xt73bk16mf8w_554 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [394] H.G. Gilbert v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court text [394] H.G. Gilbert v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_55/Folder_2/3372.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_554 xt73bk16mf8w EAILEYP WOOTTON JESSE MORGAN
Aifnmu‘gs ext-£41m ,_ Jan. 51,1914.
r. . . . \‘5
Mr. same]. 1:.. Wilson, {51
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear dir: _
Reforrinv to yours oi" the 27th with reference to the
case of Gilbert vs L 80 B. will say that we will execute an
appeal bond in this case in due time and try him in the fall
' in the Circuit Court.
Yours vez'y hilly, 7
NJ 2"“ If,— 7,17
// H”5(/{~w fl [1‘17"] ;zm/z _
319/ ,w

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 danuary El, 1914.
fl" r‘ 7.’? '7‘ ... ‘T '.C‘ a
w. JLoLquOHCIjW -ubq.,
‘“‘ ”a ~ 7' Ca '..‘- "7w
Jaiulfzil‘el, L‘.‘ J: .‘KQ/cCO. ,
Tana .;. «a 7r~
.1 {1‘11L)L:t011 ,_.-yrs
M a ,'.u o
yea: 01:.-
v .' L ..N .‘1 1.3.. 4. A. 1 L , .

I marshy uCkLOW¢CHLO rocoLpu of yours of the 17th
-. 4. - - ' ~ Ln '1 r u 1- .4.- '~ .‘ ~ - -
instanu 1n re sulL o; A. fie Gllaomt v. L n 3 »J.Co. in Perry

,.,. . _ . ..I . _-_. g I. ~ ’ _ 7 ’. I .L.-v ‘ ,- n .‘ ~..( ~
DGUHtg anc 3130 1006;9L Oi yours oi Lhe Boga instant rogazfi—
-. 1, ~" .LA‘ r -‘.. - x. 1: 1 L 1: -,: ,‘.“:— -
123 fine Sdme cult gnu tLu enc7ogev aopJ oi bQ refiugu acoom~
panying the letter.
_—- .:r “~.:”: 0. — ., . - V :, H 1, .

I am .»0r:.u.;.m_z.21b them: paid? to uootton g;. .~.LOJ-£3n
for afitention and 3571209

““‘.? "m. ”L.‘.‘-....” .»'" .' ;3 "._' »x . '—« --‘ 45 '

L: ngvungb Jjgrbner gawzht.ps 31; relatamn: fio ofllS
“"’-"PLPI 1‘79-‘7vn ~3."!1'rigvn mo. qupfi'qf’f'm
.‘.‘...u; , , _‘:; «:.“;V §'-'\.’¥ ‘..:u ..n; ’__1,_.'4_ J ,,1: n

" - ~~,— '« a _ 'v ~ u
\ng tquy JOUrb,
,mr‘v- 1:,
. :._‘.".‘/:L

January 21, 1914.
Wsotton & Horgan. fittorneys at law, *
Hazard, Hy.
fieforring to recent correspondence regarding V

338 suifi of EOTQG 1 art v. 3 & ? $3.00., ané judgment for
350900 recovered by him against us in the ?arry Quarterly
Court, I hand you herewith copy of a letter of the 17fih
instant, written me by Tr. UoTowoll regarding this case
and also a copy of the 53 report furnishefl Tr. Vefiowe?1 by
the Supervisor of Construction on January 18th.

Please consider both of these @nolosures and
then determine anfi aflvise me,if you can, whofihor we ought
to carry this case any farfiher. I realize that fiho time for
toting the 333031 is Short anfi fihat TB ought to act Trompt”y.

Very truly yours, ‘
”nos. 2 . »
- (301111303 .

January 21, 1914.
‘~' q» 2, .I. A T" ., - -. ~ w
nebsrs. JOOtuOH m aorgdn, Attorneys at LEM,
v, x .. 1 '.' -
Jazara, Ly.

