xt73bk16mf8w_530 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [373] Concerning Willard Lodge in Perry County text [373] Concerning Willard Lodge in Perry County 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_53/Folder_6/2211.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_530 xt73bk16mf8w IL)‘*I‘J"E£2‘67
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'- — . __ x: IN YOUR REPLY REFER 145
i.1r.Sazn'l LISA-’ilson,
Counsel, Lexington,xy. .
Dear Sin
fieferrinr to your letter a? tln Ldtl inst.,ralative to amount due
Er.JnO.C.Iapior for services in connection Tlth securin~ Ceed from Willard
Lodge No.201, H.0f P. in Perry Count;,Ky. for right of way covveyqd to
the L & ? Railway.
1 ‘fr'ould advise that :."our lattaz- 9;" "ae‘tfldtin was sent to tlze
?eal istate Dayartment, to atlar wifik deed Tram‘ illaxd Lsdge, and was
inadvertently filed. I have sacured th“ carreejomdencs in Connection
with this matter and have today pa sad voucher in Favor of Ir.Ka§ier,
addressing it in cars of'"oott0n & Iorgan, and ha will probably receive
it in the next day or so.
Yours truly,
. / ////x 7’ 7 .
/ - , K '1 ’j I.:/pf
XI 5VK¢4V {”‘k/ /(7
, K ' ‘- . fl! //
hlef weer/»..: ,

 ".§ V
I November 24, 1915.
iii)? . . H. C ourtenay ,
Chief Engineer, 5 & H R R Co.,
‘ Deir Sir:
neferring to my letter to you of September thh, with
which was forwarded the cure deed executed to the 3 & E by Hillard
Lodge N00 201, K of P., of Perry County, and also bill for §l5.00
rendered by John Ca Napier for services in that cennoction, and
which bill was approved by Hootton & Morgan and myself, I now
herewith enclose COpy of a letter of the 30th instant, written me by
Hootton & Morgen, together with the letter therein referred to from
Hr. Napier, Will you, at your convenience, kindly have this claim
put in the Way of payment, and oblige,
Yours truly,
.33 /£1.

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8 - 8- 14.
It is ordered by the Lodge That E. D. Campbell, M.C.
Hoskins and 'l‘. W. Couch, the Committee of Willard Lodge No. 201,
Shall Sign the E R 00. Company a new Deed to the old Hall site,
which was sold to the Lodge by John ColWell and wife.
J.C.Colwell, K R S

 .., ,
Yerkes , Ky.
Sept. 20, 1914.
Mi. Balley P. Wooten
Hazard Ky.

Dear Sir:
Find inclosed orders of Willard Lodge No 201. W232 is a correct

J.C. Napier.

Pleas have Mr. S.M. Wilson to send check as soon as convenient


The Committee composed of T. W. Couch, E. D. Campbell
and M. C. Hoskins appointed By the 0.0. of Willard Lodge No. 201
K of P, at Yerkes Ky. to make a deal with the R R 00 about the
Lodge Hall, Reports that they have Sold the Hall site to said
R R Co. for Eleven Hundred Dollars and reserved the Hall for the
Lodge and Received Draft for same and the Deed to the R R Co. on
Dec. 26- 1910.

Second order was made Aug. the 8th 1914.

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» ‘ .Rl‘furnvgaz at inn?
11's; 2111:1113: 3*'::_',s;;.~;;‘s la. : [9.16: ::s’ili i0 3‘27"—
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. "/1: '7

Lexington. Ky..
September 16 . 1915 .
Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, _
Hazard. Ky..
I ’ Gentlemen:-

I ackowledge yours of the 11th with regard
to the Willard Lodge dqed, and am vary much gratified to
know that there is a. prospect of our closing this matter

’ out at an early date.
V Very truly youra,
SEW/FER. Counsel.

