xt73bk16mf8w_538 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [381a] Harrison White v. L&N and L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [381a] Harrison White v. L&N and L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_54/Folder_4/2685.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_538 xt73bk16mf8w 1 ., 1 1
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H Breathitt Circuit Court. I
i! i
I‘ Harrison, White, Plaintiff. 1
. 1| ~ .i
I l
II vs. 110111011. 3
J L & E Railway Co., etc. I Defendants. I
l Cane the defenant, the Lexington & Eastern Railway
1 Company, and moved the court to make,the rule requiring the
,1 _m‘g ':- , 1’ .‘5‘ ’7 . .
31 plaintiff to verify 14% petition herein absolute, and to dismiss ’
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1 the petition for" want of' verification. , l
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Breethitt Circuit Court.
Harrison White Plaintiff
vs/ Petition
Lexington and Eastern Railway Company,
Mason and Hanger Company and The
Armstrong and Bragg Company, Defendants.
f The pleintiff,Harriscn White,for his cause of ,
action herein says that he is a citizen and resident of Breethitt County,
Kentucky and that the defendant,the Lexington and Eastern Railway C0m~
pany is a corporation created and exsisting under and by the laws of
the Ctatc of Kentucky and as such are authorized to contract and be
contracted uith,to sue and be sued in its corporate name,lexingtor and
Eastern Railway Company;thet Kason and Hanger Company is also a Corpow
ration created by the laws of the Ttatc of New York and as such were
engaged in buisness in the County of Broathitt and State of Kentucky
and authorized to contract and be contracted with,to sue and be sued
in its Corporate namc,thc Wagon and Hanger Company and that the defendant
1%; Armstrong and Bragg Company are a private concern doing buisness in
K Breathitt County under the style and firm name of Armstrong and Bragg
Company and that each of the defendants above named were doing buicneee
in Breethitt County Fentucky in the year I912.
The Plaintiff futhcr says that the defendents,thc
Mason and Hanger Company and the Armstrong and Bragg Company were on
or about the 25th day of September IQIZ COUiPHGtOTS and employees of
the defendant the Lexington and Eastern Railway Company in building,
maintaining and constructing an extension of a line of Railroad for
the Lexinbton and Fatern Rail road Company in Breathitt Count3,Kentuchy
and that as such they were at work building a lire of railroad track
3 railroad bed and tunnels for the defendant the Lexington and Eastern
Railroad Company.
The plaintiff says that on the 35th day of September
’ 1912 he was employed by the defendant Armstrong and Bragg Company,who

employees of the defendant the Lexington and Eastern Railroad Com—
pany and that as such employee he was at work in what is known as
the line Tunnel between Breathitt and Perry Counties on the extension
of railroad of the Leiington and Eastern Rail Road Company and that
on the 25th day of September 19I2 while at work for the defendant,
Armstrong and Bragg Company in said Line Tunnel near the entrance of
said Tunnel on the Breathitt County side,the defendant the Lexington
and Eastern Railroad Company by its agents,servsnts and employees,
so carelessly,negligently and wrongfully operated its cars and engines
in the line Tunnell by stopping its engines and cars in said line
Tunnel] and prevented a current of air from passing through said tun—
nell and filling said tunnsll with smoke,hot air and steam by steeping
its engine and cars in said tunnell,until this plaintiff who was
at work in said tunnell was overcome with the heat air and steam and '
. became suffocated and was prostrated and become unconscious and that
while he was in this condition and in said tunnell he fell prostrate
on the railroad ties and received serious and painful wounds and was
then and there seriously and permanently injured and disfigured in
his head and face and that the smoke and heat caused by the stopping
of the engines of the defendant the Lexington and Eastern Railroad
Company by their carelessness and negligence permanently injured his
lungs and that by reason of the wrongful and negligence and careless
management of the employees and servants of the defendants the Lexing—
ton and Eastern Railroad Company of its cars and engines and that by
reason of his serious and permanents wounds and the affectation of his
lungs and his disfugurement of his head and face as herein set out 0
he has been damaged in the sum of Nineteen Hundred Dollars($1900.00)
. Wherefore he prays a judgment against the defendant the
Lexington and Eastern Railroad Company for the sun of $1900.00 and
for his cost hereir and for all proper relief.
Cope & Cope Attys for