Un the strength of a letter received today iron
1r“ 30:03:99 a cow; 0: whlcn is enclosed, I “ave conclufled
4- m - 4.2 ,w :.~ ‘-", --~-, ,. ' ... - -
go a p;o¢e Ute pdgmenu 0; L30 Uliflelt Judgment recovered 1n
J—"u "‘1,‘~~».-~— "mum‘- -. »- ‘ -~— ‘=« "v . ‘ " 1" v'P“ “

«no gc;JJ mhLLUUL1J Leurt Leeunber 9, 1910, for $00.00 and

I an rccurnlng herewith a copy of the Jufigment,

W213; shoula be certliied by Judge Uefipbell !or, if he be

“._L 44" , 141‘; A 3 1.., .4 ,, ‘ H . v. - ‘ - ‘
o$u c; GLJLue,1 uj LLe new youatg Jungc, and also approvec
over your aignmturca iffier beiig 80 certified ana anproved,
m . -:... - x“,— , - , ,. ~ ~ ~ - >
hyOH luE reuuyn to me, I $1.1 nuvo a voucher lssueq 13 36%—
t1 “.‘;ani f‘ v)" 4; 1'1-1117!” \1h"'

.Ltnlxu.-.: 0.; .:.;C LLLMDLVLCJ‘AUI

very truly yours,
’l'v » r V
4 («».,-q/g
‘:‘ 1"! .:L

 "q," 977/7” [77.
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91.95% may/m —,\//////7/Ijli
/ (V/w , / '/ 7,7/q
VII/m.) /.i/*Mm/M/ra ‘ '/ x ’ Jonuar Br) 1915 .
/'/ ,/ {/lll’/'[f(/t’.‘(//(’/I/. ""“'/{‘///dfll/J€Z’/é%r u y \ .
Hon. 1. M. Wilson;
Counsel, L. & E. Ky. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
I{.T.Gilbcrt v. 1’? 5: :1.
Terry Luarterly Court.

Referring to your favor of Jan. 17th relative to
the above case which grows out of personal injury said to have been
sustained by plaintiff while employed as a section laborer in feryy
County, Ky. ,

j; ’1 g _ 4’ f' O

I believe that we ought to pay off this judgment.lf
you agree with me will you kindly certify on proper form judgment and
costs for voucher.

Yours truly, H
. ,. //,,~" V
, ‘ ;flé’ 2' c «2 i , t... '
Chief Law Agent.

 ’"y/ * W ,,“)> / '»y
111; ’{J/Is‘ll'lk‘lfi/eo/Zlor/I/gu / ,/ ‘ .

fl’u/r/Q/ /*4/k%’1’5}/22’;§734¢3,,z, ‘.‘/[flfl/jwflg, 4% January 16,1914.
j W ”’7 I;
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E.
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:

Referring to copy of petition and dogkefifi£%%ort in the
case of H. T. Gilbert v. L. & E. 3. Co., Perryédigzuiufyourt.

1 am now handing you herewith Mr. Landrum's letter to
me of Jan. 16th with enclosures therein referred to. I do not
find that the outcome of this case in the Quarterly Court has
ever been reported to this office. Will you please advise what
conclusion you have arrived at with reference to paying off the
judgment . .

Xours truly, fl_ -*
{Xi (,. .1;§::: / (v esswtié ‘»a— r_,,,.
Chief Lao Agent. .

 ,_ 547/2 Wh/VZ
£’“:l , I,
f / //~ , ly,/ / .,/-/ I.) ’ _, / />, . “My";
3 ' / » , , ’ / ' , , ’ .,.r'”
w ~-%‘///-/////%/i€ ////////¢, /////5/77//////%////7
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itm'fi'i /Q5;_,.~44;,,, //////////////2 ~-
/ /, (filfl/[l/H’n/f/(I/lfl /
Jackson,” Ky., Jany 16th, l91.3.
Mr. J. J. Dononue,
\ Chief Law Agent, Louisville, KY.
Dear Sir, H. T. Hilbert Vs L a R R Co.

This case was tried before I reached the I. &"E and judgment
secured in the Quarterly Court for $50. Mr. Morgan told me that he
had a stenographer report the case and that the man More himself out of
court and I have been holding the gapers‘to get a Cop? of the evidence
at the other trial and make invest gation‘.‘ Mr. Morgan informs me that
he had instructions from Mr. Wilson to send the transcript in and that
the case Would probably be settled on the judgment. I read the
eVidence‘and I am pretty sure that this man has a case against us if
it is handled properly on the questions of insufficient force» I
believe that the judgment should be paid-

Yours tI'u1Y, ' '
I Law Agent-
P S "
I tried to get the Lawyers to settle With me for less than $50. but
the"? Would not do it.

