heqw / 7. ,,,/w '/ ,/ w //' , 7 ”.9/ ' / {fifflfgd/lfli/lf/f I/x/flg/né/n; , / K V., , I ' , ,,,. j” K, ,, WWW ”KW/Wet: _.-/am :11/2m? /}/////’///'//(£7"’,/?6le7 ////,7//,'/ "5541/23 r-///, //(2 2mm”, / / ;IA$1.?L's-lnk'fijl/lr/r/zqt: / ,/ ' , / l , . /”/ ~92QQ’J;¢2‘JT:W,_ ~»--»/K"//W”/”<-/fy~ Feb. 9 .1914. N . ._._:iij.;,, 2‘ «Am '/ f" Lasers. Wootton & florgan, ;” ;fitorneys afi Lam, Bazarfl, Ky. 'l Gentlexwzn Referring to your favor >f Feb. 7th rola‘ivo fio the g. J. fiootten flatter. ‘ Spon inquiring of our Treasurer I am advised that the draft heretofore issued in favor of Jackson Wootton, dated Lee. 11th for $96., contrary to instructions given by me on Decenmer 15th, was paié through the Soufihorn yaiional Bonk of this city. ?or thafi reason the matter has bosons very much mixeé up. Of courée, the araft for $71. should he returned to this office. On Jan. 29th 1 forwarded to Judge Wilson and agreed juflgment “mien was drawn up by Hr. Kanior in the attachment 0339 of ?wen v. n. J. nootton.thon penfiing in the Jackson Eolice Court and my understanfling is that fihis judgment has been entered. In— asmuch as Sapior & ?urner have cashed The draft amounting to $96. _ which covered the full amount due Hootten and as we have paid, in accordance with understanding which hr. Lmadrum had with or. Rapier, $85. in satisfaction of the judgment in the Jackson Iolioe Court, i think fihafi Lr. Rapier Should refund.this amount to us. Will you kindly take the matter up with him with that object in View. ?lease also rofirrn to we as promptly as practicable voucher for $96. which