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Jackson, Ky‘, February 5, 1915.
_ Maoon & Hangar Co.,
Hoourity Trust Bl@?.,
Loxfinqton, Yontno‘y.
Replying to your letter of the 3rd inst.
rolotivo fio 3130 of Harrison Nhiio vs. ;rmStronq & Bxagg
139., Mason & House? 90. and . o H Railway 20.. Will say
?fihai T have Rev T roorésoatefl any of the dofenflomts in
‘ltgis cmfie greent fir fltrsla u Brow? Common? ami mv e”—
s ' v ..._. - —- .. ’ ..,
fiploymont for that lonpun; Jfl.fl throunh the Pidality &
{Cognfilty Jo. of How York under a policy )f liability
inaurlnce, and the Jefonso, which 1 have unfiorfakcn to
‘imako in thi~ case ha? beon no further tho; th relieve
l}*f ?iéxility a (Lug¢.1195=iowoaifirr)? itfi flflztics luzfl r its
. nolioy of ino . . .
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BePlYing to vaer letter mi ‘30 ”9‘3 ”‘t " "“”"“ “
_ L Ll l.., ,,l ell U;;w ugh“ L,/,.L 4., LC‘ \'.:L.z.'\.'...L;l:f x7115".
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“e l1».n inile Vuiuuu nweunmlnnger owners, will any finer tnis
caee io q+i 7 v~a 3mm «« Lug , u ' -3 +u» w- -*" " '
k~ v ~V«l~ Daddieb Ju bub JOCLGE ml ”re preaun1ft Circulfi Court
““i'r’wcf“, 1104371 Tar-n m...:.';»:~,-W ‘t -“ m- ‘ ~ ' ‘
LgvhukL Llhfl “WHO“ Awdidl go.i umu ind nexlngtou m E stern R“ilwu5
CO: :::-‘1'}. 6.571713 .1 Q if‘1 “71) 0+: ~ _- 'wa 3? ‘ w w Av 4“ , 4- " "‘ ' ..
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Xu W ]_ Ll OLTwlu mdLVlUG u: §30u8be upon your
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ROBT‘ d.HlLLAS,PRESIDENT ,/ /////y , /// ‘ /’ GEO.W.ALLEN.Assts:cRETARY
::EDo—F;Gig»?:;:/Edge'wcsipflsmm /' ‘1" /// ' // ’ CHAs.L.NEWMILLER,A55T.SECRETAPY
FREDFORCHT,AummaI ;QQ’. ”7 4%7
812-817 The Paul Jones flaw’lflt e, y” Feb ,15_19 15
, Armstrong & Bragg Co.
Sailer's Rest, Tenn.
Inre Harrison White
I an in receipt of your letter of 8th inst,enclosing copy of
’ letter from Mr.Gourley to you. In reply thereto beg to say that
. The Fidelity and Casualty Company has no policy of insurance covetng
Mason & Hanger Company or covering this accident. The azit originally
was filed against Armstrong & Bragg Co.,against Mason,Hanger & Co. and
the Lexington & Eastern RailWay‘Eompany,and we instructed Mr.Gonrley ,
our Attorney at Jackson,Ky. to defend the case so far as your Company
5 was concerned. We made a settlement with White and afterwards he
{ filed a suit and we have succeeded in having the case dismissed so far
:_as Armstrong & Bragg Company is concerned. If your Company had a
icontract with Mason & Hanger Company to hold them harmless and protect
rthem from loss that is a matter 311 which the Fidelity and Gaelalm
Company is not concerned,and I do not see any reason why the Fidelity
and Casualtr Company should defend this suit so far as Mason,Hanger & Co.
' is concerned. We have protected your Company to the full extent as
provided by the terms of the policy.
. Very tnlhr,< / V» ’ 1 / a)"
/j’,’ /,',r ’ 1/ ,’n
(\JéhjLC( \e/CTL/ k/z>

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J.L.CARSWELL 1 _, ,(x' 5/‘1v/W” 'ijjx‘ .‘ -,,, _ ,..
H.S.RECKNAGELiSUPEmNTENDENTS /’(/ ‘ " / F6311. 230, 1913-.
.1 ,. l ..
lETW/I [ll/1' .
.".. . .
W11 <3ka
130391315. Armstrong»; 1*: Bragg CO.,
mailer! s R 19. st, Tenn.
Gentlemen; —
113117.71? [1:30.311r 51' ' {1‘12”} .
we 11111112 .11-ad 131211-212 1111 our :1115111'11311 13;:' our Exawizier,
1.;r. Fred. Format, JrH at Louis» ille, 1151., 57121131“ letter 01‘? Lue lri-tn
11151.. to 1111;, m L111: move entitled 2-121‘t'uer. ‘,(e are '1113ritixg, 31311
\ ,3 ' 1 '1. --r~/§1~. '1 1 .»1“ 1' . . . ..,. ._.' .”,. ,1 . 1. " 1 ' 3 '
.1II‘t.CL 111 3111c} 13f) 4,111/11‘311 Vuml 1.1121111 11c: 1.515)."l)1..v_‘.:l.L;,-" 5:5371‘0141 13.1111 13.118
go~~11't;1or; 111:.- 1151s taken 111 "Luis; (:.:-arise, 11.113 1311111111317. 1.1 (1:115 le‘ctfier ‘LO
_ . “‘6' ,m‘. ",: . ‘KLA‘: ‘..,.“‘..,. .. ..1. . .' ‘ ' '

