and one
had caught in the Cog and wrecked the car and it held the foreman to
a duty of properly loading the car 'nd that is what we will be held to
in this case.

Strong has been to see’Mr. Pollard several times about this matter.
Mr. pollard says that the man has Convinced him that he was hurt to some
extent. Mr. Hardesty, out stoolc Claim agent, tells me that he has been
around Strongs considerable and that he is of the opinion that Strong
was hurt.

I had made uh; my mind to ask for authority-i0 settle this case at
$750. and so told r- Donohue. I ran upon McDaniels and. after making-me
a prepositi ,n for $5000. in thi 8 case he Come‘doWn at Jumps to $750. and
says that he Will not drOp one cent more. In talking; to him I offered him
$500. and then offered to Split between $500. and“$'750. I doubt very
much whether Strong W111 accept $750. in settlement of the. case I have
interviewed on of the men that were shown as having worked on the section
on the day that this man was-hurt as-'is shIWn on“the attached paper. The
Foreman and Assistant Foreman are gone and I cannot locate then.

My reocmmendation is that we acce t McDaniels roposition of 750.
promded we will not drop. p p $

Yours tI'QlY, K
[2 ,.‘ 3 ,,./X
,_/ f», ‘3 Law Agent.

 FORM 23
( ,7 ,,, 7‘ . ,/ M ,,,/j K) / K
‘J/K/KJ'K/K K —' r ~ KKK) //»K K ,KKK/ KKK/K » KK/KKK/x/
, (K). ,,K , KK/I « ,
Jackmn, Ky, , Jany 33rd, L814.
‘57". 1‘ow’tohue:
‘ Wm Strong Vs T... 5= E, ‘Breathitt '31mu'1t Court

MoDani (~21 went fight back cm the {W'Oguo eition he made me to settle
this caee at 3750. He said that he would accept $1250. I believe
that he W111 later accept the :9750. that I offered him, or rather
offered to Close up on his pTOpo Sition. In p1 air: words McDani 613 is
aWDAM F001. and we muet now make our ahrangments to fight this ca 88 up
until he wants to settle it.

I remember that you £11 ed the inVestigat1=f)n papers in this 0» se
excecting “that it Woul g1 be settl ad, I am eXpectiwg to make some
arramgementsI to get me a do ate 1' in this case if possible and will take
that matter up later° I am Cori"; that this caee has taken the turn
mat it has but donyt see how it could. be helped-

0 S L

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