Afiuruvgtx ;It E11111
v .‘, , _‘_. ‘ _
—— 2 74
%%m K ’7 / /ofim<

Lex‘fi fen. Kéwt;w%y. .
Smurf-err}??? EL, 1915),
Masars. 'orffifi T for wn,
$$1anrfi , }Qy. .


I '“i'x' ‘azi‘ ‘.': I :63 "\:"s“ ":-1:* Hz‘ .”“kt‘
€773, “w R 1' F n:5r 31-3" 3vr?cav! 30 ?2x7* fflrfl 'nlra 'W?é* ‘From
Villfird L0??? EC. 01, V. of P. +a £39 1. 3 V. P fil'wv Co.
iii! 7:0 “F \r7fi'r‘ r 3”?“1; ‘ ilf’. ‘1??? 1'? I ’7c‘ 710‘ 1 0:7 5"? yr #1?“ t "313’
2709‘." in 7 "3771;?31.) *' ‘F : ’,r‘; I“??? 7?": , I 7» "'32? ”:0 “war that
the Jon” 3913: in hri‘i*°‘ i’i? fiTit‘? tc n ti fflitory
3Pfl?1U?§On if fi"3?b3“t‘” in arvafi? any“ pvéjuiicd or fli“3r©dif
fir 0?? a? Hhth 0? us, v” ctcrfl‘v 1? I 3 V“ t0 ““V fiDU thfit
.YDII"i73,rze—oé ‘r33*7 5*1fl7 w": 3* 1 r7# '“if%fl'* vi'>7 0F "‘flvifirrr
3*i7 559d 2101*5 by, fi'viw7rfl“ 7?* CT 3 For‘ {F'z first if G:-
tcirrr. On rm: 3:» t “ri'i', 10 Eiwxrzrd , I rh“*rz 01M: TYV7 3 ’Ft 'titll
yak? it?30?r7phfr, Ti‘fi Coliins, v v‘10rrrdum 1H0”ifi' flhg Egr—
iiculqr d F aim 3w tF‘ fl“efl r*1n?nfifl' to bw dorrectéfi. With
t7i3 mwvorwnflum h TGV‘ you. I €131 Fare that EFé my orrfli to
h* a]? r Th? five? furthfir vciior 9? n‘=ds to %‘ tfiFén. Unfler-
stand. that I rvifv {Pit 131%“? 5? r0 firirit of writieisn,
but effiplv hwcnw a UV FF “wrrwfit 6355T5 £0 3?030 tfia fifi5tfir
out. Noyin” to %rwr fror way, I If

