xt73bk16mf8w_526 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [370] Henry Combs v. L&E, Letcher Court text [370] Henry Combs v. L&E, Letcher Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_53/Folder_2/1874.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_526 xt73bk16mf8w / / /' . ,
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fl 7‘5 File 105?
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433 ."a _..L'J.-.\L_ L.“ ,0“, , (fl&%’v /,/ /3
fihitenbuxg, iy.
Dear Sirs:-

3 hand fan herewizh TQPQHPI in favor of Eubert Blair.
nfifiarneg for fianrf Combs, in full Settlsmvn: of all claims for
damage ta wagan men? Us, m: Jul; léLn. 1?13, manna? 320.00.

V113 yam kinflly arrange an ihv f??? a“ Lhe firmyany ES
rogarfis payment of the umnunz referrofi {a to flr‘ Eisir ané fir.
Combs, obtaining their 3i5nfiturfim a? (hp 30ints markeé "A“, and
having Era vifihesses Riga at aha points myrkeé ”B”. in? agant
at Whiteabur; will 333 fihfi voucher on year request, which @111 then
be remittefl by him in the uaunl manner. Ii shoulfl not for ény
reaaun be cashea through a bank or othervirw.

, "3 /- »'\ ,-» »*
.’ f [Karl/r :D
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x/ / /f/'/@ ”7» k x \
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3. f.‘
Goyy to ’
/#,p§r.§.§.gglaon,cgvy, m .
,H/ df$iafia£lfllflfl, Agn.,ghitesnur5.

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October 7th, 1915'.
SainV/rilSOI‘i, 1.13. a , ' _ _ ' .
"1‘1“1'1131'1 building, , [3 '
Lexi 7131x111, K3”. W
Deer T‘nil'r-
l.{€}fE‘-I’I‘12‘;.~T to olrx'ir 0" 111-111": Combs turmgji. Attorney
;iolyeit iilrxir oi” T hi‘uif‘;;1111;";j, for“ '53.: , to Lin '3':K;on 11.5; or near
11011111 t' 3011; 133'111‘zlc, 301401131" dummy: * CrOC‘LL.1‘3‘€"“, 3111,11;
Lian, 134111.111 c? July, {Lye ‘11:“: I.‘/11.1121 ,.';1‘,’ ij-e‘CBIixg; 0521's against the
‘_’? ”51:11’11'T1rilo ..'1‘. Don‘t-:1 1":‘2‘ 1‘,3‘7'h~.'ir1:j guru‘s, 1'-'C'1i“‘\:‘i-731;73'1J 5“ ("7 ?"-~’-'"—;,“" 30 i
1‘ X ilk/‘91:
I have s: 1.1217193 "’:?1‘12 131‘ {‘.‘1Iu1:1r;".1:-_'_ 11.11.11‘i111d12 5501:,
1.11.13 e'OiTCet 1711131"; miles? ’;"1;r=1*e 11:;" 30116-11111 i ;‘ 12111111 '1"i‘1.‘~}; 1.;1132 claim
231511; 3.3111213 “Hz-‘._‘ 73033.; Lie "if: 1; 91151, 11",; J.: "11 no 1.1 1’1: :*0 if
he (321:1 get {:1:30.00 €5- once '31": DRULlE‘I'fi‘TZUu
Please 0.1111‘3146 your root-1:1 21127111".1:111:16:.
1’11 1‘11 wvijpy,
/ // /' ‘ 17
, / ,FJ c, v
,1 J1 m 3
i (..11; 51k 57
Cozy; to
1).ii).i‘ield.,: £11011, '
‘.’1’hi t e :1“-111:1" J , .i'fjj .

