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7,4. 4.7. 4 _ ..., 1 ., ' ., J: . ., , .:.. .;.. '.‘G! » _.,- ..C' .;.. .'i .. ., .‘. ' . -
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+~ “.")... 4. a“. '\ .'5 .. .L'- ‘V .,_5? .1 a. ..I.
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(_‘:‘W?’ 7-
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. Afin’rnmgfi at 4111-1111
0921/62/21 /3
‘"' Dec. 11,1915.
Hr. Samuel M. Tilmon,
Tmfiiingtifll, If.
.1. .-...o _..
_‘./”fir 1.)“.Lr '
In Lhe case of Tolly Talker vs 3 & T. 3?. Co. pond—
/, inv in tha Tuartcrlr Scurt, we hard inn copy of judernt
1 in this case. T911" armc- 1."."i].]_ be appealed by the Plaintiff.
You will note frum the judgment that T obtained per—
emptory ingtruationa in the arse. I had the evidence taken
down in shorthanfi in this came. TF9 case Slouid he inves—
tigated in crfler to get ready 1or the trial in the Circuit
gCourt é¥4mgtht anneal, and aho1t thn only invastigation
fthat wil? be necessary wi11 be to find the train crow that
I . .
3run the tra1n.
. 1
'YOturs 1f92fi1 t1111yg
111/A. ‘ - 1/ -,
g/ .

 .//’n“' 7 ’fi"? - ' ”
\;’flé/Z, 27‘ > gfv /7l ngky ‘2/(7 (;)(f/
®////////’///I///) ffl/fl/fl ,. ////7/t/// Wm ”05/
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December iifin, L315.
3. K. WliSOU, 331., V<§9LLE_/j{ "5
‘ Le :mguo , Ly. _ ' - ‘
Dear 31$:—
XOLI lou;or 3: Joe; Dar 0rd. 38 Tequea5ed D;
Hooutcn L Iorgan 1E 4n01: Lettar 30 30; cf Jocemncr LSC, i :;na
yqu werexlum my Elie 1: an; KilLln; 0: Stock DcLonglnf Co
2011] Haixer. A:tef 13 has served ycgr purjgse pieazc recurn
Lg no.
Lpurs truiy,
k /’ yanager. f» '
, / // \V, 7/
T.» 5' /% \
.‘.J “\ / -
E093 to 5
Mr.J.d.Doaonue,C.L.A., J/
Mr.w.m.Haraesty, Stocx Citin A33.

 / . ,/ ("I . / / I /
., .. {SIN/7, (w ”m/ K IMP/ax!” v. //// ,.'/(wy KH/M/wzy
/29 ’ / , 7 7,17 / .. Z ‘
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. $91.22;»? Titan-
' : v ii
312.23.; ~..I‘::-: I_.-.0; :3 5;. :::=: 1; 3.2.2:; ’ ?. .‘..F'I.ZI:‘.':'.:" '-.-'":€-c mi?
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 /‘ / ,//\ ,'/ / / y//,/»/' ’ [,v / '/
/ v///~/»///// //2 ,
A, . {l/ld/7 ,/ /’/n /.
.'.H'I" . "n I 4; o 230120127011 , m l
Janagur, 1. & T. u. 00., ‘ '
Lexington, Kentucky.
Lear air: ‘
l presume Judge lilson hag forwarded to you a eony of
hig letter of 300. 5rd tagoticr with COpy of petition anfi docket
report in the case of Dolly aalker v. L. a 3. g. 30., Ferry Cir»
emit Court, gTowing out of the killing of a horse on the line
03 the L. E C. fl1tension, Jehtombcr 15th,191;. Jill you kinfily
furnish Juflge Jilson with invamxtion neceusary to enable him
to prbperly look after the Jomnany's interest in this litiiation.
Tonya truly,
Aosistant wistriot Lttornoy.
Bony to
Hon. 3. a. dilson,
Counucl , L. Li. JO . ,
Lexington, Ky.