'V?Tf ir‘Ev vourfi,


Thc‘:lfiod_s.e ojrifitmfillv filVZWl wefitlfited
Ananet , l 13. it be“ Rood Stride TOW, tho
de931 is writt~n ”Gt? flat of-;;§: lull”.
._'“: ~ ::;(,=-;,.’i:i..:l'ju. “To .12.: "T'ffL‘fiiv' '- miter! I (it
01: 3;;,.3;g :IL, 1.75;, _;. 1 ,:i ;:tft “9;.Lo flied. 3QAlJ3
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UJL-L.CJ.L3_‘.1U'_O;' pg ,‘(J'fim 5 ,, 1.'} , ‘,‘: ‘.’1..‘.J.._..le.,.:C -’;". J._:LQ
be eorleoted to e21;:lx 1;; ya. L-ui ;u Jotutlly
1 Que deed is eiTnefl hv ”3. . Couch, Com—
zffii tU*EQT13Y)  'xv . . - ‘~ " ‘ *~ — . e ' . w v ,2 - 1
/ ;:.: LLLV ‘.m.‘ '.7-7:, ‘., 14‘; ;pLg ‘ ’_I; t '.L.‘ ._'.ihf’l ..:OLL C "x 1'.".‘.filOfl
the raeoldtiun digechmg Lie JLCQLKLUI J? the 01d
\,L,\,.‘L. LJ_-_ _ UL, [..;-1",.“ .V‘) , ,‘-./_‘; , .‘J .-o - ._za ..»C- _L__- my u ha“. y
was adonthd.
I; !I
\~ , , \ :.. ._1 ’7.: m «,.‘-_,1 Tm- ~
‘.'fl 1 , 'C' '.: O _, ‘ ‘ ' ‘1:. -‘_l; WU. ‘\ O. {'." 1‘:/2C5. Lyle-P}? 9 ,
3.31sL; ‘j.0 ;1_L 3;: L;1:_::f;>£ Jen; :Z;.Lc :1? t7:? 7;'1 ‘JEILE a3£
—fif; Lc!:® rt "LML ?i: 5:73W*Loi ?? said We: deed
, A. ,. ,
;/// 74/: ,y“-‘>r«,
W.§ acb’)risedc Q73 ': ' ' ' "\ ' v :1 ’ ,‘i
;1, ‘ 7": Lo ‘ ‘ 'r 1"" t
{tip b let Che El 1' go: dgte 01 page 4
emgve ,LgL1013fi, ; ggafi fri;:‘j g: c is Tolwcll
or. ,.-- 7 ‘- ’1 -~_., "‘ ~. ..,..I* '.. .~_ '1“ ,3 _d_ 7‘ ,3. . 1
1,2,); . ,‘.:‘LLC, ..LJ_ J_L (J(V...‘,..‘.\. <>L\\:,— .L(~ ‘-’_ .L. L $4.4 CW. 4. ’ {$761.
at Lee edgucne?; gt 0: the deed Colveli‘s name has
been utriekon out, and tie name of i. C. Egpier
substituted, &fld at the same 'laee on page 4 fiprflIS
t1” ’3 _ ‘,. . . 1') LL], ,7,‘.“ C . 1,1 r] 1‘ .:‘ _‘ ,3 .., .:‘! .'_1, .‘:) .,_dc
mu adme ow LJlev n. :uuc , es L¢.pp; 0; Lee Luce; u
and seal, Whereas, at the com emcement of the deed
Coueh’e name has been stricken out and the name of
‘ ( .,- _ ‘ .L. . ” . ‘ ‘ .
J. C. Colnell substluuted. The same onengee made
at the commencement of the deed should be repeated

