xt73bk16mf8w_536 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [379] Henry B. Noble v. L&E and L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [379] Henry B. Noble v. L&E and L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_54/Folder_2/2615.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_536 xt73bk16mf8w I ‘ - - h — t '\ 1' 1 December 31, 1§131 > L ' ”:
> Snags a, H. Pollaré, ' ' ,' . - _I i I » i '- t '/ 1
, I ' l ‘ Juckupn,Keutucky. , * V ' *H f .
. ; my dear Juflget' l - ' I “, A- “‘ ' it . ‘
, t i VReplying‘ta your letter CEchQ,BUth inttant in féfw . '
' . ' Grange-t0 the two finblb Suits ané other claims by the same‘plain~ - "
_ - / f. V . - H »'
tiffs not yet ih litigatiun, I have prepared an ggrenmant,-§eceipt
-’ aha Release tn be.0xuuutefi by the plaintifi; aha same 13 hnrewith
h » énelosad.] l alén éncldae a vnucher Ear $200.00 in settlement'and
" a vcuahuy'yceeipt t0 be signaé in the ugunl way. Qf fiflurfifig the - N
_ 'gettlefinnt will be a provaé by the plaintiffs? Sixtxheyn gnu this _
. ... .. 1 understané Exam you ;ettervui'thp 30th iufitfint nap 353;.urranged. I ‘
' . V 3:15. Hi :1 130 S711 -3:,1:;'{J 45g {1719.{16 55-013 ‘.;1 (212' 1,15% {111} 1336,10. 5:30 “‘3 {Th ”a: 31G St ipu— ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘
. ; latiaa that ftp uufitfi be haifi by the neiendunts.' ’ 1 h ‘_r~‘fl
' . - . Vary truly yours, _ > ' I
. .11.’ {.er 1 1 . . . _ . ‘
> ' ' ' 1 k I ' » I 1 ' ' 3 ’ 3511161539111 .' 7’ > _
."‘ i ~1 15 V '.; '..1/ 1‘, f', * ‘.‘ i M igat'fi

 _  ' . , -, .
' . ’ In your letter of Noyember 21, 1914, in reference to the‘ »'
a land suit-of fioble and wife v. the Company, you stated that since, ‘
» * the suit was filed, the plaintiffs had sold the land, obtaining a 7
. good‘?rice therefor. Unless, however, there was an express assign- "
_, ment, transfer or conteyanos tO-the Vendee of the right of action '
_ _ in the Hobles for damage to the land, my opinion is that such right -
did not pass to the vendee. It would be a good idea, however, before
v making settlement of this claim; to investigate.the deed executed ‘ _’
'by the fiobles, if it be of record, and, if not, demand of them that '
-'- they prodhcs it to yon, so.that you may determine whether they .
V undertook tc-aasign or transfer to their vendce the right of action
‘ ; against the Eailway,bompany asserted in the pending snit.f 0f
, course, if there was any such transfer or assignment, than we would ,
not he grnteoted by settling with the Jobles, but such settlement
would have to be made with the vendee alone or, better still, with
p the Robles and their Vondce, jointly. Be'snre to investigate this
" phase of the matter beiorc.closing up any settlement.
I . g '; Yours,&c. >
2. _ ‘ PIS. ”If? Elfiégi I \‘ ,.1 » ‘ / ‘ ‘
’ ' ;7“ ‘Hot havingiin my file any adequate descriation‘of the /- g .
5*.‘1‘53-730if’él‘7 BO‘FGI‘WQ 15;: $213.5? :53-770953113 from H9133", 3303018 and W118 j
. ,tg'theifigmpany, Isthe left a Slang space in Ehi enclosed. 11. ‘, 7.
. ’ - fifigreemont,etcg, which yon_will haze-to fill in iron the TGCOIGSA -.
~. 7” beCIl'G having the. fffiltfifliwrgb e:€_e3<5n_1.~tnie . _ ,. g , p 7‘
y; if _ . I V Yours,&c., W fl , .' V a p
, V / 1 ~ / , . ‘V , I {5.44:8 El " - .' T ‘ ‘ 1"}
'. ‘ é' x i If , ‘;" 1' ' ' , ,- ,v9
,i. ‘ a: J . . _ . . ,.'-
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1512:1223.ties rock, :1 irt, 12:11:22.5: 2:: 12,211.“: 2.12 Ii:21:2:r:?ri17.! we're Eileeted.
.1111". 223122.:22111 2.2.;2022 12.21:" ..'L:.:2:.“1’2 3.29212iz‘}.z‘273.21;: upon :2.-wil”; 212:2'2riz-2, 02; some part 2
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<::-:2 :':-era's .’ , 52.2211:
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