1'1 > ,—
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/,//N”()J/./ x/(l/I/l/(I/éfllljj.411/MN. AL/////J7/[//fl/I///’ November 29 .1913.
H. T. Gilbert v. L. & E. R. Co.
Mr. C. S. Landrum,
Law Agent, Pity.
Dear Sir:

Referring to attached letter from Mr. McDowell relative
to the above styled case which grows out of an accident to plain—
tiff while employed as a section laborer on the L. & E. Extension.

Please confer with me about this case tomorrow.
Yours trulxrx/gz/f’
L ~r/ $1 1 ‘41...“ ’L- r
./ Chief Law Agent.

 m..! a, , .-
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DC""’3,‘.‘O “11' LL, 131:3.
C. H. Iborrraan, Esq”
lest. Dist. it y. I & I R ? Co., '
301:1 svi'i 7. e ,Ky.
Dear Sir:—
Fitfii‘: hf‘.1“e‘=‘f'1th enclosid Docket Tic-port and ’3<’.)p;f cf
Ectition in the cave of H. T. Giloort v. lexington a Yastern
ifzif‘wngr Ccnnpany iii: Cd in the '99:"1'y ‘.‘1€2.:'f:4‘21‘?;,f "hurt llo‘rcr'nher
24, 1915. I also enclose hero ith copy of letter this day
received by me from 5107';th 3.- I'lcrggn 4.71: reference to this
”-F‘W'W" ""17717' ’fw‘! wt:-
V .ld’ l.».f.;~,c=’_mh¢ juniu! V i ’-
3:10.52. V » ; ‘
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‘1. , _ I ‘ 3 H '1
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, 391121333 .

 V . . , >‘ r . ’ L . , I ' W:?J/.J/_ M3. we.
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M g I - _ I, _,....mr-WH’IW"""'”””’: _. ,
. ' , ( c o P Y ) ‘ »
.- Dec. 1, 1915.

Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, I

Lerington,Kentucky. '

Dear Sir:

Enclosed we hand you docket report and copies of peti-
tion in the case of Polly Walker vs L & E. Railway Co. You will
. note that the petition says ?erry Circuit Court, but was filed
_before J.G. Campbell Judge of the Perry County Court; therefore,
it will come in the Quarterly Court which convenes §§p£. (Dec.) I
9. We also hand you copies of petition in the case of Jackson
Woottn vs L & E. Ry.Co. and docket report; also copies of pe~ '
tition and docket report in the case of H.T.Gilbert.
We do not know anything about any of these cases.
It will be necessary to have these matters looked up and the
, facts ready for the Dec. Quarterly Court which convenes Dec. 9.
’ Yours very truly, .
p JET/A. .
. ' (Signed) Wootton & Morgan.
. I -

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, V I. , hey/H," 1,,/c L ',z I . ’ N ‘ - k '7
/ / (wnyjmnfiwflfl §V¢%WW&AUéLA?A December 4,19lu.
Mr. C. S. Landrum,
Law Agent, Paris, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Please refer to papers heretofore handed you relative
to the case of H. T. Gilbert growing out of the alleged injury to
Gilbert while employed as a section laborer on the L. E E. Exten—
sion, October 20,1913. I am new handing you herewith copy of pe-
tition which please note and return promptly.

Yours truly,
w“ ’ 2’51”}: V 7_
Chief Law Agent.

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8*”) I U I;
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V. 3. Gilbert, Pleiititfg
lexinyton & Eastern hsilwey Co., Defendant.
Twiflire> Tllflife (ltiugn,el.l, crui z: jILIAV Lit tile
Teoemter term, 19l3, of the lorry Puertoily Court.
“TEST $ITTWCS: the glgintin, T, C. Gilbert.
TIE 03, Ly C‘ T. Tegier.
1, le your name 7. V. Gilbert;
A. Veo, sir.
2 Elm-INC: do you lime, ‘I'. Cilftglert;
in Town here at Fry ton in Perry county;
3. Ecw long have you live in kerry county.v ‘
jg LEOIH; feta“ oi' five31aont‘ri. I (Rhi‘t repxni.er jiiet tlu; date
I come here.
4: What bueinees have you been «copied in wince you Love
teen in lorry county.
r“ I lieve vmxnked.rnnae: in tine Taxilroari Lflxo rain? Learli‘orkiru;
for e mill oeupcny for alout a ccugle of montbe, down on tlie
line. fiteem mill hueiveee.
5; Cn or about the 16th day of October, 1913, What kind of
work was you doing.
A. horkixfi on a section down at Cheviee, ‘
5. Any particular meme to tbet sectioni Enown 93 any ycrtien
uler section.
A. To, I don'