 on pafe 4.
7'4. ,........_1‘ .11. -1 1 1‘ “J A “1.311,: ~:-
1. 1,- : ..._): .1... 1 11.11, 111.01. Lv l11<_.111UJ.1.1111111111
attachofl t3 the new aacQ fK‘f f. D. Campball, I» C.
Hos ins, 31d 2. U. Ccuch 17:: LiifiGIiZBd .9 com—
//.» .. .- .1... . .. 7‘;- 'v » 1... 3 '1‘ .1 '1 .., .3 . - ....“ ..' -.. .1 ... .'7 .. , .1
111:11< : ~1._ ..1;.1:111 ......11 11C :1..11 1,..; 14,“! a ~1u1.
;Eifi mngowandwx is icfiufi :‘WCL L, 1315. 1.,: ' .1
Ti if 15 {L0i”lf TTOU“? 23G name of
Coach Li 3% he ;1dcu a. 1?; co 13105Lcn7 of phe
/‘ deed inu hiv Si flF+JTC afli acizsxinfi'3mcnt filsreto
v170”1u T0 war in.
1;‘ :3 3 _ bu*"o 2:0:L:d_ cl: H;xxs- ag1u 1303ire<3tj.01ls
c :'_:;_ 1:213 33:11.. 31,/".1314.“ - , "3 43.55. 132:“ 1:711 will “':-€188
33:11.81? 9 1‘ 7311:. .':.“ icf‘n “1.3 0:17.711. 1:37:11; ".12."; <30:’1:‘1::r::1t to
11113;"; e '3;31e:1:=1:2j.11 0:.“ ;‘1r;e'i; . It? :7 .3 ”no: 5157. , 1113: 13‘1‘71', that
55030 nerfiipv umf'ba iniiced to {ibn anfi acknowledge
fiho fiogd.
11 . ' ..,.». - . ,1 1" : “1... . .1 _.,.1‘ .- ... :.. ...," .- ‘ .~ ,, .1.-.
’ ‘ .. 31.111151011 :' '. 3.1-1.1.»; Lro z _'1 L_LC .'. 2,, LLL 100 bud.
$0 the 135% 913199 03 name 6, b: innini viii the
woris "It is dLgtinctlT Ufiijrrfi:oi Fatfeefi 139 arties”
(vb cetcrc, :uu‘ 3ndin; in ffiis ssccwfi? line mimic the
..'. _- .’ ...‘ .1 ,-.1. 1
K/Oi) ‘31. 11,3513 70
" _ .3 ... “.,.. 1. h. j < . F 1. L;.. ,1 ..1 : r 7 .:." “ “.‘. .‘- .‘ ;
it 15 31004019 bmmb buy ulu ueeu o1 MBCCQDUI 36,
1910, from Willard Lodge to 11 L Q. was infiruEted to
“rm - 1 1 — * 1 1 11.1 11.. 0.9 1 1
n1. 0. C. Mahlflf, Depat. Cle1k, and an e11ort 5uoald be
.. , J.. 3. . ..,. 1 .,...1. -q .~ ~ 1 :1
made DU nave film 1¢Uu1n Lula olu deed.
m . . - . ‘.' 11 . .. -... ., _ .,
1he new deed and &btaCth memoxafldum ale now
, , /
1 .:13 - . ~11 1 713' «11.. 1 l/ // f/ i"; filth MOOLI'LOI’]. 1.10L53c1flo 3 , 1/ '
.// 1' I] / ~
/.' 7 ’ ’ 1'
7' : 7* . 1., ' ,V/
. nazard, Agatacky. 1%4é§%Z/’ v ( /49
/ w. ...‘—Wm~*— ~* ~—--»—-._..._:-.._m.nw_..__.__.__.__iw
August 19, 1915.. , -

45/ \
\_/ fl'/ ,v'/ t
./ /
\ / / ,
\_ /
'0 — ’o‘ — 14;
It is where; my the Lodge Slant L. _v. malpbell
O. Lilith {and l. Month, the g,‘o_;,;;it'tee OJ. ..'illizfl‘o
Lodge no. it'll, ~..3:all nigh c _.. 00. ”01.33811; 3, new deed
to the L316 L111 )-ite which 1.2;:- told to tin: 2-0!;570 by John
Lolxxell an Mlle.
cl. I. uOl‘nel; .Lto :.. Do


l , July 29, 1915.
messrs. “cotton a Morgan,
Attorneys at law,
Hazard, Kentucky.

_ Genticvcn:
with :‘t:'.‘-’_'-.;;'13;.cc.é to Lila in. ('.C‘ri"?:.‘:(’.‘:'ii ‘.l". ‘=.“i'1131 area“? :f‘:"::':. 1'.":4'. Hard

fingo no. 30; K0 oi P., after Cuxfiiul Search, I Eivé hail une is to
-fina any truce or my oxiyixsl Lila and still fluYfi 1 "nejieion that it

‘ may be founu somewhcxc flu0u§ you? cjficc. lou used net baths:
£12; t5u>i~ nfithrt ’it zit ;J:»2150r1t, ax; thle Isa taxrv -3:n; n:;i.L Jiit‘il. 1;; 1};1Tt
ti it to Linagd.