., 1 you 13. 1.11: lull; 1.130., 11.11.17355, 11.11121 0113: contract 13 Stanly 1111111
J'ou, and we feel ':nE'L in regard 111') 51111:: c.1155: 11111.: 11111113 full;
1);):';1‘.‘13r:1e11 :;vll 1:) f it s 1': 1'41 13,191 'i. 1'; 1'1 :5. '

. 1*: ,_3 11:1 .- ‘ .‘k.'._|. . r... .1., . n , . .‘ ,. A... . _ . .
VH, ”MW/t, HO anvftfqb 1.1;QL-IJO":\1";I' 11.11 ”.116. COLLtfHCt you 11:12:]
1‘ ,7 ._ ._.',1' 1., _.'. . 711‘” , 1 ’.'. ... I _ ‘1 ,1 ', , ~ _- . . ., :
11....1 c ..L1..r1 mm 111.1801. (1,, Hanger Co. , 07: 11.1112 116111113011 (1. 21391871131711
1 “r1 ' I "\r 1- . ‘1 .11 1- 1 ‘ - J- 1 1 1e ‘ '
11.c1.11~1.1._,1 ()1.). , 11111.1 are. 11131.. 111 1.1:: 18.11151, concerned '1.,r1c;':1:'1::. Under
1.1119313 1::1:1."1‘14"'1:31;"uncc<1, 1‘./1': 8131:: no reason 71111] we armld (3.3116130. our
. 1.’ .. .. 3 ..,. .,,.. ,...1 . I .V....” .1.. . T .19, .1. ‘1' . _.' 1 ~1--
90.1. 11-1.1 (311.11111.1.1. to J -.11, 1a 111::11:1:11u1.—: 1.10 (21111113.? um: 3111;171:301"; .‘. Hanger 130.,
‘ ‘f .1 ",3-i .. . "I.»,.r;1~; ,1 .1,"11.1»11 ', 1 1 ‘ '
or .m. 11- 3111,1131- .,., 111.131.1131 R1,..1l1'1141‘1, Cg. , {Jr} .1131»: pI’OLECLé‘JQ your
‘1..1.11,.)a1-'111 1. '. "3 ~’-- T "A" ‘ .-1 H" -' 1"“ " ‘
1,3 1‘ 1, n 1,111. 1.1.13-1“ 110 1.113 e. .1:-211:, m 1111.1,» 1016311 my 1118 terms
01. 11-1.: policy. Yours vary 15:" 1‘1
/ fl”? "“’
9‘", J'// 1 (F
1/ s1 2’ // 1’7' 1.4.1
1 ."j‘w. . .'1

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/ / , /
: /' ; 1 f C,E.SCATTERGOOD,Assmsecnsmnv
CLAIM DEPARTMENT yr) 77 f 7]; f
.. ~11: ’(r/,y:- ,, //’/7,.~
~ / ,7 w/ /
\J.L7CAR’SWELL lsupgmmgmams r ,r:(7//’ . (V i ' March 1,1910.
ifl‘x‘l/ AM . 1
Lessrs. Armstrong & Bragg 00.,
. sailors nest, lenn.
dunk .[ 730;: .‘ " II'I' 7; .

We 57:27; LO aommzvleaxge receipt of your letter: 01‘ tm;
25th min. in"; 171:: auove entitled 7.7::7t‘Ler, and 77m; ’00 advise that
cue case 01" cue Clark county Consuruotinn Comprmy referred to
Snare/m was an embireij ul:‘:‘7’:‘:‘27_'-enL si'Lua'L 5.071. 171:7 Clark county

Constrmst'im7 Umapany were: sun--CODLI‘H.(3'B()I‘S of y'rzurs, mu: your

poliCy carried an emxorsmaenu I.."18I‘8<)!’1 extending cover:7,,;3e to

.{tneir employes. In fine ‘..:vn‘it‘e cause, .:mweverf, 11.67.3071 a Hanger CO- '
and line L, 7:; 73, R3: Co. are no; suawcontractors of yours, nor

(.1085 ycur policy carry any esruiorsemeut extendim coverage to Lilem.

