xt73bk16mf8w_532 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [375] James Rader v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [375] James Rader v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_53/Folder_8/2464.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_532 xt73bk16mf8w 1 , ‘ - 2" 1) o - 5
' ' “ " 1 Form 182 . LAW DEPARTMENT a,
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY ALWW 51%,,1 ,__n, ”_,.._ ~ ———, '
' 'g B. D. WARFIELD, , , 1,1 . day of. ,5 5.2123021 ,, 5,191,161
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, Attorney L. 81 N. Railroad Co.
11H1‘i”1.Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc, etc. _ '
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc. >
. 3. In reporting a. continuance, state at whose coat.
- 4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and Whether

bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing. ' g ._

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mr. S. M. Wilsonl
Counsel,L.& LR. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
Referring to yours of the 10th inst. With enclo—
sures reletive to the ease of James Radar V. L.& 11.32.00”
Perry Circuit Court. Kindlyreturn the investigation papers
to 112‘.
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‘ / é 1 [(7/46/1/g/Z,./éfifi, Feb’y 9th.1916.
Hr. San'l L. Wilson, Counsel,
LéxingLon, Lentuaky.
Dear Sir:-

“n reguest of fies r9. Tootton a Jovian we sent Endley Jurghy
anfi Dave Cornebi to Hazard in Fek'y Srd, as witnuvies in the J&mes Radar

‘,,"ng vagina: ir-gfi H1 your 1011.117" 3 had the matter up f0?”
their attendance in Ieb'y ZSPJ‘
’:nirs trnlg. /
. R I .
19:1 - AM}?! ”A {JO
;JL,';1“1I12411CXBE . W
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February 7, 1”1G.

LIGHSI‘S. ‘.iiowt‘bon 4;“: Morgan, Attorneys, ‘
l‘ici:z£ifi.2.‘€ _ 3';: .
1»;. .'.' 1t “.0230 :1 :

l.i-:1‘JI’:’L“..'4.CC}L, ncte «30124;; 01' :1“; litter of the 23:33:11 01" «33.115113,
3";'i'.:to.r: no 33;;- 23:. i; s;:31‘.;.:::111‘:-, Snot“ in reference to }‘;I’.’:S<2‘f1t '.‘.33101’3-
nab-(33,1325 :;i 33333 Lay 3311:9313; and Dar-.'4: Cornott, witnesses for the Railroad
60.437731: is. tn“ suit of Fumes l-Lm'ier v. the Ggmpany, which you wrote
me has mean {1535;113:3103} for trial 0:1 3:443'233‘112;.rr32' 3‘75, 1‘331‘33.

33'an the 331210331333. you ‘.’:’ill note that 1311514.":y i'iurvhy
it: 5:13.73. 3.:: tim :_szzrt'iua.» 42:31.43 can be ;:0‘Jten 021 the 71:21.15}. raugzfiatiti:rx.':‘-.::‘d same to
lira T-ifcazjggeztuli, {3316? are ‘.;-ill :3:; (Boubt animate to 31"!‘3’E': .'L.11:‘-,:Zr1;,-’ 1336350113:
{2 an.) 3;;-9.11.,

Va 1 iruly ;J 011 235;: ,
53, 5::/i L
4;) 011112.331 c

b‘ebzrmmy 7, 193.6.
Li. Saargeant, $3311.,
;Supt., .iflfifi't<}l'.’1 3.:]. Elvis ion,
#:9512311; 1?. 9 A21" .
‘ Bear (air:

.23. line to {aulmowlefi;jcza ;,'01'2:2:':3 of Janna-r3; 1"‘6th, advi Sing
as to nremnt ‘.:};erenbwts: of 311651037 mummy am: I.‘-cure Cornett, wanted
as::'.'ii"z1->s::‘se:3 in. 1.31:: .'mit 8.1; Husarfl in ther: suit 01‘ James Rafi-.:3: v.
the Swimming. I an naiviitingr "‘.'Joutton Iiongnn :’.02’201-6‘aj ngjjy.

C.‘hi'z11‘:in.f; you 10:." :,’~r)11;:' ':"1"CY:§}‘)t z:-.t‘i;r211‘5; ion ’60 this, I an,

‘.'-'2 :33; t :33“. 3' ;:nm‘ S‘ ..
/ a
C 01111;: e]- .