-' 7lng trulygwxunx
S;'fi‘.. :' /3,

HAZARD. KY. 57;: " 35',” , 3 ., ,
L V , n
43; :V‘ :‘ :
..'.M‘ :iz‘J ‘.. ‘, . :7, f ~ “
v.7 1i 7..-:.‘? " :‘L -1. ' ,. ,_ :11: V, 1 , 5 _: V
. 3. 7 ‘,X 9 -~ ,- ‘:in :, ,i ; 3:.-ti? ::’- I'
V..; .‘»; - 1.» ,'. ‘ V A 4‘. . . ‘ ‘.‘ .H. " . .“‘ ,-‘ ‘ '.L ‘ , ._.'
Ax“. .‘"; . V ‘.u' , g: .V ~ ; w LLL
:3." 1: “ j. : 59:4,
/ WI]
, fw- *4 ‘0‘ M iv ~ ., ' ' ~
(‘17.. ;,/U fl/ébk L L/‘ 'f (7’; / ‘

July 22, 1‘15.
Messrs. Wootto‘n do Mung-an, :‘::tturnaz. s at lac},
Hazard, K171117111 ci- 7y.
Gcntl amen:
Plums-:3 refer to your 1“; la in 57.011111021110571 with 6.9ch from ‘.'.-’illaré
7101’. 0 HQ. 20]., K of T, to L J. .:‘; ;-.§7.Co. for right 032 17157.3; 73.21:? to my letter
L to you of Jam: 21. lng, 1705.21713ng 35.1110 . I hava nct yet: heard from.
you as to whether 17:717. haw; in 5:171:17 i‘ile 151;; file {717 :.1 17:12:71: 01‘ it relat-
ing; to this m:bj:3ct £1116. {71375157018115 L112 <33-.75. crisinrzlly axesrfied by the
Colwells to Millard £10520 and by 111111371? define to the 21: :w‘ £37.30.
Mr. Courtenay is inquiring: 17.771011: the 31:37.7; Fond am“: i 7;;5171t to get the
12:13.1:7379 all together 1.711 1:13-7?; or: 1:;; naxt visit t—c: Hazard. I may 1.7:: 116119
sac with you to a calzcllmion.
Vaxy truly 3.7011175,

July 22, 1915.
W. a. Jourhnuwg Jag»,
Ghiof finginaer, L a N R R Co.,
.Zonisviilxa, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Replying to yours of the “0th instant (your file Ho. 115),
I herewith GHCIOSO copy of a letter of June 23, 1915, written me by
Wootton & Horgan, anfl my roply tharoto of Juno 24th, both in refer-
ence to tho execution of new deeé by Dillard Hodge to h & E Ey.Uo.
It has been a muttar of very cons'darmble Eiffioulty to get those
parties to agroefito not aitor having agreed. The fiesirod fiend, which
was prepared by me more than two years ago and iorwardna to our local
attorneys for attnntion, has not yet been oxgoutofi in a way to meet my
aoprovwl and for that reason I must ask lurthor tixm in which to havo
the mattor straightened out. The rcgular Auguot Term of the ?erry Cir—
cuit Court will begin on the Second gonflug in August uni, as I expect
to be in Hazard Euring that Zorn or the greater part of it, I hope to
be able to have the new logd put into mrooer Shape. Just as soon as

VHS-2. .
thf’t is ("011e, ("rue report \’.‘i 1]. be mafia to you.
Von; 1:111 1;] yours,
cues. ‘
Couns e3 .

 ' 5—I5-2287
..., _// - -,/,/ {5,. / / y .//«’/f) ./ (//
_li/fl/miz/M/é 1% c //2////// , ////////»//// C/m/flm/fy
Wk r/r/ [22;/y Zj/y/2/fl///~' o/ /2/://,1//(///%/}//
iii/M/mim/fl” Zy/ July 20th, 1915
Mr. Sam MMilson, // J, ,
i " W {"‘. ‘
1‘». 4. '. IV’ '-
( ,1
f, , ,
1 z
7 f
‘ .
5. r
, .