 //’ , / (7‘ , ,, ,/ //’ /
// /'/ \//
1’ I . / r ' I ,’/ ' / "I / »f 7
-,_,/////7 /// ”M/ K M) ////. ////,/,/ fly , ////////y,
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.gzlmae/ % %/dam ”"' ' A / 02‘, I
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r; .6r’1/r/w/(f;r'z///-//'/;/'1'.-I JWMMIu ’
J ', , / V, ,4 ,'J/ ,/I’ /’,’ "I,
becembor 3, 1913.
C. II. Hovrman,78q.,
.;.,SSJJ, Dist. “h_tty. ' I; E?! ~r :P T 00.,
Roar Sir:—
Find herewith ehclosefi Tocknt Report and envy
. A.
of Potitioq in bra case of Sally Ta“kcr v. Lexington &
”a ‘.'- -V. '2 .- ‘ r‘ » ....“ .'~ —- a 1‘ . - ~
Lancer” La17wug domgung flimfl it Lne yesry Cl cult {Quar-
terly} Couyt November 29, 1913c 3390, finfi enclosed
capy of lafificr tkfim flay racoiVafi.hy me {yam Woafiton & Ror—
gax wifih ?eferenaa ta thia @2933
Very firuly ymurs,

 -,-- film/7 /7/ ////// .// fK///’/7/ . //// Hwy /, /’//////.t//,
/ /'/ / / 'gv‘ / i l/
.‘ g (7% _/// ///.’/// /////////I//,/ 9%, ' n 1%.
“my? 7”: We” /,/ m ’ 7'
W (5 f/jl'n/v/lfl/l{;.rz/A/r/f W,
‘J'V'I'W’ i/rl,
Escorn‘oor 21‘, 19123.
f. i. HcDowoll, qu.,
Ranegor, 1 & ? Ry.C:.,
E'Eear Sir:-
Find herewith enc‘oesd Eocknt Foport and copy of
Petition in the case of “oily WsTker v~ chington s Tastorn
Foilway Company filod.in the Perry Circuit (Quarterly)
Cowrt Horembcr 39, 1915. 3190, find enclosed copy of
letter this day received by me from ?o%tton & Morgan with
“ reference to this case. ,
Very truly yours,

 r ’ / ’ / I ‘ , .
,,_ /.’/////7 /7/ ”M2 / Ml MW . //// MW/ / /’///////y,
/’ / 3} /7 r‘ / /
gimme/fl Wéan ‘1 *”////'// ' A~ /’ '///’/ //////= Wan, y.
f l "" /
, , ,7 ,, .
,,, 4 ,, ”’,’/’,’”
'3'7-‘(31'121'331'tit? 5, :.’-53313.
“I. H"‘I.~ ‘w‘ “:\ ," .._ ‘4 ;W. ‘
"(”3 “”5375“ ‘fl" ’:'-’5’TI'éfg‘57-3339 J..?{jz‘31‘3255733 :‘.ez': 1::-':1.
”:3:-:11? , 312;].
.‘:‘53 3.7%}3‘1 :-
'T' :, 1‘.?“ ...‘ :._ “,.. . _ -_ .- 4. ,1
g” IL 4" ;:J ‘
.'7.::§;‘«‘3:-:.r1'€: c;>;,—¢3j‘z_,~;:;f3‘:- ‘5373‘73'T353-‘3? €37 ‘5‘z-f“?‘§5;7z‘=1r1{2 2331:“? szl’ffli‘7'3 f-"g'~1‘;,w~€:r~z *3
‘?IIE’EA" fifl‘i {2£';{:€I:3;’: ..
3‘13? & 3,11," ‘:1 1". (.'". 1: Elia-3'73".
ef-s.:=ti.'r:::i~::w.-fi 1:61:12: ‘1’. " ‘ .':“;ZJnTs.
M r 3"”
5:’-f ' 3’" “Zagfligjlfl 55./EXT: ':7 HUI»? x ._ 2:‘2‘ » .1 ,_‘ .::!“ “’:’7’31 “_.‘ '-um»€-,.».v'a 11- :... ”NM ‘1‘
15;: 3:;: ‘?.;3; g: 0
it? ~:::' 1::"; $32.2: _‘;, .

