xt73bk16mf8w_542 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [383] Elhannon Combs v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court text [383] Elhannon Combs v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_54/Folder_8/3066.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_542 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ ,., ' I I, ' /"' /'./ ,4:
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.30: T3. 13 fifion & Korgam, Lfitornayn at fiaxg
.-.. .,J‘.~.-. "V v—«u Q
1 hgvc ygur fgvor of tha 35th fingt&n5, anclnsznf COPE
of Ju”31a t in the cage oi‘Tlhunuun 32yo: v. 3 fl 7 $3.0?“3333e
Y en Elna to Lina thit yea warn ;910 fig min this casc on a ficmuTTQr
fix) the fl‘cigz'z'ifiefgz U I 21:; LI: gru-1.1;: ::=';:._;;er:2;:e:;;f; ., 210 awn-:.”. '25::1} be
111‘-.353031‘_i7:;n.‘: "mg "1.116 1.1112329300 3: L 3.11 'f‘hilii. 12;/'..
13.22:; 531122;] Jimmie,
art's / '1
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Attorneys at {la-1111’ aw;
HAZARD, KY. DEC. 17., 1915.
n n ,
( _‘ f . c» “ff/t , . 3
Ll". )amllel 11-. T,“:y118011, \_V x 0“
iexington , YO ntuclqy. '
Bear Sir; . ,_ ,
I hand you can: of judentrmt in the cute oi‘ Vilhannan
Combs vs T} 5; F337. “,0. This case will not be appealed.
Yours veri truly,
‘ ‘ ’/ ' ’,l
, /\. u * * . g ' , ‘4‘ /,;' '
{ti/A. fl _ ,
(/ IV

v/fly ‘..
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,7»; , fl/ // n ’7
42¢{flézflwwéé <;/7 . 7‘ <fizfl/
October 27th, 1913.
r fig; /3
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:*
Your letter of the 2196 enclosing Tetition in the case of
Elhannan Combs 18. this Comreny in Perry 5n9rter1§ Court, for the
Elleged refusal to deliver shipment of beer, five dozen bottles of
"Lacknnns", from Jesselson Bros.,Catlettshurg, Ky.
Our agent at Hrzard advise: me what the Shifnent arrived
- I f7} by ray or the Adams Expreew Comorny, and I oresumo re are, therefore,
not interested. V‘”M“”
Yours truly,
41‘ I” //
I /' _ w)
, QA\V_ , I “L,“
7 ((1% {p
‘ x. //
«4 // \_
:3 I