 . i x
‘. \ 2
gkifntnegs~ni~giaru g .x 2 ‘Afiyw’ 1
HAZARD. KY. l f; " _ m, C , .
K r s‘ dune no, lJlb.
J-‘I‘o quMMo uilfiOll,
lexingtou, My. '
pear tir:
Lnolosed 11nd deed Lrou Millard lodge 1201,
M. of E. to L. a l. Mailwgg do fang, ;or riggt oi may.
ElhlS deed is signed h_ all Ego garxies except oohn
adoluell and xiio, who rozgpe to sign. WM; have a dcoé
‘ 7_wmowmth
:irom them Elam Le tlink w;ll cover ;Lo elvugtion, as
these parties node the deed to ;;o lodge Lor filo lot.
so also enclose you bill a: Loin o. gagior
ior le.OO. Napier took the aCUEOWlthemLHUE lIOL these
parties and helped to get it throuén filo lodge. 40
also a LiStGd in mhe ;oruor flood, WhiCh we secured ;rom
tits lodge , one no "521111;; that Le i;;;-.L’- Game c1 Jule 9.1.;oun'i; .
Lory truly yours,
/ ’ , 9 fl'flcf‘f/ flu
, / x g/ u.
/M f/fzt /
_.‘.J: I' / C /

 ‘._-git .
v -. [fl .
) SGT.
a) 0m: {1233‘ 03‘ 3:32am, )
I, J. P. bombs, Glerk of the County Court in nnfi for
the Jounty and atete eforosela, do certify that on the cflnd
flan of Aufiuet, 1914, the ioregoinr ueed of conveyance from
‘Tilgfihrd hedge EC. 801 of the iniflhts oi iytnien and others to
the Lexington a Bietern Leil”ey Company was prcéuced to me in
the Bounty\a£or said wnfi thereupon duly acknowledged by
I; x t ( :..‘": .3‘ 'z rviyr
‘Garfit”fielwell, Gnrneellor Jemunnficr and Shiei effiemr of
‘;iiLlizurd vrod¢?e 4%). £10! , iuiijflztf: sif Lyifliizx3,, J. 3. EligieiLl,
hooper oi Leoords and Jeni and ieeretnry of enifl Lodge, enfi
‘.;. 1). '.Ezirgjohell and in, L). 5i:>el::ins, ‘.;;orgfzmre of 323.316 Rouge, {:..'—3
Committeenen and frusteen for “an on hohuli ei Tillieru Lodfle
;;o° .JOl apf ifiie :Jli flats; Cf fifthixisg 'Lt be 'thrfigr saot zuifl (iooéi
and the net hnfi deed o: Said flouge, an: at the gene tine said
fieoa was duly acknowledged by oniu Tilliard koaee EC. 301 of the
>".‘ ,« "'3 ,‘.") .J_ ' .
'1 . M ‘ . .. .. 4 .7 ~ I ( ., 1. {.V‘ ' {it} § -" .». I
Afllflhtfi Cl rythias, my and through the microeeiu nrwey=uolwell '
PM, i r -, -' ..‘-. ,i., . ,1 ‘ r . w r? '3 n » . ‘ __. r _
oneneealer wamundor gnu 3 lei uiilcer, J. Ga Golwell, keeper
of the Records nhfi deal and Secretary, and 3. D. Campbell and
' L. J. flankin3,3 embers, and by 9° T. Gouoh, Sornittoemon :nfl
frueteoe for said Budge. to be the not and doea of said Eoflge
'end at the Game time Gain deed of conveyance was uohnowledaed
by John Colwoll aha Selley Col ell, his wife, to be their joint
and several not and deed.
In testimony whereof, Titnoee my hand as filork of the
Eerry County Sourt, this tame any of August, 1914.
Clerk of Harry douniy Court of Ky.
, ‘ ,‘.

 n ‘ A , 1
“~ ., ' ., . .a
.\:‘\ \ . 43,1 ) -
« ‘ ‘ h I t
| . \ 1 ,» ,
'5 ~. . '_ ' " "‘3"
.. , . . ~ , akin,
, - . , '5 .~ (:"-
.« ‘ ' “\J
'. ~ - . ' ‘_.,I:
. . . .-x.
‘ ' . . ' . . ‘ . _ . ~..:
. i ‘ I
‘ ‘3
I "