 / 2 L) K‘» , ' ,
71/. 4 V V, r (’12 7‘ . \ / )2 a; j / , f: 7; , / J / 7/ ,2 2 , Ix, '
$1407, 0/ (WI ._, ,,./0,0”, . 74/ Hwy ////////zy
/, .1 , , ; ,
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.,//((s/M((7fl‘/-, C_/’/{7/77/////qe 7’
/ f
Sgt/tardbvr 18th , 1917:.
' / /7 ‘ ’/ 3
S s 110 HIV-i ‘L 5;; 011 ' }ZSlis , H 7 4
T )7‘7'41 '_“L ’ \ '77-." 7. ,‘ f , x
“CJLJUJHUL, 1‘.“ n < - ‘
De.r Sir:-
Refar to gun; lettwr of August 15th, rink reference
Cu innage to wagon or Honry Ccmbs, vjlfi 181, July 16th, 1913,
in which you ask For nt~tenent frcr the sect‘on may who say the
accident. I quotfi latter fret T. 3. Bates with reference thereto:
“This is a writtwn statemett of the accident
that occurred on $119 181 Jtlj 16th. Extra 26 was un-
loafiing sand nnfl they hafi four aarS PEG tiree of these
carS vere uhlonfiefl and :he car was in alout four feet
of the crossing and Hr.30mts undartonk to drive across
the crossing and just as axe mules got in the mifidle of
the track the train started to bark up, 9nd the train
struck the vayon nnfi broke the right from; wheel, 80 I
' d011"t tflxirfi: t1n1t tIV‘inerI t}uflxght that he uwn* airfijy; to
Ectrs truly,
[ZkyZ2TH13m F§34i)
I (:;/// I H]::;%/Lk)q/LKH
/ /;«CI 1 s ‘93". £35 .

 / / fl , , , / /
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»_ g I , ' w , z I L / 1’ I v
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.=‘:‘1Llfj'1173t 15, 1913.
3.7L: I. 1 -' '75-‘67 L'r‘ 1‘ ..
"Faint-f9! : y i ‘ “ “313,317
7.30 72:: :1 {"176-7: , 7:13;? L
1-: “1 .
‘:«t: 3’0?!“ "‘,.' '.‘;g. :'. ".‘"1‘] ' 7.17.??? 12'-trilog-
3.331; C;“‘:‘>Z.f‘ 7'7a::2.~:1:; i; i. L“ ‘ ;«i‘1 I.. i . 7, ,.' of 301114;?
Omaha’s art: .1”-TL: ?.‘T‘Cf. :3:; L ' ',-. ".':: ' T,'-‘:-;:':':: 1v?" eve-7.77171 1‘
natNew ".2":- ‘f; ~ ': 73.7} 1 2775]}; sf 77c.-
Sc}. ..:‘3273 7:22:23.- e;::.‘é,.'” ':Iz: (15.-3:;; :77-..;"? :1:” 1:7:1: 12" 'T"..:‘.;»_’ (.L': 5.3.2". 7":111'1 '
but LT:}’1_.2.;:.‘ :70 'LL;?‘.'7; 2.7:: . 1. Ti 1* . $ 73‘.:"- TILT}-
ter -1 tux-5;). '.7-.13 731'. ".';_-_-_',1;,5 g; :.'-<37: 7.17:9. it'Q-“Tfif-‘I‘v. 177.117.
J.J“ E ,. .: '1 :7
reg-7733151 ‘L'-.3 it, 1:13 -7 .‘.: '2 '1". *‘;.:;. ".711: ~"‘:;1:‘;‘.-;3,
‘9‘: 'r 67) 1 ‘ 1
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l /,,“‘ , ,4 W _,. ) /’\) 1 s , '// 1‘..7_ ,//
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“ egéozmw1K/CQQ&Z¢?’
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,/ _ . ‘ :-,/cwzyyowm, //;
. ‘ 9 l t ., ”
‘ CLlaQfiifl/Z’l .
1 , . August 14, 1915.
. A,“ g U f“ .
2 ‘ , (,.‘
Judge Samuel H. Vilson,
General Counsel, File 1037
Dear Sir:—
Your letter of 15th instant with reference to alleged
damage to wagon belonging to Henry Combs. I attach hereto a
c0pj of a SS report as made by Confiuotor J. 3. Dunn covering the
damage on Kile 181, Jul? 16th, 1913.
It is V? undersfsnfiing that Tr. James Hall, who had heard 0?
this aocifient while traveling near Whitesburg, ascertained from a
Jr. June Day, who sold the wagon to Zr. Combs about three years ego,
that the value of such wagon woulfi not exceed fifteen or twenty
dollars as it stood on the day of the accident.
There was no damage or injury to the mules drawing the wagon
and only one wheel was broken.
Yours truly,
, ” T r . J/L/YE‘L’
b/f We: (3 0)
Ali-‘7’, of
L../gi‘fif’ ,5? I
' WEI." 3 m ,XX
3‘ W.
. #“fi;¢ 1