Umiar Lne circmxstrmcea, Mu—rrefnre, 7.77:7 sec, no reason may
we 3711771171 was; $113” Elma my action in connection .:‘i‘tn Luis matter,
.Cnté we are 7707. r7::s:j).:7.~17:.ic1c for any 7t:-7771:1~__;es whim; may be recrwered
uy Whine against Lue Mason 5,; Hanger Co. and ‘one L. a 1;," film Can
under our paiicy contract -.~"i.7.u you.

Yours very Lruly,

M flin/xx“ 2

 75/I4’3, L44L= .
“he Fioelitv V lenalty 70.,
.mw Vord ”133
14:15"; 4.53.41: 4 Inn; Cowl-30:1 ’44‘71‘1ite .
Ii rzTavchc to yoqr lettcr of lurch Iofi., Wt wial to El” that
", "533114: ‘ELL:.;+, 1’73. '.:T‘K "1014.44t" “CV15?4"‘413fir42. "‘40. 444.-'1;; (301:. j 244373.443; ('.'.; of "hair
=14.’0r4.~..44;er4;44 iPLj'LfPfii, .7314; UZI‘J’JL‘A. 3.5%... ':»L ,‘10 ’14-», 5'11.'47">4.—,<'. ‘,.-,.'LL. 4.4.4433: LVN-4444
Lafion * ',fi 3“ 70., wTo hu’ a $0 i~pofi Ivan fix: T. 9 V. pailflfif 704 30
mo this 50?: .LL an; 0455 u'uiu-* 7, ‘ “. *7. “0., Halon ~ 9:ufi&r Go.4
Armbtronfi V 4rd j Co. 4mg Tl.”a Vow.i‘ Tc: fi*qcfilon Co. was uroperly
‘ mism15¢to LPulogfi all paflties Cone; n,: ;45 J; Claim tflgt ti; Karrison
White in 3 sigilgr Gas; to abova, ”:lLtLVt to iho posifiions ocowwisd
or T. ’ M. 73. Co. 2nd Lsaon I 3 aft? To. .2: in: W-itc Cid: oowlo have
been oispoaco of in file 5 m; manner. “files: a Caz; for injury reciévec '
on Any wo?n iv uiglisaed or closcd a~oiusfi all p r‘ics concgrnsu, tFS
contractor of 510*CCHtTnCtO“ $15 fiuoféveo no ~rotscfiion‘3: fou wall Know
that all contractors are rtijuulblb fio ihc pxwty ow pg?tics from whom
LHV Kino of IOVK is contracted ;nm b00213 iiaoility Insurance CoLmamys
have ilCL 03¢;5 diumisoec afialnst all nwrtics concernco, the are unle
to sell csnfractora TL Uility Know: nos. buorifion White Liomidbtd the
case fl'fiinofi J: in ovou~ tLLL ac ulrLf Lg'; . 0&59 a“ 42;? I. ” V. ”y. Co.
4.446, ais()rL 7' 15'L:4 jc'v '44. (gut; ,LI‘ ”’?.LT;L ‘u CCPTTc v.3 (;(c'ng to 5 1:1 f4 i a 4;:.;.». .46
. 4
.711} 343V; fin -?§' 3.436 ;u4u H cvci‘vw; a; rqula ruvt ha {HWJLcOf44. nfl<:4¢0;ld
expect vow f0 wafi ;gic CULthS.
Yours very fowly,
4—4 /".I‘.'.'4L'4+..:N4r1 4". ‘P3'r'e. ‘30.
S 24‘ fx/a 3V