 ‘.‘, IE“'L‘. M )['(AN
‘ Ewoo::oor:4 & Mkodres A N,
Afton-11 vys at 17:»1111
HAZARD."Y‘ May 10, 1915.
‘ m9? H , If!
Mr. S.M. ?ilson,
: Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
We have finally secured all of the signatures
to the deed from Willard Lodge #201, K. of P. to L. 8c E.
Railway COmpany for right of way, except John Colwell
and wife. John C. Napier, who has been looking after
this for some time past, and who also worked up the other
HT. deed,which was prepared by you, to be signed by officers
if] of the lodge, brought it in and reported that he could
.I not get Colwell to Sign it; that he wished to see us
5 before signing. We think he will sign when we see him.
if Napier wants filgzggwfggalgoking after this last
“4: E deed and théNSEH;;®d;;, which we think is very reasonable,
5 and h0pe you will have voucher issued for him and send to
5 us so we can deliver same.
i ' Very truly yours, Keg
)4sz)? ' ' / 1
BPW/c A,

 \ W‘.
. April 28, 1915.
Messrs. Nootton & Morgan,
Attorneys at law,
Hazard, Kentucky.

In reference to dead iron Uillar& Loage, Z. of 2. KO. 201,
to 3 & E Ry.Co., I trust you will nofi take offense if I remima you
that February, 191?, makes two years and Tehruary, 1916, will make
three years.

Yours truly,
31.2127 a
V ; .

Affn 1'11 1‘11 .L.: at *Lzun'
;,.arm; 9, lulu.
.‘.‘.l" . u o 4.; ...-3.1301] ,
lax-11133011 , .
Lear Dir;
Yours; 0:" C: 4t}; ‘..':‘cl; enclosure relative to (lee-:’,-
:Lrom ..i :3.1-d .'..‘OC‘LES ;..‘ch to l. :’ y. received. ..0 Lave
110w Brocured the signature 0:: -:ll _r_‘r:3.1“o:'1e13 to 11.15: (‘eed
V.. ‘- ... . 4‘ "1 ,‘.A l . ,_ _
b t -.,e 111116 110“ WW axle Lo get '1T;;€: seal 0; “cue 100.38
1 ‘ - _ ..4‘ l‘ .. l .g ~,‘ ~ .. ~ V, .. -.,- _:‘ ‘,.
..1’/13.060. on lb. ..e Lem $1-8 owea Lou; out w he locie
w“ ""‘ NW“"““”~:-P__v;—v..~. ' 0* my", Hy,fiflfi__fi.__..y .:;n-»JIt.‘~-'!w’n“--h-»~~r.~:«1: :--:.::~'::°~~r \&
.1. 2,. - .4». F. _." ”‘. , " J _- ‘ .. 4 A .. w- x «',.,.+ V. ...'
no ;-ayewgte vaillglk‘tg’QQ v.1 _LJL: .-._..t M, 31. ue um” me ..111
. q. , 4 '4 ~. " Aw . . mug. w .1 . -L' ._-. N .
110a lecelve :LU; LulOlG -J{1LLLLUEJ, :1:: 1.1-8 gully e Seal
' . 'k-v \' " -—‘.. V '1. a ...».‘I —"~ .. .. .-V "l. " ".' .5 . 4.‘_ w "-
1t Lg; Suli: b.2115 Le w.0~.;nt the jail]; iLOinLJg une ceal
J. .I. 1._, ‘ , 3,. Y ‘ (.._, .... , " '1- .., w ,', - J- .. -~~..1. ‘.‘ —¢- '
1,0 1,151; locge .13 .1.../:14 .2110. ;.e ..oulu ..01. 19111411 mull
”mat 91.1.16.
.”0 ~".' " ~~ ',‘ #17"?
...,19, wall, -1.-.,
[”7 ,7 . ,, .v , ..
1"7 I. 1 '7 ‘ '- , , 1‘
r’l/ '/  " ,/,' ,.. .
’ y/

