xt73bk16mf8w_556 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [396] Christ Pete v. L&E text [396] Christ Pete v. L&E 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_55/Folder_4/3438.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_556 xt73bk16mf8w monii‘iif 5.1333525. LAW
FIRST Ni:::i:r&::::lauus.Nc
Nov. 22, 1915.
. Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, General Counsel, an45 2% 13

Lexington & Eastern Railway Co.,

Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

I thank you for yours of November 14th in re labor
claim of Christ Pete against your road in the Jones Davis
lien cases. I will do as you suggest, and in a few days
send you concise statement of the facts as I understand

You are correct in your assumption that the claim

. is already in suit. Within time this claimant filed an
Answer and Cross-petition in the cases pending in the Perry
Circuit Court, and everything is in proper shape as far as
I have been able to make it so.

In the Statement of Facts I will set out the data
regarding the filing of the Answer and Cross-petition.

Again thanking you for your courtesy, I am,

Yours reSpectfully,
GSH /NLF %’7fi9

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ficvember 14, 1913.
George U. fiawke, Esq., Attorney at law,
First Aational Baal Building,
.‘.; ‘fi - .\ '.‘)“: v"? .‘ _
Viulcln7upibl. , ‘Illu.
Sear Hirz~
i have just received your faunr of the 15th instant in
regard to submitting the claim of Christ Pete, #515, to the Court
upon an égreed :tateaent of Facts, with the understanding that each
side may file a brief in support of the respective contentions.
Thiv suggestion is entirely agreeable to me and all I have to ash
is that ytu will kindly drait Whfit you conceive to be a sufficient
statement of facts and then submit it to me for addition or revision.
If you will do this, i will undertake to push the matter along just
as rapid?y as pesgiblcz I do this, h never, upon the assumption
that the claiu is already in suit. is to that,I am not at this time
Very truly yours,
,3, a ,,1; // n:



. r
II‘iOV. 13, 1913.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, General Counsel, /
mot] 7 ,/3
Lexington & Eastern Railway Co., ‘
Lexington, Ky. 1
Dear Sir:‘ '

Replying to yours of the 12th, I wish to inquire whether
or not you will consent to submitting the clein of Christ Pete,
Fumber 315, to the court upon an Agreed Statement of Facts, and
each of us file a Brief in support of our respective contentions.
This will be the easier way of getting the court's decision.

Kindly let me hear from you at your convenience, and
if the plan meets with your approval, I suggest you draw up the
Agreed Statement of Facts and send it to me for my approval. If
you would rather that I would draw the Statement of Facts, 1
will do so and send it to you for your approval. There can
be no dispute, however, as to the facts.

Yours respectful:i:)
oer»: 1 ‘ $M
/ . , Q

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fiovemhar 13, 1913.
E17311. George 7%. Hawkég, Attorney at :1 am,
First ?atifin31 Building,
C 3310111: tart 1, Ohio .
Dear Sir-:-
~“ndloégjingg re (mint 0:? your far-701“ of the :1:. T! 173“; ”E n sway-1t
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,1.-‘.:; ..1 ,q - ..:: ‘.” ..7,“ -. ‘ .. _. ‘
WM 2.119 coa:v;._~.:;erl...t.:gm. of your Letter, to 51:70 :;::u :.1 chance- to make
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Cam: 65910

. Nov. ll, 1913.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, General Counsel, 7&QTLI,'2; [6

Lexington & Eastern Railway 00.,

Lexington, Ky. . 7‘
Dear Sir:—

I have yours of November 6th with reference to a '
lien claim of Christ Pete,#315, for $27.08.

I certainly do not agree with you with reference
to this matter. We have made some new law in Kentucky, as
you know, on the subject of laborers' liens against a rail-
road, and I respectfully submit that this claim of Christ Pete
was filed within time. The facts are as stated in your
letter, and there can be no dispute about them. The Statute
requires that a claimant file a lien within sixty days from
the last day of the last month in which labor was performed,
and you admit that this man performed labor for your con-
tractor in the month of October. His claim having been
filed December 2nd, he is within time, and the matter is set
out in this way in the Answer and Cross-Petition which I
filed on his behalf within time. The fact that he did not
make claim in his lien for the labor which he performed in »
October does not alter the case in the least.

iit?’ I claim that this man is entitled to his money,
andfi's youiwish to make a test of the matter, I will be glad
to take it up with you, but, in view of the decisions which
have recently been handed down by your Court of Appeals, I
do not think I would make any further new law on the subject
in your state. Everything has been in our favor and against

Please let me know by an early date whether or not
you will pay this claim or whether you wish me to contest same.
I only regret that the amount involved is not larger so as to
make it more worth my while but we have met with a fight at
every stage of this lien proceeding, and I further expect
that it will be necessary for us to keep it up.

Yours respectfull%
f , “Nfliei

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November 1, 1913.
MT. P. B. Winn,
Accountant & Paymaster,
Lexington & Eastern Ry.,
Lexington, Ky.
my dear yr. Winn:—
I have heard nothing from you since August
11th with reference to the claim of Christ Pete, No. 315,
$27.08. Will you kindly let me hear from you regarding same
at your earliest convenience.
Yours resp ully,
, «C ,,
I r/y , Whiz-f $7
GEE-PHI}. /}
/ O/I , - M b r l/ ‘ ’ I“