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%wzue/M Wan —-//7///~»//1////’/////’/// %sz/on, %. ’
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..1‘. :.:. d. J.;;DJLOLILLE,
- ' -" "‘ ~ »«L. "s“ D “:T 7.3 1')
Game; .sw ;gcno, e u o h . Co.,
"“ ..‘ .. - "..
douiov:1le, hf.
Boer bit:
'”‘ - » -. _‘..u m“ . fl '~‘-u— » -- we-.- '~‘ .\ u - .I--Law. .~'. —~ m. .‘1, J~
.’_ LLLVC E()12:L‘..-'€CG o; Cval a): JLNLC l<;Cf?,.:‘f; 164-...um .:.N ;OQCA‘L; UO
. , "1‘ ”..‘ r. ”‘..~. ~ ” f‘ ‘7 “.‘ 'T‘ F'» "«-.. '1“ k - L/\-"t
the case of wlhunuam dang”. F. . c H J “ Va., pond ;b 1‘ yhl Fesry
n ._.J.-~.- V.. V ..J- .1. '~‘- “.-.“. “(L‘L-h I‘. '“’ .uq—A T ‘MAWV ,.»»..2" ,1 .'. ‘1.“-..
""-,‘kl£L.i’lJUi_.“/' ()‘Lh‘o uO «» -- ..‘ IUUO.‘. _3'31§_§ik.;ia ... nevi; I‘-_;(;L=_:an; 90—06-41,
a lather from homotou I Thrgan rogariing this case, of “hioh a oogy
is: 31¢ :1 t}: 0310'." :‘=:.‘.{.=€?.. ”fi.:.tz" a: o::w:1:*.1:“<31‘ ’ihr- 5:210:103311372“; 22.315 :’zotr'i‘rzijasi
‘::?te'itlxor {121:7 fur‘siwx‘ invossfifi3.:-:5:“. 712:1 : ::~.,—ooz:~:a:rf;7 to 321:9)? x: ’.’33‘2‘ 3;
"T‘MMWHm J. a.” ,. o .1. . (__'.,
..‘/$414.7. 90 one-...‘ ‘1: (111th Own :3 q
7" -~—,- -’A=~,v~ If.“ '\
Aiin 1:111:11 a at t 4L $11.11
Q HAZARD, KY- not. Edi/«til, 1913.
rr. Sanuel I. Uilson,
‘. .1“ “ ‘1 r" ,1 T ,»~ .‘ "91‘ 1“; ‘
(gall. ouiurrjcit :4. .k .4. i.y. L/J- , /7QQ }{—,. /
, . , "'f/ 5, At) ’3
Lenington, Ly.
Tear Sir:—
YULHTE oi‘i ct. L 31%1 Iwitztiiw: to ‘onr, CbStfl of 'Clhain.en
Combs vs. I. i I. hailreod Jo., oendiny in the tutrterly Gourt,
~.»\ V.. .. 1, 7.”. . '.' Mr T r ._ .‘.» .’
receJJ/ed. ;ou sch; you Iio“C c lettel .iron.. . u. aniline l;ltJ.th
he says he tehes it tnzt this oiiice is fully :cvised as to the
Case in CHLStiOH. Te un{erstshd the Chfie this way: pr. Solos
ordered five ~ozen ouptlzs of beer from Fooselson Tros. of
F1' .4, ,“‘... ."m ._.fl ‘ "“"1V-"n .. r" I. . J . .. ,,, ,, ,“ . .f‘ .. "‘..'. . - .‘ w»... ..
pat/lat.waving, genuinely. -ilu filllihllbllv \tflL'AS .ma ue ilmn ‘.JcolCJLoSLmlé
to Co be at Regard and noon the beer arriving st tharo it was
. Cisoovered that it vzs Leer tho in excess or the ;meunt which
could be shin ed tJC the Liane lLfJRGC to ,eliwer it to Cmefi and
no Leah claim an; deli*ery for one beer enn two agent executed
bond, retained the beer and returneo tne shiement to Jo eelson
Eros. at CLLlULLSbng. [his is the way we un erstend the
transaction and is whet the agent iniorns us.
y/ who,
’,/ //_ g ,, /
H [e Q/’M 1Q/Lw/ ;~;/g . ;éfh‘;
, 5 .-/ /
7 ,1 "I' ..;. an :5. ‘..-.‘2
flannrs. nootuon n ”glaan,
" “La . 1w- ‘ ‘1 ....
::1uu1”f.z(3,;/FJ-CLC J.€:.2‘i, v
‘”.-- ,..- _,.. '.: 1'.,“
1).;— .:l (1,.; ’.;; , :‘.”! e
F‘,‘.J.'7 ,‘.m .
'L’KjthA-ili 19112
T NH . . J“ ,~ , .I‘ .L.‘ , “NJ.T. .‘.. 1.,. . .. 'V ,. ‘~“M.,. ,.1.” ., . ‘
,. ..';c'.V(-J your J_c'LE'LQ' OJ. ’4111} 1.1211: _’.’:Sbcfllt, QZLC.L2};L1.L:2,L {luff/‘53 (3‘./E7103