 Form 161
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT. 'Hazard‘Y Ky,_W,W.,,__ ‘ ""'fiiliz'NoL |
District Attorney, ”’UWVHILE
LOUISVILLE, KY. ,, , W W . W Dec-O ,l,,,,, W , ., W WWWW W,,,,,,,,.__ 1915--
An deli/In has been rmnmcncml in (Imin-WWlGir_auifb WW7WWWW’('mo-I ropi. . ”Perry . . l , ....vfl'mznty‘
,.,,__Wl_1:@LF-lafigalll_,__W.,,,, , ,, 7 ,, W , Lexington. 39,,,E$~,$,tf?rn Ran, CQ:_,W.,,,.
sumnmns was issued—w ..._ _NOIV. .. 29 , ,,WWW, 11115.... and was LJ}(1(TlI/8Il_._-‘__———__—-——— Elli—_.., and is
rotarn(1,1;lu_—_s._.._-swish. , _ .. ,,.,ahl‘l/ ofWWWW . 7 W . . 1.0] . [he «(truancy/s for flu: plant/till
(1.,‘¢W_JJ_3._E1erseli,WW, 7 WW W, WW, ,, .,,,,WW , W ,,_WWWWW . ,_
and the raw 1,,-(W2. a __,lrllflflifiZOILmldamagas with interest ,fir.Qm-_L5tbldngQ:flW‘Sepia.
until paid. and 00331;“ STATEMENT OF CAUSE OF ACTION
The plaintiff, Polly Walker, for her cause of action
herein states that on or about the 15th dag: of Sept. ,1915, the defend-
ant , by its agents and servants , carelessly and negligently managed
it: enginex and cars that same ran over a horse belonging to the said
plaintiff. thereby killing the said horse. She states that the said
horse was about: 15% hands high and three fears old and reasoaa‘ely
worth the sum .of £5200. She s: ates she has been damaged in the sum
of $200.00/
““"’ Md” ’Amm 1635i Attorney m i

 . . ‘.V
Folly Talker, Plaintiff.
Lexington 3 Teetere fiailwuy Co., Defegi Lt.

I “ones now the pleimtiii, “ell; Yalker, uni jar her cause of
action herein states that the deietdemt, iezington & Testes; Reil—
wey Tompeny, is a corporation Greetel and exieting uider and by
{titlxorijty' oi” tTLe 'ftzite [oi 'Went L313 , isit71 ;:Lrez' ené‘ei‘ its; Silfriu31”CD
sue ;Ai be sued, contract end he oontreetefi with enfi to own and
operate a railroafi; eke States that on the dnteo here 3 tentlonefl
the eeifl defendants were the owners of :nfl were operatigg its line
of railroad ire; Texflngten, ?thieky to Jeloberto, Centwcky, :nfl
that tie 3 ii line of rfl_lr3ad than 50in? operatea passes throuih
Terr; Geintf, T ntueky.

She statue that en or about the 15th fie: fif September,lfil§,
the said defenflent, be its agents and servants, so carelessly ena

‘ negligently mangoes its engine Lnfi care that ea e ran over a horse
belonging to the said plaintiff, thereby killin“ the said horse;
She states tket the srifi horse wee about 15 and one—half hf C3 high
and tlree years old and wee reasonably worth the sum of $300.

She states that by reason of the careless and negligent ienege~
ment of the grid engine and cure and in the killing of the said horse
by the seid defendant, this plaintiff has been damaged in the sum of
.:;200 .

WHEREFQRE, the plaintiff, folly Valle., prefe juégaent against
the defendant, Lexington & Restore Railway Compnny for the sum of .
$200 in demagee, with interest thereon from tie 15th day of leptember,
1913, until paid aid the cost oi this action expended.

J. B. Eversole I

The plaintiff, 703.157 ’.'!alker, states that the statements
containei: herein are true us she believes.
. 31‘11);~3<;:1"i_'70r;-:I £171.13. S'x'rs;v_1 Lie by 710113] ','Talkel‘, thiss the 539th day
of ITOVember, 19115.
File tax paid, 1 {31111.
1 (3037:? lugcrfljfed :fOV..‘3'T/,ll‘llfi.

