xt73bk16mf8w_547 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [388] Fields and Crawford v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court text [388] Fields and Crawford v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_54/Folder_13/3169.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_547 xt73bk16mf8w ' c‘;,,/677//7/’// xv”) (Lo/11,177! e ////////’//y ' //’//%///Zy~,' '
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- ~~ 0 7 H
. Aiinrumgs at {Lam J45” Dec. 1“”, "‘91‘?‘
HAZARD. KY. “"l fig 55
4 “1 5" ’ v ' A ~ if“! , " r
I.I. 581.1101 I.-. xuloon, (,4,,4 {1‘9 (8
flexinqton, Kentucky.
‘ear Sir:
In the cage of Fields & Crawford vs 3 S: '1. RF. ’30.
’»'“zia 00,539 was; settled by? IL). Hardei‘uy after swift. was filed, and
I harm-Jim: enclose rum taxation of cost in tho. 0:199, for whi oh
you 1:19;? send voucher to Judge .7. G. Campbell.
Your; very truly ~
. . , 7 ,7, '
(I K”) ”x” /‘){ fl
m beam, ,. ~ x 7a
A..- Q // A,
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' ' ectober 29th, 1913.
.ér. ’3. .‘:;”. i-Izvrdesty,
”to? cum {3012’s ax) , " ‘ /
,.JJ.) ,. .1 L) , l
311513414315. M: 8‘ /9 3
Dear Sizer-
As TRCILOB ied by Judge Eileen I hand yer, henf‘evith
no-vwrrs «‘2: the case of fields 5: {)rari'eré. in ’.’"hieh they seek to
recomr for she loss of? r" cor allegcfi- to haw: been killefi by
‘ ' ' “ '3‘ m “ « 1 h
this company on the any of June, 1.9153. _0 ;,Lu :03 81.0
attention as necessary.
Yours CTR 12.7,
}‘ ;M //, " / Q
/ _v 1.; ,4," / 1&3 "Cl." ,,
' mmé‘m. 2’0 ‘ R}
.; /’ A, \~ ‘/ ,/
Sony to
Suhiilfion, 1133'. , .
Eda!” ‘_‘terzz'i eater. ,. 32.17.

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r7 —. ”.‘ o, in, :
J,184,-1<.‘£JCJ. ._, _, (.2 . 12;/«(JO- 9
’-‘ ~—' ~14 7f-
Dear Sir:—
I have your letter 0f the ifith instuflt, rafcrring to fihe
came Oi‘li'1flm & Crawforfi V. F G ” Pg. 83., pending im the Perry
“‘,,‘J. ,.'.“N. n _1_ M,“ .,. .3.. a.“ ..:-fiu ‘,L .. ‘,V .,L, ..,. .‘ .,,,. 2.3, H
F115;;u0113 about?“ 1.110.446 vhf: plaiflLLLfS LUC}; JUL) J_(IOOVOJ. .701 :1:-.0: 10$}
3 ,~.- -* 1.. ~ V 1 A .7 1T'~‘~ * 1..- .. ~»,_. ,, , .. Lawn .
Oi a (301,! (1310;;‘00. :40 RSVC‘ DUOJ. 4:11:00 .)J 4;:. _’ntfiOZuOLlTIC OJ. ulLJAfl 05
~ D .~~‘ —, ( < w'r‘v “ ~ < ~ _'u ,“_L -—~~.\L. -'- ».. ~ - . L‘—
cars 01 Sula Compang. L main you; wLuthmuflb Lint you have obtulnrd
. -. .'I JJ " J-J . "L‘ .. -. .5 -. " - «.,. ~ — .. —«:‘~ —- , ‘ » ' L»
a copy 0; one ,ECu;Ofl kOLOHHQTL ‘Cfioit, UOvfijlfin'fihlfi alnlw, anfl
~ -. ‘ ‘ r .—‘ ., ...1, =,.. ‘ '" “,“‘—...,. 4. .‘4. ”»-‘ in MIL ‘.'" L. - ‘
37,111; 5:110x;3t.i.n I.':ZC‘TJhnlf .'. mum [1.9 uhdu .:.‘... J.L<1i.ii<:.‘wbj {liufi'mflfi {10 {15130
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”a i-;e; fine hepjgb an Una Cuflfi an a aunlc to r. afifflfififiy xor at—
.L, _q .’.-.‘. , A ‘.‘ .E’ ". ,._. .‘_ . .’-‘.‘r‘ ,. ,., ""‘ ’: ,.‘ ‘... . - ' '
bobbimn. 1 LPG; hale bust he Ulla le0 1L such a$30flfilnn 33 who
circumstances Spam to ranuirc.
(”3333f 2.:-51.21;? yours,
on” .
’.". /;

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/ ('
October 25th, 1913.
S. M. tilson, Esq., Cékfif
Lexington, Ky. A /\3
Dear 3ir;- .
Refer to yuur lettvr of September 15th, regarding
suit of Fields & Crawford in Perry Quarterly Court for loss
of Gov alleged to hrvr been killefi by this cumpzny. I
have obtained a new; of thc secLiun Foremzn‘v report caverfing.
Is it yorr desire thnt fir. Hardesty Rttempt Lo rrke settlement
_ rt this nine?
Yours truly,
4 , ’/7
VI. ,‘le »{/' I ry/g/I // »
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" ,,'5; ' .- ; “ i g 2’ J,J~«~g , $17, .
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