7 '3‘ ~', L: ~ ~ 4‘ 1_- a (A ,.:~ T‘ 2»« .. *‘ ~1’. . 2“ r 1’ *ru- u M W 1..-»..
01 :cLLugen 3” ”he CEGU a; inunan Comub V9 5 a - Lg, Co., urmeChu;y
.(4' ,.:‘- ..'- 1.‘ I" .'..— fl ., -..-,"m ,'x . a. - ”"'- ’ ‘~ ‘ -'
Lllflfi ;n gho ¢ery nflcfibily Lauii uhfiut the Mluflfie of July, 1933.
‘ V
‘1‘—’,‘an ’1'-‘00 11“.}- ‘jfiV‘CgiT‘ 4‘ 1"?an ‘:.)C'P“ ‘2’-“17' T' 177(14‘ “Van ~-""“‘ '.“/A ‘~v’\;»f\-.';"\ y- ~> n47 n1
__., “v.1.“ 4 -.Ju £\ ‘:1 AL... ‘10 1h» ._. :. J :._, :'O(,J;‘_.'J .e-w;. J. L! 1J4C‘lwfl.‘ (A 0. {‘.’}(LJ -_~_,L‘.
..V. " M‘.m-4M "' J— .
”4 ‘.’“ 4.».“ ~ ‘ - r! 1...,‘:,. .‘.‘ ,,1, ..\ ,.‘ ..'.. n - ‘_ _7- . . ...,. A ‘
mo rJtu ULGSC Cflplés. 1 mo hub Ll-B 10 COUJ7hiL gum quul waut to
,.,..1 .u.‘ ... '!' . - 1 .:‘ A., ._, .2. ‘.H— _h N 'v .. ...1. _, : ‘ .. _ ‘.'-,
”Oflyxfilu neenJ03ulg, on“ Gun you you Have at KLHCIhuGOd as a etanglxg
- w _, --, . .:'-x;- . “V J.. _..v . .. - .,g - .V .r? T .1.;- | ,- . _ -:.--.. 2 .
EH16 of JOHf o;¢1eo thug hflChtVGi caylcm 0L 36u133?3n are inxrxnhod ma
- ,. “A”. -r’ .:_-Mb ‘ ‘-_ v. .‘ J.'! J. .I m. ... .. . -‘ '2 .;...... ...,' ~." ‘ -.. 3, .,:-H. . ‘ '> . -, .‘. ‘ " '
_. 1}; gm; 3 -.,-.!:.',..- COM: LE- ufk'zu «zed ;ihifl _'_ 1.'/v5}: 1&1‘749 :30 J.':.I‘nlfé.?;{-xx’fi. .1 .:i {731'} 73.11-
4 L
..:-A. ‘.": ‘1 J. - 'fi, — . < ..-A ..- -- ‘
can: are &u ;eaSU one pocket ,w»;;19 n: UfCifibzfliy one ayfi a 332?, fi%n‘1
.1. L " ’ .£ 1'. "“"' ‘
.",“ ,,.-.».“! .1‘, ‘1 -v ... 1. ., . .~ ,fi ‘1 .,‘ - ' 1.‘ _,<. , .:4 ,,g _‘ _.-. 3 ., .: .
4.5.1:-" cancerfbélfflf 5.2.2; :‘Jlfifc'lfiillgi‘v «3..; 1.th (::1 I. 5,, .:..E‘. (19351113 71:2.i‘:€.—‘..'-";‘:1‘f-.F 530
(:'.2- ... '.‘.; 1.". .1 “a. . , , . "‘.- ,- ’.»-:'- MK ...5 .‘ ‘ ‘ ' '1
.VO ‘ ?;!, um, ...’;37230 OMILIJBE. .‘...1: «.;Vlti (4,;-Ci, 241(3319 ‘1;:2.’=€ 1.;-3 \"firl‘ {24.3% ”13,37 _.7-‘.': (11'
I , “:’" m-x -: 4. . 7‘: 4M» 1-,. :: ..,.*| .- - . ..L.‘ - , 1- ~
‘J.E..L.1\.A.J’ _. u ;TUCICS‘cuL bulb :.’": C, ‘.’.thHLUéI3.1.32 ()1: ', GI}; jii‘, ;;',‘ {'I‘."I “my": 97.7 ~'- ~.‘ ‘Iv-fr
. ‘.. ’:.- .... . 4 ”._, _. 7 ..- ‘7 , xv;
, '.=' jib-:::»W— ’7 C‘f‘. ii ”7‘; . -- m' :.1‘ .- . «4 ~'- ~':' - - =- . " ' "‘ ‘
~ r-v' “WM 9 ~‘ whin- _»-1 51 can»; u.:. g1-:_. J.J-.013» Z1110 {teeminr-‘P‘P r" .114.“ 1
‘:‘F .. .‘.! ' 1 ~ ~
: _’:, r. , ’. , (.,'...fi». ,5 ‘ -v 4,. -, I .- .~ ,:. IV .. ,.» .9 : : ‘ - .
.L‘C._,l.),1,.u, .fi ..- .1r,. v :,.x. _LLZJJB ;C, $43.3 .i. V .,;(g; ,(4 __’f,\ “71:“; (‘.’.‘ {';,r} «‘;nn, f~~ my", ~ 3.,. .. ‘3“:t'1
,_ ‘ _ ”I“. ,,1 ..”.‘“
Tran; 14:2": 21,“: q" 7"? - 5c; ‘.‘ .1— -,-« 5" ».‘-~,. ~‘, J- \ H ‘4 —; » ‘
_. H .' .¢ _ .1 a -_ J.J (.:L. a - C -J :.‘G :.‘. 3.13., '.11‘.J.‘8-LC .:.-{J ; ‘;!i&.b 5013, ‘:1“; :7:‘: 1r ”QC-:‘:: .:3“
,,, ”cu. .‘.", .-'- ..., . 1.... wwr .. .. '
, .LL! ’.;r 3 ‘., ,,7; t.» “‘~- 1’: ”1"" ‘ -"""
bu N1 L..] . ',3/r bu quu.» .1'.A\iL~L..«JI.CA -'.Il,o
*f.~... _, n; .
C". "'."/l f“
'1 7._»