 ’,./I/ l 1%? 1
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I Y-Ejfm—i 11 ("1‘4 1 21.1.5,
I 1;: ( ’L ii‘itk {..E’IL J12; ;‘C‘vfi‘: 1.71.; x L .",-L ‘..-..'.. I .,. y L133 '1’.';.£LLI."§.‘ 15.,
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0b,}: ctiov ,iss #11521111111.)
'1? .45.“: 111.53 on 111;: 1'11. 1111.1: I.111:'::Liii‘ <4. u. 2111.11.11
who Loin; ;L'ier'sL «E11131 31,-worn, busybii'im‘: .3 follows:
2411151026. 15;; 3.:. RVPJI'SOleo
AXLIS 3,71,11,11: 1:151:10 ’1‘.‘Lol.1m'11-11s3 19311.
A. I think SO.
2. Rhere do you livé.
. ..7_..

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3.. . .‘.L'L 1);: :L 7577.31.77 :7? '7.:'7::<1.7,:,1..
3. ‘.‘7. :7 v .12 . j. r.
.11. T7,:‘7'7, 7.3].
4. W7 fur; 2:; .:H :.:.-.:"Lv.;.ru 7":37'71. 7:7? 11“,:"7. '.. .11).: .::. ,‘-1:7.1;.7
1.754.317 7:31" ".5) '.'" '31..- C.(-'; F".;..t’7“t;.l..'u. .. :.=‘.L:. ‘.’.fl’?‘; ..;w.’;‘...7 .'.L"
.“.». I 7711.. ;:.~::-.7"i PL 1'11’..\:'.:‘;..!.. i- (.E.. _"17. «.::. :1.-.:3.
L770 L.
5. {7‘0ij L.: 1.137;; ' “‘L 3.71:: :..1'7171‘ -.2... -.'.;'.77:.-‘. “(i-.01.
L‘Ul 17.7711.) .
.77“ '1,, 3. ‘77.": ‘7; . 1:13. .: alga-L7- ' ..E.;
177:)1":'4f.: ":;‘L 1.17.11, :. .:sz "2:., L1 '31, 1.'.. L777:- ..;. ..'
7‘ '. n! 7' a r. :-'. .734
2"77m ,1.: (Jam-.7}. ’.‘..; .7131 ;;:7'."::..-.
(.'. 7711-617
1.. /;J’ ‘L. 43’ 5.'-3.54 .7. T :.. '.5 1. '. ..":‘LJ ~33»:
1.51.0:“71247. 7. L..: .77-rah '.:r‘;\.".. 73.: .1 (:;. .:. .7172 “913.011
Riki-'3 z. VICE)”: 2.5}. ‘_-’.i..‘ "1.~ . '..“.‘1 13.7 41'. 1: .; L .. "Ii ‘7.
1‘.'lci:"i7;_' 1.' .1 : .' 7'1. 71 l- =:5' L.’\77.;_‘. ' . ‘a: :22'1'7
. it '12' :< :7. :7 71' V" ‘7‘“ 2:7. 41:77:, ., " 1:11;...1
. that}; 7'() ;1 7.7:) '-‘. LJL " :71}: "..'-3'7.“ 13? ~’:
'41". 5.7.":0‘37‘. 1. .- .. .::..flu’iré, r. '37'211: .1.1, .:.; .. :
2.717.710 (37:7 7;“. ..7; :;r;';::~'.i. {”730 1777- .i .'7:\ ..2-:1.:1. L37: :.:-5:111
' 7.717173'7111'7 liaiw. ..s:.:'.;. '72....5: '1::7 L77 37'. 7.511;: LIICJL; 1:1 7'171071.)
771173. “410 777.1112; 7.1J1‘r.i.';g '7'. 3' "UL 77:7 1' says 1:77.123. have _.r'Lt-L sex-(3
I of our entocic this Li,11.L-_7. (7712M? L objects; UVGI‘I’L‘UlLJ‘j- The
Court: ’_L‘eli 77137.77: ym £217.77" abouL it.) I 50727:. 757;; swarm un's
down 7.110179 the next ..7;:.7:::':7.L;7r‘ :71" 101:? Li-m'n to o (30ml 1,0 the
? lower end. of the field they 7.1371017": 7121c? some. of our cr‘Ltle
or soumtwing on Lila LI‘LC}: there. ("*efendzmt UMJLCLS; and
asks the Court 'Lo exclude 71.15: evidence as to 7.7111"; 7:1; told