 .. V I. - ' ‘ I ‘ > > I I * ..JRM 53~RevisedA1;g115t,1909. - I I i . i _
VIII . I'.I ,I‘ I I V I j I II >I II I.‘;I T I I .
. - . ‘ V . . ,- ' REPORT OF VALXJLDENEV V -V - . ' - V
Mile NOVWVIO Train NamVVVVVVVEngiue NCI.V%8VVVV _ . t$9mkflclgolt$. V.V..Zwl.,15VVclay (JIMVTVE§15~VV~191_
. lI. 'Kincl Of aIccident 2’ agyifififi—Wfifl“fiflfi%fifiiflfifiu' ._ VVVVVIVVV V.V. .VVV.VVVV ._VVVVVVVVV. V... V .VVIVVVVVVVVVVVVV VJV V _V V I ._..--..___;____ IV
2. Speed of train; engine or can"? fiwifiw Miles .pc:- li:E.;ma§.l'0 10 0411‘5- I I - v
113. Time track was cleared';?._.VV._VVV8.¢20VV&.‘E._VVVVV.VV VV VV V .. V.VV V .. .V. . . i .. VV VV V VVVVVVV .__VVV VV.VVVVVI.V-. VV V V . .
. . 15. Supposed cause of accident, with reason for suppositiozi'?wgg!gu leggfim gravtg; Mngggflm;g 181V _.
- “Mfmiiimmmmmfitmfié Weregisnfiim rizkfmt‘m‘éfi” "
Wmam when mamfimfimfig flrova' Vin "232370.?‘nfmg"W"""‘""“‘“ V
memwmimngmmmwemg 213% from? wmei>~m~ ' ;
16. In cases of derailment or failure‘of air-brakes 01‘ couplers show: «(3) iziifietis and N0 of Car VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV..VVVVV. V_V_VVVVV V __.VVVV_VVVV
. (13) Location in train ?_;_V.VVV_.VVVV V VV V V- . Cats from engineV_VVVVV.VVVVVVV ..V__V_____ Cars from cabooseVMVVV W -
' (c) Name and style of apparatfis-..VV V . VVV V V V. .VVVVVVVVVV .V.. (Ct) (71:33.39 u‘! breakage or 1‘.-.1]ure.V___.;.V____VV___+VVVVVV_VV_V_VV _ _V V V VV
I- 17. >Geile1'al remarks or otIthr particulaVrIs not already Shownfihfi'mfi"”fifilihfifiififily argvfi ififrmg—fif» //».
V——ea ww—Vwa—wexra»mevingfl @.WW~~W€%>S~'%€%G 02$? >~:V>;<3l?r§3éiea%.>~§.!ias—-geei;;mnm_
I gun mm fliretly in from: 0:? me new we accident. I did mi}. V V.
_~ V] will: haul the above v-epm-I. 12 is [we and, cwrecl, um] I «(7121,! [I :13 i ' - V V ' r
' my mm: . . . ' ~ » ‘ ' f
A‘s}I_IILemygiflgwukwflw;VV___VV_V__ VV .V VV V V ,_VV_V_;;_VV_ “ v _ 1] WC’I‘llif-j/ Nu" ~I.IH‘Ig/w‘ng/ [U be It (:m'l‘u'l E'Ellm'f.‘ ‘ .~ ’
v (3cm nation 13- ' ’ V i . * . '
" 1 ' rekeman ‘ A’mm‘ > 33 :23 * * ' ‘
. I . . 'VVVV V {L V . . I Vi.. V V VV V V VV VV V VV . . VVVVVVVV _V V.V.-.IVV. '
- . (V) ,_.V V « v '
V I . .:ij if. “firm Ema. - - ' ' villfilfi ' ' '
. .' ()t'cbjmz’zwz V Brafliamm . ->. . - [MIAMI :;::rn’cVVVV _ IV . . ' _I II "M” IIIIIIW 79]” I