 _ . .. no—I5~3260
'1: 3
.‘.‘ \ \'. i V‘
,.’ ‘-\’ ‘h, .."”
\ ‘ ;/// . .7Z/ézfl p/é':;// Zééészgj 2/7 :7/6/
' ////)///(/ "(21) /////fl ///////// /////%fl///
_, , Vfld/fl/w /2,€// xfl/r/y/lJ/z «aw/z.
- - -, ' .. ///((’// ,,./{fie/K/Mzkwaen/
eve/2f 16; , I ,.
; 7( »/ ' n
_ _. g ., .(W/4Q/t/tlzn (éfl'Jan y 46th.1916.
up. Sam'l M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
rour letter January 22nd, suit of James Radar,
set at Hazard 25rd, day of Feb'y 1916.
Dudley Murphy is in our service, but
we have been unable to 100ate Dave Cornett. Presume
you will let us have requisition on the usual form for
lours truly N
, x
/ U #1.," (.1 _ VILI‘ 9":{7N ’3
/// Superintendentfo

b- O f o

.w vsx'l a x
. é ,,.ig'itff. 3,;
i“ ‘ffi January 22, 1916“

M. Seargeant, isu., ‘ -

Supt», fiastern Kentucky Division,

Revenue, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:

I have an inquiry from Wootton l Morgan in reference to the
ease of James finder v. 3 & E, mending ii the Ferry Circuit Court, and
unsigned for trial on the 93rd day of February, 1915. This is a suit
for the alleged non~delivery of household goods, shipped by finder
from Krynton to Uornettsville on June 17, l 13, and damages are
claimed in the sum of o2i0.00. In a letter written me by Mr. McDomell,
former manager of the j d E, unddr date of HQVGmbor 1?, 1913, it is
stated that Cornettsvillo was what is known as e prepay, noh~ugeney
station and that this shiomont was carried on firkt No. 29 and un-
loaded at Cornettsville uithout exceytion. The Conductor in charge
was Conductor foreman, who, it epiears, is no longer in the service.
There were two brokenen on the train carrying the s hlp21'1811t, to—x-xit:
Dudley fiurrhy and Dave Corneti, and ii theso men are still in the
service or can be reached, it may be that their testimony will he
01 help to us in defending the suite .

Will you kindly investigate and advise me so that I can '
instruct hootton & Jorgen with r3feron:e to the handling of the case?
Very truly yours, ‘ ‘
31.37/51 ,
C ouns el 3


_ _ January 28, 1916.
Heser. Wootton & Morgan, Attorneys at law,
Hazard, Kentuckyg- .‘ '

I Gentlemen: I

Replying to yours of the lfth instant, asking for data
on tho case of James Eador v. L d E, which I note in sot for trial
on the 93rd day of February, 1916. About all I have lo a statement
showing that this ohlomont of hourohold gogds was carried frtm
Kryptou to Cornettsviile on Jun? 17, 1‘13, anfl that thoie was a
valuation on the shiwmaut of 95.00 per hundred. The train was first
No. 29 and the Conductor in Charge was Coufiuctor foreman, who is
no longer in the SerViCea It appears from my file, however, that
there were two brakomon, Dufiley Murphy and love Cornett, who
may yet be in the Service and I will write Mrs Seargeant, asking
that he look into the matter ans advioo us at oncos

In connection with this case, do not overlook the fact
that we are relying on the law as Bottled in the case of O o O v.
Hall, 124 8.1. 372.

AS soon as I can hear from Hr. Seargoanty I will write
you ago, i n .

Very truly yours,
9/ a
0 011118 (31 o

‘ Atturnvge at 11mm
HAZARD,|<¥ Januarle, 1915.
/c 1_ i .
except the pleadings. ;he ease is set for trial
on tne 28th day of the term, which ie the 25d day
_Q 71 .,.l p ., ‘_mwrf‘r. Y . m - i A -, ..’." '
oi rebrnerye— if you hete not tne iile in the case,
would you please have what information you een
—0 — "nu A 1 r, p. a V
iormaideo to me at Once, no tnat I may prenare
to get the witneeees.
Are you going to be in position to
go to Whitesburg on the 24th?
Very truly yours,
. I A, “7
, " ,V’ ,2“, < /r/,J/1/
€,/,r”,x/ I/ 1" 'L‘/U (I? Vv L
n ' 7 ’ H 1‘
o /\J / ,v’
/ ,
\ x.

B. D. WARFIELD, Lo day ..; be 0 81117381” [91 4
District ;‘(lorney.
In {/16 case 0}... . ;2' 9.22268 “52,61 e3: -. - vs. -.. L - <.. 112' . .:.:}.i 12751;] C 0172211 fl; - .
{/16 following proceedings were Izaa’ a! [116. . 727771, 191-
of 1116.. L.‘ iI‘CL‘Lii}--._. - _ Com‘z‘ (y‘ ferry .Comzz’)’.
L‘etition ;iled 91111;; 291 , lvlb . ullSWBI‘ ;L’iled
.ae‘ptember Ev , 1914, and tile case contimled
21232116 rally at one -. ovem'b er call . erm , 1914 .
MA; A ‘:\.\ 272/ .2" . '
[SIGNED]- // V15 517774.- 2 v ‘ ‘ ;2 2 2' ~'2 .
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
néa‘i‘"l. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at Whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and Whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

L ‘.L,"'.;.. "‘. 51';
.4 . .._'_,... ‘». '-: .. ‘ . _L L. .. , - . . 2
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