“ ‘ Aitn’awvs at £2an 3' [Tcyp/{z 3: * x0313. 17, 11313.
. ' . I '0‘ V¥b /j 7g
‘ HAZARD, KY. 3. a
O J ‘
.5:t‘»':‘".uel Wilson, 3
leasiirzgt TN}, 337. '
Dear Sir:
711013 :d '0 hand grin can“ 0:." {PM w-e‘tit'mn OTC 13.7“,{19'111n11 'Eorbs \d
E Z l
. ,, ,. . , . 3 _ 4! g ,‘ ,f/ L“, g;
vst. Wettingtcn a”: Erratarfr‘; :~.‘811Wz‘xg‘ ‘10., lilad 131 fine .~e:1~3v' m ff "/ (‘7'
2’3 "'mvt .
YOI‘LZZ‘S W211“? truljv‘,
A /
.r - ' fl/t M4: mo 7%M
JLL :" . Mlm// #é / 1 7 (/ r
)1, :
: - ms. 1L :
VIJ- .:. f 1’ _ r n: 3 4: ‘ > - it, “,'r/’! 3:”-

 Form 161.
‘ Hm: N0. 1
-‘ OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT hazard, Ky. . ;
L 1
B“ D WARFIELD V I,I:cxserLu.
Dlstrict Attorney, OCtObCI‘ 17 1915. . 190
.422 tar/12211 flax [25521 (17/1/7)2c'72(4’(1’ 2'72 {/16 Quarterly . ...(.‘om’l (g/i .. Perry , .. Conn/y,
1.1.7311131111311 Combs :.: Dixington Eastern Eailt‘ay Co. .-
.wnumwzx mu issm‘a’ . . .. 190 , mza’ was armdm’ 190 , and 7's
rifm'zzab/r dag! of I90 , l/{c (ll/07’711_1/.§/b7’[/1€ plainly/7
and/kwrw/fc/yn-aydis that”an order of delivery issue f0 1" said property f0 2‘ his costs
Lilla a: l proper 1'01in. 'V STATEMENT OF CAUSE OF ACTION.