 ' ‘ _ > 5 -.I w. 4’ r. ..:. .4 ~ 5' I‘ ' :c ' 5 i' ' .
35.3 as. 2* 4 «'2 I "1'1 mm m» w 0 “fl "1'4 “i "U "I =3 -.
5:1: :8 7 :,d «aw It 0:: mo .’."? "2.2 ' w“ ~2 —: *1 m a: "" :3 :; '“: -- :_-:- p, 5
Wigwam-Haiku”25Méfigwgswfig‘gw‘wzrk :4 ' N m m m cm :.:z 3 4a cc: 9: 9’ :3 ,1. ', a
I‘Omd‘éafii‘zfl5'3§CZ~§T’EELDI‘~*1§S”3”?” “:3 z- :‘r x a: a- -= ""- ”' ‘7 CD CD
. ~3:.*=wflwam a a: m an pa u: 33 == =3 = 9.1.; .
. a-a.«-_,"~~g~m. w a 23 a (G 9- E; 2: a 22% ~ i -“
-sawinakgifoa:-n§§%.=o:.if~g2:22-21:32I = m a: m m o’ :2: r» .‘: -. 573
- mgfigmeg-«If‘sigvflaw-3:12:34gaz¢;I.I,—m..=.:‘l 1 3 :3 =5» :3 3 -. if; C) '- ;- m .
my ‘ z 1* . :35;.- «a L'.:gn‘,1~ ',:-*jm. 3 ‘L ‘ 1 . . : . ,.‘ 4
. 3 539:5th..’-'EfiSsgS‘kw5£§?23.5I‘~390§ I A i - 3 .5 ‘ «21;/m : ‘0'
—e~~ =w~ ”‘“-¢¢” I5: = ..2 kw - KI; """U
i=7:9*--8.s.2“ Q:~::.'‘a'5‘i3»:;' I I " 15.31,»..- 1n.. :
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. :."? :D 53 53‘ Bém "Egtazm, Q3: :‘7 4" ‘.'” '.1. 22.. ‘. -. ‘I 5’, £?---¥x‘a*
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%3=« 2:.“ * :i 52;.- sceisg: ms; -; - _ L __.,-
'c*:5 an 2 ....- f:‘:‘» *"I".~:‘Z::* E 255‘ : §~ ‘ ~ w I . co
gaze ;» ; 2; :3: 5:2”??? «:2 Sa .2 w. i If 3 .I x“ '
25:13 3‘; '3. @« m7. :25: “‘,: o; ”J.:.: 1.: 1 ; 1*
- 71,9; ”1,, g y... ‘..“. ‘79-; S" ”tic-5:51: ‘3': ‘ - 1 i 1 f: .
., 33:3: 5:. 2‘5- 1,5- 53; .47:- :33 mg» 5?.. !g; i : I 3 . . i .,,;a '
  *::"; :’:? .2 3.3. 3::; 22:25:: .:.?- a«.5 51;: : 1 , 1 r g I ; 3.1.22,
- . -;)x)*~<’.r.*‘ " T 5r) " .11)‘ '.:ri - '
. . 1 in Extra. OB fixii LN J L 1“}. 1‘ hi ().ix 5 .-
- Colwi' or .
. 18. Name of persmn injurud'h. .. .. .. .-. . -.....-.-.Nutionaiity ‘.’ W..-w . . ..Rvsicicnczo '3 .. .._.-... ,..-h ..,. . . . '
Married " Employm. Pabsscnggr .
19. Occupation‘3.-..__-_.._ _ -._ -3 .;. -.. ,. .. . ..._...-_..-or single ‘.L. .__ -- .,. .. . .»ng.: ‘.’ .. .. . .. .3.-J» neither? . .. . -. - .. .. ..
L 20. Nature and extent of the injuries ‘2_. _.- __--_.- ‘.._-...---.----.- . .-. -‘-. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ,. -, . .. . . ..
;{5 _ 21. What was done with and for tips potion ‘P---. -.. .. . .. .---_---_-- .. . . . . . .. . . - . . . _ .. . . '---.- '
22. “That does he say us. to the causc of the avcident. «.».-ment of his injuries, and pzwnhniiiu 3: 1115111 0:" inns; in: V.I'iii he Liisablul? A,..... . .
23 \‘Vimt was you}: pub-itinn xviih nospmva :0 (hr place of tiw :wcii‘u-ni 2* Hwy; :‘:11‘ "-.’.‘C1‘() you {turn *::EiI-ro it occurred ‘.’ Did you see in? I .
I 524.. How far was Lhe nearest street: (»1' road (fussing from 121nm: of ut'z'idr‘ut 1" . . . . . .. . .. -..-._ - .-. -. .. .__.-.-_...- -
. 25. If accident occurred on puhliz‘; crossing. state: \Irhhthur whistle ‘.‘.”a‘i :zmmdmi it!“Ili lung continucmsiy for C1“.J;El.‘
..th'l'nflnfi .....-- I,?,,AW .§_ - ' ' , L.’-... ,1 I’CI'ti/‘j/ UH fin‘ryniny It: hr (I. (‘ru‘wvl ,~(.-/m1'l. '
' UCNI/HIUOH, . - - , . ' . . . -
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« ()rjrtlljmlzunw.... . . . .. . . .4 3 .. .._- }u‘l,»<.n{,- mmh. - 5 , . HIM- .

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