 '- .. , Q7 7 ‘_2 > . . .". . . /
.:' 3 .. . 3,3 . ..J- ' - march 22., 19153.. .
n . - V, : >
l- 3 ._ I »:iessrs. ‘.'Jeottoh- 6%; Ecrgan, . 2 ’ ’ . I I I
. ~ Buzzard, ‘i2'2ntucizy. I .‘ - “ '
I Sci-21‘5”}. far-zaa‘zi: I ' I. I I I '
2 1' fi:;i'r.>‘;2‘:fi;':-., “Lt letter 0;” the ”'3::-I: instant; from the Chi ci‘
~ 3 . .3 ,firig‘iuner r22" {Tam-9‘02;motion... :2.-31th on site-2.:?‘3'zar3‘; 122':'.':sir'7212‘3ijz'z 2.::32522313 22:22:22
:31:“ 2":Lzrc'v; 233216., “('3::)“? it). 232 1232?:".5’ 1.121352, 5333532275. :93‘3““22"‘§T€’ 1.;”?2'1352 in $137533” 2
. . ' . 23-32233 to the. 22.22.2322: <1 red '..‘ have been .2.“;271‘21.“ ‘3;-:2 o‘223‘3.:‘.::"‘2 ‘_‘777,F_£2.'C23
.- image $301, “21' <71" 34' '3": ::.-223.; ',2 .2.: 32:22.2.‘222'2, 33.323.“- 52. 23%.. of the right— _
I ‘ «3.2”.4-2‘2-723 0233' tile #31342222252:2.23.31, ;"zfxz‘mw 232222132? truffle»: aim; of ‘Té.et‘§:2:3:.'* 0:? this '
.. . amine 227i533e21423.;~‘ “ ’ $232 "73'” in 21'523121‘232‘2 ::2 this ‘.':at“: 17?, ‘
V . 51.5.;122‘ .1 2:22:11 .:‘ y:;2.ri.~21.1i:2 this 3332:1{:“23,-:—>:? 213222.32: once. 1:313: ,
" . »~ it 1275:1313"; .23.? 3:22.325 ::ihf‘pr: 33.35.5033 3:2 an:‘aa'fili‘sict't? It '-"’*~3?C?"l'-'i .
I ' .2.;32522‘52 2.3321»§‘22'~f; ":22 ":m :3: 222.213. to 1172-1302;: to ’5‘-321225.212 31:22- r‘r-cs‘fmi"..:;."23123‘55 I
3-22'2; 3.1m}: ii tin-::2 .12-532743.32? 2.512‘232 paissi-sx‘ in '11.“; :2. I ihs (iced.
I .1 ‘2': 2: ‘»’ “3::; 5.9213323.“ 23.52:" ;vw 135.3?" ‘.‘-.73., 1532321302}? {.23 723: "t::‘<:'3‘-.'.2'..?_,;7 the '
. " .:‘:~:.23.2.3;—i;_ 32:22.22' 231‘. 22:72 1272‘:.i";, ".13.? it. '22-32 to 22:; #1122 2.2.1:: .‘::-32"? 63212.“.2'32tc'ra1 .
3 I _ 322312 252:2 :.;.2'2:2~.‘..2 2.“: the 2922223.»; 3.31.25; . 13c; 530232232 - 3
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7 to. “2232327122, reusing" 222.326 :2./.51:? 7131‘ that; you :3'2‘1‘22'22232- “ “’ '-"1"i+‘139‘21 13% by I
I; I 7 ' ,5..... :‘F.f'2.:'«.5'22‘-L3, i232 ‘ zed-222332.352 2':r‘."3;2{223232.212ii'322. ‘.’? £232.12. 2:5; “I“ 32.52%: _ ~ 3
. I ‘ , 32.337122?!” ;ifl'm'z'j‘ 23122222222232; If 7135'”: ~I . I '
; . . 3 I ' -. 3 I V o 1';: 4:271}. ‘2._): ymzz‘s,
I 02.223531, ‘ , ‘ , . ’ ' V , . ' '
.L . . . \ 3312;.zfll