 ‘ . / I'. ,,/, '(’ , r (I r , ,//. /' I // ’/ [K /; .' >
.. , xx // // Q/M/ .Q/U/Kf/MQ CM/M/fl/l/
' ‘ (j ,/ (I
” ,' I 4,, , ,,,, [,3 , C.E.SCATTERGOOD.AS 155 5? TA
FRANK E'LAW'V'CE'PRES'DENT ,f"; ,«9 , ///,¢/'/ 7' CHAS.L.NEWMILLER.A:5T.sE::ETA::
CLAIM DEPARTMENT 97 //7/ / 779— f .
I '~,(\ / ////-y_.4//'/l//
J'L'CARSWELL 'SUPERINTENDEN’TS . ‘ /({//l '////%Mar0h 209 19150
Armstrong 3c Bragg Compmzys
Sailors Re st? Tenn.
Dear Srrs:
We are in receipt of your letter of the 16th inst. ix: the
aooveuexmitled mat-tars. and tag to advise that if you WLTLTL refer to
your policy contract with usg, you will note that it dOcS not cowr your
contractual Liability. Under these circwnstmzces. as we have advised
you before, we are not responsible for any damages Which may be recover— -
ed. by L1Lt. “white against the Mason :5; Hanger Company and the L. 8c I111. Rail—-
way Company under our policy contract with you.
Yours 1-vr'ufl.yf
/‘ {I} (; ’,’ ’/ .,’/"#17?
-v ;‘sjf" ,' » '~ ,
” Assistant.
II 14" ‘.‘." H

a ~ 0 t 4
1 In 11112121111; anti 0111511311,th anmpang of New ”(goth
Form 330 II... Date: November 1” 1912 .
. (Liability Pollclel)
‘ The term of this policy is hereby extended for a period of Sixty days ,
ending on the 1“ day of January , 1915 , at noon, standard time at the Assnred’s
address as given in the policy.
This endorsement is attached to and forlps afiart of C . E3 L‘. Policy No. 2219774 ,
- issued to S. F. Armstrong, w. In. rage: and . 1d. Turner, doing bus mess ,
under the firm name of Armstrong & Bragg Company.
I" “- 5‘“ 35”" "‘3 i lm/Zs‘hm/ .S‘m‘rrlan' ,/ 1'

 » \
fs‘fihjgsffiffiv’éx General Insurance
Mfg: m
,‘$“§\'. _»;’/’.§
“gin/1e ROANOKE, VA.
August lst,1912
Messrs.£rmetrong a bragg

daskson, Ky

He are pleased to hand you herewith endorsement to be
attached to your mmployers Liability policy recognising the Clark
County Construction “or as joint Assured under the ebove policy
with you s

The policy with this endorsement attached will cover your

' firm against accidentStc your employee/and the Clark bounty Construction
Company against accidean to its employee.
» Very truly yours,

 n . -1. '1 ‘
~ 0 o
, @1112 AH 1h1>111g 1111b (111151111111; (11111111111111; 11f N 12111 1311111
. Form 1 :125-1/2 L.Eipecial. Date, 'July 171m, 192
Statement numbered 1 of the Schedule of statements of this
policy is hereby aqended to rmad as follows:
”Statement 1: Name of Assured, S.F.Armstrcng, W.L.Bragg anu
‘J.;.Turner,doing business under the firm name of Armstrong a Bragg
Comgany and their sub—contractors Jlark County Construction Company.”
This endorSHment is effective Tran noon,standutd time, of
the ante written above.

- Attached to and forming part of Contractorsl«figployers'
Eiability Policy No.2219774,issued by the Company/lo 81F.Anustrong,
”.I.Bragg and J.L.Turner,doing businass under tgé/figg’name of

_ Armstrong m Bragg Company. iérfi §E§Q;£¢w‘¥ A
/‘ / W1); : K .
Ug/Jvl ‘fxi/" I L/ , «._.z 1. ”vi/m
“M“ )\.‘sé‘t‘.‘~5é’n‘tif.'W?"

@112 Eliihefity amh Gleaming (tempting nf N P111 lflnrk
JDL/cgr _‘..—_—
Form 5135 L. Date, July l’7th, 192
It is hereby understood and agreed that this policy,anything
therein to the contrary notwithstanding,does not cover loss from
the liability of any person,firm,or corporation named as the Assured
in this policy,for or any shit based on,injuries or death of any
person or persons unless the person,firm or corporation sustaining
the loss,or against Whom the suit is brought is the immediate employer '
7 ,of the person or persons,es the result of whose injuries or death
the loss was sustained or the suit instituted.
This endorsement is effective from nocn,stenuard time, of
. the date written above.
Attached to and foniing part of Contractors' Employers'
Liability Policy No.2219774, issued by the Coupeny to gJF.Armstrong,
J.M.Brngg & J.n.Turner,doin5 business under the firm name of
Anastrong a Bragg Company. éfléjfiyfi%ibi ‘_,.l
“7" 7m“'77:§stTJ€:aW¢“

 ION “ ‘
[:3 ‘ :3; 515%}
fix. 57/4733
rr‘!!1‘\9‘*17‘;-1-1-152',";, \ Genera/ Imurance
..\ * ,
r S“, '4; ‘V
a, x Lo? ROANOKE VA.
lflsunnv ’
Nov. llth 191.2
”an?“ Armstmngr u LIE-33:”. '
Hasak‘dg Ky
35 mm 10111611 ;...