 i 1‘
Eli-L Lil. L‘L‘in‘. O) INC: x..“, L.:. bu ‘:‘; .- .I.? IIIJ. .Lawfo.)
l I...LI ;."I. .I. I; OI. :‘. i'I.L;L I.‘; .11.,IIIL I. Ii.‘-'(';l~.’ CL,
"(1WD U5 L.L I.., .L.-11.1.} ,1 . '_(- I" L I:‘» .' (_-.I,,I I; . ..‘..‘ .7’—L.LLJI1 ."’. L .‘._,
2_..1..L. J:.-.:.. (211‘. .‘.‘: .L 5 .I2IVTL1I'L‘,’ .‘ I. -II 3I‘ If.) " 2‘ "'kf‘ 3.1.1, "I. .» I‘ :.1.L.I=.
'Clwi'w: 1w If)" ‘I’JICJC railing. 1 I.I...:c .J....ILL I,IIIE'J
5.3.0515; 1.7.1....IJL l ~.I'4i..l"vI‘-.I; ('.V:.II I.' Q I'.: ;.zg‘;II. MII; '\I':;-.<- _1.: ,I./K
. ’iII'fU; I7 ;(,j~-.»-,. {_I‘lL...’ 3!; IV L-I’S‘IZL, «50“,: :1; .‘.‘ »:>\;'i,l"f.\. '.. ' J. ‘lr'
5.573115? 2‘11??? I-JIITL" CIii-S IN'T‘I a ITS'I‘. ».I.I,Ji .VJ“ 1‘2t)."1~"-f3 I: .'i'I‘lg. I._."lJL
;:‘zvfi lax-2.“. -I £1.11,”
". .93).. LII 5:133; iii" ‘L,. ._ _._, ..5; Hunt.
194‘} 5.5.". "L. I..)i. 5 (3.31, ‘1 ;Ir' I;':..,I In. ;:.;ng ’L‘-.:.: 1‘3)

[firtu‘f‘ ‘.I." . In L V :’L I..‘I" ‘3'.“ . L-_-.- .4.; 1.‘ L..: _, .‘I“:E’I. «I _. I.:‘I. L‘.}...Q L‘.}.ll
e53? 111:: I Arr-nigh.
A: «37., =.. ‘ .‘J-.‘: 3.1; .I'i—Lc. 1.2.:2 “‘.I-_L_‘IiCt.
“IF-I-~'.Z".'I.. c. c ert'mgr'i-I .'5 .J-,‘ win.
.IL. .’7-3I.: .- I', II .. VI; I..“; I J._ .i~“'l:i, '.'. ,I .I. LIE. ;.z'n‘ will“;
IT In? -li:. Lew» “LINN, ?.‘-o .Iijn {TI-A". LII. FCl'IJMfJII, ._:-gnaw»
173.141 [tir 1', . 1. .- (.'I . .-. .:3 J... 1.4. c KHz... A::; no";

2 :9"; L .73.: . "I, “ ', .‘ 1-5. 2 .17.: u “.. .,. II .‘:-..‘ ;'::'-5L. 2 Ix.l.,-".I'I.:-.I..;..-f?.‘L‘

, I '\IJIII IJJIIL'II ;o "u“- .IJLII '.._IJL‘I. .KI‘ _'I, J..:;.; I, _:_ I.:, I.' [L..-.13. .

o“... ;.ICIF: .:.) . I" ‘;_ I I.:-3 : I E:?..~.I<; '_.?_:I ..I,.‘I.".I ;.I :.3 :1 '11:; .;'.:I
la Ami. "him i I' Liv-I‘I min; 11.1/:.‘ ,. xiii. 1&1 the

' big) on I,I,agr ‘.,:oI: Lari. 01' LII" L if‘h _grmztij,‘ 21.15.:1'1 up aim; he
was hit, I when; II I.:ss I.‘;me‘t I'.:IIII .'2:.L_ “WILLS: 1:15:: £‘J.C:31C:.ll'l{" and.
tore "claw {min plum off and ‘terzigen I'. piece out. Luci; wcsn't
a. very {flea-2,3) l-FUUIIJ" "out one of t (:3 wounds I.‘-,II. 111?“. L: {T- was iJ‘I‘e'LIby
deep E‘JflIi 1123?me liii1pingr very "III-Id. I havan em tire horse
since Omit day.
9. Was you well acquainted with this hox-se before the

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A. To; I Luw7u Lwinh : EX dc. I Lhiax l nafc eteLed about all
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