Plaintiff aiLegcs that he is the O'JJHCI‘ of 5 dozen small
bottles of "Laokrmnn's" beer, shipped to plaintiff by Josselirm Bragswf
Cattlesburg,1§y.; that this beer is of tic-.:- value of ..:4.00; that defendant
CERTI‘iOd gar-19 from '.'.‘inchestcrfiiy., to Hz7:.€17‘i,}:y.; that Séiif' property is
wrongfully detained by the Cofonfiarit S. that i‘rcfcx‘darzt refuses to ;‘zeliver
same to plaintiff.

. "10 ‘t ton 5c I‘Eorg‘an. , . ,
Local Attorney L. & N. R. R. Co.

_. x...
Elhannan Combs, Plaintiff.

~~“ 5’ ‘:j‘jm m ‘1T

V'.:./ A ‘1.L.TJ.I(,L<
Eczirgton & Eugtern fiailwu: 30., Defendant.

(P319 1"}[1iiiti iii, 1311;82.2ufv: Ilgn:*~‘, ;357":: ‘; 51; 't‘ C fi1vf‘c1gdx lit ,
7?;injton H stern hallway Jsmvnny, is a earpcration 31:2;ad ‘ufi
é‘riifiillgi ; 111Li<9i' Egufl. 123‘ ?:21T611éa 3i t' 2 1 3 TE; vwi‘ t} a afiafiib of: iiellfitia7ig

ififi yowar to Sue wud be awed in ifis xcr'arvtc 1530? and tbat if

is: t; @ ifrmgtr at" {£15 32:9;“51;111fi‘ a? i;1e <)i' r11ii;:e1“ fi7ar“wiifla F‘ezfrZ? flozuxtb’a
Kentucky, and it 159 3 btfifin: with fieFZt Eflfl agent iL Chnrga if
sane locatefl at flfizarfi, the crust? SGfit 3f ‘erry Eonnty.

?laintiff SST? fkuf h“ 1: tie CVDEI of the folficmir; dam
scribed pguferfy; Tiva @0293 snali Bottles fif ”Luekmnu's“ heat,
which mac shipped to fikic ~1aint1ff hy fisxselsnn Bram. of Cattlesm
burg, gestucky. Fe guy: that thi“ beer is of tfie value Jf 34.60.

;e @2”” t7at tin defenfixtfi in : noxmbu afirri r anfl t1n said beer
w:;‘ afinsigalefl 'to 73km bgv tTC: SSfiii J3,uielvwxi B;H;s, and ifl:e 6eifimiéarfi:
carried 3;ne from fincheater, Leutucky, ng; its 351” line of railm
T , '3 .1" or}. ~1:; 1; «:2 “chi 51 7218.3' 1113111“ at i :..-'3: rd , I‘Lentucky. 71: :1 117'; ' if
saja trafi ho is thc armor of fluid hear :u& entiilefl to the innefiiate

I porteasicn t‘ereoiv 2nd he Sfify tknt $20 $31G prcvertf aboVfi described
is Wron~fu l: defiaimed by the ipfendunk "nd txc defen ant refuses to
deli? r 3395 ta ibis lairfiff. fie says fiwat the Quid property WES
not taken for H tax or Vine sga'nst 1111 ylnintiff, nor fits it been
tgkan nnicr any ayfier or judgment 01 a court againgt him, nor gained
uni : an oxncution, diatrora warrant or attachment egainst his property,

and he says that his oause‘of actiGn herein hag aoaruefi with one year

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. ,flf / [ ”PW” ”WW" mf/{Wz‘ f/(%//(///////////71/:471/1/(6/y
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91.32% (flay/77kt fill/0mg“ / y
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_//”'7H(')// fij/l/H’PK/éZ/j/f/WH’ »:i/l)///.)’Z/5//fl,’-//;7, OCt‘ 22! 1915
"MSG-175‘ Z 3 9 /3
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
L. 8c E. R. R. Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Your favor of October 21st enclosing copy of petition
and docket report in the case of Elhannan Cmes v. L. 8c N. R. Co.,
Perry Quarterly Court, has been received. I take it that Woot—

" ten & Morgan are fully advised relative to the case in question
and that no investigation at the hands of this department is nec—

Yours truly, %/
flef LawAgent.