, Hirz’avritll endorsement extenimc yayzxrs ‘.. 2.373;, 7.12 11;; 3:1-7. “y
Stemming 131111101. “.,' '12:“?- 1:111‘ "1 $11?- lst 515;: :;F' ijTGJJ'ffi in at: twigtuzgge
with rat? r-zT—zr‘mst‘zzi

V0 1 v ' firm 7. /~;a ,»
/ 5’
r111, / x:

 Glnntrartn'ra’ Entplugrra’ , 7:1,]. ‘ .. ., ,.‘ _.
Lnahtlttg lfinltrg , i ,7 _ . a , 3 g, “g,
; .., 5g; _ 7 : 1 . g: _ » a * . 2 f- , " j ‘, . ti. ': F.- :7 ' ‘7 :.5? »
' ,’t’e ' ”7:,77 t , ___P'Z {3’47 1’ e: i ' ".:;? , "i I.:; 1:357 , -..—WE
(hereinafter called the Company)
(1) TO INDETMNIFY the person, firm, or corporation, named in statement 1 of the Schedule of l
Statements and herein called the Assured, AGAINST LOSS FROM THE LIABILITY IMPOSED BY
LAW UPON THE ASSURED for damages on account of bodily injuries or death suffered as the result ;
of an accident occurring while this policy is in force,——(a) by any employee or employees of the Assured
while at the places designated in statement 4 of the said schedule, in and during the prosecution of the
work described in the said statement 4; (b) by any driver (not covered by Teams’ insurance in this Com—
pany), employed by the Assured at the places designated in statement 4 of the said schedule, while en— ’
gaged in his duties as driver in the territory covered by the teams of the Assured in the prosecution, at
the said places, of the work described in the said statement 4:;
(2) TO DEFEND in the name and on behalf of the Assured any suit brought against the Assured
to enforce a claim, whether groundless or not, for damages on account of bodily injuries or death suffered,
or alleged to have been suffered, by the persons described in subsections a and b of the preceding para—
graph at the places therein designated and under the circumstances therein described, and as the result of
an accident occurring while this policy is in force: '
. A: Upon the occurrence of an accident the Assured shall give immediate written notice thereof, with the fullest infor—
mation obtainable at the time, to the Company at its home office or to the agent who has countersigned this policy. If a
claim is made on account of such accident the Assured shall give like notice thereof with full particulars. If thereafter any
suit is brought against the Assured to enforce such a claim, the Assured shall immediately forward to the Company at its
home office every summons or other process as soon as the same shall have been served on him. The Company reserves the
right to settle any claim or suit. Whenever requested by the Company, the Assured shall aid in securing information, evi-
dence,and the attendance of witnesses; in effecting settlements; and in prosecuting appeals. The Assured shall at all times
render to the Company all cooperation and assistance within his power.
B: . This policy does not cover loss from liability for, or any suit based on, injuries or death—(1) suffered by any per—
son unless his compensation is included in the estimate set forth in the schedule (but this exclusion shall not apply to injuries '
or death suffered by drivers of teams covered by Teams’ insurance in this Company, while such drivers are engaged in
duties other than those of a driver) ; (2) suffered or caused by any minor hired contrary to law or suffered or caused by any
minor while performing any work contrary to law; (3) suffered or caused by any child under fourteen years of age employed
by the Assured in any state in which there is no law restricting the age of employment in the Assured’s trade or business; (4)
suffered or caused by any contract—convict—laborer; (5) suffered or caused by any person while riding or attempting to ride
upon any elevator or hoisting device which cannot be operated directly by the person riding thereon, (but this exclusion shall
not apply to injuries or death suffered or caused by any employee engaged in installing, repairing, or inspecting such an ele— "
vator or hoisting device, or by any employee riding on such an elevator or hoisting device in violation of the Assured’s
express rules to the contrary).
D: This policy does not cover loss from the liability of the Assured under, or any suit based on, any Workmen’s Com-
pensation Law providing compensation for workmen on a basis other than the negligence of the Assured, unless an endorse-
ment is added hereto specifically extending the policy to cover such